Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 64 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11805.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • fov. 16th, 1901, ?ref. J". \. Holme s• Chaptl Hill, W. C, ;*y ft*ar Prof, Holm »sj- Your t<ti«g of ycyr.couy *v*niftg m.«$u«**tteg »f no n'tnfl copi«s tforoa RfiHtrv* Itgi slat if* bctu for d. c, "a, anfl T«j»» ro.ciiv^.o., 1 auuu-ur'-ub, "Ntvir r#c<tiv<id Acts jmss€<3t T«nn«&B#t€ and 7u"« gini*. Is sending South Carolina*" VT- tei'zd twief t<5 «?c"tr<?. coyy of th«i bet as paM*A by 'rir- giniaand th€ Cl*rK of th« H«m*« pm:u^(> at w# tin* to »«nd us s 3t«| but hf has n$v«sr ban-* so, fVin, ^iMfr also jKroBiifMta to n«nir<t tin copies of t.h« T«nn«*'M« action, hut 1 tm^ftrAturvfl that h«t ha«s hecn ill fcr s«v«ral month* bacJ< ftfKl thin is r>r*»f>ately th# r*.r..:'>on tn havf, net }.•;_. o«iv«d th- §am«,« 1 haw-- Eh is Say agate written th-fl Cl*frK of twth Btnt?.s re- caa«stteg then to furnish »*s cnyy of th< Acts us pa»#«A unci to forward S'aiBI at us -uriy fffttf M ^o :y;i'bl<5, "'■u'u^ttin-^ that 1 cannot furnisn thin teflaediattly ao r«« cruest-'y I Fan, Yours v#ry truly, Secretary. (K)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).