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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 17 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11758.jpg

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  • January twenty-second, 1901. Hon. HogeyTAyers, House of "Representatives, Richmond, Va, My dear Hurry: - I suppose you are scm#whut familiar with the Appalachian National Park movement which we have heen pushing for the lust twelve months for the purpose of securing u gr**t National Forest R***r*t or Park in the Southern Appalachian mountains, j enclose you herewith copies of the Bill Introduced into "both Houses of the Congress, the letters of the Secretary of Agriculture and President and also copy of the hill and resolution now "before the South Carolina Legislature \vhich T am assured will he adopted without opposition. The States of North Carolina and Seorgia have already passed acts supplemented by resolutions endorsing the measure. The "Bill, as yon notice, provides for the purchase of lands suitable for this Forest Reserve in the mountains of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee an-1 we are assured "by those Who have the matter in charge in Washington that it is necessary to h we the state legislatures pass Acts consenting to the National Government's acquisition mid control of these lands and I write to request that you tuxKe this mutter up and see if you cornet secure at the special session of your body the passage of this Act and Resolution or .something similar. The officers of the Association are writing to C-ov. Hoge in regard to this mutter and ue will appreciate it ve.ry highly if you

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).