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Journeys Through Jackson 1992 Vol.02 No.02

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • -'* c J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h g E N E j 7 > ^ J a c k s o n T h e O f f i c i a l J o u r n a l o f t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , I n c. V o l . 1 1 , N o . 2 F e b r u a r y , 1 9 9 2 President's Message February's "Journeys" comes to you late because of the press of work involved in getting the heritage book off to the printer. A monumental task has been accomplished by your book committee, and we all believe you will be very pleased when the book is in your hands. It will be a wonderful volume containing more than 1200 stories of Jackson County people, and thanks are especially due to those members who sent in material for publication. One member of the book committee was heard to remark that the old photographs in the book are priceless, and I agree. My thanks to all who have worked so diligently to make this book such a good one. Now we turn our attention to the affairs of the Society itself, and I have good news to report—we have a new Vice President. Henry Buchanan agreed to serve in this capacity, and we are most grateful. Henry lives in Gastonia but is one of our most faithful members, and he will do a good job as our vice president. Thanks, HenryI Membership is growing daily. At this point we have received two new life memberships and 12 new annual memberships, along with 36 renewals. If you have not renewed your membership, please do so today. In addition to the new individual members, the North Carolina Genealogical Society has sent a membership and offered assistance in any way possible. They are being contacted for brochures, program suggestions, and other materials. Work continues toward tax-exempt status for the Society. This has been a long, drawn-out process, but all required documents have now been ' submitted to IRS, and we hope to have notification soon. This status will be an important advantage for the Society, as it will allow us to apply for grants and will be of value in other ways. We will keep you informed. Again we express our appreciation to St. John's Episcopal Church for permitting us to meet in their undercroft. It is good to have a permanent location. At the February meeting a telephone committee was appointed. These ladies will be calling local members to remind them of the meeting each month. Thanks to Helen Cooper, Hattie Deits, Regenia Fisher, and Ziouise Morgan for their assistance. Calendar Thursday, March 12, regular Society meeting. Our guest speaker will be Ms. Barbara McRae, from Franklin. She has recently published a book on early records of Macon County which you may find in the Jackson County Library. We look forward to hearing Ms. McRae. Other programs are being planned, and we invite your suggestions. Please let any of the officers know of a speaker you have heard or something you would be interested in hearing as a program. Correction The 1870 Jackson Census found in the Nov 91 issue (Vol 1 No 5) listed Nelsan James as head of household in dwelling number 45. The correct name is Nelson Jones, son of Richard and Nancy Higdon Jones. His wife was Sophronia Huffman, daughter of Fredrick and Fanny Warlick Huffman. Our thanks to member Jo Ann Smith for the correction. Editor's Note I apologize to the everyone for being late with this issue of Journeys. My work load this month has prompted me to rename my home office "Chaos Manor." Thanks to all of you who offered, assistance and moral support. My special thanks to Ruth Shuler for being so patient and always finding time to help. u ^ Table of Contents Volume 2 Number 2, February 1992 JCGS Interview with Ora Ethel Coleman 13 Death Certificates of Jackson County Persons Born Prior to 1900 14 Family Bible of John M. Bryson 15 1902 Voter Registration for Jackson County 16 1870 Census of Jackson County 18 Locust Field Cemetery Census • . . . . 20 Queries 22 JCGS Interview with Ora Ethel Coleman [Interviewer's Note: Miss Coleman's 4th great grandfather was Revolutionary War soldier John Stiles (1 Feb 1757 - 17 Sep 1833). John and his wife Sarah (1754 - 17 Oct 1818) raised ten .children in present day Jackson County. John and Sarah are buried in the Dills Cemetery in Sylva. Ora Ethel Coleman was born in Cherokee county, NC on 13 Apr 1891 to Gamaliel and Harriet Elizabeth Stiles Coleman. Her grandparents were Rev. Absalom and Jane Elizabeth Kilpatrick Coleman and John L. and May Anne Sutton Stiles. Ethel had nine siblings, Vivian Lesley, Bessie, Owen Decatur, Ulysses Washington, Willis Gamaliel, Floria Mayannie, Absalom Winfred, Janie Elizabeth, and William Butler. Ethel was raised in the Persimmon Creek community in an area now part of the Hiwassee Lake district. Concerning her life, Ethel Said, "I am the oldest of ten children. My father was a farmer, carpenter, deputy sheriff. Justice of the Peace, and singing leader of the Hiwassee Baptist Church. I went to school, but I didn't learn much. I did learn to read and write. I began to cook at the age of seven. I could make the best biscuits you ever ate. I'd like to have some of my biscuits now." ' "My father used to take people across the Hiwassee River on a flatboat. When I was about 15, a man and his wife and their two children wanted Pop to take them across. Well, they got about halfway over, and the man just got up and jumped in the river. After they got him out, the doctor said he was dead before he hit the water because there was not a drop of water in his lungs." After World War I, several of Ethel's brothers went to Athens, TN, to live and work. Since his sons were doing well in McMinn County, Gamaliel decided to move the rest of the family to Athens. In November 1920, they moved to Athens in four covered wagons. The wagons traveled on. present-day Highways 64 and 441. Ethel and her sister Bessie, neither of whom married, lived with their mother and father until they died in 1956 and 1959, respectively. When Bessie died in 1983, Ethel went to live at the Athens Life Care, where she is today. Ethel could pass for a woman 30 years her junior. She is in remarkably good health and is seldom sick. She said, "When I go to bed, I sleep like a baby." Last April, on her 100th birthday, many friends and relatives came to celebrate her long life, and President Bush sent a congratulatory message. Ethel sang several of her favorite gospel hymns for her friends and family. Interviewed by 5th cousin, David Stiles on 20 Jan 1992. 92-13 Death Certificates of Jackson County Persons Born Prior to 1900 (Abstracted from records in Jackson County Register of Deeds' Office) i Volume III 1916 [continued] Key to entries: Name of deceased (pUce of birth), date of birth, date of death, father's name (place of birth), mother's name (place of ^J birth), informant (address), place of burial Messer, Robert (NC), 06-09.-1837, 01-22-1916, Ruben Meaner (NC), Betsey Sutton (not given), Porter Messer (Canton), Dillsboro Messer, Sallie (TN), 02-28-1858, 01-17-1916, Allison McKinney (TN), not given (not given). Doc Messer (Dillsboro), Dillsboro Miller, Millie (NC), 06-27-1888, 03-17-1916, Jake Miller (NC), Ann Coleman (NC), Jacob Miller (Webster), Casey Mills, Rebecca (NC), 05-20-1851, 06-02-1916, Dave Mills (NC), Malinda Elliott (NC), S.B. Mills (not given), Love Mills, Sam S. (NC), 1848, 04-14-1916, Smith Mills (NC), Lucinda Sutherland (NC), Cary Mills (not given), Willets Mitchell, Pinckney Warren (NC), 04-14-1850, 07-18-1916, Isaac Mitchell (SC), Hannah Nichols (SC), John Allman (not given), Beta Morgan, Olie (NC), 06-14-1889, 08-01-1916, John Pruitt (NC), Emma King (NC), John Pruitt (not given), Love's Chapel Moses, Mary Allie Fair (NC), 01-24-1881, 08-22-1916, Hosa Moses (NC), Elizabeth Jones (NC), James T. Smith (Tuckasegee), not given Nicholson, Alvin (NC), 06-21-1897, 08-18-1916, William. A.J. Nicholson (SC), Florence Pruett (NC), W.A.J. Nicholson (Glenville), Glenville Nicholson, John William (SC), 11-06-1836, 04-11-1916, Benjamin Nicholson (SC), Prince (not given), W.A.J. Nicholson (Glenville), Glenville Norton, Janie (NC), 1899, 05-19-1916, Tunch Evitt (NC), Houston (NC), O.H. Henson (Norton), Norton Pannel, James David (GA), 04-13-1880, 02-13-1916, John Bryson (NC), Vinie Pannel (NC), Mary Pannel (Willets), Love Parker, Jerrymiah (NC), 03-19-1846, 04-13-1916, William Parker (NC), Lucindy Queen (NC), not given (not given), not given Patton, Andrew Jackson (NC), 03-12-1843, 10-02-1916, Andrew Patton (NC), Sallie Dills (NC), W.T. Patton (Whittier), Shoal Creek Patton, Jane (NC), 04-08-1883, 10-19-1916, Richard Frady _(NC), Martha Levada Mathis (NC), Alvin Frady (Webster), County Reed, Lula Jane (NC), 10-21-1889, 10-18-1916, James P. Reed (NC), Marcella Farmer (NC), J.P. Reed (not given), Beta Rogers, Mary Marthary (NC), 08-06-1869, 01-03-1916, Wm B. Hooper (NC), Susan Slatton (SC), John W. Rogers (Cullowhee), Rogers 92-14 ^J ^y c u Sherrill, Joseph Burton (NC), 01-29-1856, 12-29-1916, J.B. Sherrill (NC), Mary Hyatt (NC), W.B. Sherrill (Whittier), Sherrill Shular, Susan Evertt (TN), 04-09-1850, 04-06-1916, Signer Evertt (TN), Catherine Walker (TN), not given (not given), Rich Mountain Smith, Elizabeth A. (GA), age 78, 09-12-1916, Page (GA), not given (not given), John Owen (Wolf Mountain), Wood Stillwell, Jacob Siler (NC), 03-18-1844, 08-17-1916, Ephraim Stillwell (NC), Jane Beck (NC), C.B. Stillwell (Whittier), Stillwell Sutton, Leah H. (NC), 01-12-1876, 11-05-1916, Hamilton Bryson (NC),.Agnes Wilson (NC), John Sutton (Sylva), Keener Thompson, John (NC), 02-07-1841, 04-05-1916, Ben Thompson (NC), Betsy Carter (NC), Ben Thompson (not given), Beta Toe, Johnson (NC), age 60, 09-04-1916, not given (not given), Betsie Toe (NC), Jeff Arneach (Cherokee), Swimmer Branch Ward, Amanda (NC), 07-21-1874, 03-19-1916, William Bridges (NC), Hattie Parris (NC), Andrew Ward (Whittier), Ward Ward, Elias Brendle (NC), 01-22-1850, 05-10-1916, Henderson Ward (NC), Margaret Seliars (NC), David Oxner (Whittier), Ward Womack, Mary Josephine "(NC), 05-07-1878, 04-10-1916, James H. McHan (NC), Henrietta Owens (NC), Sara Bryson (Balsam), Ela Wood, Clem (NC), 01-12-1846, 01-05-1916, Levi Wood (NC), Mary Hooper (TN), H.M. Parker (Willets), Love Wooders, Nancy (NC), 1886, 05-25-1916, Matt Wooders (NC), Betty Bailey (NC), not given (not given), Old Savannah FAMILY BIBLE OF JOHN M. BRYSON Submitted by Irene Bryson McClure, g-granddaughter of John and Sarah Ann Haskett Bryson. The Bible pages were copied verbatim. Marriages John M. Bryson was maried to Sarah Ann Hasket Feb 12th day, A.D. 1874 Births John M. Bryson was born in the year of our Lord March 22 A.D. 1841 Sarah Ann Bryson wife of John M. Bryson was born July 29th A.D. 1858 W. H. BrysOn son of John M. and S. A. Bryson was born Feb. 26th day A.D. 1875 Vicory D. Bryson son of J. M. and S. A. Bryson was born Nov 23 day 1876 Dovey C. Bryson dautor of J. M. and S. A. Bryson was born Aug 19th A.D. 1879 Lina M. Bryson dautor of J. M. and S. A. Bryson was born June 22 day A.D. 1882 Juna A. Bryson son of J. M. and S. A. Bryson was born Jan 29th day A.D. 1885 Faney E. Bryson dau* — of J.M. and S.A. Bryson was born Jan 25th day A.D. 1887 Bety Anner Bryson was born Oct 3 (?) in year of Lord 1894 George Dewey Bryson was born Oct 6 day 1899 Deaths Lina M. Bryson dautor of J.M. and S.A. Bryson DisseaSed Nov 9th day A.D. 1888 George Dewey Bryson son of J.M. and S.A. Bryson Disseased January 16th day A.D. 1913 J. M. Bryson Disseased December the 8 1923 92-15 1902 Voter Registration for Jackson County The 1902 Permanent Voter Registration was a grandfather clause legislation. It required eligible voters (white males) to name an ancestor who had been eligible to vote in 1867. Aside from the obvious racist intent, the voter books are valuable tools for genealogical research. The book is located in the county Register of Deeds Office. vJ Key to eatries: Name of registered voter, age, ancestor, precinct, date of registration. Brustin, Dock Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson! Bryson, Bryson Bryson, Bryson, Bryson Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson Bryson, Bryson Bryson, Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson Bryson, Bryson Bryson, Bryson, Bryson , A. B. , A. C. , A. C. A. D. , A. Fernando , A. V. P. , A. W. , Alex S. , Avery C. A. C. A. C. H. C. H. C. Preston C. Vance C. W. Charley Charlie Columbus D. D. E. D. G. D. L. D. R. David E. B. E. L. F. C. F. G. F. M. Fred C. G. W. G. W. Glen H. H. H. L. Holmes Hoyle Hugh R. J. B. J. B. J. C. , J. F. J. H. J. Q-J. R. J. T. James 49 31 33 32 48 42 55 61 44 21 30 55 41 35 44 40 30 24 28 49 22 28 37 37 59 34 21 36 54 61 22 63 21 21 32 30 31 30 40 72 35 25 56 28 54 33 59 21 Jo Brustin (GA) Robert Bryson David Bryson S. H. Bryson B. Bryson Ning E. Bryson Johnathan Bryson (Not Given) Seabern Bryson Milton Bryson A. W. Bryson Robert Bryson Peter Mathis Henderson Bryson Marion Bryson Milton Bryson George W. Bryson Milton Bryson Milton Bryson Milton Bryson Robert Bryson David Bryson Daniel Bryson S. Bryson David Bryson Henderson Bryson A. W. Bryson F. M. Bryson Robert Bryson (Not Given) S. Bryson (Not Given) A. W. Bryson David Bryson C. S. Bryson Robert Bryson W. H. Bryson David Bryson Milton Bryson Voter F. M. Bryson S. Bryson James Bryson David Bryson J Bryson G. W. Bryson James Bryson James Shelton Scotts Creek Scotts Creek Mountain Scotts Creek Hamburg Savannah Webster Sylva Cashiers Valley Cullowhee Sylva Scotts Creek Mountain Mountain Cashiers Valley Cullowhee Hamburg Cullowhee Mountain Cullowhee Scotts Creek Sylva . Sylva Hamburg Cullowhee Mountain Sylva Scotts Creek Scotts Creek Scotts Creek Cashiers Valley Hamburg Sylva Cullowhee Hamburg Scotts Creek Dillsboro Cullowhee Cullowhee Cashiers Valley Scotts Creek Hamburg Mountain Mountain Hamburg Hamburg Cashiers Valley Cashiers Valley 10-17-1908 10-10-1902 10-18-1902 10-17-1902 10-02-1902 10-21-1902 10-13-1902 10-05-1902 10-04-1902 10-27-1904 10-03-1902 10-18-1902 10-24-1908 10-11-1902 10-04-1902 10-11-1902 10-04-1902 10-23-1902 10-23-1906 10-18-1902 10-28-1904 10-06-1902 10-11-1902 10-11-1902 10-24-1902 10-18-1902 10-27-1904 10-16-1902 10-18-1902 10-04-1902 10-10-1908 10-14-1902 10-11-1902 10-22-1904 10-02-1902 10-18-1902 10-15-1908 10-22-1904 10-11-1902 10-17-1908 10-04-1902 10-04-1902 10-24-1902 10-04-1902 10-14-1902 10-13-1902 10-17-1908 10-17-1908 ^J u 92-16 ^ L , Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, Bryson, James F. James R. Jesse S. John John B. John c. John F. John W. John W. Kims S. L. a. M. North M. T. w* z • Mack B. Mark W. Ning E. Perry N. R. F. R. J. <R» M* R. M. Robert L. Robt. M. Rucius S. S. F. S. H. Sterling T. C. Thomas H. W. A. W. C. W. C. Jr. W. H. W. H. W. J. W. R. W. S. Wm. F. Wm. S. Buchanan, ?. F. Buchanan, A. L. Buchanan, B. N. Buchanan, Ben Buchanan, Ben F. Buchanan, C. C. Buchanan, C. W. Buchanan, Charley Buchanan, Chas. M. Buchanan, Coleman Buchanan, Columbus Buchanan, Cornelius Buchanan, D W. Buchanan, Davis D. Buchanan, Ennis 0. Buchanan, J. C. Buchanan, J. C. 31 32 27 26 27 79 51 21 21 21 21 48 22 22 34 63 74 32 22 21 27 23 39 26 65 68 21 ? 35 33 36 25 35 28 21 32 24 41 42 36 37 29 35 45 42 26 24 27 25 56 32 37 39 51 42 21 32 36 Wm. H. Bryson R. Bryson Mark Bryson Milton Bryson G. W. Bryson John C. Bryson (FL) Milton M. Bryson Milton Bryson Milton Bryson S. Bryson Milton Bryson Milton Bryson Jackson Bryson Julius Bryson Tom Brown (Not Given) Ning E. Bryson J. B. Bryson Terance Bryson Robert Bryson James Bryson James Bryson Seabern Bryson Milton Bryson Rucius Bryson (Not Given) G. W. Bryson (Not Given) Mark Bryson David Bryson J. B. Bryson David Bryson S. W. Bryson S. Bryson Wm. Painter Robert Bryson Fannie Bryson Milton Bryson Rucius Bryson Wm. H. Bryson Rusius Bryson L. L. Buchanan C. S. Buchanan John Buchanan L. L. Buchanan Joseph R. Buchanan (Not Given) John Buchanan Chas. Buchanan James M. Buchanan W. K. Buchanan Wilfred Buchanan J. D. Buchanan John Buchanan James Buchanan Jasper Buchanan Jas Buchanan J. M. Buchanan Savannah Cullowhee Savannah Cullowhee Hamburg Cullowhee Cullowhee Cullowhee Cullowhee Cashiers Valley Mountain Cullowhee Dillsboro Dillsboro Cashiers Valley Savannah Cullowhee Cashiers Valley Scotts Creek Scotts Creek Cashiers Valley Hamburg Cashiers Valley Cullowhee Cullowhee Hamburg Hamburg Scotts Creek Savannah Sylva Cashiers Valley Cullowhee Hamburg Hamburg Mountain Scotts Creek Caney Fork Mountain Cullowhee Savannah Cullowhee Greens Creek Greens Creek Mountain Greens Creek Cullowhee Sylva Sylva Webster Savannah Savannah Barkers Creek Sylva Savannah Savannah Savannah Webster Greens Creek 10-21-1902 10-11-1902 10-13-1902 10-24-1908 10-11-1902 10-22-1902 10-11-1902 10-08-1906 10-08-1906 10-10-1908 10-24-1908 10-18-1902 10-14-1904 10-14-1908 10-11-1902 10-03-1902 10-18-1902 10-13-1902 10-03-1908 10-17-1902 10-10-1908 10-14-1902 10-11-1902 10-22-1906 10-24-1902 10-17-1902 10-11-1902 10-14-1902 10-13-1902 10-11-1902 10-13-1902 10-24-1902 10-15-1902 10-04-1902 10-18-1902 10-14-1902 1902 10-24-1908 10-24-1908 10-11-1902 10-04-1902 10-04-1902 10-23-1902 10-15-1904 10-04-1902 10-11-1902 1906 10-15-1902 10-14-1902 10-25-1902 10-04-1902 10-17-1908 10-03-1902 10-11-1902 10-18-1902 10-29-1904 10-07-1902 10-27-1906 92-17 1870 Census of Jackson County Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Subdivision No. 66 Caney Fork Township in the County of Jackson, state of North Carolina, enumerated by me on the 23 day of July, 1870. Alfred Zachary, Ass't Marshall. Post office: East LaPorte Key to entries: 1 House number, 2 Name, 3 Age, 4 Sex, 5 Race, 6 Occupation, 7 Value of Real Estate, 8 Value of Personal Estate, 9 Place of Birth KJ 1 60 61 62 63 64 2 Queen, Lewis Lucinda M. M. S. J. T. H. J. L. E. C. Coward, Benjamin B. J. M. E. M. C N. J. L. T. Coward, Jonathan Coward, W. T. S. C. H. Parker, Viney(?) A. N. D. J. H. M. E. H. R. J. D. t» • A • n • Coward, E. M. Coward, James Cloa T. A. S. A. J. H. W. D. ¥__&, 3 40 34 16 9 7 4 2 52 19 21 16 14 11 63 23 18 7m 40 18 15 13 11 8 3 25 68 66 30 14 11 8 .-r^L 4 M F F M M M F M M F F F M M M F M F M M F M M F M M F F F M M r 5 W W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w nrH- 6 Farmer Keeping house At home Farmer At home At home Farm laborer Farmer Keeps house Farmer At home Farmer Farmer Keeps house At home 7 300 800 100 i 2000 8 506 218 117 455 9 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC ^y U 92-18 c ^ 1 65 66 67 68 69 70 2 Buchanan, George Huldah J. S. E. c. c. Coward, Alfred Eliza Isam W. S. A. H. A. McKee, Narcissus R. J• R. E. E. L. C. Wike, John Margaret S. J. M. M. S. M. M. L. M. E. M. A. Mary A. R. L. Hooper, Delilah M. J. E. Wike, Andrew Mariah Arrenah Rhoda Jeremiah Mary Mariah E. J. Brown, A. Fain(?), W. H. 3 58 35 3 2 23 34 16 9 8 5 1 59 20 18 15 58 47 23 19 16 14 13 10 5 2 35 12 61 53 53 30 28 24 22 15 10 19 10 - J 2 - 4 M F F F M F M M M M F F M F F M F F M F M F M F M F F F M F F F M F F F M M X , 5 W w • w w M M M M M M M W W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w J L 6 Brick mason Keeps house Farmer Keeps house At home Farmer At home Farmer Keeps house At home Farmer At home No occupation Farmer Keeps house At home Works on farm No occunation 7 400 700 1500 8 300 '185 ' ' 800 772 * 900 9 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC 92-19 Locust Field Baptist Church Cemetery Located off Hwy 441 South in Dillsboro. Follow signs to Locust Field Baptist Church. Cemetery is located in front of the church. Census taken October 1991 by Dorris Beck. Several graves are marked only with stones. Messer, Birch 03/10/1894 - 10/25/1915 Messer, George 07/25/1899 - 08/15/1912 Messer, Graham 1867 - 1925 Messer, Hobert H. 11/22/1896 - 02/26/1982 Messer, James Bruce 1942 - 1943 Messer, Minnie Belle 05/15/1915 - 10/03/1951 Messer, Nancy Partin 05/02/1868 - 04/15/1906 Messer, Siscero C. 11/25/1881 - 02/12/1967 Messer, Sophia S. 10/04/1895 - 05/15/1984 Messer, Swney 01/07/1898 - 09/22/1898 Messer, Tilley M. 1855 - 1925 Messer, William Porter 05/19/1885 - 09/03/1916 Messer, William Robert 01/09/1857 - 01/22/1916 Middleton, 1931 - 1982 Pangle, [Infant: Mr £ Mrs Lee) Pangle, Allen 10/17/1889 - 12/04/1960 Pangle, Bertha S. 05/04/1903 - 06/21/1930 Pangle, Carrie Lula 11/28/1872 - 02/01/1943 Pangle, Claude L. 06/18/1904 - 05/17/1957 Pangle, General Dewey 09/08/1902 - 09/27/1902 Pangle, George W. 10/05/1953 - 03/13/1954 Pangle, George Washington 12/17/1859 - 07/29/1932 Pangle, James C. 01/13/1888 - 07/20/1981 Pangle, Lucy Ellen [Dau: J.C. & Fannnie] 05/07/1916 Mary E. 08/29/1866 - 02/02/1941 Nancy 03/29/1870 - 10/07/1937 P.L. 03/21/1868 - 02/23/1947 Robert 05/15/1912 - 12/22/1945 S.C. 03/23/1869 - 12/31/1945 Willie Evey 09/26/1894 - 01/29/1895 11/23/1836 - 10/24/1924 vJ Pangle, Pangle, Pangle, Pangle, Pangle, Pangle, Parker, Rebecca [Wife of James] Phillips, Daniel M. 07/22/1905 - 12/23/1989 Phillips, Nina P. 11/12/1908 - 01/14/1985 Potts, R. Joe 07/02/1939 - 03/07/1979 Queen, Bessie 04/13/1891 - 10/26/1955 Queen, Jimmie [Son of Robert & Edith) 06/08/1934 - 03/20/1946 Queen, Robert M. 08/29/1908 - 02/24/1972 Queen, Sarah Jane 04/09/1854 - 12/12/1931 Queen, T.B. 12/18/1857 - 02/14/1923 Queen, W.c. 02/07/1883 - 08/22/1975 Radford, Martha J. 12/01/1923 - 11/26/1976 Rhodes, Frank G., Jr. 10/17/1925 - 05/13/1986 Rhodes, Hollie d. 1976 Rhodes, Kenneth L. 10/29/1933 - 06/07/1988 Rhodes, Timothy R. 05/24/1957 - 10/24/1973 Sherrill, Ethel Sutton [Mar: 12/22/1921) 02/16/1897 - 06/18/1967 Sherrill, Mae Sutton 05/30/1904 - 03/02/1930 Sherrill, Richmond Pearson (Mar: 12/22/1921] 10/19/1898 - 12/11/1964 Sherrill, Walter B. 04/21/1887 - 02/02/1941 Shuler, Amos H. 06/10/1874 - 10/29/1955 Shuler, J. Perry [Son of A.H. & Nettie] 06/05/1914 - 11/05/1926 Shuler, Nettie S. 06/04/1878 - 08/19/1951 Sluder, Harriet [Infant] 01/23/1917 \^> ^J 92-20 •* L . L - Sluder, Snyder, Stegall Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton, W.H. 07/25/1893 - 08/04/1919 Loren W. 04/22/1924 - 06/26/1988 , James E. 1931 - 1984 [Infant: Walter & Lila] Alice McMahan [Mar: 09/13/1883] 05/01/1867 - 02/18/1955 Annie 02/25/1883 - 06/15/1962 Austin G. 03/06/1892 - 06/13/1967 Baxter 07/20/1890 - 05/30/1949 Bessie B. 09/08/1904 - 02/22/1987 Bessie [Infant: J.L & L.B.] 03/03/1901 - 03/16/1901 Burton 09/14/1902 - 02/28/1961 Claude L. 08/26/1936 - 03/08/1955 Clint Leon 06/14/1931 - 03/29/1989 Corbitt C. 03/10/1894 - 03/19/1967 Cordie F. 05/18/1873 - 04/18/1952 Dan 10/14/1881 - 10/31/1897 Daniel 03/22/1860 - 06/12/1920 Dewey L. 1907 - 1930 Dollie 10/15/1869 - 10/27/1959 Dora [Wife of Homer] 06/06/1904 - 03/27/1924 Douglas S. [Infant: Major & Anna] 11/03/1951 Edward Ray fInfant] 09/26/1947 Elizabeth 03/17/1848 - 07/20/1937 Essie [Infant: J.L & L.B.]03/03/1901 - 03/16/1901 Frank 12/08/1899 - 03/30/1900 Fred [Son of Baxter & Lola] 06/24/1955 - 06/30/1955 Homer 07/31/1893 - 04/30/1972 Infant Female J.R. 05/17/1886 - 12/22/1918 James E. 12/25/1895 - 01/07/1932 Jerry H. 06/26/1946 - 12/13/1967 Jessie J. 02/10/1898 - 04/17/1969 John C. 12/31/1878 - 03/10/1952 Johnny 04/25/1898 - 02/1902 Joseph 03/01/1821 - 05/10/1910 Julius L. 04/16/1873 - 08/29/1947 Kenneth, PFC 07/14/1934 - 12/28/1955 Laura B. 02/22/1875 - 02/23/1918 Laura B. 03/20/1879 - 02/20/1936 Lawson L. 09/13/1876 - 11/15/1945 Lewis B. 11/12/1857 - 03/15/1941 Lila T. 11/24/1904 - 02/01/1972 Linnie 05/13/1867 - 05/19/1928- Lola P. 10/09/1892 - 01/21/1968 Lonza Allen 07/26/1884 - 08/26/1968 Lora McMahan 1897 - 1935 Lucinda 11/06/1856 - 02/03/1917 Lucinda Partin 07/26/1828 - 07/24/1917 Lula Edna 02/22/1933 - 03/02/1933 Luzanne Robinson 03/12/1879 - 11/12/1952 Margaret 09/10/1833 - 01/25/1922 Marshall 02/19/1918 - 10/03/1983 Marshall 1935 - 1889 Mary Louise 03/05/1926 Maybelle J. 03/19/1892 - 07/10/1986 Melissa Gunter 10/29/1894 - 07/11/1968 [So be continued...] 92-21 ^3 C 4 QUERIES Need information on Melvina "Vina" Chambers/Cope born 1835, married Noah B. Wilson. Write Betty C. Andrews, 734 St. Thomas Cove, Niceville FL 32578. Will share what I know about the Hennassee Cook family of Jackson County. Will also share on Samuel McCall and wife Eleanor Elleson McCall of Macon County and children of Transylvania County. Write Elizabeth Barton, Route 2 Box 294, Brevard NC 28712. Need information on Sarah (Chambers/Cope) married Aaron Mathis 1864. Write Betty C. Andrews, 734 St. Thomas Cove, Niceville FL 32578. Need information on Martin Maney, born 1748, who married Keziah Vann in 1781. Martin and Keziah have roots in Washington County, TN, Madison County, NC, and Buncombe County, NC. Write Mickey Morrow, PO Box 1964, Sylva NC 28779. Seeking information on families of John Aston (1778-1852). John married first Sarah Moffett, daughter of James Moffett, Sr., on 7 Jun 1806. After Sarah's death John married second Ann Hall (1790-1859) on 5 Jul 1816 in Augusta County, VA. One daughter of John and Ann, Rebecca Jane, married John Arrington 3 Mar 1845 in Washington County, TN. Please write Kirk Stephens, 16 Laurel Branch, Sylva NC 28779. Need the children's names of James P. Cook who married Sarah Elizabeth McCall on 25 Apr 1864, of Transylvania County. They lived on Scotts Creek in Jackson County in 1870. Need this information for McCall family reunion held each year in the Gloucester Township. Write Elizabeth Barton, Route 2 Box 294, Brevard NC 28712. Need information on John C. Calhoun family and relations to the Clerkin family. Write Edna Mae Palumbo, 5820 Silverton Road N.E., Salem OR 97305. I am writing a book on Revolutionary War soldier Lewis Smith and his descendants. Lewis Smith was born in 1763, in Lancaster County, PA. By 1781, he was living in Augusta County, VA, at which time he enlisted in the Army of the Revolution. By 1790, Smith had moved to Rutherford County, NC. He married Mary Wikle in 1791. In 1792, he obtained land in Buncombe (now Haywood) County, NC where he lived until his death in 1842. I have been compiling information on this family for about 30 years. In order that I may include in my book as many descendants of Lewis Smith as possible, I will appreciate hearing from anyone interested in this family. Write Jo Ann Smith, PO Box 30093, Raleigh NC 27622. I am beginning research on a new line. I would like to hear from anyone with information on Harley B. King and his wife Martha (Mattie) Redmond. Both are believed to be natives of Jackson County. Also interested in related families of Gibson and Stiles. Write Kirk Stephens, 16 Laurel Branch, Sylva NC 28779. E d i t o r ' s N o t e : N o w i s a g r e a t t i m e t o s u b m i t Q u e r i e s . I h a ve p u b l i s h e d a l l t h a t w e r e i n t h e f i l e s . If y o u h a v e a n e w q u e r y o r a n o ld o n e t h a t s t i l l n e e d s a n a n s w e r , m a i l t h e m t o d a y . C h a n c e s a r e , t h ey w i l l b e p u b l i s h e d i n t h e M a r c h o r A p r i l i s s u e. 92-22 KJ ^J ^J