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Journeys Through Jackson 1998 Vol.08 No.09-10

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • c Ky J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h J a c k s o n c T h e O f f i c i a l J o u r n a l o f t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , I n c. V o l . V I I I , N o . 9 - 10 S e p t e m b e r - O c t o b e r 1 9 98 JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. ' 1998 Officers President William L. Crawford Vice Presidents Betty P. Foti Rick L. FrizzeU Secretary Marilyn G. Morton Treasurer David C. Frizzell Librarian Dorris D. Beck Office Manager Ruth C. Shuler Computer Coordinator Kirk E. Stephens Chair, Publications R. Larry Crawford Journeys Through Jackson is the official publication of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. Members and non-members are invited to submit genealogical materials for publication, with the understanding that die editor reserves the right to edit these materials for genealogical content, clarity, or taste. The Society assumes no responsibility far errors of fact that may be contained in submissions, and except where noted the opinions expressed are not those of the editor or of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. The Society accepts no advertising for this publication except for notices for other non-profit groups. F r om the E d i t or One of the most rewarding aspects of being involved with a group like JCGS is that this group WORKS. At no time was that more evident than at our Open House held October 10. With our best computer in place, ^j thanks to the work of Kirk Stephens, our CD Rom "expert," Mack Sutton, was one of the most popular people in the place. Ruth Shuler and several others had provided nice refreshments, and all over the room, members and guests enjoyed talking about genealogy. What an enjoyable evening, thanks again to the work of JCGS members. One person whose diligence deserves special recognition is Kirk Stephens. In a part of this past summer when he was not teaching his computer classes, he created our JCGS computer presence, including a very fine website. This project required literally weeks of preparation, but one has only to click onto the "Queries" section of our pages to see the excitement this has generated. This is volunteerism manifest in its very finest ways, and we are very proud to claim Kirk as one of our own. As we enter the most beautiful - and most intense - season of the year in the mountains, may that intensity extend to our genealogical pursuits. In this issue, read and view as always the outstanding contributions of your Society members: Lloyd Cowan, Brian McMahan, Mack Sutton, Shawna Hall, Rick Frizzell Betty Monteith, Peggy Mason, Dave Robinson, Dennis Estes, and Dorris Beck all had a hand in making this issue of Journeys. And we promise that you will be delighted by a very special contribution by Ruth Shuler. At the risk of being sued by the beer - making Old Milwaukee folks, it doesn't get any better man this. Sink your teeth into a good mountain apple, immerse your mind in Journeys, and internalize the fact that it's perfectly acceptable to be nostalgic this fall for the hills and people of home. V i s i t u s a t o u r w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . m a i i i . i i c . u s / j c g s/ •y Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Holden Award 121 JCGS Photo Album 122 - 124 The Revolutionary War Pension File of James Jennings 125 - 128 1933 Jackson County Death Certificates of Persons Born Before 1900 129 - 132 The John Owen Descendancy of Shawna Green Hall 133 - 136 Some 19th Century Jackson County Jury Lists 137 - 138 And a Wall Came Tumbling Down 139 - 1 41 Cunningham Equity Court Case s 142 Jackson County Delayed Birth Certificates of Persons Born Before 1900, Vol. 5 143 - 146 For Sale by JCGS 146 Four Jackson County Civil War Letters 147 - 149 Donations to the JCGS Library 150 U R i c k F r i z z e l l i s H o n o r e d w i t h t h e 1 9 9 8 H o l d e n A w a r d Rick Frizzell, JCGS Co - Vice President, was honored at the annual Society picnic in August by the presentation of the fourth Robert Lee and Drucilla Holden Award. (For newer Society members unfamiliar with the award, it was endowed by members Mary Katherine Robinson and Nancy Sherrill Wilson in honor of their maternal grandparents, and is presented annually as a Distinguished Service Award.) Rick Frizzell is a familiar name for those who are knowledgeable about our Society and its activities. He first distinguished himself by co - chairing The Jackson County Heritage Book, a labor of many hours of volunteer work for the Society. In 1997, he spearheaded the publication of the Society's second book, a transcription of the Docket Book for Jackson County Superior Court, 1866 -1896. A contributor to Journeys Through Jackson several times over its short history, Rick concentrates his efforts on the publication of official records. His work in the North Carolina State Archives led to publication of Jackson County's Bastardy Bonds, and his narrative about his third great - uncle James H. Frizzell showed the combination of bis scientific mind and his genealogical interest Rick has served in the Vice - President's office for the Society for several years, and has been instrumental in bringing outstanding speakers and programs to our group. A1976 graduate of Western Carolina University, Rick is a member of the Science faculty at Smoky Mountain High School and is also involved in private business. He is married to the former Fredddie Spencer, and they are the parents of two sons. They live on Little Savannah, as Frizzells have for a century and a half, and are leaders in the Little Savannah Baptist Church C / Rick Frizzell accepts the 1998 Holden Award from 1997 winner Barbara Dooley. 121 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m ^ y The photographs on this page are shared by faithful JCGS member Lloyd Cowan. The picture at the left shows James Thad Ashe (1893- 1935) and his cousin John Ashe. Are they in World War I uniform? Below is a picture that we hope will be popular with our Swain County friends. It shows Bernice Cowan with her first group of school students at Dorsey in the school year 1941-1942. James Thad Ashe married into the Cowan family, to Lloyd's great-aunt Jane, and Bernice is Lloyd's sister. Ky 122 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 K . J C G S P h o t o A l b u m Ky JCGS members, this one has it all. It is, first of all, a mystery photo in that we don't know who any of these guys are. Secondly, it represents a work crew stopped for a while from stripping tanbark. It has the elderly, the very young, the physically challenged, three different races, the tools of the trade, and is altogether one of the most interesting pictures we have ever used. Anyone care to write and describe the process? Although not very evident in the picture, the Native American man on the far left of the first row is wearing some kind of special boots. Our thanks to JCGS member Brian McMahan for sharing this picture with us. Brian makes a point of visiting persons - especially elderly ones - in his community, making copies of their old pictures, and collecting any information he can. Any chance that the bark shown in the picture is chestnut? <W W a n t a n i d e a f o r a r e a l l y s p e c i a l h o l i d a y g i f t t h i s y e a r ? C o n s i d e r a g i f t m e m b e r s h i p t o t h e S o c i e t y . S h a r e a l l o f t h i s f u n w i t h s o m e o n e y o u l o v e . 123 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m ^y '% IT i.iWn.«.««*A-iTiia ft * * £ ' •'• • i* ^ Si'" is , v ^ Another important photograph showing some Jackson County history is shared by Brian McMahan. The picture above is of the working operation at Ruby City, on the Sugarloaf Road in the Willets community. According to John Bell in The History of Jackson County ( Williams, Ed., 1987, p. 155), Ruby City was a corundum mine dating from 1922. The name written at the top appears to be "Bertha Snider, Balsam." ^y 124 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky T h e R e v o l u t i o n a r y W a r P e n s i o n F i l e o f J a m e s J e n n i n g s [Ed. One of the most rewarding documents that any genealogist can find is the proof that an ancestor served in the American revolution. These files can be found in federal archives branches and other large genealogy libraries. In this particular case, descendants of William and Charity Cockerham of the Wilmot area of Jackson County had speculated for years that Charity's maiden name was Jennings. When Jay Jennings of Macon County presented Ruth Shuler with a copy of a letter dated 17 September 1902, that speculation was laid to rest, and confirmation of Charity's identity was manifest A second verification of her Jennings surname came from a loose paper in a trunk owned by JCGS member Ruth Mosteller. With this documentation, genealogists could now move safely to the records of Charity's father who served in the Revolution. As one reads, one must remember that Charity Jennings Cockerham was the daughter of the first marriage of James Jennings, a marriage most probably to Charity Burch in Surry County, North Carolina. Therefore, while Hannah Martin Jennings was the widow of record, we Jennings descendants in Jackson, Macon, and Swain counties are not technically her family. One JCGS member, however, Mary Jane Edwards of Fairfax, Virginia, is in the James Jennings - Hannah Martin family. Members of the Jackson County Genealogical Society who are direct descendants of James and Charity Jennings include Barbara Nations Ashe, Sam Beck, Jean Crawford Brown, Grant Cochran, Larry Crawford, Joyce Bryson Crowder, Daniel Deitz, Carl Frizzell, David Frizzell, Rick Frizzell, Walter Hall, Anne Cathey Jones, Bruce Jones, Ruth Brown Mosteller, Roy Shuler, Ruth Crawford Shuler, Jeremy Sutton, and Mack Sutton.] Ky Ky This photograph shows faithful JCGS member and "cemetery man" Mack Sutton at the gravesite of James Jennings in Madison County. Mack is a fourth great-grandson of James Jennings through Charity Jennings Cockerham, then her son Alfred Newton Cockerham. Photograph taken 13 June 1998 on a day trip by Mack and Larry Crawford to the George Cemetery in Madison County. Located near the Yancey County line, the cemetery sits in a wooded area and is in disrepair, although the Jennings stone is legible. 125 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 James Jennings NC VA Jennings, Hannah No. W 7897 B.L.Wt. 27580-40-55 v i (Folio Cover) North Carolina No. 427 James Jennings (Pri, Regt commanded by Col. Stephens, NC line for 2 years) Entered on the roll of N. Carolina, the rate of 80 dollars per annum, on the 4th day of March 1831 Certificate of Pension issued the 8th day of Aug 33 and sent to Daniel Carter, Ivy PO, Buncombe Co., N. Car. Recorded by Nath. Rice, clerk, Book E, Vol. 6, Page 45 State of North Carolina Buncombe County On the 18* day of October 1832 personally appeared before the justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions James Jennings of Buncombe County state of North Carolina aged 75 years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make hie following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he enlisted in the army of the United States in January in the year of our Lord 1777 in Prince Edward County in the State of Virginia in the Company commanded by Capt. John Moulton of the fourth regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephenson in the line of the state or the Continental establishment That he continued to serve in said company in the service of the United States until the term of his enlistment expired which was for two years & was discharged at Valley Forge in the state of Pennsylvania in January 1779 - that he was in the battles of Brandywine, & Germantown, Trenton &Princeton. That he afterwards removed to the County of Surry in the State of Norm Carolina & then entered the service as a volunteer under Capt. James Shepherd for the term of five months; marched into the state of Georgia & was at the battle at Greenbrier Creek; That he was born on the 14th February 1757 m Buckingham County state of Vhgjnia; he has no record of his age, he lived there until die time of his enlistment; in Prince Edward County when he enlisted; that after the Revolutionary War he Uved in the County of Surry in North Carolina until the year 1808 when he removed to Buncombe County in the same state where he has resided ever since & does now reside; that he first enlisted in Prince Edward County as before stated & afterwards volunteered in Surry County North Carolina; that he served in hie fourth regiment commanded by Col. Stephens, & was in the Battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Princeton, & Trenton. That he did receive a discharge at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, that he kept it for a number of years but has lost it in some way from among his papers. He is acquainted with John Anderson, Abner Jervis Esq. & the Rev. James B. McMahan by whom he is known in his present neighborhood, who can testify to his character for veracity & give their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution, & that he has no means of proving bis service except by bis own oath & 126 Ky V_> o K ; L / Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 the affidavit of the persons taken some time prior who is now dead & which affidavit is hereby (affixed?). He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present & declares mat his name is not on the pension roll of any agency of any state Sworn to & subscribed the day & year aforesaid James Jennings (his mark) State of North Carolina Buncombe County This day Hannah Jennings widow of James Jennings dec'd (who was a pensioner of the United States, she being seventy seven years old), personally appeared before us, Pierce Roberts (Roberds?) & Alfred B. Roberts, two of the Acting Justices of the Peace for sd county, & made die following declaration on oath in order to obtain the benefit of the widows of deceased pensioners That she was married to James Jennings by one Wm Meredeth Esq in the county of Surry state of North Carolina according to the laws of sd state sometime in the spring of seventeen hundred & eighty one (Ed. Accompanying marriage bond shows marriage year as 1788) as she believes; that they Uved together as husband & wife until the fourth of December 1837 at which time the sd James Jennings died (illegible) mis affiant a widow, that she now resides in Buncombe County & has for thirty five years past & that previous (illegible) she resided in Surry County NC. She has no record of her marriage nor knows of no person now Uving mat she could prove her marriage by, only Jane McMichael (?) in the state of Georgia whose affidavit dated Has 21" of June 1841 taken before Amos Ponder & Littleton Johnston Esq which is hereunto attached, endorsed by Pierce Roberts & Alfred B. Roberts Buncombe County, N Carolina Sworn to & subscribed die 16th day of December 1841 Hannah Jennings (her mark) We the undersigned Justices of the Peace for the county of Buncombe hereby certify that Hannah Jennings, who has sworn to & subscribed the above declaration, is of sound & disposing mind, & that she is entitled full faith & credit Certified under our hands die 16th of December 1841. (Roberts signatures foUow) Bounty Land Claim State of Norm Carolina County of Yancy On this 26th day of March a.d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, personally appeared before me, Samuel L. Wilson, a Justice of the Peace, duly authorised to administer oaths 127 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 within and for the County and State aforesaid, Hannah Jennings, aged 92 (Christmas last) years, a resident of Yancy in the State of N. Carolina, who being duly sworn according to law, declares j that she is the widow of James Jennings, who was a Private in the Company commanded by Capt Stephens (she thinks) in the Virginia Regiment of state line commanded by (blank) in the war with Great Britain (illegible) in 1776 and known as the Revolutionary War; that her said husband James Jennings enlisted in Prince Edward County Virginia on or about the (blank) day of (blank) a.d. for the term of 2 years and continued in actual service for the term of two years; and was honorably discharged at (in Virginia) on the (blank) day of (blank) a.d. (blank) on account of expiration of service, as will appear by the Muster Rolls of said company and by die pension papers of said James Jennings, and also those filed in her own name under Act of Congress 7 July 1838 and upon which she is now drawing a pension of $80 per annum and that her last pension certificate is under act of Feby 1848. She further states that she was married to the said James Jennings in the County of Surry state of N Carolina on the (blank) day of (blank) a.d. (blank) by one (blank), a Justice of the Peace, and that her name before her marriage was Hannah Martin and that she is still a widow. She makes this declaration for die purposes of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the acts granting bounty land to certain widows whose husbands have been engaged in the military service of the United States, passed 3 day March 1855, and that she has never made application nor received bounty land under any act of Congress. She further states that she is so old and infirm both in body and memory that she can not tell but very little about the service and that she has no record of the marriage and can not give the day nor year thereof nor the name of the Justice who married them but refers to her papers now on file for all these facts which were made out when her memory was better than now. Hannah Jennings (her mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written. And I hereby certify, that I beUeve the said Hannah Jennings to be die widow of the identical person who served as aforesaid, and that she is of the age above stated, and that she signed the same before me after it had been correctly read to her, and that she is still a widow, and I further certify that she is the same woman who is drawing a pension as above stated to my certain knowledge & that she is very old and infirm. Samuel L. Wilson, J.P. [Ed. Other documents in the file include a certified copy of the marriage bond for James Jennings and Hannah Martin, Surry County NC, 10 Mar 1788, and a letter from the Executive Assistant to the Administrator, Quartermaster General, dated 14 Oa 1938. Following are excerpts from the 1902 letter of Edward Carter.] " My father married Margaret Jennings who was the daughter of James Jennings.. .1 have heard (my grandfather) vividly describe...the capture of Trenton...He Uved on the Yadkin River. He was twice married, first to Miss Burch, by whom he had one son, Thomas, and one daughter, Charity. After the death of his first wife, he married a Miss Martin, by whom he had five daughters; Bettie, Margaret, Lucinda, Thursey, and June. These married, respectively, John George, Daniel Carter, John Carter, William Roberts, and William Ray.. .Thomas Jennings married and Uved in Macon Comity N.C. Charity married William Cockerham and Uved in Jackson County. Bom my grandfather's marriages were in Surry County." Ky 128 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky Ky 1 9 3 3 J a c k s o n C o u n t y D e a t h C e r t i f i c a t es O f P e r s o n s B o r n P r i o r t o 1 9 0 0 \ y [Key to reading the following: Name of deceased; spouse; date of birth; place of birth; date of death; father's name; father's place of birth; mother's name; mother's place of birth; informant; informant's address; cemetery. An Asterisk (*) denotes known errors in the certificate. Death years other than 1933 are boldface. Abstracted June 1998 in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office by Larry Crawford.] Barker's Creek Davis, Martha Jane; wid/o James; age 83; not given; 5 Mar; not given; not given; DiUs; NC; John Davis; DUlsboro; Sylva Davis, Dora; w/o James; 20 Jun 1888; NC; 10 Apr; Thomas Jones; NC; Dovey Moody; NC; Lee Bradley; Whittier; Barker's Creek Elders, Ervion; h/o Etta; 15 Jan 1847; NC; 14 Sep; John Elders; NC; Zena SeUers; NC; B.D. Jones; Whittier, Barker's Creek Canada Galloway, Caroline; w/o A.E.; age 65,8,12; Wolf Mtn; 22 Oct 1932; Jackson Owen; Wolf Mtn; Mary McCall; NC; A£. GaUoway; Wolf Mm; Wolf Creek Shook, Spurgeon; h/o Elsie Mae; age 37,7,15; Wolf Mtn; 5 Apr; D.W. Shook; Wolf Mtn; CaUie Shook; Wolf Mtn; Elsie Mae Shook", Wolf Mtn; Canada Mathis, CaUie Victoria; wid/o J.H.; age 57,1,15; Canada; 18 dec; H.B. Bryson; Jackson Co.; Margaret Brown; Jackson Co.; Duff Mathis; Argura; Sols Creek Caney Fork Norton, SaUie P.; w/o Ed; age 75,4,12; East LaPorte; 9 Jan; Isaac Davis; NC; Sallie P. Davis; East LaPorte; Jim E. Norton; East LaPorte; East LaPorte Hooper, Ephriam; h/o BeUe; 1856; NC; 19 Oct; Ned Hooper; NC; Teresa Kitchens; NC; Mrs. BeUe Hooper; Ea$t LaPorte; Moses Creek Cook, Sarah Alice; wid/o W.F.; age 63 yrs, 4 days; Cowarts; 27 Sep; Billy Parker; NC; Jane P. Chastine; NC; Ben Cook; Cowarts; Balsam Grove Cashiers Hawkins, Mary E.; wid/o W.T.; age 72,7,4; Whiteside Cove; 4 Feb; Willis Calvin Bradley; Rutherford Co.; Sara Elvira Largent; Rutherford Co.; Mrs. J l . Wright; Cashiers; Zachary McCan, Martha; w/o J.W..; age 88,5,4; East LaPorte; 4 Jul; Henry Jackson; Madison Co.; Dorcas Woods; East LaPorte; Mrs. DA. Passmore; Cashiers; Pleasant Grove Kokoros, George Panagakos; h/o Catherine; age ca. 41; Greece; 22 Sep; Nick Panagakos; Greece; not given; Greece; J.K. Manos; GreenviUe SC; Springwopd (GreenviUe SC) White, Lizzie; w/o Rod; age 52; Rabun Co GA; 12 Dec; Sampson Hicks; Rabun Co GA; Susan Smith; Jackson Co; Rod White; Cashiers; Cashiers Cullowhee Taylor, Francis Emiline; 17 may 1847; SpeedweU; 15 Jun; Andy Taylor, NC; PoUy Ashe; NC; Clingman Taylor, SpeedweU; Taylor Bryson, Martha EUen; w/o Hugh R.; age 69,1,5; CuUowhee; 12 Aug; David Pressley; NC; Viney Bennette; NC; Hugh R. Bryson; CuUowhee; CuUowhee Rogers, Lewis; h/o Catherine; age 81,7,9; Jackson Co.; 21 Aug; Harry (slave); VA; Harriet (slave); VA; Catherine Rogers; not given; not given 129 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 1933 Death Certificates continued Dillsboro EUett, Henry EUicott; h/o Maude; 20 Jul 1896; Greensboro; 23 Dec 1932; F. M. EUett; not v_y given; EUicott; not given; Mary Ensley; Bryson City; Bryson City Harris, Theodore; h/o Julia B.; 12 Sep 1859; St Louis MO; 23 Sep; Wm. J. Harris; North KiUingly, CT; Sarah T. Buzbee; North KiUingly, CT; S.W. Enloe; DiUsboro; Putnam, CT Robinson, Margaret; 1 Apr 1851; Dillsboro; 21 Jan; Wash Robinson; DiUsboro; Aley Bumgarner; Dillsboro; Tom Rogers; DiUsboro; Robinson Greens Creek Cope, George; wid; age 83,4,29; Scotts Creek; 22 Jan; Andy Cope; NC; Annie Chambers; NC; Sebern Cope; Greens Creek; Old Savannah Ashe, Felix Monroe; h/o Mary; age 57,4,4; NC; 10 Mar; Dan Ashe; NC; Martha Elmore; NC; Zeb Ashe; not given; Savannah Buchanan, James A ; wid/o Mary; age 71,7,20; NC; 7 Sep; Joseph Buchanan; NC; Martha Raby; NC; MA. Buchanan; not given; Old Savannah Buchanan, Emaline; w/o Lum; age 63,10,21; NC; 16 Aug; Lee Greene; NC; Agnes Quilliams; NC; Bragg Buchanan; not given; Greens Creek Hegler, John M.; h/o Lula; 19 Mar 1868; NC; 24 Feb; Thomas Hegler; NC; Margaret (Ulegible); NC; Mrs. J.M. Hegler; not given; Old Savannah Buchanan, Sallie J.; wid/o Jim; age 75,8,10; GA; 10 Mar; Cosby Reed; NC; Betsy Mince; GA; W.C. Reed; Sylva; Webster Hamburg Manous, Mary E.; age 83; Macon Co.; (filed 20 Mar); WUUam PanneU; not given; Katie Arrowood; not given; J.N. Manous; Bessie; Norton Wilson, James Elbert; h/o Dovie; age 56,10,13; GlenviUe; 10 Apr; Thomas WUson; GlenviUe; Luvada Lowe; Transylvania Co.; NX. WUson; not given; GlenviUe Young, Arba Louisa; wid/o A.J.; age 58,11,8; Little East Fork, Buncombe Co; 28 Feb; H.P. HoUand; not given; Rebeca Greene; not given; Mrs. Frank Gillespie; not given; GlenviUe Pressley, Mandy Jane; w/o D.H.; 26 Apr 1865; Macon Co; 22 Jun; Samuel Roper; Macon Co; Molenda TaUent; Macon Co; D.H. Pressley; GlenviUe; GlenviUe Norris, Daisy Hedden; w/o Harley H.; age 39,4; Bessie; 1 Jul; Manuel Hedden; Bessie; CaUie Durham; SC; Harley H. Norris; not given; Bessie Mountain Moss, Elbert Monroe; h/o Latha; age 58,2,19; Jackson Co.; 10 Sep; WUUam Moss; Jackson Co.; Martha Owens; NC; Latha Moss; not given; Pine Creek Gibson, Houston; h/o JuUe; age 43; Haywood Co.; 20 Sep; Lebo Gibson; Haywood Co.; Martha Rogers; Haywood Co.; George Gibson; Canton; Haywood Co Bryson, Birt; h/o Joannah; age 58,2,2; Jackson Co; 28 Nov; AUen Bryson; Jackson Co.; Angeline Williams; Macon Co; John Bryson; Erastus; EUijay Qualla Keener, Martha; wid/o T.W.; Jackson Co; 27 Jan 1929; John Holden; SC; not given; not given; Burk SherriU; Whittier; Thomas Messer, Henry AUen; wid/o Catherine; Jackson Co; 22 Feb; Jack Messer; Burke Co; Mervie StaUcup; Burke Co; J.R. Messer; Whittier; Dicks Creek ChUtoski, Will; age 82; not given; 3 Mar 1930; ChUtoski; Indian Reservation; not given; not given; Watty ChUtoski; Cherokee; Jackson Co 130 u Ky Journeys Through Jackson September-October 1998 1933 Death Certificates continued L j Qualla ^ ^ George, EUgah; 27 May 1878; Jackson Co; 29 Apr 1930; Suttiwag George; Jackson Co; Ester Lowen; Jackson Co; John Lowen; not given; Jackson Co ToUie, Lillie; w/o James; age 42; not given; 28 May 1930; Coleman Seay; not given; Maggie TerreU; Swain Co; Thomas Bradley; Cherokee; Soco Hornbuckle, John Louis; div/Martha George; age 45; Soco; 7 Jun 1929; Louis Hombuckle; Soco; Caroline Ocuma; Soco; not given; not given; not given Taylor, Maggie; 9 Oct 1888; Soco; Jun; Saunooke Littlejohn; Soco; Martha Hornbuckle; Soco; Davis Hornbuckle; Cherokee; not given Crow, Severe; h/o Nancy Standingdeer, age 69; Indian reservation; 23 Jun 1930; Wesley Crow; Jackson Co; Jane Rattiff; Jackson Co; Thompson Conseen; not given; Wrights Creek Sneed, Sarah; wid/o John; age 87; Clay Co; 8 Nov 1930; Jim Loving; Clay Co; Mashburn; Clay Co; Cam Sneed; Cherokee; Soco Youngdeer, Betsy; wid/o John; 7 Jul 1849; Indian Reservation; 26 Nov 1930; Pheasant; Jackson Co; not given; not given; Chariie Sampson; Cherokee; Soco Bird, David Alfred; h/o Annie; 5 Oct 1893; Judson; 16 Jan 1931; John E. Bird; Cherokee Co; Saunook; Cherokee Co; Annie Bird; Cherokee; Soco Hornbuckle, Minda; wid; age 85,6,17; Rabun Co GA; 1 May 1931; Center BurreU; GA; Nicie Queen; GA; George Hornbuckle; Cherokee; Wrights Creek Sanders, PoUie; w/o Cudge Ellis Sanders; age 76,3; NC; 16 Nov 1932; Wahoo; NC; SaUie George; SC; Viola Twain; Whittier; Hornbuckle Goins, SaUie; 29 Jan 1856; Murphy; 29 Jan; Jeff Ch(Ulegible); Graham Co; Nancy Goins; Cherokee Co; not given; not given; Soco Featherhead, Ella Johnson; w/o WUson; 26 Jan 1861; Cherokee; 15 Mar; not given; Cherokee; i . not given; Cherokee; Timpson Bird; not given; Youngdeer Welch, EUjah; wid/o Ann Eli/a; age 70; Swain Co; 21 Nov 1932; nothing else given except informant A M Adams; Cherokee; HiU Nichols, James; wid; 5 Jan 1852; Bryson City; 26 Aug; BUly Nichols; not given; Nancy Shuler; Bryson City; Haynes Reagan; Whittier; Bryson City River Bryson, Allen Fisher; h/o Martha Leopard; age 86,7; SpeedweU; 18 Feb; Daniel Bryson; NC; Lucinda Bryson; NC; R.G. Seago; East LaPorte; CuUowhee Johnson, Henry; h/o Mary; age 49; TN; 27 Apr; Ed Johnson; TN; not given; not given; OUver DuVaU; Culberson; Moses Mathis, Rufus; wid/o EUen Queen; 22 Jan 1897; NC; 31 Aug; Mack Mathis; NC; Tish Coggins; NC; Ransom Coggins; East LaPorte; Hooper Hooper, Lemuel Baxter; h/o Laura C ; 25 Jun 1853; Tuckasegee; 15 Oct; John Anzel Hooper; Tuckasegee; Catherine Evans; Henderson Co; E.L. Hooper; Tuckasegee; East LaPorte Savannah Buchanan, Martha Palestine; wid/o Frank; age 77,6,14; Jackson Co; 6 Jan; Manson WUson; Jackson Co; Brunettie Cockrum; Jackson Co; R.N. Deitz; Greens Creek; East Fork Hoyles, Alsbury James; h/o Mary; age 64,8,2; Jackson Co; 18 Jan; James Hoyles*; Swain Co.; ndt given; not given; Dave Thomas; not given; Lovedale Higdon, Harriet Rebekah; w/o WUl; age 72,7,15; not given; 18 Apr; David Woodard; TN; Virginia Jarvis; TN; Jack Mashburn; Gay; Zion HiU Ky 131 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 1933 Death Certificates continued Scotts Creek Queen, NeUie May; w/o W.H.; age 35,0,26; NC; 20 Jam CharUe Coward; NC; CaUie Henson; v_y NC; W.H. Queen; Balsam; not given Mathis, John; h/o Susie Fisher; age 63, 3,2; NC; 24 Mar; WiUiam Mathis; NC; Patsy Terry; NC; Frank Fisher; WUlets; WUlets Foster, M.B.; wid/o CA.; age 85,4,0; Jackson Co.; 2 Jul; nothing else given except informant T.C. Bryson Crawford, Sarah Catheryn; w/o Shat; age 63,9,23; Addie; 28 Jul; Jas Pannel; NC; Matilda Beard*; NC; Shat Crawford; Balsam; Crawford Dyre, Eva; wid; age 77,5,1; NC; 8 Aug; Ranee MicheU; NC; Caroline Ingle; NC; Kate MUls; WUlets; WUlets Bryson, Magaline; wid/o John B.; age 80,24; Rutherford Co.*; 26 Jul; Bob Brooks; NC; Cyntha Blanton; NC; Robert Bryson; Balsam; Crawford Pannel, Sara Matilda; wid/o Jasper, age 84,11,3; Buncombe Co.; 3 Nov; John Ensley; NC; Jane Ensley; NC; Mrs. JuUa Jones; Addie; Addie Gunter, Sarah; wid/o WUUam; age 74; NC; 3 Oct; David MUls; NC; Malinda Eliot; NC; Ethel MUls; not given; not given Sylva Lyon, Andrew A ; h/o Mary; age 57,11,12; Carter Co. TN; 21 Feb; John Lyon; TN; Mary Lee; not given; Mrs. A A . Lyon; Bryson City; Bryson City Brown, Joseph Lafayette; wid/o Amy; age 88,1,14; Caney Fork; 11 Mar; Harry Love; CuUowhee; Harriette Rogers; CuUowhee; JuUa Johnston; Sylva; CuUowhee Dillard, Florence Addie Rhinehart; w/o John C ; 27 Oct 1893; Webster; 3 Jun; WUl Rhinehart; NC; Ida DUls; Jackson Co.; J.C. Dillard; Sylva; Love's Chapel Plemmons, Fannie; w/o M.K.; 22 Jun 1867; Marshall, Madison Co.; 25 Jul; nothing else given except informant MX. Plemmons; Beta; Ela Arnold, John Washington; h/o Lennie; age 55,4,15; Franklin; 18 Sep; BUI Arnold; NC; not given; not given; Lucius Wilson; Sylva; Beta Moore, Will; h/o Mary; age 70; not given; 14 Feb; nothing else given except informant Ernest Jirnison; Sylva; Sylva Woodard, Martha; wid/o Glenn; 28 Jul 1843; Macon Co; 28 Dec 1932; Isam Franks; Macon Co; Mary Franks; Jackson Co; Henry Woodard; East LaPorte; Gay Brown, Annie; 3 Jul 1897; Jackson Co.; 17 Jan; T.M. Brown; Jackson Co.; Cynthia Woods; Transylvania Co.; Lyndon Brown; Cowarts; Cowarts Brown, Andrew Jackson; h/o Laura; 7 Jun 1884; WaynesvUle; 19 Dec 1932; AUen Brown; Waynesville; Charlotte Welch; WaynesvUle; John Brown; Sylva; Sylva Barnes, Nancy Irene; w/o Whit; 1893; Towns Co GA; 17 Mar, Nathaniel Arrowood; GA; EUa Arrowood; GA; not given; not given; Sylva Simmons, Fannie Metz; w/o A.M.; 5 Jul 1879; AmboyJL; 17 Jul; Henry Metz; Sandberg, GER; Hannah Jackson; Samoschin, GER; Dave Simmons; Waynesville; Asheville Brendle, Mathew T.; h/o Lula Sanders; 1879; Franklin; 27 Aug; Mathew M. Brendle; Macon Co; Mary Reed; Rabun Co GA; Mary Brendle; Franklin; Watauga Curtis, Bertha Buchanan; w/o Henry O.; 16 Dec 1884; Webster; 22 Aug; W.O. Buchanan; Webster, Cordelia AUen; Beta; H.O. Curtis; Sylva; Sylva Ashe, Hampton Price; 1862; Webster; 19 Jul; Noah Ashe; Jackson Co.; Elizabeth Sweatman; GA; Mrs. S.G. Cabe; Sylva; Sylva Kitchen, Hester; h/o Laura; 29 Mar 1869; Balsam Grove; 6 Dec; Jason H. Kitchen; NC; Cynthia A Robinson; NC; Laura Kitchen; Beta; Beta Death Certificates continued on page 142 132 \ y Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 K , T h e D e s c e n d a n t s o f J o h n O w e n S r. By Shawna Green HaU [Ed. We continue in this issue with the Owen descendancy of Shawna Hall. Shawna emphasizes that these records are a compilation, and not foolproof, but even so, we see much genealogy of interest to Jackson Countians.] 23. JOHN ANSEL4 OWEN (JOHNB.', JOHN*, JOHN') was born Mar 17, 1862 in Glouchester twsp., N.C. O (Source: headstone), and died Feb 6, 1951 in Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Mack McCall Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C.). He married NANCY ELIZABETH GOSNELL, daughter of John Gosnell and Narcessia Dills. Children of John Owen and Nancy Gosnell are: I. ELLA ELIZABETH* OWEN, b. 1882, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. 1958, Transylvania Co., N.C.; m. OSCAR LANNING. II. CARRIE OWEN, b. 1884, Transylvania Ca, N.C; it. 1887. Transylvania Ca, N.C. ill. SAVANNAH OWEN, b. 1889, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. 1969, Transylvania Ca. N.C.; m. JUDSON HALL. Iv. BELDORAOWEN, b. 1891, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. 1915, Transylvania Co., N.C. v. JULIUS OWEN, b. 1893, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. 1981, Transylvania Ca, N.C; m. FLORENCE MCCALL. vl. ARLETTAOWEN, b. 1895. vii. CORNELIUS OWEN, b. 1897, Transylvania Ca, N.C; d 1915, Transylvania Ca, N.C. 47. viii. VrvtAN OWEN, b. 1899, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. 1986, Transylvania Ca, N.C. Ix. PHILADELPHIA OWEN, b. May 10, 1902, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Oct 19,1973, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Oak Grove Baptist Church, Transylvania Ca, N.C); m. CLYDE McCALL. 24. JESSIE COLEMAN* OWEN (JOHNB.', JOHN*, JOHN') was born May 27, 1870 In Glouchester Twsp., N.C. (Source: Headstone, Mack McCall Cemetery, N.C), and died Nov 7,1955 in Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: same). He married REBECCA MILLER May 30,1900 in Tengchow, China. U Notes Jesse C. Owen was a graduate of old Judston College in Hendersonville, N.C. and of Wake Forest College. He received Ms doctor of Devinity from Carson-Newman College. He was sent to China as a missionary with Miss Lottie Moon. There he met his wife. Children of Jessie Owen and Rebecca Miller are: I. MARGARET* OWEN, b. Oct 26, 1902; m. WlLLIAMT. SMITH, ii. LEILA OWEN, b. Sep 17, 1903; m. GORDON W. ROGERS. III. REBECCA OWEN, b. Oct 26, 1905; m. FORREST W. BURKE, iv. CAROLYN OWEN, b. Oct 24, 1910; m. LONNIE W. M EACHUM. v. JOHN ROLAND OWEN, b. Nov 15, 1911, Franklin, N.C. (Source: Headstone. Mack McCall Cemetery, N.C); d. Dec 23. 1919. Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: same). 48. vl. JAMES CLARK OWEN, b. Jan 25, 1914. 25. TRACEY M.« McCALL (MARV OWEN, JOHN*, JOHN*) was born Jan 15, 1865. He married EMILY L. McCALL. Child of Tracey McCall and Emily McCall Is: I. DOLLIE R.« McCALL, b. Aug 25, 1891, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Dec 23, 1898, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Jason McCall Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). 133 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Owen Descendancycontinued 26. MARY JANE4 GARREN (REBECCA' OWEN, JOHN*, JOHN') was born Jun 2, 1860 in Transylvania Ca, ^—^ N.C, and died in Transylvania Co., N.C. She married CALVIN GALLOWAY, son of Thomas Galloway and Sarah Galloway. Children of Mary Garren and Calvin Galloway are: i. LUTHER F.« GALLOWAY. ii. WILLIAM A. GALLOWAY, b. Feb 14, 1879, Transylvania Co., N.C.; d. May 11, 1879, Transylvania Co., N.C. iii. LELA O. GALLOWAY, b. Feb 22, 1885. iv. DELIA ANN GALLOWAY, b. May 17, 1887, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Oct 7, 1948, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Mt Morlah Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. JOHN W. DODSON. v. WILBURN R. GALLOWAY, b. Jul 4, 1889, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Mar 1, 1974, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried ML Morlah Calvert Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co.. N.C); m. LOMAMCCALL. vl. ARSULA ViciA GALLOWAY, b. Jun 9, 1891, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Apr 2, 1967, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Galloway-Mlddleford Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. GEORGE DODSON. vii. JOHN M. GALLOWAY, b. Jul 9, 1893. viii. JOSEPH F. GALLOWAY, b. Nov 16, 1895, Transylvania Ca, N.C; d Dec 19, 1995, Transylvania Co., N.C. ix. THOMAS P. GALLOWAY, b. Apr 10, 1880, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d Nov 10, 1941, Transylvania Co., N.C (Source: headstone, burled Cathay's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. ALFASELINAMcCALL. 27" EVELINE4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKS0N3, JOHN*, JOHW) was born Feb 13, 1855 in Jackson Ca, N.C. ^) (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Ca, N.C), and died Dec 11,1929 in Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone). She married JAMES SEBASTIAN HoXIT, son of Andrew Hoxsed and Martha Slatton. Children of Eveline Owen and James Hoxit are: i. WILLIAM* HOXIT, b. Mar 11, 1876, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Co., N.C); d. Apr 9, 1876, Jackson Ca, N.C (Source: headstone). VAUGHN HOXIT. JAMES ESTES HOXIT, b. Nov 5,1880, N.C; d. Jun 28, 1948. Henderson Co., N.C. ViRGEL HOXIT, b. Sep 8, 1874; d Oct 15, 1906, Transylvania Co., N.C. MARTHA HoxtT, b. Apr 29, 1883, Jackson Ca, N.C; d. Dec 16, 1964, Transylvania Ca, N.C. DAVIS HoXIT, b. Nov 11, 1881, Jackson Co., N.C; d. Mar 19, 1962, Jackson Co., N.C. DELIA HoxtT. b. Jan 20, 1884, Jackson Ca, N.C; d Feb 7, 1948, Jackson Ca, N.C. MADISON HOXTT, b. Feb 18, 1887, Jackson Ca, N.C; d. Feb 1974, Jackson Ca, N.C. BELL HoXIT, b. Mar 4, 1877, Jackson Co., N.C; d May 15, 1937, Transylvania Ca, N.C. HARLEY VICTOR HOXIT, b. Aug 26, 1891, Jackson Co., N.C; d Feb 11, 1946. SAMUEL HOXIT. 28. THOMAS4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKSON', JOHN*, JOHN*) was born Feb 25, 1858 In N.C. (Source: Headstone, Shoal Cr. Baptist Church, N.C), and died May 2, 1930 in Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: same). He married THANIE ANN MASON. Children of Thomas Owen and Thanie Mason are: i. DlLLIE*OWEN, b. Apr 1880 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). ii. EPHRAIMOWEN, b. May 1883 (Source: 1900 census. Jackson Ca, N.C). ill. ELBERT OWEN. b. Dec 1884 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). ^J iv. LIZZIE OWEN, b. Apr 1888 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). v. ANNIE OWEN, b. May 1890 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). vi. CANNIEOWEN, b. Feb 1694 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). 134 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. II. iii. iv. v. vl. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. u Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Owen Descendancy Continued 29. IsiAH4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKSON', JOHN*, JOHN') was born Jan 22, 1859 in Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Co., N.C). and died Jul 15. 1935 in Jackson Co.. N.C. (Source: headstone). He married ELMINA MASON. Children of Isiah Owen and Elmina Mason are: 56. i. LEVWOWEN. b. Jul 8, 1884, Jackson Co., N.C; d Jul 1, 1941, Jackson Co., N.C. Ii- MARTHA OWEN, b. Jun 1886 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). iii. HARRISON OWEN, b. Jun 1888 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). 57. iv. JAMES HARRISON OWEN. b. Dec 15. 1888, Transylvania Ca, N.C; d. Jun 11, 1983, Jackson Co., N.C. v. WILEY W.OWEN, b. Mar 9, 1894, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Feb 23, 1977, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Macedonia Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). 58. vi. BLYE OWEN, b. Jun 4,1894, Jackson Co., N.C; d. Jul 5, 1985, Jackson Ca, N.C. vii. HAYLER OWEN, b. Jan 1897 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). viii. PEARL OWEN, b. Aug 1899 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). ix. SiNIAOWEN, b. Dec 4, 1882, Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Co., N.C); d. Jan 16, 1883, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone), x. WILIAM WALKER OWEN. b. Apr 1, 1890, Jackson Co., N.C (Source: headstone, Jackson Ky Ky Owen Cemetery. Jackson Ca, N.C); d Jul 16. 1891, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone). 30. WILLIAM JACKSON4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKSON', JOHN*, JOHN') was born Oct 9, 1861 in Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Co.. N.C), and died Mar 6,1936 in Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone). He married (1) MAGGIE PARKER. He married (2) LUCINDA SHELTON. Children of William Owen and Maggie Parker are: 59. i. ELUAH*OWEN, b. Oct 17, 1892, Jackson Co., N.C; d Oct 22, 1963, Jackson Co., N.C. II. GEORGE W. OWEN, b. Jan 1887 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). III. MELLIE OWEN. b. Nov 1888 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). iv. JOHN OWEN, b. May 1890 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C.). v. JAMES OWEN, b. Jan 1894 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). vi. RICHARD OWEN. b. Sep 1896 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C). vli. McKlNLEY OWEN, b. Feb 1898 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). villi DEWEY OWEN, b. Nov 1899 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). 31. MARTHA JANE4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKSON', JOHN*, JOHN*) was born Oct 25, 1873 in North Carolina (Source: headstone, Sols Creek), and died May *>,' 1959 in North Carolina (Source: headstone). She married WESTON ULYSSES MATHIS Jun 26,1892 in Jackson Co., N.C. by J.C. Wood (Source: Marriage Bonds. Jackson Co.), son of John Mathis and Sarah Cathey. Children of Martha Owen and Weston Mathis are: I. MAIDA' MATHIS (Source: grandmother's memory, census), m. ? NICHOLSON. II. TRIPLETS (Source: grandmother's memory, censu). iii. MATTIE L MATHIS. b. May 15, 189B. North Carolina (Source: census). 60. iv. HATTIE M. MATHIS, b. May 15.1896, Jackson Ca.N.C; d Jul 15, 1979, Brevard, Transylvania Co., N.C. v. GRACE L, MATHIS. b. May 4, 1898 (Source: birth records of Jackson Co., N.C); m. ? NICHOLSON. 135 vi. FLORA OWEN, b. Dec 1891, Jackson Co., N.C (Source: article on Owen family). vii. RICHMOND OWEN, b. Feb 1895 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Co., N.C). viii. PIERSON OWEN, b. Feb 25. 1895, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: Brederbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: May 28. 1997, Internal Ref. #; d. Apr 30. 1968, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed 4. Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: May 26, 1997, Internal Ref. #; m. MANDY QUEEN. ix. ARLETTIE OWEN. b. Nov 1897 (Source: article on Owen family, 1900 census of Jackson Ca. N . C ) ; m. LOUIE MCCALL. x. ESTELLA DORA OWEN. b. Mar 1898 (Source: 1900 census, Jackson Ca, N.C); m. RAGNOLA KITCHENS. xi. JESSE OWEN, b. Jul 17, 1907. Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: census, article on Owen family, headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Ca, N.C); d. Dec 19, 1980, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); m. SELMA HARRIS. ^y Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Owen Descendancy Continued vi. LESTER C. MATHIS, b. May 3, 1900, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: Brederbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: 28 Mar 1997, Internal Ref. #, birth records of Jackson ca, N.C): d Nov 29, 1976, Henderson Ca, N.C. (Source: Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: 26 Mar 1997, Internal Ref. #; m. SADIE MATHIS-vii. JOHN CLAUDE MATHIS, b. Dec 28. 1902, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: birth records of Jackson Co., N.C>. 61. viii. ANZEL MATHIS. b. Feb 6, 1905, Jackson Co., N.C; d Aug 11, 1990, Jackson Co., N.C. ix. LEORA MATHIS, b. May 15, 1906, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, census,); d. Mar 30, 1988, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, census (buried Sols Creek)); m. MlLASM. MULL. x. NOTA BEA MATHIS, b. Mar 19, 1909 (Source: census); d 1996 (Source: headstone). xi. ALVINT. MATHIS, b. Jun 6, 1911, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: cenus, headstone); d Dec 15, 1929, Jackson Co:, N.C. (Source: census, headstone (buried Sols Creek)). 32. JAMES MiLFORD4 OWEN (ANDREW JACKSON*, JOHN*. JOHN') was born Feb 13, 1865 in Haywood County, N.C, and died Apr 5, 1947 in Jackson County, N.C by Milton M. Brown. He married DOVEYE. MATHIS Feb 14, 1884 in Wolf Creek Church, Jackson County,North Carolina (Source: marriage Register of Jackson Co., N.C), daughter of John Mathis and Sarah Cathey. Children of James Owen and Dovey Mathis are: i. BONNIE* OWEN, b. census, article on Owen family (Source: census, article on Owen family); m. GENE Hoxrr. ii. LOLA V. OWEN (Source: census, article on Owen family), m. (1) TOM BUCHANAN; m. (2) JESS BREEDLOVE 62. iii. ETHEL IVALEE OWEN. b. Mar 31, 1885, Jackson Co., N.C: d Dec 5. 1953, Jackson Co., N.C. '-^_J iv. LENORAOWEN, b. May 1888 (Source: census, article on Owen Family); m. VICTOR BROWN. v. FLODIE OWEN, b. Jul 5, 1890, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Ca, N.C); d Jul 13, 1891, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone). KJ 136 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky O S o m e 1 9 t h C e n t u r y J a c k s o n C o u n t y J u r y L i s ts [Ed. The following documents date from 1878,1880, and 1882. They are shared with us by JCGS member Rick Frizzell, who found them in the North Carolina State Archives in June 1998.] State of North Carolina Jackson County Office of County Commissioners August 7,1878 Ordered that the following named persons be Superior Court to be held in Webster to wit: 1 J A . Wiggins 2 J.T. Stiles 3 M. Zachary 4 William Moss 5 Sydney Ash 6 A.E. Hyatt 7 F.P. Presley 8 T.P. Hooper 9 W.M. Wilson 10 Philip Wike 11 S.W.Gibson 12A.N.Ash 13 L.G. Snider 14 Nathaniel Deitz 15 J.H. Moody 16 William Knight 17 R.H. Brown 18 Alfred Wilson Jr. A true Copy AJ. Long, Clk. summoned to serve as Jurors at the next term of the 19A.C.Long 20 H.R.B. London 21 T.G. Bryson 22 James Cowan 23 P J . Crawford 24 W.O. Buchanan 25 A.B. Dills 26 A.W. Zachary 27 A.C. Tritt 28 P.M. Parker 29 W. J. AUen 30 John Fullbright 31 Thomas Picklesimer 32 J.H. Hooper 33 John Jackson 34 Daniel Shook 35 D.H. Wood 36 A J . Galloway State of North Carolina Jackson County Office of County Commissioners July 29,1880 Ordered mat the following name men be summoned to serve as Jurors at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in (Webster?) on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in August 1880 to wit: Ky 1 J .M Green 2 Thos. R. Hooper 3 Andrew Nicholson 4 J.T. Collins 5 W.B. Wike 6 WA. Brown 7 Geo. W. Dills 8 J.H. Hooper 9 J.R. Buchanan 10 James Cowan 19 S.H. Brooks 20 J.H. Stillwell 21 H.T. Wilson 22 D.L. Cowan 23 D.S. Presley 24AJ.PhiUips 25S.W.Sayngim(sic) 26 A JJ>. Hooper 27 XJ. Love 28 Rufus Parris 137 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Jury lists continued 11 G.W. Owens 12 J.J. Ensley 13 L.G. Bryson 14 CA. Ash 15 D.E. Bryson 16 S.W. Hooper 17 J.S. Frady 18 W.T. Henson A.J. Long C.B.C.C. 29 A.J. Long Sen. 30 G. B. Davis 31 W.H. Enloe 32 B.F. Fowler 33 M.B. Allison 34 J.W. Conley 35 CA. Bird 36 C.P. Bryson ^y State of North Carolina Jackson County Office of County Court February 6,1882 Ordered that the Sheriff notify the following named Jurors to serve at Spring term of Court 1882. 1 JA. Wiggins 2A.N.Ash 3 WmCope 4 S.B. Hedden 5 J.E. Estes 6 E.M. Cabe 7 David Middleton 8 JA. Gibson 9 R.H. Brown 10 A.C. Tritt 11 J.W. Cowan 12 Geo. Bumgarner A.J. Long, Clk. 13 Hiram Ash 14 John Fulbright 15 W.H. Bumgarner 16 EJ. Huffman 17 Thad B. Dillard 18 J.M. Buchanan 19 H.L. Moody 20 J.E. Moss 21 J. J. Robison 22 Robert Ensley 23 F.M. Bryson 24 A JL Ward 25 Thomas Hooper 26 Benjamin Harris 27 Peter Wilks 28 JX. Snider 29 L.W. AUen 30 John Brown Jr. 31 J.B. Bryson sen 32 R.M. WUson 33 A.B. Dills 34 John Middleton 35 Thomas WUson 36 A 3 . Hyatt ^ Above, the entrance to the office of the Society, with the sign ( Rick FrizzeU's handiwork) proclaiming our presence. Our office is located in Sylva at 42 AshevUle Highway in the General Insurance BuUding. U 138 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky A n d a W a l l C a m e T u m b l i n g D o w n . . . The search for Daniel Stewart Cockerham and its amazing consequences Brick walls, those frustrating deadends that most genealogists encounter at some point, are not unknown to me. For more than ten years two brick watts have impeded my research on the WiUiam and Charity Cockerham family. One of those walls was erected in 1846 when WUUam made the following Deed of Gift: O State of North Carolina, County of Macon Know all men by these presents that I William Cockerham of the County and State aforesaid for the natural love and affection that I have for Sarah Cockerham, Wiliam Cockerham, John C Cockerham, Dan'l Cockerham, Charity Cockerham, Elizabeth A Cockerham, David Cockerham, and the infant or youngest child name not known, all children of Dan'l S. and Celia Cockerham have this day given and granted to the aforesaid children of Dan'l S. & Celia Cockerham the following goods and chattels, to wit (viz): One new green painted waggon and covering, one bay horse, one sorrel horse, one bay stud horse, ope gray mare, one brown mare, one black mare, also several beds & furniture, one hundred and fifty yards of domestic cloth, with all the coocking utensils at Dan'l S. Cockerham's - to have and to hold to them the aforesaid children of Dan'l S. & Celia Cockerham against myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, free and clear of all lawful claims. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal 16 Dec. 1846. William Cockerham (seal) This Deed of Gift, copied verbatim, was acknowledged in open court by WUUam Cockerham and was duly registered in Macon County on January 9, 1847 (Deed Book E, page 147). From tins legal document I inferred mat Daniel Stewart and his famUy were going on a journey, but why they left and where they went remained a mystery through years of searching. In trying to locate mis family, I squinted my way through the 1850 Federal censuses for many places. Did they move a few miles southeast to South Carolina? A few miles southwest to Georgia? North to Tennessee or Kentucky? Did they go to Arkansas where Daniel Stewart had cousins? Missouri? Had the Mexican War and Texas statehood drawn them to Texas, Louisiana, or Mississippi? I even considered Cahfornia, improbable as I thought it was. However, every place I checked revealed absolutely no trace of Daniel Stewart, Celia, and eight children, and I was left with my standard response for negative research: at least I know where they are not I was close to admitting defeat and moving on with research on other members of William's famUy when, in 1997, mis mystery was solved. In retrospect, my search could have ended much earlier had I been astute enough to look at the entire national scene. I had considered Texas statehood, but never once did I check into the development of other states. Also, had I driven 15 rmles to the LDS Ubrary near Cherokee and checked the International Genealogical Index (IGI), I could have saved many hours of reading census records on microfilm. (I wonder does any organization offer awards or gold stars for reading microfilmed census records? It is truly a labor of love.) But let's continue the Daniel Stewart saga. In July 1997, our annual genealogical jaunt took my sister and me to Salt Lake City and the FamUy History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormon church). Most serious genealogists look on this Ubrary as the ultimate for family research, and I am no exception. In my delight at having tins wonderful opportunity, I formulated only two goals for my visit there: (1) determine the parents of WUUam Cockerham, and (2) find Daniel Stewart and his family. Within 30 minutes of walking in the door, half my work was done: I had found Daniel Stewart! 139 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Tumbling Watt, Continued And where in the world was he? Here is where the history and geography lessons come in. In \^y 1833 the Fox and Sauk tribes were forced to cede to the U. S. government nearly 9,000 square mUes of Iowa Territory. With the opening of this land to settlement, thousands of immigrants poured into the area to claim the rich farmland. Iowa became a state in 1846, and evidently Daniel Stewart had read about or heard of the avaUable land. He , Celia, and six of their chUdren appear in die 1850 Federal census of Polk County, Iowa, in the community of SaylorvUle, which is just north of Des Moines. The oldest daughter, Sarah Emily, was already married and is Usted with her husband. Only William D. Is not named with the rest of the family. As I recollect that July day in Salt Lake City, I continue to be amazed at how rapidly the waU tumbled. The initial material I found in the FamUy History Library had been submitted by a Mrs. Nesbitt for a Mr. Roberts, and her street address was given, leading me to her telephone number. Thinking she might be a professional genealogist, I called, explained my mission, and asked if she remembered the work she had done for Mr. Roberts, to which she rephed, "Oh, yes, he was my neighbor; he died a few months ago." As my heart sank, she went on to say, "But his daughter has retired and moved into his home. She's not there right now, but I'll teU her you called and you can probably talk with her tomorrow.'' Those of you who have made such a find wiU know the elation I felt at that moment. Not only had I found Daniel Stewart, but I was going to be able to talk with a descendant Genealogical research doesn't get any better than that! The next day Daniel Stewart's g-g-g-granddaughter greeted me with the words, "HeUo, cousin," and we talked for half an hour. The wall had indeed been breached. But the story doesn't end there. By the time I left Salt Lake City, I had names of Daniel . Stewart's children, including the two bom after the family arrived in Iowa. I had information on v— marriages of some of the chUdren, and I knew where to concentrate my future research. Upon my return home I immediately wrote to the Pioneer Sons and Daughters Genealogical Society in Des Moines, but the letter was returned for incorrect address. I put it aside, intending to check for a better address, and then got involved in some part-time work. When die letter resurfaced some months later, I sent it to the Iowa Genealogical Society and received a prompt reply giving me some additional information and directing me to a PSD member who worked on an allied family. That was another lucky day for me. Ms. Karma Dyke sent me dates, obituaries, death certificates, and newspaper cuppings that helped me add substance to the names in my lists. Her information was of great assistance in July, 1998, when a visit to the AUen County PubUc Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, another genealogical storehouse, added more Cockerham famUy data to my coUection. The wall continues to crumble. For instance, I have learned that at least three of Daniel Stewart's sons fought for the Union during the Civil War. Some of his family members moved westward to Montana and Idaho. Daughter Elizabeth may have died young, as she does not appear in census records after 1850, at least that I can recognize. Tragedy struck the family when son Thomas killed himself in 1888, and an even greater tragedy occurred in 1892 when die youngest son, James, murdered his former wife and her fiance and then kitted himself. All of these pieces of information make it apparent that my next genealogical jaunt must be to Iowa. As sometimes happens, this search contains a supreme irony— Roy and I passed through Des Moines in May, 1996. Had I only known then what I know now, I could have done research on the site. Here is part of the genealogical data I have been able to amass on this family. Daniel Stewart Cockerham, born 7 Oct 1806 Surry Co, NC, died 5 Oct 1861 Polk Co IA, buried Pine Hill Cemetery. His wife: Celia Gibbs, born ca 1809 (either GA or NC), died before 30 Oct 1890, Polk 140 ^y Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Ky K^ Ks Tumbling Wall, Continued Co IA, probably buried Pine HiU Cemetery. (Censuses indicate born NC, son Jesse's death certificate shows GA). The chUdren of Daniel Stewart and CeUa Gibbs Cockerham are: Sarah Emily, born 1829 Macon Co NC, married WUUam H. Meachem 21 Jan, 1848, Polk Co IA. WUUam Meachem was one of the first commissioners of Des Moines. WUUam D., bom 1832 Macon Co NC, married Sarah J. (Unknown), bom OH. He was not with the rest of the family in 1850; had he stopped off in Ohio? WUUam Uved in Warren Co IA at the time of his brother James' death in 1892. John C, born 6 Apr 1834 Macon Co NC, died 4 May 1880, Polk Co IA, buried Pine Httl Cemetery. He supposedly served in die Civil War. No record of a marriage has yet been found. Daniel Boone, born 1836 Macon Co NC, died 9 Aug 1910, Polk Co IA, buried Pine HiU Cemetery; married Ann Rummel, bom PA 29 Sep 1859 in Polk Co IA. He, his wife, and seven chUdren have been located in the 1880 census. Charity C, bom 1838 Macon Co NC, married John W. Lott, born VT, 23 Jan 1858 in Polk Co IA. She and her famtty appear in the Adair Co IA censuses of 1870 and 1880. Elizabeth A., born 1840 Macon Co NC, appears on me 1850 Iowa Federal census but not on the 1856 Iowa state census with the rest of the family. Had she married? If so, no record has been found. David M., bom 1842 Macon Co NC, died 17 Jan 1862, in Missouri of pneumonia while serving in die CivU War. Jesse Franklin (aka Joseph), born 5 May 1844 or 5 May 1846 Macon Co NC, died 24 Oct 1924, Polk Co IA, buried Pine Hill Cemetery. He married Rachel LaSaUe 7 Jan 1864 and, after her death in 1872, married her sister Sarah Jane LaSalle 25 Dec 1875. Jesse served in Co. I, Iowa First Battalion Light Artillery, in die CivU War and filed a request for a pension on March 21, 1915. In this petition he listed the names and birth dates of his chUdren. The .confusion about his birth date may stem from his desire to join the military at a time when he was too young to do so, but since he was the cbjjd. pot narn,e4 in the 1846 Deed of Gift, I would assume the 1846 date is correct. Thomas B., bom 29 Dec 1848 Polk Co IA, died as a suicide 12 Mar 1888 and is buried in Pine HiU Cemetery. James H., bom 1852, Polk Co IA, died as a suicide 20 Apr 1892 and, according to newspaper accounts, is buried in "Saylorville Cemetery near his brother." He married Nancy Howard 22 Feb 1872 in Polk Co IA and they were divorced 7 Nov 1891. Although much information has been found on die descendants of Daniel Stewart and Ceha Gibbs Cockerham, much research remains to be done. So, a waU has come tumbling down. If there is a moral to this account, it would be to look at die big picture when confronted by a lost family or-a seemingly unsolvable problem. The development of new states, the lure of gold or rich farmland, and the movement of relatives all contributed to an unstoppable movement of large segments of the population, and sometimes one is surprised by where family connections eventually come to rest. From North Carolina to Iowa is no more improbable than North Carolina to California, but never once did it enter my mind as a possibility. I have learned an important lesson. There is yet one question to be answered: what of my first goal in Salt Lake City? WUUam Cockerham's parents remain elusive, so a brick wall still stands and die quest goes on. Do all the walls ever tumble? Are all die pieces of the puzzle ever put into place? Only time will tell. But tins Lknow: even if other walls are never leveled, I have had the immense joy of seeing my Daniel Stewart wall crumble, piece by piece. For each of you I wish that same joy. Ruth Crawford Shuler 141 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 1 8 5 6 C u n n i n g h a m E q u i t y S u it v _ y [Ed. The following is a small portion of a suit in Jackson County Equity Court initially heard in 1856. Like all equity suits, families disagreed on some part of an estate, sometimes acrimoniously. The windfall for genealogists in equity suits is not that the family had a disagreement of some sort, but mat all family members are mentioned, either as plaintiffs or defendants. Herewith, the genealogical parts of the Cunningham suit, which, incidentally, appeared to be settled amiably enough in 1859. Abstracted from microfilm at WCU by Larry Crawford in June 1998. Punctuation added for clarity.] J.N. Brindle v Joseph Keener To the Honorable die Judge of the Court of Equity in order for the County of Jackson and the state of N Carolina: The bill of complainat of J.N. Brendle and his wife Elizabeth of Haywood County in said state & Robert Bryson & his wife PoUy Bryson of said county of Jackson against Joseph Keener and his wife Margaret; Burton Gunter and his wife Sarah; Rhoda Parris; Saml Buchanan and his wife Catherine; George Cunningham of said county of Jackson and Lewis Cunningham of Haywood and Aron Cunningham of Macon & John Cunningham of Tennessee... .hereby complaining showeth unto your Honor that George Cunningham Late of Haywood County of aforesaid died intestate about nine years ago seized and possessed of a tract of land lying and being in Jackson County on which the defendant Jos Keener now Uves.. A t his death he left his widdow Margaret Cunningham who is still Uving and your oratrix and the defendants John Cunningham, Aron Cunningham, Lewis Cunningham, Catherine Buchanan the wife of Samuel Buchanan, Margaret Keener the wife of deft Jos Keener, Rhoda Parris, and Umphrey Cunningham his only heirs at law to have said land.. .subject to a dower of Margaret Cunningham...that said Humphrey Cunningham died intestate, leaving the deft George Cunningham now an infant under age his only heirs at law to whom his part of said lands has vV decreed. This land is worth only about fifteen hundred doUars and can not be divided between the parties to this bitt according to their interest without injury to all. ( I n Keener answer, gives George Cunningham's date of death as 2 August 1845) Death certificates continued from page 132 Sylva Watson, Stella Garrett; w/o L.M.; 15 Aug 1877; Caney Fork; 29 Dec; Robt. V. Garrett; GA; Martha Ann Garrett; Caney Fork; L .M Watson; Sylva; Sylva Jones, Dora Cordelia; w/o W.H.; age 53,2,21; Gay; 9 Dec; Robert Buchanan; Gay; Martha Deitz; Gay; W J . Jones; RobbinsvUle; RobbinsvUle Fleeman, John William; h/o Birdie; 1886; Laurence Co TN; 6 Dec; H.W. Fleeman; not given; Martha Finley; not given; Mrs. J.W. Fleeman; Sylva; Sylva Webster Thomas, William; age 96,6,15 (Nothing else given on this certificate) Allman, Emma Ethel; w/o Walter, 8 Aug 1898; Webster; 29 Mar, WM. FrizzeU; Webster, Mary Tttley; SpeedweU; nothing else given Early, John; h/o Bettye Watson; age 51,9,7; Rutherford Co; not given; Logan Early; Rutherford Co; Angeline Hudgins; Rutherford Co.; Mrs. John Early; not given; Love's Chapel Wood, Asbury; wid; age 86,2,4; Tuckasegee; 21 Jul; WUUam Wood; East LaPorte; Jennie Barnes; Jackson Co; A.C. Queen; Webster; county home Watson, Edd; age 82; Jackson Co.; 11 Dec; nothing else given except Informant J JL Sheppard; Webster; East LaPorfe Sitton, Iola; wid/o Robert; 28 Apr 1888; Haywood Co; 20 Nov; Rufus Garrett; Polk Co; SaUie ^_J Cunningham; Haywood Co; Rufus Garrett; Webster; Webster 142 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 < ^ J a c k s o n C o u n t y D e l a y e d B i r t h C e r t i f i c a t e s , V o l u m e 5 < w \ s [Key to reading the following: Person's name; date of birth; place of birth; father's name; father's year of birth; father's place of birth; mother's name; mother's year of birth; mother's place of birth; Volume 5 page number. Abstracted 1 July 1998 in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office by Larry Crawford.] Carson, Julius Hamilton; 20 Dec 1877; WUlets; WUUam Carson; 1854; Jackson; Harriet Oxner; 1856; Haywood; page 6 Oates, Lucy; 31 May 1899; Sylva; WUl Watson; not given; Jackson; Carrie Oates; not given; Jackson; page 7. Buchanan, Harry Eugene; 3 Sep 1898; Sylva; MarceUus Buchanan; 1862; Jackson; BeUe Leatherwood; 1874; Jackson; page 12. Bird, James TerreU; 25 May 1885; Whittier; Charles A. Bird; 1853; Jackson; Sarah Terrell; 1861; Jackson; page 21. Collins, Robert Lee; 7 Dec 1879; Gay; WUUam Pinkney Collins; 1854; Jackson; Samantha C. Corbin; 1857; Macon; page 24. Parks, Joseph JabreU; 5 May 1898; Whittier; Thomas Alexander parks; 1858; Jackson; Lucresia J. Baker; 1863; Swain; page 26. Jones, Alonzo Corcie; 14 Sep 1892*. Gay; Nelson P. Jones; 1852; Jackson; Stacy Emmaline Woodard; 1854; Macon; page 30. Coward, WiUiam; 1 Jun 1894; CuUowhee; WUUam Coward; 1864; Jackson; Clercia Love; 1873; GA; page 61. Dillard, WiUiam B.; 7 May 1897;,Sylva; James R. Dillard; 1865; Jackson; Mary Rigdon; 1869; Jackson; page 68. Wike, Carter; 13 Apr 1897; East LaPorte; Lee Wike; 1868; Jackson; Florence Fincannon; 1897; NC; page 89. Parker, S. Matt; 19 Sep 1868; Tuckasegee; John H. Parker, 1842; Jackson; Elvira Woods; 1849; Jackson; page 92. Moses, Iva Florence; 30 Dec 1895; Tuckasegee; Larkin Moses; 1864; Jackson; Laura Brown; not given; Macon; page 97. Queen, Bascum; 31 Aug 1895; Balsam; T.H. Queen; 1866; Jackson; Margaret Parris; 1868; Jackson; page 99. Jarrett, Clyde Hamilton; 2 Nov 1893; Dillsboro; Robert Franklin Jarrett; 1864; Buncombe; SaUie C. WUd; 1868; Macon; page 100. Jarrett, Robert Posey, 19 Dec 1895; DiUsboro; Robert Franklin Jarrett; 1864; Buncombe; SaUie C. WUd; 1868; Macon; page 101. Jarrett, Ralph Franklin; 21 Mar 1898; Dttlsboro; Robert Franklin Jarrett; 1864; Buncombe; SaUie C. WUd; 1868; Macon; page 102. Bryson, Sterling C ; 11 Nov 1898; Gay; S.T. Bryson; 1867; Jackson; Maggie Bryson; 1875; JeffersonJ^C; page 104. Self, Vera Myra; 6 Mar 1889; Webster, Wm. Self; 1852; Buncombe; EUender Octavia Cowan; 1861; Webster; page 115. Hamilton, Arthur William; 6 Jan 1899; Wolf Mtn; James Robert Hamilton; 1871; Jackson; Arlesia Lowe; 1872; Swain; page 116. Cagle, Arthur C ; 29 Apr 1887; Greens Creek; John W. Cagle; 1863; Jackson; Sarah Louise HaU; 1866; Jackson; page 118. Coggins, P e r ry Lee; 5 Feb 1883; CuUowhee; Frank Coggins; 1855; Jackson; Amanda Brooks; 1857; Jackson; page 122! Mull, Sabra Catherine; 21 Sep 1885; Cowarts; John AUen Mutt; 1857; Haywood; Vianner Melton; 1859; Jackson; page 123 143 ^ y Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Delayed Birth Certificates, continued Mull, Thadies Burton; 14 Jun 1890; Cowarts; John AUen Mull; 1857; Haywood; Vianner Melton; 1859; Jackson; page 124. Bryson, Julius Jesse; 14 Jul 1896; Gay; Sterling T. Bryson; 1867; Jackson; Margaret Elizabeth York; 1875; Ashe; page 126. Fisher, James WUburn; 5 Apr 1897; Dttlsboro; James C. Fisher; 1857; Jackson; Mary Susan Davis; 1868; SC; page 129. Cowan, Royston; 7 Apr 1890; Greens Creek; Roystan Duffield Cowan; 1857; Jackson; Amanda Bradley; 1857; Jackson; page 130. Evitt, Mack; 30 Jun 1899; Norton; CA. Evitt; 1872; Macon; Rosetta Houston; 1874; Macon; page 131. Fisher, Cicero Guy; 26 Apr 1894; Sylva; Thomas J. Fisher; 1860; Jackson; Alice Jane Ray; 1863; Transylvania; page 140. Phillips, George; 17 Mar 1899; Wolf Mtn; John Phillips; 1867; Jackson; Artie Crawford; 1868; Jackson; page 142. Shular, James C ; 2 Jul 1873; Dttlsboro; David M. Shular, 1842; Jackson; Susan Everett; 1852; Hawkins Co TN; page 144. McGuire, Roy Lee; 7 Mar 1889; Norton; Samuel Logan McGuire; 1852; Jefferson Co TN; MarceUa Norton; 1853; Jackson; page 146. Wood, Carl; 10 May 1897; Cowarts; John Wesley Wood; 1873; Jackson; Mindia Parker; 1877; Jackson; page 150. Wike, Homer Howard; 5 May 1897; East LaPorte; James H. Wike; 1853; Jackson; Ella Jane Moore; 1861; Jackson; page 153. Coward, Dillard; 16 Oct 1895; Cowarts; James Coward; 1847; Jackson; Mary J. Hooper; Jackson; page 154. Conner, Joe Marion; 22 Feb 1892; Tuckasegee; Frank C. Conner; 1853; NC; Caroline Cope; j 1857; NC; page 157. v-/ Pressley, Mae; 24 Jul 1893; Cullowhee; WUUam Pressley; 1867; Jackson; Dovie Shelton; 1869; Jackson; page 158. Parker, John Houston; 11 Jul 1884; Cowarts; John Parker; not given; Jackson; Martha Elizabeth Parker; 1851; Jackson; page 160. Bryson, Napoleon Nelson; 30 Nov 1896; Balsam; John B. Bryson; 1867; Jackson; Mary M. Brooks; 1863; NC; page 164. Hooper, Dolphus Mont; 26 May 1889; Cowarts; N J . Hooper; 1856; Jackson; Sabra Stephens; 1860; Jackson; page 170. Tramper, Lottie Marie; 12 Oct 1892; Cherokee; Roberson Tramper; not given; Jackson; Aggie AUen; not given; Jackson; page 172. Bryson, James Marcus; 3 Nov 1894; Webster; Sterling T. Bryson; 1867; Jackson; Margaret Elizabeth York; 1875; Ashe; page 177. Wike, Milas Moloy; 3 Oct 1891; East LaPorte; Jerry Wike; 1843; NC; Tennessee Zachary; 1852; NC; page 195. Love, Carrie Melvana; 10 Apr 1879; Webster, John Candler Love; not given; Macon; Lou Love; not given; Macon; page 196. Watson, Jerdie Lillian; 2 Jun 1891; Sylva; Zebulon Vance Watson; 1863; Jackson; Kansas M. Long; 1870; Jackson; page 210. Rogers, Christopher G.; 2 May 1886; Cashiers; Nathan Rogers; 1851; Jackson; Alice Chapman; 1861; Oconee Co SC; page 211. Reynolds, S.J.; 23 Jan 1889; Webster; J.E. Reynolds; 1864; Buncombe; A L . Bartlett; 1865; Yancey; page 213. Davis, Sallie Sue; 29 May 1890; East LaPorte; David Asbury Davis; 1850; Jackson; Judeth L. Robinson; 1856; Transylvania; page 216. v~>^ 144 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Delayed Birth Certificates, continued L ^ Estes, Robert R.; 26 Jun 1887; Greens Creek; Jesse Estes-1845; NC; Margaret Cope; 1847; NC; ^ ^ page 226. Brown, Mary Effie; 23 Jan 1897; Argura; Jule M. Brown; 1861; Jackson; Chloe Middleton; 1858; Jackson; page 227. Bumgarner, Fred C ; 6 Sep 1895; Erastus; George B. Bumgarner; 1864; Jackson; Dorothy Moss; 1869; Jackson; page 228. Hyatt, Mary Etta; 19 May 1882; Whittier, AJE. Hyatt; 1825; Jackson; D.J. Monteith; 1841; Jackson; page 232. Stephens, Leah Louisa; 4 Sep 1895; Cowarts; Adolphus Stephens; 1871; Jackson; Addie Parker, 1875; Jackson; page 235. Wood, Ethel; 23 Nov 1887; Cowarts; WUUam Clayton Wood; 1861; Jackson; Rebecca Hooper; 1860; Jackson; page 242. Bryson, Ransom Lee; 2 Aug 1892; CuUowhee; John F. Bryson; 1851; Jackson; Rachael MagdoUne Shuler; 1858; Jackson; page 244. Norton, Lem; 12 Apr 1895; Cullowhee; W.C. Norton; 1856; Jackson; SaUie J. Coward; 1863; Jackson; page 248. Fowler, Francis Lake; 2 Feb 1898; Cashiers; John F. Fowler; 1871; Oconee Co SC; Dora Bryson; 1877; Jackson Moss, Thurman Carter; 22 Oct 1892; Erastus; Wilburn R. Moss; 1865; Jackson; Sarah Stewart; 1863; Jackson; page 253. Deitz, Lucius Coleman; 22 Nov 1883; Webster, Martin Luther Deitz; 1859; Jackson; Dorkey Josephine Cope; 1859; Jackson; page 256. Garrett, David; 29 Mar 1882; Cowarts; Robert Garrett; 1842; Clayton GA; Martha Chastain; 1847; Jackson; page 259. L ^ Stewart, Charlie Ray; 9 Jul 1896; Bessie; Jack Fuller Stewart; 1876; Jackson; Mary Arlessie ^t0^ Brown; 1876; Jackson; page 260. Burrell, Ulyses Grant; 19 May 1899; Cashiers; SUas Burrell; 1873; SC; Ahce WUson; 1872; SC; page 262. Rogers, David; 28 Jul 1893; CuUowhee; George Rogers; 1845; Jackson; Josephine Gibbs; not given; Jackson; page 266. Mills, John C ; 2 May 1876; Sylva; Samuel Smith MUls; not given; Jackson; Sarah Dorsey; not given; Jackson; page 267. Snipes, Oliver Monroe; 7 Oct 1899; Addie; Wm. Snipes; 1854; Marion NC; Mattie Smith; 1864; Mars Hill; page 270. Davis, WiUiam D.; 24 Aug 1896; Sylva; WUUam Vance Davis; 1864; Jackson; Cumi Fisher; 1868; Jackson; page 272. Rogers, Pearson; 16 Apr 1895; CuUowhee; George Rogers; 1854; Jackson; Josephine Gibbs; 1848; Jackson; page 283. Golden, Julia Allie; 16 Sep 1890; Tuckasegee; James Anderson Golden; not given; Jackson; Margaret J. Shook; not given; Jackson; page 289. Fisher, Flossie Florence; 26 Aug 1884; Sylva; Thomas Jasper Fisher; 1851; NC; AUce Jane Ray; 1854; NC; page 290. Wilson, Raymond Lester; 11 Jun 1898; GlenviUe; Thomas B. Wilson; 1865; Jackson; Ida M. Russell; 1873; Macon; page 301. Dills, Lena; 25 Feb 1895; Dttlsboro; Andy Dills; 1870; Jackson; Mollie Gibson; 1876; Jackson; page 302. Ashe, Bertie Ada; 18 Nov 1899; Webster; James R. Ashe; 1866; Jackson; Liltian B. Cowan; 1875; Jackson; page 303. i , Bnehanan, Elba; 24 Aug 1883; Webster, James Buchanan; 1862; Jackson; Alma Dills; 1862; Jackson; page 305. 145 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Delayed Birth Certificates, continued Green, Frank; 15 Apr 1898; Gay; Jerry B. Green; 1860; Jackson; SaUie Buchanan; 1867; Jackson; page 310. Moody, James Lambert; 19 Sep 1899; Erastus; W.R. Moody; 1871; Jackson; Josephine Leopard; 1875; Jackson; page 318. Potts, Lucy; 18 Jun 1896; Norton; Robert Potts; 1862; SC; Stacy Stewart; 1867; Jackson; page 319. Owens, Frank Ray; 4 Jul 1885; SpeedweU; Milas Owens; 1867; GA; SaUie Ann Leopard; 1869; NC; page 323. Parker, WiUiam Oscar; 19 Mar 1895; Argura; John Grant Parker; 1866; Jackson; Joyce Woods; 1873; Jackson; page 325. Ray, Leister Julia; 28 Mar 1899; Webster; Henry W. Ray; 1854; Madison; JuUa Whitt; 1858; Buncombe; page 326. Reed, Thaddeus Garland; 5 Aug 1891; Greens Creek; John Cosby Reed; 1864; White Co GA; CaUie Buchanan; 1867; Jackson; page 330. Buchanan, William A.; 29 Feb 1884; Gay; Robert G. Buchanan; 1857; Jackson; Martha Deitz; 1859; Jackson; page 332. Hooper, Stella Gertrude; 14 Jun 1899; Cashiers; Lem Hooper; 1877; Jackson; Sarah Jane Zachary; 1879; Jackson; page 333. Roberts, Lewis Tedcastle; 26 Apr 1888; Webster; William Theodore Roberts; 1862; Buncombe; Susan Jane Fox; 1853; Buncombe; page 337. StaUcup, Wttlard Glenn; 1 Mar 1894; Whittier, Seth Hamilton StaUcup; 1858; Jackson; Sarah Matilda Zachary; 1859; Jackson; page 338. StaUcup, David Leon; 28 Oct 1891; Whittier; Seth Hamilton StaUcup; 1858; Jackson; Sarah Matilda Zachary; 1859; Jackson; page 340. Hooper, Winnie; 8 Aug 1899; Cowarts; Jefferson Hooper; 1856; Jackson; Sabra Stephens; 1860; Jackson; page 343. Wike, Lula Kansas; 23 Sep 1877; Tuckasegee; John Wike; 1848; Jackson; Laura EUen Hooper, 1857; Jackson; page 348. F o r S a l e b y J C G S Cemeteries of Jackson County $35.00 locally $38.50 postpaid Docket Book: Jackson County Superior Court 1866-1896 $15.00 locally $17.50 postpaid Be watching for notebooks of past issues of Journeys through Jackson. We have suspended individual issue sales. Jackson County Heritage, Volume 1 has temporarily sold out Ky Ky K^y 146 Ky Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 F o u r C i v i l W a r L e t t e r s F r o m J a c k s o n C o u n t y M e n [Ed. We are pleased to offer the following transcriptions of original documents, letters home to various family members from Jackson County Civil War soldiers. As always, they carry messages of love, eagerness to defeat the Yankees, or poignancy. Taken in chronological order, they include a letter from John Sutton to his father, submitted by Betty Queen Monteith; a letter from Robert P. Crawford to his first cousin William Estes, submitted by Dennis Estes; a letter from W.M. Robinson to his wife, submitted by Dave Robinson; and a letter from John Belton Bishop to his wife, submitted by Lob Henn. Our thanks to each of these JCGS members for sharing these wonderful old letters with us.] AsheviUe, N.C. May the 26,1861 Dear Father Ky It is with great pleasure that James, Silas and myself are all well at present We will leave this place on Thursday for Raleigh. We have got orders to start North with. You need not write to me at this place. I will write when I get to Raleigh to you. The boys are all in good heart and want to git in a fight We have all got along fine since we left home. We all think that we will see the good people of Jackson one time more before we die. I think that we are going on a good case and the Lord wiU be on our side. I wttl now give you the names in my : M.W. Bryson, Joseph Sutton, Silas Sutton, W J . AUen, D.G. Fisher, Huston Bryson, John Messer & myself. Brother James is at the head of another . He is right beside us. The Jackson Company have taken the praise of being the best Company that ever was in Asheville, and die ladies think more of ours than we do of ourselves. We was respectful invited by die ladies to a concert in Asheville the other night We formed in ranks and march to die place where it was to be. There was three companies in the . The ladies formed theirselves and sung the tune of Dixie Land. The Jackson boys wiU never run from Yankee cannon, sword, nor gun. So I remain your true son until death. John Sutton Give my best respect to all of my friends - especially the girls. John Sutton Since I have sign my name, I heard we would have to go to Virginia to form a regiment of mountain boys to swipe Yankees. We are glad to hear the news —hip hip hip hurrah hurrah hurrah. John Sutton September the 29* 1861 At Nichols Sound on the Sea Dear Cosen Wm Eastis C I now take the Uberty of dropping you these few lines in order to let you no that I am weU at this time hoping at the same time that these few lines may find you & famly in the same state of helth. I and all of the Redgment is in camp & near the see cost not more than 2 hundred yards from the Beach. You can stay in the encampment and see all the steam boats and steam ships running all 147 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 Civil War letters, continued the time. It is a grand seen to see all the steamers Running up and down to and fro. You may stand on the Beach and look as far as your Eye can see and it is nothing but one world of water. v—^ We have the See Breeses which is as helthy as the are up whare you Uve. The water that we have is the very worst of water Such as you never Drank in your life die wigeltatts is as thick as Bees in gum whear the one Bushel of Bees in the gum. That is all the fait that I can find. We have all Drawed our uniforms and tha ar as fine as hart Can wk. Tha ar a gray sack coat with a Row of the finest Brass Buttons up the Breast- the pants is pretty much the same onnly tha is a black Stripe up the ledgs. Tha ar nice and Caps all so. Our guns is heare Ready for Distribution. The Fleete is seen every day tha come in sight and last night tha came in sight of us. We are looking for a test in very short time. I think that tha is from six to ten thousand yankees in the fleete though we do not no whether this this thing is true or not. But the yankees ar seen counstantly. Our Boys went over on a Uttle island this morning and seen them in a small Distance. I think that we will be in a fight Before any one Elce, and I hope so. We Drawd our Guns to Day and tha ar the Missisppi Rifels. We ar Ready for them now and any other time. I could wright Ten thousand tilings But I have Rote six or seven letters to day and you must excuse me. Wright to me as soon as you Recive this letter. Direct your letter to Wilmington 25th Rdg NC in Care of Col TL Clingman in Care of Captain TD Bryson Co B. So nothing more But Remain Yours until Death R.P. Crawford Cumberland Gap 6 July 63 Dear wife hit is with much plasure this evin that's to anser your kind and letter which came to hand this morning and to her that you an the chUdren was all weU an doin weU. I was glad to her that you had got your wheat cut and in die shock tho I no that you had a hard time to have hit done. I would drother abin at home but I could not nor I don't know when I will. I just have got in of Picket this morning. I have been out twinty fore ours and tha was the hard as storm of rain and thunder and Uting as all most ever I saw we was thare in hit and just had a blanket spred over us and bushes and sticks to ly on. I am as weU as comon at this time my helth has bin tolerbel good for die last three weaks tho I have not had my helth fore some time till thye last weak or too. I want you to try to have the wheat thrash and I don't want you to seU none of hit for I don't think you can spare any of hit fore I don't know when nor how you will make any more. I want you to have as much of the ry as you can git and Wheat too at my place as you can as som of hit is thrashd try to git hit away I want you to have some ry seeds. I want you to git WA Robinson to try to get the Wheat thras for you when he can tell him to be shore to not fail to have hit thrashd and I want you to have the straw put up and fail not Rite to me What you had to pay for cuttin your wheat and if hit is good I want you if you have to pay out money for work let die Confederate money go. I want you to not let that state money go keep hit Capt R A Edmonston is going to start home in die morning and I will send you 35 doUars by him. I want you to do the Best you can for your self and I will do the same. Rite to me if you have sole all of your bacon. Keep enough to do your self. Rite to me how your corn looks and if you think you will make a good crop. Rite to me whether you git the letters that I send. Ritemeonctea weak. TeU WA Robinson that I wold have rote to him but Short time. I will rite soon. I must close at this time so I will add no more. I stiU remain your loven Husban till death. TeU Mother and the girles me for not ritin to diem. TeU them to rite to me. Give my love to all the 148 K J u Ky Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 CMl War letters, continued friends and allso fare weU. I wood like to se you an the children one time more to play with them. WM Robinson (Lines from J. Bishop to his wife MX. Bishop) Dear wife when I study the condition of my wife and children, and the condition that I am in does seem that if it was not for that little hope I have after death I don't think I could stand it one day. You don't know how glad I would be to see you and talk with you one time more. I've have prayr in our tent of a night I have read my Testament through since I come here. I feel determined to serve my God let what will come. Dear wife remember me in your prayrs you haven't been out of my mind since I left home Goodby (John Belton Bishop) [Ed. Although the idea for publishing these four letters was originally to show the variety of experience for four different men, we are touched again by how much a part of history these four men became. None were famous, but all were later in some kind of statistical analysis for the war experience of die Confederacy. Sutton was killed in action in July 1863. He was a prolific writer home, and we have a good many of his letters to share with the Society. His youthful enthusiam gave way to sickness and the hardships of war, but his story is very typical of the courageous but brash young Southerner who didn't think die Yankees could hold out to fight a war. Robinson was captured at Cumberland Gap, and like so many of die North Carolina 62nd, was incarcerated at Camp Douglas. He died there in 1864. His letter shows no youthful exuberance and eagerness for war. He is worried about his family and whether they can manage to eat, a very real concern for the Confederate small farmer. He wants to play with his chUdren one more time, and the sadness of his letter is profound, although he tries very hard to be practical. Bishop died in a hospital in Richmond in 1864. His letter is, of course, philosophical in tone, but the homesickness and the love for his family are as evident in these few lines as is his reUgious faith. His letter was sent very shortly before his death, a hospital demise that was aU too frequent indie War Between die States on both sides. Crawford was wounded, deserted the Confederacy (very typical for the mountain boys), and eventually joined a Union cavalry regiment operating under a Tennessee number. Considering the raiding, bushwhacking, and other violence associated with these groups, one wonders if his new allegiance were a pragmatic decision....the rest of his family wore only the gray. He died in 1872, his health undoubtedly destroyed by war and scenes very different from the "helthy see breeses" he felt when gazing at the ocean and the ships he wanted to attack with his Mississippi Rifle.] 149 Journeys Through Jackson September - October 1998 D o n a t i o n s t o t h e J C G S L i b r a ry [Ed. Following are the donations to the Society's library during the months of August and September for 1998. Each Society member is encouraged to support the library in any way one chooses.] Call No. Author Title Donor 975.6 P 975.6 J 929.2 M 976.7 940.47P 929.3 W 973.7 T 810 H 975.6 W 975.7 V 975.6 L 970.1 G 923.7 B 975.6 L 381.4 C 975.6 S 378.75 W 070 T 070 T 917.56 F 975.6 R Miner, Ethel M. Easley, Barbara (ed.) Painter, Jacqueline B. Wooley, James E. Trotter, William R. Hoyle, Joy Phillips Wellman, Manly Wade Vandiver, Louise A. Lombard, Frances B. Greene, John W. Botner, Taft B. tavin, Clifford R. Covington, Howard E. SCGHS Wood, Curtis Terrell, Bob Terrell, Bob Frome, Michael Rankin, Hugh F. Panorama of Progress: Jackson County Centennial, Sept. 2-8, 1951 Jackson County Heritage, Vol. 1 Hanson, Henson, Hinson, Hynson and Allied Family Names Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas The German Invasion of Western North Carolina Macon County, North Carolina Marriages, 1829-1939 Bushwhackers: The Civil War in North Carolina The Mountains Beneath the Balsams The Kingdom of Madison: A Southern Fastness and Its People Traditions and History of Anderson County From the Hills of Home in Western North Carolina Forgotten Trails The Making of a Teacher Our Mountain Heritage Belk: A Century of Retail Leadership 100 Years of Progress—1889-1989: Bryson City, NC Centennial A Mountain Heritage Fun is Where You Find It Old Gold Strangers in High Places North Carolina in the American Revolution Elise Terrell JCGS Rick FrizzeU Ruth Shuler Dorris Beck Dorris Beck Dorris Beck Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Sharon Carnes Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Larry Crawford Ruth Shuler Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Lloyd Cowan Dorris Beck ^ K J The Beginnings of Our New JCGS Library are shown at the right. So far, seventy-seven accessed volumes, many files of periodicals, and various family notebooks have been donated by generous Society members. This is one way everyone can always help to make our Society stronger, especially giving materials you no longer use. W m l p ? § ^ i y 'K_y 150