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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 45 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11786.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • August 19th, 1901. Hon. Jno, P. ThGiaAS, Jr., Columbia, s. C. My dear Cir:- |t Secretary of th* Appalachian National Park Association I have recently been preparing bats., concern-ay; the movement for the Appalachian National Park including national and state legislation vfoibh has iaready been secured, A bill and resolution favoring tht same and ceding to the (fevtrnment the right to acquire title- to mountain lends, 1 understood was passer fey the legislature of* South Carolina, I therefore addressed lift* Th©*, c. Ilamer, .Clerk Of the House of Representatives of South Carolina, concerning the a.«tter end have' received from him the letter of tshich I enclose you a copy, T understand frois his letter that this hill was introduced into h. .; cue Senate and HOJASe, bar that final official uas never taken and that the hill and resolution was nH passed. As the introducer of the same, oan you give me any farther light upon this subject"3 Trusting that the hill was passed, *s m are expecting favoruble action on the part of Congress this coning winter, T em, * Very trwly yours. - (H) Secretary?

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).