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Journeys Through Jackson 1991 Vol.01 No.05

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • -' II " Joumegs ~· 'I/irougfi ' . l' I Jac/(§on 'Tiie Olftc ia! Joumaf of tlie JacR§on County (jeneafogica! Soc ietg, 1 nc. o/ol 1, 7-{p. 5 9{_£Y[)ember, 1991 President's Message This month's column will be devoted to Jackson county Heritage, that wonderful book that has filled every spare minute for committee members in the last few weeks. There is good news and not-so­good news: at this writing 575+ family articles have been received, but we have sold only 330 books. There is yet work to be done. The deadline has been extended to January 15, so you still have time to get your article to the committee. Material aust be received by January 15 in order to be included in the book. So please go ahead and get your articles here well before January 15. Many of you have responded and have sent book orders, and the book committee now asks for your continuing help to let others know that they can still get their articles in and buy books. The memorial and tribute pages offer a special opportunity to honor members of your family. These pages, to be located at the back of the book, can be used for pictures or other special items in memory of or in tribute to soma family member. Contact any committee member for details. There will be available within the next few days a gift certificate for the book. Wouldn't that make a great Christmae present this year? Write to the Society address if you are interested. Here are some comments of interest from members: "Thank you for inviting me to put my family stories in your Jackson 'county book. I appreciate the dedication you have to put together such a heritage of our ancestors." (David Stiles, Englewood, TN.) "This was a great idea; thanks to whoever started it and to all those working on it." (Ruth Pannell White, Gastonia NC) "My grandfather was a quiet, unassuming man; therefore, we did not hear much about his family. I am eager to learn about his family, and your publications and, in the near future, a visit to Jackson County, will most certainly fill this void." (Marilyn Deitz Stewart, Montgomery OH) The finished product will be worth the hours that have been put into it, and I believe all the committee members have had the same experience I have: I've talked with people I had not heard from in years. It's been great. As we head into the final stretch, please continue your efforts. We want this heritage book to be the best one ever, and to do that takes all of us working together. To each one who has been involved with the book, my grateful thanks. * * * * * * Another area of pride for us is this publication, "Journeys Through Jackson." Jo Ann Smith wr i tee, " .•• I want to compliment you on this publication. Each one has provided helpful information to me, and I am really enjoying it. I know how much work is involved in this. I extend thanks to each of you who make it possible." Others have commented on the excellence of "Journeys," and· Kirk joins me in thanking you for your efforts. * * * * * * calendar Our December meeting, scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 7:00 p.m., at the Jackson County Public Library, will be the annual meeting. Reports will be given from the officers, election of new officers will be held, and we are planning to have some Christmas goodies. Plan now to be there and help in the governance of your society. It's been a first year to remember, and we want to keep the interest growing. Hope to see you then. Ruth Shuler Table of contents Samuel McJunkin ·L725 - 1808 : . . . . . ,• • 49 Death Certificates of Jackson County Persona Born Prior to 1900 • • • so 1902 Voter Registration for Jackson county • • . • • • • 51 Delayed Birth Certificates of Jackson County Persons Born Prior to 1900 • • 52 1870 Census of Jackson County : • • • • 54 East Fork Cemetery Census • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 56 Queries • • • • • • • • • sa Pedigree Charts • • • • • • • • • • • • l;. : 59 saauel McJunkin 1725 - 1808 on October 12, 1991, a DAR plaque was placed in' Riverside cemrtery, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, honoring Samuel McJunkin, Revolutionary War patriot. Samuel McJunkin has descendants in Jackson County._ , Thw great-great-granddaughter of Samuel McJunkin was Rosa Catped,ne McJunkin, who married George Hiram Cope; their son was William Barton Cope of Sylva. The following information was provided to "Journeys Through Jackson" by Mrs. John w. Andrews 'III, daughter of William B·arton and Bonnie Monteithi.cope. "Samuel McJunkin married Anne' Bogan at Holy Trinity (Old swedes) church, Wilmington, Delaware on 9 Sep 1754. Samuel, son o~ Robert McJunkin and Margaret Caldwel·l, was born about 1725 at ·County Tyrone, Ireland. Samuel came to America about 1740. Anne Bogan was born about 1729 in cumberland county, Pennsylvania, daughter of William and Elenore Bogan. "In 1755, SAmuel left his home in Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania due to the Indian tribes being in a state of hostility immediately after Genera! Braddock's defeat in the French and Indian War. With many others, the McJunkin family moved south arriving at Tinker's creek, f6ur ~ilea from the pres~nt site of'Unioh County court House, South Carolina on 24 Dec ·1755. samuel's sons Major Joseph, Daniel, and Samuel, Jr. served in the Revolution, another son was killed in the Revolution. Samuel and Anne McJunkin had the following other children: John McJunkin, Jane McJunkin, Margaret (wlfe ~f Captain Robert Beatty)", Nancy Anne (wife of Captain Daniel Comer). "Samuel was· an elder in the Brown's Creek Presbyterian Church for forty years. Records show Samuel McJunkin As soldier #300 in the Cherokee expedition commencing in October 1759, commanded by Colonel John Chevillette of the South carolina Militia. l(e was at the battle df Fort Pr.ince George, s. c. Samuel furnished provisions to the Frontier Forts at Fort William Henry on the Enoree River in 1762. "George III' ·gave Samuei. a grartt for 150 acres in Berkley County, '13 Feb 1768. Samuel was a magistrate under the Royal Government. He took a leading part in the debates preceding the Revolutionary War. During the Revolution, Samuel supported the Whigs and was held prisoner by the Britiah during the Battle of Cowpen•.· He was a member"of the Legislature that met at Jacksonboro in 1782. His name can be found on the first censua of the United States (1790) in Ninety­six District, Union county, s. c. The upper district between Broad and Saluda River eledted him ~o the Fourth (1782) and Seventh (1787-1788) General "Anna Bogan McJunkin died during the Revolutionary War near Broad River in th• vicini~ o~ Rev. Dr. Jo8eph Alexander'• home. Anne came to care for her son Major Joseph McJunkin, took smallpox from him and died 17 Apr 1?81 at Whitmire, York Co., s.c. "On 17 "Mar i808, Slamuel sold hie plantati6n to his son-in-law d.pta.Ln Robert Beatty and •tartl!fd with others to the Indiana Territory to join his youngest •on John. on the trail he became ill and died at the home of John Wilkins on' Hopkinaville, Chriatian county, Kentucky bn 25 Apr 1808 and was buried in a roadside grave. This DAR marker is placed in Riverside c~apel, Hopkinsville, Kentucky to perpetuate hie memory." •' :gl-49 Death Certificates of Jackson County Persons Born Prior to 1900 (Abstracted froa recorda in Jackson County Register of Deeds' Office) Voluae III 1916 Key to eatries: Name of deceased (place of birth), date of birth, date of death, father's name (place of birth), mother'• name (place of birth), infonnanl (addreu), place of burial [Ed. note: Beginning with this issue, death certificates will be listed alphabetically. Volume III will continue in the Vol 2, No 1 issue of Journeys) Allen, Jensie (NC), 12-18-1821, 11-13-1916, Joseph Clements (NC), Queen(?) (NC), M. Parris (Dillsboro), Parris Babb, Indian• (NC), 03-04-1866, 10-02-1916, William Thomas (NC), Hannah __ __ (NC), Ambrose Bobo (Webster), Parris Bird, Squincy (not given), not given, 01-17-1916, not given {not given), not given (not given), not given (not given) Swimmer Branch Brown, Sherman (NC), age SO, 01-28-1916, John Brown (NC), Anny Wood (NC), J.M. OWen (Wolf Mountain), Sols creek Brown, William (Hodges Co, TN), 02-22-1871, 08-25-1916, not given {not given), not given (not given), R.L. Davis (Bryson City), Bryson City Bryson, Alice (SC) ,. 07-18-1871, 04-15-1916, John w. Nicholson (SC), Sadie Moss (SC), W.A.J. Nicholson. (Glenville), Cashiers Bryson, Ollif Jane (NC), 05-25-1854, 07-28-1916, Thomas M. Henson (NC), Mary E. Crawford (NC), C.A. Bryson (Balsam), Crawford Bumgarner, George w. (not given), 04-18-1852, 03-06-1916, E.M. Bumgarner (not given), Nancy Blanton (not given), R.C. Bumgarner (Bryson City), Bailey Cabe, Violet (NC), age 54, 07-16-1916, David Wilson (NC), Margaret Bryson (NC), not given (not given), Old Savannnah Cagle, E. Harvey (NC), age 77 yrs 8 mos, 10-10-1916, not given (not given), not given (not given), not given (not given), Cagle Carrol, William (NC), 1870, 12-30-1915 [Ed note: this certificate misfiled with 1916), not: given (not given), Fanny Leopard (NC), Robt Potts (Norton), Bessie Clarke, John J. (NC), 01-08-1863, 01-02-1916, Abraham Louis Clarke (NC), Jane Blanda (NC), J.F. Rickart (Asheville), Asheville Collins, Hulda A. (SC), 06-1834, 02-23-1916, Henry Reece (SC), Lucinda Huggin• (SC), Rena Watson (Cashiers), Cashiers Corn, Jer~y B. Blane (NC), 09-18-1893, 07-31-1916, John Calvin Corn (NC), Mary . Malindy Garrett (NC), not given (not given), Balsam Grove Dills, R~~ecca Hasaltine (NC), 01-08-1886, 05-07-1916, George Philip Dills (NC), Darky Ann Mathis (NC), J.J Dills (Tuckasegee), Woodring Dobson, Mary (NC), 1846, 07-11-1916, Deegeenih (NC), Sinostah (NC), Dawson Geqrge (Cherokee), cucumber 91-50 .1902 {Voter ~egi•tr•tion !for. JacJcaon county ·· The 1902 ~ermanent Voter.Registration was a grandfather claus4 legislation. It required.eli?ible vote~a (whi~~ males) to name an ancestor who had been eligible to v.oct e • in 1867. A• s• ide from the obvious racist intent, the voter booJca a~e valu~ble tools for gene~log~cal research. The book is located in the county Register of Deeds Office. • I' Key te llltriea: Name of registered voter, age, ance110r, precinct, dato of regiltpltion. Blanton, Dock Blanton, G. M. Blanton, J. E. Blanton,, J. E. Blanton, J ., M. Blanton, J. R •. :. . Blanton, Jeremiah Blanton, .. John Blanton, M. L. Blanton, ••• R. L. Blanton, w. H. Blanton, w. R. Blythe, bavid Blythe, James Bolick, ~idnay R. Bolick, 'illiam P. Boren, Joseph F. Bowing(?), J. B. Bradburn~ J. 1'., Bradburn, M. c. Bradley, Cirt(?) Bradley, Coot R. Bradley, Frank c. Bradley, Frank C, Bradley, G. B. Bradley, G. w. Bradley,_ G •. w. Bradley, Geo. Bradley,,.. H __ Bradley, J. w. Bradiay, James w. Bradley, Jas. H. , Bradley, John Bradley, John A. Bradley, John J~~ Bradley, L. D. Bradley, L. D. Bradley, ~a~kp. Bradley, Richar~ P. Bradley, Samuel ~~ Bradley, Th.odo~e Bradshaw, A. M. Bramlet, . R9bert Brendle, J,. P. Brendle, J. P. Bridgers, J. D. Bridgers, J. E. Bridgers, i. E. ~ 21 33 40 39 67 ,26 51· 29 30 54 45 47 21 21 32 22 42 ,~1 24 31 28 28. 53 35 35 21 28 21 51 38 5!J (Not ..Given) ~ Riley Blanton Je_rry .~lanton J. A. Blplnton '• Qualla scotts creek Scbtts Creek "Qualla Riley Blanton scotts Creak· ~erry ~lflnton ·scotts ·creek (Not Given) Canada Wi!liam. 'naley Sylva Riley Bla~ton Qualla Riley Blanton Scotts creek Riley alapton Scotts Creek Ri~ey Bl~nton scotts Creek (N9t ~ivan) . Qualla (Not Given) Qualla Gabriel Solie~ Cullowhee William ~olick Cashiera Valley w. s. Boren Hamburg (Not Given) .Sylva T •.N .• . Bradburn Qualla (Not.Gi~•nl Qualla Levi McMahan Greens Creek Johq Bradley Barkers Creek coneline Bradley Cashiers Valley Calvin ~radley Cashiers Valley .Jef.feraon Bradley ,GA , rHamburg cart. from swain co. Qualla (Not Given) Qualla Reuben Bradley Greens Creek (Not G~ven) Qualla Jefferson B~~4le~ GA HamQurg calvin Bradley cashiers Valley ~ohn.~. Bradley Quall& .(~?t ,G~ven). ~ ~- Barkers Creek 24 John Bradley Barkers Creek 21 ,Joh.n Bradley._ _. Bark.-rs creek 2 3 "Ii!laa9 ,.Br.~dley _ .web•ter· 25 21 26 29 21 46 27 52 50 53 22 26 Ning Bryson Greens Creek ca~vin Bradley ~cashiers Valley John Bradley Barkers creek John.Bradley Barkers Creek Jack Brad~ey .. . . Green• Creak (Not Given) Qualla Mike Smith .B~rkera Creak Joseph Brendle Sylva Jo!••pn Brendle, ,Webster David D. Bridgers Sylva w. G. Bf~dgera. .gualla (Not Given) Qualla 10-24-1908 10--()3-1908 10-15-1902 10-24-1902 10-q4-1902 10-04-1902 10-18-1902 10-21-1902 10-i8-1902 10-t0-1902 10-l4-1902 10-04-1902 10-24-1908 10-24-1908 10-13~1908 10-10-1902 10-02-1902 10-22-1908 10-ll-1902 10-03-1908 10-18-1902 10-17-1908 10-15-1904 10-15-1908 10-17-1902 05-26-1908 10-24-1908 10-24-1908 -10-24--1908 10)-17,-1902 10':..11-1902 10-22-1904 10-04-1902- '10-'17-1908 10-29-1904 . 10-23-1902 10-29-1904 10-17-1908 10-22-1902 l0-0+=-1902 10-24-1908 10-24-1908 10-11-1902 lQ..-28-1904 10-14-1902 10-26.:.1904 101""25-1902 10-24-1906 91-51 Delayed Birth CertificateLof Jack•on County Per•on• Born Prior to 1900 S~nce ~orth Carqlina did not require vital statistics to be recorded until 1913, persons who needed a birth certificate were required to furnish proof of ~ parentage by family Bible records or other affidavit. Delayed birth certificates are located in the Register of Deeds office at the courthouse. Key to entries: Name, date of birth, place of birth, name of father, nama of mother, recorded in volume (page). Berry, Joseph Homer, 12-05-1872, Webster, Wm c. Berry, Martha J. Watkins, 2(292) Bird, Annie, 12-17-1896, Whittier, Charles A. Bird, Sarah Terrell, 12(356) Bird, Henry Grady, 01-19-1899, Qual1a, c. A. Bird, Sarah Terrell, 1(303) Bird, James Terrell, 05-25-1885, Whittier, c. ~. Bird, Sarah Terrell, 5(21) Bird, Joel Monroe, 09-27-1887, Whittier, Charles A. Bird, Sallie Terrell, 12(204) Bird, Mary, 12-07-1892, Whittier, Charles A. Bird, Sarah Terrell, 7(75) Bird, William Ernest, 07-21-1890, Whittier, Charles Aebury Bird, Sarah E. Terrell, 12(264) Bishop, Elsie c., 05-24-1897, Cullowhee, D. F. Bishop, s. E. Phillips, 4(43) Bishop; Grover s., 05-10-1888, Cullowhee, D. F. Bishop, s. E. Phillips, 4(44) Bishop, Margaret Louise, 10-12-1894, Cullowhee, Daniel F. Bishop, Sallie Phillips, 6(167) Bishop, Marie E., 08-19-1892, Cullowhee, D. ~. BisHop, s. E. Phi\lips, 3(298) Blanton, Charliel 06-30-1884, Sylva, Wm Blanton, Depina A. Ensley, 7(30) Blanton, Geo. M., 04-30-1875, Sylva, Wm R. Blanton, Depina Ensley, 2(290) Blanton, Hattie, 02-05-1881, Willets, Jerry Mt Blanton, Mary Crawford, 7(206) Blanton, John w., 07-04-1879, Sylva, Wm R. Blanton, D. A. Ensley, 2(289) Blanton, ~iliam Ransom, 07-15-1896, Addie, Monroe Blanton, Belle Farley, 7(237) Boone, Coleman Gossett, 10-02-1886, Dillsboro, c. c. Boone, Drucilla Holden, 8(53) Boone, John Daniel, 03-09-1885, Dillsboro, c. c. Boone, Drucilla Holden, 8(52) Brown, Walter Freeman, 11-26-1896, Sylva~ Richard Alonzo Brown, Lucinda Moody, 13(33) Bradley, Annie May, 04-10-1895, Greens Creek, Taylor H. Bradley, Laura A. Brysdn, 11(2) Bradley, Carey Lee, 04-15-1898, Whittier, Jim Bradley, Mary D. Raby, 4(247) Bradley, Carolyn Lorena, 10-04-1896, Cashiers, J.W. Bradley, Lorena Pierson, 12(16) Bradley, Joseph. Pred, 12-10-1899, Whittier, Jim Bradley, Mary D. Raby, 4(248) Bradley, Mack D., 10-03-1885, Cashiers, James w. Bradley, Lorena Pearsons, 8(181) Bradley, Redford, 10-25-1895, Wilmot, Jim Bradley, Mary D. Raby, 4(259) Brendall, Lillian G., 01-05-1895, Fairfiel~r J.H. Brendall, Sarah T. Tritt, 3(155) Brendle, John Henry, 09-14-1868, sylva, William N. Brendle, Sarah Keener, 11(314) Bridges, Riley P. Hoxit, 05-02-1896, Cashiers, Geo Hoxit, Connie Pearson, 4(2) Brooks, Charlie, 02-12-1888, Barkers creek, John Brooks, Carline Buchanan, 9(128) Brooks, D.o., 09-11-1875, Willets, Sylvania Brooka, Matilda Henry, 6(288) Brown, Albert E., 08-29-1894, Cowarts, Wm Albert Brown, Louise Coats, 1(213) Brown, Bessie, 11-16-1895, Barkers Creek, Tbomaa L. Brown, Ida Jane Cochran, 11(252) Brown, Bonnie Bethel, 11-30-1898, Tuckasegee, Virgil F. Brown, Dora Hooper, 14(13) 91-52 Brown, Catherine, 10-09-1892, Cowarts) ~homas 'BroWtt, Ruth E. coward, 8(222) Brown, Dan c., Q2-1471884, Whi~tier, T.L. Brown; Ida cochram, 8(23) Brown, David H.,, 06-25-1887, Cowarts Wm Albert Brown, Louise coats, •1(214) Brown, Hqrner Kaley, 09-02-1899, Whittie~, not given, Alma Brown, 1~(~6) Brown, Ida Belle, 02-18-1893, Barkers Creek, Thomas L. Brown, Ida Jane: Coch~an, 11(251) ,. Iii Brown, John Candler, 10-25-1882, Cowarts, Walter E. Brown, Joaephine•Brown, 8(168) Brown, J~nathan.adward~ k2-08-1~98, Caney For~,-Thom~s Dav£d"Brown, R~th- ~ Coward, 13(31) BroWh, L&ndon·H:~ 02-05-1898, COwarts, E.H. Brown, Laura E. cook, 3(166) \ . . Brown, Magg~e, 08-11-1881, Argura, W.L.D. Brown, Mary Parker, 8(196) : Brown, Mary Effie, 01-23-1897, Argura, Ju1e M, Brown~ Chloe Middl~ton,.5(227) Brown, Robert Herron, 09-02;1898, C~llowhee, B~sel Brown, Zona Yarboro, 11(73) Brown, Thoma& HUton, o~-08-188~, Sylva, John R. BroWn, Manoa o: Slaton, 6(265) I Brown, Tinsley E~ward, 06-16-1890~ Argu;a, Manley Brown, sophia Shelton, 11(163) Brown, Walter Freeman, ~1-28-1896, Sylva; ·Richard Aiohzo Brown, Lucinda Moody, 13 (33) ,. - - Brown, Warren fuller, 06-01:f890,·sylva, John R. Brown, M~~da o. Statton, 6(237) . ' I Browning, Bryan~, 08-20-1893, Gay, _Marion Bro~ing, Sallie Williams, 12(144) Browning, Ernest, 03-24-1898, Sylva, Cling Browhing, Sallie Mille, 6(293) Browning~ James.Robert, 06-19-1888; Gay, Marian'Browning, sarah Wiliams, 10(304) l ... Browning, Newton, i2-i5-1891, Gay, Marion Browning, Sallie Williams, 11(46) Bryson, Alice L., 07-14•189~, Webster, Mark w. Br~bn, Mary Weaver, 10(1~5) Bryson, Arletta, !07-04-1897, Caa~ie~s; T~oma' H. Bryson, Sara Frances Fowler, 10(197) 1 I 1 ! Bryson, Avery, 09-06-1883·, Cullowhee, Worth "Bryson, M: Jane P"ressley, 2(13) Bryson, Bertha Edna, 12-2_5-1896, A~di•, ·~.J!l. Bryson, Maybell Queen, 16(.17) Bryson, Bertie Julia, 12-02-1897, Balsam, Avery Bryson, Julia Norman, 13(36) Bryson, Bohnie-Irene, 04-26-1896, 'Gre•ns Creek, Will£~ F. Bryson, Texie Tatham, 11(284) • Bry8on, Callie tirucilia, 04-27-1884, Cullowhee, John F. Bryson, Rachel Magdalene Shular 8i49) 1 , Bryson, Charlie, 11-14-1898, Addie, _W._Estes Bry~pn, Mae Queen, .11(302) Bryson, Dena v., 07~24-1894, lras~us, icoleman Btyson, Etta Stewart, 12(58) Bryson, Dona, 12-03-1890, Cashiers, Thomas H. Bryson, sata Frances Fowler, 10(196} Bryson~ Dottie, 06-01-1889, cashiers, Newton Brjson, Anna Rochester, 12(217) Bryson, Edward, 08-03-1896, Speed~il, Wm~ryso~, st•ll Hooper, 1(80) Bryson, Edward L.; 04-16-1893, Cas~iers, Rob~~t ~. B~ysan, Alice.J. Ni~holson, 13(j8) Bryaon, Fred Al~red, 03-31-1895, Sylva; John G. Bryson, St6lla Coward, l2(3i8) Bryson, Fred Lee, 11-11-1894, Syl~a, Dillard Lee.Bryson,~aura Henson, ~(341) Bryson, Fred R., 11-29-1893, savannah, wm F. Bryson, Texie c. Tatham, 3(203) Bryson, Gerson L., 11-10-1897 r Beta, T.c.· ~ryaon·, Cla'Cba' H. Dillll, 2 ( 1)• Bryson, Hally, 05-27-1897, cashiers, Al~xander. Stevenji __ Bryaon, Dora Lee. Taylor, 8(88) · · · 1 • 1 Bryson, Henry-Franklin, 02-21-1898( Glenville; ·John B. Brown, Myra Buchanan, l 12(19) - : 'srysori, Herbert R., 04-27-i898, salaam, A.p. Bry,on, Lida Hall, 2(102) 1 ~ k ( .. ~ Bry•on, Hattie Earlie, 12-28-1899, Balsam,,Amos Bryson, LSura Morrow, 12(34~) l . c ~Bry•on~ Jtmas Frank, 08~14-1892, Speedwell, J~•I-T. Br~son, $arah Prances Leopard, i(234) Bryson, James Fred, 09-29-1894, cullowhee, John F. Brown, Magaline Shuler, 6(72) 91.-53 . ----~--- ----------~ 1870 Cenaua of Jackaon County Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Subdiviaion No. 66 caney Pork Townahip in the County of Jackaon, State of North carolina, enumerated by me on the 21 day of July, 1870. Alfred·~achary, Ass't Marshall. Post Office: Bast LaPorte ~ Key to eatries: I House number, 2 Name, 3 Aae. 4 Sex, S Race, 6 <X:cupation, 7 Value of Real Estate, 8 Value of Personal Estate, 9 Place of Binh 1 2 3 ' 5 6 ~ a g 37 Hawkins, B. 40 M w Farmer 100 200 NC Dorcas 28 F w Keeping house NC T. ·c. 2 F w NC Abner . 79 M .w No occ~ation NC Lurena 70 F w No occ~ation NC J. 11 M w Works on farm . NC Aaaon(?), G. T. 18 M w Hired laborer NC 38 Parker, H. A. 40 .M w Farmer 200 250 NC Mary . 37 F w Keeping house NC J. J. 14 M w At home NC w. B. 12 M w NC D. M. 11 M .w NC L. E. . 9 F w NC D. E. 5 F w NC L. P. 3 M w NC M. A. Sm F w NC 39 Jluqhea, Joel 21 M w Farmer NC M. J. 16. F w Keeping house. NC 40 Parker, w. J. 24 M w Farmer 75 203 NC ' ' c. J. 20 p w Keeping houae NC . M. T • 1 T w NC 41 Price, A. N. 38, M w Farmer 200 213 NC M. A. 37 1! w Keeping house NC z. B. 13 ·M w At home NC J. M. 11 M ~ NC M. L. 9 F w NC w. H. 6 M w . NC s. L. 4 p w NC L. T. l p w NC A-1~1'!- 2 ll' w Nt'! 91-54 . 1 - . 2 1 ] 42 su~ton, Margaret 44 R. A. 18 ii. ' A. ,. . 16 43 Lovadahl, A. L. 41 Margaret . 37 L'. ' 10 -.. J. c. 8 Sarah 4 -, . w,. E. . 2 ' 44 Buffaan"'; Frederic 8o· l • . Fanny 73 I . Manerva 18 45 Jaaas, Ne~1s~n 21 r Frona1.S. alina(?) 28 F. ~ l ' . Procila .,J 5 M. . ,,, 1 . I ' R. 3m . 46 fiuffaan, Henry 40 ' . ' Louisa . 30 ~ ' ' . • E. c. . ' .. 13 M. ·L. r li . M. D. 9 M. 5 I 1 ~ D. E. 3 R. A. 2m .,, .. Quean, Mary. s's 47 Brown, D, Jr. 4& .. M • A. - 12 •B\ M. ,.r I 11 ' Chastain, E. 17 lloqshaad, Zbl 17' 48 Wood, D~ H. -29 T. A. 25 ' R •. c. I ,2 .......... M ?n ocorn 1.n Sweden ~ \ ,. 5 F w M w M, ·w M w ' F w M w F w F w M w ):( w F w F ·w M w. F w M .w F w F- w M w \ M w F w F w )f' . w F w ~ w· M w F. w p w M w F, w F- w M. w R w M W· F w ~ . M .w 11' "'w r • •• l ' ' _,_ ' 7 8 9 Farmer 1SO NC ' At home ; . NC < ~ ... NC Stonemason 150 446 0 ~eeping house NC At home . NC ' 'NC NC -' ' NC Farmer 300 20.0 NC Keeping house NC I ee~.e eeea . NC Farcnar 100 120 NC Ke~ing house .1. • . NC At home Nt NC NC -~ . NC l"amner 50 105 NC -Ka•ping house NC At home NC .. .. NC .... . , . NC .1 NC . NC' -: .. . .. NC No occupation I, NC Patmer 225 394 NC At home ~ NC NC ~ NC Pa.rln laborer NC .. }'armer 518 NC Keeping house . . NC . .. NC J.firAti lAhl'IJ"'&J"' • Nl'! -- ~- -·---=---~-------- Bast Fork c .. etery -Located off Hwy 441 South on East Fork Road. Follow sign~ to De~~z Memorial Baptist Church. Cemetery is on th~ hill behind the church. cepsus taken July ~, L991. Several graves are marked only with field stones. (continued fro• Oct] Buchanan, James Clifton ?./15/1930 - 9/19/1930 Buchanan, Glenn Terrell 10/7/1931 - Abt Loftis, James D. 1965 - 1966 1934 'rady, Wilburn severe 6f7fl869 - 9/11/1926 Seagle; Fred Thomas 7/5/1951 - 9/18/1973 Frizzell, Charlie Amos 5/18/1901 - 6/28/1974 Frady, Clyde Neal 12/10/1912 - 5/7/1955 Son of Robert r. Flox;ence Frady Frady, William G. Aikens, Bobbie Marie 11/9/1928 - 11/9/1930 Watson, Edd Frady, Colman 6/13/i865 - B/16/1947 Fk'ady, Ellen- M:. 8/19/1877 - 11/16/1949 l Fk'ady, George H. 6/~7/1908 - 8/4/1963 Sellers, W.H• 10/9/19~8 Age 45 Deitz, Sanuel W.- 11/15/1902- 5/6/19~6 Deitz, Annie L. 1i/8/1907 - 11/27/1943" Chil4ren: Deitz, Jackie Deit~, Mary '91-56 J Deitz, Freeman B. 9/lk/1927 - 10/9/1970 1 ~abe, Em~ry Naomi 1-925 - 1931 I ' "Cabe~ Jamea- Porter• I 1921 - 1931 cabe, J~es w. 1900 - 1944 Cabe, Lill,ie D. 1897 - 1990 Deitz, William Richmond 8/7/~895 - 11/9/1971 Hall, H. Hampton 7/23/1904 - 10/21/1989 Turpin, W. Eugene 4/6/~~A6 - ~/23/1977 Turpin, William Thomas 5/10/1894 - 3/31/1940 Turpin, Mamie Bryson 4/10/1893 - 8/20/1955 Bryson, James Frank 5/20/1907'- 10/20/1986 Bryson,. Clyde w. 7/20/1907 ' - 7/20/1974 Wetmore, Vera Tatham 4/7/1902 - 8/20/1978 Ta,tham, James Frank 1f21/1878 - 8/7fl952 Tatham, Betha Jones 4/18/i883 - 3/17/1954 Bryson, J~es.Theodore 12/10/1870 - 7/1~/1961 Bryson, Sarah Tatham 7/1/td71 - 5/8/1952 Bryson, "David 'Hamllton 1/19/~904 - 8/10tl990 Bryson, Mary Ivalee Childers 5/7/1905 - 12/22/1958 McClur!!, Frances Bryson 1/31f192~ - 9/16/1984 Hall, Lela Jane 2/27/1878 - 5/13/1959 Hall, Jack w. (Son) 4/3/1908 - 4/21/1947 Higdon, columbus c. 8/19/1857 - ~/25/1946 Buchanan, Violet Jane 1/25/1858 - 3/6/1937 Higdon Walter Clarence 12/14/1894 - 2/2/1951 Higdon, Corn~lius w. 2/20/1887 - 3/2~/1930 Higdon, Archa1aus w. 2/20/1887 - 4/4/1964 Higdon, Frank Freeman 9/19/1900 - 10/7/1988 Higdon Lola Ethel Jane 10/l.S/1896 - l- Cowan, James Jasper 6/29/187~-~ 7/10/1974 Cowan,· Hicks A. 3/9/1886 - 11/12/197.4 Cowan, cordell M. 2/3/1913 - 4/18/1949 Cowan, Duff 1857 - 1940 Cowan, Amanda J. 1857 - 1946 Frady, Robert 10/20fl880:1i/19/1963 Frady, Florence Cowan 9/28/1882 - 2/11/1967 cowan, Isaac coleman 3/5/1887 - 2/15/1966 ;. All ilion otis M. 3/10/1861 - 3/28/1939 Allison, Emily F. 10/6/1863 - 9/1/1939 Sutton,-Nola Buchanan 12/16/ 1899-12/.13/1972' Buchanan, J. Manson 10/12/1873 - 6/17/1934 Buchanan, Hester c. • • 3/25/1875 "';' 7/.7/1950 l• Norman, Benjamin·~et 4/15/1881 - 10/29/1947 Nortr~an, Ma~y ~ .. :Cabe 2/15/1883 - 6/16/1955 Thompson, Jewell R. 1/8/1903 - 4/23/~988 Thompson, aarah Otelia 3/13/1907 - 10/22/1983 Sutton, Bertha Mae Buchanan 10/11/1905 - 1/9/1934 rBuchanan( Sam F. 8{~6/1878 - 10/f4/1958 Buchanan, Mary M. 5/25/~8~3 - 2/26/1948 Deitz, Jer~y Jackson 7/8/1~04 - 2/9/1983 Buchanan, Rufus Hall 1911 - 1952 Buchanan, Rufusine 1935 - 1937 . Deit~, Harold Lee 7/30/1939 - 8/9}., 193~ Son of Jerry & Faye Gribble, Rufus Wilburn 1/30/1897, ~ ~/1l/1950 , 1': Deitz, Danah L. 5/4/1902 -·3/8/1971 Deitz, Wilford Cline 3/20/1927 - 3/18/~960 Deit.z-; Arvi1 s-.. 11/21/1936 - 6/7/1988 McLean, Zeb G. '2/1~/1889 - 3/26/1973 McLean, Ruth Buchanan 3/2~/1889 - 2/18/l96i McLean, Hubert (Son) 4/~/1918 - 11/25/1945 Deitz, Columbus w. 6/17/1891 - 2/22/1968 •.Deitz, Mary Lee 12/10/1895 - 3/13/1~87 Deitz, Cecil H. 11/10/1914 - 7/9/1960 Ensley, Shirley Ann 6/22/1958 - 6/22/1958 Cowan, Cicero V. 6/13/1908 - 6/16/1990 Cowan, Alice Deitz 1907 ..:. 1953 Cowan, Harold 7/.29/1934' I-.. Deitz, Hoyle Otis 11/6/190?.- ~/27/1~75 Deitz, ·Inez Herrinq 10/22/1912 - 8/28/1972 Deitz, Mark Herrinq "'· 3/25/!9'38 - '7/31/1952 Deitz, otis (Infant) ~/15/1931 r ' Long, Maggie Deitz 6/27./1889 - 6/14/1950 Wife of J.E. Long Cabe, Loney A• Jr. 10/28/1923 - 4/1/1984 Cabe, Mildred c. 4/24/1926 ~~11/24/1977 Cabe, cecil 8/25/1945 - 3/27/1947 j cabe, Loney A. sr. 1/15/1898 - 12/22i1956 Cabe, Lillie Hall 4/16/1900 - 10/24/1964 Their infant son 8/24/1940 - 12i24/1940 j Buchanan, Ruth Cabe 12/14/1927 - 3/18/1976 Deitz, Dorothy Jamison 3/16/1926 - .4/29/1991 Brogden, James 0. 7/9/1912 - 3/2/1988 Brogden, Georgie Cagle 7/29/1917 - 3/~/1988 Brogden~ ·Mabel J. 7/20/1941 - 3/73/1973 Brogden; Rusa-11 Keith son of Mabel 1 9/30/1961 - 12/.15/1961 Snyder, Mae 10/12/1893 - 12/1/1986 ·Deitz, ·Fannie (Sb!lter) 11/8/1991 - 11/26/1964 Brooks, Mary 2/28/1921 - 2/27/1987 Wife of John · Allison, Charlie A. 6/6/1885 - 9/13/1970 ~llison, Annie Deitz 3/15/189~ - 2/1£/1977 Beck, John c. 5/9/1883 - 12/l9/1966 Beck, Marqaret B. 6/1211891 - 10/14/1~72 H I no following qJ:"avea have no inacJ:"ibed aonuaent. Kr. Banler Deitz aa~ked the ql:'avea with a nuabeJ:"ed atone and kept this COJ:'J:'eapondinq list of naaea. 1. Buch~nan, Margaret 2. Waldrpup, Child of Gilbert 3. Monteith, Ed 4. Monteith, CJ:}ild of Ed 5. Buchanan, Leander 6. Mashl;l,urn, CqiiiJiodore 7. Mashburn, Fred a. Buchanan, Sadie 9. Sellers, Katie ""' 10. Sellers, Mary Jane· 11. Sellers, Harve 12. Watson, Matilda 13. ·watsort, Jane ··14. Frady, 'John 15. B~ch~nan, B~rijamin 16-20. Allison, Children of Sam 21. Waldroup, Infant of Oellie 22. Frady, Infant of Harvey 91.-57 East Pork ceaetery: Nuabered Graves (continued) 23-25. Unknown 27. Frady, Infant.of John 28. Frady, Child of Coleman 29. Frady, Child of Napoleon 30. Frady; Infant of John Bolly 31-33. Frady, Children of Garland 34-35. Unknown 36. Deitz, Than 37. Deitz, Mattie 38. Grandchild of Than Deitz 39-42. Frady, Children of Bob 46. Bu~hapan, Infant of Memphis 47. 48. 49-50. 51. 52. 53-54. ss. 56. 57. sa. 59. QUERIES Unknown Buchanan, Nora Etta, dau of Will Price, Children of Jim and Essie Gregory, Infant of Laverne Unknown Gregory, Children of Frank Unknown Frady, John Redquill Unknown Frizzell, Infant of Amos Higdon, Infant of Columbus Queries will be published regularly. Queries are free for members. Non­members should enclose $2.00 per query. Each query should be no more than SO words. Address your queries to QUERIES, PO Box 2108, Cullowhee, NC 28723. I am interested in cousins, uncles/aunts, great-uncles/great-aunts, and all other related lines of Lewis J. Saith, b. 1843 Haywood co., d. 1901 Jackson Co. His father: Jacob Saith of Haywood Co.; his grandfather: Lewis Saith of Haywood County. Write JoAnn Smith (Mrs. H. A.), P. o. Box 30093, Raleigh NC 27622. I would like to correspond with researchers working in each of the following ·~ Jackson County families: Monteith, Sellars, Sellers, and Stillwell. Please write Howard Nation, 5904 Tarpon, El Paso TX 79924. Seeking information on Andrew Jackson Boxed/Boxit/Boxsea, married Martha Slatton, b. about 1837. She may have been Slatton b. 1799/1803 and Nancy (?) Slatton, b •. 1805/1814. Black, Jr., 96 Spooks Branch Rd., Asheville NC 28804. b. about 1822. He a daughter of J. Write James A. Would li~e to correspond with anyone researching Hooper family. I am searching for any family Bible records enumerating descendants of Clemaons s. (Boone) Hooper and Barbara London or descendants of his brother Absaloa Hooper and wife sarah Salors. Please write Kirk Stephens, 16 Laurel ~ranch, Sylva, NC 28779. Intere~ted in corr~sponding with anyone researching the family-of Buchanan and allied lines such as Cowan, Deita, Gribble, Priaaell, Prady, Wilson, Higdon, and any others connected with Buchanan. Write c. Henry Buchanan, Jr., 3020 Whitson Road, Gastonia NC 28054~ ., Need info on Bud Sutton and wife Josephine _______ , parents of Lydia carolyn (CAllie) Sutton b. 02~14-1859 d. 09-19-1897. Callie married1Narcus Lafayette Dills. Write: Dorris Dills Beck, 126 Old Dillsboro Rd, Sylva NC 28779 Need information on B~na Barris, daughter of Benjaain Barris. Blmina married Jaaes Blliott. Known children: Rutha A., Fanny M., and Benjamin H. Elliott. Write: Carolyn Deitz Johnson, Route 1 Box 213C, Whittier NC 28789. ~ 91-58 Linea~e Chart No_ CONPIU:D IY: 14rry Crayford DATE:------- (Y- faclaGr) z Robert Glenn Crawford .... 6/21/1915 ....,. VUUu, Jacltlt(IQ Co tftMD~ 10/23/1937 .. , .. . • Ph111 Jasper Crawford ..... 3/14/1892 Wlocn aal ... ,Jackaon, liC Wloai...W 11/03/1912 ~ " Jackaon NC lllo4 10/15/1~69 • W1ocrc Bal ... , Jaelt80I\• NC - " Clayton, llallun, 'GA -DW (htorul~) 1 iva Elizabeth Parria ..- 8/29/1887 1 Robert Larry Crawford '6124/1945 Wlocrc Sylva Jackaon Co NC _ _.. - ow Wlocrc ..... 7/12/1915 Wlocrc Ochre BUl, Jacltaon Co .ll.lo..4. . uc Wlocrc Addie, Jacltaon, liC Died 1/05/1973 Wlwn Sylva, Jackaon, IIC cw-u ••"' otlocr) I ' 10 Jacltaon, NC F•• 18 Coprrilbl 0 I til, A tt-.,lu. " (Groat-puclparoAII) Geor a Chastain Crawford .... 3/17/1871 Wlooro Bahaa NC 17 ..... 8/23/11188 Wlocrc Jaclr.aon ow 3/30/1957 'NC Wlooro Jlalaaa uc II Sarah CAtharine Pannell -· 10/05/1870 WlocrcAcldie NC It DW 7/2&71933 W1ocrc Jlalaa• NC zo a1• P rr ... 4/06/1851 WbcHAcldie liC Zl Mar. 1/29/1874 Wiler< JackiiOD llioll 2/04/1921 NC -Addle IIC 22 ah Jane a son .... 5/15/1851 ""-"Cullowhee, Jacka011, ' n llW 5/28/1925 NC ..,_VUUu, NC ina Adeline Ensley ..... 2/27/1850 Wlocrc Beta, Jeckaon, NC Died 1/11/1930 Wlacu Ochre Hill, NC 52 h4 Phili J. Crawford b.5/25/1810 d.ll/27/1879 1/17/1845 u Oltve y. Heqphfll 10/06/1888 b. 1816 d.1/21/1900 on ,., JI, 1850 7S 76 Sarah Matilda Ensle 77 ..... 12/09/1848 71 ll.03.1933 d. 12/03/1907 71 10 John P d. 10/15/1848 II b. 8/17/1812 12 10/24/1884 ., 14 1880 IS 16 b. 1799 .. 1885 17 •• It •· ca. 1817 to d. aft. 1890 b. 1788 .. 1873 ,. " 12 ... d. " .. ca. 1820 t7 H aft. 1851 b. .. IS " _d. 1,7. II' d. 117 Ill 119 •• 120 1880 121 1'22 1885 125 IH 1847 12S 126 l'!i ~~-M~~~~Pa~t~r~i~cl~< __________ __ .. ~.:.u &;;;; ol Rt. 3, Box 96A Goldsboro, N.C. 67S.J'f HO I ON THIS CHAIT ll tt<l""' as HO --- t"I:UI\:iHt:t: Ct1AHT a Sanue1 MESSrn oo•• 29 April 1836 WH(OlHaywood Co. ,N.C. 4 ,-L..U.~;--..L!!:~~ER~,~-------~ wtttN,...ooro30,Ju1y 1867 •- Feb. 1872 o~to9, Mar. 1911 _..Haywood Co. ,N.C. wHu~iqlo:>..ville, Tenn. w"'" .... "''o 23,Feb. 1896 9 Ra e 1vira PRICE OllO 1912 '""" 1849 Wlt(l( Gastonia,N.C'. wH(otHa~ Co., N.C. .... 16 veorge ~~tK Ji,m: CLTC8 1797 s_oHTUIUlDDHc .... r __ _ 1rried: 10,Apr.18l2 Paed: 1862 17"mcy CAJJl,)fJl !Dau,\oJilliam /' ... 1~.,. F. ,m: 1807 , ... , .. IKoOKcouil \ !l r,._ :r , ~:· ~~ed: lS·''lliam PRICE COHftMJlD Ofl ChA•t, __ __ 19 -1:u:y CAin.lELL 2 ,...r-&~~t~...~...:w:.I~~-----PJried: Lowell C:emetery ootoAbout 1890-1895 ,_7, Nov.· 1904 H '"-"""""" Co N C COHIIHUlD ON CH1111 __ ---:- OHOUJII HO ---- -Of IIUSI .... 00 W"( f'AM( Of I( COlli) 01110()11 WH[O( TIGS JIOFOIIMATIOHWASOIIT-(0 R(lll TO IIAIIU ON Ctllll1 IY NUMI(R. liD .. U.$.A. l· _. Cataloochee,N.C. Wlt(Jf-.3.7 Ma!' 1927 DIU WHO( 3 wla Viola surTON _, 28 Feb. 1907 MeV Jackson Co.,N.C. .,.. 18 Aug. 1~49 _Huntersville,N.C. Buried:J.a..ell Cemetery Gaston COlrlty, N.C. WH(O( la,r.........,. , o o lORN 1856 WII(O( OICD 30, Oct • 1933 WH(R( Haywood Co. • N.c. CONJIH<IlD ON CHAIT--- WHUI( 6 ;:.AM=:.:.r.;::ew;-.!!IAnd,;.:::.~..!..)-:-!fSU:;-liTON.~:::..:...------l w"'" .... "''o 10, Feb. 1847 - 26, Sept. 1869 COidlHUlO ON CHU'--- -Jackson Co., N.C. ·--· 3,April, 1890 OllO 10, Sept. 1922 _.,Jackson Co. ,1\.C 7 1-'.a Cordelia GP.EEN - 9, ,...ay 1873 -"'Jackson Co., N.C. 111105, July 1958 -Jackson Co., N.C. (_J .... WHU( ...... WH£0[ Ot£0 WH(I( 26r-------------------------- COHTINUlO OH CIIAIITI __ _ 27~-------------------------- COHTIHUCO ON CIIAIIT'---- 28 :iilas GREEN IJom; 1806 CONTIHUlDONCHAOTI __ _ 14 ,-LU~.ILW..n..c~------~ Died: 30,Nov.l889 --R"l About 1834 29 Lucy SUTION/ Dau of .ilom: 1812•riHUCoOHciiAIIT __ _ WHlNUAUilD13 Oct. 1853 Died 11,Feb. 1879 ooro 5, Nov. 1906 30 isaac BR('(J(S/Soo of William WH(Jo( f3om; 1812 CDHTIHUCIJONCHAOI ISI.UI~~u...a...~l.A!I~-----l {-1an:ied: 26,0c:t.l815 eo...23, April 1835 o· d· R he f d 31 .;::.._ • ~Sffivt cx;AN/Oau. Moses -~~ ut. r or Co. ,N.C. ,.,... .r.T.. · -r- ..... 17 > [ec, 1893 "'-' l, CDHTINUlDONCHAOl __ _ I ' ·,,- ..·. ...,.,~...-T--· --.. --...... --,_,.----- ----~-~--. -· -..-~~--·- .. ...,.. . ......,.,._..._-"" _.........--..-----~....-...-- .. __.._.,__.. -..--- ··-- ·- _____ ....,.... ___ -- -- .., '·--~·· • Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. 1991 Officers President • . . • Vice President secretary • • • • Treasurer • . • • • • • Publications Chairman I . . Ruth Shuler Nelma Bryson Carolyn Johnson David Frizzell . • • Kirk Stephens Heritage Book Committee I co-Cha~·' rmen • Vice C~airman • . • . • • • . • . • Secrettry • . • . • • . • • Treasu er • • . • • • • . Topica ' History Chairman . • • . Family•History chairman .• Larry Crawford, Rick Frizzell David Frizzell Charles Shuler . Ruth Shuler . . Lloyd Cowan Bill crawford The Jackson County Heritage Book Work continues on Jackson County's first Heritage Book. This book will be of enormous value to genealogists. The Genealogical Society, sponsor of the book, encourages all persons with Jackson County roots or connections to submit family history stories. For guidelines, sample stories, or pricing information, contact the Society or any member of the Heritage Book Committee. I.I .. . Jackson County Genealogical Society APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Membership inithe Jackson County Genealogical Society is open for all individ\lals who apply and pay dues. Annual dues are $20 for individuals and $25 for family memberships. Name ---------------------------------------- Street --------~------------------------------ •. :.·;:: -:~::~··: t; City ------- State __ Zip ___ _ 16:..29 ·.:: ~J $350 3o~~9 ;.;:.; :H·· 300 Phone --------------------------------------- 40-49 250 50-59 200 Families or Areas of Interest ----------------- 60-69 150 70-79 100 80+ 50 'I .. ~----~------------- . Make checks to: JCGS, Inc., PO Box 2108, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. P.O. Box 2108 Cullowhee NC 28723 .­•' I } I I / ... c;