Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 81 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11822.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ARTHUR LESLIE, C. 8. WILLIAMb, A. K. YBOOH AN, FBAWK IJBSLIB, LESLIE SYNDICATE. 102 and 104 FULTON STREET, NEW YORE CITY- HALF-TONE PHOTOGRAPHS AND BRILLIANT PEN AND INK DRAWINGS OF NEWS EVENTS THE DRAMA, SPORT* WOMEN'S PAGE AND FASHIONS. SUPPLYING PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. PHILADELPHIA TIMES. PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN. CHICAGO TIMES HERALD. PITTSBURG DISPATCH. PITTSBURG LEADER. SAN F'CISCO EXAMINER. CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. CINCINNATI COM. TRIBUNE. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. WASHINGTON POST. NEW ORLEANS TIMES DEMOCRAT DETROIT FREE PRESS. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. KANSAS CITY STAR. KANSAS CITY WORLD. BOSTON POST. BALTIMORE AMERICAN. LOS ANGELES TIMES. BUFFALO TIMES. BUFFALO NEWS. INDIANAPOLIS SENTINEL. INDIANAPOLIS PRESS. ST. LOUIS STAR. GALVESTON NEWS. MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE. DENVER REPUBLICAN. DALLAS NEWS. NEW ORLEANS PICAYUNE SEATTLE TIMES. ST. PAUL DISPATCH. SYRACUSE POST-ST'DARD. SYRACUSE HERALD. TOLEDO BEE. TOLEDO COMMERCIAL. EVE'G WISCONSIN. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE. AND 1000 OTHERS. $£ * Z>f. /?#/ izA $AUtsfi-AL^£a/a , s&^*Aa;A„A . A A. A £al tZ *a*y A. (A d~u<-£ /I ■L*'H.£. a- ^r/-^ az^<^<2 t^/S^C /"TV* ct^*^ Cc < ZccSZ, /«-*^» ~~y sfr^&^a^- Svyf^A A&^e^L e-r Z&^£ ^Ui t£rtr*UAt€/~ j£*L* ^eeA-^SZy *f/i~*r*r^d ^ "&+. ^tr-Hj ftVV~'MS Af/ /t<ti/i-4 / yjr i^t-*~-z£dC- ~»4. <-«^At>-^ At^jZ- eif* £ adfr t~i> -df. caA^Z{ a&A d£—*^^ ~At£deZ A^-tAt je/i^/f^- ' zaaSaa _^- AaA -£~aS The Leslie Syndicate's Host Recent Notable Achievement!!! Rushing out to its newspaper patrons the same night President McKinley was shot halftones illustrating not only the as- | sassination, but illustrating days in advance the funeral, Roosevelt's accession, Czolgosz's trial, etc., etc. The way this % great emergency was pictorially covered elicited recognition and admiration in every newspaper office In the country.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).