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Journeys Through Jackson 2009 Vol.19 No.03

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • c J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h c J a c k s o n T h e O f f i c i a l J o u r n a l o f t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , Inc. V o l . X I X , N o . I I S u m m e r 2 0 09 C JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC 2009 Officers President - ; James K Monteith Vice Presidents Nelma J. Bryson, B.B. Cantrell Secretary...., Marilyn G. Morton Treasurer E. Lawrence Morton Librarian DorrisD.Beck OfficeManager Ruth C. Shuler Computer Coordinator. Deanne G. Roles Chair, Publications (Editor) & Larry Crawford Journeys Through Jackson is the official publication of the Jockson County Genealogical Society. Members and non-membets are invited to submit genealogical materials for publication, with the understanding that the editor reserves the right to edit these materials for genealogical content, clarity, or taste. The Society assumes no responsibility for errors of fact that may bo contained in submissions, and except where noted, the opinions expressed are not those of tho editor or of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. The Society accepts no advertising for this publication except for notices for other non-profit groups. ^J From the Editor It seems that in every issue of this publication, we must say goodbye to members who have left this particular existence for a better place. We are always saddened by this news, but we are always glad to welcome new members. This spring and summer, we have seen our membership grow to the levels we were ^_J accustomed to seeing some years ago. JCGS members are the best folks in the world. When you get those fresh tomatoes off the vine and make wonderful sandwiches from them, along with all of those fresh green beans and the sweet corn and squash and all of the other delectable garden produce, then kick off your garden shoes and enjoy this issue of Journeys. Many thanks to Bonnie Barker, Hazel Barker, Barbara Dills Bishop, Dorris Dills Beck, Ruth Crawford Shuler, Betty Cope Andrews, Deanne Gibson Roles, Barbara Shelton Smith, Harold Ensley, Frances Bryson Hyatt, Rick Frizzell, Jackie Painter, and WCU's The Reporter. All were instrumental in bringing this issue to reality. V i s i t u s a t o u r W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . j c n c g s . c o m / Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Expressions of Sympathy 97 JCGS Photo Album 98 - 1 02 1918 Jackson County Journal. 103 - 1 0 8 Information About David Higdon 109 - 1 1 0 Jackson County Death Certificates Ill - 1 13 JCGS Library Acquisitions and Items for Sale 114 Following Henry Jasper Dills in the Census 115-118 Descendants of Johannes Risch 119 - 1 24 Department of the Interior: Bureau of L a n d Management 125 - 1 28 Archibald Nelson Price Family 129 - 1 32 Harold Ensley Photographs 133 - 1 36 Mrs. P a r k e r ' s Scrapbook 137 - 1 3 9 One Thing and Another „ 140 - 1 42 Index 143-144 In Memoriara With regret we announce the passing of JCGS members Gladys Moody Davis of Vancouver, Washington, and Edna P. Smith of Hendersonville. We express our sympathy to their families. In Sympathy We also send along our condolences to JCGS members Mack Sutton and Ha Rae Deitz, both of whom have recently lost sisters. 97 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S P h o t o A l b um \-j j? ,**••*' jr. j? - Department of Pleasant Surprises...One Monday evening at the Society office, Mr. and Mrs. Candler William Cagle of Tampa, Florida, came by. When they mentioned that they were kin to the Roger Monteith family, we found pictures donated to the Society by Francie Monteith Hoell. "Will" Cagle identified the top left gentleman as possibly his father, then positively identified the top right as the house where he grew up in Tampa. The best one: a copy of Mrs. Cagle (Barbara Ruth Liettle) on their wedding day in 1957. Pleasant Surprise Part 2: Rachel Phillips came by that evening and told Mr. Cagle funny stories about his father, once the Ford dealer in Sylva. v ^ ^J 98 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S P h o t o A l b um The gentleman above is Jasper Newton Arrington (9 Jul 1857 - 13 Feb 1950), who lived in the Caney Fork community. Notice that his name has been superimposed on one of the steps. Also, does the can on the right read "Dixie Dew Syrup"? This picture is among a large collection of materials donated to the Society by JCGS member Bonnie Barker of Bellingham, Washington. Jasper Newton Arrington was married to Varina Hooper, a descendant of Clemmons Hooper. Cemetery on Caney Fork. The Arringtons are buried in the Lower Coward 99 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S P h o t o A l b um 100 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S P h o t o A l b um On the preceding page, a photograph of some sort of construction crew. We don't know the location, but it's obvious that Matt Moss was a focal point. We mentioned this Moss family in our York story in the Winter 2009 issue. Below, the picture on the left is identified as "Nona Buchanan, Blue Ridge GA" and the photograph on the right is identified as "Will Moss." All three of these pictures were donated to the Society by Jacqueline Burgin Painter. Can anyone help to further identify these folks? 101 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S P h o t o A l b um ^j On the back of this photograph is written "Elias B. Monteith Dillsboro N.C." Elias Brendle Monteith was the owner of the place which the town of Dillsboro has worked so hard to restore. This picture is submitted by JCGS member Hazel W. Barker, who received the original from Miss Edith Monteith (daughter of E.B.) before Miss Monteith'a death. ^y 102 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 W e P e r u s e 1 9 1 8 I s s u e s o f The Jackson County Journal [Ed. We realize that every year is important in and of itself, but 1918 was an especially noteworthy one because of the ending of World War I. We wanted to see if the local paper had anything to say about it, and as happens so often, we found many other items of interest. The only common thread through these clippings and transcriptions is that all were in 1918 issues of the paper. We did not attempt to focus on the date of each issue. One interesting little note: we had completed this article before the current issue of Balsam Roots, the publication of the Haywood County Genealogical Society arrived in the mailbox. It also has a 1918 newspaper article. Great minds thinking alike, obviously.] SilS^kjif "••}•*$£$-.- ^ u - . v ^ f ( ^ : ' ^ * ^ ^ ; * * l ^ # . - i ^ >"U:*k . •* Above, the advertisement for the college in Sylva. This ad ran in the summer issues of the paper, and indicated a real optimism for the coming academic year. At 'least part of the curriculum offered a classical education, as indicated by the offerings in Latin and Greek. Obviously the arts were points of emphasis, and we have always known that the school took its normal department very seriously. What a shame that'this institution became a casualty of the Great Depression. 103 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 The paper had a feature called "Fifty Years Ago Tuckaseigee Democrat." In this particular issue (for 9 Mar 1889) we quote," No rain for twelve days past. Air somewhat agitated. Nights cold, and bathed in moonlight. The vernal equinox is rapidly approaching. Then, breakfast at six, dinner at twelve and tea at six...It seems that Wilmot is on a boom, as there is now talk (and meaning talk, too) that another store will soon open up there. The church house will be built and one, of two dwellings. Give Wilmot the bridge and they will have a flourishing little town there, soon." ^y P op ya I* be 98 /e in •y •e :e it a ') I t s i t L t I K S BESSIE H f IN8LEV DEAD Miss Bessie May Ensley, young­est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. En-ley of this city, who has been In i ocr health»for the past several months, died at the home'of her pareii'.s last Monday morning and was I.:id to rest Tuesday afternoon at the Keener burying ground. The funeral services were held from the Baptist church1" and were conducted by Revs. E. R. Harris and J; A. Cook. The large crowd that filled the church to pay their lest respects, and the floral tribute tyere evidences of thy high esteem in which:lie fur:.ily ; add. She i-: .-uirvivdd uy her father and mother, three sister* ;j;id four broth-era, i ;•/. c z.— . t t a M N E R Dept. Of F a r m Demon- , stratlon. I f f i D I will deliver an address to the I farmers, on fertilizers, at the High-J 'School of Sylva Saturday 8th at ia-so. The wheat crop as a whole is-l heavy, but many farmers have been disappointed because their wheat is not well filled. It seems that there are at least two Reasons for this failure for wheat to^flll well. In the l.r.'t place; much of- the wheat was seeded the last of Octo- |her ami tha first of November. In order to get the best results wheat should be sown on a firm nad h«rt I LIEUT. 6. C. COX. • Lieut. 'George Chandler Cox, of Cullowhee, N. C, a graduate of the North-Carolina State College of Agri­culture and Engineering, class of 1917, has been cited for bravery in battle in "displaying courage in maintaining telephone connection, and great efficiency in enabling the command to follow ul! the time the progress of the fighting." The press report says that*his name appears near the top of the list of citaUquu made pubjic by the War Deport­ment George Cox is a son of Senator T. A. Cox. of Cullowhee, N. C. He enter- B^-Wisan ic .from^th'eAshei !peopK*)f thjgL is iheifirat boy i to backed for bi nwro'ijh-an the ] him, ai he is a A ,' man, arid is one tiooeln Wester J and i(ie has thi ' to be <}isable thi* ! will hjgar from h; I WoahingtoD, Lieutejicnt- Georj wheev-jJnckson *i cited jfet his bra-the American ex afcroad,^He diaj maintaining tele Icatioa'^nd greaK ling the comnaani time, the progress Thejfame of th boy .appears near of citations made the war'jaepattme AT) C»tk»A rtnll^^_ iw e». WaabihgtoB. Jui department today General Pershing i offlfeew and men w for bravery in octi al comii)4nding tb with which the urn names previously J in AssocJ&ed Press ^J In this 5 Jul 1918 issue, we hope that you can read the obituary of the youngest daughter of John Bowen Ensley and the account of the heroism of George Chandler Cox. KJ 104 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 School Honor Rolls East Fork School First Grade - Rufus Hall Buchanan Second Grade - Frank Cowan Third Grade - Hoyle Deitz Fourth Grade - Alice Deitz. Annie Lee Buchanan Fifth Grade - Shirley Beck Sixth Grade - Bird Allison Louise Bishop, Teacher ^ Wayehutta School First Grade - Laura Belle Potts, Burdell Potts, Kitter Dills, Anderson Painter, Sammy Dean, Nellie Watson Second Grade - Lucile Painter, Bessie Hoxit, Mamie Hoxit, Fred Nicholson Third Grade - Juanita Potts, Pearl Dills, Beulah Hoxit Fourth Grade - Sherlie Potts, Fannie Painter, Lila Dills, Deelus Dills Fifth Grade - Bertha Dills, Bethie Dills, Alvin Dills Riverview Graded School (Colored) First Grade - William Lorton Howell, Ralph Harding Davis, Yale Love, Perry Freeman, Margie Freeman, Bonnie L. Worley, Mary Worley Third Grade - Anna Louise Davis, Elizabeth Bradley, Genetra Hyatt Fourth Grade - Charles Sumner Howell, George Moore Fifth Grade - Katherine Love, Rosman Guerness, Fannie Belle Stillwell, James Henry Howell Seventh Grade - John Candler Davis The above honor roll is for the month ending in September. Cullowhee Graded School First Grade - Geneva Buchanan, Glenn Buchanan, Eddie Wike, Paul Norton, William Dean Wilson, Howard Crawford, Clarence Crawford, William Crawford Second Grade - Martha Lou Stillwell, Edna Joe Myers, J. Bishop, Jaines Brown, Hubert Green Third Grade - lillie Franks, Ola Belle Galloway, Blanche Phillips, Lessie Henson, Alvin Monteith, Clyde Norton, Nelson Wilson Fourth Grade - Emaline Flintom, Bessie Crawford, Jessie Crawford, Lillie Daves, Ruth Duckett, Elizabeth Reynolds, Miriam Stillwell, Annie Brown, Wilma Wike, Wilbern Deitz, Samuel Perry Hyatt, Carl Phillips, Harley Shelton Fifth Grade - Jane Myers, Emeline Woods, Lenore Watsoil, Daniel Bryson, Glenn Norton Sixth Grade - Sophia Bishop, Edna Mae Buchanan, Louetta Deitz, Emma Greene, Louise Henson, Ruth Reynolds, John Rogers, Spurgeon Owen Seventh Grade - Blanche Buchanan, Sallie Brown, Ella Baye Rogers, Mary Flintom, Maude Hopkins, Gertie Watson, Charles McGhee • Moses Creek School Carr Hooper, Eular Stephens, Zella Parker, Nina Hooper (Raymond R. Nicholson, Prin.) 105 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 FBIZZELL.08EIIK6 y^J Quiet and in the keeping with wa: times, yet beautiful axd dignifiet was the marriage service wh'cl chaplain Moose» of the Seventh cav< airy read .this morning for Marguer­ite Louise Goering and' Capt: L, C Frizzell, at the home of the bride t parents, Mr. and Mrs. R P. Goer-iog, 1606fArizona street The room* were fragrant with scent of roses great Mowing masses of pink mti white-roses with sprays-of ^reeo, being placed at vantage 'points about the ;fcoose, The «Itar "Vas placed tn front of die fire plane and was banked with palms. Mrs. fce-roy Sickens played1 the' "Brijjal Chorus* frbm Lohengrin aatbe. brid­al party entered and took, their pjhces hef(^e' the. altar. : Only t$- athua aa^ffi^4». we» jresenu • ^Thfl'brSs.was gowned, ifl a toft, •tot- Jr^®&^.**^'*4fc wjtb^hat toioaatfcb,aa*o*rt*sdn?tei ^^''a^^Ste.-ji'riazeU left-at OB*ov«^M.'Ea-ari atftb'.g>ft 4"$ ^J Obituary On Sunday September 1", 1918, the gates of life swung outward to let pass into the mysterious glory of eternity the spirit of a good and much loved woman, Mrs. Mary A. Hooper. She died at her home after a short illness of seven days. She was 53 years 7 months and 22 days old when she died. She is survived by her husband, Mr. John A. Hooper of Tuckaseigee and two noble sons, Mr. V.V. Hooper, of Beta, and Dr. Lyman Hooper of Tuckaseigee; three gentle loving daughters, Mrs. Ora Brown, of Cowarts, Mrs. Edith Wood of Balsam Grove, Miss Brittie Lee Hooper of Tuckaseigee, and a host of relatives and friends are left to mourn her departure...She had been a Christian about 33 years. The first 13 years of her life were spent in the Methodist church, then she joined the Baptist church, living a devoted life the remainder of her days here...The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A.C. Queen on Monday afternoon and she was laid to rest in the Wike Cemetery to await the coming of Jesus. Mary J. Hooper Ed. We found one article about the flu epidemic. Paso folks, Frizzell members? We don't pretend to know who the El ^y 106 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 The Simultaneous Revival Meetings (from the issue of July 26) Most of the meetings will start Sunday morning and the others will start Monday night The preachers and churches have responded nobly and nearly all the churches will be included in the simultaneous movement I want to request that the preachers make a daily report to us, so that we can report the meetings to all the churches each day. Just write me a post card, stating the number of services held, number of profession and the number that have been added to the church. We will do our best to keep the work before you. Following are the names of the churches and the preachers who will work together. Floyd E. Dendy at Cashiers Valley; L.H. Crawford at Hamburg; J.L. Owen & W.F. Cook at Wolf Mountain; J.L. Young at Sob Creek; R.N. Deitz at Tuckaseigee; J.C. Massengale at Balsam Grove; R.L. Cook at Johns Creek; W.T. Potts at Big Ridge; T.F. Arrington at Speedwell; J.A. Snow at Cullowhee; B.N. Rogers at Balsam; Yoder Davis at Mt Pleasant; John Hoglen at Buff Creek; Western Parker at Ochre Hill; W.R. Bradshaw at Scotts Creek; A.L. Beck & W.E. Long at East Fork; AC. Queen at New Savannah; J.T. Carson & R.W. Green at Savannah; A.C. Bryson at Qualla; Jesse Holden at Zion Hill; W.N. Cook at Wilmot; J.S. Stanbery at Dillsboro; Queen (first name illegible) at Dicks Creek; A.W. Davis & W. Anthony at Locust Field; M.A. Norman at Cedar; A.S. Solcsbee at Webster. We still hope to secure preachers for Sylva, Little Savannah, and Yellow Mountain. Shoal Creek and Barkers Creek have just had their meetings. Now, just this last word: let me hear from you every day, if possible, during the campaign. W.N. Cook WtfKtiry \' •!;'. ''••-•'•it- :t'nebwwvv--Tffii=5S®? « ^ «&®. * 6 f j | Above, the assignments of various Baptist ministers in a simultaneous revival, along with the death notice of Mrs. Grindstaff and a letter from a Mr. Shelton in Florida. We find it interesting that some of these preachers were evidently going away from their home communities. MA. Norman was the editor's great-grandfather, and he lived at Ochre Hill, not anywhere close to Cedar. Carson was from Willets, Arrington and Bryson from Balsam. Maybe the thinking was that one rotated the crops, as it were. 107 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 W o r l d W a r I News ^J FIIHMFR JACKSON BOY hlLLED IN FRANCE Theodore Rochester, a nephew of Mn. M. A. London, of West Ashe­ville, wai recently killed in act}0D to France. Mr. Rochester was for­merly a Jackson county boy, but for the past few years be has resid­ed ia Maryland, where he enlisted In lbs 77th Field" artillery. He was stationed at Camp Green', Charlotte, soul about three months ago.— - Asheville Citizen. *«li^'&M^':wtix;..-.-, . ... , SSd^ti^H: U» tta>? *&*>&•• Bui****; ^oMJia-, •::* < ' .dfe?M>'iE<Jr.*et#H>e' of; hip, c^imtry^ 3 rF3 •" "— --^^jCj*.*- tfttyi Phillip* rfccetyo4 *'* ifiBBSs'ii^ttUjtbls »>n, Jtomt*. ;hod i Gflinrp Jaoksoa laaC-Sttltittfex. P e a c e N e w s R e c e i v e d W i t h M u c h J o y The news of the signing of the armistice was received here with much joy. The celebration started at once and lasted until late Monday night As soon as the news was received, the whistles at the Sylva Tanning Co. were blown and all the school and church bells rang. At six o'clock Monday evening a parade started at the west end of town near Hill's store and paraded through town and then to Dillsboro and Webster. Along the route large cheering crowds were lined up along the road. The main feature of the parade was the Kaiser hung from a scaffold built on the large truck belonging to the Sylva Tanning Company, on which the colored brass band rode. On returning to town the Kaiser was burned in effigy in the middle of Main Street. ^J Ed. The bad news at the top, the good news just under it. The top stories are from October issues of the paper, the 'Teacc News" story obviously from the first issue after 11 Nov. We would wonder about the location of Hill's store, and we would like to see a photograph of this band. The Hohenzollerns were no match for Jackson Countians. ^y 108 Journeys Tlirough Jackson Summer 2009 S o m e I n f o r m a t i o n C o n c e r n i n g D a v i d H i g d o n [Ed. In our winter issue, we mentioned briefly that Mrs. Eunice J. Raymond of Rome, Georgia, had called the Society office asking about an 1863 incident in which William Jones shot and killed David Higdon. JCGS member Barbara Dills Bishop responded with one account of the incident, because her husband is related to the Higdon family. We called Mrs. Raymond, and she knew the same story, but was requesting actual court minutes to try to verify the family story. We have not yet made a trip to Raleigh to see if that's possible. We have, however, tried to place Higdon in historical context here.] Item #l...An account of the incident This was submitted by Barbara Dills Bishop, and was taken from an Internet posting by Michael Dean Canary (also a former JCGS member) in 2005. We assume that this is the traditional story to which Mrs. Raymond referred. William Jones shot...Dave Higdon in self-defense. Higdon was coming to shoot him over a dispute about some board bolts and the property line between their lands. Higdon said, "Jones, I have come to kill you." William Jones warned him not to cross the fence in front of his house. When Higdon put his leg over the fence and aimed his rifle at Jones, Jones, who was sitting on his front porch working on a pair of shoes, reached for his rifle and shot Higdon backward off the fence. William Jones placed a feather mattress on a sled and told his sons to take him home. When the sheriff came to arrest him, he went upon a little hill in front of his house with his rifle and told the sheriff that when he had made some preparation he would come in. The sheriff returned and later William Jones turned himself in and was placed in jail awaiting trial. When the sheriff received word from people about town that they had seen Jones out and around, the sheriff inquired about this. Jones told him that if he did not want to stay, there were not enough locks to hold him, but if he did, a straw would do the job. The sheriff gave him a key and freedom to go and come as he pleased. He would' go to the store and purchase leather to make shoes. He continued his business in jail awaiting trial. When the trial was held, he was declared not guilty by reason of self-defense. Item #2...Placing David Higdon in a family. According to a sheet of paper in the Jones file in the JCGS office, Higdon was one of the sons of Leonard Higdon and Susannah Harris, who were married in Rutherford County 21 Mar 1791. David had siblings Leonard, Nancy, Jane, Thomas, John, Jemima, Judia, Margaret, arid Samuel. This sheet had originated with the Higdon Family Association some years ago. David Higdon married Caroline Styles (16 Jan 1819 - 23 Feb 1900) according to this information, but we have been unable to locate this marriage. Item #3...Census Records...We have likewise been unable to place David Higdon after 1840 in the census, but in the 1850 Macon County census, his mother "Susan," age 75, was still living, and Jane and Margaret were also, single women at home. She was next door to her son John. Stories in Heritage books (Jackson and Macon) indicate that Leonard and Susannah are buried at Old Savannah, where their church memberships were. Continued on next page C 109 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 -•• "<'-'-. .•-••$ "r-tmr ••'••• '-'*&:&? Jfelfcr* AI^ Item #4...The above document is the discharge record of David Higdon. Notice that he enlisted in Haywood County. He was being discharged because of his age. If he were discharged on 16 Jul 1862, he had less than a year to live, since the shooting occurred 13 Feb 1863, according to Mrs. Raymond's notes. Item #5...We would like to see more on this family. Barbara Dills Bishop also requests any help on the identity of Caroline Styles. Members? ^J ^J ^J 110 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 <W 1 9 9 1 J a c k s o n C o u n t y D e a t h C e r t i f i c a t e s o f P e r s o n s B o r n P r i o r t o 1 9 00 [Key to reading the following: Name of deceased; spouse; date of birth; place of birth; 1991 date of death; place of death; father's name; mother's name; informant's name; informant's address; cemetery. Abstracted by Larry Crawford June 2009 in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office] Bryce, Cecile Lillian Anderson; wid; 27.Nov 1896; Dade,City FL; 8 Sep; Glenville; Morgan Anderson; Mary Cope; Quentin V. Long; Alachua FL; Highland - Ocala FL Bryson, Hattie Howell; w/o Ode Bryson; 16 Dec 1899; Jackson Co.; 30 Jun; Sylva; Lee Howell; Laura Dorsey; Ode Bryson; Sylva; Parris Deitz, Alvin Narlin; wid.; 10 Sep 1899; Jackson Co.; 1 Aug; Sylva; Thomas Loranzie Deitz; Alice Josephine Wilson; Loy V. Deitz; Sylva; East Fork Deitz, Ollie Greene; wid; 21 Dec 1895; Little Rock AR; 18 Dec; Sylva; Powell Green; Lillian Moody; Gypsy Deitz; Sylva; Fairview Garland, Cora Lillyetta; wid; 1 Jun 1891; Jackson Co,; 19 Aug; Sylva; Sam Hopkins; Ellen Queen; Joe E. Garland; Sylva; Fairview Mathis, Margaret Lozora; wid; 8 Nov 1891; Jackson Co.; 23 Nov; Sylva; John Alexander; Margaret Shelton; Shirley Mathis; Sylva; Mathis McCall, Wiley Edward; wid; 15 Oct 1898; Highlands; 3 Jan; Sylva; Rufus McCalf; Albie Picklesimer; Opal McCall; Highlands; Clear Creek Nicholson, Sarah Louvenia Davenport; wid; 21 Jun 1896; Towns Co GA; 15 Jun; Sylva; Fate Davenport; Nellie Ann Holden; Bill H. Nicholson Jr.; Sylva; Fairview Reed, Edith Childers; wid; 19 Jul 1893; Jackson Co.; 8 Mar; Sylva; Davis Childers; Sarah Elizabeth Keener; Eugene Reed; Whittier; Union Hill Robinson, Sallie Hooper; wid; 30 Sep 1899; Jackson Co.; 10 Apr; Sylva; Hampton Hooper; Irella Brown; Nell Endzell; Sylva; Fairview Smith, Alice Vivien Ross; 22 Feb 1894; Center Morriches NY; 27 Apr; Sylva; George Ross; Angie Penny, Jean Smith Johnson; Glenville; Palm Beach Memorial Park - Palm Beach FL Walker, William McKinley; wid; 8 Feb 1899;. Swain Co.; 27 Aug; Sylva; William Pickens Walker, Lucinda Watkins; Alyne Dixon; Bryson City; Holly Springs #2 - Bryson City Wike, Melvin Carter, wid; 13 Apr 1897; Jackson Co.; 25 Aug; Sylva; Lee Wike; Florence Fincannon; Bernice W. Siniard; Charlotte; Wike Williams, Alice; wid; 5 Nov 1897; Robbinsville; 4 Dec; Sylva; John Duncan; Edie Carver; Oscar Patterson; Robbinsville; Cedar Cliff-Robbinsville Williamson, Bill; wid; 15 Jul 1899; Jackson Co.; 13 Apr; Sylva; William Williamson; Mary Ramsey; Fred Williamson; Whittier; Sherrill 1 9 9 2 C e r t i f i c a t es Allison, George Gilland Sr.; wid; 5 Oct, 1892; Concord NC; 2 Nov; Sylva; Charles Allison; Katie Untz; George G. Allison Jr.; Sylva; Shepherd - Hendersonville Bryson, Lydia Cordelia; wid; 14 Jul 1894; Jackson Co.; 7 Mar, Sylva; Delonas W. Buchanan; Ella Adney Blaine; Frances B. Hyatt; Whittier; Keener Buchanan, Mary Etta; wid; 18 Nov 1897; Jackson Co.; 30 Oct; Sylva; James Cabe; Eleanora Barron; Clara Ashe; Sylva; Fairview Fisher, Charlie Crawford; wid; 1 Oct 1891; Jackson Co.; 29 Sep; Sylva; William Towers Fisher; Ibbie Mills; Virginia Mull; Sylva; Addie '111 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Hollingsworth, William B.; h/o Hellen English; 1 Mar 1894; Brooklyn NY; 15 May; Sylva; Joseph Hollingsworth; Mary Emma Moran; Charlotte T. Meyer; Whittier, Evergreen-Brooklyn Hurst, Martha McGinnis; wid; 6 Nov 1898; Boyle Co. KY; 4 Apr; Sylva; James W. McGinnis; Kathryn Bourne; Jean Day; Cashiers; Shepherd Crematory - Hendersonville Jones, Nina Parris; wid; 25 Jul 1898; Jackson Co.; 1 Mar; Sylva; Samson Parris; Lovicia Green; Marion Jones; Sylva; Parris Lane, Amanda; nm; 2 Jul 1897; Graham Co.; 25 Feb; Sylva; Abe Lane; Tiny Stratton; Nora Buchanan; Gastonia; Olney Presbyterian - Gastonia Long, Mary Frances; wid; 2 Aug 1893; Scottsville VA; 15 May; Sylva; Tom Shores; Lora Davis; Lora Watson; Cullowhee; Fairview Moody, Helena Cowan; wid; 16 Dec 1893; Jackson Co.; 30 Jun; Sylva; William Cowan; Luthunia Wilde; Frank W. Moody; Sylva; Love's Chapel Painter, Walter Burke; h/o Annie Frizzell; 14 Apr 1896; Jackson Co.; 23 Feb; Sylva; George Ellis Painter; Julia Ensley; Annie F. Painter; Sylva; Lovedale Phillips, Catherine Coward; wid; 22 May 1897; Jackson Co.; 18 Jun; Sylva; Jonathan Coward; Julie Lovedahl; Alma Henson; Cullowhee; Hooper- Brasstown Rehm, Olive May; wid; 13 May 1896; Yonkers NY; 12 Sep; Sylva; Thomas May; Mary Teresa Curran; Olivia R. (Cleo) Melrose; Sylva; St. Joseph's - Yonkers NY Williams, Milton David; wid; 12 Dec 1895; Robbinsville NC; 14 Jan; Sylva; Jesse Williams; Sarah Ammons; Theresa Slenkard; Robbinsville; Old Mother - Robbinsville 1 9 9 3 C e r t i f i c a t es Bumgarner, Mae Brown; wid; 26 Aug 1899; Sevierville TN; 17 Sep; Sylva; William Brown; Neddie Fox; Harry S. Bumgarner; Valdosta GA; Wilmot Community Cannon, Mayme Painter Bailey; wid; 14 Jun 1899; Jackson Co.; 27 May; Sylva; Roland A. Painter; Sallie Watson; Patsy Bailey Ballard; Albuquerque NM; Keener Franklin, Madeleine Harriett Eldridge; wid; 17 Dec 1899; Livonia NY; 2 Mar; Sylva; Eugene Eldridge; Delia Peckham; William E. O'Connor; Dillsboro; Memorial park - St Petersburg FL Higdon, John Columbus; wid; 1 Jan 1898; Jackson Co.; 3 Mar, Sylva; Christopher Columbus Higdon; Violet Jane Wilson; Greta Jane Davis; Sylva; Fairview Lockleer, Minnie Rymer; wid; 23 Feb 1896; TN; 29 Nov; Sylva; Steven Rymer; Gussie Headen; Virginia Coleman; Hayesville; Shepherd - Hendersonville Maturo, Frank Juan Sarno; wid; 7 Jan 1897; Italy; 29 Dec; Sylva; Antonio Maturo; Carmela Sarno; Frank Maturo Jr.; Gainesville FL; Georgetown - Georgetown KY McPhayden, Jeanette Ellen Hickman; wid; 5 Jul 1897; Dayton TN; 7 Apr; Sylva; John Alexander Hickman; Melinda Dunwoody; Linda Kotila; Sylva; Memorial Park - StPetersburg FL Scott, Hannah Champlin; wid; 19 Mar 1898; Little Valley NY; 29 Aug; Sylva; John Brown Francis Champlin; Georgia Right; Evelyn Colgan; Cullowhee; Shepherd - Hendersonville Shular, Wiley Winton; wid; 19 Feb 1899; Jackson Co.; 5 Oct; Cullowhee; James C. Shular; Sally Wood; Doyle Shular; Sylva; Balsam Grove v_y v_y ^J 112 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 1 9 9 4 C e r t i f i c a t es Adams, Teresa L.; wid; 26 Apr 1897; Jackson Co.; 29 Aug; Sylva; Hamilton Hooper; Arrila Brown; Marsha M. Smith; Cullowhee; Rogers Cowan, Kitter Mae; wid; 13 Mar 1894; Jackson Co.; 17 Feb; Sylva; James Elbert Buchanan; Nancy Elizabeth Pressley; Iva Ashe; Sylva; East Fork Culp, Bernice Mary Brody, wid; 3 Dec 1898; Cleveland OH; 26 May; Sylva; Frank Brody; Josephine Groblinski; Nancy Allen; Marion; Green Hill - Waynesville Harty, Rebecca Fell; wid; 8 Feb 1886; Trenton NJ; 7 Mar; Sylva; Jonathan Ridgway Fell; Laura Miller; Grady Parker; Cullowhee; Shepherd - Hendersonville Hooper, Eula Brown; wid; 8 Nov 1898; Jackson Co.; 10 Feb; Cullowhee; Will Brown; Arlesia Coward; Wiliam H. Smith; Sylva; Hooper- Caney Fork .Jakaitis, Frances; wid; 5 Dec 1895; Lithuania; 21 Aug; Cashiers; John Origgaitais; Ona Kudirka; Aldona Sarks; Cashiers; St. Casimir - Chicago IL Jones, Floyd James; wid; 2 Nov 1899; Jackson Co.; 12 Sep; Sylva; Lee Jones; Lucindy Hughes; Norma Jean Rogers; Waynesville; Woodring Painter, Lizzie Dee Fullbright; wid; 26 Dec 1898; Jackson Co.; 6 Aug; Sylva; Bird Fullbright; Elizabeth York; Arthur Painter; Sylva; Fairview Porter, Gwenn Norene; wid; 19 Mar 1895; Jamestown OH; 10 Nov; Sylva; Marshall Rogers; Rebecca Jane Goodbar; Martha Cotterman; Palm Harbor Fl; Oxford - Oxford OH Rogers, Anna Genevieve; 27 Mar 1898; Graham Co.; 15 Jul; Sylva; S.S. Hooper; Louise Barker; Nancy Smith; Smyrna GA; Old Mother - Robbinsville Williams, Alpha Hoyle; wid; 10 Jul 1897; Haywood Co.; 23 Jan; Whittier, Nicholas Hoyle; Martha Nolan; Vickie Williams; Whittier, Swain-Memorial Park 1 9 9 5 C e r t i f i c a t es Alexander, Minnie Lee; wid; 30 Aug 1879; Ruttierford Co.; 7 Feb; Sylva; Columbus Harris; Rachel Scruggs; Tolvin Alexander; Tuckasegee; Sols Creek Bilger, Lillian E.; nm; 7 Aug 1899; Canada; 9 Feb; Sylva; John Jacob Bilger; Minnie Wilson; John Bilger, St. Petersburg FL; Royal Palm - St. Petersburg FL Crawford, Bertha Cornelia; wid; 15 Aug 1899; Jackson Co.; 5 Oct; Sylva; Mark Smathers; EUen Drinnon; Edith Corbin; ng; Crawford Family Fisher, Gursie Parris; wfd; 16 Oct 1898; Jackson Co.; 14 Sep; Sylva; Edgar Parris; Mary Sue Reed; Joe Clyde Fisher; Sylva; Dills - Fisher Creek Sutton, Elsie Clint; wid; 5 May 1895; Jackson Co.; 12 Oct; Sylva; William Allen Sutton; Lula Allison; Hazel Buchanan; Sylva; East Fork [Ed. In our next issue, this series will end. There simply will be very few pages recognizing persons who were born prior to 1900 after we finish the 1990's books. The series began with the very first issue of this publication, and has continued in almost every issue through the years. We believe that the next logical step for us would be to go back and list the certificates of those persons born between 1900 and 1920, but we would welcome the suggestions of members.] 113 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 J C G S L i b r a r y A c q u i s i t i o ns ^y Call No 929.3 975.6 978.7 F G 929.3 976.8 929.3 F B 975.6 975.6 704.9 929.3 929.3 929.3 917.56 Author Swink, Daniel D. Shaffner, Randolph P. Nelson, Fern K. Garren, Terrell T. McRae, Barbara Sears Weals, Vic Smith, Barbara Shelton Bryson, Nelma Jean Camp, Cordelia Cherokee County Historical Museum Cain, Doreyl Amnions Washington, Reginald Plante, Trevor K Hawkins, Kenneth Hall, Karen J. Title Federal Census and Mortality Schedule, Burke County, North Carolina, I860 Highlands This Was Jackson's Hole TheSecrefofWar Records of Old Macon County, NC, 1829 -1850 Legends of Cades Cove and the Smokies Beyond The Family of Daniel Van Buren Moody and Nancy Adeline Slatton Moody Mama Dal The Influence of Geography Upon Early North Carolina The Heritage of Cherokee County, North Carolina, Vol I, 1987 Learning to Fly: Art That Inspires Black Family Research Military Service Records at the National Archives Research in the Land Entry Files of the General Land Office Building the Blue Ridge Parkway Donor Jacqueline Painter Larry Crawford Ruth Shuler James Monteith Larry Crawford Ruth Shuler Barbara Shelton Smith Nelma Bryson Dorris Beck Purchase Ruth Shuler Dorris Beck v_y I t e m s F o r S a l e b y J C G S Title Local Price Jackson County Heritage, Volume U Cemeteries of Jackson County Jackson County Marriages Cemeteries of Swain County Swain County Marriages Jackson Co. Delayed Births, Vol I* Jackson Co. Delayed Births, Vol H* Journeys Through Jackson (reprints; price is for each year) ** $75.00 $45.00 $25.00 $45.40 $34.75 $21.20 $21.20 $15.00 Shipped (NC) $80.00 $48.50 $27.50 $48.00 $37.50 $23.50 $23.50 $17.50 Shipped Out of NC $75.26 $45.65 $25.92 $45.13 $35.30 $22.16 $22.16 $16.55 * Books by Merrell Jenkins Riddle. See p. 142 for more items. ** We are glad to make reprints, but these take a long time to complete. ^J 114 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 F o l l o w i n g H e n r y J a s p e r D i l l s i n t h e F e d e r a l C e n s u s [Ed. In our spring issue, we printed a short letter written (in 1932) from W.H.P. Dills in Phoenix, Arizona. In it, He was asking the "shiref" of Jackson County about his uncles, the sons of Bartlett Dills Jr., calling them by names Marion, Allen, Thomas, and John. We could assume that somebody moved west, and so we asked Ruth Shuler to track this family using Here are the outstanding results of her quest] 1850 Haywood, NC #287 Bartlet Dills Easter Jasper Sarah Alfred Allen 49 23 17 15 6 1 Fanner BornNC Note: As Dills researchers know quite well, the sons listed here had three different mothers. Henry Jasper, the oldest, was a son of Bartletfs first marriage, and we are not sure of the identity of his mother. Some persons have said Elizabeth Jones, but others have disagreed. (Bartlett, son of Peter Dills, married an Elizabeth Jones, but this was somewhat later.) Alfred Marion was the son of Bartlett and his second wife Ellender (Nellie) Parris. Allen was a son of the marriage above to Esther Harris. 1860 Jackson, NC #378 H J . Dills MC. S.E. (f) E.A.(f) W.H. (m) L.B. (m) 27 27 7 5 3 1 Farmer Born NC Note: By this time, Henry Jasper Dills has a family of his own. He married Mary Caroline Cooper 23 Dec 1852. 1870 Jackson, NC Qualla #32 H.J. Dills MaryC. C.E.E. (f) E.A. (f) W.H.P. (m) J.L.B. (m) MC.F. (f) EJP. (m) S.L.R. (m) Arah M.C. (f) 38 38 15 13 10 10 8 6 4 2 Farmer Note: One can see that the census taker copied some things wrong,- or was given some poor information. WJLP. should be about 13, the next oldest daughter about 15, the oldest 17. 115 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 1880 Cooke, TX, Rosston, District 115, # 4 - 4 9 ^_J H. J. Dills MaryC. Eliza A. William H.P. James L.B. Mary C.F. Elbert P. J. Samuel L.R. Arah M.K. Robert M Jesse M. 48 Farmer 48 24 22 21 18 16 13 11 10 8 1900 Cooke, TX, Justice Precinct 4, Dist. 35, #10 Henry J. Dills MaryC. Robt. L. Rogers 67 b. Sep. 1832 67 b. Oct. 1832 14 b. Nov. 1885 1910 Cooke, TX, Justice Precinct 4, Dist 58, #33 Henry J. Dills MaryC. 77 ml 57yrs 77 ml 7 of 10 ch. Living NC NC NC NCSCAL NCKYNC NCSCKY IT IT IT (Indian Territory) NCKYNC NCSCKY Note: One thing that had been forgotten was the birthplaces of parents. Bartlett Dills was v_y born in North Carolina until 1900, when he became born in Kentucky. Stories tend to become confused through the years. Notice also that 3 of their children were no longer living. The county seat of Cooke Co. Texas is Gainesville, about 70 miles north of Dallas. C h i l d r e n o f H e n r y J a s p e r D i l ls 01) Cynthia Ema Dills (b. 23 Sep 1853) m. John H. Ethridge 22 Jan 1874, Cooke Co. TX. Children: Fannie E. (b. ca. 1875) m. Plume, 3 children Sterling (b. 11 Aug 1876) Thomas H. (b. Jul 1878) Arrah Belle (b. Feb 1885) m. Roy Fountain Scruggs 1905,3 children In 1910, Cynthia reported 4 of 5 children living. Three Plume grandchildren were in the Ethridge household. By 1920, Sterling Ethridge lived in Maricopa County, Arizona, and by 1930, in Coconino, where his mother is shown with him. 02) William H. Preston Dills (b. July 1856) m. Emma Children: Marion Jasper (b. 19 Jun 1891) Robert J. (b. 3 Feb 1893) Frances M. (b. Nov. 1894) m. Ford ___ Joseph Thomas (b. 27 Dec 1897) ~*, i ^y 116 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Jesse Willie (b. 24 May 1900) In 1900 and 1910, Emma reported 5 of 5 children living. In 1900, this family lived in'Indian Territory, Chickasaw-Nation, in 1910 in Montague County, -Texas. By 1920, they had moved to Maricopa County, Arizona, and were still there in 1930. If W.H.P. Dills were 73, as reported in the 1930 census, then he was about 75 when he wrote the letter to Jackson County inquiring about his uncles. 03) James Bowman Dills (b. 14 Jun 1859) m. (1) ? m. (2) Mary . Children: Martin (b. ca. 1896) (child of first marriage of James) Helen (b. 1910) In 1910, James Bowman Dills lived in Maricopa County, Arizona with his second wife Mary. Three stepchildren were also shown in the home. 04) Mary Catherine DiHs (29 Feb 1860 - 27 Jan 1943) m. (17 Aug 1882) Thomas Atkins Jones in Cooke County, Texas. Children: Everal Caroline Jones (11 Jan 1886-29 Jul 1962) m. Benjamin Franklinr Fletcher Thomas Atkins Jones was from Buncombe County NC. (20 Jun 1856 - 20 Jun 1916) 05) Elbert P. Dills (15 Oct 1863 - 6 Aug 1936) m. (10 Jul 1892) Alice Jane Turner in Hunt County, Texas. Children: Arrah Willis (16 Aug 1893 - 1 5 Jun 1984) m. Jerry Austin Humphrey Archessie Delia (15 Sep 1897 - 26 Jun 1980) Archie Weldon (9 Feb 1913 - 4 Oct 1993) Jerald Clyde (6 Mar 1918 - 28 May 1985) m. Elizabeth Jean DoIIiver In 1900, this family lived in Cooke County, Texas. 06) Samuel L. R. Dills (6 Jun 1866 - 28 bet 1887) died in Cooke County, Texas. 07) Arrah Missouri Dills (14 Jun 1868 - ?) 08) Jesse Mere Dills (17 Sep 1872 - 1 5 Jun 1958) m. Viola .. Children: Essie V.(b. Mar. 1896) George Eldon (b. 10 May 1898) Lucy E. (b. May 1898.. .twin?)' Dudley (b. ca. 1901) Floyd (b. ca. 1904) Parris (b. ca. 1906) Clayton (b. ca. 1909) Ralph (b. va. 1911) 117 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Earl (b. ca. 1916) ^j Jesse Dills was shown as a fanner in 1900, but then was shown in the grocery business in Maricopa County, Arizona, in 1920, and in Los Angeles in 1930. Other notes and questions: 01) We have listed eight of the children of Henry Jasper Dills. In the 1910 census, Mary Caroline reported that she had had 10 children, with seven living. One that is not accounted for in 1910 is Robert M, shown as a ten - year - old boy in 1880. Certainly Samuel was already dead, and possibly the second oldest daughter, shown as Eliza A. 02) The material above is taken from several sources. Primarily, the information comes from the census, but in some cases, the specific birth dates are from World War I draft registrations. The H.J. Dills family is also listed in One World Tree files, and we used several specific dates and some marriage information from that source. As with any Internet postings, the researcher must use extreme care to verify the material properly. For instance, the One World Tree source gives the specific marriage date for H.J. and Mary Caroline. We believe that it is probably correct, but we cannot find the marriage in Haywood, Jackson, or Macon records. 03) This same source also gives James Bowman with a twin. We doubt the accuracy of v ) this, because this gives the family eleven children. Also, Robert is placed out of ordinal position. We believe that the census error in 1870 in Jackson County led someone to assign a set of twins here. 04) But also thanks to the One World Tree source, we have other specific dates. Henry Jasper Dills was born 27 Sep 1832, died 24 Aug 1910 in Leo, TX. Mary Caroline Cooper died 4 Oct 1919 in Texas. 05) The marriage for Cynthia E.E. Dills came from the Texas Marriage Collection on In 1900, her Husband, John H. Etheridge, was superintendent of the Cooke County poor farm. Sterling Etheridge, their son, was working for J.B. Dills in 1917 when he registered for the draft in Phoenix, Arizona. 06) We will send a copy of this publication to Cooke County, Texas, and their genealogical society. This might help someone connected to this Dills family. 07) We would certainly be interested in the positive identity of the mother of Henry Jasper Dills. As we stated earlier, an Elizabeth Jones married a Bartlett Dills, but this was much later and this Bartlett was a first cousin to Henry Jasper. Since the names occur so frequently, this might well be an example of coincidence, but we would like to see proof. 08) Preston Dills wrote his letter on a small tablet sheet in 1932. See how much fun one little piece of paper can be? ^J 118 Journeys Through Jackson . Summer 2009 D e s c e n d a n t s o f J o h a n n e s R i s ch [Ed. In this issue, we conclude the Risch desceridancy as submitted by JCGS member Betty Cope Andrews.] Notes for GEORGE W. LONG: Bill's wife Rita prepared Elmore Family material for Elmore Book. States that Jonathan's son William B. Rush bought a farm about 10 miles west of Greeneville, between Mosheim and Midway. Notes for MARffi RITA TARMF: 21 Fruit Hill Dr., Chillicothe, Ohio 45601: (740) 774^4865. Rita Long Realtor. Children of GEORGE LONG and MARIE TARDIF are: i. GEORGE W. JR." LONG, b. 23 May 1958; m. BEVERLY FRENCH. 157. ii. ANNA MARIB LONG, b. 06 Apr 1960. iii. DWIGHT EARL LONG, b. 15 Jun 1961, Chillicothe, OH. 139. ELIZABETH RUSH10 BUELL (GEORGIA RUSH3 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY', JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) was bom 15 Apr 1924 in Indianapolis, Ind.. She married CALVIN BENHAM JR. BALDWIN 10 Mar 1951 in Chapel Hill, NC. Notes for ELIZABETH RUSH BUELL: Betty Baldwin, PO Box 17, Garrett Park, MD 20896. Rush History from Jonathan Rush's Bible shared by Betty. William Brightberry Rush history shared by Betty. Children of ELIZABETH BUELL and CALVIN BALDWIN are: i. SUSAN BUELL1 ' BALDWIN, m. VINCERT HALL. ii. SALLY CLARK BALDWIN, In. DESSON HOWE. iii. ANN HENRY BALDWIN, m. PATRICK NUCCI. 140. MARGARET ANN10 BUELL (GEORGIA RUSH9 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY', JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) was bom 28 Nov 1932. She married JULES TILESTON Aug 1954. Children of MARGARET BUELL and JULES TILESTON are: 158. i. NANCY B." TILESTON. ii. ANNA Lou TILESTON. 159. iii. GLORIA TILESTON. 141. ANN CAROLYN10 SUMMERS (GENEVA ESTELLE9 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) She married TARKINGTON. He died 2005. Notes for ANN CAROLYN SUMMERS: Adopted, Children of ANN SUMMERS and TARKINGTON are: i. EDDIE" TARKINGTON. ii. GLENDA TARKINGTON. 142. VIRGINIA NELL10 BALES (MARY RUTH9 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 03 Jul 1924. She married WILLIAM PAUL TAYLOR 30 May 1946. He was bom Aug 1924. Notes for VIRGINIA NELL BALES: Snookie lives in SC, near her daughter who teaches school. Her sister Dorothy Davis who died had most of the material that her mother (Mary Ruth Henry Bales) collected. 304 Cleveland St Mullin, SC 29574-4204. Children of VIRGINIA BALES and Wn .UAM TAYLOR are: 119 160. i. REBECCA JANE11 TAYLOR, b. 23 Jan 1948, Conway, SC. ii. WILLIAM CHARLES TAYLOR, b. 15 Sep 1951. Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 143. BETTY LOU10 HENRY (JOHN WILLIAM9, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY'', JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) She married ROBERT FULWBILER. ^y Children of BBTTY HENRY and ROBERT FULWEE.BR are: i. SUSAN" FULWEILER, m. CREEL, ii. KATHY FULWEILER. 144. FRANKIE LOUISE10 RUSH (GEORGE NIMROD9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR.1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) was bom 27 Jan 1913 in Franklin, Macon Co., N. C, and died 14 Feb 1994 in Macon Co., N. C. She married LEONARD CARSON SWANSON 18 Jun 1933 in Worcester, Mass, son of WILLIAM SWANSON and LEONA MCJUNKM. He was bom 07 Apr 1912 in Ducktown, Polk Co., TN, and died 15 Aug 1983 in Franklin, Macon Co., N. C. Notes for FRANKTE LOUISE RUSH: Delayed Birth Record Book 6, p322. Death Certificate #7, Social Security Number 221-16-5334. Address 45 River Road, Franklin, NC. 28734. Bryant Funeral Home. Buried Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery. .Frankie left notes about femily, she was family historian. She has papers from Penland reunion, "Penland Historical Society", Gordan H. Penland, 3356 South E Azalea Ave., Port Orchard, WA 98366-1705. Buford W. Penland, 112 Caldwell Dr., Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Frankie graduated from high school in Worchester, MA. at age 18, she married at age 21. Notes for LEONARD CARSON SWANSON: Pvt U.S. Army. Death Certificate #66. Social Security Number 114-10-6269. Construction Worker. Angel Community Hospital. Bryant Funeral Home. Buried Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery. Leonard worked for George Rush in Construction, met Frankie and married. Leonard had to deliver Sharon in Polk Co., TN. while visiting his mother. Children of FRANKTE RUSH and LEONARD SWANSON are: 161. i. LEONARD CARSON JR.1* SWANSON, b. HMarl935;d.30Aprl961. "~~ 162. ii. BEVERLY SHARON SWANSON, b. 10 Dec 1936, Copper Hill, Polk Co, TN. v_y 145. ENNIS EARL10 RUSH (LEE OLA9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR.1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) He married JAUNITA. Children of ENNIS RUSH and JAUNITA are: i, MARGO" RUSH. ii. RONALD EARL RUSH. iii. DONALD ENNIS RUSH, m. DEBORAH MARIE HUGHES. 146. JOHN ALEXANDER10 BULGO* (BLANCH RUSH9 BRABSON, CORA ANN* RUSH, GEORGE NIMROD DR.7, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 09 Dec 1912, and died 03 Jul 1995 in Macon Co., N. C. He married MARGARET SLAGLE. She was born 26 May 1918 in Macon Co., N. C, and died 27 Feb 2002. Notes for JOHN ALEXANDER BULGIN: See newspaper article of John and Margaret with theDeclaration of Independence, which has been in family for 100 years, once belonged to Dr. G. N. Rush. Children of JOHN BULGIN and MARGARET SLAGLE are: i. MARY MARGARET" BULGIN, m. MCDOWELL. ii. BBTTY ANN BULGIN, m. BRYANT. Ui. JOHN RANDOLPH BULGIN. iv. FRED SLAGLE BULGIN. 147. ELIZABETH RUSH10 DENSON (ANNUS ELIZABETH9 RUSH, CHARLES ANDREW*, JOHN WESLEY1, CHARLES _^ GEORGE6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 28 Jun 1928 in . 120 u Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 AL. She married MCADORY LIPSCOMB 03 Jull949. Notes for ELIZABETH RUSH DENSON: Wrote Alabama, Rush Book. Children of ELIZABETH DENSON and MCADORY LIPSCOMB are: i. MCADORA JR." JJPSCOMBi b. 03 Oct 1950, Columbus, GA; m. MARILYN MILLER, 18 May 1974. ii. ANDREW DENSON LIPSCOMB, b. 16 Jan 1953, Opelika, AL. iii. FREDDIE ELIZABETH LIPSCOMB, b. 19 Nov 1956, Opelika, AL. iv. NIMROD DENSON LIPSCOMB, b. 26 Jul 1958, Opelika, AL. v. JOHN RUSH LIPSCOMB, b. 14 Dec 1962, Opelika, AL. 148. CHARLES ANDREW10 RUSH (JOHN ALFRED9, CHARLES ANDREW, JOHN WESLEY1, CHARLES GEORGE6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN?, JOHANNES*) was born 04 Apr 1938. He married LORRAINB BIRDSONG 04 Sep 1959. Children of CHARLES RUSH and LORRAINE BIRDSONG are: i. ELIZABETH" RUSH, b. 04 Jun 1960. ii. CHARLES ANDREW JR. RUSH, b. 19 Nov 1961. 149. LAURA ULUAN*0 Dom&Dsm (LAURA ARIZONA9 GRAY, EuzABEm TABITHA* WILLIAM CHARLES1, ELIZABETH6 RUSH, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) She married JOHN REYNOLDS. Child of LAURA DONNALDSON and JOHN REYNOLDS is: 163. i. LOUISE" REYNOLDS. 150. HOMER LENOIR CUFF10 GRAY (HARLEY ESCO9, JOHN RUFFINSONPULASKA* WILLIAM CHARLES1, ELIZABETH6 RUSH, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1 JOHANNES1) was bom 12 Sep 1912. He married JENNIE LOU WILSON. She was born 28 Nov 1914, and died 03 Dec 1971. Child of HOMER GRAY and JENNIE WILSON is: i. ROBERT BARLEY" GRAY, b.17 Oct 1942. 151. GEORGE EDWIN10 RUSH (JAMES CLAUDE9, SAMUEL CLAUDE*, WILLIAM LOVELL JR1, WILLIAM LOWELL6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES1) He married JULIA FRANCIS CROCKRAN. Children of GEORGE RUSH and JULIA CROCKRAN are: i. KEVIN" RUSH. ii. DAVID RUSH. iii. CASEY RUSH. 152. JAMES CLAUDE JR.10 RUSH (JAMES CLAUDE9, SAMUEL CLAUDE*, WILLIAM LOVELL JRP, WILLIAM LOWELL6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was born 1920 in NC. He married ONIE MARIE. Child of JAMES RUSH and ONTE MAREJ is: i. RANDOLF" RUSH. 153. SARAH LOU10 RUSH (JAMES CLAUDE9, SAMUEL CLAUDE*, WILLIAM LOVELL JR.1, WILLIAM LOWELL6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1. JOHANNES1) was bom 09 Mar 1922 in Rockingham, Draper Co., NC, and died 15 Sep 2005 in Spartanburg Co., SC. She married FOY WJLLIAM WHITLOCK, son of ROBERT WHITLOCK and MAY TOWE. He was bom 21 Feb 1921 in Spartanburg Co., SC, and died 18 Apr 1992. 121 ^y Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Child of SARAH RUSH and FOY WHITLOCK is: i. JUDrrH DIANNB" WHITLOCK, b. 13 Nov 1946; m. (1) JOHN WESLEY LINK; m. (2) THOMAS MARTIN m MCGRATH. 154. BENJAMIN LOVELL JR.'0 RUSH (BENJAMIN LOVELL9, SAMUEL CLAUDE*, WILLIAM LOVELL JR7, WILLIAM LOWELL6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 19 Mar 1921 in Draper, NC, and died 14 Sep 1969. Children of BENJAMIN LOVELL JR. RUSH are: i. BENJAMIN LOVELL HI" RUSH. ii. JAN CRUSH. , Generation No. 11 155. SUSAN ELIZABETH11 LONG (ROBERT EARL JR.10, EDITH RUSH9 ELMORE, RUTH EUDORA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was born 20 Aug 1955. She married WALTER SILLERS WEEMS. He was born 15 Jan 1952 in Laurel, MS. Children of SUSAN LONG and WALTER WEEMS are: i. WALTER11 WEEMS. ii. DAVID WEEMS. 156. LINDA SUSAN11 VANCB (EDITH ELMORE10 LONG, EDITH RUSH9 ELMORE, RUTH EUDORA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 03 Mar 1959. She married JAMES MARK STREETER 27 Jun 1981. He was bom 01 Jul 1958. Child of LINDA VANCB and JAMES STREETER is: *""• i. MARK" STREETER, b. 12 Apr 1982. \ ) 157. ANNA MARIE11 LONG (GEORGE W.10, EDITH RUSH9 ELMORE, RUTH EUDORA* RUSH. WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1. JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) was bom 06 Apr 1960. She married DAVID FELLABAUM in Columbus, OH. Child of ANNA LONG and DAVID FELLABAUM is: i. AMANDA GRACE" FELLABAUM, b. 26 Mar 1989. 158. NANCY B.11 TILESTON (MARGARETANN10 BUELL, GEORGIA RUSH9 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) She married JIM CURRAN. Child of NANCY TILESTON and JIM CURRAN is: i. ERIN11 CURRAN. 159. GLORIA11 TILESTON (MARGARET ANN10 BUELL, GEORGIA RUSH9 HENRY, FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) She married DAVB THARP. Child of GLORIA TILESTON and DAVE THARP is: i. EMILY11 THARP. 160. REBECCA JANE11 TAYLOR (VIRGINIA NELL10 BALES, MARY RUTH9 HENRY. FLORENCE COLUMBIA* RUSH, WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) ^y 122 Journeys Tltrough Jackson Summer 2009 was born 23 Jan 1948 in Conway, SC. She married CHARLES HARDSON GRAHAM. He was bom 01 Sep 1937. Children of REBECCA TAYLOR and CHARLES GRAHAM are: i. SUZANNE TAYLOR" GRAHAM. ii. KELU HUDSON GRAHAM. 161. LEONARD CARSON JR." SWANSON (FRANKIE LOUISE*6 RUSH. GEORGE NIMROD9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DRP, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was born 11 Mar 1935, and died 30 Apr 1961. He married VIRGINIA ALLEN 10 Oct 1958. Notes for LEONARD CARSON JR. SWANSON: Pvt. U. S. Marine Corps. Children of LEONARD SWANSON and VIRGINIA ALLEN are: i. SERRI" SWANSON, b. 28 Apr 1959. ii. KERRY SWANSON, b. 04 Mar 1961. 162. BEVERLY SHARON" SWANSON (FRANKIE LOUISE10 RUSH, GEORGE NIMROD9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR.1, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 10 Dec 1936 in Copper Hill, Polk Co, TN. She married DAVID BOYCB WHITE 24 Nov' 1955 in Bethel United Meth. Church, Macon Co., NC, son of EVERETT WHITB and ORA DEWEESE. He was bom 28 Aug 1931 in Nantahala, Macon Co., N. C. Notes for BEVERLY SHARON SWANSON: Counce, TN 38326. (731)689-5209. Sharon and Boyce helped provide family data. Notes for DAVID BOYCB WHITE: Delayed Birth Record Book 11 pi 18 Nantahala, Macon Co., NC. Delayed birth record had Boyce Deweese White typed and David Boyce printed above name lined out Worked for paper mill in Sylva. See marriage record. Witnesses: Mrs Verna Rush, Ronald E. White,( Enterprise, AL.) Children of BEVERLY SWANSON and DAVID WHITE are: i. DEBORAH LYNN" WHITE, b. 06 Jun 1957; m. ROBERT COLEMAN OWEN, 13 Jun 1981. Notes for DEBORAH LYNN WHITE: PHD 2005. Teaches high sdwoc4 English. They live in Jacksonville, FL. I Notes for ROBERT COLEMAN OWEN: Rev. 164. ii. DAVID BOYCE JR. WHITE, b. 19 Sep 1958, Macon Co, N. C; d. 24 Jan 2001, Shreveport, Caddo Parish, LA. 165. iii. DANA MARIE WHITE, b. 28 Jul 1964. 166. iv. JONATHAN RUSH WHITE, b. 05 Apr 1969, Rome, Floyd Co, GA. 163. LOUISE11 REYNOLDS (LAURA LILLIAN*0 DONNALDSON, LAURA ARIZONA9 GRAY, ELIZABETH TABITHA*. WILLIAM CHARLES', ELIZABETH6 RUSH, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) She married WOODROW ANDREWS, son of JOHN ANDREWS and LILLIE UPTON. Child of LOUISE REYNOLDS and WOODROW ANDREWS is: i. JOHN W.12 ANDREWS, b. Atlanta, DeKalb Co, GA.- Generation No. 12 164. DAVJDBOYCBJR.12 WHITE (BEVERLY SHARON11 SWANSON, FRANKIE LOUISE10 RUSH, GEORGE NIMROD9, 123 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR?, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, ^ JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) was bora 19 Sep 1958 in Macon Co, N. C , and died 24 Jan 2001 in Shreveport, Caddo Parish, LA. He married JULIE. Notes for DAVID BOYCE JR. WHITE: David died in Sheveport, LA from a brain aneurysm. Macon Funeral Home. His obituary in The Franklin Press. Children of DAVID WHITE and JULIE arc: i. JACOB DAVID LENOUAWWHITB. ii. TASHA GAIL WHITE, b. 20 Oct 1979; d. 09 Apr 2004, Princeton, Bossier Parish, LA; ra. RENY WARE, iii. FRANKIE RAE WHITE, b. 16 Feb 1984; m. B. J. LYONS. 165. DANA MARIE12 WHITE (BEVERLY SHARON* * SWANSON, FRANKIE LOUISE10 RUSH, GEORGE NIMROD9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR.7, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH. JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bora 28 Jul 1964. She married TERRY VICTOR SHELTON 14 Oct 1988. Notes for DANA MARIE WHITE: Live in Columbia, MS. Children of DANA WHITB and TERRY SHELTON are: i. CARSON" SHELTON, d. 20 Jul 2001. ii. JAREDNATHANIAL SHELTON. iii. JORDAN SHAY SHELTON. ^y 166. JONATHAN RUSH12 WHITE (BEVERLYSHARON11 SWANSON, FRANKIE LOUISE10 RUSH, GEORGE NIMROD9, NAPOLEON JONATHAN*, GEORGE NIMROD DR.7, JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE5, CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH. JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES1) was bom 05 Apr 1969 in Rome, Floyd Co, GA. He married PEGGY MONTBZ CONSTANT 16 Oct 1990 in Las Vegas, NV, daughter of WARREN CONSTANT and PEGGY ROBINSON. She was bom 18 Nov 1969 in Mesquite, Dallas Co, TX. Notes for JONATHAN RUSH WHITE: Jonathan was named in honor of his Great-Great-Grandfather Jonathan Rush (1857-1933). Career Marine, now a Master Sergent. Served in Okinawa, Japan, Camp LcJune, San Diego, Germany. See "Stars and Stripes'' 3 August, 2006, "One marines's determination to walk again". Parachute accident from major gust of cross wind, jumping from a helicopter. Dr. Rosenbaum inserted two titanium robs and six screws to stabilize Jonathan's spinal cord and pushed the bone chunk away from his spinal cord. Then to Naval Medical Center, San Diego for more surgery. Notes for PEGOY MONTEZ CONSTANT: Served as a Marine until Ben was born. Children of JONATHAN WHITE and PEGGY CONSTANT are: i. KAYLA ELIZABETH" WHITE, b. 05 Aug 1991, CA. ii. JOSHUA ADAM WHITE, b. 12 Feb 1993, Okinawa, Japan. Notes for JOSHUA ADAM WHITE: Jushua is living in Stuttgart, Germany. iii. BENJAMIN JOSEPH WHITE, b. 19 Oct 1995, Okinawa, Japan. ^y 124 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 U n i t e d S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e I n t e r i o r B u r e a u o f L a n d M a n a g e m e n t [Ed. The following are copies of pages which were available from the above agency at the National Genealogical Conference held recently in Raleigh. JCGS member Deanne Gibson Roles collcctcdVthcsc materials.] . .:* , * •-• •••( ..\.v\. -, *>{•. j,"' v •' •.• \. i n Juan Palma, State Director ,. ,!; A. fJarrbn Bail, Associate State Director The BUreairof Land'Management's Eask\rt'sta^'iD'frtce'De:c^nie'an bfficl'al'State Office oh April's/. J . 1980, with responsibilities' for managing the public lands and resources In the 31' states that are .. contiguous and east of the Mississippi River;.;.- . • . 'V,. •, <••.'•:. • Through the leadefshliS of its State Directors for neariy 30 years, the. Eastern States Office has- . conducteo! its programs' with a clear mission in'rnind-- responsible stewardship of the public treasures;v entrusted to our care., Today trie Eastern States Office Is an active, dynamic organization made up of a diverse workforce of; • 200 dedicated civil servants. We manage about 39 million acres of mineral estate, Including substantial leasing oil and gas, and environmentally sound development of coal, lead, zipc, limestone and phosphate. . We maintain more than 9 million historic land title records dating back to 1787. In order to preserve these records we are automating them to make the information easily accessible to. the public on the World Wide Web. We are the Nation's official surveyors, identifying, surveying, and maintaining legal boundaries on the Federal lands In the East, including our work for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers. We are the primary adoption arm of the Wild Horse and Burro Program, with almost 74,000 wild horses and burros placed in good homes since 1977 in the East, We manage a wide variety of valuable resources on about 20,000 acres of public lands, from irreplaceable cultural sites to unique habitats for threatened plant and animal species, located from the steamy swamps of Louisiana, to the golden sand beachfronts in Florida, to pristine islands in the north woods of Minnesota.. And we pride ourselves on working'with thousands of Invaluable partners, from minority schools, to the Outdoor Writers Association of America, to provide environmental education and publicize the enormous opportunities American citizens own in their public lands. During the 20-year history of the Bureau of Land Management's Eastern States Office, we have truly become Guardians of the Past—Stewards ofthe.Future. 125 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 U.S. Department of the Interior " Bureau of Land Management States ^J L a n d R e c o r d s Where They Came From How We Got Them As the United States-expanded westward from the Thirteen Original Colonies, Congress recognized the need for an orderly system of surveying and describing the Federal lands to be opened for settlement. On May 20, 1785, the Continen­tal Congress .enacted a land disposal ordinance establishing a Public Land Survey System based on a rectangular grid, and authorized the Treasury Board to sell public lands for revenue.. The General Land Office (GLO) was established within the Treasury Department in 1812 to take charge of all survey and land tide records. GLO became part of the newly-created Depart­ment of the Interior In 1849, and merged with the U.S. Grazing Service in 1946 to form the Bu­reau of Land Management (BLM). BLM is now custodian of the land records, Including more than 7.5 million ownership titles covering 1.5 billion acres of present or former Public Domain land. More than 5 million of these title documents are stored and maintained at BLM's Eastern States( office in Virginia. The Records We Maintain The first land records developed from the Ordinance of 1785 were survey field notes. Government surveys began In Ohio In 1785 and progressed westward to open more territory for settlement. The surveyor prepared the field notes describing the survey performed. The notes might Include the names of very early settlers living In the survey area and a variety of descrip­tions of land formations, climate, soil, and plant and animal life. Survey plats are drawings of the boundaries created by each survey. Plats are prepared by draftsmen who base their drawings on Information In the field notes and surveyor sketches. The sur­vey plats do not show ownership or land status. Land ownership, protected by a legal title, Is a hallmark of western civilization. As the Public Domain was surveyed, the Federal Government began transferring title of land parcels to private citi­zens, companies, and local governments. Most titles were transferred by patents (deeds) from the Federal Government. Records of these patents and other conveyances of title—such as railroad grants, swamp grants, school grants, Indian allotments, and private land claims—are contained in large-sized tract books. First developed around 1800 and maintained in local land offices, tract books have long served as the essential reference source for all transactions involving public lands. They tell who ob­tained what land from the Federal Government and when. BLM's Eastern States maintains approximately 2,000 GLO tract books containing the land records for the 13 public land states under its jurisdiction: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis­souri, Mississippi, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Considered the largest land title office in the world, Eastern States maintains al­most five million Federal land conveyance documents Issued before and after the U.S. constitution was ratified. These con­veyance documents include homesteads, cash sales, miscellaneous warrants, private land claims, railroad lists, and State swamp lists and selections. We do not have the land ownership records that come after this first patent. (These records are under State jurisdiction and are usually kept at the local county courthouse or recorders' offices.) The historic tract books are continually used by the Eastern States' staff, Federal and state agencies, title insur­ance companies, Industry, researchers, and others. The continuous use of many of'these old books has caused much wear and tear, despite the efforts of artisan bookbinders using old skills and new technologies to help maintain the books in us­able form. These old records are literally being "Preserving America's Heritage," The General La/id Office Records Project BLM faced an urgent need to preserve and protect these records, but still insure their avail­ability for research. Technology provided the- answer. In 1989, Eastern States launched a unique project—the GLO Automated Records Project—to copy these priceless conveyance documents onto computer-read laser disks. Once copied, the historic documents can then be retired and stored In acid-free boxes In a climate-controlled vault. This Project offers researchers a single source of recorded information on lands once In Fed­eral ownership, such as data regarding current Federally-owned lands and minerals; which Federal agency has jurisdiction over the land surface; and what Individuals or entitles first received the land from the Federal Government. "www elorecords bli " The GLO Automated Records System has the capability to provide such information ' V to State land officials^ county clerks, Industry representatives, and the public through requests from remote computer ter­minals. Access to these old records will be effortless, and the'original documents wilt maintain thelr'lntegrlty and value to historical research or other critical uses. ^J ^y 126 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 If We've Got It, You Can Get It Every month, the BLM, Eastern States, furnishes certified copies for hundreds of patents. Most requests for copies come from genealogists seeking Information about their ancestors. Individuals arid firms Involved In real estate and In minerals exploration and development find these records essential to knowing whether or not the United States owns the land, or If mineral rights were reserved to the Federal Government when the United States xonveyed ___ • title to the lapd. Many .of these requests come from the southern States where the burning of county courthouses during the Civil War caused the loss of many title records. The records are also of value In historical research. If you can provide the legal description of a parcel or parcels, BLM can locate the patent and supply you with a copy. The legal description should Include the subdivision, section, township, range, survey meridian, and state. Until very recently, the name of the landowner alone has not been sufficient, because the land records of most states are not indexed by name. Now, available via the Internet, BLM offers Information on historic land patents from all 30 public land states (those not Included In the original 13 colonies), east, and west. Cash'and Homestead patent Images and data for 13 eastern public lands states have been online for about 9 years. Now the "serialized" patents can be found on-line—these records Include post-1908 conveyances Issued chronologically from the headquarters General Land Office/BLM In Washington, D.C. Currently, we are in the process of automating the Military Warrants Issued under the Acts of Congress dated 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855.' Data and Images are being made avail­able daily, as the automation of the GLO records continues. The website also Includes indexes to patents issued prior to 1908 for most western states. The website has Image display capabilities to Include TIFF, GIF, and PDF formats. The survey plats and field notes are now being added to the GLO Records website. These hand drawn plats were made from the descriptive field notes In preparation for the Federal Government's sale of public lands. These plats show the landscape as it was prior to American settlement as well as legal surveying measurements.' Occasionally these plats indicate man-made features, both Indian and from early pioneers, however they do not show ownership Information or land status. Today these plats still have legal, historical and scientific value. V* t « 3 I K ua • > 'j I 3 1 11* 5J i J • > 3 t CM 1 Visit our website at Bureau of Land Management, Public Information Center: (703)440-16.00 Eastern States Internet mailbox: 7450 Boston Boulevard ' FAX: (703) 440-1609 Springfield, Virginia 22153 Public Affairs Office (703)440-1713 Even If We Don't Have It, Someone Else Probably Does Because the Thirteen Original Colonies and their territories were not a part of the Federal lands acquired during national expansion, we do not maintain the land records of 18 eastern non-public land states or the District of Columbia. These states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jer­sey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Vir­ginia. Also, we do not have records for Texas and Hawaii. Inquiries concerning land records for these states should be directed to the Individual state archives or land records offices. i, I, - • .. i Bureau Of Land Management The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Is an agency within | the Department of the Interior. We are responsible for managing the Nation's public lands and resources in ways that best serve the needs of the American people. Management Is based on the principle of multiple use and sustained yield—a combination of uses that balances the needs of future generations for renewable and nonrenewable resources. These resources Include recreation, range, timber, minerals, watershed, fish and wildlife, wilderness and natural scenic, scientific and cultural values. BLM's Eastern States (ES) organi­zation is the steward of the public lands and resources under the jurisdiction of BLM In the 31 states east of and bordering on the Mississippi River. These public lands and resources are managed to-protect the envi­ronment and provide a diverse array of products and outdoor experiences. In addition to maintaining and protecting the Secretary of the Interior's official land records, ES also performs cadastral surveys for other Federal agencies and helps place many of America's wild horses and burros Into adoptive homes. ; Visit BLM's Home Page: 05/08 127 to co U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 11 1 STANDARD row 5ASE «w 5< a < Kir, i ran Mil TSH, ran TIN a* TH T35 PA *U '"M LIME M3C I < o ft •* »e LAND DESCRIPTION DIAGRAM N Diagram showing division of tract into Townships 60 seconds equal one minute £0 minutes equal one degree 90 degrees in a. right angle 360 degrees in a circle 36 t 12 13 24 25 36 1 31 6 7 IS 19 30 31 6 32- S B 17 20 29 32 3 33 4 9 16 21 26 33 4 s* 3 10 IS 22 27. 34 3 35 2 II 14 23 26 33 •2 36 1 12 13 24 25 35 ' 31 6 7 IS 19 30 31 6 Sectional map of Township showing adjoining Sections I > W . J ^s^. I I I » I SECIO -J- 4CI0O C BHOAONISS ti«0 FEET NW'/4 t«0 ACRES cutr 1320 rr. NWV4 SVVV4 40 ACRES SW Vi SW tfo 40 ACHES 4-40 YARDS ao CHAIKS ma NEV4SWV4 • 40 ACRES SE V4 SW Vt 40 ACRES 80 RODS 20 CHAINS WS O'/Z A CNREES V 4 '"'•SOFT WVz NWlfc SEU* 20 ACS 0CHWNS » .CftU afc ACS astf aW ACS ICK3 SSOFT. EVS NW-Hl SEKi 20 ACS 40 RODS a no-l «!4 • CO n. eoiicos EVi HE V4 eo ACRES O20 Ft. N Vz NE W SE ft 20 ACRES SlfcNEV* SEUt 20 ACRES. •0R0OS SI won. 10 CrUM .1* won tOROOS Table of Land Measurements LINEAR MEASURE 1 Inch- 7.92 inches = 12 inches- 1 vara" 2 3/4 feet- 3fcct= ZSlinks- 2Slinks= 100 Units = 16"/3feet= 5Vi yards = 4rods — 66 feet = 80 chains » 320 rods - 8000 links- 5280 feet - 1760 yards - .0833 ft. llink lfoot 33 inches 1 vara lyard 16% feet Irod 1 chain l'rod lrod 100 links - 1 chain lmile lmile lmile lmile 1 mile SQUARE MEASURE 144 sq. in. - 1 sq. foot 9 sq. feet - 1 sq. yard 3014 sq. yds. « 1 sq. rod 16 sq. rods — 1 sq. chain lsq.rod = 272% sq.ft. 1 sq. ch.» 4356 sq. ft. 10 sq. chs, = 1 acre 160 sq. rods = 1 acre 4840 sq. yds.« lacre 43560 sq. ft. = 1 acre 640 acres - 1 sq. mile lsq.mile- 1 section 36 sq. miles- lTwp. 6mikssq. = lTwp. 1 sq. mi.=2.59 sq. Idlm An Acre is: 43,560 sq. feet. 165 feet x 264 feet 198 feet x 220 feet 660 feet x 66 feet 160 square rods. 208s 8" square. or auy rectangular tract, the product of the leagth and width of which totals 43,560 sq. ft I s § 09 C 5 5 tt *1 K> O O Diagram illustrating division of Frac­tional Section into Government Lots o ( J u Journeys -Through Jackson Summer-2009 A r c h i b a l d N e l s o n P r i c e F a m i l y C o n t i n u ed [ED. In this issue, we continue the Price family as submitted by JCGS member Barbara Shelton Smith.] 1.8 Pleasant Napoleon "Pole" 'PRICE ®43 Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: Marriage Date: Marriage Place: Children: C 27Junl871*®161 Jackson Co., NC ®161 27 Feb 1936 ®161 River Township, Jackson Co., NC ®161 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co. NC®1 Elizabeth "Lizzie" HOOPER ®43 6 Jul 1863 ®1 Jackson Co., NC ®217 23 Feb 1929 ®1 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC William Burke HOOPER ®214 (1822-1887) Susan Emmalissa SLATTON ®214 (1832-1889) 27 May 1894 ®3 Cullowhee, Jackson Co., NC ®3 Charles Nelson PRICE Sophia Sue PRICE Essie PRICE Lettle Lavinia PRICE John Booth PRICE 1.8.1 Charles Nelson PRICE ®162 Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: Marriage Date: Marriage Placer: Children: 9 Jun 1893 ®162 Jackson Co., NC ®162 18 Nov 1963 ®162 at home, Sylva, Jackson Co., NC ®162 Fairview Memorial Gardens, Jackson Co. NC®1 C Brittle Lee HOOPER ®162 9 Jun 1903 ®1 7 Feb 1981 ®1 Fairview Memorial Gardens, Jackson Co., NC ®1 John Ansel HOOPER ®22 (1860-1946) Mary A. WIKE ®1 (1865-1918) 2 Dec 1919 ®217 Jacksoti Co., NC ®217 Hooper D. PRICE Geraldine PRICE Johnnie Elizabeth PRICE Peggy PRICE (Infant son) (Stillborn) PRICE 129 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 1.8.2 Sophia Sue PRICE ^J Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: Marriage Date: Children: 11 May 1895 ®43 Jackson Co., North Carolina ®43 16 Dec 1948 ®43 Tuckaseigee, River Twshp., Jackson Co., NC ®43 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 James Thomas SMITH 24 Jul 1878 ®416 Wolf Mountain, Jackson Co., NC ®416 10 Dec 1960 ®2 Aston Park Hospital, Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC ®2 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 John Hamilton "Hamp" SMITH ®143 (1856-1936) Francis M. WOOD ® 1 (1851-1939) 6 Jan 1920 Belinda Price SMITH James Thomas SMITH Frances Elizabeth SMITH Billy Eugene SMITH Charles Everett SMITH Mary Joyce SMITH Jack Hale SMITH 1.8.3 Essie PRICE ®35 ^y Birth Date: 15 Jan 1897 ®217 Birth Place: Jackson County, NC ®35 Death Date: 1 Aug 1989 ®35 Death Place: C.J. Harris Hospital, Sylva, Jackson Co., NC ®35 Burial Place: Fairview Memorial Gardens, Jackson Co., NC ®1 Spouse: Elbert Pearson DAVIS ®35 Birth Date: 9 Jul 1893 ®416 Birth Place: Almond, Swain Co., NC ®416 Death Date: 10 Feb 1970 ®415 Death Place: Tuckasegee, Jackson Co., NC ®415 Burial Place: Fairview Memorial Gardens, Jackson Co., NC ®1 1.8.4 Lettie Lavinia PRICE ®13 Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: 8 Sep 1899 ®1 Jackson Co., NC ®13 15 Sep 1974 ®1 East LaPorte Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 James Edward "Jim Edd" NORTON Jr. ®13 20 Oct 1898 ®7 , East LaPorte, Jackson Co., NC ®7 25 Jan 1953 ®7 Sylva, Jackson Co., NC ®7 130 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: East LaPorte Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 James Edward NORTON ®7 (1859-1944) Sallie P. DAVIS ®7 (1858-1933) 1.8.5 John Booth PRICE ®13 Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: Children: 25 May 1901 ®1 Jackson Co., NC 23 Jun 1930 ®1 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 Callie Dillie MOSES ®163 16 May 1905 ®1 Tuckaseigee, Jackson Co., NC ®163 4Mar'l933®163 ' C.J.Harris Hospital, Sylva, Jackson Co., f\C ®163 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 Oliver Dodcery MOSES ®163 (1875-1960) Isabella PARKER ®163 (1875-1928) Robert (Stillborn) PRICE Margaret (Stillborn) PRICE Mary Jane PRICE 1.9 Joseph Oscar ®22 PRICE ®1 Birth Date: Death Date: Burial Place: 23 Aug 1873 ®1 26 Jul 1903 ®1 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 1.10 Wylie Elden PRICE ®20 Birth Date: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Death Date: Burial Place: Spouse Father: Spouse Mother: Marriage Date: Marriage Place: Children: 7 Oct 1875 ®1 10 Sep 1903 ®1 Tuckaseigee Baptist Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 Victoria SLATTON ®217 6 Jun 1876 ®1 25 Oct 1915 ®1 Hamburg Cemetery, Jackson Co., NC ®1 Richard Dyre Tally SLATTON ®214 (1846-1935) Sarah Jane HOOPER ®214 (1851-1893) 26 May 1899 ®3 River Township, Jackson Co., NC ®3 Hazel D. Verna V. PRICE PRICE 1.10.1 Hazel D. PRICE ®22 Birth Date: Jan 1900 ®22 131 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 1.10.2 Verna V. PRICE ®22 Birth Date: About 1903 ®22 1.11 Albert Clarence PRICE ®20 ^J Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Birth Place: Death Date: Death Place: Marriage Date: Children: 13 Aug 1877 ®6 Jackson Co., NC ®160 Sep 1966 ®6 Lake Toxaway, Transylvania Co., NC ®6 Pisgah Gardens, Brevard, Transylvania Co., NC ®20 Minnie CHASTAIN ®21 10 Apr 1888 ®447 Jackson Co., NC ®160 16 Jan 1981 ®447 Brevard, Transylvania Co., NC ®6 1910 ®22 Polly Anne PRICE Pearl Elizabeth PRICE William Holmes PRICE John Nelson PRICE Amanda Marie PRICE Reba Lee PRICE Albert Clarence "A. C." PRICE ^y 1.11.1 Polly Anne PRICE ®21 Birth Date: Birth Place: Spouse: Birth Date: Marriage Date: 19 Mar 1911 ®21 Tuckaseigee, Jackson Co., NC ®21 Loren J. KITCHEN ®22 About 1901 ®22 About 1930 ®22 1.11.2a Pearl Elizabeth PRICE ®160* Birth Date: 16 Jan 1913 ®160 Birth Place: Tuckaseigee, Jackson Co., NC ®160 Death Date: 6 Feb 2004 ®452 Death Place: Brevard Hospital, Transylvania Co., NC ®452 Burial Place: Pisgah Gardens, Transylvania Co., NC ®452 Spouse #1: Glenville McCLELLAN ®452 Death Date: 1944 ®452 Spouse #2: L. T. ®452 McCLELLAN ®232 Death Date: 1966 ®452 ^J 132 Journeys Tlirough Jackson Summer 2009 <W H a r o l d E n s l e y S h a r e s F a m i l y P h o t o g r a p h s [Ed. The following are pictures in the collection of JCGS member Harold Ensley. Harold descends from both the Jackson and Buncombe Ensley families, along with the Blanton, Mills, Shuler, Watson, Norman, and Hooper families.] In younger days, we were fascinated with railway "pump" cars. Above we have one of these, with Harold's grandfather, Euler Ensley, at the right. The other two men are not identified, but all were probably Blackwood employees at the time. Below, Margaret Fisher Henson, daughter of James and Mary Gillon Fisher and wife of Bartlett Henson. <W 133 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 ^J Above, some of Harold's "greats." At the top left, Harold's great - grandfather John Ensley, son of "Buncombe John" Ensley and Jane Ensley Ensley. He is shown with his sister Fannie Carolina. At top right, on the right, Harold's great - great grandfather James Norman, with son Bob. Above, Harold's great - great grandmother Liz Wise. 134 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 < ^ <w <w This fabulous 5-generations picture shows Eliza Hice Shuler, her daughter - in - law Mary Brown Shuler, granddaughter Rachel Ellen Shuler Henson, great - granddaughter Cora Henson Dills, and great - great granddaughter Willa Mae Dills (Scroggs). 135 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 Above, Harold's great - grandfather Monroe Mills, holding daughter Sue, and with Spurgeon, Martha and Ellen standing in the background. To the right is Monroe Mills' second wife, Crecie (Lucretia) Ensley, daughter of William Hamilton "Teant" Ensley and his first wife Ingabo Dills. "Crecie" is holding Rachel. Below, another Blackwood picture, with Euler Ensley third from the right. ^J ^y KJ 136 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 I t e m s F r o m t h e S c r a p b o o k o f M r s . A . D . P a r k e r L , [Ed. The items on the next three pages are taken from the scrapbook of Mrs. A.D. Parker. Mrs. Parker was, before her marriage, Birdie Shelton. The loose pages of the scrapbook, along with some other papers, were donated to the Society by JCGS member Frances Bryson Hyatt.] Above, A.D. Parker's discharge from the military. Parker was one of six children of Jefferson Davis Parker and his wife Ellen Painter Parker. 137 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 h W. P. KomoN \ J LAW orrtGtcm Jam. 6th, 1930. Mr. A.D. Parker, Sylva-, H.C. Uy Dear Parker:- I presume you will be auprised whan you receive thir letter. I Hare planned to write you several tine* and something happened to prevent It each time. 1 «as Just thinking the other nsght vt our association togather at the University, *nd to be frank, at no time within the five years that hae elapaed since we parted at Durhyjii' hare 1 net a aan whose association was ae pfceaeent ttnd'o^Si^rut-and helpful to me ae thai! Sf yoUrs maug" the day*.'when we were working for the e*W coal. I oertalnly hope that fortune has sailed upon', you in' the years that have passed, and that the coaming new year may brine to you happiness and prosperity. I hare been rary successful althe the road ham been hard most of the way. I presume that you know that I was in the State Senate at the last session. I had a hard fight in tho primary but I won by a big Majority. Z have learned through the school of experianoe that when it is naoesaary to fight in order to win-go to it. I often wish that I might sometlne run up with you again. If ever you oome this way and don't eome over to see ae I shall believe that you have committed the unpardonable sin. With highest personal regards, I aa WPB/8. Sincerely yours, Above, a letter from a friend from law school. W.P. Horton later became Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. ^y ^J 138 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 y- C o m m e n c e m e n t P l ay " D I A M O N D S A N D H E A R T S " SATURDAY, APRIL 23 CAST OF CHARACTERS Bernice- Halstead „, , — Virginia Cannon Amy Halstead .._.., Ruby Edwards. Inez Gray.._., _T .Wenonah Aakey Dr. Burft>ft.„T„ _, John Parris Mrs. Halstead ,T ,__i,.__Jr_,_.-_—__.Irene Morris Dwight Bradley , ,- Alvin Satton Hannah Barnes Lucy Conley Abraham. Barnes James Moody Sammy.. , * , , Lyndon McKee Attorney.., _,_ *_...„_......*..,-Bnrc"h Allison Sheriff . Gordon Hardin SYNOPSIS ACT I. Living Room of the Halstead home. A day in .summer. ACT It. Scene t. Kitchen in the Barnes farmhouse. 4 months, later. Scene H. The same. Two weeks later. ACT III, The same as Act L. One month later. Pirtctti ty UBS. CHESTER SCOTT ' TOM THUMB WEDDING Presented by Pupils fron. The Elementary School Db*ct*d hi UtSSBS LONG. SQUTHERLANB. JONES *< y The program class of 1932. above: We see s dated only by day and month. seVeral familiar names. This was, however, the Sylva Central 139 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 O n e T h i n g a n d A n o t h e r [Ed. Our potpourri of small (but important) genealogical treasures, discoveries, humor, and nonsense) Item 1.. . T h e Will of John West I, John West, of the county of Macon and state of North Carolina... 1s t That my executors hereinafter mentioned shall provide for my body a decent burial...and pay all funeral expenses, together with my just debts... 2nd I give and divise to my beloved wife Elizabeth all the land on the south side of Cowee Creek whereupon I now live as to include my mansion house and all out houses and other Negro man named Negro woman named Sucky 3r d I give and bequeath to my eldest son Thomas one Negro boy named J e r r y . . . advancements made by me 4th to my second eldest son Daniel all t h e land on the n o r t h side of Jakesfield Branch forty acres more or less...advancements 5th to my t h i rd son John one Negro man named Daniel...advancements 6th to fourth son William all this tract of land whereon I now live...Negro woman Harriett and her younger child 7th to wife third of the crop 8t h to eldest daughter R u t h Pilkerton...50 acres lying on Alarka Creek...Negro boy named Jim...cow and calf...advancements 9th to daughter Elizabeth McCoy...Negro man named Oliver...cow and calf... advancements 10 to daughter Sarah Garrett...Negro boy named Jacob...Negro woman named Nanc... advancements 11th to daughter J a n e Upton...Negro woman named Tamer...advancements 12th to daughter Runy...onc Negro woman named Adeline and her child John cow and bed and horse beast 13*11 to daughter P h e e b e c . o n e Negro woman named Piggy also Negro named Roxanna...mare...cow and 14th to granddaughter Mary Catherine daughter of Julius and Mary Garrett one Negro boy named bed, furniture one cow and calf 17* my granddaughter Mary Catherine Garrett.. .will not be of full age until 25 Nov 1864...Wm West guardian 18th Wm West and Daniel West executors... 10th of J a n u a r y 1849 /s/ J.K. Gray John West (his mark) /s/Alfred Hall (Submitted by JCGS member Rick Frizzell, whose wife, Freddie Spencer Frizzell, is a direct descendant of J a n e West Upton above.) u ^y 140 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 O n e T h i n g a n d A n o t h e r Item 2...Thaddens D. Bryson application for pardon His Excellency Andrew Johnston (sic) President of the United States The petition of Thad D. Bryson of Jackson County North Carolina age thirty five years by occupation a farmer At the beginning of the rebellion he was elected Captain 'of an infantry company and went into the service of the so called Confederate States- and continued therein for twelve months...the greater part of the time at Grahamville South Carolina. At the Expiration of one year he resigned and returned to his residence in Jackson County North Carolina Some time after that he became tithing agent for the Confederate States. Your petitioner makes application under that Clause of the President's Amnesty proclamation relating to civil officers of the so called Confederate States Your petitioner has taken the oath of amnesty as prescribed by the President's proclamation of May 29th 1865 as is hereto annexed and desires and intends to observe and keep the same inviolate Your petitioner makes this application that he may obtain pardon by your excellency and thereby be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a .Citizen of the United States [Ed. This document was submitted by JCGS member Ruth C. Shuler, a 2nd "great - niece of Thaddeus Bryson, who signed this oath 25 Aug 1865. Governor Holden "respectfully recommended" pardon. Bryson is the man for whom the town of Bryson City is named. He was a son of Daniel and Artie Dillard Bryson. (We might as well go ahead and saw this log one more time. We have seen no documentary evidence that Artemesia Dillard Bryson's middle given name was Virginia. Should verifiable evidence of this name ever be forthcoming, we will accept it.)] Item 3...The Balsam Secession Movement "A large group of citizens at Balsam are attempting to seceed (sic) from Jackson County and get themselves annexed to Haywood, according to a petition sent to Senator Chester Cogburn, by John T. Jones, of Balsam and signed by approximately 200 citizens of Scotts Creek precinct No. 3 "Neither the representative from Jackson nor from Haywood has received a copy of the petition, nor have they received any letters regarding it. The petition follows: Hon. Chester A. Cogburn Raleigh, N.C. 141 Journeys Through Jackson Summer 2009 O n e T h i n g a n d A n o t h e r U "We, the undersigned, tax-payers and Legal voters of Precinct No. 3, in Scott's Creek Township, Jackson County, do hereby petition you that you cause to be passed such laws as may be necessary to have Precinct No. 3 annexed to Haywood county, North Carolina. We are much nearer to Waynesville than we are to Sylva, and do most of our trading and other business in Waynesville than Sylva." [Ed. The names are then published. Dan Tompkins wrote the above piece, and it ran in a 1939 issue of The Jackson County Journal. John T. Jones was the maternal grandfather of new JCGS member Jackie McDonald, and we can see on the partial list of the petitioners a number of persons who are related to many JCGS members. The petition failed.] Item 4...R.O.'s log cabin.. "A log cabin sold as surplus property by Western Carolina University's Mountain Heritage Center wfll be put to new use in a Tennessee museum that depicts the life of the legendary statesman Sequoyah. "The Sequoyah Birthplace Museum in Vonore, Tenn., submitted the winning bid...when the cabin was auctioned online this spring through the state of North Carolina's surplus property office. "Owned by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Sequoyah museum promotes the history and culture of the Cherokees in eastern Tennessee, particularly the life and contributions of Sequoyah, who created the Cherokee syllabary. "Handmade by master craftsman R.O. Wilson of Cullowhee, the 12-by-16 foot 1983 to serve as one component of the center's Scotch-Irish exhibit..." [Ed. The above is excerpted from an article by Randall Holcombe, printed in The Reporter, a publication for staff of Western Carolina University. Used by permission. R.O. Wilson is of course one of our JCGS members.] ^y M o r e I t e m s f o r S a l e b y J C G S Item Local Price Shipped (NC) Shipped (out of state) Swain County Delayed Births* Graham County Delayed Births* Macon County Delayed Births* Swain County Death Records, Vol I* Swain County Death Records, Vol II* Jackson County Death Records Out-of- County 1976 - 2004* $21.20 $21.20 $21.20 $21.20 $21.20 $21.20 $23.50 $23.50 $23.50 $23.50 $23.50 $23.50 $22.16 $22.16 $22.16 $22.16 $22.16 $22.16 * Books by Merrell Jenkins Riddle The first two columns reflect North Carolina sales taxes Ky 142 I n d e x f o r JTJ, V o l . X I X , N o . I l l Adams 113 Alexander 111, 113 Allen 113,123 Allison 105, 111, 113,139 Ammons 112,114 Anderson 111 Andrews 119,123 Anthony 107 Arrington 99,107 Ashe 113 Askey 139 Bailey 112 Baldwin 119 Bales 119,122 Ball 125 Ballard 112 , Barker 99,102,113 Barnes 139 Barron 111 Beck 105,107,114 Bilger 113 Birdsong 121 Bishop 105,109, 110 Blaine 111 Blanton 133 Bourne 112 Bradley 105 Bradsbaw 107 Brody 113 Brown 105,106, 111,112,113,135 Bryant 120 Brycelll Bryson 105, 111, 114,137,141 Buchanan 101,105, 111,112,113 Buell 119,122 Bulgin 120 Bumgarner 112 Burgin 101 Cabe 111 Cagle 98 Cain 114 Camp 114 Canary 109 Cannon 112,139 Carson 107 Carver 111 Cathey 107 Champlin 112 Chastain 132 Childers 111 Cogburn 141 Coleman 112 CoIganll2 Conley 139 Constant 124 Cook 104,107 Cooper 115,118 Cope 111, 119 Corbin 113 Cotterman 113 Cowan 105,112, 113 Coward 112,113 Cox 104 Crawford 105,107, 111,113,114 Crockran 121 Culpll3 Curran 112,122" Davenport 111 Daves 105 Davis 97, 105,107, 112,119,130,131 Day 112 Dean 105 Deitz 97,105,107, 111 Dendy 107 Denson 121 Deweese 123 Dillard 107,141 01115 105,109,110, 115,116.117,118, 135,136 Dixon 111 Dolliverll7 Donnaldson 121, 123 Dorsey 111 Drinnon 113 Duckett 105 Duncan 111 Dunwoody 112 Edwards 139 Eldridge 112 Endzelllll English 112 Ensley 104,112, 133,134,136 Etheridge 118 Ethridge 116 Fell 113 Fellabaum 122 Fincannon 111 Fisher 111, 113, 133 Fletcher 117 Flintom 105 Ford 116 Fox 112 Franklin 112 Franks 105 Freeman 105, .110 Frizzell 106,112, 140 Fullbright 113 Fulweiler 120 Galloway 105 Garland 111 Garren 114 Garrett 140 Gibson 125 Gillon 133 Goering 106 Goodbaif113, Graham 123 Gray 121,123 Green 105,107, 112 Greene 105, 111 Grindstaffl07 Groblinskill3 Guerness 105 Hall 114,119 Hardin 139 Harris 104,109, 113,115 Hartyll3 Hawkins 114 Headenll2 Henry 120,122 Henson 105,112, 133,135 Hice 135 Hickman 112 Higdon 109; 110, 112 Hoglen 107 Holcombe 142 Holden 107, 111, 141 Hollingsworth 112 Hooper 99,105, 106,111,113,129, 131,133 Hopkins 105, 111 Horton 138 Howe 119 Howell 105, 111 Hoxit 105 Hoyle 113 Hughes 113,120" Humphrey 117 Hurst 112 Hyatt 105,111,137 Jakaitis 113- Jenkins 114,142 Johnson 111 Jones 109,112, 113,115,117,118, 139,141 Keener 111 Kitchen 132 Kotila 112 Kudirkall3 Lane 112 Mettle 98 Link 122 Lipscomb 121 Lockleer 112 London 108 Long 107, 111, 112,119,122,139 Love 105 Lovedahl112 Mdssengale 107 Mathis 111 Maturo 112 May 112 McCall 111 McClellan 132 McCoy 140 McDonald 142 McDowell 120 McGhee 105 McGinnis 112 143 McGrath 122 McJunkin 120 McKee 139 McPhayden 112 McRaell4 Melrose 112 Meyer 112 Miller 113,121 Mills HI, 133,136 Monteith 98,102, 105,114 Moody 97, 111, 112,114,139 Moore 105 MoranU2 Morris 139 Moses 131 Moss 101 Mull 111 Myers 105 Nelson 114 Nicholson 105, 111 Nolan 113 Norman 107,133, 134 Norton 105,130, 131 Nuccill9 O'connor 112 Origgaitas 113 Owen 105,107, 123 Painter 101,105, 112,113,114,137 Palma 125 Parker 105,107, 113,131,137,138, Parris 112,113, 115,139 Patterson 111 Peckhamll2 Penland 120 Penny 111 Phillips 98,105, 108,112 Pickens 106 Picklesimer 111 Pilkerton 140 Plantell4 Plume 116 Porter 113 Potts 105,107 Pressley 113 Price 129,130,132 Queen 106,107, 111 Ramsey 111 Raymond 109,110 Reed 111, 113 Rehm112 Reynolds 105,121, 123 Riddle 114,142 Right 112 Risch 119,120, 121,122,123,124 Robinson 111 Rochester 108 Rogers 105,107, 113 Roles 125 Rosenbaum 124 Ross 111 Rush 119,120,121, 122,123 Rymer 112 Sarksll3 Sarno 112 Scott 112 Scroggs 135 Scruggs 113,116 Sears 114 Shafmerll4 Shelton 105,107, 111,114,124,129, 137 Shores 112 Shular 112 Shuler 114,115, 133,135,141 Siniardlll Slagle 120 Slatton 114,129, 131 Slenkardll2 Smathers 113 Smith 111, 113, 114,129,130 Snow 107 Solesbee 107 Southerland 139 Spencer 140 Stanbery 107 Stephens 105 Stillwell 105 Stratton 112 Streeter 122 Styles 109,110 Summers 119 Sutton 97,113,139 Swanson 120,123, 124 Swink 114 Tardifll9 Tarkington 119 Taylor 119,122, 123 Tharp 122 Tileston 119,122 Tompkins 142 Towe 121 Turner 117 Untzlll Upton 140 Vance 122 Walker 111 Ware 124 Washington 114 Watkinslll Watson 105,112, 133 Weals 114 Weems 122 Welch 110 West 140 White 123,124 Whitlock 121,122 Wike 105,111,129 Wilde 112 Williams 111, 112, 113 Williamson 111 Wilson 105, 111, 112,113,121,142 Wise 134 Womack 108 Wood 106,112, 130 Woods 105 Worley 105 York 101,113 Young 107 Youngdeer 108 Ky ^y 144 c MEMBERSHIP C Membership in the Jackson County Genealogical Society is open to all individuals who apply and pay dues. Membership is based on the calendar year and dues are paid in advance. Members joining late in the year will receive back issues of the society's journal for that year. Annual dues are $20 for individuals and $25 for family memberships. Individual lifetime memberships are available based on age: 16-29 $350 60-69 $150 30-39 300 70-79 100 40-49 2S0 80+ 50 50-59 200 A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M E M B E R S H IP New Renewal Life Amount Paid Name Address City Phone State Zip Code E - mail address Families or Areas of Interest Make check payable to JCGS, Inc., and mail to: P. O. Box 2108, Cullowhee NC 28723 <y JCGS, Inc. P.O. B o x 2108 Cullowhee, N C 28723 h t t p : / / w w w . j c n c g s . c o m / (Offices at 42 Asheville Highway, Suite 2, Sylva) (Telephone 828 - 631 - 2646) ^y ^y