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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11775.jpg

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  • J. A. HOLMES, State Geologist. 10RTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 0 Chapel aill, h. C . Mar. 29, 1901, Di". C. P. Ambler, Asheville, M. C. My Dear Dr. Ambler: I aw just in receipt of your letter accompanied by .one from Governor McMillan of Tennessee in which he declines the Viee-Presidency in the Appalachian part of the Association. I send you herewith copy of the acts which have been passed by Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina with referrence to the Appalachian Forest Reserve . The copy of the action taken by the Georgia Legislature has been misplaced urn. I have written to Atlanta for another which I will forward to yon as soon as it arrives. It is pretty hard to tell as to what is the best plan for getting Governor McMillan in line. I am quite unable to comprehend the basis of his position. The legislature of Tennessee passed in February the resolution favoring the Forest Reserve ana copies of it were sent to the Senators in Washington from that State signed by the Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the'House of Representatives aJt Hashvi.llathe Governor declining to sign them, if I am correctly informed. I am just in receipt of a letter from ITashville in which I an informed t, that the Legislature will probably pass in the course of a fevr days an act agreeing to the ceding of the forest covered areas of eastern Tennessee and adjacent to the Month Carolina boundary, to the United States Government for incorporation in the Forest Reserve . ?h':;. Governor may prevent this however, or he may veto it after it passes! though

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).