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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

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  • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON. b-Tonesboro, Tenn. Dec. 3o. 1901. Dr c P. Ambler, Asheville, N.G. My Dear Sir:- I am this moment in receipt of your letter of the 88th. inst. I agree with you that it would have heen better to have had a oonference and hud both bills in favor of the "Park" in harmony. X I hud a promise from Prof Homes that ho would he in Washington fifteen days before the meeting of congress so us to make some necessary arranfements in regard to the "Park legislation, but he did not come. Senator Pritchard did not arrive until the day congress met, consequently there was no chance for consultation. I am always on time and ready for business', and so far have not failed in any legislation that I have asked for. I gave my bills the name of McKinley National Purk and Forest Reserve for two reasons, first because I wanted a monument to Mckinley in the southern states that would, be us lasting as the eternal hills, and second because the name would add fifty percent to the successful consumation and passage; of the bill. I asked for four million acres and.:.added the state of west Virginia because anything less than this would have been an absurdity. Two Congressional nistricts in Vest Virginia, one in Tennessee, and two in North Carolina, lost by one flood, this year, Over fifteen millions of dollars in property. This would have paid for the park reservation as set out in my bill, and had five millions of dollars left. My experience in National Legislation hus %eaight me ne^er to ask for anything but what was right, and never to be afraid to ask. for all that was necessary under such conditions.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).