Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

About us

The Southern Appalachian Digital Collections Partnership is committed to building regionally oriented, historically significant collections of broad cultural and research interest.


The Partnership provides a strong digital infrastructure in order to extend online access to unique resource materials of the natural and cultural history of the Southern Appalachian region.


The Partnership exists to advance library services for all participants through

  1. sharing group purchasing power for licensing a content management system (CMS) for digital collections;
  2. sharing a commitment to provide access to collections;
  3. sharing digitization capabilities;
  4. sharing staff expertise.




Founding member institutions are the University of North Carolina Asheville and Western Carolina University. Member institutions must reside within Southern Appalachia (Western North Carolina, North Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, South Carolina, Southwest Virginia); have a mission to support and preserve the literature, culture, music, or historical heritage of the region; contribute collections to digitize and/or accession into the shared content management system; and pay annual fees and proportional costs of joint projects.