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Journeys Through Jackson 1992 Vol.02 No.11

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • ^ L , J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h J a c f ^ s o n c The Official Journal of the Jackson County QenealogicalSociety, Inc. Vol 11, 9to. 11 9tovem6er, 1992 President*• Message Thanksgiving is near, and as our thoughts turn to that national day of gratitude, I am reminded that every day there are things to be thankful for— among them, good friends, willing workers, people dedicated to getting the job done. You, the members of JCGS, exemplify these attributes, and I am grateful for each of you who has helped in any way to advance the cause of our genealogical society. I want to list some of the ways you have helped: increasing our membership by telling others about JCGS, helping to locate meeting places for our group, submitting materials for publication in Journeys, providing refreshments, calling to remind about meetings, obtaining documents, photographs, and other items for the Society's files, and constant encouragement and support. Then, there is the incredible job you have done on Jackson County Heritage, Volume I. We have received notes, phone calls, letters, etc., thanking us for making available this book on Jackson County families. I hope all the local members read the letter in the Sylva Herald from Mr. L. W. Allen. At this time mora than half of the consignment books received have been sold; if sales continue at the present rate, all the books will be gone before Christmas. The response has been just wonderful, and it is truly gratifying to have been a part of this project. Anyone who wishes to obtain a copy of the book should do so at once; cost is $50, plus $3.50 postage and handling if shipment is desired. Too, thanks are due for the materials submitted to be published in Journeys. You will notice that this issue is made up of articles submitted by members. We encourage you to continue to send Bible records, obituaries, articles from newspapers, cemetery censuses, or other information you think would be of interest to the membership. Perhaps you have done research on a family story that you would like to see published. The December issue will be the index for Volume II of Journeys and the list of members, but material is needed for the January issue. Please respond in your usual good fashion. Calendar December 10, 7t00 p.m., the annual meeting of the Society will be held at St. John's. Our constitution requires that an annual meeting be held for reports of the officers, the election of new officers, and the installation of those newly elected persons. We look forward to seeing all members who can possibly attend. Looking ahead: Society meetings will be held on January 14, February 11, March 11, and April 8. Mark your new calendar now for these dates and attend the meetings to support your new officers. * * * * * * * * We are somewhat belated in extending good wishes to our member Teresa Johnson, who was married to Danny Orr some weeks ago. Also, our sympathy is expressed to member Clyde Allison, who lost his mother a few days ago. We would like to have news items from members to publish in Journeys as a way of sharing with each other. We especially would like to hear from members who live outside Jackson County. All correspondence may be sent to the Society's address: P. 0. Box 2108, Cullowhee NC 28723. J ^> u o <s Table of Contents Obituary and Resolution of Respect for the Rev. Charles S. Buchanan . . . 103 Items of Genealogical Interest in the Tuckaseigee Democrat. 1892 . . 104-105 Eulogy of Sheriff William Allen Henson 106 Civil War Letters of John J. Buchanan 107 Jackson County Names in Hamilton, Washington, Cemetery 108-109 Dills Cemetery and Queen Cemetery 109 Lineage Charts for Beau Allan Hudgins 110-112 Queries 112 Obituary and Resolution of Respect for ths RSJT. Char las 8. Buchanan (This obituary, taken from the Old Savannah Baptist Church records, is submitted for publication by Chip Buchanan, great-great-great-grandson of Rev. Buchanan.) After a brief illness God in his infinite wisdom called his servant, Rev. Chas. S. Buchanan, from his earthly labors to receive his reward. Bro. Buchanan was born February 4, 1826, and was married to Minervia Green in 1848. To this union were borned twelve children, eight of whom are living, ninety-three grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. This couple lived a peaceful Christian life bearing their trials and difficulties with patience until the death angel called the loving wife to the great beyond where there is no trouble November 1909. Uncle Charles joined the Old Savannah Baptist Church Sept. 13, 1845. He was ordained to the ministry June 10, 1877, and laid aside these earthly cares, took up heavenly bliss May 31, 1911. Rev. T. F. Deitz conducted the burial services. Whereas it has so pleased our kind Heavenly Father to remove from our midst this, our brother, Therefore be it resolved 1st, that while we bow in humble submission to the will of our Creator, we do not the less mourn the loss of our brother. 2nd, That our church has sustained an irreparable loss in the death of one of its most loyal members and capable advisers, the Sunday School a faithful worker, and the community a true and good citizen. 3rd, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family of the deceased and commend them to the Heavenly Father. 4th, That a' copy of these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Church and copies sent to the Jackson County Journal and to the Biblical Recorder for publication. Lula Ashe, W. C. Cagle, and R. W. Green, Committee Chip writes: "I got my copy of the obituary from Violet Melton (C. S. Buchanan's great-granddaughter who lives in Savannah Community today). But later when I got a copy of the Old Savannah Baptist Church records I found that this obituary is from that record. I read the church records word for word from the beginning of the church till about 1900 and this is far and away more impressive and informative than any other obituary in that time frame." 92-103 Items of Genealogical Interest in the Tuckaseigee Democrat January-May, 1892 (published on Wednesdays) January 6: A colored child, daughter of Adeline Gaither, having been left at home with only other small children last Thursday evening, caught fire and was so badly burned she died during the night. Horrible disaster...a train wreck on the next trestle below Dark Ridge on January 5 killed Engineer Sam France and Brakeman Rufe Hemphill instantly, Fireman Bud Arthur died shortly, and Brakeman Dan Hunsucker was seriously hurt. Marriedt At the home of the bride's mother near Addie station on December 24, 1891, by Esq. R. R. Fisher, Miss Laura, daughter of Rev. William Henson, deceased, to Dillard L. Bryson....At the residence of Baxter Hooper, brother of the bride, on Tuesday morning, December 28, 1891, by Esq. E. F. Brown, Miss Docia Hooper, the popular postmistress at Tuckaseegee, to James Ledford, all of Jackson County. Diadt In Dillsboro on the morning of December 29, Miss R. Leuna (?), daughter of Samuel and Sarah Brittain, aged 29 yrs. 6 mo. 23 days. January 13: Marriedt In Sylva, on Sunday, January 10, at the home of the groom's father, Miss Cogdill of Swain Co. to Mr. Will Farley, A. M. Parker, Esq., officiating... .Near Sylva, by Rev. W. Ensley, at the residence of the bride's father, Miss Mary Monteith to Mr. Sherman Davis. Died I in Dillsboro on January 15 at 2:00 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Margaret M. Potts, nearly 77 years old. January 27: Miss Maggie Sitton and Mr. Walter Cope ware married Sunday (January 24) H. P. Brendle, Esq., officiating. Mr. R. T. Watts died at his home in Webster yesterday of pneumonia. In Caldwell County last Saturday (January 23) a romantic wedding took place. Rev. T. C. Buchanan, principal of a flourishing academy, and Miss Greene, a beautiful Mitchell County girl who had lately become a student, were the contracting parties. They had been acquainted only ten days. (State Chronicle) Formal obituary for Mrs. Margaret B. Potts, died January 15, 1892, aged 76 yrs., 21 days. She married F. W. Potts April 9, 1840. She had been a widow almost 33 years. She had eight children, all surviving her except two. February 3: Mr. W. D. Hooper, who recently moved from this community to the fork of the river, died last Thursday night (January 28). The rapidity with which the democrat population of Sylva is increasing was almost sufficient to take away the breath of Mr. J. R. Frizzell when he was informed last Friday night that his wife had presented him with twin boys. February 10: Mr. Allen G. Vaughn, a well-known citizen of Murphy, died suddenly at his home Monday, February 1. The Mountain Eagle of Highlands records the marriage of Henry Stewart, Jr., to a young lady of Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Joseph Baum announced the opening of his branch office and shop to furnish monuments and headstones. February 17: Account of the wedding of Miss Nettie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moore of Asheville, and Plato Lee Bostic on February 10, 1892. February 24: One of the infant twin children of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Frizzell died Saturday night. Mrs. Franklin, the widow of Thomas Franklin, recently deceased, was burned to death near Dillsboro a few days ago, her clothing taking fire while she was engaged in burning brush. ^y \ y u 92-104 c u Departed this life February 9, 1892, Mrs. Mary Dills, wife of Mr. Philip Dills of Jackson County and mother of The Hon. W. A. Dills of Dillsboro...born Burke County September 26, 1806, married November 15, 1828. March 9: Account of the marriage of Miss Frances M. Baum to William Perry of Asheville, in Rings Park, New York, on Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curtis, Mrs. Curtis being a sister of the bride. March 16: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper of Wilmot died last Friday. John Stanford, who claimed to have been a soldier in the Mexican War, is dead. Old Uncle Alfred Zachary will be laid away today until the morning of the Resurrection. He bade adieu to the world Thursday night, March 10, 1892. Old Maj. Bryson is very feeble but is anxious to get near the old graveyard- March 23: Fatal accident. John Bailey was killed and Dan Clayton had his shoulder dislocated in a train accident last Thursday morning. April 6: Fred M. Tompkins, formerly of this place, died last Friday night of consumption (April 1). April 13: Rev. William Franklin died at Murphy last Friday night (April 1). The remains were buried there. at Mr. Warren's comprise the additions to Sylva population during the last week. April 27: Mr. M. M. Brown, formerly county surveyor, died at his home near Tuckaseegee a few days ago. List of delegates to the State convention at Raleigh May 18: C. C. Cowan, W. F. Moore, W. A. Dills, L. J. Smith, D. L. Love, S. W. Cooper, S. H. Bryson, J. B. Young, J. E. McLain, J. W. Fisher, E. R. Hampton, F. A. Luck, Sr. Alternates: W. H. H. Hughes, F. H. Leatherwood, J. W. Terrell, M. R. Phillips, C. B. Zachary, J. A. Wild, H. P. Brendle, A. J. Long, Jr., J. C. Watkins, W. R. Cowan. May 4: Logan Ward, who lived near the mouth of Dicks Creek, was found dead in his bed Saturday morning (April 30). May 11: We learned from the Atlanta Journal that Bushyhead, an Indian preacher in attendance at the Southern Baptist Convention, died in Atlanta last Tuesday and was buried in a colored cemetery. He died of pneumonia and the Journal says his friends have not been notified of his death. May 18: Mrs. Bettie Hunnicutt, wife of Thomas Hunnicutt and daughter of the late Mrs. Monday, died at her home on Trout Creek last Friday and was buried at Webster. ( ^ April 20: R. A. Painter, Esq. and Miss Sallie Watson were married last Sunday evening, 'Squire J. A. Wild officiating. 'Squire Watkins of Dillsboro rejoiceth greatly at the arrival at his house of what he declares is another Cleveland democrat. A girl at Mr. Woodfin's and a boy 92-105 Eulogy of Shariff William Allen Hanson (William Allan Henson, born 4/2/1864, died 12/9/1910, was Sharif£ of Jackson County for a number of years. The following eulogy, printed in the Jackson County Journal on December 16, 1910, was submitted for publication in "Journeys" by bis granddaughter, Willa Mae Dills Scrogge.) The untimely death of Sheriff William A. Henson was a stroke from which the people of Jackson County will be slow to recover. The county contained no better known or more generally beloved citizen. Be was universally esteemed by all classes and conditions of the population. Happily for our mountain section there is, practically, but one class, but, as Providence would have it there is a considerable per cent of our population who are not possessed of this world's goods, and those were special friends of Sheriff Henson, and were deeply grieved at news of his death. For a citizen to be loved and valued by the poor of the community is one of the surest proofs of his value as a man. Special emphasis is placed upon one phase of Sheriff Henson* s character--that of a good neighbor. To be a good neighbor implies a very great deal. It includes the principle which distinguishes the Christian from the pagan. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." To be a good neighbor, then, a man must love. He must be a man of capacity for his divine element—love. Sheriff Henson was a lovable man. From the time he was a barefoot boy in Sunday School he was anxious to sacrifice something of personal use for the well-being of his neighbors. "These three, faith, hope and charity; but the greatest of these is charity"—love. Sheriff Henson was a man of toil. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." The late Count Tolstoy breathed new life into this divine injunction. This great philosopher and reformer--the greatest of the age--stripped himself of the purple of power, put on the plain garb of the peasant and toiled every day with his hands. He proved that actual, physical toil was necessary to the highest development of character. Sheriff Henson was a hard, steady toiler and contributed his full quota toward the execution of this command. From poverty and obscurity he literally labored himself and his family into material competency leadership. and civil and moral ^^ Sheriff Henson was a perfect gentleman. He was a typical citizen. He was a model Christian. What more could be said by way of favor? From poor orphan boy to the high sheriff of his native county and thence to the beautiful, but laborious, life of the thrifty farmer, and thence by accident to the grave. His career was one of unspoiled honor and respectability. Personally Sheriff Henson was one of the most amiable of men. He was clear-eyed, open countenanced, and cordial without the semblance of affectation. There was no loudness in his make-up. He was plain, pleasant, kindly Sheriff Henson every day in the year. But he has gone where such as he are kings indeed. Rings in the royalty of their welcome and the richness of their reward. Let the young men of Jackson emulate his example and thereby learn that love, industry, and morality are first essentials to good citizenship. James H. Cathey In the Jackson County Journal on June 8, 1906, and reprinted in Historic Webster. Winter 1978, was this announcement from Sheriff Henson: To the Good Citizens of Jackson County: I have served you as sheriff for six years and two years as county commissioner. My record is before the people. If it is the wish of the people to retain me longer you will please give me the sheriff's office this time; as that office suits me better than commissioner. If you do not desire that I serve you any longer I am willing to retire to private life and be one of the humble citizens. Respectfully, W. A. HENSON \ y \ y 92-106 Civil War Lattara of John J. Buchanan ^ ^ ^ John J. Buchanan resided in Jackson County and enlisted at age 26, May 30, 1861, as a private in Co. B., 25th Regiment, N.C. Troops. He was present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Petersburg, Va., July 8, 1864, of "chronic diarrhoea." John Buchanan married Margaret Wilson Buchanan, and they were great-great-grandparents of Irene Bryson McClure, who submitted this material for publication. Four original letters were in the possession of Lydia Cordelia Buchanan Bryson, Irene's mother. On Sept. 1, 1861, John J. wrote to his wife Margaret: "from Camp Clingman, Asheville, N.C, moved to southeast side of Asheville, about three quarters of a mile from town into a pine thicket. Our hard times is now commenst, our officers hear the head officers they now begin to beare down on think it harde times now but we don't no anything about it. We can't leave or cross the garde line without a pass. I have no sure news for sertent it is reported that the Yankies have taken a forte in North Carolina and the Lorde only noes whether I will that time out. I want you to do the best you can take care of your self (be good to them that is good to you and prey for those that are not friends to you are face to...a love allowing for friends and want them all to write to one as soon as possible for I don't no how long we will stay here I must now come to a close write soon and write all the particulars nothing more at present but remain your husband until death good-bye." "In camp, Beauforte District S.C. December the 22nd, 1861 Rinde and Beloved Wife, I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am yet alive and enjoying terrible good health at preset hoping theas times may finde you well and doing well I received your kinde letter last evening bearing date Nov. the twenty ninth. . . . Well Meg I don't no what to write to you to cheer you the moste and satisfy your minde the beste I shal write you nothing but the truth if I no it. We have been throwing up breste works for a weeke it appear that from the appearance that tha are expecting a fight about Christmas. The works is about a mile below here and we have to garde the works day and night as if the thought the Yankies would take it from you. You will please give my beste respects to all my friends and particular those that is good friends." Camp Lee S. C. Jan. 31, 1862 He asks about the health of Margaret and their children. He tells her not to worry about him as he "has graduated in the military school now." He says he is sending something by D. D. Davis such as paper, envelopes and stamps and an overcoat. He is sending a letter to Margaret's father and one to Nathaniel Dietz. He writes his son (Delonas) a letter in answer to one where he had lost his little brother. He told his father he had two pigs in the pen. His father told him to kiss his sister's sweet cheaks and tell her howdy. 92-107 Jackson County Hamas in Hamilton, Washington, Cemetery One of the most interesting migrations in Jackson County history was the movement of so many of our county's residents to the state of Washington. One phase of the out-migration occurred in the 1880's, another just after the turn of the century, and still another in the 1930*s. The reasons for the movement were primarily economic, and the Pacific Northwest offered opportunity which was familiar to Jackson Countians—logging and timber. As younger family members joined older ones, a substantial "Tar Heel" community has existed in most of the towns north of Seattle toward the Canadian border. Hamilton is a Skagit River town east of Sedro-Woolley toward the Cascades. The cemetery census, which makes no attempt to be comprehensive, was completed July 15, 1992, by Jean Brown and Larry Crawford. Known maiden names are shown in parentheses. v ^ Blanton, George Manuel 4/30/1875 - 4/23/1954 Estella Robinson 3/12/1884 - 1/12/1952 Benjamin R. 7/03/1920 - 12/12/1990 Robert F. 2/13/1914 - 7/30/1987 Ensley, Mary Jane 1906 - 1971 Ensley, L. B. (WW II) 6/27/1926 - 11/14/1956 Fisher, Anna Glenora 1913 - 1932 Blanton, Albert H. 1902 - 1988 married 38/13/1921 M. Rachel (Shuler) 1903 - 1989 Brooks, Esta 3/18/1855 - 6/26/1909 Cabe, Joseph 0. 1880 - 1953 John E. 1907 - 1964 Rosa 1885 - 1967 (m. 2 Jones) Frizzell, Alvin L. 5/19/1912 - 10/30/1990 Greene, Narcissa 1858 - 1929 Hooper, William A. 1861 - 1942 Elizabeth 1860 - 1930 Hooper, James W. 1896 - 1938 Carl 7/23/1905 - 12/21/1954 V ^ Claybo, Grady M. 1915 - 1978 Cope, Wm. Dock 1881 - 1971 Jennie C. 1885 - 1975 Clarence E. 1930 - 1981 William C. 8/19/1924 - 11/01/1942 Hoyle, Jetter L. 6/13/1896 - 9/22/1971 m. 10/29/1916 L. Belle (Nicholson) 8/17/1890 - 10/31/1974 Lundy, Dolores 2/13 - 7/17/1936 Maasingale, David Owen 1959 - 1975 Cornish, Irene (Blanton) 1916 - 1982 Ensley, Andy 1937 - 1990 Maasingale, Oran V. 4/28/1910 - 5/12/1975 Denver 1930 - 1986 \ y 92-108 c Massingals, J. T. 11/23/1929 - 2/21/1986 Mathis, Cole 1869 - 1953 Judy- 1879 - 1965 Ransom 1912 - 1975 Frank B. 1905 - 1990 Mills, Finley J. 1910 - 1965 Wills S. (Sutton) 1913 - Moore, Frank D. 1895 - 1955 Nell Hooper 1902 - 1960 Morgan, Robert Lee 7/04/1928 - 9/16/1989 William T. 6/01/1937 - 5/10/1977 Ott W. 1906 - 1979 Jerdie B. (Shuler) 1909 - 1989 Painter, Samuel C. 6/11/1849 - 10/13/1933 Queen, Huff 1916 - 1992 Queen, Sarah S. 1880 - 1965 Quean, Sam H. 1924 - 1986 Turner, Louise 1943 - 1974 Woodring, Alice E. 1908 - 1968 Ada Irene 1932 ^ DILLS CEMETERY (located on hill above Perry Sutton's residence in Dillsboro) Samuel P. Conner Co. F. 29 NC Inf CSA Elizabeth Messer Conner 7/10/1845-11/1/1908 James D. Conner 7/3/1824-8/11/1911 Wayne Conner (buried around 1955-57 according to Alma Pullium Baker baby Conner baby Some graves with no names ^ QUEER (7) CEMETERY (This cemetery, on the left of the road just below Locust Field Baptist Church in Dillsboro, is located on property that once belonged to the Queen family. The cemetery is located in the pasture and can be seen from the road.) Henry H. Messer 4/12/1818-6/8/1881 J. F. Messer 11/2/1866-10/24/1929 John Ramsey Dills 10/15/1890-11/11/1925 Jasper A. Dills 9/15/1856-7/31/1937 Prudy Rogers Dills 6/2/1853-6/17/1936 Frank Dills 5/29/1888-2/11/1961 Some graves with no names Marriage records show that Jasper A. Dills, 27, married Truda Rogers, 25, January 7, 1886. 92-109 Name of Compiler Beau AWen Hudpjns Address 16 Hampden Road Cfty, State Dale AahevWe. N.C. 28805 04-Oct-82 A n c e s t o r C h a rt PenonNa Ion m» chart bu» psnonasNo. on chert No. Jonathan Batey Allen 16 Chart No. James Allen h.Oaaaa«Br» •A.MHeatBHi n.0aa>«fll b. P.b. m. d. p.d. Joseph Columbus Allen b. October 16.1872 p.b. Hanging Dog, NC m. September 1,1899 d. January 28,1957 p.d. Hanging Dog. NC William Glenn Allen B! September 15.1821 p.b. Murphy, NC m. d. p.d b. April 26.1826 p.b. Macon Co., NC 17 m. d. April 20.1887 p.d. Hanging Dog, NC 18 Polly Ann Dockery b. 1789 Rutherford Co. NC m. 1810 Rutherford Co. NC d. April 6.1874 Murphy. NC Phoebe Johnston b. 1792 Rutherford Co. NC d. Nov 2.1869 Murphy. NC James Wm. Dockery b. April 10,1845 p.b. Buncombe Co., NC d. Nov 14.1931 p.d. Hanging Dog, NC 19 b. Nov 12,1800 Burke Co. NC m. d. Sept 8,1874 Murphy. NC Tabitha Lunsford b. May 10.1810 NC d. Aug 8.1870 Murphy. NC 30 Lewis Pricks Rebecca Beau Allen May8.1955 Waco. Texas June 18.1978 Maggie Valley. NC d. May 25,1926 p.d. Hanging Dog, NC 12 James Henry Mincey b. d. 24 Robert Henry Mincey 57 Olney Virchouc Mincey February 9,1897 p.b. Franklin, NC m. April 4.1920 NC d. Novembers, 1976 p.d. Sytve, NC Sally Sue Mincey 13 b. Jury 19.1864 p.b. Effljny, Macon Co. NC m. Nov 8.1894 Jackson Co d. Nov 23.1933 p.d. Franklin, NC Sarah Matilda Bryson 25 b. Dec 4,1834 Burke Co NC m. Jan 26.1859 Macon Co. NC d. Aug 27.1907 Macon Co. NC Mary E. Peek b. Nov 25,1834 Macon Co NC d. Mar 1,1915 Macon Co. NC 26 Wm. Hamilton Bryson b. P-b. d. p.d. March 26.1863 Cullowhee. NC March 8,1934 Franklin, NC 27 Nov 10.1832 Macon Co. m. Oct 8.1857 Jackson Co. d. Sept 18.1875 Cuttowhee Agnes Matilda Wilson ^y April 20.1947 Sylva. NC ManrPvrilla Pricks b. July 7.1877 p.b. Georgia d. December 21,1926 p.d. Hanging Dog, NC 10 11 Johnathan Davis Pricks b. August 27,1840 p.b. Dahlonega, Ga m. July 22.1866 GA. d. January 12,1906 p.d. Hanging Dog, NC b. H18a4r9r iett Newberry p.b. Union Co.. Georgia 21 22 23 b. 1801 SC m. Aug 29,1822 SC d. April 2.1865 Miss. Elizabeth Vice b. 1804 Kentucky d. Mar 20.1900 Ga. James Earl Newberry b. 1820 Georgia m. Aug 7,1843 Ga­el Sarah J. Williamson b. June 11,1926 p.b. FrankBn, NC d. p.d. b, March 17.1836 Macon Co. d. March 17.1921 Macon Co. 28 Lewis CHngman Pressley M William Robert Pressley Ethel Rebecca Pressley b. January 26,1900 p.b. Cullowhee. NC . d. October9,1971 p.d. Maggie Valley. NC William Douglass Hudgins 15 b. March 30,1867 p.b. Cullowhee, NC 29 m. d. September 14.1940 p.d. Franklin, NC 30 Dovie Bell Shelton b. Jan 28,1844 Macon Co. m. April 20.1864 Cullowhee d. Dec 19,1917 Cullowhee Dorcas Matilda Mathis yy tefMad) December 19.1955 b. September 6.1868 p.b. Cullowhee, NC d. January 9,1950 p.d. Franklin. NC 31 b. April 10.1846 Macon Co. d. May 27.1911 Cullowhee Elliott Washington Shelton b. Nov 3,1843 Macon Co! m. 1866 Cullowhee. NC d. Nov -1909 Fannin Co. GA Martha L. Clements July 25.1845 GA. \ y August 4.1918 GA. 9 2 - 1 1 0 c Lineage Chart for Beau Allan Hudgins (See the preceding chart for entries #1-31 for Beau Allen Hudgins. For space considerations, the succeeding lineage charts have been typed into the ahnentafel form.) O L , 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 52. 54. 56. 57. 58. 60. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Co. d 75. 76. 77. 82. 83. 88. 89. Jesse Mincey b. 1800 NC Mary Moses 1803-1870's Win. M. Peek 1801-1891 Polly Avaline Mull Win. Holmes Bryeon _ b. 1798 d. 1894 Jackson Co. Magdalene Cunninghaa John Wilson 1795-1871 Mary Baker 1800-1874 Andrew Peter Pressley b. 1804 d. 1888 Cullowhee Nancy Tilley 1810-1884 Peter Mathis/Matthews Jr. Catharine Ellis Shelton b. 1803 SC d. 1870's Haywood Co. NC Milly Boiling 1810-1871 Mr. Rogers Lucy Clements Drury Allen b. 1752 VA Wm. Dockery Sr. 1768-1855 Eli Lunaford 1780-1850 Jacob fricks b. 1780 NC Sarah Cassandra Hyde Roebuck Vic* Joshua Hewberry David Moses II b. 1758 Nancy Long David Peek/Peak b. 1777 VA. d. 1849 Macon Co. Polly Henderson b. 1785 Win. E. Mull Elizabeth Mull John W. Bryson 1769-185L. Ann Land 94. 95. 96. " -97. 108. 112. 132. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 144. 145. 146. 148. 149. 150. 154. 155. 164. 176. 177. 178. 188. 189. George Cunninghaa b. 1753 Run 192. 1. 1837 Cullowhee (Rev. War Soldier) Mary McCarty Richard Wilson 1767-1850 Rachel Strain Stephen Tilley b. 1784 Catherine Powell Wm. Shelton Sr. b. 1776 NC d. 1850's Haywood Co. (1) Mary Bates (2) Lydia Parker 224. 264. 272. 273. 274. 276. 280. 281. 282. Joseph Clements b. 1790 NC d. 1868 Georgia Hannah Queen Young Allen b. 1732 VA Martha Coleman Nimrod Lunsford Henry Pricks d. 1801 NC David Moses l b . 1730's Wm. E. Peak 1755-1843 (Rev. War Soldier) Elizabeth Shockley Charles Henderson Elizabeth Montgomery John Mull Catharine Weidner James Holmes Bryson b. 1745 PA. d. 1833 NC (Rev. War Soldier) Sarah I. Countryman Isaac Land Humphrey Cunninghaa 1730-1806. Rev. War Rhoda Sommerville Abraham McCarty (Rev. War Soldier) Andrew Strain 1750-1826 (Rev. War Soldier) Mary Cathay Edmond Tilley John Shelton (Rev. War) Susannah Bradley William Bates d. SC Cornelius Clements (Rev. War Soldier) Susannah Goforth. Robert Allen Jr. Roderick Pricks (b. Switzerland) John/Joshua Mosee George Peak b. 1720 VA (Rev. War Soldier) Elizabeth Spencer James Shockley b. 1720 Thomas Henderson Peter Mull b. 1736 Barbara Zimmerman Heinreich Weidner 92-111 283. Mary Catherine Mull 560. 288. William Bryson b. Ireland 289. Isabella Holmes 561. 290. France Andrea Countryman 578. 296. John Cunningham d. 1750 579. Pennsylvania 580. 298. James Scnmarville/Siameral 581. 299. Margaret Ware/Weir 620. 310. Andrew Cathey 1096. 352. David Shelton 378. Miles Goforth 1097. 384. Robert Allen Sr. 1160. 385. Elizabeth Walker 448. Hans Jacob Pricks from Switzerland 548. David Shockley 1686-1754 Christopher "Stoffle" Mull b. Germany Margaret Cline/Klein James Holmes d. 1749 PA Sarah Kllgore? Andreaz Countryman (2) Cornelia Keyeer James Cathey d. 1757 NC Richard Shockley b. 1632 Maryland Ann Boyden b. 1636 MD. Johann F. Countryman/Gonderman ^y QUERIES Seeking parents of Calvin Barker, b. ca. 1805 NC, m. Lidia Perry 1835 Haywood County, shown in Macon County 1840 Census, Cherokee County NC 1850, Polk County TN 1860, Washington County AR 1870. Calvin voted in 1835 at Scott's Creek in Haywood (now Jackson) County NC. Contact Mark Barker, 1816 Oak Hill Drive, Kingston TN 37763. Looking for the parents or siblings of David Mathis, born ca. 1818 in NC, married Elisabeth Jones, born ca. 1822, who lived in Jackson County. Their children were: Thomae J., John Harlin, Mary A., David H., Delphia C , Andrew J., William E., Margrete, Albert W., Daniel, and Rachael Mathis. Would love to hear from anyone researching this family, will gladly share all information I have. Write Shawns Hall, 4889 Clintonway Dr., Waterford, MI 48328. Seeking information on Delphia C. Hall, daughter of Joshua and Jane Hall, who married John Burch Cockerham. Does anyone have her middle name or know where she is buried? She died after 1870, presumably in the Savannah area of Jackson County NC. Write Ruth Shuler, 30 S. Country Club Dr., Cullowhee NC 28723. Queries are eagerly solicited for this column. Please address your questions to "Queries," P. 0. Box 2108, Cullowhee NC 28723. v J 92-112 \ y