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Journeys Through Jackson 2007 Vol.17 No.04

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • c c J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h J a c k s o n T h e Official J o u r n a l of t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , Inc. Vol. X V I I , No. I V F a l l 2 0 07 C JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC 2007 Officers President Dorris D. Beck Vice Presidents Robert Blackwell, James Monteith Secretary Marilyn G. Morton Treasurer E. Lawrence Morton Librarian Dorris D. Beck Office Manager Ruth C. Shuler Computer Coordinator. Deanne G. Roles Chair, Publications (Editor) R. Larry Crawford Journeys Through Jackson is the official publication of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. Members and non-members are invited to submit genealogical materials for publication, with the understanding that the editor reserves the right to edit these materials for genealogical content, clarity, or taste. The Society assumes no responsibility for errors of fact that may be contained in submissions, and except where noted, the opinions expressed are not those of the editor or of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. The Society accepts no advertising for this publication except for notices for other non-profit groups. From the Editor We finish another very successful year in the Jackson County Genealogical Society by recognizing the outstanding efforts of outgoing society president Dorris Dills Beck. Every organization made up of volunteers should be as fortunate as we have been over the past six years. We are glad that Dorris is retaining the office of Librarian, so that she will still be very involved with our group. We also realize, however, that change is inevitable and is normal in the course of life, so we shall dedicate ourselves to supporting James Monteith in his new capacity. Speaking of fortunate, your editor's job was made easier this time by the contributions of all of the following: Bill Crawford, Sanji Talley Watson, Jerry Facteau, James Monteith, Dorris Dills Beck, Betty Cope Andrews, Mack Sutton, Dan Johnson, Naomi Hooper Green, Shawna Green Hall, Ruth Ensley Bryson, Ruth Crawford Shuler, Tim Osment, and Peggy Crawford Jones. Count 'em folks. That's fourteen individuals who contributed to this issue of our publication. We ask you to read carefully the letter that accompanies your membership renewal, and we also hope that you will respond to the Holden Award nomination form. May your 2007 Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's (or any other celebration that might be particular to your religion or cultural tradition) be the most joyous one in your lives. Resolve, as always, to do more genealogy in 2008. u V i s i t u s a t o u r W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . j c n c g s . c o m / Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Announcements 145 JCGS P h o t o Album 146 - 1 5 0 T r a n s c r i p t i o n s F r om a Little Book 151 - 1 5 5 1887 C o n s t r u c t i o n Contract 156 1977 and 1 9 7 8 Jackson County Death Certificates 157-162 JCGS L i b r a r y Acquisitions 162 Descendants of Johannes Risch 163 - 1 6 8 Early 20th C e n t u r y Jackson County Marriage Certificates 169 - 1 7 2 Ridgecrest B a p t i s t C h u r c h Cemetery 173 - 1 7 6 John P a r k e r Descendants 177-178 Naomi G r e e n ' s Response to O u r Coggins Article 179 One of O u r Members 180 DNA T e s t i n g as a Tool for Genealogical Research 181 - 1 8 3 Minnie's S c r a p b o o k 184 - 1 8 6 One Thing a n d Another 187 - 1 8 8 New Members of J C G S in 2007 189 - 1 9 0 Index 191-192 In Memory We offer our sympathies to the families of Louise Morgan and Ruth Barger. Both of these fine ladies now have no more genealogical questions, only answers. Dedication We dedicate this issue of Journeys Through Jackson to JCGS member Grace Cope. Happy 100th birthday! 145 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m ^J KJ JCGS member Sanji Talley Watson has been at it again. Above, another example of the pictures she has collected in the Shook family. This one shows, on t h e back, Clercy Jane Hooper Shook and Theodocia Shook Watson. On the front are James Marion Shook and Laura Jane Shook Haskett. Below, J im Haskett, son of L a u r a Jane. KJ 146 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m On this page, JCGS-member Jerry Facteau submits a photograph of his grandfather Lonnie Crisp, shown with Lonnie's mother - in - law Lydia Jane Carson Queen. (Her daughter Bertha was not the mother of Lonnie Crisp's children, thus t h e lady in the picture is not lineally related to Jerry.) Lonnie Crisp was the father of a large family whom we associate with the Scotts Creek section of Jackson County. Lydia J a n e Carson Queen was the ancestress of a very large family in her own right. C 147 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J C G S P h o t o A l b um KJ \ J We suppose that we can say that Bill Crawford submitted this picture of his aunt and uncle. The photograph above shows Alfred Washington Parris, who was a brother of Bill's great - great grandmother Lucretia Parris Ensley. Alfred Washington's wife was Laura Louisa Conner, who was a sister of Bill's great - grandmother Susannah Conner Sherrill. To say that the descendants of the couple above are related to Bill is rather understating the case. -u 148 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m JCGS Vice - President James Monteith passes along this photograph, which he says was taken from a card photo, which was in turn taken from a tintype. James also states that this is the oldest photograph he has yet collected. The woman is Esther Thompson Sawyer, daughter of Nathan and Esther Black Thompson. She lived from 1800 until 1863. The man is Joel Sawyer, her husband, who lived from 1800 until 1866. The original photo is in the possession of Lonellen Sawyer Fox. 149 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m f-*r*&t —<-g * ' KJ \ J We were fortunate enough to visit this monument in October. It is located in Willowdale Cemetery in Goldsboro, and is the resting place of Martin W. Crawford, who died in Goldsboro in March of 1863. (Company B, 25th NC Troops) (His death was not a result of j combat.) The SCV chapter there has done a beautiful job of commemorating the sacrifice of many Confederate soldiers who rest in a mound there. Bill Crawford furnished this picture for us. \ y 150 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C T r a n s c r i p t i o n s F r o m a L i t t l e B o o k --Ed. The following are the contents of a small paperback book that found its way to our office. It was donated to the Friends of the Library bookstore, whose good people passed it along to Bill Crawford. Bill brought it to us. The little book was originally a small ledger issued by the United States government. On its cover its imprint reads 5 - 9 47 Department of the Interior U.S. Indian Service -The Department of the Interior was created in 1849, so this little book was presumably of recent vintage when most of the writing in it was done. -Also on the cover, written in 19th century longhand, is the following: "Notes of Thomas Entries from the time Jackson County was formed untill (sic) he went crazy" -We have no way of knowing who wrote this, but we can be reasonably sure that it was someone who knew William Holland Thomas. We doubt that there was any maliciousness (or even any pejorative implication) in the choice of words. Not everyone through history has beaten around the bush with euphemisms the way we do today. -On the first flyleaf of the ledger is written "Lands Lying in fork of Tuckaseige and Ocona Lufty River Grant 562 to J.B. Allison, 10,000acres 563 also JB Allison 10,000 acres -After two financial entries (we will return to these later), the land entry notes begin here. -No. 105 R.V.W. & Wm. W. Battle & J R Love Enters 50,000 acres of land beginning on Smoky Mountain on J.G. Blount's 176 thousand acre tract on the Tennessee State line then a southwardly course with that line to the Macon County line then an east course to the Tuckaseige River then up the River to the mouth of Ocona Lufta River then up that River to a stake in Blount's grant then with that line & with the same to the place of the Beginning Entered April 26,h 1853 Duplicate warrant issued -Ed. For those persons unfamiliar with land entries, we should stress that these claims did not mean that the persons ever secured outright ownership of the land, especially with such obscene numbers of acres. Small wonder that the American Indian was confused and tricked by white men - traditionally the Indian had little concept of personal possession of land, rather seeing it (like the air) for use by all. -No. 239 R.A. Edmonston enters & claims six hundred and forty acres of land in the County of Jackson Beginning on the South boundary line of a ten thousand acre entry No 25 made by Allison & Welch & Running various other courses for compliment (sic). Entered May 18th 1853 R.A. Edmonston -No. 398 James Conly & John Sherell Enters and claims one hundred acres of land more or less in the county of Jackson NC on the waters of Ocona Lufty River Beginning on the line of 151 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 the lands once owened (sic) by Price Adams, and running so as to include a ridge of oar (sic) formerally (sic) thought to be Iron ore and as the case may be for compliment . Entered June 20th 1853 K^ —No. 559 John B. Allison enters in the Entry takers office of Jackson County N.C. ten thousand acres of land situated in said county on on (sic) the South side of Soco Creek — Beginning on a hickory on the line of a tract of land owned by Thompson Carter and runs with the line of said tract to the line of a tract cultivated (by?) Judson Sherrell thence to the land occupied by Ulrick Keener thence with the lines of surveyed tracts occupied by Cherokee Indians to lands entered by Amos Plott near the top of the Soco Mountain thence various courses to include the granting of vacant land back to the Beginning Entered October the 1st 1853 J B Allison Warrant issued —No. 564 John B. Allison enters one thousand (acres?) of land in the Entry takers office of Jackson County situated in the said County on the waters of Soco Creek Beginning on a hickory on the East line of a tract of land owened (sic) by Scroop Enloe known as the Blanket tract thence with the line of that tract to a tract on which Wm. H. Thomas tan yard is situated thence with the line of that tract and the lines of tracts owned by Scroop Enloe, Nathan Hyatt, Bedford Sherrell and surveyed tracts occupied by Ulrick Keener and Cherokee Indians back to the beginning so as to include the Complement of Vacant land Entered Oct 1st 1853 J.B. Allison Warrant issued v J —No. 565 John B. Allison enters in the Entry taker's office of Jackson Co. N.C. five thousand acres of land. Beginning on the line of the upper surveyed tract on Adams Creek now occupied by a (sic) Cherokee Indians on a hickory and runs round with the lines of surveyed tracts to include the lands on the waters of said creek formerly known as Forgey's Creek and various other courses compliment (sic) to the beginning Entered Oct 1st 1853 (warrant issued) J.B. Allison -No. 566 John B. Allison Enters ten thousand acres of Land in the entry takers office of the County of Jackson on the waters of Soco & Ocona Lufty river in said county Beginning on a hickory on the east line of the Holland fields tract of land and runs with the line of said tract to the Ocona Lufty River thence with the western limits of of (sic) the vacant lands to the tract of land occupied by Indian Walla thence with the line of that tract occupied by Scroop Enloe thence to the line of Wm H. Thomas mill tract - thence with the lines of the surveyed tracts to the West line of a large tract of land occupied by Indians on the waters of Soco thence with that line and various courses for compliments, (sic) Entered Oct 1st 1853 Warrants issued J.B. Allison -No. 746 Phidilia E. Sherrill enters & claims one hundred acres of land in the county of Jackson on the waters of Soco Creek. Beginning on a white oak on the South side of said creek and on the branch that Jackson Bly now lives on joining the lands of Wm H Thomas and Scroop Enloe and running so as to include the best vacant land on or near said branch for complement. Entered the 2nd of Feb 1854 v_> 152 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C Warrant issued -No. 747 Issabella W. Sherrell enters and claims one hundred acres of land in the County of Jackson on the south side of Soco Creek. Beginning on a hickory (illegible) near the line of Scroop Enloe's land on the Milk Sick Cove branch & running various courses so as to include the Milk Sick Cove for complement Entered the 2nd day of Feb. 1854 Warrant issued —No. 755 State of North Carolina Jackson County Wm. H. Thomas enters in said county one hundred acres of land on the waters of Tuckaseigee River. Beginning on the bank of said river on a small oak on or near the upper line of the Canefield tract once owned by Jesse Cockerham & runs with said line and up the river & as the case may be for complement Entered 10th of Feb. 1854 Warrant issued Wm. H. Thomas -No. 756 State of N.C. Jackson County Wm. H. Thomas enters in the county six hundred and forty acres of land situated on Ocon Lufty river on the upper lines of a tract on the north side of the river - Now occupied by an Indian which was granted by the state in the name of Temperance Thomas, to run up the river and various other courses in include the vacant land for complement. Entered the 10th day of February 1854. Wm. H. Thomas Warrant issued -759 State of North Carolina Jackson Co. Wm. H. Thomas enters one hundred acres of land in the Entry takers office of said County Beginning on the corner of a tract of land occupied by Widow Gipson on the head of the creek Samuel W. Gipson has a mill on the various courses to include the compliment Feb the 15th 1854. Wm. H. Thomas Entered February 21 1854 Warrant issued -No. 760 State of N.C. Jackson Co. Wm. H. Thomas enters one hundred acres of land in the entry takers office of Siad (sic) County on a tract known as Kirklands branch adjoining a surveyed tract including an improvement owned by a man by the name of Brooks. Beginning on the upper corner of said tract and running so as to include the quantity of the vacant lands adjoining to said tract February the 15th 1854. Wm. H. Thomas Entered 21 day of Feb. 1854 Warrant issued -No. 761 State of N.C. Jackson County Wm. H. Thomas enters one hundred acres of land in said County on the South side of Tuckaseigee river. Beginning on the comer of a tract of land owened (sic) by a man by the name of Conner and runs down the river and various other courses to include the compliment Feb. 15 1854 Entered the 21st day of Feb. 1854 Warrant issued Wm. H. Thomas -No. 762 State of N.C. Jackson County Wm. H. Thomas Enters one hundred acres of land in said County on the waters of the Tuckaseigee River. Beginning on the tract of land now occupied by a man by the name of Elders once occupied by Joseph Welch and running various courses for complement 153 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Feb 15 1854 Entered the 21s t of Feb. 1854 Wm. H. Thomas Warrant issued -No. 1229 State of N.C. Jackson County W.H. Thomas enters in the entry takers office of said County ten thousand acres of land situated on the waters of Soco Creek to be surveyed in tracts of five hindred acres each Bounded as follows to wit - Beginning at the southwest corner of the tract of land purchased by Wm. H. Thomas containing abount (sic) thirty three thousand acres situated on the head waters of said Creek thence with that line Eastward as far as the vacant land extends thence with the the (sic) Southern Boundary line of the vacant land along the line of Entrys previously made in the name of Joseph Keener and others westward to the gap of the mountain at the head of Dicks Creek Thence various courses with the mountain so as to include the quantity of the Beginning Entered the 23rd day of Oct. 1854 Wm. H. Thomas Warrant issued -No. 1230 State of N.C. Jackson Co. Wm. H. Thomas enters in the entry takers office of siaid(sic) County ten thousand acres to be surveyed in five hundred a(sic) acre tracts bounded as follows to wit — Beginning on the line of a tract of land formerly occupied by Wm. Newton on a creek that runs into Deep Creek on the east side about half a mile above the place occupied by Nancy Wiggins and running east to include the vacant land between the tracts occupied by Indians Ah-quallago and George thence north to the top of the mountain that divided Deep Creek from Welch's Mill Creek thence along the top of the mountain to a point opposite the upper Indian house on the waters of Deep Creek thence with the top of the Dividing ridge that runs round the head of Deep Creek to the foot of Smoky Mountain near to the Balsam to the top of the ridge that divided the waters of Deep Creek from Lands Creek thence along the side of the mountain so as to include the Indian settlement and the quantity of vacant land to the Beginning Entered 23 of Oct 1854 Wm. H. Thomas Warrant issued -No. 1231 State of N.C. Jackson County Wm. H. Thomas enters in the entry takers of said County ten thousand acres of land to be surveyed into tracts of five hundred acres each Bounded as follows - Beginning on the upper line of the surveyed lands on the Newton Creek on a chestnut near the creek on the east side and running thence west so as to include the vacant land to the --Ed. The land entries stop here. There is a loose sheet of paper here which reads April 24th 1852 We John Conley and Samuel Gibson do hereby certify that after a due consideration of Henderson S. Mingus' lands we have valued them at $11,58,00 /s/ S.W. Gibson /&/ J.W. Conley (We don't know how to read this. $11.80? $11,580.00? $1,158.00?) As happens sometimes with this kind of book (in which the pages were originally blank), one needs now to turn the book upside down and backwards to find different entries. On the back cover is written Notes on Reports from other sources as to School work 154 KJ \ J v_> Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 / Turning in t h i s direction, only two pages have anything written on them. The first reads W Oct 29,1883 S.S. Monteith and J.T. Hughes recipted (sic) to S.B. Gibson agt for 6 recitation benches and 60 double desks which had been placed in School (houses?) at Cherokee, Birdtown and Macedonia Tu the 3rd of Oct 1883 Said Gibson paid Monteith and Hughes $300 On Oct 5, 1883 he paid them $105 for building Birdtown school house The second page appears to name a numbered recipe. It reads Boston School Cook book p. 372 R 1889 Now returning to the actual front and the ledger sheets there, we find on one page 1888 Receipts 1 2 - 1 9 Check by Moody & Rhinehart $65.89 On First National Bank of Asheville 1 2 - 1 9 Check by W.M. Petzer $75.00 H.E. McCoy & Co Bankers Bristol Term 1888 Disbursements . 12-19 To M.A. McCown Clerk $65.89 ^ ^ Signed by Moody & Rhinehart 1 2 - 1 9 To M.A. McCown Clerk $75.00 Signed by M.W. Petzer (We believe these transactions to go "with the school accounting rather than the Thomas land entries.) Ed. We have no way of knowing the relative value of this little book. We believe it is interesting and should be placed with other Thomas documents. The locations given in the land entries, along with the few names, make it important to us as genealogists. C 155 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 1 8 8 7 C o n s t r u c t i o n C o n t r a c t [Ed. The following is submitted by JCGS member Sanji Talley Watson, whose daughter Summer ran across it in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office. Sorry, readers, but it's all one paragraph.] This contract and agreement made and entered into on this the 19th day of March A.D. 1887 between S.H. Bryson, J.D. Coward and M.M. Wike the Board of Commissioners for the County of Jackson in the State of North Carolina party of the first part and J.D. Elliott and J.W. Elliott Contractors and doing business under the firm name of Elliott & Elliott of Burke County in said State, parties of the second part. Witnesseth That the said parties of the second part for the consideration hereinafter mentioned do covenant promise and agree to and with the said parties of the first part, that they the said Elliott & Elliott will within the space of twelve months from the 1st day of April 1887, in good and workmanlike manner and according to the plans and specifications adopted by the parties of the first part and on file in this office in said county and according to the best of their art and skill well and substantially erect build and set up and finish one Courthouse in the town of Webster in and for said County of Jackson according to the plans specifications and drawings as now adopted and on file in the office of said parties of the first part which said plans specifications and drawings is made part of this agreement. In consideration whereof the parties of the first part do covenant and promise to and with the parties of the second part well and truly to pay or cause to be paid unto the said parties of t h e second part the sum of Eleven Thousand and four hundred dollars ($11400.00) in the manner following to wit: three thousand dollars $3000.00 when said courthouse is built up to the second story of said building and the Joists for the same is put on, twenty five hundred dollars ($2500.00) when the roof is put on said courthouse and said courthouse closed in to be paid in a draft or order on the County Treasurer of Jackson County with interest at 8% per cent from date of draft or order And the remaining five thousand and nine hundred dollars ($5900.00) at the completion of said courthouse and when the same shall have been received and accepted by the parties of the first part and their successors in office said payment to be by draft or order on the Treasurer of Jackson County with interest at 8 per cent per annum from date of order. The drafts or orders above refered (sic) to to be drawn payable out of the special taxes (illegible) on the 1st Monday in May 1887,1888,1889 and 1890 And for the fulfillment of all promises and covenants aforesaid by each of the parties they respectively bind their legal representation as well as themselves In testimony wherof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the 19th day of March 1887 Signed and sealed in the presence of A. J . Long J r . Walter E. Moore /s/ S.H. Bryson (seal) /s/J.D. Coward (seal) /s/M.M. Wike (seal) The Bd. Of Com. of Jackson Co Elliott and Elliott (seal) Contractors KJ KJ v_> 156 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C C 1 9 7 7 D e a t h C e r t i f i c a t e s o f J a c k s o n C o u n t y P e r s o n s B o r n P r i o r t o 1 9 0 0 [Ed. Key to reading the following: Name of deceased; spouse; date of birth; place of birth; 1977 date of death; place of death; father's name; mother's name; informant; informant's address; cemetery. An asterisk (*) denotes a known or obvious error in the certificate. Abstracted by Larry Crawford in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office July 2007.] Alexander, Don Candler; wid.; 15 May 1899; NC; 21 Nov; Sylva; Kern Alexander; Nellie Brown; Essie Ashe; Tuckasegee; Sols Creek Allison, Lois Annie; wid.; 15 Mar 1890; NC; 18 Feb; Sylva; Jack Deitz; Eugenia Green; Margaret Allison; Sylva; East Fork Anderson, William Ross; div.; 28 Jul 1896; NC; 3 Dec; Sylva; John Anderson; Mary Sharpe; James A. Anderson; Robbinsville; Wiggins - Graham Co. Ashe, Jasper Hamilton; h/o Maggie Rankin; 6 Feb 1895; NC; 23 May; Sylva; William Ashe; Lou Extine; Maggie R. Ashe; Sylva; New Hope Austin, Belle Hoyle; w/o Charlie; 15 Apr 1889; NC; 2 Apr; Sylva; George Hoyle; Nancy Gunter; Clarence Austin; Sylva; Love (Willets) Barnett, Ollie Christopher; wid.; 2 Jul 1891; GA; 24 Apr; Sylva; Wesley Christopher; ; Jack W. Barnett; Cullowhee; Sunset- Murphy Berry, Frank Travers; h/o Marietta Monroe; 9 Feb 1898; MA; 21 Sep; John Martin Berry; Annie Laurie Milbury; Marietta V. Berry; Whittier; Swain Memorial Park Blanton, Christen Berry; h/o Emeline Bryson; 7 Sep 1891; NC; 4 Apr; Sylva; William Blanton; Piney Ensley; Emeline B. Blanton; Sylva; Ochre Hill Baptist Church Bradley, Cary Lee; h/o Mamie Sutton; 15 Apr 1898; NC; 25 Jan; Sylva; Jim Bradley; Mary Sherrill; Mamie Bradley; Whittier; Hensley Bradley, Elba Deitz; wid.; 2 May 1899; NC; 13 Oct; Sylva; Jack Bradley *; Eugenia Green; Lewis Bradley; Sylva; Old Savannah Bryson, Beulah Galloway; w/o G.F.; 8 Jul 1899; GA; 17 Aug; Sylva; Jim Galloway; Hattie Burgess; G.F. Bryson; Glenville; Hamburg Bryson, Laura Oma; wid.; 22 May 1890; NC; 21 Jul; Sylva; Razor Dean; Martha Stiles *; Willie G. Bryson; Cullowhee; Cullowhee Buchanan, Bertha Catherine; wid.; 1 Apr 1897; NC; 17 May; George Tatham; Oma Collins; Ha Mae Parker; Sylva; Fairview Buchanan, Isaac David; wid.; 10 Apr 1892; NC; 5 Feb; Sylva; Columbus Buchanan; Emma Green; Maggie Buchanan; Sylva; Greens Creek Bumgarner, Ruth Coralee; wid.; 2 Aug 1896; NC; 15 Apr; Sylva; Coleman Gribble; Lula Allen; Lee Bumgarner; Sylva; Fairview Bumgarner, Sarah Norma; wid.; 14 Feb 1894; NC; 10 Jun; Sylva; William Sutton; Alice McMahan; Hermie Dryman; Franklin; Bumgarner - Wilmot Childers, Glenn Hayes; h/o Louanna Stewart; 27 Mar 1898; NC; 19 Jan; Sylva; Billy Childers; Sarah Moss; Louanna Childers; Franklin; Pine Creek Cline, Maggie Shuler; wid.; 18 Sep 1888; NC; 11 Jul; Sylva; Willie Shuler; Nancy Hatcher; Mrs. Willie Painter; Sylva; Cline - Bryson City Cordell, Clifford Freeman; wid.; 9 Jun 1890; NC; 29 May; Sylva; Napolean Sanders; Josie Love; Hazel Reagan; Whittier, Thomas 157 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Crawford, Irene Elsie; wid; 6 Oct 1898; NC; 30 Mar; Sylva; Joseph W. Shepherd; Margaret McGaha; Archie Crawford; Sylva; Cullowhee Baptist j Crisp, Emma; w/o Bert; 17 Jan 1898; NC; 5 Aug; Sylva; Franklin Gibson; Etta Gibson; Bert Crisp; Whittier; Union Hill Deitz, John Hanley; wid; 28 May 1887; NC; 8 Oct; Sylva; John Deitz; Harriet Styles; Woodrow Deitz; Sylva; East Fork Evitt, Etta Julia; nm; 10 Mar 1895; NC; 2 Jan; Sylva; Columbus Evitt; Rosetta Houston; James Moss; Cashiers; Evitt Graf, Mattie Clifford; wid; 23 Jul 1879; GA; 12 Mar; Highlands; not given; not given; Joe Graf; Highlands; West View - Atlanta Grant, James Silas; wid; 1 May 1876; NC; 7 Jan; Sylva; Albert Grant; Lucinda Truitt; Beverly Bateman; Topton; Briartown - Macon Co. Griggs, WiU T.; wid; 25 Apr 1899; NC; 14 Dec 1976; Sylva; J.A. Griggs; Lona Williams; Clifford Griggs; Robbinsville; Upper Yellow Creek - Graham Co. Hall, William Sharn; wid; 22 May 1886; NC; 27 Jan; Sylva; Charlie Hall; Pad Beasley; Perry Hall; Sylva; Old Savannah Harris, Belle Harris; wid; 10 Sep 1894; NC; 6 Feb; Sylva; James Moore Harris; Kitty Mae Wilson; Eva McCall; Marion; McDowell Memorial Park - Marion Hedden, Benjamin Harrison Sr.; h/o Fannie Wood; 2 Apr 1889; NC; 2 Sep; Sylva; Blake Hedden; Mary Jane Bowman; Fannie W. Hedden; Franklin; Walnut Creek — Macon Co. Hoyle, Fannie Marie *; wid; 8 Nov 1889; NC; 22 Nov; Sylva; Samuel Parris; Jane Bryson; Margie Henry; Sylva; Blanton (Blanton - Hoyle) , Jackson, Walter Henry; h/o Ha Lowe; 10 Mar 1895; Jackson Co.; 30 Dec; Sylva; Thomas H. Jackson; Amanda Wike; Hazel Edwards; Sylva; Fairview Jones, Fannie Ward; wid; 1 Jan 1884; NC; 26 Sep; Sylva; Eli Ward; Mary Bradley; Raymond H. Jones; Whittier; Nations Creek Jones, Roy Lee; h/o Edith Holden; 23 Jun 1899; NC; 3 Apr; Sylva; John L. Jones; Dona Brooks; Edith Holden Jones; Sylva; Addie Messer, Lovicia Green; wid; 5 Jul 1898; NC; 27 Dec; Whittier; Mathew Green; Cynthia Jones; Lovicia Cole; Whittier; Thomas Monteith, Albert Lawrence; h/o Bessie Alexander; 5 May 1893; NC; 14 Jan; Glenville; Andy Monteith; Mary Taylor; Bessie A. Monteith; Glenville; Hamburg Monteith, Julia Belle; w/o Charles W.; 23 Dec 1894; NC; 18 Aug; Glenville; Thad Robinson; Addie Buchanan; C.W. Monteith; Glenville; Hamburg Moore, Lewis Crawford; h/o Hattie Laws; 12 Jul 1891; NC; 5 Mar; Sylva; Jerden Moore; Julia Hawkins; Lucille M. Roberson; Sylva; Keener Moss, Dovie Alvine; wid; 29 May 1890; NC; 4 Aug; Sylva; Ed Coggins; Martha Bryson; Dollie Jennings; Franklin; Pine Creek Pangle, Henry D.; h/o Edna Lewis; 9 Feb 1894; 11 Jul; Sylva; George Pangle; Lula Sutton; Edna L. Pangle; Sylva; Stillwell Paxton, William Manuel; wid; 2 Mar 1896; NC; 5 Jan; Sylva; Bill Paxton; Sarah Jane Walker; Shuford Paxton; Franklin; Lovedale Potts, Paul Thomas; h/o Allie Ray; 2 Sep 1894; 16 Jul; Sylva; Jud Potts; Bell Raby; Allie Potts; Franklin; Woodlawn - Franklin \^J 158 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Revis, Amy Laura; wid; 21 Dec 1897; NC; 15 Mar; Sylva; Penn Bumgarner; Maude Hill; Johnny Revis; Sylva; Bumgarner - Wilmot Rice, Effie Arlee; wid; 12 Oct 1896; SC; 27 Nov; Cashiers; not given; Mary D. Nichols; Carl Rice; Cashiers; Pleasant Grove Rigdon, J o h n Ralph; h/o Catherine Nicholson; 6 Oct 1896; NC; 16 Mar; Tuckasegee; James Mitchell Rigdon; Charlotte Owens; Catherine N. Rigdon; Tuckasegee; Fairview Roehms, L a u r a Roxanna; wid; 23 Jan 1890; NC; 19 Mar; Sylva; Berry Davis; Donna Gibson; Charlie Snyder; Whittier; Thomas Sewell, Georgia McCready; wid; 1 Jan 1883; PA; 10 Jan; Sylva; Isaac J. McCready; Mary Eliza McGregor, Richard Sewell; Hendersonville; Shepherd - Henderson Co. Snyder, James Theodore; h/o Mae Deitz; 26 Oct 1891; NC; 20 Nov; Dillsboro; Humphrey R. Snyder; Ellen Ensley; Mae D. Snyder; Dillsboro; Parris Tilley, Grover Cleveland; h/o Effie Pressley; 8 Oct 1888; NC; 9 Nov; Cullowhee; Hampton Tilley; Emily Frizzell; Effie Tilley; Cullowhee; Fairview Tudor, Fred Walker; h/o Bertha Burris; 13 Jun 1889; KS; 22 Sep; Sylva; J.H. Tudor; Mary Bean; Bertha B. Tudor; Sylva; St. David's Ward, William Glenn Sr.; h/o Carrie Buchanan; 13 Dec 1898; NC; 5 Feb; Sylva; William G. Ward; Sallie Harris; Carrie B. Ward; Sylva; Old Field Warren, Belle Telitha; wid; 23 Apr 1897; TN; 22 Jul; Sylva; George W. Morgan; Fannie Guffey; Mrs. Frank Dean; Franklin; Bon - a - Venture - Haywood Co. Wiggins, Minnie Cline; wid; 9 May 1894; NC; 28 Jun; Sylva; William Cline; Dovey Callahan; Mrs. Edna Wiggins; Bryson City; Clark - Bryson City Wightman, Margaret Alice; wid; 28 Mar 1889; MO; 30 Mar; Sylva; Maurice Crowley; Mary A. Mehan; Marian Renfro; Sylva; Miriam - Bethany MO Wilnoty, Joseph; div; 5 May 1894; NC; 12 Jan; Cherokee; Mose Wilnoty; Annie Littlejohn; Bessie Hornbuckle; Cherokee; Family - Cherokee Wright, Alexis Ivan; h/o Jane Brett; 11 Mar 1898; Russia; 17 Jan; Dillsboro; not given; not given; Jane Brett Wright; not given; Shepherd Crern. - Hendersonville 1 9 7 8 D e a t h C e r t i f i c a t es ^ Allison, Margaret Pearl; wid; 15 May 1894; Houston TN; 18 Sep; Sylva; John Robbins; Margaret Brigham; Janie Leftwich; Cullowhee; Woodlawn - Nashville TN. Arey, Helen Rabe; wid; 11 Feb 1898; Rowan Co.; 25 Nov; Sylva; Thomas Jefferson Rabe; Elisheba Malachi Outlaw; Mrs. J.C. Arey; Mount Pleasant SC; Chestnut Hill - Salisbury Bradburn, Addie Elizabeth; wid; 4 May 1899; Swain Co.; 20 May; Whittier; Jack Freeman; not given; Alvin Bradburn; Marion; Thomas Bradley, Bessie Boss; nm; 23 May 1899; Swain Co.; 12 Sep; Sylva; Zadock Bradley; Clearcy Ann Griffith; Hazel King; Cherokee; Campground Brown, Albert Edwin; wid; 29 Aug 1894; Jackson Co.; 19 May; Tuckasegee; William A. Brown; Louise Coats; Imogene B. Brown; Tuckasegee; Tuckasegee Baptist Brown, Attie Mae; wid; 11 Sep 1890; Cleveland Co.; 4 Jan; Sylva; A.A. Bridges; Matilda Bridges; Rachel B. Phillips; Sylva; Keener Bryson, Pearl Picklesimer; wid; 11 Dec 1898; Jackson Co.; 25 Aug; Sylva; H.B. Picklesimer; Effie Alley; Edward E. Bryson; Sylva; Fairview 159 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Bryson, Ransom L.; h/o Alice Crawford; 2 Aug 1892; Jackson Co.; 31 Jan; Sylva; John F. Bryson; Rachel Shuler; Peggy Frazier; Waynesville; Cullowhee Baptist Buchanan, Laurah Rebecca; wid; 13 Aug 1894; Macon Co.; 12 Sep; Sylva; Alfus Cloer; Callie Estes; Myrtle Buchanan; Sylva; Old Savannah Bumgarner, Charlie Fannin; h/o Lennis Taylor; 22 Aug 1899; Jackson Co.; 27 Apr; Sylva; James P. Bumgarner; Melvinee Jones; Lennis T. Bumgarner; Sylva; Love's Chapel Cabe, Lora Belle; wid; 7 Dec 1895; Jackson Co.; 2 Jun; Sylva; Henry Buchanan; Rebecca Sutton; Mrs. Ray Woodard; Sylva; Old Savannah Cable, Mary; 24 Jul 1890; Swain Co.; 12 Feb; Sylva; Calvin Welch; Elizabeth Welch; Ed Welch; Sylva; Hillcrest - Waynesville Caldwell, Lucy Boyer; wid; 13 Mar 1895; Cocke Co. TN; 1 Aug; Sylva; Creed F. Boyer; Ann Dennis; Margaret Hartman; Andrews; Valleytown - Andrews Cochran, Addie Ledford; wid; 5 May 1887; Swain Co.; 29 Dec; Sylva; William Ledford; Juliet Adams; Cora Lee Bridges; Bryson City; DeHart - Bryson City Cook, Elinor Cleaveland; wid; 23 May 1893; Macon Co.; 19 Oct; Sylva; W.B. Cleaveland; Estelle Bailey; Frances P. Hays; Franklin; Woodlawn - Franklin Crawford, Loranzo Washington; wid; 8 Jan 1876; Jackson Co.; 5 Jan; Sylva; George Washington Crawford; Nancy Susanna Morrow; Frank Crawford Jr.; Sylva; Crawford Davis, Sherman Blaine; wid; 10 Oct 1892; Jackson Co.; 30 Oct; Sylva; Thomas Davis; Lena Kemp; Sibyl Blakely; Sylva; Mt. Zion AME Zion Dills, William Clingman; h/o Myrtle Passmore; 15 Mar 1894; Swain Co.; 19 Feb; Sylva; not given; Adeline Dills; Myrtle P. Dills; Bryson City; Bethel Hill - Topton Frizzell, Fred Seymore; wid; 28 Dec 1899; Jackson Co.; 4 May; Sylva; John Frizzell; Candis Frady; Joe W. Frizzell; Waynesville; East Fork Galvin, Helen Pace; div; 11 Mar 1889; Los Angeles CA; 9 Sep; Sylva; Rufus A. Kyle; Ellen ; Robert R. Kirkpatrick; Long Beach CA; Angles Abby * - Compton CA (Angel's Abbey?) Gibson, Noah Arthur; wid; 14 Feb 1887; Macon Co.; 20 Feb; Sylva; Walter Gibson; Eunice Justice; Jack Gibson; Norcross GA; Ridgecrest - Franklin Graham, Elsa Paschky; wid; 26 May 1893; NY; 29 May; Sylva; Frederick Paschky; Lena Lenanhouser; Jennie MacArthur; Franklin; St. John's Episcopal - Macon Co. Green, Golman Lee; h/o Emma; 14 May 1891; Jackson Co.; 31 Dec; Sylva; not given; Rodah Green; Tina Sutton; Sylva; Green's Creek Harrill, William Bunyon; h/o Thelma Hawkins; 18 Sep 1899; Cleveland Co.; 31 Dec; Cullowhee;I.D. Harrill; Georgia Lattimore; Thelma H. Harrill; Cullowhee; Lattimore Baptist - Cleveland Co. Henderson, Manilla Mae; wid; 20 Apr 1898; Macon Co.; 20 Jul; Sylva; Alec Shook; Jennie Stanfield; Aubry Henderson; Cullowhee; Pine Creek Hensley, John Sever; wid; 4 Jun 1880; Jackson Co.; 24 Mar; Sylva; Mack Hensley; Mary McMahan; Lloyd Hensley; Dillsboro; Locust Field Hensley, Leonard Jasper; wid; 12 Aug 1891; Yancey Co.; 27 Oct; Sylva; Andrew Hensley; Rachel Edwards; Sterling Hensley; Cullowhee; Balsam Grove Higdon, Maude Eliza; wid; 20 Jan 1899; Macon Co.; 9 Dec Sylva; Robert Young; Marianna Young; Clarine Higdon; Sylva; Parris Hooper, Fred Dew; wid; 9 Jul 1898; Jackson Co.; 23 Feb; Sylva; Mike Hooper; Cumile Wilson; Raymond Hooper; Cullowhee; Hamburg 160 ^J KJ ^ Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 / Hoxit, Iva Bumgarner; wid; 14 Jul 1884; Jackson Co.; 8 Sep; Sylva; John Bumgarner; Mary V ^ Long; Lenna Jo Russell; Orlando FL; Green Hill - Waynesville Huscusson, Donia Florence; nm; 24 Feb 1895; Macon Co.; 17 Jul; Sylva; Taylor; Ola Love Huscusson; Mrs. John Anderson; Franklin; Cartoogechaye Baptist - Macon Co. Hyatt, Evelyn Mcintosh; wid; 26 Jun 1885; Greenville SC; 18 Nov; Sylva; Donald Mcintosh; Carrie Lankford; Lachlan Hyatt; Spartanburg SC; Green Hill - Waynesville Jacks, Hollis Dee; wid; 18 Jun 1888; AL; 3 Jun; Sylva; Frank Jacks; Katie Howard; Frances J. Beard; Bryson City; McClure - Winchester TN Lessley, Ocie James; h/o Ethel Sutton; 6 Jun 1899; Elmore AL; 24 Sep; Sylva; Robert Lessley; Susie Lyons; Ethel S. Lessley; Sylva; Wesleyanna Mashburn, Alice Reece; wid; 28 Mar 1893; Macon Co.; 18 Nov; Sylva; Charles Reece; Nora Lewis; Nancy Browning; Sylva; Stillwell Mills, Ethel Melton; wid; 9 Sep 1892; Jackson Co.; 17 Oct; Sylva; Granville Melton; Cynthia Mills; Wade Mills; Sylva; Ochre Hill Baptist Church Mollenhour, Grace Iona; wid; 11 Dec 1887; Elkhart IN; 29 Dec; Sylva; Ben Moyer; Melinda Richardson; Beatrice Codner; Sylva; Fairview Morris, Alice Maud; wid; 6 May 1890; Swain Co.; 17 Jan; Sylva; Edward G. Hyatt; Sarah Rebecca Bailey; Dan Morris; Bryson City; Swain Memorial Park Morris, Poe Terry; wid; 15 Sep 1882; Rutherford Co.; 28 Sep; Sylva; Bill Terry; Hannah T. Rich; Vivian B. Tallent; Morganton; Silver Creek - Burke Co. McGuire, Wayne Patrick; h/o Daisy Zachary; 22 Feb 1883; Macon Co.; 1 Jan; Sylva; Samuel ^ / Logan McGuire; Marcella Norton; Noracella M. Wilson; Sylva; Keener McMahan, William Lawrence; h/o Susie Cook; 15 Mar 1895; Jackson Co.; 1 Nov; Sylva; Curtis McMahan; Emma Morgan; Susie C. McMahan; Sylva; Fairview Oxner, Mattie Tolbert; w/o Thomas Edney Oxner; 10 Aug 1898; Caldwell Co.; 6 Jan; Sylva; Elisha Tolbert; Martha Estes; Estes Tolbert; Whittier; Thomas Pilkington, Elsie; wid; 25 Apr 1894; Swain Co.; 19 Nov; Sylva; William Cochran; not given; Clyde Barker; Robbinsville; Sawyer Creek - Graham Co. Potts, James Hubert Sr.; 29 Dec 1893; Jackson Co.; 1 Sep; Sylva; David Potts; Emma Cagle; Emma Lou Sumner; Syjva; Fairview Randolph, John Peyton; wid; 22 Nov 1895; Yancey Co.; 25 Mar; Sylva; David Randolph; Valeria Horton; Ruth P. Adams; Bryson City; Swain Memorial Park Reed, Nancy Mellie; wid; 5 Sep 1897; Jackson Co.; 26 May; Sylva; Jefferson D. Parker; Ellen Painter; Mrs. T.L. Huguelet; Sylva; Lovedale Sequoyah, Molly Davis; wid; 11 Jun 1882; TN; 5 Jan; Sylva; Tom Walkingstick; Annie ; Emaline Driver; Cherokee; "Family" - Cherokee Shelton, Ida Jane; wid; 23 Mar 1883; Jackson Co.; 3 Dec; Sylva; Merritt Sellers; Jane Ward; Jesse Claybo; Cullowhee; Ward Smith, Vera Myra; wid; 6 Mar 1889; Jackson Co.; 3 Dec; Sylva; William Self; Octavia Cowan; Penelope S. Smith; Greenwich CT; Stillwell Stevenson, Shuford William; h/o Willie Buchanan; 23 Oct 1899; Swain Co.; 15 May; Sylva; f James W. Stevenson; Addie Bowers; Willie B. Stevenson; Bryson City; Swain Memorial Park 161 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Talley, William David; h/o Dovie Henry; 17 Aug 1896; Rabun Co. GA; 31 May; Sylva; John Talley; Margaret Kell; Dovie H. Talley; Franklin; Holly Springs - Franklin Taylor, Florence Hassett; wid; 7 Mar 1891; MO; 13 Jan; Sylva; Frank Hassett; Mary Louise Hassett; George A. Taylor; Franklin; Woodlawn - Franklin Teague, Anna Victoria; wid; 13 Jan 1889; Haywood Co.; 16 Jun; Sylva; Thomas Jarrett; Jane McElrath; Wilma Teague; Canton; Crawford Memorial Park - Canton Tolley, Randolph William; h/o Margaret Long; 14 Jun 1893; Clay Co.; 7 Feb; Sylva; Leonard Tolley; Martha Ayers; Bonnie Shelton; Sylva; Fairview \ J Walls, Allen Bernard; wid; 29 Apr 1894; Graham Co.; 24 Jun; Sylva; General Walls; Margaret Ammons; B.J. Walls; Robbinsville; Walls - Graham Co. Wieters, Maria Sanders; wid; 29 Jun 1899; Attalla Co. MS; 13 Aug; Sylva; William Sanders; Bettie Whyte; John Wieters; Macon GA; Old Cemetery - Kosciusko MS Wood, Lyda; wid; 28 Oct 1897; Jackson Co.; 6 Nov; Sylva; Leon Hooper; Clara Stephens; Fannie Green; Sylva; Upper Stephens Wykle, Laura Belle; w/o Jack; 8 Dec 1894; Jackson Co.; 21 Feb; Sylva; Wes Green; Sarah Green; Mrs. Carl Hayes; Sylva; Old Savannah J C G S L i b r a r y A c q u i s i t i o n s Call No. Author Title Donor 917.56 975.8 975.6 929.1 929.3 929.2 975.6 975.6 975.6 Houk, Rose Seminole Co. Hist. Soc. Rockingham Co. Hist Soc. Hinckley, Kathleen W. Jackson Co. Gen. Soc. Ashe, John R. Nardy, Jane Gibson Alleghany Hist. - Gen. Soc. McDonald, Victoria Casey Great Smoky Mountains Nat'l Park Cornerstone of Georgia: Seminole County, 1920 -1991 The Heritage of Rockingham County NC 1983 Locating Lost Family Members and Friends Jackson County Marriages, 1853 — 1901 Ash, Ashe, Stillwell: A Genealogy and History Cashiers Valley Alleghany County Heritage, 1983 The African Americans of Jackson County Bill Crawford (from Friends of Public Library) Purchase Jane Nardy Carolyn Robison Complimentary by Publisher Purchase Victoria Casey McDonald ^J ^J 162 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C C D e s c e n d a n t s o f J o h a n n e s R i s c h [Ed. We continue in this issue with the work of JCGS member Betty Cope Andrews.] SHAWHAN 29 Jan 1839, daujJiterofJOTmSHAWHAN and MARGARET McCUNE. She was bom 09 Oct 1799 in Bourbon Co, KY.andjdied 14 Dec 1882 in Bourbon Co., KY. Notes for GEORGE RUSH: wm Children o f GEORGE RUSH and JANE ANDERSON are: 59. i. TABTTHA7 RUSH, b. 15 Mar 1819; d. 09 Dec 1857. ii. CHARLES RUSH, b. Abt 1821. Child o f GEORGE RUSH and NANCY SHAWHAN is: iii. GEORGE ANN7 RUSH, b. 1840; m. HARVEY C. IRELAND. 23. JOHN6 RUSH (GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES1) was bora 24 Feb 1797 in Lincoln Co., NC, and died 01 Feb 1882 in Rome, Floyd, OA. He married MARTHA M. CAMP 26 Nov 1822 fa Jackson Co., GA. She was bom 24 Jun 1798 in SC, and died 07 Apr 1872 in Floyd Co»GA, Note* for JOHN RUSH: Picture in Papers from Betty Baldwin. (F. R. Case, Beatrice, Neb. Children o f JOHN RUSH and MARTHA CAMP are: i. JANB ANN1 RUSH, b. 1829, Floyd Co, GA. 6a ii. HOSEACAMP RUSH, b. Dee 1832, Floyd Co., OA. iii. SARAH J. RUSH, b. 1836, Floyd Co., GA;m. RICHARD ZUBER. 61. iv. CHARLES WESLEY RUSH, b. 1838, Floyd Co, GA. v. MARTHA FRA>CES RUSH, b. 1840, rToyd Co., GA;m. THOMAS S.BURNEY. vi JULIA ANN RUSH, b. 1824. vii ELIZABETH RUSH, b. 1826. viii GEORGE T. RUSH, b. 1827. 62. ix. MARY J. RUSH, b. 1829. x. MARGARET V. RUSH, b. 1831. 24. JACOB6 RUSH (GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN?, JOHANNES1) was born 0 8 Aug 1798 in Lincoln Co., NC, and died 13 Aug 1854 in Lincolnton, NC. He married CLARISSA SHUFORD 07 Jan 1825 in Lincoln Co., NC. She was bom 30 Mar 1799 In Lincoln Co., NC, and died 1890. Notes for JACOB RUSH: Sandy Vines descends from Jacob. Children of JACOB RUSH and CLARISSA SHUFORD are: i. PETER S.» RUSH, b. Abt 1826; m. ELVIRA INGLE. ii MARY A. RUSH, b. Abt 1830; m. FAY. iii LUTHER R RUSH, b. Abt 1833; d. 1917. iv. MARTHA J. RUSH, b. Abt 1835. 63. v. WILLIAM SLADB RUSH, b. 25 Dec 1839, Lincoln Co., NC; d. 08 Aug 1895, Alexandria, Rapides Parish, LA. vi. CHARLES C. RUSH, b. Abt 1842. vii. ELIZA RUSH, b. 1828; d. 1890. 25. ANN ELIZABETH6 RUSH (GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RiSCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES1) WB3 boral9Msrl807faLiiK»hia).,NC,anddied24Junl898inPlaJnville,GA. She married WiLUAM LEWIS VANDYKE 08 Aug 1826 in Haywood Co, NC (now Macon), son o f JOSHUA VANDYKE and PEGGIE MAUNEY. He was bom 04 Aug 1803 in Lincoln Co., NC, and died 25 Jul 1888 in Plainville, OA. Notes for ANN ELIZABETH RUSH: ^ death date 6 June 1898 in "Rush Memoirs" p. 226. Shawn* descends flora Annie, Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Susan Damcron Marks ( Sandy Vines ( Children of ANN RUSH and WILUAM VANDYKE are: i. DAVID H.7 VANDYKE, b. 1828. ii. NANCY C. VANDYKE, b. 1829. iii. ELIZABETH VANDYKE, b. 1831. jv. MARGARET VANDYKE, b. 1832. V. CHARLES R VANDYKE, b. 1834. vi. MARTHA R VANDYKE, b. 1836. vii. WILLIAM L VANDYKE, b. 1838. viii. SARAH ANN VANDYKE, b. 1840. ix. JAMES F. VANDYKE, b. 1842. x. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN VANDYKE, b. 1844. xi. SIDNEY VANDYKE, b. 1847. xii. MARY ROZETTA VANDYKE, b. 1850. 26. WILLIAM LOWELL6 RUSH (GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was born 1809 in NC, and died 12 Jul 1836 in Livingston, Sumter Co., AL. He married LENORE MAHALA TURNER 1830 in Spartanburg Co., SC, daughter of SAMUEL TURNER and MAHALA CHAPMAN. She was bom 15 Jan 1815 in Spartanburg, Co., SC, and died 25 Feb 1879. Notes for WILLIAM LOWELL RUSH: George Dexter Rush, Jr., Box 418, Ware Shoals, SC 29692. is GO grandson of William Rush, son of George (d.1831) One record gives death 1836 in Sumter Co., AL other 1840 Floyd Co., GA. Children of WILLIAM RUSH and LENORE TURNER are: 64. i. ANN MAHALA7 RUSH, b. 25 Feb 1833, Spartanburg Co., SC; d. 25 Dec 1903, Spartanburg Co., SC. 65 ii. WILLIAM LOVELL JR RUSH, b. 12 Apr 1835, Spartanburg Co., SC; d. 10 Oct 1900, Spartanburg Co., SC. 27. JOHN PETER JR.6 RUSH (JOHN PETER SR*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 16 Dec 1791 in Augusta Co., VA, and died 28 May 1870 in Augusta Co., VA. He married SUSAN FULCHER 23 Apr 1818 in Washington Co., VA. She was bom 28 Feb 1801 in VA, and died 30 Aug 1891 in Augusta Co., VA. Children of JOHN RUSH and SUSAN FULCHER are: i. WILLIAM T.7 RUSH, b. 08 Dec 1819, Augusta Co., VA; d. 14 Jun 1893, Augusta Co., VA. ii. JOHN H, RUSH, b. 11 Sep 1821, Augusta Co., VA; d. 05 Jun 1899, Augusta Co., VA; m. ANN MELVINA SMITH, 16 Feb 1875, Rockbridge Co., VA; b. 21 May 1849, VA; d. 30 May 1921, Augusta Co, VA. 28. GEORGE VINSTON6 RUSH (JOHN PETER SR.*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 1801 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA, and died 26 Mar 1852 in Approtnanox Co., VA. He married (1) AMELIA ANN KING 27 Nov 1823 in Augusta Co., VA, daughter of REV. WILUAM KINO. She was bom 1800 in Augusta Co., VA, and died 15 Oct 1863 in Buckingham Co., VA. He married (2) MILDRED R Bef. 1850. Children of GEORGE RUSH and AMELIA KINO are: i. JAMES WILUAM7 RUSH, b. 11 Oct 1824, Buckingham Co., VA; d. Knox Co., KY. 66. ii. HENRY HARRISON RUSH, b. 19 Sep 1826, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 14 Feb 1908, Brookncal, Campbell Co., VA. iii. PETER SNOODY RUSH, b. 14 Jul 1828, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 1906, Buckingham Co., VA; m. MARY SUSAN WEBB, iv. CHARLES THOMAS RUSH, b. 10 Oct 1830, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 13 May 1863, VA. v. GEORGE VINSTON JR RUSH, b. 04 Jan 1832, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 12 Dec 1918, Buckingham Co., VA. vi. JOHN SYDNEY RUSH, b. 02 Oct 1835, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 14 Aug 1911, Buckingham Co., VA. vii. MARY JANE RUSH, b. 30 Oct 1838, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 19 Feb 1910, VA. viii. BENJAMIN EDWARD RUSH, b. 24 May 1841, Buckingham Co., VA; d. 02 Jan 1923, Buckingham Co., VA. K_J 164 o Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 ix. AUGUSTUS ALEXANDER RUSH, b. 14 Jul 1845, VA; d. 21 Aug 1915, Albemarle Co, VA. 29. HENRY ElDSON6 RUSH (JOHN PETER SR*, CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 02 Oct 1808 in Augusta Co., VA, and died 12 Dec 1890 in Augusta Co., VA. He married MARY JANE GORDON 21 Jan 1830 in Augusta Co., VA. She died Nov 1865 in VA. Children of HENRY RUSH and MARY GORDON are: i. ESTERLINE7 RUSH, b. 11 Jan 1831, VA; d. 15 Jul 1898. ii. GEORGE HENRY RUSH, b. 15 Sep 1832, VA; d. 18 Feb 1892, W VA. iii. MARY VIRGINIA RUSH, b. 1838. iv. MARTHA CAROLINE RUSH, b. Sep 1843, VA. v. WILLIAM PORTERFIELD RUSH, b. 01 Oct 1844, VA; d. 23 Nov 1914, Augusta Co., VA. vi, FLORENCE RUSH, b. 1845. Generation No. 7 30. MARIA7 RUSH (JOHANN JACOB6, JOHN*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 25 Feb 1806 in McGaheysville, Rockingham Co., VA, and died 26 Jan 1839 in Lexington, Rockbridge Co., VA. She married JOHN D. BEAR 24 Oct 1824 in Rockingham Co., VA. He was born 1795, and died 1865. Notes for JOHN D. BEAR: John Bear made Grandfather clock given to Jacob Rush. Children of MARIA RUSH and JOHN BEAR are: i. CATHERINE ANN* BEAR, b. 19 Nov 1825; d. 07 Oct 1855, Harrisonburg, VA; m. SAMUEL COFFMAN. ii. JOHN RUSH BEAR, b. 14 Feb 1829; d. 13 Jul 1829. iii. JACOB RUSH BEAR, b. 06 Aug 1831; d. 08 Sep 1835. iv. FRANCES MARY BEAR, b. 09 Nov 1835; d. 25 Oct 1909; m. DR. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS COFFMAN, 08 Nov 1858. v. RICHARD ANDREW BEAR, b. 08 Dec 1838. vi. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM BEAR, b. 08 Dec 1838. 31. JOHN JOSHUA7 RUSH (JOHANN JACOB*, JOHN*. CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 29 Oct 1811 in McGaheysville, Rockingham Co., VA, and died 31 Aug 1847 in McGaheysville, Rockingham Co., VA. He married ANNA CATHERINE MEYERHOEFFER 25 May 1836 in Rockingham Co., VA. She was born 18 Mar 1819 in Madison, VA, and died 26 Jan 1892 in McGaheysville, Rockingham Co., VA. Children of JOHN RUSH and ANNA MEYERHOEFFER are: i. LUCY CATHERINE* RUSH, b. 01 Apr 1839, McGaheysville, Rockingham Co, VA; d. 21 Oct 1895, McGaheysville, Rockingham Co, VA; m. BAUSERMAN. 67. ii. JACOB HARVEY FRANKLIN RUSH, b. 08 Jun 1846, McGaheysville, Rockingham Co, VA; d. 18 Jan 1915, McGaheysville, Rockingham Co, VA. 32. WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE*, CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHNJ2, JOHANNES1) was bom 27 Apr 1812 in Albermarle Co., VA, and died 14 Mar 1890 in New Market, Jefferson Co, TN (age 78). He married (1) ELIZABETH BIRD HILL 04 Mar 1852 in Jonesboro, Washington Co., TN, daughter of NODDINNG HILL and RUTH BROWN. She was bom 08 Oct 1826 in Jefferson City, TN, and died 12 Aug 1864 in Greene Co, TN (age 37). He married (2) MALINDA EARNEST 10 Feb 1870 in Greene Co, TN. She was bom 1823. Notes for WILLIAM BRIGHTBERRY RUSH: William Brightberry Rush Family Records, from Bible once in possion of Mary Ruth Bales Henry. William moved from Washington Co, TN to adjoining Greene Co. after his second child was bom. In Greeneville he was one of the partners in a grist mill in nearby Afton. This business did not last long. William bought a farm about 10 miles west of Greeneville, between Mosheim and Midway. The Elmore 165 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 family material was prepared by the wife of Bill Long who is the grandson of Ruth Eudora Rush Elmore. William B. Rush's father Jonathan moved in with him after the death of Margaret. Jonathan lived with William until his death. (Perhaps this is why Jonathan is buried in Mosheim.) Robert Rush who has the Wm Rush's \~J Bible lives in or near Midway, Bible Chapel RD. Mosheim is near Telford where Margaret is buried in Salem Cemetery. Wm. B. was appointed guardian of his three minor children on 10/2/1872 to facilitate the settlement of his wife's Elizabeth Byrd Hill Rush's estate. Her mother, Ruth Gordon Brown Hill, had left her an interest in considerable property in Washington Co. and it was necessary for the three girls to have a gardian to handle the signing of papers. Mrs. Bales of Johnson City, TN is the granddaughter of William Brigatbeny Rush,( brother to Dr. George Nimrod Rush). Bales is a John Rush descendant and has quite a few old letters from kin. Mrs. Bales is a sister of the mother of Elizabeth Rush Buell (Calvin Baldwin) ( living in the Washington, DC metro area. 1860 census Greene Co, TN, p 168, #1131: William B. Rush 48 VA, Elizabeth 35 TN, Virginia 6 TN, Ruth 4 TN. Jonathan Rush 73 NC. 1870 census: Rush, William B. 58 VA, Malinda 47 TN, Virginia C. 16, Ruth E. 14, Florence C. 8. (Unable to read next age 13, David L. 6. No children by Malinda who he married 10 Feb. 1870. They divorced. 1880 census Jefferson Co, TN pg 393, #166/168,8th Dist.: Rush, William 68, Virginia 26, Dora 20, Florence 18. Living near the Henry homestead. Dora and Florence married before William died in 1890, Virginia lived with her sisters. (She is living with Dora on 1900 and 1910 censuses). One record list Rockingham Co, VA as birthplace. Children of WILLIAM RUSH and ELIZABETH HILL are: i. JASPER GRATTON» RUSH, b. 27 Dec 1852, Big Limestone, Washington Co, TN; d. 24 Jun 1853, Washington Co, TN (5 mo. 27 days), ii. VIRGINIA CATHERINE RUSH, b. 17 Mar 1854, Washington Co, TN; d. 29 Aug 1931, New Market, Jefferson Co, TN(77). Notes for VIRGINIA CATHERINE RUSH: Jennie Rush living with sister Dora and Dr. William T. Elmore in 1910 census. Virginia Rush age 67 sister-in-law living with William T. Elmore and wife Dora. Also lived with other V-^ sisters. 68. iii. RUTH EUDORA RUSH, b. 16 Mar 1856, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN; d. 01 Mar 1929, New Market, TN. iv. MARGARET ELLEN RUSH, b. 15 Aug 1859, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN; d. 16 Apr 1860, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN (8 mo.). 69. v. FLORENCE COLUMBIA RUSH, b. 13 Aug 1861, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN; d. 04 May 1923, New Market, TN(6I). vi. N. RUSH, b. 18 Jul 1864, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN; d. 18 Jul 1864, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN (8 hrs.). 33. JULIA ANA7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN1', GEORGE*. CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH. JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was born 13 Oct 1814 in Rockingham Co., VA, and died 07 Aug 1862 in Washington Co, TN. She married REV. WILLIAM D. SCULL 06 Nov 1833 in Jonesboro Presbyterian Church. He was bom 1805 in PA. Notes for JULIA ANA RUSH: Jonathan Rush's Bible gives Julyana bom in the yeat 1814 October 13th. Salem Cemetery, Washington Co, TN: Scull, Julia A. R. b 13 Oct. 1811, d 7 Aug 1862, Consort of Rev. William D. Scull of Fla. Daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Rush. 1860 census Marianna, Jackson Co, FL p 742 # 78: W. D. Scull 55 Minister of Gospel (Esp) bom PA Rush, 45 b VA, Caty 24 b VA, Charles R. 12 b PA 1870 census Gadsden, FL, p 783, # 1176: Scull, Cate 30 b VA #1177: Scull, William 23 b VA Merchant p 760 # 760: Scull, William D. 65 b PA clergyman b PA Belle 40 Jane 9 B domestic servant.b FL Children of JULIA RUSH and WILLIAM SCULL are: i. CATY» SCULL, b. 1836, VA. ^S 166 c c Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 ii. CHARLES R SCULL, b. 1848, PA. 34. MARY ELIZABETH7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN*, GEORGE*, CHARLES*. HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 24 Apr 1817, and died 27 Dec 1906 in Washington Co., TN. She married ALFRED B. BRABSON. He was bom 10 May 1811, and died 14 Sep 1882 in Washington Co., TN. Notes for MARY ELIZABETH RUSH: Providence Presbyterian Church Cemetery -Old Section, located in Greene Co., TN, just over the Washington Co line at church at 216S Happy Valry Rd, Limeston, TN 3781. Notes for ALFRED B. BRABSON: 1860,1880,1900 census Washington Co., TO "The Brabson homestead of lOOOacres was 3 miles North of Jonathan Rush's homestead. They had 8 children. Children of MARY RUSH and ALFRED BRABSON are: i. ANGELINE VIRGINIA* BRABSON, b. 1841, Washington Co, TN. Notes for ANGELINE VIRGINIA BRABSON: Never married. ii. MARGARET C. BRABSON, b. 1843; d. 1853. iii. THOMAS ALFRED BRABSON, b. Dec 1847, TN; m. CAROLINE; b. 1854, TN. iv. JULIA F. BRABSON, b. 1851. Notes for JULIA F. BRABSON: James Noel has wife Julia oa same page. v. FLORIDA BRABSON, b. 1856. vi. VICTORIA BRABSON, b. Aug 1864, Washington Co, TN. vii. MARYBRABSON.d. Washington Co,TN age2yrs.. viii. GEORGE R BRABSON, d. Washington Co, TN age 2 mo.. 35. JOHN LEVI7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE*. CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)1, JOHANNES*) WIS bom 22 Feb 1820, and died 1850 in TN. He married LOUEA H GAULDEN 07 Apr 1845 in Washington Co., TN. She was bom 1821, and died 1850. Children o f JOHN RUSH and LOUIZA GAULDEN are: i. ELIZABETH GABY* RUSH, b. 1843. ii. SARAH GAULDEN RUSH, b. 1845. 36. GEORGE NIMROD DR.7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN6, GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHN)2, JOHANNES*) was bom 27 Jul 1824 In Rockingham Co, VA, and died 12 Dec 1897 in Macon Co., N. C. He married MARY ELIZABETH THOMAS 25 Dec 1854 in Macon Co, NC by William Allen., daughter of ZEBULON THOMAS and LYDIA RUSH. She was bom Feb 1834 in Macon Co., N. C, and died 19 Jul 1924 in Macon Co., N.C. Notes for GEORGE NIMROD DR. RUSH: Graduate of the University of Nashville School of Medicine. He began practicing in Macon Co. in 1854. Listed as father on Napolian J. Rush Death Cert Listed in Rush Cemetery near Coweeta. Dr. George N. Rush. See 1850 census, Macon Co., 339B, 367A. 1850 census Tennessee Valley, Macon Co, NC. #331-338 in Wm. C Gray family: George Rush age 30 Physician from VA. This indicates George bom 1820. Tombstone gives 1834. (William C. Gray age 47 died Mar 1850 from pnuemonia on mortality schedule.) William Gray's mother was a Rush, George was a cousin. Rush, George N. to Elizabeth Thomas 12/25/1854, William Allen. 1860 census Smith Bridge, Macon Co., NC. Physician birth place VA George 36, Elizabeth 26, Napolean J. 3, MaryL. 1. 1870 census Smith Bridge, Macon Co., NC #113/117 G. N. Rush 45 VA, Lizzie 35, Mary 11, Napoleon 13, 167 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Cora A. 7. A. C. Brabston 28 Physician from TN living in family. 1880 census Smith Bridge, Macon Co., NC: Dr. G. N. Rush 55, Elizabeth 46, Cora A. 17, George M. 5, , Elizabeth B. 3 - Alexander C. Brabson 38 boarder and House servants Sarah Thomas 64, Elizabeth Holt 49, ^-/ HanibalB. Penland 11. See Geoealogy Dr. George N. Rush 1824-1897 researched by John Lyle Waldroop. The will of Dr. Rush's father George Risch (Rush), is the oldest on record in Macon County, 23rd day of February, 1827. Alexander Crutchfiekt Brabson bom 1839, came to practice medicine under the able supervision of Dr. G. N. Rush in the Coweeta Community of Macon County. He boarded in the Rush home and became a member of the family. He married Dr. Rush's daughter Cora Ann. George Rush's will Bk 2, pg 206, Macon Co, NC. Notes for MARY ELIZABETH THOMAS: Elizabeth had 7 children 5 lived. Napolian J. Rush' death certificate list his mother's maiden name as Gray. George lived with Gray family on 1850 census. 1900 and 1910 census Elizabeth living with daughter Elizabeth B. Garland. See Death Certificates for George and Elizabeth's daughters:Cora Ann Rush Brabson and Mary L. Rush Henson. They list Elizabeth Thomas as mother. Charles W. Thomas 7 Sep 1821-8 Aug 1849, Spouse Eliza A. Smith are buried in Rush Cemetery. Are they related to Elizabeth Thomas Rush. Elizabeth Thomas Rush applied for letter of Administration 8 Mar 1898, for the will of G. N. Rush. Book 2, page 206. Children o f GEORGE RUSH and MARY THOMAS are: INFANT* RUSH. INFANT RUSH, b. 12 Feb 1856, Macon Co, N. C; d. 14 Feb 1856, Macon Co, N. C. NAPOLEON JONATHAN RUSH, b. 12 Apr 1857, Macon Co, N. C; d. 25 Dec 1933, Ellijay, Macon Co., NC. MARY LYDIA RUSH, b. 02 Jan 1859, Macon Co, N. C; d. 10 Jul 1925, Smith Bridge, Macon Co, N. C. ZEBULON THOMAS RUSH, b. 10 Jun 1861, Macon Co, NC; d. 23 Dec 1862, Macon Co, NC. CORA ANN RUSH, b. 07 May 1863, Macon Co, N. C; d. 03 May 1916, Smith Bridge, Macon Co, NC. GEORGE MILLER RUSH, b. May 1876, Macon Co, N. C. ELIZABETH BELL RUSH, b. Jul 1877, Macon Co, N. C, 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. I. n. iii. iv. v. vi. vu. vui. Kj 37. HENRY SYLVESTER7 RUSH (JOHNATHAN*, GEORGE*, CHARLES*, HANS GEORGE3 RISCH, JOHANNES (JOHNJ2, JOHANNES*) was bom 05 May 1827 in VA, and died 29 Apr 1904 in Greene Co., TN. He married NANCY CATHERINE WEEMS 10 Mar 1858 fa Albany, Greene Co., TN, daughter of GEORGE WEEMS and MATTLDA KEELE. She was bom 08 Jan 1837 fa Greene Co., TN, and died 08 Nov 1905 in Greene Co., TN. Notes for HENRY SYLVESTER RUSH: 1860 census Blue Springs, Greene Co, TN: p 390: Jonathan Rush 73, Bom NC, #1132 Henry Rush 34 b VA, Nancy 24 TN, Allace 1 TN. 1870 census:page 397, #13: Rush, Henry S. 42 VA, Nancy C. 32, Margaret A.l 1, Mary L.E. 9, Charles W. 7, John K. 5, William S. 3, Minnie M. 1. 1880 census Dist 19, Greene Co., TN. T9, Roll 1258, page 100, #137: Henry S. 53 VA, Nancy C. 43 TN, Margret Allis 21, Mary L.19, Charlie W. 17, John K. 15, William S. 13, Minnie M. 11, Mertha N. 9, Cora L. 7, Sabina B. 4. 1900 census Greene Co, TN, page 280, #75: Rush, Henry S. 73 TN, May 1827, m 42,9-6, Nancy C. Jan 1837 65, John K. (son) Oct 1864,38 m3, Buena V.(dau-in-law) June 1870,29, Ozell Dec 1878,1. Blanch (dau), Feb 1876 24 LDS records. Henry ran a store and farmed in Greene Co, TN. Data on Henry Rush family from census and Carolyn, wife of Bill Reese, Hendersonville, NC Children of HENRY RUSH and NANCY WEEMS are: MARGARET ALICE* RUSH, b. 18 Apr 1859, Greene Co, TN; d. 17 Oct 1884, Greene Co, TN. MARY L.E. RUSH, b. 08 Feb 1861, Greene Co, TN; d. 28 Jun 1896. CHARLES W. RUSH, b. 24 Sep 1862, Greene Co, TN; d. 28 Nov 1888. JOHN KNOX RUSH, b. 24 Oct 1864, Midway, Greene Co, TN; d. 02 Jul 1944, Greeneville, Greene Co, TN. WILLIAM HENRY S. RUSH, b. 21 Feb 1866, Greene Co, TN; <L 07 Aug 1900, Greene Co, TN. MERTHA MATTIE N. RUSH, b. 18 Feb 1871, Greene Co, TN; d. 05 Oct 1901, Greene Co, TN. \^J MINNIE MATTLDA RUSH, b. 28 Sep 1872, Greene Co, TN; d. 11 Jan 1947, White Pine, Jefferson Co, TN. 75. 76. 77. i. ii. in. iv. v. vi. vii. 168 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 ^ Early 2 0 t h C e n t u r y J a c k s o n C o u n t y M a r r i a g e s [Ed. We continue with this series. Remember that unless otherwise stated, the principals are white and from Jackson County. Certificates abstracted by Larry Crawford in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office August 2007.] 1914 L i c e n s e s ( C o n t i n u e d) Kelsie McMahan, 21, s/o Curtis McMahan (living) and Emma McMahan (dead) to Lorena Green, 21, d/o R.W. and Sallie Green (both living); marriage by J.C. Reed, J.P., 5 Apr 1914, at S.J. Buchanan's, Greens Creek. Erastus Ensley, 31, s/o Tom and Sallie Ensley (both dead) to Rebecca Cope, 18, d/o Bill Cope (living) and (dead) of Swain Co.; marriage by R.A. Painter, J.P., 11 Apr 1914, at Els Ensley's, Sylva. Lewis Norton, 19, s/o Griffin and Fannie Norton (both living) to Lula Evitt, 15, d/o Jim and Mamie Evitt (both living), Jim and Mamie Evitt give consent as parents; marriage by J.L. Clark, J.P., 3 May 1914, at J.J. Evitt's, Hamburg. W.G. Wood, 23, s/o Margaret Wood (living, in Transylvania County) to Elvira Morgan, 18, d/o R.D. Morgan (dead) and D.H. Morgan (living); marriage by D.L. Miller, Minister of the Gospel, 15 Apr 1914, at Hamburg. Coleman C. Cowan, 46, s/o James and Cowan (both living) to Ethel Leatherwood, 30, L^ d/o F.H. Leatherwood (dead) and Annie Leatherwood (living); marriage by J.J. Gray, Methodist Minister, 12 Apr 1914, at Sylva. J.B. Mahaffey, 19, Haywood Co.; s/o J.S. and Laura Mahaffey (both living, Haywood Co.) to Roxie Ward, 18, d/o Kirk Ward (dead) and (living); marriage by W.B. Sherrill, J.P., 12 Apr 1914, at Kirk Ward's residence, Qualla. Otto Painter, 21, s/o W.L. and Dallie Painter (both living) to Minnie Ashe, 18, d/o Chas. and Lillie Ashe (both living); marriage by R.A. Painter, J.P., at County Home, Webster. W.C. Triplett, 31, New Mexico, s/o John S. Triplett (living, New Mexico) and A.S. Triplett (dead) to Laura E. Wilson, 22, d/o W.A Wilson (dead) and Laura Wilson (living); marriage by A.C. Gibbs, Methodist Minister, 22 Apr 1914, at the home of the bride, Glenville. M.L. Watson, 24, s/o Alfred Watson (dead) and Rena Watson (living) to May McCall, 16, d/o Geo. R. McCall and A.E. McCall (bothjiving), Geo. R. McCall gives consent as father; marriage by C.G. Rogers, J.P., 24 Apr 1914, at Geo. R. McCall's residence, Cashiers. Claud Wike, 24, s/o Jack and Laura Wike (both living) to Florence Brown, 21, d/o Jule and Cloey Brown (both living); marriage by L.H. Crawford, Baptist Minister, 3 May 1914, at the residence of the bride, Canada. L.T. Hanes, 22, s/o W.J. and S.E. Hanes (both living, Haywood Co.) to Mollie Nicholson, 24, Haywood Co., d/o and Nan Nicholson (dead, Haywood Co.); marriage by J.J. Gray, Methodist Minister, 4 May 1914, at Sylva. C 169 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Gay Sutton, 21, s/o Jerome and Sarah Sutton (both living) to Annie Buchanan, 20, d/o D.D. and Nancy Buchanan (both living); marriage by Arch Cowan, J.P., 7 May 1914, at D.D. Buchanan's, j Savannah. Richard Hooper, 19, s/o Sonnie and Lizzie Hooper (both living) to Mary Frizzell, 19, d/o Jim and Ann Frizzell (both living); marriage by J.R. Stephens, J.P., 12 May 1914, at "my office," Cullowhee. Walter Allman, 25, s/o W.P. Allman (dead) and Bettie Allman (living) to Ethel Frizzell, 19, d/o Bill and Mary Frizzell (both living); marriage by A.W. Davis, Baptist Minister, 19 May 1914, at John Stillwell's, Webster. A.J. Dills, 19, s/o A.J. Dills Sr. (blank) and Mollie Dills (living) to Bessie Sellers, 16, d/o J.S. and Tena Sellers (both living), J.S. and Tena Sellers give consent as parents; marriage by M.Y. Jarrett, J.P., 23 May 1914, at M.Y. Jarrett's, Dillsboro. Joe Taylor, 30, Macon Co., mother living, Macon Co. to Alice Cunningham, 21, d/o George Cunningham (dead) and S.A. Hensley (living) - no marriage information given. John W. Shelton, 48, s/o J.W. and A.E. Shelton (both living) to Mary Galloway, 49, d/o Jack and Annie Brown (both dead); marriage by L.H. Owen, Baptist Minister, 8 Jun 1914, at I.H. Owen's house, Canada. H.C. Honaker, 37, Norton VA, s/o H.C. Honaker (dead) and Nancy Honaker (living) to Gertrude Wilson, 25, d/o Wilson and Wilson (mother living, Transylvania Co.), marriage by J.J. Gray, Methodist Minister, 7 Jun 1914, at Sylva. j Columbus Queen, 21, s/o Harry and Mattie Queen (both living) to Roxie Cook, 20, d/o Mark Cook (dead) and Martha (Cook) Calhoun (living); marriage by J.E. Tritt, J.P., 12 Jun 1914, at J. Calhoun's house, River Township. A.B. Queen, 23, s/o A.E. and D.S. Queen (both living) to Sadie Coward, 21, d/o James Coward (living) and Mary J. Coward (dead); marriage by L.H. Crawford, Baptist Minister, 14 Jun 1914, at the home of the bride, Cowarts. Lloyd Pruett, 23, Swain Co., s/o W.M. and Avelyn Pruett (both living - Haywood Co.) to Ethel Allen, 19, Haywood Co., d/o Jno. H. and Sallie Allen (both living, Haywood Co.); marriage by A.C. Bryson, Missionary Baptist Minister, 21 Jun 1914, at A.C. Bryson's, Balsam. Isaac Johnson, 21, red, s/o Thad Nick and Elsvia Johnson (both living) to Syrantha Shelton, 19, red, d/o Billie and Connie Shelton (both living); no marriage information given. J.R. Johnson, 22, s/o A.A. and Mary Johnson (both living) to Bertha McLure, 18, d/o A.J. and Callie McLure (both living); marriage by J.C. Reed, J.P., 12 Jul 1914, at A.J. Cloer's house, Greens Creek. Lloyd Chavis, 26, black, Macon Co., s/o Jim and Ellen Chavis (both living, Macon Co.) to Annie Davis, 19, black, d/o Tom C. Davis (dead) and Lena Davis (living), marriage by C.Dorsey, Baptist Preacher, 4 Jul 1914, at Cullowhee. 170 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 » Berry Ensley, 22, s/o W.H. Ensley (living) and Margaret Ensley (dead) to Emma Dean, 21, d/o W' C.R. Dean (living) and Haseltine Dean (dead); marriage by J.T. Carson, Missionary Baptist Minister, 5 Jul 1914, at "my residence," Scotts Creek. Nelson Davis, 33, black, s/o Harden and Eliza Davis (both living, Rockingham Co.) to Lillian Love, 19, black, d/o Sam and Annie Love (both dead); marriage by M.Y. Jarrett, J.P., 4 Jul 1914, at Walter Conley's, Dillsboro. Joe Love, 21, black, s/o Henry and Minnie Love (both dead) to Lucy Stillwell, 18, black, d/o Alf Stillwell (living) and Tennessee Stillwell (dead); marriage by M.Y. Jarrett, J.P., 5 Jul 1914, at A.L. Petty's, Dillsboro. A.L. Wilson, 39, s/o W.A. Wilson (living) and R.H. Wilson (dead) to Dora Rochester, 26, d/o Joseph Rochester (living) and Rebecca Rochester (dead); marriage by R.A. Painter, J.P., 5 Jul 1914, at Sylva. E.L. Little, 23, Alexander Co., s/o S.T. and Ida Little (both living, Alexander Co.) to Maggie Nichols, 18, Haywood Co., d/o Wm. And Rebecca Nichols (both living, Haywood Co.); marriage by J J . Gray, Methodist Minister, 18 Jul 1914, at Sylva. Felix Hall, 23, s/o Geo. And Ella Hall (both living) to Lula Ashe, 23, d/o A.B. and M.J. Ashe (both living); marriage by R.W. Green, Baptist Minister, 2 Aug 1914, at the home of A.B. Ashe, Greens Creek. Dock Mills, 27, s/o D.T. Mills (dead) and Rutha Mills (living) to Vira Mills, 21, d/o Tilman and ^ ^ Mollie Mills (both dead); marriage by P.P. McLean, Elder of the Cong. Church, 6 Aug 1914, at Whittier, Charleston, Swain Co. John Long, 21, s/o John B. and Lou Long (both living) to Laura May Henson, 19, d/o Wesley and Henson (both living); marriage by J.R. Stephens, J.P., 6 Aug 1914, at John B. Long's, Cullowhee. Jesse Dills, 23, s/o Fate Dills (living) and Caroline Dills (dead) to Ollie Green, 21, d/o Wesley and Sallie Green (both living); marriage by Isaac Green, Baptist Minister, 9 Aug 1914, at the home of R.W. Green, Greens Creek. Baxter Long, 35, s/o J.B. and Lou Long (both living) to Lizzie Bryson, 22, d/o George Bryson (dead) and Mary Bryson (living); marriage by J.L. Clark, J.P., 9 Aug 1914, at Mrs. Mary Bryson's, Hamburg. B.O. Painter, 26, s/o J.T. and Mahala Painter (both living) to Elsie Lenora Allen, 19, d/o J.K. and Mary Allen (both living); marriage by R.P. Ellington, Baptist Minister, 11 Aug 1914, at Sylva. Jeff L. Henson, 28, s/o W.A. Henson (dead) and Rachael E. Henson (living) to Cynthia Bethel Ensley, 26, d/o J.B. and Mary L. Ensley (both living); marriage by R.P. Ellington, Baptist Minister, 16 Aug 1914, at J.B. Ensley's, Sylva. Jerome W. Mehrtens, 22, Savannah GA, s/o James L. and M.C. Mehrtens (both dead) to / Florence C. James, 19, Savannah GA, d/o S.J. and James (both living); marriage by R.A. ^ Painter, J.P., 18 Aug 1914, at Sylva. 171 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Ellis Burrell, 24, Haywood Co., s/o Geo. And Bena Burrell (both dead) to Lela Frady, 23, d/o Will Frady (dead) and Mary Frady (living); marriage by W.M. Pruett, Baptist Minister, 26 Aug ^J 1914, at Balsam Gap. Claud DeHart, 20, Swain Co., s/o John and Mandy DeHart (both living, Swain Co.) to Laura Queen, 18, d/o Dee Queen (dead) and Texie Queen (living); marriage by R.L. Cook, Baptist Minister, 25 Aug 1914, at the residence of Texie Queen, Scotts Creek. Lee Worley, 21, black, s/o Henry Worley (dead) and Jose Worley (living) to Bessie Bryson, 20, black, d/o Peter and Emeline Bryson (both living); marriage by R.W. Fisher, J.P., 27 Sep 1914, at Joshia Worley's residence, Sylva. Dave Buchanan, 22, s/o Lum and Emma Buchanan (both living) to Estella Trantham, 19, d/o Will and Tilda Trantham (both living); marriage by J.C. Reed, J.P., 27 Aug 1914, at Will Trantham's, Greens Creek. Elijah Owen, 22, s/o M.J. Owen (living) and Owen (blank) to Jurda Galloway, 22, d/o W.H. and Sarah Galloway (both living); marriage by A.E. Galloway, J.P., 2 Sep 1914, at W.H. Galloway's, Canada. Thos. L. Sanders, 26, Macon Co., s/o Henry and Bettie Sanders (both living, Macon Co.) to Sallie G. Bryson, 23, d/o W.R. Bryson (dead) and Alice Bryson (living); marriage by J.R. Stephens, J.P., 12 Sep 1914, at Hugh Bryson's, Cullowhee. James Browning, 23, s/o M.A. and Sallie Browning (both living) to Anna Cochran, 25, d/o W.C. Cochran (living) and Nancy Cochran (dead); marriage by W.D. Bishop, J.P., 6 Sep 1914, at \^J the home of W.C. Cochran, Savannah. John Blanton, 25, s/o Jim and Mary Blanton (both living) to Emeline Potts, 16, d/o France and Hannah Potts (both living), France and Hannah Potts give consent as parents; marriage by A.C. Bryson, Missionary Baptist Minister, 4 Sep 1914, at Balsam. Richard Moore, 21, s/o Jourdan and Julia Moore (both living, SC) to Tinnie May Monteith, 16, d/o S.W. Monteith (living) and Fannie Monteith (dead), father gives consent; marriage by R.A. Painter, J.P., 4 Sep 1914, at Sylva. Walter Williams, 21, s/o Wm. Williams (dead) and Elizabeth Williams (living) to Nina Monteith, 19, d/o John and Sarah Monteith (both living); marriage by J.J. Gray, Methodist Minister, 5 Sep 1914, at Sylva. Cicero C. Beck, 21, s/o Wib and Sallie Beck (both living) to Cora Bailey, 16, d/o John and Tennessee Bailey (both living), John Bailey gives consent as father; marriage by M.Y. Jarrett, J.P., 8 Sep 1914, at John Bailey's, Dillsboro. Frank Barker, 60, s/o John and CA. Barker (both dead) to Lizzie Jones, 23, d/o Nute and Lavada Jones (both living); marriage by J.J. Wild, J.P., 12 Sep 1914, at J.J. Wild's residence, Webster. Guy Fisher, 20, s/o T.J. Fisher (living) and Jane Fisher (dead) to Jeannette Shehan, 20, Haywood Co., d/o Sol and Kansas Shehan (both living); marriage by R.L. Cook, Baptist Minister, 20 Sep 1914, at the residence of W.H. Snyder, Scotts Creek. 172 ^J Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 R i d g e c r e s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h C e m e t e r y [Ed. The Ridgecrest Baptist Church is located on U.S. 441 in Macon County on the Sylva Road. A number of persons buried here have Jackson County connections. Cemetery census taken 10 Oct 2006 by Bill Crawford, Mack Sutton, and Larry Crawford. Consider Row 1 as furthest from the church.] Row 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 Name Booker Smith Perry Dean Slocum William C. Mincey Un Kyong Kim Seay Larry Thomas Seay Molton L. Buchanan Beulah J . Buchanan Martha Ann Buchanan Dale Hampton Dalton Arnold Fagen Myrtle Mae Laffoon Feagan David A. Mashburn Mary Lee Mashburn James "Yank" Mashburn Mary Ella Mashburn Fred York Mary Lou York Hudie C. Crawford Georgia P. Crawford Sam C. Crawford D.C. Stanley Betty H. Stanley James Monroe Stanley Jean Ellen Stanley Jessie Luna Stanley Franklin S. King Claudia M. King Ralph R. Ammons Edith F. Ammons Jesse J . Downs Margaret C. Downs Viola L. Sarkes Aubert Pete Eastburn Doris Cleaves Eastburn Harold Furman McGaha Boyd C. McGaha Born 19 Nov 1923 2 Jul 1913 18 Aug 1922 8 May 1953 19 Oct 1948 17 J u l 1917 24 Oct 1924 17 Jul 1915 8 Jul 1937 14 Aug 1937 24 Feb 1905 24 May 1916 4 J an 1923 25 Jul 1947 23 Dec 1947 4 May 1905 3 Feb 1914 19 Oct 1926 28 Oct 1925 16 Dec 1923 10 Mar 1927 10 J u l 1932 9 Oct 1898 4 J a n 1949 16 Nov 1900 2 Apr 1930 18 Nov 1942 7 Mar 1902 13 Sep 1907 2 J un 1902 5 Jul 1904 25 Oct 1905 11 Jul 1917 15 Feb 1922 13 Oct 1940 15 Jul 1912 Died 15 J u l 1989 29 Nov 2004 10 Aug 1996 22 May 1996 1 Mar 2002 12 Nov 1998 6 Sep 1990 29 Oct 1991 3 Apr 1996 17 Apr 1991 24 Jul 1991 6 J a n 1999 9 Mar 1983 29 J u n 1992 26 J a n 1976 22 Oct 1974 3 Dec 1990 21 Oct 1995 23 Mar 1989 17 Sep 1967 11 Nov 1992 1 Oct 1993 26 Sep 1978 24 May 1994 17 Apr 1993 29 J u n 1996 21 J a n 1968 23 J u n 1976 Comment PFC US Army w w n SGT USAF Vietnam m. 10 Dec 1938 SGT US Army Vietnam AEC US Navy WWn Korea Captain HAC 1 BN 327 INF Vietnam 173 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 Joann S. McGaha Frank Harrison Ammons Birdell McMahan Ammons George C. Bumgarner Lavinia M. Bumgarner Katherine Sellers Stevens Wiley A. Sellers Dolly B. Sellers Joseph D. Hastings Joann M. Hastings Harvey Cabe Bonnie M. Cabe John B. Snyder Gaynell V. Snyder John L. Snyder Evelyn B. Snyder Howard H. Russell Rhoda M. Russell J.M.T. Taylor Infant James Walter Cassada Rev. David Lee Crawford Moleta Clouse Crawford Max Wallace Morgan Wallace Adam Morgan Clara B. Morgan Fred Davis Morgan Mattie Sanders Morgan Charles Raymond Thomas Lillian Cassada Thomas John Emerson Smith Juanita Elizabeth Smith William Lloyd Angel Jr. A. Parker Raby Laura L. Raby John Troy Raby Hattie McMahand Luches McMahand Tim McMahan Pauline W. McMahan Walter Greene Cary H. Hensley Rachel Green Hensley Martha Louise Collier 22 May 1918 17 May 1916 2 May 1920 17 Apr 1906 14 Jan 1909 1918 19 Sep 1893 28 Oct 1894 5 Sep 1935 20 Apr 1938 5 Jun 1915 21 Apr 1920 3 Sep 1928 3 Jul 1930 31 Oct 1889 5 Oct 1893 5 Jun 1931 22 May 1894 1965 31 Jan 1925 7 Dec 1900 19 May 1904 11 Jun 1943 7 Mar 1920 8 Feb 1924 20 May 1899 20 Dec 1900 28 Oct 1916 17 Jan 1916 8 Apr 1924 1924 9 Feb 1903 24 May 1904 20 Jul 1905 10 Mar 1943 12 Aug 1881 22 Sep 1881 17 Apr 1912 10 Dec 1912 12 Jun 1904 10 Jun 1896 17 Nov 1893 24 Aug 1945 28 Aug 1999 8 Aug 1979 19 Sep 1994 23 Dec 1980 17 Nov 1989 1970 7 Sep 1980 8 Mar 1988 19 Aug 1967 7 Nov 1988 27 Oct 1986 24 Dec 1969 22 Jan 1979 6 Oct 1993 12 May 1989 1965 9 Nov 1989 22 Feb 1963 17 Jan 1982 23 Dec 1965 7 Jan 1973 3 Aug 1989 19 Oct 1988 13 Jan 1988 8 Aug 2003 24 Oct 1987 4 Mar 1986 1962 17 Aug 1960 11 Sep 1988 7 May 1971 16 Jan 1994 23 Mar 1961 9 Nov 1961 28 Sep 1979 28 Sep 1979 21 Jun 1966 26 Apr 1980 21 Nov 1971 19 Nov 1958 SGT 853 Bomb SQ AAFWWH Cox. US Navy w w n NC Pvt Co B 350 InfWWH CPL US Army WWII Cox. Us Navy WWH 1C2 US Navy Vietnam KJ ^y ^J 174 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 Louise Crisp Collier Bill Collier Claude Sanders Leona Tippett Sanders Delia E. McMahan Gordon C. Hensley Evelyn L. Hensley RS. Vickers James Lyle Angel Hazel Jones Cherry Charlie Jones Bardie Jones Frank Jones Dorothy H. Jones Auburn L. Angel Cecil Tallent Effie Tallent James George Tallent Aden Tallent Fiona Tallent James Jake Tallent Lula E. Snyder Austin E. Snyder Charles T. Sanders Maggie C. Sanders Daniel F. Hartzog Ruth C. Hartzog Andrew Jackson Dills Boyd Dills Noah A. Gibson Jossie Gibson Neal Bozo Gibson Doris G. Gibson Jack W. Gibson Katherine Ann Green Lenden William Green Leonard Green Tiny Green Linda Carole Buchanan Isabelle Thompson Buchanan W.R. Buchanan Jackie Ray Wykle Johnnie Lee Wykle 23 Sep 1922 31 Jul 1916 23 May 1898 18 Jun 1900 26 Apr 1971 1 Apr 1926 25 Dec 1930 16 Oct 1858 Age 13,19 20 Oct 1924 4 May 1890 15 Mar 1898 13 Sep 1917 4 Jun 1922 1897 13 May 1915 7 Jnl1918 22 Feb 1945 11 Aug 1889 1 Aug 1886 31 Dec 1925 13 Oct 1901 21 Jul 1882 16 Jul 1895 16 Apr 1892 14 Dec 1900 21 Mar 1905 1874 20 Jun 1944 14 Feb 1887 21 Feb 1890 7 Mar 1915 9 Sep 1919 18 Apr 1928 23 May 1961 2 Sep 1947 6 Man 1914 8 May 1923 28 Jun 1943 11 Jun 1880 22 Nov 1912 8 Nov 1952 8 Nov 1952 26 Feb 1986 26 Jun 2003 4 Nov 1959 6 Jun 1981 26 Apr 1971 20 Mar 1991 12 Dec 1984 5 Jun 1894 4 Aug 1893 5 Sep 1957 26 Jun 1957 24 Jun 1984 19 Jan 1991 1952 29 May 1995 26 Apr 1992 30 Dec 1966 9 Feb 1971 26 Oct 1954 18 May 1975 15 Jul 1998 15 Mar 1963 4 Sep 1960 2 Nov 1981 5 Dec 1990 1 Dec 1993 1940 20 Jun 1944 20 Feb 1978 11 Sep 1963 27 Apr 1982 4 Mar 1992 26 Sep 1986 19 Sep 1961 24 Dec 1966 24 Aug 1988 3 Aug 2003 1 Aug 1944 10 Jun 1955 23 Aug 2000 13 Oct 1967 19 Apr 1961 s/o J. Ed. Angel M 25 Jul 1940 NC Cook Btry E 316 Field Arty WWI M 1 Aug 1920 CPL US Army Korea d/o Leonard, Tiny Green s/o Leonard, Tiny Gibson Green 175 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Linda Sue Wykle Glenda Wykle Brenda Wykle Vissie E. Wykle Oscar D. Wykle Flora Mae Green Jonas Green Jasper Carnell McCall 1 unmarked Kenneth Wykle Austin Wykle James Harold Calloway James Jeffery Calloway Ruth C.C. Suit Calloway George Green Sr. Dillie Wykle Green Gladys Ann Green Christy Lee Ammon Phyllis Diane Mason Tommy Wykle R.L. Wykle Lloyd and Floyd Wykle Thomas S. Thompson Blanche D. Thompson Bonnie Wykle Hurst Lucy Thompson Leatherman Mack Grady Thompson Lurie Ethel Thompson S. Juanita Green James G. Thompson Ellen L. Thompson Morris R. Thompson Lamar J. Thompson James G. Thompson Jr. Norman F. Angel Mollie Dotson Angel W.L. Angel Helen Angel Paul Homer Angel Alma Sanders Angel Mary Evelyn Snyder Lawson B. Snyder Charlotte Mason Snyder Roosevelt D. Raby 8 Mar 1950 8 Mar 1954 8 Mar 1954 10 Jun 1920 8 May 1908 30 Nov 1917 25 Oct 1903 28 Jan 1921 18 Feb 1958 10 Oct 1946 31 Dec 1942 29 Aug 1910 4 Apr 1920 23 Oct 1916 25 Mar 1926 7 Aug 1948 13 Oct 1975 22 Nov 1953 9 Jun 1953 7 Jun 1952 Mar 1956 15 Sep 1905 18 Oct 1913 1917 8 Nov 1921 7 Oct 1891 24 Dec 1892 1920 2 Aug 1911 5 May 1916 1955 1944 1942 20 Oct 1910 1 Oct 1873 21 Apr 1863 5 Feb 1942 25 Jun 1900 30 Jan 1907 1950 27 Dec 1918 27 May 1921 16 Dec 1934 25 Mar 1950 8 Mar 1954 8 Mar 1954 15 Nov 1979 22 Jul 1982 17 Jul 1958 21 Sep 1975 7 May 1979 24 Feb 1958 16 Oct 1946 Mar 1943 29 Jan 1967 19 Apr 2002 26 Jan 1996 15 May 1952 14 Oct 1975 22 Nov 1953 9 Jun 1953 7 Jun 1952 Mar 1956 27 Apr 1971 23 May 1993 1966 13 Nov 1997 3 Mar 1961 21 Feb 1984 1987 26 Mar 2000 26 Oct 1988 1955 1944 1942 8 Aug 1969 22 Mar 1983 31 Jan 1941 13 Feb 1942 6 Jun 1962 7 Oct 1960 1950 4 Feb 1964 5 Dec 1972 27 Apr 1963 Pvt US Marine Corps Pvt. Co. A 822 TD BnWWH S Sgt 516 Gun BN w w n KJ KJ Continued in next issue VV 176 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 J o h n P a r k e r D e s c e n d a n t s [Ed. We conclude this work of JCGS member Dan Johnson here.] Child of Paul Cook and Otha Parker is: 123 i. Lyle* Cook, bom Abt 1956. 27. Faye Elza* Morris (Arilla Elizabeth* Parker, William J. "Billy"', John A.*, William') was born 5 Nov 1902 in Jackson co., NC, and died Mar 1973 in Jackson co., NC. She married Zollle James Fracuraon, Sr. Abt 1920 in Jackson co., NC. He was bom 17 Sep 1898, and died Dec 1971 in Jackson co., NC. Children of Faye Morris and Zollie Fincannon are: 124 i Helen Morris* Fincannon, born 22 Mar 1921 in Jackson co., NC. She married Bill Powell. 125 ii. ZoDie James Fincannon, Jr., bora 14 Apr 1930 in Jackson co., NC; died 24 Jan 1987 in Haywood co., NC. He married Doris Whitiker. 126 iii. Billy Jean Fincannon, bom 22 May 1933. 30. RBey W.5 Parker (Erastus Sylvestei4, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was bom 1899. He married Grade Zachary. Child of Riky Parker and Grade Zachary is: 127 L John Woodford* Parker, born 9 Mar 1921. c 129 130 131 u. 1U. IV. 34. Dorotfaa* Parker (Erastus Sylvester*, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was bom 2 Mar 1913 in Jackson co, NC, and died Bet 1935 -1943 in Jackson co., NC. She married Cecil Epp Staler 1929 in Jackson co., NC, son of James Shuler and Sarah Wood. He was bom 29 Dec 1903 in Jackson co., NC, and died 23 Aug 1946 in Jackson co., NC. Children of Dorotha Parker and Cecil Shuler are: 128 i. EveretfSbnler,bomAbtl931inJacksonoo.,NC. ItemaniedMHclred Robinson 1945 in Jackson co., NC; bom 1923 In Jackson co, NC; died 25 Mar 2005 in Jackson co., NC. David Manuel Shuler, bora 22 Jul 1938 in Jackson co, NC. Martha "Louise1 Shuler, bora 6 Sep 1930 in Jackson co., NC. Wilma Jean Staler, bom 10 Aug 1936 in Jackson ca, NC. 35. Bertie Z.* Parker (Erastus Sylvester4, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was born 1915 in Jackson co., NC. She married Frank Jeff Lovedahl Abt 1934 in Jackson ca.NC, son of JohnVan Lovedahl and Mary Hooper. He was born 1913 in Jackson co., NC. Children of Bertie Parker and Frank Lovedahl are: 132 i. Ramona* Lovedahl, bom 5 Jun 1935 in Jackson co., NC. She married Arnold DeWitt Queen Abt 19S3 in Jackson co., NC; bom 28 Aug 1931 in Jackson co., NC. 133 ii. Mclvin L. Lovedahl, born 26 Sep 1937 in Jackson co.. NC. He married Annie Sue Nations Abt 1957 kt Jackson co., NC; born in Jackson co., NC. 134 iii. Johnny Ray Lovedahl, bom 17 Jul 1945. 135 iv. Breads Lovedahl, born 18 Oct 1949 in Jackson co., NC; Stepchild. She married Cornelius Massingale Abt 1972 in Jackson co., NC; bom 8 Nov 1947 in Jackson co., NC. C 177 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 46. Girley* Parker, Sr. (Aured Miles*, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was bom 29 Apr 1911 K_J in SC, and died Nov 1976 in SC. He married Mary Catherine Carry/Phillips, daughter of? Curry and Mary Phillips. She was bom Apr 1900. Child of Girley Parker and Mary Curry/Phillips is: 136 i. Girley* Parker, Jr.. 49. Howard Taft* Phillips (Maude* Parker, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was born 11 Feb 1911 in Jackson co., NC, and died May 1982 in Jackson co., NC. He married Ruby D. Dalrymple Abt 1930 in Jackson co., NC. She was bom 13 Aug 1909 in Jackson co., NC, and died 17 Mar 1996 in Jackson co., NC. Children of Howard Phillips and Ruby Dalrymple are: Carlton L> Phillips, bom 28 Nov 1931 in Jackson co., NC. Annie Mae Phillips, bom 11 Jun 1933 in Jackson co., NC; died Bet 3 Dec 2004. She married Bill Fisher Abt 1951 in Jackson co.,NC. James Western Phillips, bom 3 Mar 1935 in Jackson co., NC. Donald Phillips, born Abt 1936. Betty Jo Phillips, bom 19 Mar 1937 in Jackson co., NC. She married Edgar Lee Stringfield Abt 1959 in Jackson co., NC. 142 vi. Ray Junior Phillips, bora 7 May 1940 in Jackson co., NC. He married Beulah Mae Russell Abt 1959 in Jackson co., NC. 143 vii. Alva Jean Phillips, bom 11 Dec 1942 in Henderson co., NC; died 3 Dec 2004 in Sylva, Jackson co.. NC. She married Vaughn Valney Crisp; bom 14 Mar 1936 in Jackson co., NC. 51. Hannah3 Phillips (Maude* Parker, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was bom 5 Mar 1916. She married Samuel Ervin Lanning Abt 1935 in Jackson co., NC. Children of Hannah Phillips and Samuel Lanning are: 144 i. ThelmaLesf*Lanning,bom 16Dec 1936. \_J 145 ii. Joseph Ned Lanning, bora 1 Dec 1947. 146 iii. Glenda Gale Lanning, bom 1 Nov 1952. 52. Merlin D.» Phillips (Maude* Parker, William J. "Billy"3, John A.2, William1) was born 6 Jan 1924 in Jackson co., NC. He married Wihna Jean Mall Abt 1953 in Jackson co., NC, daughter of Ed Mull and Letha Hensley. She was bom 25 Mar 1937 in Jackson co., NC. 137 138 139 140 141 L ii. iii. iv. v. Children of Merlin Phillips and Wilms Mull are: 147 L Patricia Irene* Phillips, bom 22 Nov 1954. 148 ii. • Janice Guylene Phillips, born 26 Jun 1956. 149 iii Thomas Edwin Phillips, bom 5 Jun 1958. 178 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C U N a o m i G r e e n ' s R e s p o n s e t o O u r C o g g i n s A r t i c le [Ed. In our Winter 2007 issue, we included an article on the Jackson County Coggins family. JCGS member and Hooper researcher Naomi Hooper Green passed along the following additions.] In the Sarah Elizabeth Coggins - Sonny Sam Hooper family: Oldest daughter Caldona Hooper (b. Feb. 1887) m. James Jackson Dills 26 Aug 1903. Oldest son Daniel Corsey Hooper and his wife Maggie Frady had 13 children, and Naomi has provided a family group record of these. Bertie Hooper's middle name was Serila, her husband F r a n k Edgar O'Neal Bishop. They were t h e parents of six children, and Naomi has provided an FGR of this family also. Richard Edgar Hooper was born 23 Jul 1896 and died 11 Jan 1971. He is buried in Gwynn Cemetery in Haywood County. His wife Mary Ann Frizzell (1896 - 8 Jun 1952) bore him eight children, and Naomi sends along an FGR for these also. Richard Edgar's second wife was Corene Putnam. The specific dates for Sadie Lee Frizzell, first wife of Radford Hooper, are 18 Apr 1905 - 13 May 1962. They were the parents of six children. Zachery Homer Hooper (21 May 1904 - 5 Apr 1983) died in Haywood County and is buried in New Cruso Cemetery. He was married to Cordie Wood and had two daughters. He seems also to have been married a second time, to Ruby Ethel Rickman, and they were the parents of seven children. Bethel "Bethie" Hooper married Ennis A. Thompson 2 Sep 1922. They were the parents of five children. Mary Hooper first married Ralph C. Jones and second Rufus Candler Buchanan. [Ed. We greatly appreciate Naomi filling in the gaps here, and we would encourage everyone who sees potential additions or corrections to do the same. The above has been summarized to keep it consistent with our original article, but the more detailed FGR's will be on file at the Society office.] 179 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 v J v_> One of our members, bespectacled and ready to do some research. We expect he'll find some German ancestors, and a few from ancient Rome as well. u 180 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 U D N A T e s t i n g a s a T o o l f o r G e n e a l o g i c a l R e s e a r c h [ Ed. The following very timely article was submitted by JCGS member Shawna Green Hall of Waterford, Michigan. Readers will remember that one of Shawna's principal genealogical interests is the Owen family.] Everyone who has researched their family history has hit a brick wall on at least one of their lines. A big, big brick wall for me has been my Owen line. A group of Owen descendants who are members of the very active Mountain Kin Genealogy group on the Internet decided to see if DNA testing might help us solve our Owen puzzle. We decided to participate in the Owen DNA project that was founded by the Owen Family Association ( and began the hunt for eligible males to test. Before I get to the results of the tests, I'll try to explain to the best of my understanding, in very basic terms, how these tests work. And I do mean basic, because a scientist I 'm not. DNA testing has been around for many years. As the cost became more reasonable in the past few years, it has become increasingly popular as a research tool for genealogists. While DNA testing has definite limitations, it can tell you several things: 1. Two or more people are genetically related. 2. Two or more people are not genetically related. 3. Give a time range of when a common ancestor occurred. 4. Help prove or disprove your genealogical research. Genealogy DNA testing will not tell you how you are related to a person or who the common ancestor was. It cannot prove or disprove paternity, nor does it test for genetic abnormalities or inherited disesases. The purpose of this type of DNA testing is to check for genealogical relationships only. There are two kinds of DNA testing used for genealogy purposes, Y-chromosome DNA testing for male lines and Mitochondria - DNA (mtDNA) testing for female lines. Y - chromosome testing is by far the more popular, and is what I will be referring to here when I speak of DNA testing. All human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with 22 of the pairs being virtually the same. The 23rd pair is very different and determines our sex, one chromosome being inherited from the mother and the other from the father. Females carry two X-chromosomes while males carry an X and a Y. Since she has two X's, a mother is capable only of passing an X chromosome on to her child, but a father can pass either an X or a Y. Hence, the father determines the sex of the child. If one happens to inherit an X from the father, then one is a girl.(XX) If one inherits a Y from him, one is a boy. (XY) In a vast majority of cases, the Y - chromosome is passed from father to son throughout the generations in a family virtually unchanged. The Y - chromosome has identifiable segments of DNA with known genetic characteristics. These segments are known as Markers, and it is these Markers that Y - chromosome DNA testing examines. So then the Y - chromosome of every male is identical to his father, grandfather, and great - grandfather, right? Unfortunately, not always. On rare occasions a slight mutation or change occurs in the Y - chromosome. As long as this mutation is not incompatible with life and a male child is born, these changes subsequently become additional unique Markers of future male descendants. By studying and matching these Markers, or patterns, on the Y - chromosome, it is possible to determine if two males are genetically related. Since mutations occur at random and are impossible to predict, 181 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 there is a chance that two distant cousins may match exactly on all Markers, while two brothers may have a slight difference. It is also possible to determine at what point a mutation appeared in j a line, therefore DNA testing can only predict with a certain degree of probability how long ago a ^"^ common ancestor occurred. Y - chromosome tests must be performed on a male from an unbroken male genetic line. In our case, it was done on two males with the surname of Owen, from an unbroken line of male Owens descended from John W. Owen. There are many companies that do genetic testing, and the price varies quite a bit. The range can go from $99 for a basic 12 - Marker test to around $800 for a Super - DNA test which includes Y - chromosome and mt-DNA chromosome testing. For genealogy purposes, a 12, 25 or 37 marker test is usually sufficient ($100 - $190). The more Markers compared, the more specific the test and the higher the cost. When one joins a DNA surname project, one will be sent a kit consisting of two soft brushes, a tube and a bag. The brushes are used to swab the inside of the cheek to obtain some surface cells, then immediately placed in a sealed tube and mailed back. It usually takes 6 to 8 weeks for the test to be completed, at which time one will be notified of the results and if matches were found with other participants. One will be identified by a number only, and it is up to the person tested whether to make his information available to other researchers or keep it private. There were two main Owen groups that we were especially interested in, both with descendants in Jackson County. The first group is descended from John W. Owen (ca. 1797 - 1876) and Lavinia Parker. Their son Andrew Jackson Owen married Mary Ann McCall and established the Wolf Mountain Owen line. The second group is descended from Noah W. Owen (ca. 1809) and Lettie Belcher. Noah's son John H. Owen married Freelove Page Howard and also lived in the Canada section of Jackson County. Since they lived in the same remote area and frequently intermarried, many of us believed that these two Owen lines must somehow be related. John W. Owen and Noah Owen are the last proven descendants in their respective Owen lines. We were able to find two male descendants from both Owen lines who agreed to participate in the tests. (It is recommended that a minimum of two male descendants from a line be tested to establish a firm genetic pattern. In other words, to make sure you are who you think you are. There are occasional surprises in genetic testing and participants should be aware of this. One participant in the Bryson DNA project believed that he came from an unbroken line of male Brysons, but found that he is not genetically related to the Brysons at all. He was, however, a perfect DNA match with a tested Hooper line. Fortunately, our two males in each Owen line were perfect genetic matches to each other and successfully established a genetic pattern for each line. So what information did we learn from these tests? •The John W. Owen and John H. Owen lines are not genetically related. They are completely different Owen lines. This was of particular interest to one of our volunteers, because his grandfather was an Owen from the John H. Owen line and his grandmother an Owen from the John W. Owen line. •The John W. Owen line is a 12 out of 12 Marker match with the John Ransom Owen (1805 - 1891) line, whose descendants spread to Macon, Haywood, and Jackson counties as well as Rabun County, Georgia. According to a commercial company's DNA site, a 12 Marker match means that these two lines had a common ancestor and that there is a 50% chance that the common ancestor occurred within the last seven generations. u 182 c L . Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 •The John W. Owen line is a 12 out of 12 Marker and 24 out of 25 Marker match with Elijah Owen (1790 in Orange County, NC to 1877 in Cherokee County, GA). Again, both of these results indicate that these two lines had a common ancestor and that there is a 50% chance that the common ancestor occurred within the last seven generations. We have been in touch with the person tested for this line, and he believes (not proven) that Elijah's father was Peter Owen (ca. 1765 Lunenberg, VA to 1836 Henry County, TN). This Peter moved to Orange County, NC in the early 1780's and then on to Buncombe County about 1800. •The John W. Owen line is a 12 out of 12 Marker match with George Washington Owen (ca. 1856, AL). We have been in touch with the person tested from this line, but there is no earlier information on this George Washington Owen. This Owen was evidently raised and/or adopted by a family with a different surname. Research on this line will be difficult, to say the least. •The John W. Owen line is a 24 out of 25 Marker match for Thomas Owen (ca. 1829 Pickens District SC to 1899 MO). Once again, these results show that the John W. Owen line had a common ancestor with this Owen and that there is a 50% chance that the common ancestor occurred within the last seven generations. At this time, we have not made contact with the person who tested for this line. •We have learned that we are not related to at least 11 other tested Owen lines. To date, DNA testing has proved that the John W. Owen line is related to four other tested Owen lines. These are relationships of which we were previously unaware. It has given us new directions to concentrate our research, including possibly the state of Virginia. The test also ruled out the possibility of several other Owen lines being related to ours. DNA testing can be a valuable tool when used in conjunction with conventional genealogical research. While it probably won't tear down any brick walls, it can put a few chinks in the mortar! [Ed. We also have in the JCGS office a couple of pages handed out by Deanne Gibson Roles when she spoke to our group about DNA testing and genealogy. They are informative, but are also advertisements for a particular Internet group. We also have printed out a page from another online source concerning Hooper DNA testing. This is fascinating reading.] 183 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 M i n n i e ' s S c r a p b o o k KJ KJ [Ed. One never knows just what kind of treasures will tum up. JCGS member Ruth Ensley Bryson shared her mother - in - law's scrapbook with us. The latter was Minnie Foster Bryson, who lived in the village of Balsam. Minnie was the only child of Luther and Laura Parris Foster, and was the wife of Tom Bryson of Jackson County's Savannah community. Their son was Clifton Bryson, and Ruth is his widow. Ruth Bryson shared the scrapbook with Ruth Shuler, who had the whole thing copied by professional printers. Since there is no pagination, the page numbers are ours, and occasionally we might have events chronologically reversed. The materials in the scrapbook are old newspaper clippings, unless otherwise noted, and most were probably taken from The Waynesville Mountaineer.] P a g e 1 • A picture of Virgil O. Stamps • Mrs. Alora Barron's picture under the caption "Is 78 Today." The small article gives Mrs. Barron's home as Gay, and her parents as Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ashe. Her children are also listed as Fred, Lym, Mrs. Nora Cable, Mrs. Bonnie Buchanan, Mrs. Anna Morgan, and Mrs. Mae Cabe. [Ed. The second son's name was "Leon," and this family pronounced this name with the emphasis on the first syllable, thus the error. • A small clipping, dated August 6, reporting the death of Mrs. Lyndon Dillard, age 31, of Sylva. Survivors were her husband, a son Bobby, an infant son, her mother (Mrs. Laura Kitchen), brothers Hayes, Paul, and Harlowe, and sisters Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs. Kelly Guthrie, and Mrs. Cynthia Brown. Burial was in Dillard Cemetery. {Ed. This would have been in 1941.] • Under a heading of "Funeral Will Be Held Today for Mrs. J.H. Morris," a story dated Nov. 13 reports the death of Mrs. Morris. It lists her children as J.H. Jr., Tom, and Mary Eugenia, her mother as Mrs. Eugenia Moore Allison, her sister as Mrs. Maurice Carlton, and her brother as Dan M. Allison. This burial was in Webster Cemetery. {Ed. This clipping would be from 1942.] • A picture title stating only "Five Generations." The caption is partially torn away, but since the picture shows the editor's own family, we can identify the following: the elderly lady was the great - great grandmother Adelaide Clayton Crawford, and she is holding her great - great granddaughter (now JCGS member Peggy Crawford Jones). The men on the back row are Allen Crawford (Peggy's father and the great - grandson of the picture), G.C. ("Chat") Crawford (the son) and P.J. Crawford (the grandson). • A picture of two men entitled "Flood Scenes." • A short notice, dated June 4, announcing the marriage of Miss Frankie Guy to Dale Rathbone. • A short announcement dated Jan. 20 in Bryson City of the birth of twin daughters, Norma Jean and Imogene, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkland of Proctor. Mrs. Kirkland's maiden name was Jessie Grant. • Announcement (from Sylva on Nov. 6) of the marriage of Mary Fannie Norton Moody to Sgt. Jack Vernon Hoyle October 21 in Clayton, Georgia. Parents given are Mr. and v^ 184 c o Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Mrs. Leonard Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoyle. At the time, Vernon was stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. • A clipping entitled 'Tat Colville of Bryson City Taken By Death" with a dateline of Jan. 7 from Bryson City concerns Rev. James Lowery Colville, "railway engineer and preacher," who had died in Franklin. He was an ordained Baptist minister who had later joined the Pilgrim Holiness Church. Born in Belfast, Ireland in 1884, he was the son of J.L. and Elizabeth Colville. He married Margaret Jane Reeves July 1, 1912. Children were Reeves, Jimmy, Bobby, Sammy, Johnny, Elizabeth, and Margaret Jane. Burial was to be in Bryson City. P a g e 2 [Ed. This page is exclusively military. Only two of the clippings do not have accompanying photographs.] • Entitled "McLain Brothers Were On San Francisco," the first article relates that George McLain and John McLain, machinist mates in the navy, were visiting in Sylva with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLain. The article states that the brothers were "eye-witnesses to Pearl Harbor." [Ed. At the Sylva High School reunion, we were privileged to meet John McLain. We mentioned this article to him, and his response: "That was just after they shot the hell out of us at Guadalcanal." Thanks to people like John McLain, the Japanese did not prevail.] • In "Grant Promoted to Staff Sergeant," a brief article states that Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Grant of Bryson City had heard from their son, Donald Grant, who had informed them of his promotion. Sgt. Grant was "somewhere in the Pacific." • "Pvt. Wood Now at Portsmouth, N.H." relates that Pvt. Earl H. Wood, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Wood of Canada township, was now at Camp Langdon. The brief article, which does not have a picture, states that his wife is the former Miss Nell Fox of Sylva. • "Rickman Brothers Serving in Army" is about George Rickman and Harold Rickman, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Manley M. Rickman of Waynesville. • "In the Navy" refers to a photograph (in civilian clothes) of Lieut. William Medford. • "At Fort Dix" shows Technical Sergeant Eugene Brooks and states that he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brooks of Balsam. • "4 Haywood Brothers In Service" pictures four Arrington men: William J., Ted, Robert Lee, and James Russell. The latter was in the army, the others navy. [Ed. These men were the sons of Sam and Lucy Brooks Arrington.] • "Rymer is named Technical Sergeant" concerns the promotion of John M. Rymer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Rymer of Canton. His wife was Dorothy Rowland of San Jose CA. 185 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 • "Brothers On Furlough" shows James Lee Reed and Kenneth Reed, who had surprised their parents with a visit. The parents were Mr. and Mrs. John N. Reed of Beta. <^J • "Cpl. Hall is Visitor At Candler" relates that Cpl. Benjamin Harrison Hall and Mrs. Hall had returned to Camp Rucker, Alabama, after visiting in Candler. • "L.V. Jones at Army Radio School" is about Louis Vernon Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Balsam. • Cullowhee Man Given Commission" states that Lt. Roy D. Phillips had returned to Camp Burner after visiting in Cullowhee with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Phillips. He had finished officer's training school at Fort Benning. • Entitled simply "Ensign," a picture is captioned Ensign James S. Queen. • "Parris Is Serving With Pacific Fleet" is the other brief clipping without a picture. It states that Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Parris of Sylva have heard that their son Don Jones Parris is with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. • "Fatally Hurt" relates that Private Frank Bailey Jr. was killed in an accident at Fort Benning. He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Mayme Bailey, his father Frank Bailey Sr., a sister Patsy and a brother Herman. P a g e 3 [Ed. This page has more clippings of World War II soldiers, but it also includes other news as ^-^ well.] • "At Camp Croft" pictures Private James H. Leopard (a military policeman), son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leopard of Waynesville. • "Honor Students at Sylva" shows a picture of Valedictorian Phyllis Dillard (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Dillard of Beta) and Salutatorian Mary Crawford (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Crawford of Willets). [Ed. This was the class of 1942.] • "Married For 52 Years" shows a picture of Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClure of Hazelwood. Describing him as a merchant and a Presbyterian, she (formerly Margaret Genelia Whitner) a member of Waynesville Baptist Church. He had come to Haywood County from Knox County, Tennessee. • "Sheehan Stationed at Camp Gordon" concerns Pvt. Talmadge L. Sheehan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sheehan of Waynesville. • "Brothers In Army" shows Claude Arrington and Woodrow Arrington, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Will Arrington of Waynesville. • "Macon Youth Sees Lots Of Action" relates that James Max Raby, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Raby of Franklin, has been in the Marines since November of 1939. He was at Pearl Harbor, Midway, and "now" at Guadalcanal. To be continued \^ 186 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 U O n e T h i n g a n d A n o t h e r [Ed. Our potpourri of small genealogical treasures, sundry news and notions, and assorted nonsense.] [Ed. We have, alas, always known people like the ones in the following letter, both the writer and the perpetrator. We will omit the names but try to preserve the humor.] Dillsboro, NC June 14,1943 Rationing Board Sylva, NC Gentlemen: This is to inform you that drives '_ car up and down these roads real fast. Part of the trips he makes are unnecessary. Please investigate for yourself. I c a n ' t understand why such a fellow isn't drafted into the army. He lies around home all the time and won't work. His daddy takes fits for about two hours every morning trying to get him out of bed. He just wants to lie around and shoot at birds all the time. He isn't worth a cent to any one. You can hear him raging and cursing for miles and this is often too. I can stand behind all I've said and wish you would make an investigation. Yours truly, [Ed. One of the best times of the summer was the Sylva Central High School reunion, held on the last Saturday in July. Many of the steering committee were JCGS members, including Ruth Shuler, who chaired the committee, and Rachel Phillips, who thought up the whole thing. Other very involved JCGS members were Wilburn Ashe, Mary Katherine Lowder, Frank Crawford, Mary Ellen Moody, and Gene McClure. Approximately 600 people showed up, ate lunch, reminisced, laughed, cried, and promised to do it again. The school was open from the fall of 1924 until the spring of I960.] [Ed. Speaking of schools in Sylva, JCGS member Peggy Crawford Jones donated a book to the Society. It is a Bible, presented to the Sylva High School by the class of 1922. On the second flyleaf is a list of names that we take to be the members of the class. They are as follows: Mary Allison, Wilma Allison, Guy Buchanan, Da Bumgarner, Mary Candler, Theodore Dills, Margaret Freeze, Edith Geisler, Katie McKee, Blanche Collins, and Leon Picklesimer. Is this in fact the class of 1922? Note that this was not Sylva Central High School, but rather its predecessor.] [Ed. More school stuff: Douglas Moody of Gastonia identifies the school picture in our Summer issue (p. 102) as the 1906 Glenville School class.] 187 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 One Thing and Another, Continued [Ed. JCGS member Jerry Facteau brought in two little pieces of paper. We believe you will ^""^ agree that t h i s is an outstanding primary source. Jerry is a descendant of both of these families. January the 2 1890 Ages of Wm. H. Crawfords Family William H. Crawford was borned February the 19 1822 Hanner A. Hemphill was borned November the 11th 1823 James R. Crawford was borned May the 25th 1841 Joseph P. Crawford was borned April 12th1843 Mary A. Crawford was borned May the 20* 1846 William P. Crawford was borned September the 22th 1848 Olif L. Crawford was borned February the 27th 1850 Samuel M. Crawford was bomed November the 4* 1852 Salinda Jane Crawford was bomed May the 28th 1855 Thomas M. Crawford was bomed March the 8th 1858 ^-^ Sintha E. Crawford was bomed November the 19th 1860 John Crawford was bomed May the 28th 1864 Ages of J.B. Crisp Family J.B. Crisp was borned June the 10th 1844 James C. Crisp was bomed November the 6th 1869 Samuel F. Crisp was bomed July the 29 1873 Columbus M. Crisp was bomed November the 3th 1876 Remember to keep these ages correct J. B. Crisp died March the 5 1878 [Ed. Olive Lucinda Crawford above married Columbus Montiville Crisp above.] 188 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 C N e w M e m b e r s o f J C G S i n 2 0 0 7 [Ed. As we have done in the last few years, we publish here the names of persons who joined JCGS in 2007 for the first time. "Old" members should look at the names of interest submitted by these new members, then contact them if you see common interests. This section will not be indexed.] Ball, Michael C. 2835 Centenary Church Rd. MBall 1 (Queen, Kilby, Ledford, Parker) Mt.UllaNC 28125 Barfield, Marlene (Gribble, Frizzell) 8490 Granada Blvd. Orlando FL 32836 Bressler, Lois (Wood, Bryson) 110 Barcelona Court CaryNC 27513 Carden, Gary N. 236 Cherry St. Sylva NC 28779 Carver, Judy 1 80 Holly Dr. (Mills, Elliott, Hooper, Johnson) Chesnee SC 29323 C Cowan, Leo Box 203 Crawford, Frank M. PO Box 1041 Dills, Vickie D. 6 Columbus Rd. (Dills, Parker, Phillips, Hooper, Queen) Domico, Linda Jenkins 3370 Minuet Dr. (Dugan, Kilby, Bryson, Jenkins) Eastman, Elizabeth M. CMR 427 Box 1033 (Mason, Cagle, Parker) Facteau, Gerald PO Box 507 (Crisp) Goddard, Tom & Pat 94 Saint Jiles Dr. (Buchanan, Dills, Rogers, Brown, Messer, Gregory, Sorrells) Green, Laurel 327 Ridgecrest Dr. (Wilson, Wtttson) Tuckasegee NC 28783 Sylva NC 28779 Worcester MA 01609 Clinton OH 44216 APO AE 09630 Balsam NC 28707 Clayton NC 27520 Greenville SC 29609 189 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Gregory, Jason N. 500 Cope Creek Rd., Apt. 8 (Robinson, Wilkey, Messer, Gregory) Sylva NC 28779 v ^ Huffman, Dorothy Matthews 5 Huffman Rd. Canton NC 28716 (Matthews, McCall, Wilson, Gillett, Henderson, Huffman, Duckett, Hallman, Sherrill) Johnson, Jenny 2975 Pumpkintown Rd. Sylva NC 28779 (Taylor, Johnson, Robinson) Lester, Gail Kelly (Buchanan, Stiles) 2206 Country Oaks Dr. Garland TX 75040 Mathews, Barbara M. 159 Happy Trails Dr. Tuckasegee NC 28783 (Melton, Mull, Mathews, Mathis, Bryson, Brown, Burrell, Broom, McCall, Owen) Mills, Bobby 1 01 Willington PL Loudon TN 37774 (Thomas Mills b. ca. 1775) Parker, Joe J. (Parker) 78 Wall St. Pisgah Forest NC 28768 Peterson, Patrice& Allen 20106 Brondesbury Dr. (Parker, Cannon, Phillips, Owen) Proitt, Ruth Moore 300 Miller Rd. (Owen, Galloway, Coward, Moore) Katy TX 77450 Mauldin SC 29662 u Ratcliffe, Sheila Pannell 801 N. Howard St. #370 (Pannell, Monteith, Queen, Fisher, Ensley) Alexandria VA 22304 Swilley, Billie Jo 11676 Dunes Rd. (McFee, Bryson, Shuler, Schuler) Boynton Beach FL 33436 Worley, Donna Matthews 306 School Rd. Marshall NC 28753 (Matthews, Gillett, Downs, McCall, Wilson, Montgomery, Henderson, Vinson) H a p p y H o l i d a y s t o a l l J C G S m e m b e r s ! ^y 190 c u Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 I n d e x f o r / J / , V o l . X V I I , N o . I V Adams 152,160. 161 Ah-quallago 154 Alexander 157, 158 Allen 157,167, 170, 171 Alley 159 Allison 151, 152, 157, 159,184,187 Allman 170 Amnion 176 Ammons 162, 173, 174 Anderson 157,161, 163 Andrews 163 Angel 174,175 Arey 159 Arrington 185, 186 Ashe 157,162, 169, 171, 184, 187 Austin 157 Ayers 162 Bailey 160, 161, 172, 186 Baldwin 163,166 Bales 165 Barger 145 Barker 161,172 Barnett 157 Barron 184 Bateman 158 Battle 151 Bauserman 165 Bean 159 Bear 165 Beard 161 Beasley 158 Beck 172 Belcher 182 Bennett 184 Berry 157 Bishop 172,179 Black 149 Blakely 160 Blanton 157,172 Blount 151 Bly 152 Bowers 161 Bowman 158 Boyer 160 Brabson 167,168 Brabston 168 Bradburn 159 Bradley 157,158,159 Brett 159 Bridges 159.160 Brigham 159 Brooks 153,158,185 Brown 157, 159, 165, 166,169,170,184 Browning 161,172 Bryson 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 170, 171, 172, 182,184 Buchanan 157, 159, 160, 161, 169, 170, 172, 173. 175,179, 184,187 Buell 166 Bumgarner 157, 160,161,174, 187 Burgess 157 Bumey 163 Burrell 172 Burris 159 Byrd 166 Cabe 160,174,184 Cable 160,184 Cagle 161 Caldwell 160 Calhoun 170 Callahan 159 Calloway 176 Camp 163 Candler 187 Carlton 184 Carson 147,171 Carter 152 Casey 162 Cassada 174 Chapman 164 Chavis 170 Cherry 175 Childers 157 Christopher 157 Clark 169,171 Claus 180 Claybo161 Clayton 184 Cleaveland 160 Cleaves 173 Clifford 158 Cline 157,159 Cloer 160,170 Clouse 174 Coats 159 159, Cochran 160,161,172 Cockerham 153 Codner 161 Coffinan 165 Coggins 158, 179 Cole 158 Collier 174, 175 Collins 157, 187 Colville 185 Conley 154,171 Conly 151 Conner 148, 153 Cook 160, 161, 172, 177 Cope 145, 163, 169 Cordell 157 170, Cowan 161, 169, 170 Coward 156,170 Crawford 148, 150, 157, 158, 160, 162, 170, 173, 174, 184, 187,188 Crisp 147, 158, 178,188 Crowley 159 Cunningham 170 Curry 178 151, 169, 186, 175, Dalrymple 178 Dalton 173 Davis 159, 160, 161, 170,171 Dean 157,159,171 Dehart172 Deitz 157, 158 Dennis 160 Dillard 184,186 Dills 160, 170, 171, 175, 179, 187 Dorsey 170 Dotson 176 Downs 173 Driver 161 Dryman 157 Earnest 165 Eastburn 173 Edmonston 151 Edwards 158,160 Elders 153 Ellington 171 Elliott 156 Elmore 166 Enloe 152,153 Ensley 148, 157, 159, 169,171,184 Estes 160,161 Evitt 158, 169 Extine 157 Facteau 147,188 Fagen 173 Feagan 173 Fincannon 177 Fisher 172,178 Foster 184 Fox 149, 185 Frady 160,172,179 Frazier 160 Freeman 159 Freeze 187 Frizzell 159, 160, 170, 179 Fulcher 164 Galloway 157.170,172 Galvin 160 Garland 168 Gaulden 167 Geisler 187 George 154 Gibbs 169 Gibson 154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 162,175,183 Gipson 153 Gordon 165 Graf 158 Graham 160 Grant 158,184, 185 Gray 167, 169, 170, 171, 172 Green 157, 158, 160, 162, 169, 171, 174, 175, 176.179, 181 Greene 174 Gribble 157 Griffith 159 Griggs 158 Guffey 159 Gunter 157 Guthrie 184 Guy 184 Hall 158, 171, 181, 186 Hanes 169 Harrill 160 Harris 158, 159 Hartman 160 Hartzog 175 Haskett 146 Hassett 162 Hastings 174 Hatcher 157 Hawkins 158,160 Hayes 162 Hays 160 Hedden 158 Hemphill 188 Henderson 160 Henry 158, 162,165 Hensley 160, 170, 174, 175, 178 Henson 171 Higdon 160 Hill 159, 165,166 Hinckley 162 Holden 158 Holland 152 Holt 168 Honaker 170 Hooper 160, 162, 170, 177,179, 182, 183 Hornbuckle 159 Horton 161 Houk 162 Houston 158 Howard 161,182 Hoxit 161 Hoyle 157, 158, 184, 185 Hughes 155 Huguelet 161 Hurst 176 Huscusson 161 Hyatt 152, 161 Ingle 163 Ireland 163 Jacks 161 Jackson 158 James 171 Jarrett 162,170, 171 Jennings 158 Johnson 170, 177 Jones 158, 160, 172, 175,179. 184. 186, 187 Justice 160 Keele 168 191 Keener 152,154 Kelt 162 Kemp 160 King 159,164, 173 Kirkland 184 Kirkpatrick 160 Kitchen 184 Kyle 160 Laffoon 173 Lankford 161 Lanning 178 Lattimore 160 Laws 158 Leatherman 176 Leatherwood 169 Ledford 160 Leftwich 159 Lenanhouser 160 Leopard 186 Lessley 161 Lewis 161 Little 171 Liulejohn 159 Long 156.161,162, 166, 171 Love 151,157,171 Lovedahl 177 Lowder 187 Lyons 161 MacArthur 160 Mahaffey 169 Marks 164 Mashburn 161,173 Mason 176 Massingale 177 Mauney 163 McCall 158, 169, 176, 182 McClure 186,187 McCown 155 McCready 159 McCune 163 McDonald 162 McElrath 162 McGaha 158,173, 174 McGregor 159 McGuire 161 Mcintosh 161 McKee 187 McLain 185 McLean 171 McLure 170 McMahan 157,160, 161, 169.174,175 McMahand 174 Medford 185 Mehan 159 Mehrtens 171 Melton 161 Messer 158 Meyerhoeffer 165 Milbury 157 Miller 169 Journeys Through Jackson Fall 2007 Mills 161,171 Mincey 173 Mingus 154 Mollenhour 161 Monroe 157 Monteith 149, 155. 158, 172 Moody 184.187 Moore 156, 158, 172, 184 Morgan 145, 159, 161, 169,174, 184 Morris 161, 177, 184 Morrow 160 Moss 157,158 Moyer 161 Mull 178 Nardy 162 Nations 177 Newton 154 Nichols 159,171 Nicholson 159,169 Norton 161, 169, 184, 185 Outlaw 159 Owen 170, 172, 181, 182,183 Owens 159 Oxner 161 Pace 160 Painter 157, 161, 169. 171,172 Pangle 158 Parker 157, 161, 177, 178,182 Parris 148,158,184, 186 Paschky 160 Passmore 160 Paxton 158 Petty 171 Petzer 155 Phillips 159, 178, 186, 187 Picklesimer 159,187 Pilkington 161 Plott 152 Potts 158,161,172 Powell 177 Pressley 159 Pruett 170, 172 Putnam 179 Queen 147, 170, 172, 177,186 Rabe 159 Raby 158,174, 176,186 Randolph 161 Rankin 157 Rathbone 184 Reagan 157 Reece 161 Reed 161, 169, 170, 186 Reeves 185 Renfro 159 Revis 159 Rice 159 Rich 161 Richardson 161 Rickman 179,185 Rigdon 159 Risch 163 Robbinsl59 Roberson 158 Robinson 158, 177 Robison 162 Rochester 171 Roehms 159 Rogers 169 Roles 183 Rowland 185 Rush 163, 164,165, 167,168 172, 166, Russell 161, 174,178 Rymer 185 Sanders 157, 162, 174, 175, 176 Sarkes 173 Sawyer 149 Scull 166,167 Seay 173 Self 161 172, Sellers 161, 170.174 Sequoyah 161 Sewell 159 Sharpe 157 Shawhan 163 Sheehan 186 Shehan 172 Shelton 161, 162,170 Shepherd 158 Sherell 151 Sherrell 152. 153 Sherrill 148, 152, 169 Shook 146, 160 Shufords 163 Shuler 157, 160, 184, 187 Slocum 173 Smith 161, 164. 173.174 Snyder 159. 172, 175,176 Stamps 184 Stanfield 160 Stanley 173 Stephens 162, 170, 172 Stevens 174 Stevenson 161 Stewart 157 Stiles 157 Stillwell 170, 171 Stringfield 178 157, 177, 168, 174, , 171, Styles 158 Suit 176 Sumner 161 Sutton 157, 158, 160, 161.170,173 Tallent 161, 175 Talley 146,156,162 Tatham 157 Taylor 158, 160, 161, 162, 170 Teague 162 Terry 161 Thomas 151, 152, 153, 154,167,168, 174 Thompson 149, 175, 176,179 Tilley 159 Tippett 175 Tolbert 161 Tolley 162 Trantham 172 Triplett 169 Tritt 170 Truitt 158 Tudor 159 Turner 164 Vandyke 163,164 Vickers 175 Vines 163,164 Waldroop 168 Walker 158 Walkingstick 161 Walls 162 Ward 158,159. 161, 169 Warren 159 Watson 146,156,169 Webb 164 Weems 168 Welch 151,153,160 Whitiker 177 Whitner 186 Wieters 162 Wiggins 154,159 Wightman 159 Wike 156,158.169 Wild 172 Williams 158, 172 Wilnoty 159 Wilson 158, 160, 161, 169.170.171 Wood 158, 162, 169, 177, 179,185 Woodard 160 Worley 172 Wright 159 Wykle 162,175. 176 York 173 Young 160 Zachary 161, 177 Zuber 163 v J KJ ^ 192 c MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Jackson County Genealogical Society is open to all individuals who apply and pay dues. Membership is based on the calendar year and dues are paid in advance. Members joining late in the year will receive back issues of the society's journal for that year. Annual dues arc $20 for individuals and $25 for family memberships. Individual lifetime memberships arc available based on age: 16-29 $350 60-69 $150 30-39 300 70-79 100 40-49 250 80+ 50 50-59 200 A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M E M B E R S H IP C New Name Address City Renewal Life Amount Paid State Zip Code o Phone E — mail address Families or Areas of Interest _ Make check payable to JCGS, Inc., and mail to: P. O. Box 2108, Cullowhee NC 28723 ^J ^ J C G S , I n c. P.O. B o x 2 1 08 C u l l o w h e e , N C 2 8 7 23 h t t p : / / w w w . j c n c g s . c o m / (Offices at 42 Asheville Highway, Suite 2, Sylva) (Telephone 828 - 631 - 2646) ^J