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Journeys Through Jackson 2005 Vol.15 No.01

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • < c c J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h J a c k s o n T h e O f f i c i a l J o u r n a l o f t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , Inc. V o l . X V , No. I W i n t e r 2 0 05 JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 2005 Officers President Dorris D. Beck Vice Presidents Robert Blackwell, James Monteith Secretary Lynn Allen Bryant Treasurer E. Lawrence Morton Librarian Dorris D. Beck Office Manager Ruth C. Shuler Computer Coordinator. Deanne G. Roles Chair, Publications (Editor) R. Larry Crawford Journeys Through Jackson is the official publication of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. Members and non-members are invited to submit genealogical materials for publication, with the understanding that the editor reserves the right to edit these materials for genealogical content, clarity, or taste. The Society assumes no responsibility for errors of fact that may be contained in submissions, and except where noted, the opinions expressed are not those of the editor or of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. The Society accepts no advertising for this publication except for notices for other non-profit groups. From the Editor Your first issue of the Society publication for 2005 is late, but no excuses are forthcoming. The editor takes full responsibility. You might, however, be interested in learning that the printer has changed. The first JTJ for 2005, like its predecessors, has materials gathered from many society members. Bill Crawford, R.O. Wilson, Dorris Beck, Tim Barker, and Betty Cope Andrews are names that should be mentioned here, with a note of gratitude to each. We hope you will enjoy another 19th century article focusing on Jackson County, our outstanding Photo Album submissions this time, and what we hope is only the first of many installments of the Betty Cope Andrews work. We conclude the marriages that Dorris Beck worked so industriously to transcribe for us, and we offer some of the same fare that we always have, in terms of official records, some church records, and some pure genealogy. Sit back and enjoy. The weather's still too unpredictable for those garden gloves or the plow. u V i s i t u s a t o u r W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . j c n c g s . c o m/ ^J Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 ^ Table o f C o n t e n t s JCGS 2004 Award Winners ~. 1 I n Memoriam 1 JCGS Photo Album 2-6 Excerpts from "The Great South" 7-12 Haywood County Marriages of Jackson County Persons 13 - 1 6 Descendants of J o h n Gribble 17 - 26 Photographs in t h e Conner - Sherrill Family 27 - 31 JCGS L i b r a r y Acquisitions 32 Richard Wilson Transactions in Macon County 33 - 35 T r a n t h am Land Survey 36 1965 Jackson County Death Certificates 37 - 41 Three Shoal Creek Obituaries 42 Households in Scotts Creek Township in 1880 43 - 45 Index 46-48 T h e S o c i e t y ' s A w a r d s f o r 2 0 0 4 At the Society's Christmas dinner in December, the annual awards were presented by the Society. Winner of the Robert and Drucilla Holden Award for Distinguished Service to Genealogy was Elizabeth Ann Hampton Peters. Ann has written two books about her Jackson County families. The first of these, entitled Keeping Up With the Joneses, honors the author's mother, Ida Victoria Jones Hampton. The second, My Hampton Heritage, Remembered With Love honors the author's father, Grinsfield Taylor Hampton. Both are volumes about Jackson County families and their extended connections. The Daniel Deitz Award is presented annually to a person who gives extraordinary service to the Jackson County Genealogical Society itself. This year the Society honored Lynn Allen Bryant, who for several years has been the Secretary of the organization, and who prior to those duties, has been an office volunteer and has always given of her time for the Society's special projects. Congratulations, again, to Ann and Lynn. I n M e m o r i a m We are saddened again to write this, but we are privileged to have known this man. When Jackson County lost Annas Lee Jones, it lost one of those quiet persons whose impact will always be anything but quiet When, just a few months ago, we accepted one of his hand - made clocks, we did not realize that time was so short. The Jackson County Genealogical Society bids farewell to a quiet worker, never one to place himself in the limelight, but a man knowledgeable about his Jonesfamily and always a person who wanted to know more. All genealogists should be such. We shall miss him. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m KJ ^J J Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 ^ J C G S P h o t o A l b u m L , On the facing page, a photograph of the George Bryan and Mary Darthula Moss Bumgarner family reunion of 1927. Above, find a numbered scheme of the picture on the facing page. Submitted by JCGS member R.O. Wilson via JCGS member Elizabeth Moss Wilson, a grand - niece of Darthula. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Unidentified Unidentified Fred Bumgarner Unidentified Unidentified Wilson Alvin Bumgarner Unidentified Conrad Stewart George Stewart Andrew Bumgarner Elbert Bumgarner Nancy Elizabeth Hooper Bumgarner John Bumgarner Amanda Holden Bumgarner George Bumgarner Darthula Moss Bumgarner Charles Bumgarner Miles Holden 20 Susie Bumgarner Holden 21 Bowman Bumgarner 22 Laura Stewart Bumgarner 23 Rhoda Hooper Stewart 24 Edward Wilson 25 Delia Holden Wilson 26 Lyman Stewart 27 Winnie Bumgarner Stewart 28 Eugene Bumgarner 29 Edna Bumgarner 30 Frankie Bumgarner 31 Mae Bumgarner Rice 32 Mae Bumgarner 33 Clayton Bumgarner 34 Ralph Bumgarner 35 Olin Bumgarner 36 Maude Bumgarner Hooper 37 Baye Bumgarner Moore 38 Lucy Bumgarner Holden 39 Mae Bumgarner Pressley 40 Miles Bumgarner 41 John Bumgarner 42 Roy Holden 43 Georgia Bumgarner 44 Fred Bumgarner 45 Ray Bumgarner 46 Lela Taylor Bumgarner 47 Mae Bumgarner 48 Mae Pressley Bumgarner 49 Ellith Bumgarner 50 Vernon Bumgarner 51 Flara Conner Bumgarner 52 Jessie Bumgarner 53 John Bumgarner 54 Miles Bumgarner 55 Alex Pressley Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m KJ U The fine old picture above shows on the back row (1-r) Alice Cowan, who married Alfred Smith; Bessie Beck, who married Jesse O. Parker; Laura Cowan, who married Charlie Hooper and John Candler Sutton. On the front (1-r) are Mamie Long, who married Hickman Carter; Pearl Long, who married Harry Buchanan; and Annie Long, who married Ramsey Buchanan. Photograph submitted by JCGS President Dorris Dills Beck. u Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 C J C G S P h o t o A l b um ^""^K^^,;^' '^j"^ C In one of those happy circumstances that sometimes surprise genealogists, the cousin above met JCGS member Bill Crawford in the records room at the justice center. The cousin is John H. Lewis, J r . He is shown on the right above, posing with two friends of the 1st S.C. Regulars at Fort Moultrie. John is a descendant of John Sullivan and Olive Mariah Crawford Bryson, thus of Robert Bryson and his first wife Mary Cunningham, and of William Crawford and Olive Hemphill. <W Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 J C G S P h o t o A l b u m ^J ^ The photograph above shows some Jackson County economic history. Submitted by Dorris Dills Beck, the picture is of Beecher Dalton, Ennis Buchanan, and Shirley Beck as they are at work at a mica mine on the head of East Fork. u Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 E x c e r p t s f r o m " T h e G r e a t S o u t h" [The following is reprinted with permission from Cornell University Library, Making of America Digital Collection "The Great South" Scribner's Monthly. Volume VII, No. 5 March, 1874 pp. 512-544 The narrative follows the travels of a group of men who visit this area. Submitted by JCGS member Tim Barker.] " What mattered rain and mud, the ferrying of swollen streams, the breaking down of wagons, and the weary climbing of hills? The prospect before us was none the less inspiring. We were about to enter upon that vast elevated region which forms the southern division of the Appalachian mountain system, and constitutes the culminating point in the Atlantic barrier of the American continent. We stood at the gate of the lands through which runs the chain of the Iron, Smoky, and TJnaka mountains, separating North Carolina from Eastern Tennessee. Beyond tbe blue line of hills faintly discerned in the rainy twilight from the windows of our little room lay the grand table-land, two thousand feet above the heated air of cities and the contagion of civilization; and there a score of mountain peaks reached up six thousand feet into the crystal atmosphere; torrents ran impetuously down their steep sides into noble valleys; there was the solitude of the canon, the charm of the dizzy climb along the precipice-brink, the shade of the forests where no woodman's axe had yet profaned the thickets. It was a region compared to which the White Mountains seemed dwarfed and insignificant, for through an extent of more than one hundred and fifty miles, height after height towered in solemn magnificence, and the very valleys were higher up than the gaps in the White Mountain range! We were equipped for, and one day's journey advanced upon, our ramble among the peaks of Western North Carolina." (Ed. The group has a harrowing experience among some mountain men, who suspected the travelers to be revenue agents. They are somewhat delayed in making the North Carolina line.) "Half a day's journey from this nook in the mountains brought us to the gap near Mount Starling, where we crossed through the Smoky range, and began to descend on the other side into Haywood County, a division of North Carolina, extending over nine hundred square miles, and annually producing more than two hundred thousand bushels of corn. The chain of the Smoky Mountain which we had traversed extends for about sixty-five miles, from the deep gorge through which the French Broad River flows at "Paint Rock" to the outlet of the Little Tennessee; and Professor Guyot, who is authority upon the Appalachian system, calls it the master chain of the whole Alleghany region...This region properly begins at the bifurcation of the two chains in Virginia, and extends across North Carolina and into Georgia for a hundred and eight miles. The chain of the Blue Ridge to the eastward b fragmentary, and the gaps are only from two to three thousand feet high. All the interior region between the Blue Ridge and the Smoky is filled with spurs and chains, of which, perhaps, the most noticeable is the great Balsam, whose highest point, called the Richland Balsam, or Caney Creek Balsam Divide reaches the height of 6425 feet. Into this cluster of highlands, extending to the extreme western boundary of North Carolina, we now daily made our way." (Ed. The party goes into Cataloochee and visits with a Bennett family.) Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 "Imagine a little frame house set on a shelf on the road, so that its inmates can look for miles down a deep straight valley, through which flows a river between banks fringed with dense foliage, and by rocks over which pines lean and straggle in wildest confusion. At the far end of this river valley looms up a mountain peak, so high, so beautiful, that one's soul is lifted at very sight of it....The road grew narrower and rockier as we clambered along Catalouche; but the air was cooler, purer, the laurels more abundant, the vistas more charming; until just at sunset we came to the 'Cove Creek Gap.' In front lay a narrow valley, over which the mountain known as Jonathan's Bald threw his shadow..." (Ed. The party then makes its way on to Waynesville.) "Our expedition grew rapidly after we left Waynesville, and our group of horsemen, followed by the 'baggage train,' toiling along the mountain roads, caused a genuine excitement at the farms by the way. It was a memorable journey from Waynesville to Whiteside, and down the valley of the Tuckaseege, returning; one so filled with rare and delightful experiences of some of Nature's greatest works, that I must tell you even its details." "Upon this beautiful country through which we now wandered, the Indian lavished that wealth of affection which he always feels for nature and never for man. He gave to the hills and streams the soft poetic names of his expansive language - names which the white man has in many cases cast away, substituting the barbarous commonplaces of the rude days of early settlement. The Cherokee names of Cowee and Cullowhee, of Watauga, of Tuckaseege, and Nantahela, have been retained; and some of the elder settlers still pronounce them with the charming Indian accent and inflection. The Cowee Mountain range runs between Jackson and Macon Counties; and the Valley of Tuckaseege, walled in by four crooked, immense stretches, includes all of Jackson County which lies north of the Blue Ridge. The river itself, one of the most picturesque in the South, 'heads' in the Blue Ridge, and swelling into volume from a hundred springs of coldest, purest, most transparent water, which send little torrents down all the deep ravines, it goes foaming and dashing over myriads of rocks, sometimes leaping from dizzy heights into narrow canons, until it comes to, and is lost in, the Tennessee. Where the Tuckaseege forces its way through the Cullowhee Mountains there is a stupendous cataract" "The little inn at Webster, the seat of justice of Jackson County, was none too large to accommodate our merry cavalcade. We came to it through the Balsam Mountains from Waynesville, along a pretty road bordered with neat farms and giant mulberry trees. In the valleys we saw the laurel and the dwarf rosebay, the passion flower and the Turk's-cap lily, and on the mountain sides the poplar or tulip tree, tbe hickory, ash, black and white walnut, the holly, the chincapin, the alder, and the chestnut in profusion. Webster is a little street of wooden houses, which seems mutely protesting against being pushed off into a ravine. For miles around the country is grand and imposing. A short time before our arrival the residents of the county had been edified by the execution of the only highwayman who has appeared in Western North Carolina for many years. The hanging occurred in front of the jail in the village street, and thousands flocked to see it from all the section round about. That episode, and the search for minerals, kept excitement up. As we reposed on the porch in the evening, the village physician regaled the judge with stories of mountain life forty years ago. The colonel placidly received the statements of the mineral men, who had come in weary and footsore from their adventurous tramps in the mountains. Sunset came with a great seal of glory, and before the coming of the dawn, we "were once more in the saddle, en route for the Cowee range. Just below Webster we crossed the Tuckaseege River at a point KJ KJ v J Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 where once there was a famous Indian battle, and wound up the zig-zag paths to the very top of Cowee, now and then getting a glimpse of the noble Balsams left behind. Now we could look up at one of the 'old balds,' as the bare peak tops are called. (The Indian thought the bare spots were where the footsteps of the Evil One had pressed, as he strode from mountain to mountain.) Now we stopped under a sycamore, while a barefooted girl brought a pitcher of buttermilk from the neighboring house; now a group of negro children, seeing a band of eight horsemen approaching, made all speed for the house...and now a smart shower would beat about our heads, and die away in tearful whisperings among the broad leaves. The milestones by the roadside were notched to indicate the distance; and from hour to hour, in the mountain passes, stops were made to 'whoop up' the laggards, and the horses were breathed until the answering halloo was borne back echoing along the ravines. In the rich coves in Jackson County the black mold is more than two feet in depth, and the most precipitous mountain sides are grazing pastures, from which thousands of fat cattle are annually driven down to the sea-board markets. In the ranges, too, where the winter grass grows luxuriantly from November until May, great numbers of horses and mules are raised. Fruit grows with Eden-like luxuriance; the apple is superb, and on the thermal belt in aqll this section the fruit-crop never misses. Scientific culture introduced there would give grand results. The chances for settlement in this pearl of counties may be judged from the following figures: in 1S69 there were but five hundred farms within its limits, and while 46,000 acres were under cultivation, 775,000 acres remained unimproved." "Near Franklin, close to the site of an old Indian fortification, we crossed the 'Little Tennessee' (a stately river, along whose banks are noble quarries of marble, never worked as yet). The chief town of Macon County was fair to look upon, seated amidst well-cultivated fields, and in the immediate vicinity of a grand grazing country; but we pushed on into the mountains once more, anxious to pass the Blue Ridge and climb the ribs of 'Whiteside.' Three hundred thousand acres still remain unimproved in Macon, and at least one-third of these are rich in .minerals. We were now approaching the extreme western border of the State. A little beyond lay 'Cherokee' and Clay Counties, a territory taken from the Indians by treaty no later than 1835-36. They lie in the valley of the Hiawassee, which is famous as the place where the first successful treaty was made. We pushed on until dark, and our little party was dispersed at the various farm-houses on the road, with instructions to gallop up and meet in the morning before reaching the foot of the Blue Ridge." "One of the wonders of the landscape in this comparatively uncultivated region is, that it seems to have been cultured for centuries, so symmetrical is the foliage, so beautiful are the vines trailing over the trees, and the rivers wandering in their willow-fringed channels. As we rode by the Sugar Fork River in the still evening, with the swarms of fire­flies frolicking in the shadows all around us, it was difficult to believe that we were not in the suburbs of a great town, and that the rich clumps of foliage did not conceal villas and country arbors." "The stream along whose banks we were now ascending the mountain is known as the 'Sugartown Fork' of the Tennessee River, and comes foaming down the wild slopes of the Blue Ridge through some of the most romantic scenery in America. Beautiful as the Rhone in the Alps, majestic in its tremendous waterfalls, and the wild grandeur of the passes through which it flows, it is strange that few travelers from other States have ever penetrated to its upper waters." Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 "It was not without difficulty that our party re-assembled the next morning. The Colonel and the sprightly Jonas came galloping from a town ten miles away, where they had been compelled to remain over night, and the others came straggling to the rendezvous. The village physician from Webster, who knew every foot of the way for forty miles around, the cheery landlord from Waynesville, and the writer climbed the steep hill-side slowly under a broiling sun; the artist, hungry for sketches, browsed lightly on the delicate vistas afforded by every turn in the road; and the Judge, who had enlisted in our service that genial and venerable mountaineer, Silas McDowell, was actively hunting for the obscure pathway leading to the lower falls; while the colored servant guided an overloaded buggy along the rocky road." "As we reached the crest of the hill a sound as of the sweep of the wind through the forest in autumn, or the distant echo of the rush of a railway train, drifted to our ears. Now it was swept away, now came back again powerfully. It was the voice of the fall in the canyon below, and old Mr. McDowell, reining in his horse and placing his hand to his ear, listened intently a minute, then announced that the pathway to the falls was not far, between Lamb and Skittles Mountain, from that spot. So we began to search for it, some one, meantime, volunteering the information that the ravines abounded with rattlesnakes, and that one must tread carefully." [Ed. With some trepidation, the party makes its descent, slipping and sliding toward a waterfall.] "A gap in the mountains, high up, was pierced by a rapidly flowing stream, which boiled into whitest foam as it sprang down the sides of a great rock, from a shelf jutting out of the mass. At the right grew tall trees and infinite small foliage, clothing the walls, which descended hundreds of feet, with living green, and with blue, white, and red blossoms; on the left the ledge ran up into a peak in front, then receded toward the crest of the hill which we had left. Eighty or ninety feet below the shelf from which the foam leaped, it encountered opposition, and springing into blinding clouds of spray, which at times filled the canyon for some distance, it ran to the right and formed a second fall, extending thirty feet down to the lower channel. On the left, across the bottom part of the cliff, ran minor torrents, bubbling and seething, and everywhere the current was swift, strong, and musical. Landing as I did 'mid stream, and facing the fall, there seemed no exit from the valley save by balloon. On every side the walls appeared to rise perpendicularly, and indeed the trail was found only after vexatious buffeting among the rocks. When I reached the top, the others had departed, and I overtook them at a log-cabin, where they had halted for dinner." [Ed. After meeting some mountain people, the party makes its way to Dry Falls.] "It was a Hibernianism to call this glorious cascade the 'Dry Falls;' but the name was suggested by the fact that one may pass beneath the giant shelf, over which it pours, without receiving a severe wetting, although the spray is at times blinding. The river, coming to a dizzy height, leaps with such violence that the water is projected far from the rock, and the beholder seems to see a lace veil, at least sixty feet long, dependent from the hoary walls of the canyon. Passing under it, along the slippery rocks, one comes out upon' another stone under beetling precipices, from which little streams run down, and around which the mist and spray rise, and can note the changing gleams of the sunshine as they play on the immense mass of foam suspended between earth and sky. Below, the stream passionately clutches at the rocks, and now and then throws them down into the chasm; there are hollows in the stones which have been worn to a considerable depth by the pattering of the spray of hundreds of years upon them. Here a monument of wall rises 10 \J KJ ^J Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 dozens of feet from the chaos which is huddled at the fall's bottom. Many of the rude figures seem to have human resemblances, and one might imagine them giants rising from the canyon's deeps to tear away the veil which has been drawn across the entrance to their cavern. The stream runs on a hundred and fifty feet below the summit of the falls in whirlpools and eddies, now forming into inlets in which reeds, ferns and blossoms florish, and now making a deep, steady current, cold and crystal clear. The pines and spruces seventy feet high seem but toys by the sides of the immense walls; the light, too, in the canyon through the mountain, is strange and fantastic, and seems to cast a glamour over every minute object. Even the pebbles, and the ferns and tint grass-sprouts in the soil beneath the shelf over which the fall pours, are purple." [After waxing even more poetic about the falls, the author and his group make their way on toward Whiteside.] "The summit of Whiteside is perhaps five thousand feet high, but its peculiar location enables one to gain from it the most striking prospect in North Carolina. It overlooks a country of peaks and projections, of frightful precipes, often of naked rock, but generally fringed with delicate foliage; a country dotted with fertile clearings set down in the midst of forests; of valleys inaccessible save by narrow passes; of curious caves and tangled trails; of buttes and knobs, reached only by dangerous passes, where one finds the bluffs base thousands of feet down in some nook, and as he looks up sees the wall towering far above him." "At dawn the next day we plunged into the woods..., and wound through a trail whose trace we of the cities should soon have lost, but in which our companions of the neighborhood easily kept until we reached a wooded hillside, whence we could see the 'Devil's Courthouse,' and catch a glimpse of Whiteside's top. The former is a grand rocky bluff, with its foot planted among the thickets, and its brow crowned with a rugged castle­like formation. The ragged sides are here and there stained like the walls of an old building, and it is not difficult to imagine that one is beholding the ruined walls of some giant castle. The 'surveyor' urged us forward, and our stout horses soon brought us to the clearing, where we were compelled to leave them and climb the remaining distance on foot." "Imagine a waterfall two thousand feet high suddenly turned to stone, and you have the general effect of the Whiteside precipice as seen in the single, terrified, reluctant glance which you give from the top. There is the curve and the grand dizzy bend downward; were it not for occasional clumps of foliage down the sides, the resemblance would be absolute." "But the outlook! It was the culmination - the finishing stroke of all our rich and varied mountain surprises! When we were seated on the white crag, over which a fresh breeze perpetually blew, the wrinkled world beneath us literally 'crawled.' Everything seemed dwarfed and insignificant below. Even the brother crags — to the southwest, Fodderstack and Black Rock, and Stooly, to the northwest - although in reality rising nearly to the elevation of Whiteside, seemed like small hills. To the northeast, as far as the eye could reach, rose a multitude of sharply defined blue and purple peaks, the valleys between them vast and filled with frightful ravines, seeming the merest gullies on the earth's surface. Farther off than this line of peaks rose the dim outlines of the Balsam and Smoky Ranges. In the distant southwest, looking across into Georgia, we could descry 'Mount Yonah,' lonely and superb, with a cloud wreath about his brow; sixty miles away, in South Carolina, a flash of sunlight revealed the roofs of the little German settlement of 'Walhalla'; and on the southeast, beyond the precipes and ragged projections, towered up 11 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 'Chimney Top Mountain,' while the Hog Back bent its ugly form against the sky, and 'Cold . . Mountain' rose on the left. Turning to the north, we beheld 'Yellow Mountain,' with its square sides, and 'Short-Off.' Beyond and beyond, peaks and peaks and ravines and ravines! It was like looking down on the world from a balloon." "On a bright Sunday we descended towards the course of the Tuckasegee, and a violent storm delayed us at a lowly cabin, near the path by which now and then a visitor penetrates to Tuckaseege cataract. According to the custom of the country, we hastily carried our saddles into the porch and sat down on them to talk with the residents." [Ed. A part of the conversation follows, filled with stereotypical dialect. We see no reason to dignify it by including it here.] "The copper region of Jackson County is fascinatingly beautiful. While there is the same tropical richness of foliage which distinguishes the other counties, there is a greater wealth of stream - side loveliness; there are dozens of foamy creeks and byways, overhung with vines. The hills are admirably fertile in the vicinity of the Way-ye-hutta and Cullowhee copper mines, and many of the vineyards were exquisitely cultivated. The Cullowhee Mountain is charming; no region in the South can furnish stronger attractions for emigrants. 'Look at that valley,' said an English resident to me,' a few farmers from England, with their system of small farms and careful cultivation, would make this an Eden.' And he did not exaggerate. Give all that section immigration now, and railroads cannot be kept out of it, even by the rascality of such gigantic swindles as have been forced upon North Carolina. The copper mines in Jackson were worked extensively before the war, and Northern capital and shrewd English mining experience are once more developing them." [ED. The group then makes its way to Asheville, a town of twenty-five hundred people at the time. The author writes at some length about the potential for railroads, and is quite critical of the dishonesty of the railroad companies themselves, while he feels that the mountaineers have been swindled. The party makes its way to the town we call Hot Springs, and the author describes such well - known places as Paint Rock. They then turn toward Mount Mitchell.] "The summit of the Black Mountains is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River, and the ragged range, clad in its garments of balsam and moss, glorious with its vistas of apparently endless hills and fancifully-shaped valleys, is the chief pride of the North Carolinian mountaineer..." [Ed. The author describes the ascent to the summit of Mount Mitchell, and writes admiringly of Elisha Mitchell. The article ends with a brief description of the descent from Mitchell and the feelings of awe felt by everyone in the party.] [Final note: we have excerpted only a small part of this article. We have tried to stay as much within Jackson and neighboring counties as possible, but the entire article is interesting, if for no other reason than its frank and honest admiration of our region.] U ^J 12 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 J a c k s o n C o u n t y P e r s o n s M a r r i e d i n H a y w o o d C o u n t y 1 8 5 0 - 1 9 3 9 [Ed. We conclude this series on Haywood County marriages, transcribed by JCGS President Dorris Dills Beck.] Hoyle, Clarence, 22, W, Balsam, to Lodia Ashe, 18, W, Balsam, 10 Feb 1938, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Eulah Ashe, Vera Ashe, L.W. Smathers Hyde, C.T., 20, W, Whittier, to W.M. Saunders, 20, W, Whittier, 1 Jul 1938, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Ruby Bowles, Howard Bryson, Lizzie Ferguson Jones, John E., 34, W, Haywood, to Carrie B. Fisher, 30, W, Addie, 7 Apr 1924, by J.T. Mangum, M. Min., Waynesville, witnesses S.H. Jones, Swain Elias, W.R. Francis Jones, Jerry, 21, W, Robbinsville, to Lucy Ward, 18, W, Jackson, 9 Aug 1924, by G.R. Mills, B. Min., Hazelwood, witnesses S.L. McKay, V.J. Kerby, Pearl Gunter Jones, Ople, 24, W, Jackson, to Lela Wiggins, 19, W, Jackson, 19 Dec 1925, by R.Q. McCrackes, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses S.B. Jones, Cora Jones, Will Kerley Jones, Charlie, 24, W, Cowarts, to Ora Wood, 38, W, Cowarts, 11 Mar 1937, by M.E. Swearinger, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses R.V. Welch, R.L. Ray, C. Murray Kilby, Lawrence, 21, W, Jackson, to Lura Wyatt, 19, W, Haywood, 15 Jun 1927, by N.A. Harrison, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Louise Snyder, Frank Grasty, Charlie Mull Lackey, Dave, 22, B, Haywood, to Frances Love, 21, B, Sylva, 13 Oct 1930, by E.G. Osborne, M. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Claude Sisk, Virginia Sisk, Inez Bryant Lewis, W.L., 55, W, Whittier, to Sallie Massey, 48, W, Whittier, 10 May 1923, by R.M. Leatherwood, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses J.L. Stringfield, J.F. Cabe, T.W. Ferguson Lime, Jhon C , 27, W, New Jersey, to Jessie Moody, 24, W, Whittier, 3 May 1933, by L.B. Hayes, M. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Lucille Varner, Verayle Calhoun, Lattie DeBord Lindsey, Cecil, 21, W, Sylva, to Rettie Watson, 19, W, Canton, 3 Apr 1937, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses White Mease, C.L. McClure, Vernon Ensley Locust, McKinley, 28, W, Jackson, to Mabel Buff, 24, W, Haywood, 31 Aug 1929, by R.A. Sentelle, B. Min., Pigeon, witnesses Robert Buff, A.L. Trantham, M.J. Buff Lowe, Herman, 21, W, Jackson, to Willie M. Arrington, 18, W, Haywood, 4 Nov 1930, by A.C. Arrington, B.Min., Waynesville, witnesses J.E. Arrington, Mrs. J.E. Arrington, Flora Arrington Lynch, Rev. A.W., 32, W, Jackson, to Mary J. Martin, 26, W, Haywood, 8 Oct 1924, by J.T. Mangum, M. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Edith Mangum, Mrs. J.T. Mangum, Georgia Miller McDonald, Fred, 22, W, Haywood, to Eva Conard, 22, W, Balsam, 8 Oct 1938, by J.P. White, Maggie, witnesses Arthur White, Dan White, Mrs. Ida White Mclnturff, Clyde H., 27, W, Willets, to Virginia Mull, 15, W, Haywood, 10 Oct 1923, by A.J. Davis, J.P. Waynesville, witnesses D.L. Boyd, W.R. Francis, G, H. McCracken McMahon, Jerry, 23, W, Dillsboro, to Velda L. Milk, 18, W, East LaPorte, by R.H. Herring, B. Min., Bap. Parsonage, witnesses A.M. Crawford, Julius McMahon, Annie-Herring Massey, J.G., 39, W, Clay Co., to Mrs. Texas Raby, 36, W. Jackson, 12 Feb 1927, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P. Waynesville, witnesses P.V. Massey, A.V. Grooms, F.A. Stephenson Massie, Frank, 21, W, Haywood, to Elsie L. Geisler, 18, W, Sylva, 5 Dec 1937, by J.H. Carper, M. Min., Longs Chapel, witnesses Mrs. F.A. Moody, F.A. Moody 13 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Mathis, John B., 21, W, Willets, to Annie McGaha, 20, W, Mount Sterling, 30 Jul 1923, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses R.A.L. Hyatt, A.B. Williams v—' Mathis, William, 28, W, Jackson, to Maggie Frizzell, 26, W, Jackson, 9 Jul 1927, by R.M. Leatherwood, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses J.C. Welch, R.T. Boyd, P.V. Massey Mehaffey, D.I., 23, W, Balsam, to Lois Smathers, 18, W, Balsam, 28 Mar 1924, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses W.C. Medford, Bob Parton, T.M. Ferguson Mehaffey, Floyd, 21, W, Haywood, to Mae Smathers, 18, W, Jackson, 28 May 1927, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Chas. C. Smathers, Eula K. Brooks, Ethel Henry Messer, Fred, 24, W, Jackson, to Eva Johnson, 24, W, Haywood, 25 May 1929, by P.C. Hicksw, B. Min., Canton, witnesses CR. Garren, Gertie Hicks, Pearl Ingle Mills, Raleigh, 33, W, Waynesville, to Bonnie Hoyles, 22, W, Cullowhee, 12 Mar 1938, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses CB. Atkinson, R.V. Welch, George Mills Monteith, Hugh E., 24, W, Sylva, to L.Pauline McClure, 22, W, Canton, 27 Jan 1923, by Robert C. Campbell, B. Min., Canton, witnesses R.E. Hipps, G.C. Smith, S.R. Felmet Monteith, W.H., 28, W, Jackson, to Mary Wike, 20, W, Swain, 7 Oct 1927, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses W.H. Noland, John Murray, P.V. Massey Monteith, Orie E., 38, W, Sylva, to Carol A. Shinn, 31, W, Concord, 10 Jun 1935, by M.E. Leftwich, M. Min., Clyde, witnesses Ottis Freeman, Mrs. Ottis Freeman, J. Leftwich Moody, Claude, 26, W, Willets, to Burnice Hoyle, 23, W, Willets, 29 Jan 1938, by Marion Holcombe, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Cora Gaddis, B.H. Hoyle Moore Jas. F., 24, W, Jackson, to Maggie Parris, 24, W, Jackson, 28 Dec 1928, by R.Q. McCracken. J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Grover C. Smith, O.T. McCracken, Stella Jones Morgan, David F., 21, W, Jackson, to Elsie Phillips, 18, W, Jackson, 4 Sep 1928, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses W.H. Noland, CH. Gentry, R.E. Smith Morrison, F.C, 31, W, Macon, to Margaret Alley, 22, W, Jackson, 9 Jan 1926, by T.F. Marr, ^J M. Min., witnesses L.W. Bumgarner, Julia Marr, James Vaughn Morrow, Clarence, 23, W, Haywood, to Elsie McCracken, 22, W, Jackson, 8 Aug 1926, by William Pruett, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Lillie Mae Russell, L.A. Carson Mull, George, 22, W, Jackson, to Nora Parker, 18, W, Jackson, 14 May 1925, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Burr Shelton, Vardy Massey, J.O. Travis Mull, Charlie, 33, W, Haywood, to Lela Kilby, 18, W, Jackson, 20 Nov 1926, by John Howell, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Hannah Woods, George Buchanan, Dena Mull MuU, Thomas, 20, W, Haywood, to Ida Monteith, 18, W, Jackson, 31 Jan 1927, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Mrs. J.W. Kirkpatrick, Virginia James, Mrs. C.F. Kirkpatrick Mull, Donald A., 31, W, East LaPorte, to Grace Enloe, 31, W, Waynesville, 4 May 1935, by O.S. Rhymer, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Bertha Enloe, Edith Owen, Mallire Rhymer Muse, Zeb, 46, W, Hazelwood, to Mary Painter, 23, W, Sylva, 8 Dec 1923, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses R.G.A. Love, Mrs. Nannie Persons, CA. Haynes Nicholson, Deck, 27, W, Jackson, to Cumie Davis, 21, W, Jackson, 17 Jul 1928, by T.F. Arrington, B. Min., Aliens Creek, witnesses L.C. Sutton, Pauline Stephens, Howell Stephens Nolen, Kerm, 23, W, Whittier, to Mary Oxner, 23, W, Whittier, 6 May 1933, by H.S. Bell, J.P., Canton, witnesses Geo. Wyatt, O.L. Shipman, R.M. Blaylock _^ Olvey, Lind, 23, W, Sylva, to Bertha Rickman, 19, W, Cruso, 22 Jun 1934, by R.M. Leatherwood, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses G.R. Cabe, Will Uzzell, A.T. Ward Owen, Joe P.21, W, Washington GA, to Louise L. Long, 20, W, Jackson, 14 Jul 1924, by CT. Tew, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses B.B. Caldwell, Mrs. J.C. Hoxit, Flora Palmer KJ 14 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Paris, Hoyt, 22, W, Beta, to Klondia Harris, 19, W, Beta, 11 Sep 1922, by R. H. Herring, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses C.W. Fisher, L.L. Allen, Jessie Fisher Parker, Clinton, 30, W, Jackson, to Henrietta Pell, 18, W, Jackson, 29 Dec 1928, by S.R. Crockett, P. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Marie Crockett, Nancy Crockett, Madge Dillard Parker, William, 37, W, Sylva, to Lillie Tritt, 39, W, Cullowhee, 7 Oct 1937, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Mrs. Walter Ray, Grover C Davis, O.T. McCracken Prince, Early, 25, W, Jackson, to Vinnie Lovedahl, 25, W, Jackson, 5 Sep 1925, by M.L. Hooper, B. Min., Hazelwood, witnesses M.C Lovedahl, Hazel Lovedahl, Mrs. H.C. Robinson Putnam, Doyce, 24, W, Canton, to Hazel Shuler, 19, W, Sylva, 7 Mar 1936, by E.R. Mease, J.P., Canton, witnesses E.T. Ford, Mrs. D.A. Pressley, W.H. Messer Queen, John M., 73, W, Balsam, to Ethel Alverson, 27, W5 Spartanburg SC, 28 Nov 1921, by S.B. Medford, J.P., Clyde, witnesses C C Medford, P.L. Smathers, C.W. Caldwell Queen, John M., 35, W, Swain, to Cora Messer, 24, W, Jackson, 2 Feb 1925, by J.A. Henry, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses John M. Queen, R.T. Boyd, F.W. Miller Queen, J.E., 39, W, Sylva, to Gladys Parker, 29, W, Sylva, 13 Aug 1938, by R.L. Walker, P. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Hazel Coward, Evelyn Parker, Lois Parker Ray, J. Frank Jr., 24, W, Franklin, to Mabel Morgan, 24, W, Sylva, 7 Dec 1929, by G.A. Martin, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses J.H. Way, Jr., Martha Way, Sarah Martin Ray, Walter, 32, W, Waynesville, to Dora Breece, 20, W, Cullowhee, 21 Mar 1933, by O.S. Rhymer, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses John Mitchell, Bonner Mitchell, Hattie F. Reagan, Herbert L., 24, W, Whittier, to Ida Battle, 24, W, Whittier, 26 Dec 1934, by P.C Hicks, B. Min., Canton, witnesses Oma Gass, Hazel DeBord, P.C. Hicks Rhinehart, Frank, 27, W, Jackson, to Leona Mull, 17, W, Haywood, 29 Oct 1925, by A.B. Dennis, M. Min., Beaverdam, witnesses CE. Medford, Guy Medford, Cara Smathers Rickman, J.C. 21, W, Canton, to Lola Cowan, 21, W, Gay, 6 Oct 1934, by P.C. Hicks, B. Min., Canton, witnesses A.C. Swanger, Gertie Hicks, P.C. Hicks Robinson, S.E., 22, W, Buncombe, to Lozelle Henson, 20, W, Jackson, 17 Sep 1927, by Frank Siler, M. Min., Lake Junaluska, witnesses Mrs. Frank Siler, Lyda Moody, Harry Sauld Sawyer, Fagg F., 21, W, Waynesville, to Ruth Dillard, 21, W, Sylva, 31 Dec 1938, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses W.J. McCraig, J.W. Haney Shehan, Hobert, 26, W, Jackson, to Naomi Harris, 19, W, Jackson, 22 Sep 1924, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., witnesses Jeanette Fish, Guy Fish, H.C. Ferguson Shehan, HiUiard M., 24, W, Waynesville, to Hattie Watson, 22, W, Whittier, 16 Oct 1936, by O.S. Rhymer, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Mrs. T.C. Ridley, Mrs. R.M. Wright, Drusilla Shehan Shelton, Gordon, 21, W, Cullowhee, to Edna Parker, 18, W, Cullowhee, 31 Oct 1936, by H.W. Baucom, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Addie Baucom, T. Neil Johnson, Mrs. L.E. Tyner Sherrill, L.M., 27, W, Jackson, to May Moore, 24, W, Haywood, 30 sep 1925, by J.T. Mangum, M. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Mrs. J.T. Mangum, Hettie Dobb, Mrs. J.N. Furniss Shipman, John, 46, W, Jackson, to Janie Barker, 21, W, Jackson, 17 Oct 1927, by J.L. Colville, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Judd Stanberry, Reeves Colville - - Shuler, Robert Frank, 21, W, Sylva, to Dellar Hoyle, 25, W, Sylva, 13 Sep 1929, by R.M. Leatherwood, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Edmond Jones, Worth McKinney, J.D. Ensley Shuler, Loyd, 24, W, Sylva, to Annie Crawford, 24, W, Cruso, 7 Jul 1934, by J.J. Crawford, J.P., Cruso, witnesses Blanche Grogan, Eugene Henson, Mary Sellers Smathers, Walter, 25, W, Jackson, to Annie Conner, 20, W, Haywood, 9 Aug 1 9 2 8 ^ R.Q. McCracken, Waynesville, witnesses J.D. Beckett, D.B. Gordon 15 KJ Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Smith, Clyde, 22, W, Sylva, to Myrtle Allen, 18, W, Hazelwood, 3 Jun 1922, by W.M. Pruett, ^y B. Min., Gaddy residence, witnesses R.G.A. Love, S.P. Leatherwood, H.H. Hannah Smith, Vernie, 25, W, Jackson, to Artie Curtis, 19, W, Haywood, 14 Dec 1928, by W.C. Medford, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses J.F. Justice, Curtis Smith' Smith, Jesse C, 21, W, Haywood, to Ruth Nicholson, 18, W, Jackson, 3 Jul 1928, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Etta Lovedahl, Howard Wood, W.H. Noland Smith, Oscar, 51, W, Clyde, to Mrs. Callie Oliver, 39, W, Sylva, 23 Jul 1938, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Joe Browning, Carl Bryson, J.C. Kerley Sneed, J.V., 45, W, Sylva, to Mildred Cunningham, 21, W, Sylva, 25 Apr 1934, by M.E. Swearingen, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses John P. Moore, Cordea Mathis, Isaac Green Sneed, Willie L., 21, W, Willets, to Ethel Green, 21, W, Willets, 26 May 1934, by M.E. Swearingen, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses J.P. Morrow, Carl Bryson, Geo. Buchanan Sneed, Vardie, 42, W, Sylva, to Gracie Mills, 21, W, Sylva, 29 Nov 1935, by R.Q. McCracken, Waynesville, witnesses Mary Kirkpatrick, Josephine Ferguson, Ethel Sneed Snyder, Robert J., 24, W, Jackson to Lois E. Hall, 21, W, Jackson, 26 Nov 1924, by G.R. Mills, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses J.C. Welch, Mrs. Nannie Persons Stamey, Joseph, 18, W, Sylva, to Pearl Moore, 20, W, Hazelwood, 29 Mar 1924, by S.R. Crockett, P. Min., Pres. Manse, witnesses Major Stanley, Harley Wales, H.F. Crockett Stanley, Major, 20, W, Sylva, to Eula Irene Moss, Erastus, 18 Mar 1923, by R.A. Panter, J.P., Sylva, witnesses Ernay McDonald, Hardy Stanley, Sue Stanley Stevens, John R., 55, W, Jackson, to Alice Coggins, 24, W, Jackson, 2 Jun 1925, by R.Q. McCracken, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses F.L. Conner, Mary Smith, Elva Woody Stephens, Howell, 21, W, Jackson, to Arbie Swayngim, 19, W, Jackson, 3 Aug 1927, by T.F. Arrington, B. Min., Hazelwood, witnesses John Parks, Pauline Stephens, Eulas Stephens Styles, Holmes G., 31, W, Jackson, to Maria Styles, 20, W, Haywood, 22 Jun 1925, by A.J. Davis, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses P.V. Massey, W.F. Ray, J.E. Bryson Swanger, A.C., 23, W, Canton, to Ruth Cowan, 18, W, Webster, 19 Jan 1935, by P.C. Hicks, B. Min., Canton, witnesses J.C. Rickman, Mrs. J.C. Rickman, Jack Hicks Thompson, Ben F., 46, W, Jackson, to Emma Frizzell, 21, W, Jackson, 25 Aug 1928, by W.C Medford, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses R.V. Welch, G.F. Morrow, W.H. Monteith Verne, Mike, 22, W, Tuckasegee, to Sara Luker, 19, W, Tuckasegee, 14 Jul 1923, by W.R. Haney, M. Min., Tuckasegee, witnesses J.R. Childs, J.E. Brunley, Mrs. W.R. Haney Ward, Verlin, 24, W, Jackson, to Mabel Rich, 21, W, Haywood, 24 Dec 1929, by N.W. Carver, J.P., Jonathan, witnesses M.H. Ferguson, L.O. Ferguson, Mrs. W.F. Ferguson West, J. Woodard, 35, W, Sylva, to Mae Austin, 25, W, Canton, 7 Dec 1935, by M.E. Swearingen, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Virginia Shelton, Josephine Ferguson, Wm. C. Sayre Whitaker, Junior, 18, W, Sylva, to Lillian Hensley, 18, W, Sylva, 1 Aug 1937, by F.D. Ferguson, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Irene Bryson, Herbert Harris, Mildred K. McCracken Wiley, C.A., Jr., 25, W, Canton, to Burlee Shuler, 20, W, Sylva, 11 Sep 1937, by A.W. Taylor, E.Min., Canton, witnesses Mrs. Ora M. Smathers, John R. Smathers, Mrs. CA. Worley Williams, Wiley, 21, W, Jackson, to Minnie Curtis, 20, W, Haywood, 7 Nov 1928, by N.A. Harrison, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Fred Page, Verney Smith, Hub Parker Wilson, L.L., 24, W, Jackson, to Bertie Moore, 18, W, Jackson, 26 Jul 1924, by CT. Tew, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses David Pruett, Mrs. CT. Tew, Ruth Tew Woods, Howard C, 27, W, Haywood, to Etta Lovedahl, 18, W, Jackson, 3 Jul 1928, by R.M. -'- Leatherwood, J.P., Waynesville, witnesses Ruth Nicholson, Jesse C. Smith, W.H. Noland Wright, Winfred, 25, W, Hazelwood, to Myrtle Middleton, 21, W, Balsam, 18 Dec 1937, by . O.S. Rhymer, B. Min., Waynesville, witnesses Ruby Bryson, Clinton Truitt, Birdell Middleton ^"^ 16 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 D e s c e n d a n t s o f J o h n G r i b b l e [Ed. To our delighted surprise, one day the postman delivered a box of genealogical compilations of our JCGS member Betty Cope Andrews. We intend to use as much of it as possible in these pages, starting with the Gribble family.] I Generation No. I I p 1. JOHN2 GRIBBLE (THOMAS*) was bora 1770 in Mecklenburg Co., NC, and died 1808 in Burke Co., NC. He married MARGARET BLACK 1786, daughter of WILLIAM BLACK. She was born 1767 in Mecklenburg Co., NC, and died Alt. 1853 in Jackson Co., NC. Notes for MARGARET BLACK: . 1. Second wife of Samuel Monteith. 2. Previously married to John Gribble. 3. Margaret Gribble and Thos Gribble signed as Administers of John Gribble's estate 5 Feb. 1808. Samuel Memteith bought 1 pare of Poolhook and i pot hooks. Others buying at sale: James, Johnjunor, Samuel, Polly Gribble; James Dysart, John Young, Joseph Alexander, Elizabeth Long, Zachariah Pullim, Keneth ' McKinza, Thomas Hemhill, Elijah Hall, John Armstrong, James Buchhannon Children of JOHN GRIBBLE and MARGARET BLACK are: JAMES3 GRIBBLE, b. 1788, Mecklenburg, NC; d. 1870, Missouri. THOMAS GRIBBLE, b. 1790, Mecklenburg, NC; m. ELIZABETH; b. 1788, Mecklenburg, NC. SARAH GRIBBLE, b. 13 Feb 1793, Mecklenburg Co., NC; d. 18 Dec 1869, Webster, Jackson Co., NC. WILLIAM BLACK GRIBBLE, b. Abt 1795, Mecklenburg, NC; d. Abt. 1855, Macon, NC. JANE "JINCY" GRIBBLE, b. 10 Feb 1798, Mecklenburg, NC; d. 10 Jun 1889, Jackson, N. C. JOHN G. GRIBBLE, b. 30 Jun 1799, Mecklenburg, NC; d. 03 Jun 1869, Canby, Clackmas, OR. EZEKIEL GRIBBLE, b. 09 Jun 1803, Burke, NC; d. 12 Jul 1889, LaVeta, Huerfano, CO. FRANCES GRIBBLE, b. 1805, Burke, NC. MARGARET R. "PEGGY" GRIBBLE, b. Abt. 1807, Burke, NC. ANNIE GRIBBLE, b. Abt 1807, Burke, NC; d. 1843. Generation No. 2 2. JAMES3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 1788 in Mecklenburg, NC, and died 1870 in Missouri. He married RACHEL ALLISON. She was bom 1788 in NC. Notes for JAMES GRIBBLE: ! in Haywood Co., N. C. 1840, movex to TN, Then Missouri. Children of JAMES GRIBBLE and RACHEL ALUSON are: ROBERT WATSON* GRIBBLE, b. 02 May 1811, Rayes, TN; d. 27 May 1891, Chamberville, Collin, TX. JAMES HARRISON GRIBBLE, b. 1813, Buncombe, NC; d. 19 Jan 1861, Clinton, MO. JOHN ALLISON GRIBBLE, b. 18 Jan 1822, Buncombe, NC; d. 12 Jul 1907, Arkansas City, Cowley, KA. SAMUEL GRJBBLE, b. 1824, Buncombe, NC. 3. SARAH3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 13 Feb 1793 in Mecklenburg Co., NC, and died 18 Dec 1869 in Webster, Jackson Co., NC. She married THOMAS S. MONTEITH 14 Oct 1814 in Burke Co., NC, son of SAMUEL MONTEITH. He was bom 15 Mar 1789 in Mecklenburg Co., NC, and died 17 Nov 1869 in Webster, Jackson Co., NC. Notes for THOMAS S. MONTErrH: ! ? Birth month May instead of March. May on microfilm. Returns for Capt. McKinseys Company for 1815: Thomas Montooth White Poles 1. , - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. 11. 12. 13. 14. i. ii. iii. iv. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Children of SARAH GRIBBLE and THOMAS MONTErrH are: SAMUEL H. "SAM"4 MONTEITH, b. 06 Jul 1815, Burke Co., NC; d. 16 Dec 1893, Lufty, Swain Co., NC. WILLIAM B. "BILLY" MONTEITH, b. 15 Sep 1816, Burke Co., NC; d. 30 May 1894, Sylva, Jackson Co., NC. KJ JOHN MONTEITH, b. 01 Aug 1818, Burke, North Carolina; d. Bef. 1887, Glenville, Jackson, N. C. JAMES MONTEITH, b. 30 Aug 1820, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 27 Feb 1823, Haywood, North Carolina. MARGARET "PEGGY" MONTEITH, b. 22 Jun 1822, Haywood Co., NC; d. 05 Dec 1905, Jackson, N. C. NANCY M. MONTEITH, b. 10 Apr 1824, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 25 Jul 1910, Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina. MARY ANN "POLLY"1 MONTEITH, b. 02 Jun 1826, Haywood, NC; d. 07 Feb 1907, Webster, Jackson, NC. SARAH ELVIRA"VIRA" MONTEITH, b. 13 Nov 1828, Macon, North Carolina; d. 15 Jul 1914, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina. Notes for SARAH ELVIRA "VIRA" MONTEITH: ! Death Cert ix. ELIZABETH M. "BETSEY" MONTEITH, b. 15 Jan 1831, Macon, North Carolina; d. 07 Oct 1915, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; m. SAMUEL W. SWAYNGIM, 30 Oct 1873, Jackson, North Carolina, USA; b. 1811; d. 18 Jan 1896, Jackson, North Carolina, USA. Notes for ELIZABETH M. "BETSEY" MONTEITH: ! Death Cert. 21. x. JANE ANGALINE MONTEITH, b. 12 Jun 1836, Macon, North Carolina; d. 18 Mar 1907, Jackson, N. C. 4. WILLIAM BLACK3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born Abt. 1795 in Mecklenburg, NC, and died Abt. 1855 in Macon, NC. He married RACHEL FRIZZELL 14 Jan 1819 in Burke, NC, daughter of JOHN FRIZZELL and MARGARET BOWEN. She was bom 1804 in Burke, NC, and died 25 Apr 1865 in Macon, NC. j Children of WILLIAM GRIBBLE and RACHEL FRIZZELL are: i. ELIZABETH BECKY4 GRIBBLE, b. 17 Dec 1819, Burke, NC. JOHN ALEXANDER GRIBBLE, b. 11 Apr 1821, Burke, NC; d. 19 Jun 1898, Jackson, NC. THOMAS GRIBBLE, b. 18 Oct 1824, Burke, NC; d. 10 May 1902, Franklin, Macon, NC. JASON GRIBBLE, b. 06 Mar 1826, Burke, NC; d. 24 Mar 1864. MARGARET "PEGGY" GRIBBLE, b. 1828, Franklin, Macon, NC. WILLIAM G. GRIBBLE, b. 1831, Franklin, Macon, NC. JAMES L. GRIBBLE, b. 1833, Franklin, Macon, NC; d. 21 Sep 1864, Camp Douglas, Chicago, IL; m. MARY C. DILLS, 12 Jan 1861, Macon, NC. ANDREW P. GRIBBLE, b. 1837, Franklin, Macon, NC. JOAB GRIBBLE, b. 1838, Franklin, Macon, NC. ELIJAH GRIBBLE, b. 14 Jun 1842, Franklin, Macon, NC. MARTHA GRIBBLE, b. 16 May 1844, Franklin, Macon, NC. EZEKIEL LAFATE GRIBBLE, b. 22 Feb 1846, Franklin, Macon, NC; d. 16 Jun 1915, Blount, TN. JANE LINEY GRIBBLE, b. 1847, Franklin, Macon, NC. 5. JANE "JINCY"3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 10 Feb 1798 in Mecklenburg, NC, and died 10 Jun 1889 in Jackson, N. C. She married JAMES JR. BUCHANAN 16 Nov 1820 in Haywood, N. C, USA, son of JAMES BUCHANAN and MARTHA BLACK. He was born 30 Jan 1796 in Burke, N. C , and died 06 May 1874 in Jackson, NC. Notes for JANE "JINCY" GRIBBLE: ! newpaper obituary Jincy Buchanan was born in Mecklenburg Co.on 02-10-1798. She married James Buchanan in November of 1820. She died on 06-10-1898. She is buried in the cemetery at Savannah Church. Tombstone gives bom Jan 30 1798, which was birthday of husband James. KJ Children of JANE GRIBBLE and JAMES BUCHANAN are: i. MARGARET4 BUCHANAN, b. 09 Jan 1822, Macon, N. C; d. 22 Dec 1897, Jackson, NC. 28. ii. MARTHA BUCHANAN, b. 1824, Macon, NC; d. 1857, Macon, NC. iii. JOHN A. BUCHANAN, b. 1826, Macon, N. C; m. SARAH ELIZABETH HOLBROOK, 10 Mar 1857, Macon, 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. 29. 30. 31. 32. IV. v. vi. vii. viii. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. l. ii. 111. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 NC. JOSEPH DEPUS BUCHANAN, b. 25 Jan 1829, Macon, N. C; d. 10 May 1911, Jackson, NC. ELIZABETH ANN BETSY BUCHANAN, b. 10 Mar 1835, Macon, N. C; d. 24 Nov 1917, Webster, Jackson, NC; m. AMERICUS "MACK" HIGDON; b. 15 Sep 1835, Macon, NC; d. Abt. 1865. JAMES MARION BUCHANAN, b. 11 Apr 1837, Webster, Macon, N. C; d. 20 Feb 1911, Webster, Jackson, NC. DARCUS JANE BUCHANAN, b. 22 Jun 1840, Macon, N. C; d. 24 Jun 1915, Jackson, NC. WILLIAM OSBORNE BUCHANAN, b. 25 Oct 1842, Macon, N. C; d. 26 Jan 1926, Jackson, NC. 6. JOHN G.3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born 30 Jun 1799 in Mecklenburg, NC, and died 03 Jun 1869 in Canby, Clackmas, OR. He married ELIZABETH ENSLEY 15 Nov 1821 in Haywood, NC, daughter of ANDREW ENSLEY. She was born 11 May 1802 in Edgecombe, NC, and died 11 Oct 1881 in Canby, Clackmas, OR. Notes for JOHN G. GRIBBLE: IBible, Oregon Historical Quartly, Vol. 45, page 61. Children of JOHN GRIBBLE and ELIZABETH ENSLEY are: ANDREW ENSLEY4 GRIBBLE, b. 11 Nov 1822, Haywood, NC; d. 19 Apr 1879, Canby, Clackmas, OR. HANNAH ANN GRIBBLE, b. 05 Mar 1830, Haywood, NC. SAMUEL O. GRIBBLE, b. 17 Mar 1832, Haywood, NC; d. 09 Dec 1914, Clackmas, OR; m. EMMA T. REASONER, 14 Nov 1882, Clackmas, OR; b. 24 Sep 1853; d. 24 Jan 1884, Clackmas, OR. JOSEPH B. GRIBBLE, b. 27 Jul 1834, Haywood, NC; d. 21 May 1885, Clackmas, OR. WILLIAM B. GRIBBLE, b. 21 Mar 1837, Johnson, MO; d. 1875, Climax, Jackson, OR. NANCY JANE GRIBBLE, b. 09 Mar 1839, Johnson, MO; d. 27 May 1865, Clackmas, OR. SARAH TALITHA GRIBBLE, b. 16 Aug 1841, Johnson, MO; d. 27 Jan 1876, Clackmas, OR. JAMES K.. POLK GRIBBLE, b. 16 Mar 1844, Johnson, MO; d. 28 Nov 1925, Aurora, Clackmas, OR. 7. EZEKIEL3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 09 Jun 1803 in Burke, NC, and died 12 Jul 1889 in LaVeta, Huerfano, CO. He married (1) ELIZABETH RHODES MORRIS. He married (2) LUCY MORRISON Abt. 1827. She was bom 1810 in NC, and died Aft. 1852 in Union, GA. He married (3) REBECCA IRWIN BLACK 06 Jun 1867 in Union, GA. Children of EZEKIEL GRIBBLE and ELIZABETH MORRIS are: 40. i. PARROTT WHBORN4 GRIBBLE, b. 27 Sep 1859, Union, GA; d. 24 Apr 1950, Florence, Fremont, CO. 41. ii. HENRY EZEKIEL GRIBBLE, b. 10 Jun 1863, Union, GA; d. 27 Sep 1915, Florence, Fremont, CO. Children of EZEKIEL GRIBBLE and LUCY MORRISON are: JOHN WILLIAM4 GRIBBLE, b. 23 Nov 1828, Burke, NC; d. 16 Aug 1882, LaVeta, Huerfano, CO. ANNE GRIBBLE, b. 1831, Burke, NC. JAMES V. GRIBBLE, b. 1833, NC. ELIZABETH JANE GRIBBLE, b. 25 Sep 1835, Macon, NC; d. 24 Apr 1904, Foard Co., TX. THOMAS JEFFERSON GRIBBLE, b. 1836, Macon, NC; d. 25 Jan 1863, VA. WILLIAM NEWTON GRIBBLE, b. 15 Apr 1840, Macon, NC; d. 06 May 1889, Hill, TX. MARGARET W. GRIBBLE, b. 1841, Union, GA; d. Aft. 1900. ALICE LUCINDA GRIBBLE, b. 25 Dec 1842, Union, GA; d. 12 Mar 1928, LaVeta, Huerfano, CO. GEORGE WASHINGTON GRIBBLE, b. 07 Oct 1843, GA; d. 23 Mar 1922, Crowell Foard, TX. ALBERT JACKSON GRIBBLE, b. 1846, Union, GA; d. 14 Feb 1891, Cleveland, Bradley, TN. ENOS GRIBBLE, b. Sep 1847, Union, GA; d. 22 Apr 1929, Canton, Haywood, NC. ANDREW Y. GRIBBLE, b. 1849, Blairsville, Union, GA; d. 30 Jul 1900, Pueblo, CO. WILEY B..GRJJ3BLE, b. 1852, Union, GA; d. 01 Jan 1917, Whitfield, GA. 8. FRANCES3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born 1805 in Burke, NC. She married GEORGE W. WATSON Aug 1824 in Haywood, NC. Children of FRANCES GRIBBLE and GEORGE WATSON are: 52. i. CATHERINE4 WATSON, b. 04 Oct 1826, Haywood, NC; d. 21 Jul 1899, Doogan, GA. ii. MARGARET WATSON, b. 1829, Haywood, NC. 53. iii. ADAM HIDE WATSON, b. 10 Feb 1831, Haywood Co., NC; d. 01 Jan 1898, Madison Co., Arkansas. 19 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. iii. iv. v. vi. VII. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. XIV. XV. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. IX. X. XI. xii. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 iv. JOHN WATSON, b. 1833, Haywood, NC. v. THOMAS AUSBORN WATSON, b. 14 Jan 1836, Hayesville, NC. vi. MARY WATSON, b. 1837, Haywood, NC. \J vii. JANE WATSON, b. 1839, Haywood, NC. viii. COLEMAN WATSON, b. 1841, Haywood, NC. ix. ANN WATSON, b.1842, GA. x. LUOUS WATSON, b. 22 Oct 1844, GA. 54. xi. RUFUS WATSON, b. 22 Oct 1844, GA. xii. ELMTRA WATSON, b. 1846, Murray, GA. xiii. FRANCES WATSON, b. 1847, GA. xiv. PIETY WATSON, b. 1852, Murray, GA. 9. MARGARET R_ "PEGGY"3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om Abt. 1807 in Burke, NC. She married JASON E. FRIZZELL 12 Nov 1823 in Burke, NC, son of JOHN FRIZZELL and MARGARET BOWEN. He was bom Abt. 1802 in Burke, NC, and died 1862. Children of MARGARET GRIBBLE and JASON FRIZZELL are: RACHEL MALINDA4 FRIZZELL, b. 24 Dec 1824, Burke, NC; d. Aft. 1880. MARGARET AVALINE FRIZZELL, b. Sep 1825; d. Bef. 1910. JOHN ALEXANDER FRIZELL, b. 05 Sep 1827, Macon, North Carolina; d. 28 Sep 1876, Jackson, North Carolina. MARY M. "POLLY" FRIZZELL, b. 1833, Macon, NC. JAMES HARRISON FRIZZELL, b. Oct 1835, Macon, NC; d. Sep 1909, CO. ELIZABETH ANN "BETSY" FRIZZELL, b. 10 Jul 1835, Webster, Haywood, NC; d. 13 Aug 1908, Jackson, NC. WILLIAM MCDOWELL FRIZZELL, b. 03 Mar 1838, Macon, NC; d. 19 Nov 1912. SAMUEL M. FRIZZELL, b. 30 Sep 1840, Webster, Macon, N. C; d. 15 Jun 1911, Webster, Jackson, NC. NANCY FRIZZELL, b. 18 Dec 1843, Macon, NC. DORCAS JANE FRIZZELL, b. 18 Dec 1843, Macon, NC; d. 15 Oct 1882. AMANDARK FRIZZELL, b. 1848, Macon, NC. J EMILY INGABO FRIZZELL, b. 13 Nov 1852; d. 18 Jul 1893. V^ 10. ANNIE3 GRIBBLE (JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born Abt. 1807 in Burke, NC, and died 1843. She married THOMAS JEFFERSON COLVERT 0 8 Dec 1827 in Haywood, NC, son of JOHN COLVARD and ELIZABETH WELCH. He was bom 26 Oct 1806 in Haywood, NC, and died 30 May 1889 in Pueblo, Pueblo, CO. Children of ANNIE GRIBBLE and THOMAS COLVERT are: i. JAMES4 COLVERT. ii. WILLIAM COLVERT. iii. SAMUEL COLVERT. iv. DORCAS COLVERT. v. MARY COLVERT, b. 1828, Macon, NC. vi. MARGARET ELIZABETH COLVARD, b. 1828, Haywood, NC; d. 1914, Cheoah, Graham, NC; m. NOAH WISE RICE, Abt 1850; b. 1819, Buncombe, NC; d. 1898, Robbinsville, Graham, NC. vii. AMANDA COLVERT, b. 1829, Macon, NC. viii. REBECCA ANN COLVARD, b. 1830, Macon, NC. 65. ix. CATHERINE CAROLINE COLVARD, b. 29 Jun 1834, MO; d. 30 Jul 1917, Graham, NC. Generation No. 3 11. ROBERT WATSON4 GRIBBLE (JAMES3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 02 May 1811 in Rayes, TN, and died 27 May 1891 in Chamberville, Collin, TX. He married SARAH ELIZABETH BUCHANAN 08 Oct 1833 in Macon, NC, daughter of SAMUEL BUCHANAN and NANCY WILLIAMSON. She was bom 29 Apr 1813 in Burke, NC, and died 05 Sep 1866 in Gentry, MO. Children of ROBERT GRIBBLE and SARAH BUCHANAN are: NANCY ELIZABETH5 GRIBBLE, b. 13 Sep 1834, Haywood, NC; d. 1922, Collin, TX. \_J JAMES MARION GRIBBLE, b. 01 Feb 1837, Haywood, NC; d. 30 Sep 1918, Collin, TX. MARTHA AMANDA GRIBBLE, b. 31 Aug 1839, Haywood, NC; d. 27 Nov 1929, Elmore City, Garvin, OK. MARY ANN GRIBBLE, b. 26 May 1842, GA; d. 19 Aug 1922, Garvin, OK. ANDRUS LAFAYETTE GRIBBLE, b. 15 Feb 1845, Polk, GA; d. 31 Dec 1905, Hunt, TX. RACHEL SOPHRONIA GRIBBLE, b. 1849, Clinton, MO; d. 08 Mar 1858. 66. 67. 68. i. ii. iii. IV. v. VI. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 69. vii. MARGARET LOUISE GRIBBLE, b. 07 Jul 1850, Clinton, MO; d. 1921, OK. 12. JAMES HARRISON4 GRIBBLE (JAMES3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 1813 in Buncombe, NC, and died 19 Jan 1861 in Clinton, MO. He married MARTHA MATHEWS 01 Mar 1838 in Johnson, MO. She was bom 1818 in TN. Children of JAMES GRIBBLE and MARTHA MATHEWS are: i. JAMES L.5 GRIBBLE, b. 1839, Johnson, MO. ii. ROBERT J. GRIBBLE, b. 1841, Johnson, MO. iii. WILLIAM GRIBBLE, b. 1844, Johnson, MO. iv. LINKY GRIBBLE, b. 1846, MO. v. MARGARET L GRIBBLE, b. 1848, Clinton, MO. vi. SAMUEL GRIBBLE, b. May 1850, Clinton, MO. vii. JOHN L. W. GRIBBLE, b. 1851, Clinton, MO. 13. JOHN ALUSON4 GRIBBLE (JAMES3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 18 Jan 1822 in Buncombe, NC, and died 12 Jul 1907 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KA. He married (1) LUCY ANN WILLS 09 Apr 1848 in Clinton, MO. She was born 09 Apr 1829 in VA, and died 09 Feb 1856 in Ganisville, Cooke, TX. He married (2) ANN D. HALL 09 Oct 1856 in Harrison, MO. He married (3) MILLIE JONES 19 Jan 1860 in Harrison, MO. Children of JOHN GRIBBLE and LUCY WILLS are: 70. i. MARY JANE5 GRIBBLE, b. 1850, Clinton, MO. 71. ii. RACHEL LOUISE GRIBBLE, b. 07 Mar 1852, Clinton, MO; d. 17 Jul 1938, Frisco, Collin, TX. iii. PHOEBE ANN GRIBBLE, b. 1854, Cook, TX; m. WILSON REEVES. Child of JOHN GRIBBLE and ANN HALL is: 72. iv. JAMES B.5 GRIBBLE, b. 1859; d. 1913. Children of JOHN GRIBBLE and MILLIE JONES are: v. ROBERT L.5 GRIBBLE. vi. JOHN S. G. GRIBBLE. vii. WESLEY MCK GRIBBLE. viii. NANCY M. GRIBBLE. ix. THOMAS N. GRIBBLE. X. ALBERT A. GRIBBLE. xi. CHARLES E. GRIBBLE. xii. HENRY M. GRIBBLE. 14. SAMUEL4 GRIBBLE (JAMES3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 1824 in Buncombe, NC. He married MARY ANN HALL. She was bom 1830 in MO. Children of SAMUEL GRIBBLE and MARY HALL are: ___ i. MARGARET ANN5 GRIBBLE, b. 1856, Clinton, MO. ii. WILLIAM D. GRIBBLE, b. 1859, Clinton, MO. 15. SAMUEL H. "SAM"4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 0 6 Jul 1815 in Burke Co., NC, and died 16 Dec 1893 in Lufty, Swain Co., NC. He married MARY E. FISHER 08 Nov 1838 in Haywood, North Carolina, USA, daughter of JAMES FISHER and MARY GILLON. She was bom 16 Oct 1815 in Wehster, Haywood Co., NC, and died 15 Aug 1884 in Lufly, Swain Co., NC. Children of SAMUEL MONTErrH and MARY FISHER are: 73. i. JAMES ALBERT5 MONTEITH, b. 14 Mar~1840, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 07 Mar 1885, Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina. 74. ii. DORCAS JANE MONTEITH, b. 07 Dec 1841, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 20 May 1898. 75. iii. MARGARET ELIZABETH MONTEITH, b. 07 Dec 1843, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 29 Jan 1900, Jackson, North Carolina. 76. iv. GEORGE WATSON MONTEITH, b. 16 Dec 1846, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 15 Jun 1914, Wilmot Swain, North Carolina. 21 KJ Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 77. v. THOMAS MONTEITH, b. 09 Oct 1847, Cherokee, Haywood Co., NC; d. 26 Jan 1934, Beta, Jackson Co., NC. 78. vi. MARY MAGDALENE "MAGGIE" MONTEITH, b. 18 Nov 1849, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 06 Oct 1930, Olympia, Thurston, Washington. 79. vii. SAMUEL LAFAYETTE MONTEITH, b. 16 Oct 1851, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 03 Jul 1911, Walker, Oregon. 80. viii. SARAH ELLEN MONTEITH, b. 30 Sep 1853, Qualla Township, Jackson Co., NC; d. 24 Dec 1890, Dillsboro, Jackson, NC. 81. ix. NANCY C. MONTEITH, b. 23 Aug 1855, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 16 Mar 1935, Ivy Hill, Haywood, N. C. 82. x. MARTHA E. MONTEITH, b. Jul 1857, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 1901, North Carolina. 16. WILLIAM B. "BILLY"4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 15 Sep 1816 in Burke Co., NC, and died 30 May 1894 in Sylva, Jackson Co., NC. He married MARY "POLLY" PARRIS 26 Sep 1837 in Haywood, NC, daughter of DAVID PARRIS and MARY MORROW. She was bom 29 Nov 1819 in North Carolina, and died 16 Mar 1895 in Sylva, Jackson Co., NC. Children of WILLIAM MONTEITH and MARY PARRIS are: i. MONTEITH5. 83. ii. JOHN ALFRED MONTEITH, b. 07 Feb 1841, Haywood Co., NC; d. 15 Jan 1921, Dillsboro, Jackson Co., NC. 84. iii. TALITHA ARMANDA MONTEITH, b. 11 Aug 1843, Haywood, North Carolina; d. 09 Feb 1923, Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina. 85. iv. MARY EUZABETH "POLLY" MONTEITH, b. 21 Nov 1846, Haywood Co., NC; d. 10 Apr 1925, Sylva, Jackson Co., NC. 86. v. WILLIAM THOMAS MONTEITH, b. Feb 1848, Haywood, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1880. 87. vi. DAVID Hrx MONTEITH, b. 27 Jun 1853, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 20 Aug 1909, Jackson, North Carolina. 88. vii. SAMUEL WILEY MONTEITH, b. 13 Apr 1855, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 04 Jun 1950, Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina. 89. viii. SARAH HASELTINE "TINA" MONTEITH, b. 03 Mar 1858, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 18 Oct 1901, Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina. \J 17. JOHN4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 01 Aug 1818 in Burke, North Carolina, and died Bef. 1887 in Glenville, Jackson, N. C. He married BARBARA WDCE 23 Mar 1843, daughter of JOHN WDCE and IRENAH ICENHOUR. She was born 27 Apr 1823 in Macon, North Carolina, and died 07 Dec 1887 in Glenville, Jackson, N. C. Notes for JOHN MONTEITH: ! Doris Monteith Sharpton's records have birth date 1 Aug. 1818 Died Glenville. New tombstone probally provided when moved to make Glenville lake Gives AUG. 1 1818 as birth date no death date. Notes for BARBARA WIKE: ! All Graves were removed from the area covered by the water of the Glenville Dam. They are now in the Baptist Cemetery at Glenville. I think that is where we got the info on John and Barbara Monteith. Doris M. Sharpton June 1990. Children of JOHN MONTEITH and BARBARA WIKE are: i. SARAH ARRENA5 MONTEITH, b. 01 May 1844; d. 1846. Notes for SARAH ARRENA MONTEITH: Name Sarah Arrena in letter Thomas and Sarah wrote John Gribble 1844 90. ii. MARY ANN "POLLY ANN" MONTEITH, b. 30 Jan 1846, Macon Co., NoruYCaroIina; d. 07 Jan 1939, Hamburg, Jackson Co., N. C. ~ "" \^_J 91. Hi. THOMAS S. MONTEITH, b. 22 Feb 1848, Macon, North Carolina; d. 28 May 1917, Hamburg, Jackson, North Carolina, iv. JOHN WESLEY MONTErrH, b. 10 Sep 1849, Macon, North Carolina; d. 31 Aug 1857. v. DOUGLAS WASHINGTON "DOUG" MONTEITH, b. 10 Dec 1856, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 02 Sep 22 1921, Franklin, Macon, N. C; m. CHARITY M. "PET" KEENER, 21 Jul 1898, Macon, North Carolina; b. 04 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Jan 1842; d. 05 Mar 1920. Notes for DOUGLAS WASHINGTON "DOUG" MONTEITH: ! no children ? died Franklin 09/02/1921 Visiting sister Ardella Vinson Death Cert vi. HYRMAN WEXTER MONTEITH, b. 20 Aug 1857; d. 30 Aug 1857. 92. vii. WILLIAM WITCHER "BILL" MONTEITH, b. 24 Dec 1859, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 15 Nov 1926, Hamburg, Jackson, N. C. 93. viii. ANDREW JACKSON MONTEITH, b. 06 Oct 1862, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 13 May 1945, Glenville, Jackson, N. C. 94. ix. ARDELLA ARKANSAS "DELLA* MONTEITH, b. 11 Aug 1865, Webster, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 23 Jun 1897. 18. MARGARET "PEGGY"4 MONTErrH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 22 Jun 1822 in Haywood Co., NC, and died 05 Dec 1905 in Jackson, N. C. She married JOHN WIKE 04 Jan 1844 in Macon Co., NC, son of JOHN WIKE and IRENAH1CENHOUR. He was bom 11 Oct 1811 in Lincoln Co., NC, and died 22 Jul 1890 in Jackson Co., NC. Notes for MARGARET "PEGGY" MONTEITH: ! 1900 census Jcakson Co. p.l 19A #81 living with son Robert Lee Wike. Margaret had 11 children 9 living in 1900. Nancy Monteith Frizzel living with her at age 76 wd. had 13 children with 3 living. Margaret C. listed on Pension application for John T. Wike for Civil War Pension Children of MARGARET MONTEITH and JOHN WrxE are: i. THOMAS J.5 WKE, b. 24 Oct 1844, Tuckaseegee, Macon, North Carolina; d. 05 Oct 1857. ii. SUSAN JANE WIKE, b. 29 Sep 1846, Macon, North Carolina; d. 21 May 1920; m. H. H. WOOD; b. 22 Jan 1844; d. 05 Apr 1915. 95. iii. JOHN JR. "JACK" WKE, b. 28 Oct 1848, Macon, Norm Carolina; d. 06 Oct 1929, River, Jackson, N. C. iv. MANUEL M. WKE, b. 25 Dec 1850, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 29 Jun 1913. v. SARAH MELLIE WIKE, b. 10 Jul 1853, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 14 Oct 1940. vi. MARTIN L. WKE, b. 21 Oct 1855, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 25 Aug 1928, Jackson, N. C. Notes for MARTIN L. WIKE: IDeathCcrt vii. AMANDA A WTKE, b. 05 Mar 1858, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 28 Jul 1945. 96. viii. MARGARET ANNIE WIKE, b. 04 Mar 1860, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 09 Dec 1946, Tuckaseigee, Jackson Co., NC. ix. WILLIAM A. WIKE, b. 25 Oct 1862, Jackson, N. C; d. 26 Dec 1863. x. MARY A. WTKE, b. 09 Jan 1865, East LaPorte, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 01 Sep 1918, Tuckaseigee, Jackson, N. C; m. LYMAN HOOPER. Notes for MARY A. WKE: IDeathCcrt 97. xi. ROBERT LEE WKE, b. 07 Dec 1867, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 16 Feb 1956, Jackson Co., NC. 19. NANCY M.4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 10 Apr 1824 in Haywood, North Carolina, and died 25 Jul 1910 in Sylva, Jackson, Norm Carolina. She married JOHN ALEXANDER FRIZELL 22 May 1848 in Macon, NC, son of JASON FRIZZELL and MARGARET GRIBBLE. He was bom 05 Sep 1827 in Macon, North Carolina, and died 28 Sep 1876 in Jackson, North Carolinas- Children of NANCY MONTErrH and JOHN FRIZELL are: i. .MARGARET E.5 FRIZZELL, b. 1849, Jackson, NC; d. May 1849, Jackson, NC. 98. ii. THOMAS MARTIN FRIZELL, b. 28 Feb 1849, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 12 Jul 1917, Sylva, Jackson, N. C. 99. iii. WILLIAM DANIEL FRIZELL, b. 25 Apr 1851, Jackson Co., NC; d. 14 Dec 1914, Webster, Jackson Co., NC. KJ Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 100. iv. JAMES ROBERT FRIZELL, b. 1854, Jackson, NC. v. S. J. FRIZELL, b. 1857, Jackson, North Carolina. vi. A. T. FRIZZELL, b. Dec 1859; d. Apr 1860. 20. MARY ANN "POLLY"4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 02 Jun 1826 in Haywood, NC, and died 07 Feb 1907 in Webster, Jackson, NC. She married MILTON MOSS 28 May 1863 in Webster, Jackson, NC, son of WILLIAM MOSS and ELIZABETH HOOPER. He was born 09 Aug 1811 in Buncombe, NC, and died 01 Jun 1887 in Webster, Jackson, NC. Children of MARY MONTEITH and MILTON MOSS are: 101. i. ALBERT SMITH5 MOSS, b. 29 Apr 1864, Jackson, North Carolina; d. 27 Sep 1943, Webster, Jackson, N. C. 102. ii. MATTHEW RANSON "MATT" MOSS, b. 07 Nov 1865, Jackson, NC; d. 16 Nov 1939. 103. iii. SARAH ELIZABETH "SALLIE" MOSS, b. 16 Jun 1867, Jackson, NC; d. 27 Feb 1923, Webster, Jackson, N. C. 21. JANE ANGALINE4 MONTEITH (SARAH3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 12 Jun 1836 in Macon, North Carolina, and died 18 Mar 1907 in Jackson, N. C . She married DANIEL MONROE FULLBRIGHT 1868, son of Eli FULLBRIGHT and ELIZABETH ASHE. He was bom 18 Mar 1844 in Webster, Jackson Co., NC, and died 01 Nov 1915 in Webster, Jackson, N. C. Notes for DANIEL MONROE FULLBRIGHT: IDeathCert Children of JANE MONTEITH and DANIEL FULLBRIGHT are: 104. i. ASBURY BYRD5 FULLBRIGHT, b. 15 Sep 1868, Webster, Jackson, NC; d. 28 Oct 1950, Cullowhee, Jackson, N.C. 105. ii. THOMAS POLK FULLBRIGHT, b. 30 Apr 1870, Webster, Jackson, NC; d. 06 Mar 1942, Jackson, N. C. KJ 106. iii. JOHN NELSON FULLBRIGHT, b. 25 Mar 1877, Webster, Jackson, NC; d. 22 Jul 1967, Jackson, N. C. 107. iv. WILLIAM EU FULLBRIGHT, b. 23 Sep 1877, Webster, Jackson, NC; d. 28 Feb 1943, Murphy, Cherokee, N. C. 108. v. SAMUEL ROSCOE FULLBRIGHT, b. 15 Jun 1879, Webster, Jackson, NC; d. 01 Dec 1943, Cullowhee, Jackson, N. C. 22. JOHN ALEXANDER4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BUCK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 11 Apr 1821 in Burke, NC, and died 19 Jun 1898 in Jackson, NC. He married RACHEL WrLSON 08 Feb 1847 in Macon, NC, daughter of JAMES WILSON and PATSY BUCHANAN. She was b om 1829 in NC. Children of JOHN GRIBBLE and RACHEL WILSON are: RICHARD "DICK"5 GRIBBLE. WILLIAM BLACK "BILL" GRIBBLE, b. 09 Dec 1848, Macon, NC; d. 11 Apr 1930. SAMUEL GRIBBLE, b. 09 Dec 1849, Macon, NC. JAMES WILBORN GRIBBLE, b. Apr 1850, Macon, NC. JOHN JACKSON GRIBBLE, b. 1853, Macon, NC; m. LYDIA R. MOORE, 22 Dec 1877, Macon, NC; b. 1858. MARGARET E. GRIBBLE, b. 1855, Macon, NC. RACHAEL MATILDA GRIBBLE, b. 07 Sep 1855, Webster, Macon, NC; d. 26 Dec 1941, Asheville, NC. MARTHA D. GRIBBLE, b. 1858, Macon, NC. RUFUS THOMAS "RUFF" GRIBBLE, b. 09 Apr 1859, Macon, NC; d. 06 Sep 1942. LUCIUS EZEKIEL "LUCE" GRIBBLE, b. 09 Apr 1862, Macon, NC; d. 12 Nov 1940, Towns, GA. ANDREW J. GRIBBLE, b. 1863, Macon, NC. __ EZEKIH, L. "ZEKE* GRIBBLE, b. 15 Jun 1865, Jackson, NC; d. 08 Nov 1955, Hiawassee, Towns, GA. L. COLEMAN GRIBBLE, b. 16 Jun 1867, Jackson, NC; d. 12 Oct 1944. 23. THOMAS4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BLACK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 18 Oct 1824 in Burke, NC, and died 10 May 1902 in Franklin, Macon, NC. He married CLARISSA LOUISE ROGERS 15 Aug 1849 in Macon, NC. She was v^ bom 01 Sep 1827 in Macon, NC, and died 25 Apr 1907 in Franklin, Macon, NC. Children of THOMAS GRIBBLE and CLARISSA ROGERS are: i. LUCRJS MARION WILLIAM5 GRIBBLE, b. 28 May 1850, Macon, NC; m. SARAH ANN CARPENTER, 04 Nov 24 1869, Macon, NC. 109. 110. HI. 112. 113. 114. 115. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Notes for LUCIUS MARION WILLIAM GRIBBLE: ! 1850 census gives Wm. L. 1/12 ii. RACHEL ELIZABETH GRIBBLE, b. 1852, Macon, NC; m. GEORGE W. ANGEL, 05 Sep 1868, Macon, NC. iii. MARGARET JANE GRIBBLE, b. 1854, Macon, NC; m. J. P. MCKINNEY, 25 Dec 1875. iv. WILLIAM ANDREW GRIBBLE, b. 1857, Macon, NC; m. ELIZABETH GAY MATTHEWS, 21 Aug 1879, Macon, NC;b. 1853. v. JAMES S. GRIBBLE, b. 1858, Macon, NC. vi. SARAH LOUISE GRIBBLE, b. 1861, Macon, NC; m. CHARLES STRUTTON, 01 Feb 1882. vii. MARY E. GRIBBLE, b. 1869, Macon, NC; m. WILLIAM GRANT, viii. ANNIE OCTAVIA GRIBBLE, b. 1871, Macon, NC; m. BENJAMIN WALDROP, 25 Sep 1889. 24. JASON4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BLACK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 06 Mar 1826 in Burke, NC, and died 24 Mar 1864. He married ELENDER DAVIS 03 Dec 1854 in Fannin, GA. She was bom 1833 in GA, and died 23 Oct 1916. Children of JASON GRIBBLE and ELENDER DAVIS are: i. MARY JANE5 GRIBBLE, b. 1855, Fannin, GA. ii. MARGARET ANN GRIBBLE, b. 1856, Fannin, GA. iii. NANCY GRIBBLE, b. 1858, Fannin, GA. iv. GARRETT ANDREW GRIBBLE, b. 05 Jun 1861, Fannin, GA; d. 15 Jun 1935; m. IDA MORRIS. 25. MARGARET "PEGGY"4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BUCK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 1828 in Franklin, Macon, NC. She married (1) JAMES A. CLARK 24 Feb 1849 in Macon, NC. He was bom 1826 in Rutherford, NC. She married (2) JOHN M. MCCLURE 1864 in Union, GA. Hewasbom21 May 1801 in NC, and died 11 Sep 1881 in LaVeta, Huerfano, CO. Children of MARGARET GRIBBLE and JAMES CLARK are: i. JOHN A.5 CLARK, b. 1850, Macon, NC. 116. ii. WILLIAM CLARK, b. 1856, Macon, NC. Children of MARGARET GRIBBLE and JOHN MCCLURE are: iii. ADALINE DELIAH5 MCCLURE, b. 21 Jul 1865, Blairsville, Union, GA; d. 03 Jun 1930. iv. CHARLES MCCLURE, b. 1868, Blairsville, Union, GA 26. WILLIAM G.4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BUCK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was b om 1831 in Franklin, Macon, NC. He married ELIZABETH PENDERGRAST 20 Jun 1858 in Macon, NC. Children of WILLIAM GRIBBLE and ELIZABETH PENDERGRAST are: i. MARY A5 GRIBBLE, b. 1859, Macon, NC. ii. JOHN GRIBBLE, b. 1860. iii. THOMAS GRIBBLE, b. 1863. iv. WILLIAM GRIBBLE, b. 1865. v. JASON GRIBBLE, b. 1868. vi. JAMES GRIBBLE, b. 1870. vii. ANDREW GRIBBLE, b. 1873. viii. EZEKIEL GRIBBLE, b. 1875. ix. ELIZA GRIBBLE, b. 1878. x. PEGGY GRIBBLE, b. 1880. xi. BETTY ANN GRIBBLE, b. 1882, Macon, NC. 27. EZEKIEL LAFATE4 GRIBBLE (WILLIAM BUCK3, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born 22 Feb 1846 in Franklin, Macon, NC, and died 16 Jun 1915 in Blount, TN. He married MARTHA MELVINA LUVADA CLARK 12 Sep 1869 in Blount, TN. She was bom 11 Jul 1855 in Shelby, TN, and died 04 Apr 1922 in Blount, TN. Children of EZEKIEL GRIBBLE and MARTHA CLARK are: 25 u Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 i. HENRY5 GRIBBLE, b. 1870, Blount, TN; d. 1870. ii. JOHN JEFFERSON GRIBBLE, b. 03 Aug 1872, Blount, TN; d. 26 May 1949; m. ELIZABETH CRISP. KJ iii. MARGARET ELLA JANE GRIBBLE, b. 25 Sep 1874, Blount TN; m. WILLIAM RILEY AMBURN, 13 Jan 1891. iv. WILLIAM BLACK GRIBBLE, b. 24 May 1876, Blount, TN; d. 05 Jan 1945; m. DORA ISSIE BRYANT, 18 Jul 1901. v. MARY LIZZIE GRIBBLE, b. 19 Jul 1878, TN. vi. JOSIE GRIBBLE, b. 02 Nov 1879, Tallassee, Blount, TN; m. SHERMAN THOMAS BRYANT, 14 Mar 1901. vii. THOMAS MARCELLUS GRIBBLE, b. 01 May 1881; d. 02 Apr 1926. viii. JAMES EMORY GRIBBLE, b. 02 Feb 1883; d. 16 May 1959; m. MAUDE ALICE BRYANT, 14 Sep 1916. ix. ROSE BELL GRIBBLE, b. 02 Jul 1884; m. (1) AMMON FORTNER, 12 Aug 1900; m. (2) GEORGE WASHINGTON BRYANT, 05 Oct 1912, Blount, TN. x. CHARLES EDWARD GRIBBLE, b. 04 Mar 1886, TN; d. 04 Mar 1886. xi. EZEKIEL "DICK" GRIBBLE, b. 29 Sep 1887, TN; d. 31 Dec 1968; m. SALLY ETHEL BRYANT, 06 Sep 1908. xii. MARTHA MELVINA LUVADA GRIBBLE, b. 03 Jun 1889, Blount; m. SAMUEL MCCROY, 04 Jan 1913. xiii. GERTIE LOLA GRIBBLE, b. 18 Jun 1891; m. WILLIAM RIDGE BOYD, 29 Dec 1910. xiv. EULA LAURA GRIBBLE, b. 30 Jul 1898; m. CHARUE HENDERSON HUSTON, 28 Nov 1914. 117. xv. MYRTLE MAE GRIBBLE, b. 17 May 1900, Blount Co., TN; d. 22 Feb 1988. 28. MARTHA4 BUCHANAN (JANE "JiNcr3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was bom 1824 in Macon, NC, and died 1857 in Macon, NC. She married JOHN R. AMMONS 17 Nov 1847 in Macon, NC, son of JOSHUA AMMONS and PHERBE HOLLAND. He was bom 20 Jun 1823, and died 18 Jul 1899. Children of MARTHA BUCHANAN and JOHN AMMONS are: i. JOSEPH5 AMMONS. ii. LEONARD AMMONS. iii. ELENOR AMMONS. 118. iv. JAMES GRAYSON AMMONS, b. 18 Sep 1848; d. 06 Oct 1905. v. PHERBIE AMMONS, b. 1850. vi. JOSHUA AMMONS, b. 27 Sep 1854. 29. JOSEPH DEPUS4 BUCHANAN (JANE -JiNcr3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born 25 Jan 1829 in Macon, N. C, and died 10 May 1911 in Jackson, NC. He married EVA SALINDA HARRIS 04 Apr 1861 in Jackson, NC. She was bom Feb 1842 in NC, and died 1924. Notes for JOSEPH DEPUS BUCHANAN: Hiving with Marcellus 1900 in Sylva. Children of JOSEPH BUCHANAN and EVA HARRIS are: i. WALTER R.5 BUCHANAN, d. 23 Jan 1891, Webster, Jackson, NC. 119. ii. JOHN MARCELLUS BUCHANAN, b. Jun 1862; d. 14 Jan 1943. iii. JULIET R. BUCHANAN, b. 1867, NC. iv. RUSSELLUS BUCHANAN, b. 1868, NC. v. CORNELEUS BUCHANAN, b. 1868.NC. " vi. GIRTRUDE BUCHANAN, b. 1873, NC. 120. vii. BESS BUCHANAN, b. 1878.NC. 30. JAMES MARION4 BUCHANAN (JANE "JINCY*3 GRIBBLE, JOHN2, THOMAS*) was born 11 Apr 1837 in Webster, Macon, N. C, and died 20 Feb 1911 in Webster, Jackson, NC. He married (1) LOUISA BUCHANAN 27 May 1859 in Jackson, N. C , daughter of GEORGE BUCHANAN and CYNTHIA (MONTEITO/BUCHANAN). "She was bom 10 Sep 1844 in Haywood, NC, and died 02 Jul 1870 in Webster, Jackson, NC. He married (2) ELMIRA C. BRIGGS 12 Nov 1871. She was born 03 Mar 1835 in Macon, NC, and died 24 Feb 1885 in Webster, Jackson, NC. He married (3) SALLIE JANE REED 03 Nov 1891. She was bom 31 Oct 1857 in GA, and died 10 Mar 1933 in Jackson, NC. Notes for LOUISA BUCHANAN: ! Buried Buchanan Loop Webster? 1st of 3 wives. 26 KJ Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 P h o t o g r a p h s i n t h e C o n n e r - S h e r r i l l F a m i l i e s [Ed. Windfall time. Mrs. Cleatus Barron shared her family photographs with Bill Crawford, who needs no introduction in these pages. Both Cleatus and Bill descend in these families, and we are pleased to share these old pictures with the membership.] C The first of these photographs is, as a handwritten note attests, "Aunt Louise Parris." This would be Laura Louisa Conner, who became the wife of Alfred Washington Parris. The Parris family has been documented in these pages, and we have at least one society member, James Parris in Iowa, who is a direct descendant of this woman. C 27 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Below, the George Clingman Sherrill family at the Jonas Bedford Sherrill home. Sitting on the porch is Mary Hyatt Sherrill. We include the logo of the relative who owned the camera. KJ \ J To the left, an image of William Robert Sherrill in 1893. We are not sure how well this one will reproduce in print, since the photograph itself was considered an "illustration" by the scanner. KJ 28 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 ^ C The picture above is of remarkable quality. It shows Mary Conner and Sally Eastridge, two sisters of Cleatus's grandmother SherriU. ^ 29 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Below, Gus Sherrill, who married Mary Clark in 1905. Is this she? At the bottom, Clara and Levi Duncan, "Aunt Nice's girls." ^J ^J KJ 30 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 < ^ *w Above, "Cousin George Sherrill" and another unidentified man. Below, Anna Laura Clayton and Cora Henson Dills, who would have been neighbors and friends. <W 31 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 J C G S L i b r a r y A c q u i s i t i o ns Call No. Author Title Donor 929.2 929.1 973.7456 973.7456 287 929.2 286.1 929.2 929.2 929.3 975.69 975.69 F 911 975.6 976.2 975.7 975.8 9773 070 975.7 975.6 975.7 975.7 Hamil, Marie F. Smith, Franklin C. McDowell, Suzanne Myers, Edward L. Peters, Elizabeth A. Peters, Elizabeth A. Caldwell, Juanita E. Patton, Sadie S. Patton, Sadie S. Garren, Terrell T. Scotland Co. Heritage Book Committee Colletta, John P. Atkinson, Gene Gedney, Matt Ross, Ishbel Young, Dwight Lathan, Rev. Robert Jones, H.G. Kendall, Jerry T. Kendall, Jerry T. Ancestors and Descendants of Wilson N. "Willis" Crawford A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your African - American Ancestors North Carolina Troops, Volume VII North Carolina Troops, Volume VIII Affirmation of Faith: A Centennial History of the Cullowhee Methodist Church 1894-1994 Cades Cove and Chestnut Flats: The Rowan, Powell, and Burchfield Connection Shoal Creek Church Book # 2 (Typescript copy) Keeping Up With the Joneses My Hampton Heritage: Remembered With Love Rutherford County, North Carolina, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1838-1839 Sketches of Polk County History The Story of Henderson County The Secret of War: A Dramatic History of Civil War Crime in Western North Carolina Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: North Carolina Heritage of Scotland County, North Carolina, 2003 Only a Few Bones Orangeburg Living on Unicoi Road Silhouette in Diamonds: The Life of Mrs. Potter Palmer Road Trips Through History History of South Carolina North Carolina Illustrated 1524 - 1984 Bennettsville and Marlboro County in Vintage Postcards Confederate Burials Ron and Marie Hamil Bill Crawford Purchase Purchase Bill Crawford Shoal Creek Baptist Church Ann Hampton Peters Ann Hampton Peters Betty Queen Monteith Purchase Jane Nardy Jane Nardy Jane Nardy Jane Nardy Jane Nardy Jane Nardy James Monteith Bill Crawford Bill Crawford 32 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 C Richard W i l s o n T r a n s a c t i o n s i n M a c o n C o u n t y 1 8 2 9 - 1 8 4 7 [Ed. A number of JCGS members descend from Richard Wilson, a pioneer settler in the Savannah section of our county. He and his wife Rachel (Strain) were the parents of a.large family, and their son John in turn became the parent of another large clan. The following is abstracted from Records of Old Macon County, N.C. 1829 - 1850 by Barbara Sears McRae. (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1991) JCGS President Dorris Dills Beck abstracted the work, and submits it here with the permission of Mrs. McRae.] Deed Book A State Grant 121 ($460) for 159 acres crossing Savannah Creek, Granted 9 Jan 1829, Registered 8 J an 1830 State Grant 22 ($5 per 100 a.) for 99 acres on Savannah Creek, Granted 28 Dec 1836, Registered 13 Mar 1837 State Grant 7 ($4 per 100 a.) for 99 acres on Savannah Creek, Granted 28 Dec 1836, Registered 13 Mar 1837 Deed Book B State Grant 287 ($5 per 100 a.) for 100 acres on waters of Savannah Creek, Granted 15 Dec 1838, Registered 21 Jan 1839 State Grant 332 ($5 per 100 a.) for 35 acres on "Cullewhee Creek," Granted 13 Apr 1839, Registered 6 Dec 1839 [Ed. This Richard Wilson is almost certainly not tbe same man as the one on Savannah. We have seen other references to Richard Wilson of Cullowhee, and we assume he is closer related to the Glenville - Hamburg area Wilsons than to the Savannah ones.] Entry 812 William Tatham (for $80) to Richard Wilson, 73 acres on Savannah Creek, Registered 15 Mar 1839 [Ed. William Tatham was a son-in-law of Richard and Rachel Wilson] Entry 817 Richard Wilson to Peter Long, both of Macon, 75 acres, Section 53, District 4, which Wilson purchased at land sale in Franklin 24 Oct 1836. Registered 18 Mar 1839 [Ed. This could have been either the Savannah or Cullowhee Richard.] Deed Book C State Grant 403 ($5 per 100 a.) 100 acres on Savannah Creek, Granted 24 Nov 1840, Registered 10 J un 1841 State Grant 410 ($5 per 100 a.) 30 acres on Savannh Creek, Granted 24 Nov 1840, Registered_10 J u n 1841 State Grant 401 ($5 per 100 a.) 70 acres on Savannah Creek, Registered 10 Jun 1841 33 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Entry 1354 (for $300) Richard Wilson to William Tatham, 85 acres on Savannah Creek, and half of tract 11, to the stillhouse branch, with meanders of branch to the creek, to the State Road, westward with the lane to the first ridge, Registered 11 Sep 1841 Entry 1425 (for $20) James Bradley, Mary Bradley, Hannah Fortenbury of Macon to Richard Wilson of Hall Co. GA, land in Cleveland County, NC, on Williams Creek of French Broad River, being the place where Isaac Fortenbury and Elizabeth Fortenbury lived and died and near or joining Lewes & Covington & others, 100 acres, Registered 1 Feb 1842. [Ed. We are completely ignorant about the identities of these folks.] Entry 1497 (for $199) Richard Wilson to Henry Wilson, both of Macon, Section 54 on Cullowhee Creek and Section 63 in District 7, 54 and 62 acres respectively, Registered 2 Aug 1842 Entry 1498 (for $99) Richard Wilson to Henry Wilson, both of Macon, Section 18, District 7, on E. fork of K. Creek, 51 acres, Registered 2 Aug 1842 Deed Book D Entry 1595 Richard Wilson of Macon to John Wilson of Macon and Levi Wilson of Gilmer County, GA to maintain Richard's wife Rachel and after her death to sell Negro boy Alford, between 12 - 13 years, and money to be equally divided among children of Rachel, Registered 8 Jun 1843 Entry 1889 Richard Wilson of Macon to Rachel Hice of Walker County, GA for $50,70 acres in District 8, bordered by Levi Wilson, registered 4 Oct 1845 Entry 1889 Richard Wilson of Macon to Rachel Heise of Walker County GA, 90 acres on Savannah Creek beginning above Wilson's farm, Registered 4 Oct 1845 Deed Book E Entry 56 Richard Wilson, Administrator of David Wilson of Macon County (for $150) to John Wilson and James Wilson, jointly, 50 acres on Big Savannah Creek, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 57 Richard Wilson (for $300) to John Wilson and James Wilson 72+ acres on Big Savannah Creek, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 58 Richard Wilson (for $50) to John Wilson and James Wilson 99 acres near Savannah Creek, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 58 Richard Wilson^fer $100) to John Wilson and James Wilson 100 acres on Savannah Creek Entry 59 Richard Wilson to John Wilson and James Wilson 99 acres on Savannah Creek, Registered 21 Apr 1846 KJ KJ 34 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Entry 60 Richard Wilson to John Wilson and James Wilson 100 acres on Savannah Creek, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 180 Richard Wilson to John Wilson and James Wilson all household furniture, farming utensils, livestock, including 2 mares, cattle, hogs, and sheep. John and James bound to support and maintain Richard and wife Rachel. Richard also gives John and James one still with all the necessaries. Registered 5 May 1847 Entry 188 Richard Wilson (for $20) to John Gaither Wilson, land entered 15 Feb 1846 on Savannah Creek, Registered 8 May 1847 Entry 190 Richard Wilson (for $80) to John Gaither Wilson, 73 acres, part of Entry No. 494 on Savannah Creek. Registered 10 May 1847 Entry 61 Richard Wilson (for $300) to John Wilson, Negro boy Alfred, age 16, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 61 Richard Wilson (for $300) to James Wilson, Negro girl Harriet, age 14, Registered 21 Apr 1846 Entry 126 Richard Wilson (for $400) to James Wilson, Negro man, Isam, about 37 years old, Registered 11 Nov 1846 Entry 181 Richard Wilson (for $50) to John and James Wilson jointly, a Negro woman, Clo, age 75, Registered 6 May 1847 [Ed. Both Richard and Rachel Wilson died about 1850. We had published, several years ago, an equity court case involving land settlement from the death of the son David, who is mentioned above in Entry 56. Most of the children of Richard and Rachel moved into various communities in North Georgia.] Overheard in the Society office "So many people made liquor on Shake Rag that they had to wear badges to keep from selling it to each other." [Ed. For those of you without a clue, Shake Rag is a place name, "making liquor" a dishonorable way of making a living and a euphemism for moonshining, a practice sometimes completely necessary to have food on a mountain table. The "wearing badges" is a humorous take on the persons that they all tried so hard to avoid, the law enforcement officials.] 35 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 T r a n t h a m S u r v ey [Ed. The following is shared by JCGS member R.O. Wilson, a lineal descendant of the Trantham family.] Tennessee Sevier County By virtue of Entry 1746 dated 16 January 1836 I have Surveyed for William Trantham five thousand acres of land in said county lying on the waters of the Two Mile Branch the Panther Branch & Grassy Branch. Beginning at a Poplar on the Two Mile Branch running thence N 74 Poles to a Stake & Laurel on his line N 36 E 2 Poles to a Poplar his corner then N 20 E 74 Poles to a Spruce Pine a corner to D Reagan N65 E 420 Poles to a Stake S 35 E 1200 Poles to a Stake S 55 W 672 Poles to a Stake N 35 west 1200 Poles to a Stake thence a Direct line to the Beginning Surveyed 24 day of November 1838 Isl John Millendore Surveyor Isl Thomas McCarter CC. Another name is cut off the bottom of the sheet. KJ KJ 36 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 1 9 6 5 D e a t h C e r t i f i c a t e s o f J a c k s o n C o u n t y P e r s o n s B o r n P r i o r t o 1 9 00 C [Ed. Key to reading the following: name of deceased, name of spouse, date of birth, place of birth, 1965 date of death, place of death,- father's name, mother's name, informant's name, informant's address, cemetery. Abstracted in the Jackson County Register of Deeds Office February 2005 by Larry Crawford.] Adams, Queen Pressley; w/o Harrison; 11 Feb 1878; NC; 14 Feb; Sylva; Clingman Pressley; Matilda Mathis; Harrison Adams; Sylva; Speedwell Allen, Frank; h/o Marjorie Bumgarner; 24 Nov 1898; Oconee Co. SC; 14 May; Sylva; Joseph Wyly Allen; Sally Heaton; Marjorie Allen; not given; Zachary Ashe, Thomas Walter; h/o Annie Jackson; 1 Jan 1894; NC; 15 Apr; Sylva; Marion Ashe; Celia Middleton; Ray B. Ashe; Burlington; Fairview Barnes, Elsie Mae Slatton; wid; 5 May 1881; NC; 6 Feb; Sylva; Richard Slatton; Sarah Hooper; Fred H. Barnes; Sylva; Tuckasegee Bates, Henry Harrison; h/o Margaret D.; 22 May 1890; Macon Co.; 3 Aug; Sylva; Robert Bates; Elizabeth Gray; Margaret Bates; Sylva; Cowetta Baptist - Franklin Beasley, George Goldman; 4 Nov 1886; NC; 11 Jun; Sylva; Joe Beasley; Margaret Green; Johnny Jones; Bryson City; Brendle - Bryson City Beasley, Cynthia Jane; w/o Arvan; 28 Sep 1890; NC; 21 Dec; Sylva; Will Ammons; Adaline Shepard; Arvan Beasley; Sylva; Keener Beck, Thad V.; h/o Edna Hoyle; 14 Feb 1897; Swain Co.; 28 Mar; Sylva; J.H. Beck; Elamine (?) Bradley; Edna Hoyle Beck; Sylva; Thomas Brendle, George Robert; wid; 20 May 1893; NC; 13 Mar; Sylva; George W. Brendle; Adeline Jenkins; Mrs. Clarence Davidson; Charlotte; Brendle - Bryson City Brown, Frank Hamilton; h/o Harriet Norton; 23 Feb 1883; NC; 25 Jun; Sylva; Robert Hamilton Brown; Anna Bryson; Frank H. Brown Jr.; Cullowhee; Brown - Cullowhee Methodist Brown, Guscelia Morgan; wid/o Jess F.; 13 Sep 1898; NC; 13 Sep; Sylva; George Morgan; Laura Cope; Bonnie B. Cogdill; Sylva; Cox Buchanan, Hattie Wilde; w/o John C ; 27 Aug 1891; NC; 15 Aug; Sylva; Lee F. Wilde; Fannie Jacbs; Guy Buchanan; Canton; New Savannah Buchanan, Laura Belle; wid; 8 Jan 1875; NC; 8 Mar; Sylva; Felix Leatherwood; Annie Carter; Carl Buchanan; Sylva; Keener Cabe, Thomas Candler; h/o Pearl; 8 Mar 1894; NC; 29 Dec; Sylva; Joe Cabe; Violet Wilson; Pearl H. Cabe; Sylva; Old Savannah Cathey, Charlie Rutledge; h/o Vinnie Sutton; 22 Jun 1894; NC; 26 Feb; Sylva; Francis Cathey; Mattie McDave; Vinnie S. Cathey; Sylva; Keener _. Cathey, John Wike; h/o Silma Martin; 18 Mar 1886; NC; 7 Nov; Qualla; John Cathey; Katherine Wike; Silma M. Cathey; Whittier; Thomas Coffey, John Hill; h/o Dessie; 8 Nov 1877; NC; 15 Mar; Sylva; Finley Coffey; Elizabeth Tuttle; Dessie Coffey; Bryson City; Bryson City Collins, Ella G.; wid; 22 Nov 1887; NC; 24 Dec; Savannah; William C. Cochran; Nancy Bailey; Wiley Collins; Sylva; Zion Hill Collins, George Washington; h/o Ella Cochran; 19 Feb 1891; NC; 22 Apr; Sylva; Wifliam P. Collins; Samantha Corbin; Ella C. Collins; Sylva; Zion Hill Cook, Maude Ensley; w/o William T.; 19 Jul 1892; NC; 29 Oct; Sylva; Wilson Ensley; Margaret Queen; William T. Cook; Sylva; Old Field 37 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Crawford, Julia Bryson; w/o L.W.; 6 Jun 1878; Jackson Co.; 4 Jul; Sylva; Thad Bryson; Hannah Ensley; Loranzo W. Crawford; Sylva; Crawford Dills, Candas Conner; wid; 16 Feb 1872; NC; 15 May; Sylva; S.W. Conner; Elizabeth Messer; Howard Dills; Dillsboro; Keener Dunn, Bertha Naomi; 16 Aug 1881; NC; 27 Feb; Cashiers; Benjamin R. Dunn; Adale Hamlin; Walter Fugate; Cashiers; Lower Zachary Farmer, Kathryn Alexander; wid/o Thad Wilson Farmer; 15 Aug 1884; NC; 4 Jul; Sylva; Sam Alexander; Rachel Coward; Jerome Fanner; Sylva; "church" Fisher, Myrtle McCracken; wid/o Charlie C; 7 Jan 1893; NC; 2 Dec; Sylva; James E. McCracken; Laura Garner; Mrs. Craig D. Pannell; Sylva; Old Field Fowler, William Stewart; h/o Fannie Duncan; 3 Sep 1885; NC; 14 Jun; River; Taylor Zachary Fowler; Loucindy Bryson; Fannie D. Fowler; Glenville; Hamburg Fox, Vadie Houston; w/o Henry; 7 Oct 1884; NC; 27 May; Sylva; Alex Houston; Dicey Gregory; Henry Fox; Cullowhee; Fox Fox, Samuel Thomas; wid; 17 Sep 1872; NC; 6 Mar; Savannah; Nelson Fox; Margaret House; Weaver Fox; Sylva; Hooper - Speedwell Fox, Florence Tinsley; w/o Zollie; 13 Apr; 1889; NC; 25 Apr; Cullowhee; George Harrison; Mary E. Lamance; Mrs. Charles A. Wilkes; Cullowhee; Hooper - Speedwell Franklin, Fannie Ashe; wid/o Samuel D.; 12 May 1879; NC; 15 Sep; Sylva; Marion Ashe; Samantha Stiles; Thurman Franklin; Sylva; Ashe Gates, Frank; h/o Nell M.; 2 Mar 1890; NC; 26 Jan; Sylva; Henderson Gates; Margaret Gibson; Nell M. Gates; Sylva; Old Field ^J Gouge, Avery; h/o Lewellyn Monteith; 15 Jan 1887; NC; 27 Oct; Sylva; William Gouge; Emma Hughes; Lewellyn Gouge; Sylva; Roan Mountain - Bakersville Greenarch, Sarah Stephenson; wid/o John; 23 Aug 1874; KY; 17 Aug; Sylva; Hiram Stephenson; not given; W.H. Greenarch; Sylva; "church" [Ed. Wesley Chapel] Griffin, Ada Mae; w/o Lawson; 31 May 1897; NC; 14 May; Sylva; Thad Winstead; Betty Fletcher; Lawson Griffin; Sylva; Parris Hall, Pearl Bradley; w/o Dock A.; 27 Jul 1881; Macon Co.; 1 Sep; Franklin; Marion Bradley; Lucy Morrison; Dock A. Hall; Franklin; Oak Grove - Franklin Hall, Charlie Jimerson; h/o Sarah Essie; 22 May 1891; NC; 26 Mar; Greens Creek; Charlie Hall; Palestine Beasley; Sarah Essie Hall; Sylva; Old Savannah Hawkins, Elsie Monteith; wid; 10 Sep 1888; NC; 6 Jun; Cashiers; Thomas Monteith; Mary Burress; Wood Hawkins; Cashiers; Upper Zachary Henderson, Burney; h/o Violet Stiwinter; 31 Jan 1884; NC; 10 Jul; Sylva; William Henderson; Octavia Norton; Violet S. Henderson; Cullowhee (Erastus); Pine Creek Henry, Anzel McKinley; h/o Pearl Stanford; 24 May 1893; NC; 4 Mar; Scotts Creek; William B. Henry; Mariah Parris; Pearl S. Henry; Sylva; Old Field Henson, Sallie Davis w/o Frank L.; 6 Nov 1892; NC; 16 Aug; Sylva; Isaac Davis; Letishia Dillard; Frank L. Henson; Sylva; Fairview Higdon, John Samuel; h/o Laura Dills; 16 Feb 1872; NC; 26 Apr; Sylva; Joseph H. Higdon; Margaret Berry; JoMeta Higdon; Sylva; Dills - Sylva Hooper, Dillard; wid; 29 Mar 1883; NC; 7 Mar; Sylva; Thomas Hooper; Luzanne Stephens; Martha M. Hooper; Caney Fork; Hooper - Caney Fork Hooper, Daniel Corsey; h/o Maggie Frady; 8 Jun 1889; NC; 26 Nov; Sylva; Sonny Hooper; Elizabeth Coggins; Maggie Hooper; Cullowhee; Pine Creek ^—^ 38 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Houston, Cordia H.; w/o Baxter; 14 Aug 1887; NC; 23 Mar; River; Alex Houston; Dicey Gregory; Baxter Houston; Tuckasegee; Tuckasegee Hoyle, Howard Baxter; h/o Effie Lindsey; 12 May 1890; NC; 3 Nov; Cullowhee; George Hoyle; Nancy Gunter; Effie L. Hoyle; Cullowhee; Fairview Hunter, Laura Frederick; wid/o Harry F.; 23 Aug 1884; St. Louis MO; 2 Aug; Cullowhee; August Frederick; Nannie L. Fowler; Mrs. Paul Tuttrup; Cullowhee; Harts Crematory - Macon GA Hunter, Harry Frederick; h/o Laura Frederick; 23 Mar 1884; MO; 26 Feb; Cullowhee; Henry Hunter; Elizabeth Foulks; Mrs. Paul Tuttrup; Cullowhee; Harts Crematory - Macon GA Jones. Cal D.; wid/o Jane Sutton; 19 Dec 1878; NC; 3 May; Sylva; not given; Sophronia Jones; Mrs. David Morgan; Cullowhee; "church" Josefson, Rudolph; h/o Margaret Weik; 7 Sep 1896; Sweden; 9 Aug; Cashiers; not given; not given; Margaret Josefson; Fort Lauderdale FL; Lauderdale Memorial Gardens - Ft Lauderdale FL Knight, Martha Owens; w/o Charlie L.; 28 Nov 1881; NC; 12 Jun; Sylva; Miles Owens; Sally Ann Leopard; Edwin Knight; Sylva; Hooper - Speedwell Lanning, Luther Norman; h/o Lonas Stephens; 17 Jan 1880; NC; 12 Apr; Hamburg; Joshua F. Lanning; Margaret L. Garren; Mrs. Luther Lanning; Glenville; Hamburg Leatherwood, John Marion; wid; 27 Feb 1874; NC; 22 Oct; Sylva; William H. Leatherwood; Clara Hayes; Alma Stanberry; Dillsboro; Parris Leopard, Annie Moore; w/o Lee; 24 Mar 1890; NC; 28 May; Sylva; Jordan Moore; Julia Hawkins; Ada M. Brunette; Sylva; Keener Littlejohn, Annie; wid/o Elowah; 15 Sep 1881; NC; 24 Apr; Qualla; not given; not given; Lizzie Littlejohn; Cherokee; "family" Long, Baxter Napoleon; h/o Lizzie; 16 Dec 1878; NC; 12 Jun; Cullowhee; John Long; Louise Hooper; ; San Francisco CA; Fairview McCall, Charlie Stevens; 24 Oct 1875; NC; 4 Oct; Sylva; John W. McCall; Martha Jackson; Cecil Passmore; Brevard; Pleasant Grove McCall, Journey; h/o Zora Crowe; 26 Sep 1892; NC; 31 Aug; Cashiers; Alec McCall; Minerva Jane McCall; Zora C. McCall; Cashiers; Pleasant Grove McCaU, Anna Fowler; wid; 14 Jul 1879; SC; 22 Sep; Cashiers; Elijah J. Fowler; Eddie Corbin; Leaman McCall; Cashiers; Lower Zachary McMahan, James S.; 15 Mar 1885; NC; 24 May; Sylva; Thomas McMahan; Margaret McMahan; Mrs. Albert McMahan; Dillsboro; Locust Field Martin, America Edwards; wid/o Dallas Andrew; 29 May 1871; NC; 11 Jul; Sylva; Samuel Edwards; not given; Mrs. Jessie Cordell; Whittier; Thomas Mashburn, Tisha Delia; wid; 19 Oct 1880; NC; 13 Dec; Sylva; Sam Painter; Delia Dalton; Lela Powell; Waynesville; Franklin - Long Branch Middleton, Will W.; h/o Delia Shook; 11 Jun 1878; NC; 26 Dec; Sylva; David Middleton; Mariah Chastain; Joe Middleton; Sylva; Middletton Moody, Charles Rector; h/o Elizabeth Liner; 11 Dec 1877; 25 Dec; Sylva; James Moody; Nancy Jaynes; James Moody; Waynesville; Green Hill - Waynesville Moore, John Wallace; wid; 29 Jan 1886; NC; 2 Mar; Sylva; Columbus Moore; Annie Roland; Mrs. Alvin Franklin; Sylva; Stillwell MuU, Essie Miller; w/o Raymond A.; 16 Apr 1898; NC; 29 Jul; Sylva; John B. Miller; Emaline Parris; R.A. Mull; Sylva; Addie 39 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Nations, Lola Parris; w/o Fred; 7 Jun 1890; NC; 13 Aug; Sylva; James Parris; Florence Wilson; Fred Nations; Sylva; Addie Nicholson, Emma Wood; wid/o James W.; 28 Mar 1891; NC; 28 Oct; Canada; J.C. Wood; Alcesta Queen; Herman Nicholson; Tuckasegee; Wood - Canada Norman, William Abraham; h/o Eva; 22 May 1895; NC; 20 May; Sylva; Abe Norman; Sarah Wilson; Eva Norman; Sylva; Norman Parker, John Milas; h/o Charlotte Aiken; 28 Sep 1887; NC; 21 Aug; Sylva; Thomas Parker; Rebecca Brown; Mrs. Harold Cook; Sylva; Balsam Grove Poindexter, Lula Jane; wid/o Albert L.; 25 Nov 1885; Macon Co.; 4 Apr; Sylva; Dock Solesbee; Mary Davis; Edgar Ghormley; Franklin; Iotla - Franklin Phillips, Clara Smith; w/o John G.; 18 Apr 1884; NC; 8 Dec; Sylva; Lewis Smith; Clara Coward; John G. Phillips; Sylva; Cullowhee Pressley, Jake Clingman; h/o Mary Ashe; 12 Jun 1884; NC; 19 Mar; Cullowhee; Cling Pressley; Matilda Mathis; Mrs. Mary Ashe Pressley; Cullowhee; Hooper - Speedwell Pressley, John Henry; 29 Sep 1897; NC; 24 Mar; Sylva; Fidil Pressley; Laura ; Mrs. Donald Carter; Greenville SC; Hooper - Speedwell Queen, William Estes; 24 May 1896; NC; 12 Jul; Sylva; Harmon Queen; Sallie Franks; Sadie Queen; Sylva; Fairview Queen, Rufus Gaston; h/o Violet; 22 Feb 1885; NC; 5 Feb; Dillsboro; James Robert Queen; Madora Shelton; Margaret Russell; Sylva; Queen - Dillsboro Quilliams, Emma Deitz; wid; 20 May 1892; NC; 20 Jun; Savannah; Marcus Deitz; Nancy Green; Columbus Deitz; Sylva; East Fork Raby, Sarah Battle; wid; 13 Jan 1879; NC; 8 Jun; Qualla; James Battle; Adelade Keener; Mrs. Glen Clayton; Whittier; Thomas Raby, Jess; h/o Alice Hipps; 5 Apr 1888; NC; 28 Jul; Sylva; Adarado Raby; Maggie McGee; Alice H. Raby; Whittier; Sherrill Reagan, Charlie Andrew; h/o Cora Elders; 16 Sep 1891; ARK; 5 Jul; Sylva; Frank Reagan; Evin Bell; Bob Reagan; Dillsboro; Long Branch Reed, Thad Wiley; wid; 3 Mar 1890; NC; 10 Aug; Sylva; Charles Reed; Sarah Monteith; Charles G. Reed; Lake Junaluska; Old Field Reed, Thadeus Edgar; h/o Bertha Henson; 27 Jul 1883; NC; 7 Apr; Sylva; James P. Reed; Marcella Farmer; Mrs. Bertha Reed; Sylva; Fairview Ridley, James Commodore; h/o Nora Gunter; 5 Oct 1887; NC; 3 Jun; Sylva; Boney Ridley; Elizabeth Sorrells; Nora G. Ridley; Sylva; Dicks Creek Robinson, Julius Jarrett; h/o Annie Coggins; 7 Sep 1890; NC; 7 Feb; Sylva; Ephraim Robinson; Marion Davis; Annie C. Robinson; Sylva; Robinson Shelton, Fred C ; h/o Ruth Wittenberger; 2 Aug 1893; IN; 27 Nov; Sylva; Jesse Shelton; Jennie Powell; Ruth W. Shelton; Cullowhee; East Hill - Arlington IN Shelton, Mellie Parker; wid/o Elbert; 19 Sep 1897; NC; 6 Sep; Sylva; James A. Parker; Viola Parker; Jess Shelton; Sylva; Cullowhee Shook, John Lee; wid/o Elizabeth Galloway; 27 Mar 1884; NC; 20 Aug; Canada; Jim Shook; Nell Shelton; Deltha Ashe; Tuckasegee; Rock Bridge Shuler, James Candler; wid/o Fannie Parker; 2 Jul 1872; NC; 12 Mar; Cullowhee; David Shular; Susan Everett; Nancy Shular; Cullowhee; Balsam Grove Shuler, Maria Blanton; wid/o Milas; 17 Feb 1881; 20 Feb; Sylva; William R. Blanton; Pinie Ensley; Lloyd Shuler; Sylva; Addie 40 ^J KJ Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Shuler, Treasey Wood; wid/o Rufus; 14 Oct 1893; NC; 2 Nov; Sylva; Jack Wood; Artie ; not given; not given; Lovedale Sizemore, Chester; h/o Martha Anthony; 26 Mar 1888; Greer SC; 18 Feb; Sylva; Efird Sizemore; Etta Smith; Mrs. Chester Sizemore; Franklin; Lauada Stewart, Mary Arleca; wid; 15 Oct 1875; NC; 24 Feb; Cashiers; Jehue Brown; Nancy Kitchens; Mrs. Henry Nix; Cashiers; Stewart Stillwell, Ephraim Posey; h/o Esther Kinney; 8 Aug 1887; NC; 12 Mar; Sylva; Jacob Siler Stillwell; Martha Allman; Charles B. Stillwell; Albuquerque NM; Stillwell Sutton, Fred Lewis; h/o Nora Gibson; 10 Apr 1894; NC; 15 Nov; Sylva; Lewis Sutton; Cindy Parton; Nora G. Sutton; Dillsboro; Fairview Swayngim, James Weaver; h/o Cumile Coward; 7 Sep 1885; NC; 2 Feb; Sylva; James Ervin Swayngim; Arlie Rogers; James P. Swayngim; Cullowhee; Coward Swayngim, Mary Conley; wid; 9 Jun 1883; Swain Co.; 7 Jul; Sylva; Sam Conley; Nancy Conley; Geraldine Kelly; Sylva; Keener Taylor, Samuel Richard; wid; 12 Jul 1881; Portadown Ireland; 13 Sep; Sylva; Isaac Taylor; Rachel Johnston; Mrs. T.D. Slagle; Sylva; Old West - Madison CT Taylor, Mary Davis; wid; 4 Nov 1873; NC; 21 Jun; Sylva; James Davis; Tennes Taylor; Charles C. Taylor; Sylva; Wesley Chapel Thompson, Arsene Garfield; wid; 5 Sep 1883; NC; 4 Oct; Qualla; Johnson Thompson; Nancy Wadesittie; Jefferson Thompson; Whittier; Thompson - Cherokee Vinson, Florence Oxner; w/o Andy; 5 Mar 1892; NC; 26 Mar; Cullowhee; Lewis Oxner; Rebecca Watson; Andy Vinson; Sylva; Cullowhee Baptist White, Mary Hart; 30 Mar 1898; NY; 30 Apr; Sylva; Emmet E. Hart; Rachel Sprague; Mrs. John W. Ellis; Ellicottville NY; Fairview -North Madison Lake OH Wilson, Edna Taylor; w/o Lyle; 16 Dec 1894; NC; 28 Oct; Sylva; Hansel Taylor; Martha Wilson; A. Lyle Wilson; Cullowhee; Fairview Womack, Timmey Webster; 3 Mar 1891; NC; 27 May; Sylva; not given; not given; Elmer O. Womack; Sylva; Parris Wood, Curtis W.; h/o Edith Hooper; 29 Sep 1894; NC; 24 Apr; Sylva; Jerry Wood; Mary Mehaffey; Edith H. Wood; Tuckasegee; Tuckasegee Baptist Woodard, Annie Christine; wid; 14 Jun 1878; NC; 13 Apr; Sylva; John Bowers; Sarah Higdon; Mrs. David Cloer; Bryson City; Cochran - Bryson City 41 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 T h r e e S h o a l C r e e k O b i t u a r i e s [Ed. The following abstracts come from the Shoal Creek Baptist Church Book # 3. They are the only obituaries in the book.] Alpheus Beck Son of Stephen J., Eliza L. Beck Born 11 Feb 1871, Died 13 Mar 1909 Joined at Shoal Creek Aug. 1891 Married Clarissa Jones 3 Dec 1899 "leaves wife, 2 children, father and stepmother, four sisters, three brothers "sainted mother and sister...have gone on before" Josephine Snyder Wife of Frank Snyder Daughter of H.L., Martha Clark Born 15 May 1850, Died 8 May 1911 Mother of twelve children, nine survive, six girls, three boys Joined at Mt. Zion Church in Swain County > Eliza Hyatt Nancy Eliza Hyatt, daughter of David, Neoma Howell Born 17 Oct 1824 Married to E.G. Hyatt 27 Oct 1842 Nine children born, six survive, three sons, three daughters (Surviving) D.M. Hyatt, Sweetwater TN J.R. Hyatt, Waynesville R.L. Hyatt and Mrs. Cordelia Moody, Quallatown Martha Plott, Saganaugh OR Mary Bennett, Bryson City Joined at Shoal Creek 2 Sep 1865 Died 28 Mar 1913 Laid to rest beside her husband in Hyatt Cemetery KJ 42 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 H o u s e h o l d s i n S c o t t s C r e e k T o w n s h i p i n 1 8 8 0 [Ed. We continue with the editor's series begun last spring.] Family #42 Robert J. Ensley Martha H. James H. W W W 20 16 1 Farming Housekeeping Son NC TN NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Notes: Robert Estes Henson (The "J." is curious here) (28 Sep 1 8 5 9 - 5 Apr 1937) married 24 Mar 1878 Martha Haseltine Hall (26 Mar 1 8 6 4 - 1 1 Dec 1938). They lived eventually in Andrews and are buried there in Valley River Cemetery. The son shown here is James Henry Ensley (20 Apr 1879 - 26 Sep 1963), who married Melvina C. Crawford and Rebecca J. Parris. He and Rebecca are buried at Gaston Memorial Park in Gastonia. Family #43 Franklin T. Henson Mary L. MaryM. Daniel Smathers w w w w 49 47 21 66 Farming Housekeeping daughter at home uncle N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC Notes: In the Haywood County marriages, Thomas F. Henson married Mary L. Smathers 16 Dec 1852. While we believe that this is the above family, we do not believe that they always lived in Jackson County. Family #44 William R. Love Mary J. James Sarah MaryW. Albert Hodge W W W W W W 50 46 12 5 1 18 Farming Housekeeping Son at school Daughter Daughter Nephew - w o r ks on the farm NC TN NC TN TN TN NC NC TN NC NC TN NC NC TN TN TN TN Notes: This is most likely a son of John Bell and Margaret Coman Love, and we speculate that this is the family for whom Love Cemetery at Willets is named. (The families enumerated in this issue lived in the area that we today associate with the Willets - Mount Pleasant area.) Family #45 Thomas M. Henson Elizabeth A. Burton R. Laura P. Catherine Blanton David White W W W W W W 53 45 10 7 35 17 Farming Housekeeping Son at home Daughter Servant Servant NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 43 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Notes: Thomas Merton Henson (13 May 1 8 2 5 - 1 May 1918) is shown here with his second wife Elizabeth A. Cunningham, whom he married 24 Nov 1878 in Jackson County. The son is Burton Rickman Henson (17 Jun 1871 - 13 Nov 1954), who married Nancy Adelaide Calhoun. The daughter is Lorena Palestine Henson (5 Jun 1873 - 11 Apr 1952), who married Thomas Clingman Bryson. All of the above are buried in Crawford Cemetery. Catherine Blanton (5 May 1844 - 25 Feb 1928), a daughter of Riley and Nancy Burns Blanton, married Elbert S. Arrington, and is buried in Arrington Cemetery at Saunook. We do not know anything further about David White. Family #46 OIlif V. Crawford Henry D. Welch Varina C. Nora Sarah Woodruff W W W W W 63 26 18 7/12 59 Widow-Housekeeping NC NC NC Son - in - law - Farming NC NC NC Daughter at home NC NC NC Granddaughter-born Oct. NC NC NC Widow-Servant NC NC NC Notes: Olive V. (some sources say "Virginia," but this is unsubstantiated) Crawford (23 Jan 1817 - 21 Jun 1900) was the widow of William R. Crawford. She was a daughter of Robert and Mary Queen Hemphill and is buried beside "Billy" in Crawford Cemetery. The daughter shown here is Varina Carletta (18 May 1862-14 Nov 1943), who married 20 Oct 1878 Henry Deck Welch, the son - in - law shown here. They are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Everett, Washington. The granddaughter is Nora May (18 Oct 1879 - 18 Jun 1973), whose married name was Tatham. See JTJ of Sept. Oct. 1997 for Jean Brown's story of this family. The Sarah Woodruff we know nothing about, but we have speculated in the past that she was actually a sister of Olive. Family #47 KJ Andrew B. Henson Mary A. Joseph E. W W w 19 17 1/12 Farming Housekeeping Son born May NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Notes: Andrew Bartlett Henson (12 Jun 1860 - 17 May 1902) was a son of Thomas Merton and Mary Emiline Crawford Henson. He married (26 Nov 1878) Mary Ann Ensley, a daughter of James and Elizabeth Cogdill Ensley. The son shown here is Joseph Estes Henson. A.B., a Baptist minister, is buried in Crawford Cemetery. Mary Ann is said to be buried in South Carolina. Family #48 Thadeus G. Bryson Hannah William E. Nelson Laura C. Goalman Zebulon V. Julia P. w w w w w w w w 30 27 11 9 7 5 4 2 Farming Housekeeping Son at home Son Daughter Son Son Daughter N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC N C N C NC Notes: Thadeus Grant Bryson (1849 - 6 Sep 1932), a son of Robert and Mary Cunningham Bryson, married Hannah Ensley (18 May 1851 - 29 Mar 1924), a daughter of William and Lucretia Parris Ensley. The oldest son shown here is William Estes Bryson (20 Nov 1869 - 18 ^J 44 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Dec 1952), who married May Belle Queen. Nelson Bryson (25 Apr 1871 - 22 Sep 1910) married Mary Jane Henson. Laura Candas (b. 9 Oct 1872) married John Bean and Robert W. Powell. Goalman (18 Jan 1874) married Dona Ward. Zebulon Vance (22 Feb 1 8 7 6 - 3 Oct 1961) married Rosabelle Allen. Julia Paralee (22 Jan 1 8 7 8 - 4 Jul 1965) married Loranzo W. Crawford. The parents here, Nelson, and Julia are buried in Crawford Cemetery, Estes at Old Field Cemetery. Family #49 Charlotte Carson W 57 Widow - Housekeeping NC NC NC Julius T. W 22 Farming NC NC NC Notes: Charlotte Carson (21 Nov 1 8 2 1 - 8 Dec 1913) was a daughter of Thomas and Jencie Cole Henson and was the Civil War widow of James Terrell Carson. The son shown here is Julius (7 Jun 1858 - 24 Jul 1944), a well - known Baptist minister in Jackson County. Both are buried in Carson Cemetery at Willets. Family #50 Joseph Queen W 27 Farming NC NC NC LidaJ. W 24 Housekeeping NC NC NC MaryC. W 6 Daughter NC NC NC Leander W 4 Son NC NC NC WiUiam W 1 Son NC NC NC —J Notes: Joseph T. Queen (29 Sep 1852 - 28 Jan 1898) married 4 Mar 1873 Lydia Jane Carson, (22 Feb 1856 - 27 Jan 1943), a daughter of the Charlotte Carson shown above. (We are not certain about the parents of Joseph.) The children here are Mary C. (18 Jan 1874 - 8 Apr 1895) and William (31 Jan 1879 - 26 Jul 1904) are buried in Carson Cemetery, as are their parents. We do not know about the son named Leander. FamUy #51 Razor Dean Hazeltine James T. Notes: Christian Razor Dean (17 Apr 1859-3 Jul 1946) married (12 Dec 1878) Hazeltine Carson (26 Jun 1860 - 5 Nov 1903), a daughter of James Terrell and Charlotte Carson. The son shown here, James T. Dean, lived in Transylvania County. Both Razor and Hazeltine are buried in Carson Cemetery. (Other references have given different states of birth for Razor Dean, a question that has intrigued our Frizzell members, who are direct descendants of this family.) w w w 20 19 8/12 Farming Housekeeping Son born September SC SC SC NC NC NC NC SC NC 45 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 I n d e x t o JTJ, V o L X V , N o . I Adams 37 Aiken 40 Alexander 17, 38 Allen 1,15,16, 37, 45 Alley 14 Allison 17 Allman 41 Alverson 15 Amburn 26 Ammons 26, 37 Andrews 17 Angel 25 Anthony 41 Armstrong 17 Arrington 13, 14,16, 44 Ashe 13, 24, 37,38,40 Atkinson 14, 32 Austin 16 Bailey 37 Barker 7, 15 Barnes 37 Barron 27 Bates 37 Battle 15,40 Baucom 15 Bean 45 Beasley 37,38 Beck 4, 6,13,33,37,42 Beckett 15 Bell 14, 40 Bennett 7, 42 Berry 38 Black 17,18,19 Blanton 40,43,44 Blaylock 14 Bowen 18,20 Bowers 41 Bowles 13 Boyd 13,14, 15,26 Bradley 34,37, 38 Breece 15 Brendle 37 Briggs 26 Brooks 14 Brown 37, 40,41,44 Browning 16 Brunette 39 Brunley 16 Bryant 1,13,26 Bryson 5,13,16,37,38,44,45 Buchanan 4, 6, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20,24,26,37 Buchannon 17 Buff 13 ' Bumgarner 3, 14, 37 Burchfield 32 Bums 44 Burress 38 Cabe 13,37 Caldwell 14,15,32 Calhoun 13,44 Campbell 14 Carpenter 24 Carper 13 Carson 14, 45 Carter 4,37,40 Cathey 37 Chastain 39 Childs 16 Clark 25,30, 42 Clayton 31,40 Cloer 41 Cochran 37 Coffey 37 Cogdill 37, 44 Coggins 16,38,40 Cole 45 Colletta32 Collins 37 Colvard 20 Colvert 20 Colville 15 Coman 43 Conard 13 Conley 41 Conner 3,15,16,29,38 Cook 37,40 Cope 17,37 Corbin 37,39 Cordell 39 Covington 34 Cowan 4,15,16 Coward 15,38, 40,41 Crawford 5, 13, 15, 27, 32, 37, 38, 43,44,45 Crisp 26 Crockett 15,16 Cunningham 5, 16, 44 Curtis 16 Dalton 6,39 Davidson 37 Davis 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 38, 40, 41 Dean 45 DcBord 13,15 Deitz 1,40 Dennis 15 Dillard 15,38 Dills 4, 6,13,18,31,33,38 Dobb 15 Duncan 30,38 Dunn 38 Dysart 17 Eastridge 29 Edwards 39 Elders 40 Elias 13 Ellis 41 Enloe 14 Ensley 13, 19, 37, 38, 40,43,44 Everett 40 Fanner 38, 40 Felmet 14 Ferguson 13,14,15,16 Fish 15 Fisher 13,15,21,38 Fletcher 38 Ford 15 Fortenbury 34 Foulks 39 Fowler 38, 39 Fox 38 Francis Franklin 38,39 Franks 40 Frederick 39 Freeman 14 Frizeli 24 Frizzel 23 Frizzell 14,16, 18,20,23,45 Fugate 38 Fullbright 24 Furniss 15 Gaddis 14 Galloway 40 Garner 38 Garren 14, 32, 39 Gass 15 Gates 38 Gedney 32 Geisler 13 Gentry 14 Ghormley 40 Gibson 38,41 Gillon 21 Gordon 15 Gouge 38 Grant 25 Grasty 13 Gray 37 Green 37,40 Greenarch 38 Gregory 38,39 Gribble 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24, 25,26 Griffin 38 Grogan 15 Grooms 13 ^J 46 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Gunter 13,39 Guyot 7 Hall 17, 21,38,43 Hamil 32 Hamlin 38 Hampton 1,32- Haney 15,16 Hannah 16 Harris 15,16,26 Harrison 13,16, 38 Hart 41 Hawkins 38, 39 Hayes 13, 39 Haynes 14 Heaton 37 Heise 34 Hemhill 17 Hemphill 5,44 Henderson 38 Henry 14, 15, 38 Hensley 16 Henson 15,31, 38, 40,43,44,45 Herring 13,15 Hice 34 Hicks 14,15,16 Higdon 19,38, 41 Hipps 14,40 Hodge 43 Holbrook 18 Holcombe 14 Holden 1,3 Holland 26 Hooper 3, 4, 15, 23, 24, 37, 38, 39,41 House 38 Houston 38, 39 Howell 14,42 Hoxit 14 Hoyle 13,14,37,39 Hoyles 14 Hughes 38 Hunter 39 Huston 26 Hyatt 14,28,42 Hyde 13 Icenhour22,23 Ingle 14 Irwin 19 Jackson 37, 39 Jacobs 37 James 14 Jaynes 39 Jenkins 37 Johnson 14,15 Johnston 41 Jones 1, 13, 14, 21, 32, 37, 39, 42 Josefson 39 Justice 16 Keener 22,40 Kelly 41 Kendall 32 Kerby 13 Kerley 13,16 Kilby 13,14 Kinney 41 Kirkpatrick 14,16 Kitchens 41 Knight 39 Lackey 13 Lamance 38 Lanning 39 Lathan 32 Leatherwood 13,14,37,39 Leftwich 14 Leopard 39 Lewes 34 Lewis 5,13 Lime 13 Lindsey 13,39 Liner 39 Littlejohn 39 Locust 13 Long 4,14,17,33,39 Love 13,14,16,43 Lovedahl 15,16 Lowe 13 Luker 16 Lynch 13 Mangum 13 Marr 14 Martin 13,15, 39 Mashburn 39 Massey 13, 14,16 Massie 13 Mathews 21 Mathis 14,37, 40 Matthews 25 McCall 39 McCarter 36 McClure 13,14,25 McCracken 13,14,15,16,38 McCrae 33 McCraig 15 McCroy 26 McDave 37 McDonald 13,16 McDowell 10, 32 McGaha 14 McGee 40 Mclnturffl3 McKay 13 McKinney 25 McKinza 17 McMahan 39 McMahon 13 " Mease 13, 15 Medford 15,16 Medford 16 Mehaffey 14, 41 Messer 14,15,38 Middleton 16, 37,39 Milk 13 Millendore 36 Miller 13,15, 39 Mills 13,14,16 Mitchell 12,15 Monteith 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23,24, 26,32, 38, 40 Montooth 17 Moody 13,14,42 Moore 3, 14, 15, 16,24,39 Morgan 14,15, 37,39 Morris 19,25 Morrison 14, 19, 38 Morrow 14,16,22 Moss 3,16, 24 Mull 13,14,15,39 Murray 13,14 Muse 14 Myers 32 Nardy 32 Nations 40 Nicholson 14, 16,40 Nix 41 Noland 14, 16 Nolen 14 Norman 40 Norton 38 Oliver 16 Olvey 14 Osborne 13 Owen 14 Owens 39 Oxner 14,41 Page 16 Painter 14,39 Palmer 14 Pannell 38 Panterl6 Paris 15 Parker 4,14,15,16,40 Parks 16 Parris 14, 22, 27, 38, 39, 40, 43, '44 ~ Parton 41 Passmore 39 Patton 32 Pell 15 Pendergrast 25 Persons 14, 16 Peters 1,32 Phillips 14,40 Plott 42 Poindexter 40 Powell 32, 39, 40,45 Pressley 3,15,37,40 47 Journeys Through Jackson Winter 2005 Prince 15 Pruett 14, 16 Pullim 17 Putnam 15 Queen 15, 32,37, 40, 44, 45 Quilliams 40 Raby 13,40 Ray 13, 15,16 Reagan 15,36,40 Reasoner 19 Reed 26, 40 Reeves 21 Rhinehart 15 Rhodes 19 Rhymer 14, 15,16 Rice 3,20 Rickman 14, 15,16 Ridley 15,40 Robinson 15,40 Rogers 24,41 Roland 39 Ross 32 Rowan 32 Russell 14, 40 Sauld 15 Saunders 13 Sawyer 15 Sayre 16 Sears 33 Sellers 15 Sentelle 13 Sharpton 22 Shehan 15 Shelton 14,15,16,40 Shepard 37 Sherrill 15, 28,29,30,31 Shinn 14 Shipman 14, 15 Shook 39,40 Shular 40 Shuler 15, 16,40,41 Siler 15 Sisk 13 Sizemore 41 Slagle 41 Slatton 37 Smathers 13,14,15,16,43 Smith 4,14,16,32,40,41 Sneed 16 Snyder 13,42 Solesbee 40 Sorrells 40 Sprague 41 Stamey 16 Stanberry 15,39 Stanford 38 Stanley 16 Stephens 14, 16, 38 Stephenson 13, 38 Stevens 16 Stewart 3,41 Stiles 38 Stillwell 41 Stiwinter 38 Strain 33 Stringfield 13 Strutton 25 Styles 16 Sutton 4, 37, 39, 41 Swanger 15,16 Swayngim 16,18, 41 Swearingen 16 Swearinger 13 Tatham 33,34, 44 Taylor 3,41 Tew 14,16 Thompson 16,41 Trantham 13,36 Travis 14 Tritt 15 Truitt 16 Turtle 37 Tuttrup 39 Tyner 15 Uzzell 14 Vamer 13 Vaughn 14 Verne 16 Vinson 23,41 Wadesittie41 Waldrop 25 Wales 16 Walker 15 Ward 13, 14,16,45 Watson 13,15,19,20,41 Way 15 Webster 41 Welch 13,14,16,20,44 West 16 Whitaker 16 White 13, 41,43,44 Wiggins 13 Wike 14,22,23, 37 Wilde 37 Wiley 16 Wilkes 38 Williams 14,16 Williamson 20 Wills 21 Wilson 16 Wilson 24 Wilson 3, 16, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41 Winstead 38 Wittenberger 40 Womack 41 Wood 13,16,40,41 Woodard 41 Woodruff 44 Woods 14,16 Woody 16 Worley 16 Wright 15,16 Wyatt 13, 14 Young 17, 32 KJ 48