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Journeys Through Jackson 1998 Vol.08 No.07-08

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  • Journeys Through Jackson is the official journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Inc. The journal began as a monthly publication in July 1991, was published bimonthly from 1994 to 2003, and continues today as a quarterly publication. The journal issues in this digital collection are presented as annual compilations.
  • c K. J o u r n e y s T h r o u g h J a c k s o n o T h e O f f i c i a l J o u r n a l o f t h e J a c k s o n C o u n t y G e n e a l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , I n c. V o l . V I I I , N o . 7 - 8 J u l y - A u g u s t 1 9 98 L JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. INC. 1998 Officers President William L. Crawford Vice Presidents Betty P. Foti Rick L. Frizzell Secretary Marilyn G. Morton Treasurer David C. Frizzell Librarian Dorris D. Beck Office Manager Ruth C. Shuler Computer Coordinator Kirk E. Stephens Chair, Publications R. Larry Crawford Journeys Through Jackson is the official publication of (he Jackson County Genealogical Society. Members and non-members are invited to submit genealogical materials for publication, with the understanding that the editor reserves the right to edit these materials for genealogical content, clarity, or taste. The Society assumes no responsibility for errors of fact that may be contained in submissions, and except where noted the opinions expressed are not those of the editor or of the Jackson County Genealogical Society. The Society accepts no advertising for this publication except for nonces for other non-profit groups. F r om the E d i t or All JCGS members should know and be proud that your Society has entered an unprecedented period of growth and excitement. The Society office, open in the evenings and on Saturdays, has given a whole new focus to our group. Our meetings there are well - attended, the programs are as always outstanding, and one only needs to notice the additions to the executive committee above to see growth and progress in action. The Society voted the three additional officers into office because we have a home, we have the beginnings of a library, and we have a very imressive new Internet presence. Our cemetery book is selling well, we have gained a new membership record many times over, and we have been, as always, blessed to be part of an organization that includes some of the finest people imaginable. All of this, of course, does not come about without hard work, but that grass-roots spirit of cooperation that has always characterized this Society has made that hard work a pleasure. We are profoundly saddened by the death of our second Society president, Archie Crawford. See Ruth Shuler's tribute to him on page 91. Also read the genealogical accomplishments of your fellow members Sharon Carnes, Betty Cope Andrews, and Shawna Hall, along with more county records, more photographs, and the initial acquisitions of the JCGS library. We believe you will agree that membership in this Society is a most worthwhile endeavor. y V i s i t u s a t o u r n e w w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . m a i n . n c . u s / j c g s/ U Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 O Table of Contents Queries 91 Tribute to Archie Crawford 91 JCGS Photo Album 92-94 Newspaper Death Notices, by Sharon Carnes 95-102 What Went Before...Contents of Back Issues of JTJ 102 The Monteith Families of Betty Cope Andrews 103-106 1932 Jackson County Death Certificates 107-110 Lloyd Cowan Reacts to the sawmill picture 110 The John Owen Descendancy of Shawna Green Hall 111-114 Delayed Birth Certificates of Jackson County, Vol. 4 115-118 Donations to the JCGS Library 119-120 Workshop Notice 120 C Queries Anita Green, 1555 Lewis St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311, seeks information on Henry Charles Smith, her great grandfather, bom in Jackson Co. Mother was Annie Smith, her parents George Smith and Elenor Smith. Was her husband also named George? Was he killed in Civil War? Fran Haskett Wood, 3645 Leslie Ann'Rd., Birmingham, AL 35243 (, seeks information on John Haskett, b. 1809,1810. Death date 12 Nov 1861, according to Bible. Possibly married 2 or 3 times. Son William Henderson Haskett, b.-1835, buried in Mountain Grove Cemetery. Also a son named Joseph Winbern Haskett, given in Bible as son of John and Polley Williams. Fran seeks date and place of birth, wives' names, parents' names. K~> James Emil "Archie" Crawford 1922-1998 With the passing of Archie Crawford on Jury 19, the Society lost an important part of its own early years. Archie was the first person who paid Society membership dues', and he served as the Society's second president in 1993 and 1994. Archie was a genial, affable person who was a friend to all and who was dedicated to preserving family and local history. His leadership during the early years was integral to the success of the organization, and his keen insight helped chart the course the Society has taken in ensuing years. He always had a story that was pertinent to the subject under discussion, frequently making a point with twinkling eyes and good-natured humor. Archie's personality was that of a gentle, kind man who made one feel good just to be with him. His wholesome outlook on life, his cheerful attitude, his enthusiastic delight in his small great-grandson, and his compassion for the less fortunate, especially the hungry, were attributes that marked him as a man of substance, of heart, and of love. His love for his family and his church left no doubt that his priorities were absolutely in order. To his wife Ruth, his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters and others relatives, the members of the Jackson County Genealogical Society extend'their condolences and their sympathy. We shall miss him. Ruth Shuler 91 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 JCGS Photo Album Ky The photographs above were taken at Oakwoods Cemetery in Chicago in 1996 by Sarah Kucharski. The picture on the left is a view of the monument at the Confederate mound. The top name on the right is that of James Terrell Carson, Corporal in the North Carolina 62nd, which included many Jackson County men. Oakwoods was the removal burial site for the thousands who died at Camp Douglas. Carson was a son of William and Lydia Crawford Carson, and was married to Charlotte Henson. The photograph above has been in the editor's family for many years. It has no identification on the back, any immediate family members who might know who these people were have been gone for a generation or more. Any identification help would be most appreciated. 92 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Ky JCGS Photo Album ^ C The photograph above is a likeness of Thomas Judson Buchanan, maternal grandfather of JCGS member Cance Carnes. Cance also shares the picture to the left, which is of Jesse Gibson, brother of Cance's paternal grandmother EUen Gibson Carnes. Jesse and Ellen were two of the children of Jason Columbus and Belzura Stiles Gibson. "Jud" Buchanan, who lived from 1877 to 1961, is buried at Old Savannah Cemetery with his wife, who was Florence Dills. Gibson and his parents are buried at the Bee Knob Cemetery on Dicks Creek. Our thanks to Cance Carnes for sharing these pictures with the Society, and we encourage all Society members to send in extra copies of your old family photographs for inclusion in JTJ, and to place in the Society files. 93 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 JCGS Photo Album y Mystery Photograph Page This page of the album is a Mystery Photo page. The little child at the top left and the men with the guns (and some pretty incredible com) are probably connected to the Queen family of Johns Creek. They were shared by Smoky Mountain High School student Jennifer Queen. The small photograph to the right has a stamp on the back reading, "J. Robt Childers, Photographer Whittier, NC. In the editor's possession, it probably belonged to Mrs. Cumi Blanton Hooper, who lived on Camp Creek. Identifications, anyone? 94 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 C < Deaths From Jackson County Newspapers Extracted by Sharon Carnes [Ed. We continue in this issue with the outstanding - and painstaking - work of Sharon Carnes with the old issues of Jackson County papers. The first table shows deaths mentioned in Reel 2 microfilm of The Sylva Sentinel (26 Mar 1897 - 10 Dec 1897), filmed for WCTC by the North Carolina Department of Archives and History, 4 Aug 1952. Sharon passes along that this paper is attached to the first reel of the Jackson County Journal, and that some issues are out of order.] • w Name Oliver Painter Mrs. James S. Queen R.D. Flickinger Mrs. Radford W. H. Thomas MJBLHood Anthony C. Robinson Mrs. Heaton Sallie Brendle Jack Banks Jane Spake Robert L. Dillard Mrs. WJ.Cocke Mrs. John C. Henderson Mrs. Frank Hooper Theodore Painter Elizabeth Hayes Mrs. M.L. Dills Mrs. Jesse A. Wild David Sutton W.H. Keller Millard F. Kincaid Soloman Messer John L. Potts L.M. Bumgardner Mrs. George Springer Family Not given Haynes Queen Not given J A . Radford Col. Thomas Mrs. J. N. Hood Not given Hannibal Heaton Joseph Brendle Mrs. SA. Steadman Rev. G.W. Spake Not given Notjpven Not given Not given R. A. Painter George W. Hayes Phillip Dills J.D. Buchanan Not given Not given Will Kincaid Not given Not given Logan Bumgardner Not given - Place 1 Cullowhee Beta Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Near Whittier Macon Co. Jackson Co. Cashiers Valley Haywood Co. Raleigh, Wake Co. Dillsboro Rabun Co., GA Asheville Hamburg Hamburg Cullowhee Andrews, Cherokee Dillsboro Asheville Dillsboro Cullowhee Charlotte Dillsboro East LaPorte Fletcher, Henderson Co. Dillsboro ssne 2 Apr 1897 2 Apr 1897 30 Apr 1897 30 Apr 1897 14 May 1897 21 May 1897 18 Jun 1897 25 Jun 1897 2 Jul 1897 16 Jul 1897 16 Jul 1897 23 Jul 1897 30 Jul 1897 20 Aug 1897 20 Aug 1897 20 Aug 1897 19 Nov 1897 24 Sep 1897 29 Oct 1897,5 Nov 1897 5 Nov 1897 5 Nov 1897 5 Nov 1897 5 Nov 1897 5 Nov 1897 3 Dec 1897 3 Dec 1897 Pag,Col 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3b 3b 3b 3a 3a 3a 3a 3a 3b 3a3a 3a 3a 3b 3a 3a 3a 3b Ky [Ed. On the following pages, the death notices are extracted from mey<rcfoanC0w^J«ima*,Red2(4 May 1906-21 Jul 1911), and Red 3 (21 Jul 1911 - 29 Dec 1911), microfilmed for WCTC by the NC Dept of Archives and History, 4 May 1952. Sharon's introduction reads," The microfilmed issues of the Jackson County Journal are included on the same reel as the Tuckaseigee Democrat, High School Advocate, and Sylva Sentinel newspapers. The films are catalogued under the title "Jackson County Journal'' in the microfilm cabinets at Hunter Library, Western Carolina University. Because the Jackson Comity Journal ran from 4 May 1906 to 14 Oct 1943,1 have divided up the task into manageable five year segments. As before, I have chosen to include as notices those deaths mat were briefly mentioned. There are several instances where I identified a death only because the deceased's burial expenses were paid for by the county, and an accounting of the fact was given in the "Commissioner's Report*' featured in me newspaper." ] 95 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name Polly Deitz Mrs. James Terry Hamp Queen Vela Estella Green Ashe infant Mary A. Hooper Thomas Bragg Allison linden G. Buchanan S. Gudger Buchanan T.E. Rogers Mary Catherine Anderson Adam McDonald Judge George A. Jones "Pop" Hooper Will Leopard Capt York's mother Jasper J. Bnehanan A.J. Long Dr. Littlejohn William Forister Napolean Frady Otelia Emeline Early Stanley Ferris May Woodard Daisy Ashe Mr. Bennett Martha M. Rigdon Robert L. Blanton MAM Joseph B. Allen John C. Bnehanan Allen son Olive Grimshawe Mariah Bryson Arminda Holden Christy Nicholson BJV. Queen John G. Allman Dora E. Hyatt Roy Allen Arthnr Woody Mary Stedman Enloe Ella White A.VJP. Bryson Etta Cagle WatWns David Zebnlon Dillard William Bennett Family Martin Deitz Not given Not given Jerry Green James Ashe Not given Eugenia M. Allison RG. Buchanan RG. Buchanan Not given W.P. Anderson Not given Not given Not given Not given Capt J IL York J. Burton Buchanan Not given Not given Mrs. Nute Phillips Bob Frady S.T. Early Not given J.B. Woodard F.M.Ashe Belle Bennett J.D. Sitton W.R Blanton Dorcas E. Chastain James M Buchanan Charles B. Allen Dr. C. Grimshawe Not given Not given John Nicholson Not given Laura Allison Not given Not given Mrs. B.C. Grindstaff Scroop Enloe Not given Not given Dixon Watkins Tabitha Woods Dillard Mont Bennett Place Scotts Creek, Jackson Scotts Creek, Jackson Canada, Jackson Deitz, Jackson Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Webster, Jackson Savannah, Jackson Savannah, Jackson Asheville, Buncombe Webster, Jackson Jackson Co. Macon Co. Rich Mountain, Jackson Fall Cliff, Jackson Union Co., GA East Fork, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Beta, Jackson Webster, Jackson Dillsboro, Jackson Asheville, Buncombe Deitz, Jackson Jackson Co. Spruce Pine, Yancey sic Speedwell, Jackson Ochre Hill, Jackson Beta, Jackson BushneU, Swain Jackson Co. WhitesideCoveJackson Balsam, Jackson Fall Cliff, Jackson Greenville, SC Jackson Co. Addie, Jackson Jackson Co. Sylva, Jackson Burnsville, NC Dillsboro, Jackson Tuckaseigee, Jackson Webster, Jackson Dillsboro, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Speedwell, Jackson Issue Pag,CoI 4 May 1906 25 May 1906 25 May 1906 1 Jun 1906 15 Jun 1906 29 Jun 1906 29 Jun 1906 13 Jul 1906 13 Jul 1906 3 Aug 1906 17 Aug 1906 17 Aug 1906 17 Aug 1906 17 Aug 1906 24 Aug 1906 31 Aug 1906 19 Oct 1906 19 Oct 1906 19 Oct 1906 26 Oct 1906 28 Dec 1906 28 Dec 1906 7 Jun 1907 7 Jun 1907 5 Jul 1907 5 Jul 1907 5 Jul 1907,3 Jan 1908 5 Jul 1907 5 Jul 1907 3 Jan 1908,10 Jan 1908 3 Jan 1908 10 Jan 1908 10 Jan 1908 31 Jan 1908,28 Feb 1908 31 Jan 1908 31 Jan 1908 31 Jan 1908 31 Jan 1908 31 Jan 1908 14 Feb 1908 14&21&28Feb 1908 14 Feb 1908 14 Feb 1908 14 Feb 1908,28 Feb 1908 21 Feb 1908 21 Feb 20 Mar 1908 3b 4a 4a lb 4a lc le 2b 2b If lc lc If 4b 4b 4b Id 5c 5c 8d la lb 2d 8b la lb lb,7a le 2a lbclc 4c 6b 7b le,4e 3c 4a 4b 4b 4c la lc4b; le;6b le le 8b,lb lc 4e,9c 96 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name Bony Whitmire Keener Cline Andy J. Woods Polly Queen Mattie Bryson Hyatt Fairy Hall Joe McCall, Sr. Erastus Rawley Hampton Mrs. Lon Edwards Watson Shelton child Ibbie Mathis Mathis children A.W. Fanner Julia Bryson Florence Laney KermitClaybonrn Dills William Haskett Emma Calhoun Bumgarner Fugate child Thomas J. Love Maggie Monteith Fugate John Roy Brendle Alice Hoffard Fisher Bad Jones Mr. Abel William Madison Rhea Luther Parris Sarah Rebecca Dillard Richard Chastain Mrs. Will Robinson Mrs. Moses Mary H. Moore Meta Edley Taylor Artie Minerva Palmer T. Douglas Alley Mrs. William Sutton Mr. Shipman Mrs. Watson Judge Fred Moore Earle McDade Martha A. Richards Minerva Messer Annie Rogers Fowler child Blake McConnell W.Leber Watkins R. Morgan Davis Family Mack Pierson Not given Not given Not given Not given Dick Hall Not given L. Hampton Harve Watson David Shelton Not given Weston Mathis Lizzie Gibson Farmer AD. Bryson J.F. Laney T.C. Dills Not given Lindsey Bumgarner Charles Fugate Not given Charles Fugate J.P. Brendle Avery Fisher Not given Not given S.MRhea Nelson Parris Benjamin Dillard Robert Chastain Ed C. Smith H. Moses Not given A.E. Taylor Phillip Palmer Martha Bumgarner MB. Allison Not given Z.V. Watson Lela Enloe Moore Mrs. J.C. Fisher Not given Not given Not given W.M Fowler Not given Not given LM. Davis Place BrevardjTransylvania Swain Co. Canada, Jackson Canada, Jackson Bryson City, Swain Greens Creek, Jackson Pleasant Grove Jackson Bryson City, Swain Cashiers, Jackson Argura, Jackson Argura, Jackson Argura, Jackson Beta, Jackson Glenville, Jackson Monroe, WA Big Ridge, Jackson Macon Co. Dillsboro, Jackson Sapphire, Transylvania Jackson Co. Sapphire, Transylvania Lyman (WA?) Glendale, SC Addie, Jackson Waynesville, Haywood Jackson Co. Addie, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Tuckaseigee, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Tuckaseigee, Jackson Tuckaseigee, Jackson Jackson Co. Whiteside Cove, Jackson Cashiers, Jackson Deets, Jackson Jackson Co. Speedwell, Jackson Asheville, Buncombe Dillsboro, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Dillsboro, Jackson Sapphire, Transylvania Jackson Co. Clay Co. Dillsboro, Jackson Atlanta, GA Issue 21 Feb 1908 21 Feb 1908 21 Feb 1908 21 Feb 1908 21 Feb 1908 28 Feb 1908 28 Feb 1908 13,20 Mar 1908 13,20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 20 Mar 1908 10 Apr 1908 10 Apr 1908 24 Apr 1908 24 Apr 1908 24 Apr 1908 24 Apr 1908 1 May 1908 1 May 1908 22 May 1908 22 May 1908 29 May 1908 3 Jul 1908 3 Jul 1908 10 Jul 1908 17 Jul 1908 17 Jul 1908 17 Jul 1908 7 Aug 1908 7 Aug 1908 14 Aug, 4 Sep 1908 14 Aug 1908 14 Aug 1908 21 Aug 1908 28 Aug 1908 28 Aug 1908,31 Jul 1908* 28 Aug 1908 4 Sep 1908 1 Oct 1908 13 Nov 1908 20 Nov 1908 20 Nov 1908 Pag,Col 5a 7b 8a 8a 8a la 5c 4a5ac 8c,6b le le le le,6b 2a,6a 6b 6c 2a Sd 2b,8b 3b 8b 8c 3a 5b lb 2b 8d Id le Id lb lb le ld,4b le,4b 4a;lb 4b 4b Id le l £ lc 4b lc 4b la lb le 97 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name Sarah C. Ashe Green Davis infant Dr. W.C. Tompkins David Turpin Thomas B. Allison Jr. Capt Terrell Nath Coward John Jenkins Harrison Rogers AX. Wike Clara Crawford J.M. Chastain John E. McLain Sarah Cope Alpheus Beck C.L. Hunnicutt Frank R. Stedman William D. Monteith Georgia Meafce?) Mrs. Charles McCuUers Lula "Pop" Price Josie Williams Patterson Elrnira Henson Mrs. Cochran John C. Cochran Mr. Love's uncle Howard Worley Annie Bert Keener J.S. Meroney Stella Messer Alvawia O'Daniell Puryear Amos Cabe DuTs infant B.(?) Hughes Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Ward Porter Galloway Jim P. Aiken Mrs. McLain Talitha Coward Tempe Coggins Family G.W.Green Ben Davis Not given Mary Messer Turpin Eugenia Allison Not given Not given Not given James Rogers J.M Wike RJ. Crawford W.J. Chastain Not given W.D. Cope Clearcy Jones Beck Not given Charles Stedman Not given Mrs. C.W. Arnold Mrs. FA. Sredman Not given W £ . Patterson Jesse A. Henson VIM. Cochran N.E. Cochran D.L. Love J.M Worley James Keener Not given Thad Messer Mrs. W.B. Creasman Not given AJ. Dills Not given George Morgan Tom Ward Lafayette Galloway Not given W.K. McLain Ransom Hooper ML. Coggins Place Savannah, Jackson Jackson Co. Webster, Jackson Dicks Creek, Jackson Webster, Jackson Webster, Jackson Webster, Jackson Addie, Jackson Glenville, Jackson Stacy, TX Jackson Co. Swan,GA Asheville, Buncombe Jackson Co. Shoal Creek, Jackson Beta, Jackson Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Murryville, GA Raleigh, Wake Tuckaseigee, Jackson Addie, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Gay, Jackson Gay, Jackson TN Webster, Jackson Canton, Haywood Murphy, Cherokee Chattanooga, TN Sylva, Jackson Savannah, Jackson Jackson Co. Whittier, Jackson Green's Creek, Jackson Qualla, Jackson Balsam Grove, Transylvania Brevard, Transylvania Topton, Cherokee Caney Fork, Jackson Jackson Co. Issue 5 Sep 1909 19 Feb 1909 19 Feb & 12 Mar 1909 19 Feb 1909 19 Feb 1909 12 Mar 1909 12 Mar 1909 12 Mar 1909 26 Mar 1909 26 Mar 1909,9 Apr 1909 9 Apr 1909 16 Apr 1909 16 Apr 1909,18 Jun 1909 28 Apr 1909 28 May 1909 28 May 1909,4 Jun 1909 28 May 1909 28 May 1909 28 May 1909 4 Jun 1909 4 Jun 1909,11 Jun 1909 11 Jun 1909,18 Jun 1909 11 Jun 1909 18 Jun 1909 18 Jun 1909 25 Jun 1909 2,30 Jul 1909 2 Jul 1909 9 Jul 1909 16 Jul 1909 23 Jul 1909 23 Jul 1909,22 Apr 1910 23,30 Jul 1909 20 Aug 1909 27 Aug 1909 27 Aug 1909,3 Sep 1909 3 Sep 1909 3 Sep 1909 3 Sep 1909 17 Sep 1909 17 Sep 1909 Pag,Col lc lc lc,lf Id Id If If 2c 2b 4c,lb If le 4e,4d 4b lb lb, le le If 4b 4b 4b, 4d Id, 3d 3b 3d 3d 4a le, lb 2c 2a Id le le, Id 4b, lc 3c Id 4c, le Id 2a 4a Id 3b 98 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name Margaret Porter Jackson W. Ira Davis Sarah Ann Fox Buchanan James Manahale Minerva Anthony Stringfield Woods Bida Keener Tompkins Tom Keener Arch Bateman Harve Bateman Henry Farr William Torrey Harris Arthur Brooks Rebecca Pierson Sallie Buchanan BeUe FrizzeU Stella Divelbiss B.F. Barron W. Hamilton Cope Rufus Ensley Edward Wilson Nancy Alice Stewart John C. Bryson Patterson Franklin Mrs. John Barnes AJ). Gibson Mrs. Harry Moody Bass Browning Mrs. John L. Potts MissWestall Alfred Watson Oscar Conley Marv Phillips Fannie Monteith Mrs. Moore Bertie Dean Elizabeth Cunningham Mary Ward Copeland infant Polly Shepherd George Bumgarner Mattie Dills Ed Brown Willie Mitchell WJ*. Allman Willie Knight Enloe David Brown Mary Rebecca Hughes Family Mrs. F.A Stedman Not given Nelson Fox Not given William Anthony Not given Tom Keener Not given Jake Bateman Jake Bateman Not given C.J. Harris Not given Not given Joe Buchanan Not given J.W. Divelbiss Not given Walter Cope T.C. Ensley Andrew Wilson Joe Stewart Mrs. RH. Brown Not given J.M Crawford Not given Mrs. EX. McKee Not given EllaHagan Not given Not given W.T. Conley MR Phillips S.W. Monteith Henry Moore J.T.Dean Not given Henry Ward John Copeland John Shepherd J.W. Bumgarner Mrs. J.H. York Not given Ida Harris Mitchell E.J. Stillwell Allman Scroop Enloe Not given George A Hughes Place Paragould, AR East LaPorte, Jackson Jackson Co. Sylva, Jackson Qualla, Jackson Jackson Co. Qualla, Jackson Qualla, Jackson Tellico Plains, TN Tellico Plains, TN Tellico Plains, TN Providence, RI Balsam, Jackson Cashiers, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Dillsboro, Jackson Asheville, Buncombe Savannah, Jackson Beta, Jackson Oak Point, WA Ellijay Creek, Jackson Erastus, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Madison Co. Cope Creek, Jackson Billings, MT Waynesville, Haywood Waynesville, Haywood Asheville, Buncombe Soco Gap, Jackson Cashiers, Jackson Bryson City, Swain Piedmont, SC Beta, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Jackson Co. Balsam, Jackson Wilmot Jackson Balsam, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Madison Co. Beta, Jackson Webster, Jackson Waynesville, Haywood Cullowhee, Jackson Webster, Jackson Issue 17 Sep 1909 1 Oct 1909 1 Oct 1909 8 Oct 1909 8 Oct 1909 22 Oct 1909 29 Oct 1909 29 Oct 1909 5 Nov 1909 5 Nov 1909 5 Nov 1909 12 Nov 1909 12 Nov 1909 3 Dec 1909 10 Dec 1909 17 Dec 1909 17 Dec 1909 17 Dec 1909,18 Feb 1910 25 Feb 1910 * 25 Feb 1910 * 24 Dec 1909 31 Dec 1909 7 Jan 1910 7 Jan 1910 7 Jan 1910,21 Jan 1910 7 Jan 1910 14 Jan 1910 28 Jan 1910 28 Jan 1910 28 Jan 1910 4 Feb 1910 4 Feb 1910 4 Feb 1910 4 Feb 1910 4 Feb 1910 11 Feb 1910 8 Apr 1910 8 Apr 1910 8 Apr 1910 8 Apr, 6 May 1910 22 Apr 1910 22 Apr 1910 13 May 1910 13 May 1910 1 Jul 1910 1 Jul 1910 15,22 Jul 1910 15 Jul 1910 Pag,Col 4a 3b,c 3b lc Id lc Id Id 3d 3d 3d lc Id lc 3b Id Id 4b, 3b lc lc lb 7b lb Id 4b, 3b 4b 4b le le le Id le 2c 3c 4a lc lb 3d 4a 4a, 3a 3c 2b If 3b 2d 3b 3a, 2c 4a 99 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name Moody Brown Joe Ensley James T. Tate Kope Elias Oberland Lee Nancy Frizeli Harriet Sitton W. B. Cheek Sam Jones W.G. Hanson Mr. Hyde Mr. Simpson CoL J.D. English Eva Holderfield WUISwink Charley Adams E.O. Dunn George Fornan Rebecca Rogers Mrs. Crawford Mr. Peckerwood Mrs. Joseph Aikens Leander Davis Mr. Lyda N.B. Moore W.N. Hedden T.G. Picklesimer Dr. Nicholson Carrie Davis Mrs. J.W. Burton William Wilson Jesse Bryson M.L. Knight Augustus Peek Victor Hooper JJ*. Wilson Humphrey Messer Pearl (?) William A Henson Myrtle Jones Art T. Justice Calvin Wilburn «Wib" Cogdill Dora Harris Family Victor Brown Not given Charles N. Vance Lewis Elias Not given T.M. Frizeli J.D. Sitton Not given Not given Not given Not given Not given Mrs. W.M Fowler Walker Davis Not given Not given Not given Not given H.S. Rogers Matt Crawford Not given Not given Not given Meredith Lyda Rebecca Poindexter Moore Mrs. N. Coward Not given Not given WJ3. Davis Not given J.N. Wilson Not given Hattie Bryson Knight Montgomery Peek W.M Hooper Not given Dock Messer John V. A** Not given Edgar Jones Althe Potts Justice Mrs. Sprinkle Dock Harris Place Issue Cullowhee, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Black Mtn., Buncombe Swain Co. Cherokee, Swain Beta, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Buncombe Co. Henderson Co. NJ Murphy, Cherokee Murphy, Cherokee Spruce Pine, Yancey sic Waynesville, Haywood Asheville, Buncombe Mountain Crk.,Graham Transylvania Co. Haywood Co. Cullowhee, Jackson Sylva, Jackson Swain Co. SC Sylva, Jackson Henderson Co. Sylva, Jackson Webster, Jackson Bryson City, Swain Andrews, Cherokee Oak Point WA Webster, Jackson Jackson Co. Birmingham, AL Andrews, Cherokee OR McAllister, OK Jackson Co. Dillsboro, Jackson Jackson Co. Beta, Jackson Qualla, Jackson Bethel, Haywood Fontana, Swain Jackson Co. 22 Jul 1910 22 Jul 1910 22 Jul 1910 22 Jul 1910,2 Dec 1910 29 Jul 1910 5 Aug 1910 5 Aug 1910 5 Aug 1910 5 Aug 1910 12 Aug 1910 12 Aug 1910 12 Aug 1910 26 Aug 1910 2 Sep 1910 9 Sep 1910 9 Sep 1910 9 Sep 1910 16 Sep 1910 16 Sep 1910 23 Sep 1910 30 Sep 1910 30 Sep 1910 14 Oct 1910 14 Oct 1910 21 Oct 1910,4 Nov 1910 21 Oct 1910 4 Nov 1910,18 Nov 1910,2 Dec 1910 4 Nov 1910 11 Nov 1910 11 Nov 1910 18 Nov 1910,20 Jan 1911 18 Nov 1910 18,25Novl910 2 Dec 1910,9 Dec 1910 2 Dec 1910 2 Dec 1910 9 Dec 1910 9 Dec 1910 16 Dec 1910,20 Jan 1911 16 Dec 1910 13 Jan 1911 20 Jan 1911,27 Jan 1911,17 Feb 1911 27 Jan 1911,17 Mar 1911 Pag,Col 2c 2c 2d 2e, If 2a 3b 3c 3c 4a 4b 4d 4d 3b 2c 2d 2d 4b lb lc 5d la 3a 3b 3d l<L2a, 3b; 2a 3b Id2a3 clflf 3b lb le lc,3e le l f ld ld,le Id If le 4a lb,la Id le le, l a , lc la,4c 100 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Same William Allman Charlie Pruett David Franklin Brown Mrs.. Zachary James M. Sutton Endey Guy Nation Irvin Adams Alden Snyder Joseph S. Adams FJ). Koonce , RJ*. Duncan Joseph D. Buchanan W.B. Creasman ' Mary A. Gribble Glen&Verny Wiggons Matilda Pressley Samuel Elsie Jones Mrs. Brown Charles Buchanan W.B. Ferguson Abraham Driver Annie Brown Ed Bryson Thomas Frizzle Mr. Jenkins Edna Hampton Newton Watson Henry Long Joseph L Shepperd Samuel L. Monteith WA Murdock J.D. Connor RobertDennis Crawford Loyd Owl Fred Morhead Allen "Buck" Trivett Potts infant Unidentified boy E. Douglas Davis Eliza Winchester Hyatt Holmes Pressley Ethel Shuler Family Minnie Allman James Pruett William Brown T.R Zachary Mitchell Sutton Baxter Nation Joshua Adams Dan Snyder Not given AH. Koonce Not given C.Buchanan Not given Mrs. Charles Wild Milas Wiggons L.C. Pressley Sam Jones RH. Brown Minerva Buchanan Not given Not given Sadie Long Mrs. L.J. Bryson Not given Not given RE. Hampton Not given Not given Not given Kate Smith Monteith Mrs. H.P. Ensley Not given Adam Crawford Not given Not given Mrs. Martha Ballew RB. Potts Not given Isaac Davis Mrs. Kelly AUen Not given Not given Place OR Big Ridge, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Cashiers, Jackson Hazel Creek, Swain Barkers Creek, Jackson Asheville, Buncombe WA Warrenton, NC Richland, NC Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Addie, Jackson Speedwell, Jackson Barkers Creek, Jackson Cullowhee, Jackson Savannah, Jackson Waynesville, Haywood Jackson Co. Not given Yellow Creek, Graham Yellow Creek, Graham Yellow Creek, Graham Murphy, Cherokee Speedwell, Jackson TN Jackson Co. Walker, OR Jackson Co. Dillsboro, Jackson Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Hazelwood, Haywood Asheville, Buncombe Asheville, Buncombe Glenville, Jackson Webster, Jackson Waynesville, Haywood Anderson, SC Birdtown, Swain Issue 27 Jan 1911 27 Jan 1911 27 Jan 1911 27 Jan 1911,24 Mar 1911 10Marl911,17 Mar 1911 24 Mar 1911 24 Mar 1911,11 Aug 1911 24 Mar 1911 7Aprl911 28 Apr 1911 28 Apr 1911 19 May 1911 2 Jun 1911,21 Jul 1911 2 Jun 1911 2 Jun 1911,18 Aug 1911 16 Jun 1911 16 Jun 1911,18 Aug 1911 16 Jun 1911 21 Jull911 21 Jul 1911 21 Jul 1911 28 Jul 1911 28 Jul 1911 28 Jul 1911 28 Jul 1911 28 Jul 1911,18 Aug 1911 4 Aug 1911 4 Aug 1911 4 Aug 1911 4 Aug 1911,25 Aug 1911 11 Aug 1911 18 Aug 1911 18 Aug 1911 18 Aug 1911,20 Oct 1911 18 Aug 1911,17 Oct 1911 25 Aug 1911 25 Aug 1911 25 Aug 1911 1 Sep 1911 8 Sep 1911 22 Sep 1911 6 Oct 1911 Pag,CoI lb lc 2a 4b,lf Id, 4c lc Id, 2c Id lb le If le lc, Id ld,4a If, Id led Id, 2b le Id le 3d-ld le le le le,2b la lb Id le, 2a 2c lc,6b Id le,4a 2c, 3e. lb lb 4d l b . le 6b la lb 101 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Newspaper death notices, continued Name L.W. Cogdill John Sevier Keener Margaret Wilson Cabe Ida Eliza Wallace Leroy Elrod D. Hudson W.P. Anderson Robert Marshengh (Massengale?) Silas Wilks JJK. Williams Benjamin Posey Jack Elmore George Brendle Man Brendle Pressley child James Lequire Family John Cogdill Mrs. C. B. Allison T.C. Cabe Lena Wallace Not given Not given Not given Not given Not given Not given Not given Not given Man Brendle George Brendle F.M Pressley Not given Place ] Scotts Creek, Jackson Dillsboro, Jackson Savannah, Jackson Shoal Creek, Jackson Transylvania Co. Cashiers, Jackson Webster, Jackson Canada, Jackson Jackson Co. Jackson Co. Murphy, Cherokee Bryson City, Swain Alarka, Swain Alarka, Swain Speedwell, Jackson Judson, Swain issue Pag,Col 20 Oct 1911 27 Oct 1911,1 Dec 1911 17 Nov 1911 17 Nov 1911 24 Nov 1911 24 Nov 1911 1 Dec 1911 1 Dec 1911 1 Dec 1911 1 Dec 1911 22 Dec 1911 22 Dec 1911 29 Dec 1911 29 Dec 1911 29 Dec 1911 29 Dec 1911 Id lae,2 a la 2a Id 2b If 4b 5a 5c If If lc lc le le <u * Issue out of sequence ** Page damaged and unreadable Wha t We n t Before. . .Content s of Pas t I s sues of Journeys Through Jackson Ky [Ed. As in our May - June issue, we offer for the membership the basic contents of our earlier JTJ issues. All of the issues are available from the Society at $2.00 per number, plus postage.] Vol. 2, No.5; May 1992; Interview with Miss Lou Annie Beck; 1902 Voter Registration; 1917 Jackson County Death Certificates; 1870 Census for Caney Fork township; Muster Roll, Co. B, 25* NC from the Tuckaseigee Democrat, Items of Genealogical Interest in the Democrat, May - December 1890; New Savannah Cemetery census Vol. 2, Nos. 6,7; June - July 1992; Interview with Mrs. Eula Brown Hooper; Items of Interest in 1891 Tuckaseigee Democrat, 1902 Voter Registration; Old newspaper clippings; 1917 Jackson County Death Certificates; 1870 Census for Caney Fork township; Shuler Cemetery map and census; New Savannah Cemetery census; Ahnentafel chart for Jean Crawford Brown; Pedigree chart for Glenda Jean Crawford Brown Vol. 2, No.8; August 1992; Interview with Frank Norton; Hoyle Cemetery census; 1870 Census for Caney Fork Township; 1918 Jackson County Death Certificates; James S. and Keziah Queen obituaries; Balsam Cemetery Census Vol. 2, No!9; September 1992; Interview with Harley and Flora Belle Mathis Powell; WiUiam Riley and Dorcas Dillard Franklin Family Bible; Betty Cope Andrews letters, information on James S. and Keziah B. Queen; 1919 Jackson County Death Certificates; Hyatt Cemetery census; Balsam Cemetery census; Pedigree charts for DollieMae Peek Bumgarner and Carl Spencer Frizzell 102 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 C ^ C v The Monteith Families of Betty Cope Andrews [Ed. We continue in mis issue with the work of one of our most reliable members, Betty Cope Andrews, as she traces the genealogy of the Thomas S. Monteith and Sarah Gribble family. In this issue, we focus on Sarah Elvira Monteith, Elizabeth Monteith Swayngim, and Jane Angaline Monteith Fullbright. This concludes the Thomas S. Monteith family.] Sarah Elvira M Monteith 1828 - 1 9 1 4 , Daughter of Thomas S . " Monteith and Sarah Gribble Sarah Elvira " Monteith, ThomasI 9 , Samuel, s , Henry " , John16, James15, James, 4 , James13, James12, William " , Alexander, 0 , James 9, William8, William7, William 6, WiUiam5, William 4, John3, Walter 2, John'. Sarah "Vira" Elvira Monteith was bom 13 November 1828 in Macon County, North Carolina; died 15 July 1914 in Webster, Jackson County, North Carolina. Sarah Elvira is buried in Love's Chapel Cemetery in Jackson County near her parents. Her tombstone is inscribed Dau. Of T. and S. Monteith. Sources: Jackson County Deed Book D - 4, p. 619: Thomas, Monteith to Sarah Elviry Monteith and .Elizabeth M Monteith, described land on the Tuckaseigee River and the Thomas Monteith present residence. 1850 Macon County, NC census, p. 377: Sarah E. Monteith age 22 living with her parents Thomas Monteith age 61, Sarah age 57, Polly Ann age 24,Eliza age 19, and Jane age 14. 1860 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 324: Elv. Monteith age 29 living with her parents Thos. Age 70, S. age 67, MA. age 31, Eliz. Age 25 and J A . age 21f. 1870 Jackson County, NC census, p.307: Sarah E. Monteith age 41, E.M. age 39, Sarah age 77 Uving and Thos. S. age 80 deceased. 1880 Jackson County, NC census, p. 266: Sarah E. age 51 Uving with her sister Elizabeth M. age 49 and her husband S. Swayngim age 64. 1900 Jackson County, NC census, p. 230: Sarah Monteith as sister b. Nov. 1828, age 71 Uving with Betsy Swayngim b. Jan 1831 age 69 wd., no children. 1910 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 290, #143: Vira Monteith as Aunt age SI Uving with William E. FuUbright Sarah's death certificate gives her parents as Thos. Monteith and SalUe Gribble. WUl Book A, p. 495, gives the wiU of Sarah Elvira Monteith ami her sister Elizabeth M. Swayngim. Elizabeth M M Monteith 1831 -1915, Daughter of Thomas S . " Monteith and Sarah Gribble Elizabeth M M Monteith, Thomas, 9 , Samuelu , Henry " , John16, James, 5 , James, 4 , James ", James, 2 , William " , Alexander, 0 , James9, WUUam \ WiUiam7, WiUiam6, WUUam5, WUUam4, John3, Walter2, John'. Elizabeth "Betsy" M. Monteith was bom 15 January 1831 in Macon County, North Carolina; died 7 October 1915 in Webster, Jackson Ccamty, North Carolina. Elizabeth married Samuel W. Swayngim 30 October 1873 in Jackson County. Samuel died 8 January 1896 age 85. Samuel and Elizabeth are buried in Love's Chapel Cemetery, Jackson County, near her parents. Her tombstone is inscribed Elizabeth M. wife of S.W. Swayngim. Sources: Jackson County Marriage Records: Elizabeth M. Monteith age 40 (Webster Township) and Samuel Swayngim age 57 (Haywood Co.) 30 Oct. 1873. Jackson County Deed Book 4, p. 619: Thomas Monteith to EM. and SB. Monteith. 103 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Monteith families, continued 1850 Macon County, NC census, p. 377: Eliza age 19 Uving with her parents Thomas Monteith age 61, Sarah age 57, PoUy Ann age 24, Sarah E. age 22, and Jane age 14. 1860 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 324: Eliz. Age 25 Uving with her parents Thos. Age 70, S. age 67, MA. age 31, Elv. Age 29 and J.A. age 21f. 1870 Jackson County, NC census, p. 307: E.M. age 39, Uving with Sarah E. Monteith age 41, Sarah age 77 Uving and Thos. S. age 80 deceased. 1880 Jackson County, NC census, p. 266: Elizabeth M. age 49, S. Swayngim age 64 and sister-in-law Sarah E. Monteith age 51. 1900 Jackson County, NC census, p, 230: Eliz. Swayngim age 69 widow no children. 1910 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 290 #143: Betsy Swayngim as Aunt age 78 Uving with WUUam E. FuUbrighL Elizabeth Swayngim's death certificate gives her parents as Thomas Monteith and Sarah Gribble. WUl Book A, p. 495, gives the will of Elizabeth M. Swayngim and her sister Sarah Elvira Monteith. Jane AngaUne M Monteith 1836 - 1 9 0 7 Daughter of Thomas S. *' Monteith and Sarah Gribble Jane AngaUne 20 Monteith, Thomas19, Samuel1S, Henry ", John 16, James15, James 14, James 13, James ,2, WUUam ", Alexander,0, James9, WiUiam8, WiUiam \ WUUam6, WiUiam5, WiUiam4, John3, Walter2, John'. Jane AngaUne Monteith was bom 12 June 1836 in Macon County, North Carolina; died 18 March 1907 in Webster, Jackson County, Norm Carolina. Jane married Daniel Monroe FuUbright in 1868. D.M. received a C S A . pension. Daniel was bom 18 March 1844, son of EU and Elizabeth (Ashe) FuUbright; died 1 November 1915 in Webster, Jackson County, NC. His death certificate gives his place of burial as Long graveyard, where he and Jane are buried. Death certificates are in Jackson County for Samuel and Asbury which proves their parents. Five children. Asbury Byrd21 FuUbright b. 10 September 1868; d. 28 October 1950. Asbury married Elizabeth MaJita York 5 December, 1889 in Sylva, Jackson County. Asbury married second Nora Talmadge Painter. Thomas Polk 2I FuUbright b. 30 April 1870; d. 6 March 1942. Thomas married Sarah EUen Cowan 5 October 1893. William EU 21 FuUbright b. 23 September 1872; d. 28 February 1943; WUUam married Alma Moffitt 30 November 1898 in Jackson County. John Nelson 2I FuUbright b. 25 March 1877; d. 22 July 1967; John married Iva B. WUd in 1902. Samuel Roscor21 FuUbright b. 15 June 1879; d. 1 December 1943. SamueLmarried Bertha Magdalene Painter 25 December 1904 in CuUowhee, Jackson County. Sources: Jackson County Deed Book 4, p. 618: Thomas Monteith to Jane A. FuUbright 75 acres. 1850 Macon County, NC census, p. 377: Jane age 14 Uving with her parents Thomas Monteith age 61, Sarah age 57, PoUy Ann age 24, Sarah E. age 22, Eliza age 19. 1860 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 324: JA. age 21 Uving with her parents Thos. Age 70, S. age 67, MA. age 31, Elv. age 29, and Eliz. Age 25. 1870 Jackson County, NC census, p. 304: D. M. FuUbright age 24, Jane age 30, A.B. lm. 1880 Jackson County, NC census, p. 266: Jane A. age 43 Uving with her husband D. M. FuUbright 36, Asbury B. age 11, Thos. P. age 10, WiUiam E. age 7, John N. age 4, Samuel R. age 11/12. 1900 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 230: Jane b. June 1836, age 63 m. 32 yrs. (5 children, 5 aUve) Uving with Daniel FuUbright b. Mar. 1844 age 56 and their children John Mar. 1877 22 and Samuel June 1879 20. #130 EU FuUbright Sept 1872 27, Alma July 1881 18, George M. 1899 6/12. 1910 Jackson County, NC census, p. 289: Daniel FuUbright age 66, a widower Uving with his son J Asbury FuUbright and famUy. 104 ^y c u C * Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Monteith families, continued EU FuUbright Bible. Ash, Ashe, Stillwell, A Genealogy and History by John R. Ashe, pp. 100 - 104, information about Daniel M. FuUbright's famUy. Asbury Byrd "Fullbright 1868 -1950 son of Jane Angaline 20Monteith and Daniel Monroe Fullbright Asbury Byrd 21 FuUbright, Jane 20, Thomas19, Samuel '*, Henry " , John16, James 15, James 14, James13, Jamesl 2 , William " , Alexander, 0 , James 9, WUUam8, WiUiam7, William6, WiUiam5, WUUam \ John3, Walter 2, John*. Asbury Byrd FuUbright b. 10 September 1868 in Jackson County; d. 28 October 1950 in CuUowhee, Jackson County. Asbury married Elizabeth MaUta York 5 December 1889 in Sylva, Jackson County. Betty bom 29 January 1873 in Virginia, daughter of Jesse Franklin York and Nancy Ann (Walls) York. Asbury married second Nora Talmadge Painter. TaUie bom 5 October 1888; d. 1 February 1977. Asbury is buried at CuUowhee. Betty died 25 January 1928, buried in Long Cemetery. Neola A . a FuUbright b. 29 October 1890; d. 30 June 1891. Annie Ardela n FuUbright b. 12 August 1892; d. 3 September 1946 Lizzie Dee n FuUbright b. 26 December 1898; d. 6 August 1994. Married WUl Lee Painter. Minnie Lee n FuUbright b. 31 March 1907; d. February 1978. Married Clyde A. Ouinn. Mannie L e e l a FuUbright b. 31 March 1907; d. 11 July 1907. Source: 1910 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 289 # 137: Asbury B. FuUbright 43, Elizabeth M. 40, Annie A. 17, Lizzie D. 11, Minnie 3, Daniel age 66 Father wd. Thomas Polk 21 FuUbright 1870 - 1 9 4 2 son of Jane Angaline20 Monteith and Daniel Monroe FuUbright Thomas Polk 21 FuUbright, Jane x , ThomasI 9 , Samuel", Henry " , John, 6 , James15, James, 4, James, 3 , James, 2 , WUUam " , Alexander10, James 9, WUUam \ WUUam 7, WUUam 6, WUUam5, WUUam \ John3, Walter 2, J o h n ' . Thomas Polk FuUbright b. 30 April 1870 in Jackson County; d. 6 March 1942. Thomas married Sarah EUen Cowan 5 October 1893. EUen was bom 28 June 1877, daughter of David Lafayette Cowan and Nancy (Deitz) Cowan. EUen died 8 March 1919. Polk and EUen are buried in Long Cemetery. Sadie L . a FuUbright b. 31 March 1897. Sadie married Oscar T. Cling. Cora Mae rFuUbright b. 19 January 1899; d. 15 May 1919. Jessie T . 2 FuUbright b. 1902; married Jim Jones. NeUie M . a FuUbright b. 23 September 1906. Nettie married Paul Woody. Nannie Cectt n FuUbright b. 9 September 1909. Nannie married Fred Ross. Alvin David n "Sol" Fullbright b. 8 March 1911. Sol married Dixie NeU Byrd. Sol married Kathryn Davis in 1980. Thomas Monroe a FuUbright b. 1915. Married Eloise Bradley. Sources: 1900 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p.231: Polk FuUbright (Apr. 1870) 30, EUen (Oct 1877) 22 m. 7, Sadie (Mar. 1897) 3, Cora M (Jan. 1899) 1. 105 Journeys Through Jackson July-August 1998 Monteith families, continued 1910 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 289: Thomas P. FuUbright 40, Sarah E. 32 m.18 (7 chUdren, 5 living), Sadie L. 13, Cora M. 11, Jessie T. 8, NeUie M. 4, Nannie C. 1 6/12, PoUy (aunt) 71, Nancy (aunt) 58. WUUam EU 21 FuUbright 1877 - 1 9 4 3 Son of Jane AngaUne M Monteith and Daniel Monroe Fullbright WUUam EU21 FuUbright, Jane20, Thomas, 9 , Samuel, 8 , Henry " , John1<s, James 1$, James I4, James 13, James 12, WUUam " , Alexander10, James 9, WiUiam8, WiUiam \ WUUam 6, WUUams, WUUam 4, John3, Walter 2, John'. WUUam EU FuUbright b. 23 September 1877 Jackson County; d. 28 February 1943 Murphy, Cherokee County. WUUam married Alma Moffitt 30 November 1898 in Jackson County. Alma was bom 30 July 1882, daughter of Hute and Mary Moffitt; d. 29 March 1961. They are buried in Long Cemetery. Jacobs. George McCuUough B Fullbright b. 10 December 1899; d. 31 May 1972. George married Marie Lizzie n FuUbright b. 2 January 1901; d. 1925. Lizzie married Fairy Painter. NeUie BeUe * FuUbright b. 14 October 1903; d. 14 October 1903. Beulah Mae n FuUbright b. 29 May 1905; married Robert H. Dockery 7 July 1923. Grace Faye a FuUbright b. 29 May 1905; married Henry Hampton. Maggie Evelyn ^ FuUbright b. 18 April 1908; married John Hutton Reed 16 May 1937. Clara Kathleen a FuUbright b. 24 May 1910; married Robert Flynn Ralph22FuUbright b. 29 September 1915; married Sarah Jenkins 21 November" 1935. Roy n FuUbright b. 1915; married Jane Hambree in 1936. Ann a FuUbright b. 1 May 1918; married Stanley Rose. Source: 1910 Jackson County, NC census, Webster, p. 143: WUUam E. FuUbright 36, Alma 27 m l 2 yrs (6 children, 5 Uving), George 10, Lizzie 8, Beulah 4, Grace 4, Maggie 2, Betsy Swayngim aunt 78, Vira Monteith aunt 81. John Nelson 21 Fullbright 1877 - 1 9 6 7 Son of Jane AngaUne w Monteith and Daniel Monroe FuUbright John Nelson21 FuUbright, Jane *°, ThomasI 9 , Samuell g , Henry " , John, 6 , James 1S, James M, James, 3 , James ,2, WiUiam " , Alexander, 0 , James9, WUUam8, WUUam7, William 6, WUUam5, WUUam 4, John3, Walter2, John '. John Nelson FuUbright b. 25 March 1877 in Jackson County; d. 22 July 1967 in Jackson County and was buried at CuUowhee. John married Iva B. WUd in 1902. Iva was bom 19 September 1883, daughter of Lee F. WUd and Fannie (Byrd) WUd. Iva died 2 November 1954; buried Long Cemetery. Edna Ruth a FuUbright b. 7 February 1905; d. 28 October 1918. Buried Long Cemetery. Nettie J . a FuUbright b. 1907. Bonnie P. a FuUbright b. 1908. Howard a FuUbright b. 1910, d. 1974. Howard married Bessie (1900 - 1977). Fairview. Homer22 FuUbright Annie Lee H FuUbright b. 16 June 1920; d. 14 January 1927. Buried Long cemetery. Monteith Families continued, p. 118 106 ^ Ky v _ y Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 ^ ^ Ky 1932 Jackson County Death Certificates of Persons Born Before 1900 [Key to reading the following: Name of deceased; spouse, if given; date of birth; place of birth; date of death; father's name; father's place of birth; mother's name; mother's place of birth; informant's name; informant's address; cemetery. ** denotes known errors in the certificate. Abstracted June 1997 by Larry Crawford] Barker's Creek Wikel, Margaret; wid/o Logan; 22 Nov*1854; not given; 9 Mar; WUUam Wikel; not given; Mathis; not given; Jeff Wikel; Whittier; Barker's Creek Ward, Decater; h/o Jane; 22 Feb 1847; NC; 15 Apr; Henderson Ward; NC; Margaret Setters; NC; Ord Ward; Whittier; Bumgarner Canada GaUoway, WiUiam H.; wid/o Sarah Dawson; 6 Mar 1858; Wolf Mtn.; 24 Dec; Josiah A. Galloway; NC; Elizabeth Shelton; Jackson Co. NC; A.E. GaUoway; Wolf Mtn.; Wolf Creek Caney Fork Coggins, Rutha Catherine; wid/o Thomas; 1848; East LaPorte; 5 Apr; Joseph Watson; Jackson Co.; Betty Philttps; East LaPorte; E.S. taggins; East LaPorte; Cullowhee Brown, William Walter; wid/o Hasseltine Parker; age 76,4,7; NC; 17 Aug; Lucius Brown; NC; Jane Henson; NC; Mrs. WA. Brown; Cowarts; Balsam Grove Parker, PoUy; wid/o John HUman; age 71,11,9; Haywood Co.; 9 Oct; Lucius Brown; Jackson Co.; Jane Henson; Jackson Co.; Fred Queen; Cowarts; Brown Arrington, Varina; w/o J.N.; age 70,7,23; Cowarts; 26 Mar; Tom Hooper; Cowarts; Mary Shelton; NC; A.F. Arrington; Cowarts; Cowarts Brown, Thomas David; h/o Ruth E.; age 82,6,14; CuUowhee; 22 Sep; Lucius Brown; Jackson Co.; Jane Henson; Cullowhee; JJE. Brown; Tuckasegee; Brown Cashiers McCaU, James Kirk; h/o Sallie; age 53,11,13; Cashiers; 22 Feb; Waxel McCall; Cashiers; Mattie Jackson; Tuckasegee; SaUie McCall; Cashiers; Pleasant Grove VanEpp, Owen Bayard; h/o Winifred; age 57,2,13; Green Island, OH; 6 Oct; Nichols VanEpp; not given; Maria Owen; OH; Mrs. Owen VanEpp; not given; Cashiers Cullowhee Taylor, Lillie Belle; w/o T.C; age 62,0,1; Jackson Co.; 10 Mar; Lewis Tilley; Wilkes Co.; Hannah Ford; Macon Co.; T.C. Taylor; Speedwell; Taylor Carroll, Thomas E.; h/o Ella Ashe; 27 Feb 1859; Cullowhee; 8 May; James Carroll; NC; MagaUne Morrison; NC; Cordelia Ashe; Speedwett; Taylor Brown, Permelia Letticia; wid/o Huriah R.; 31 Dec 1843; Spartanburg, SC; 22 Jul; John Bishop; GreenviUe, SC; Louisa Berry; Buncombe Co.; R.O. Brown; CuUowhee; Rogers Henson, Phillip C ; h/o Empress; 7 Mar 1875; Cullowhee; 2 Aug; PhilUp Henson; NC; Mary Allison; NC; Louise Henson; Cullowhee; Cullowhee 107 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 1932 Death Certificates, continued Dillsboro V_y Sutton, James Edward; h/o Fanny; 25 Dec 1885; Jackson Co.; 7 Jan; Lewis B. Sutton; NC; Lucinda Parton; Blairsvitte, GA; L.B. Sutton; not given; Locust Field Love, Harrison; not given; 1855; Jackson Co.; 28 Jan; Alfred Love; Jackson Co.; Abbie Love; NC; W.F. Love; not given; Scotts Creek Pangle, George W.; h/o Lula; 12 Dec 1859; 29 Jul; Marcus Pangle; McDowell Co.; ComeUa Pangle; Burke Co.; TXD. Pangle; Ashevttle; Locust Field McCracken, J.C; h/o Laura; 15 Jan 1865; Haywood Co.; 18 Feb; Joseph McCracken; Haywood; HoweU; Haywood Co.; L.C. McCracken; DUlsboro; Antioch Hamburg Jennings, James; not given; age 72,5,17; Macon Co.; 4 May; John Jennings; Macon Co.; Jennings; NC; G.M. Bowman; Bessie; Bessie Broom, Jefferson AUen; 16 May 1861; NC; 7 May; WUUam Broom; NC; PoUie Queen; NC; Bradie Broom; Big Ridge; Big Ridge Bryson, WiU C ; h/o Ettie; age 57,10,4; NC; 12 Jul; Sebern Bryson; NC; Hooper; NC; Ettie Bryson; GlenviUe; GlenviUe Mountain Moody, Mary Lou; w/o W.F.; age 66,3,1; SC; 3 May; Thomas Leopard; SC; Bettie Nicholas; SC; not given; not given; Double Springs Qualla Martin, Carol; h/o Eliza; age 84,5,20; NC; 21 Jim; Harold Martin; not given; not given; not given; Grady Martin; Whittier; Campground Turpin, WUey Jones; h/o Fannie HoweU; age 62,9; Haywood Co.; 26 Sep; John Turpin; Haywood Co.; Elmina Jones; not given; Homer Turpin; Whittier, Thomas Cooper, Mary Elizabeth; wid/o Rev. W.H.; age 93,6,2; Brevard; 16 Aug; Jackson GUlespie; East Fork (Transylvania Co.); Mary Porter; Pickens, SC; G JC. TerreU; not given; Thomas River Houston, Vinie Angeline; w/o Monroe; 1876; Macon Co.; 28 Feb; Joe Ingram; NC; not given; NC; not given; not given; CuUowhee Bryson, Mary Jane; wid/o Nelson; 4 Jul 1866; CuUowhee; 28 Apr; Bart Henson; not given; Margaret Fisher; NC; Emmitt Bryson; East LaPorte; WUlets PoweU, Jefferson Ogar; h/o Laura Josephine; 2 Dec 1860; Cowarts; 30 Nov; Ashley PoweU; SC; Nancy Shedd; SC; Ed PoweU; Tuckasegee; East LaPorte Rigdon, James MitcheU; h/o Charlotte J.; 14 May 1867; SC; 7 Nov; John H. Rigdon; SC; Marth Sitton; SC; Ralph Rigdon; Tuckasegee; Tuckasegee Savannah Ridley, Eunius; not given; 1854; Flag Pond, TN; 27 Jun; John Franks; NC; Harat Woodard; Flag Pond, TN; Coal Ridley; Sylva; Zion HUl 108 Ky C v Journeys Through Jackson July-August 1998 1932 Death Certificates, continued HaU, LiUie Ann; not given; age 62; NC; 10 Nov; Jasper Buchanan; NC; Martha Ann Dills; NC; Robert Cabe; Greens Creek; East Fork Scotts Creek MUler, John B.; wid/o Martha**; age 69,11,24; NC; 19 Sep 1931; WUUam Miller; NC; Martha Clayton; NC; Essie Mull; Addie; Addie Sneed, Ida May, w/o Vardie; age 35; NC; 13 Oct; WUUam Dyre; NC; Eva Michel; NC; Vardie Sneed; not given; WUlets Shular, Robt; h/o Emeline; age 61,6,12; Sylva; 8 Oct; Leander Shuler; NC; Mary Brown; NC; Emiline Shuler; not given; Shular Henry, Artie Elvira; w/o A.E.; age 79,8; NC; 16 Nov; nothing else given except Henry Cemetery Sylva Bryson, Emaline; not given; age 63; NC; 15 Sep 1931; Peter Bryson; NC; MoUie ; Lee Worley; Sylva; Beta Shular, Iindy; wid/o George; 14 Aug 1853; Jackson Co.; 13 Jan; Bob Brooks; NC; Cinda Blanton; NC; John Shular; Sylva; Shular Brown, Everett Edgerton; h/o Attie May; 23 Jun 1888; Hendersonville; 23 Jan; Frederick A. Brown; TN; Margaret J. Bowen; Hendersonville; J J ) . Brown; Forest City; Sylva Parker, EUen; w/o E A . ; age 50,2,14; Tomotla, Cherokee Co.; 27 Nov; W .M Burrus; Macon Co.; Hattie Coffey; Burke Co.; E A Parker; Marble; not given Davis, Isaac Christopher; h/o Ellen L.; 31 Oct 1858; Jackson Co.; 3 Feb; E.D. Davis; Jackson Co.; Nancy AUen; Jackson Co.; not given; not given; Love's Chapel Whittenburg, Mack CorneUus; h/o Margaret; Feb 1865; Catawba Co.; 3 Feb; Richard Whittenburg; Catawba Co.; not given; not given; McKinley Whittenburg; Sylva; Parris Toy, Laura Rebecca; w/o James Edward; 23 Dec 1868; CuUowhee; 26 Feb; Andrew D. Hooper; Cullowhee; Bettie Jane Long; Cullowhee; James E. Toy; Sylvan Speedwell Bryson, William C ; h/o Louduska; 29 Nov 1867; Jackson Co.; 30 Jan; A.W. Bryson; Jackson Co.; D £ . Miller, VA; Mrs. W.C. Bryson; West AshevUle; West AsheviUe Womack, Mary; w/o A.D.; age 43; Habersham Co. GA; 26 Apr; ZA. Jamison; Clay Co.; Lucindy Edwards; Clay Co.; A.D. Womack; Sylva; Wesley Chapel Wilkes, Mary Thompson; wid/o S.P.; 10 May 1850; Sampson Co.; 8 May; Henry Thompson; NC; Mary Thompson; NC; G. Wilkes; Sylva; Sylva Norton, NeUie; w/o John Logan; 12 May 1888; CuUowhee; 22 Mar; WUson Crawford; CuUowhee; Sallie Dills; CuUowhee; John Logan Norton; CuUowhee; CuUowhee Shook, Daniel Wesley; wid/o CaUie Robeson; 14 Feb 1882; Jackson Co.; 10 Feb; Tom Shook; not given; Tildy Cain; Jackson Co.; Jim Watson; Sylva; Dillsboro S. Peter Wilkes; hJo Mary; age 8 4 , 1 0 3 ; Jackson Co.; 10 Feb; Henry Wilkes; IxedeU Co.; Mary Parker; Iredell Co.; Grover Wilkes; Sylva; Sylva Rogers, Laura Lavada; wid/o Andy; 18 jan 1869; Graham Co.; 5 Mar; L.D. Hooper; NC; Martha Hooper; Graham Co.; George M. Rogers; Sylva; Love Chapel Parker, Lona; w/o John H.; 4 Jun 1888; Pine Mm, Rabun Co.GA; 16 Mar; Levi Crane; Pine Mtn GA; Emma Nix; Pine Mtn GA; Harry Wheatley; CuUowhee; CuUowhee Johnson, John Handley; age 68,11,1; NC; 23 mar; Ayes Johnson; not given; Rebecca Phillips; NC; not given; not given; Crawford Davis, Alonzo Bowman; age 72; East LaPorte; 21 Apr; not given; not given; Charity Davis; Henderson i . Co.; George Casey; Cullowhee; Cullowhee 109 Ky Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 1932 Death Certificates, continued Harris, David Rust; 21 Oct 1882; Denver, CO; 9 Apr; C.J. Harris; CONN; Florence Rust; not given; ~* Scroop Enloe; Dttlsboro; Riverside (AshevUle) ^y Shepherd, Jim; h/o Delia; age 55; Macon Co.; 15 Apr; Zack Shepherd; Macon Co.; not given; not given; Severe McDoweU; Sylva; Sylva Curry, Clarisa; w/o E.M.; age 34; Hart Co.GA; 1 May; Wesley Hopper; not given; Rebecca Wittiams; SC; E.M. Curry; Sylva; not given Bryson, John C ; wid/o SteUa Coward; age 73; Jackson Co.; 30 Sep; Steve Bryson; Beta; Sylvia Bryson; NC; Andy Coward; NC; CuUowhee Beck, Roxie; wid/o Andy; age 48; McDoweU Co.; 6 Nov; Rube Loftis; McDoweU Co.; Mandy Shular; McDoweU Co.; D .M Blanton; Sylva; Sylva Williams, CarroU; h/o Mary Parish; age 40,7,10; Swain Co.; 6 Nov; L.E. Wittiams; Iredell Co.; Elizabeth Younger; IredeU Co.; Mrs. WUl Conley; Sylva; Whittier Haney, Troy; h/o Bernice; 2 Aug 1900; SC; 3 Nov; John Haney; NC; Bessie Haney; NC; Bernice Haney; Brandon Mill, SC; Graceland Reed, MarceUa Timlus; w/o J.P.; age 70, 8,23; Beta; 8 Nov; A.W. Farmer; not given; Artie Allen; Jackson Co.; W.C. Reed; Sylva; Beta Painter, Roland Anderson; h/o Salie; age 94,5,27; Jackson Co.; 20 Nov; Oliver Painter; not given; Frankie Painter, Jackson Co.; Geo. Painter; Sylva; CuUowhee Webster Goodson, Nancy J.C; age 87,4,23; Canton, Haywood; 23 Sep 1931; Joe Cathey; NC; Cathey; NC; Mrs. J.W. Bumgarner; Sylva; Love Chapel Conner, Emaline; age 86; NC; 6 Mar; nothing else given until Informant N.D. Davis; Webster; Wilmot Allison, Lydia Higdon; w/o Joe; age 56; Macon Co.; 24 Mar; Higdon; NC; Jane Moore; NC; Joe % Allison; Webster; Webster ^J Cochram, WiUiam; age 85; NC; 27 Apr; Nute Cochram; NC; not given; not given; John Shephard; Webster; not given Buchanan, Nancy E.; w/o James; age 65; Cullowhee; 27 Jul; FideU Pressley; Cullowhee; not given; not given; Dee Beck; Webster, Webster Frady, Rheuben; h/o Maud; age 64; NC; 3 Aug; John Frady; NC; not given; not given; John Shephard; Webster; Webster Morgan, WUUam M ; h/o Anna; age 57,2,29; NC; 4 Dec; not given; not given; Margaret Buggs; NC; Maggie Morgan; Dttlsboro; Greens Creek HaU, Dillard; none given; age 47,7,2; NC; 17 Dec; Robert Hall; NC; Katie Woodring; NC; W.C. Cagle; Dttlsboro; Greens Creek Lloyd Cowan reacts to the sawmiU picture. JCGS member Lloyd Cowan writes that he "got hooked on the old pictures." (JTJ March-April). He took the picture to Early Deitz, age 99, who says that the 1915-1920 date is feasible. In the sawmill picture, Early says that Garland Buchanan is the correct identification, and that the man to the left is Coley Cowan. The Big Ridge/Cove Country under the Painter Knob was a family timber project, with the main timber being native chestnut The sawmill was above the present Alvin Deitz home. Garland Buchanan, uncle of Carl FrizzeU and brother - in - law of Alvin Deitz, moved shortly after the time of the sawmttl picture to Young Harris, Georgia. He and his wife Myrtle Deitz Buchanan raised their family there and are buried there. [Ed. At Old Brasstown Church Cemetery]. Lloyd also says that he got so interested in the pictures that he "never did get around to reading any of the writing." 110 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 U The Descendants of John Owen, Sr. By Shawna Green Hall O [Ed. We continue in this issue with Shawna Hall's Owen family. Shawna, again, emphasizes that this material is not foolproof, but even so, we see much genealogy here of interest to Jackson County researchers.] Generation No. 4 12. JAMES MARION* OWEN (WILLIAM BAXTER* JOHN*. JOHN') was born Oct 31, 1845 in N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Jan 6, 1916 in Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Macedonia Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). He married EASTER M. McCALL, daughter of John McCall and Elizabeth Glazner. Children of James Owen and Easter McCall are: 36. i. JOHN w.iOWEN, II. J.COLEYOWEN. 37. 111. JAMES ROBERT OWEN, b. Dec 24. 1881, Transylvania Ca, N.C; J. Mar 6, 1964, Transylvania Co., N.C. Iv. CARRIE OWEN. b. Dec 29, 1884, Transylvania Ca, N.C (Source: headstone); d. Apr 23, 1919, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried ML Moriah Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. MANSON T. BRYANT. 13. WILLIAM BAXTER* OWEN, JR. (WILLIAM BAXTER*, JOHN*, JOHN*) was born Mar 8 , 1 8 5 8 in Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Oct 14. 1917 in Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Owen, Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). He married MARY LUCINDA WOOD Dec 5, 1881 In Nlnive, N.C, daughter of John Wood and Rachael Bracken. Children of William Owen and Mary Wood are: i. MARTHA MALINDA* OWEN, b. Oct 6, 1881, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen); d. Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen). 38. II. MARGARET MALINAOWEN, b. Jan 5,1883, Jackson Co., N.C; d. Sep 14, 1954, Jackson Ca, N.C. iii. SALINA JANE OWEN, b. Jan 17,1884, Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen); d. Aug 16,1960, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen). L / iv. WILLIAM LAMBERT OWEN, b. Apr 27, 1889, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen); d. Jul 23. 1979 (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen), v. NANCY ANN OWEN, b. Apr 5, 1888, Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen); d. Apr 27, 1888, Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen), vl. JAMES ELBERT OWEN, b. May 8, 1891, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen); d. Apr 14,1961 (Source: family bible of William Baxter Owen), vii. SARAH ELIZABETH OWEN, b. Nov 4, 1892, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Aug 28, 1966 (Source: headstone, burled Owen, Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C); m. ? HALBROOK. viii. ELIJAH FREEMAN OWEN. b. Jan 19, 1895. Jackson Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Apr 26, 1942, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, burled Owen, Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C). 39. ix. NoRA LUCINDA OWEN, b. Mar 19, 1901, Jackson Co., N.C; d. Oct 10, 1980, Jackson Ca, N.C. x. WILLEY OWEN, b. May 6. 1904, Jackson Co., N.C (Source: headstone); d. Jul 26, 1941, Jackson Co., N.C (Source: headstone, buried Owen, Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). xl. HiLLEYOWEN. b. May 8, 1904, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jan 27, 1918, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Owen, Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C). xii. RHODIEOWEN. b. Feb 5, 1908, Jackson Ca, N.C; a Nov 19, 1979, Jackson Ca, N.C; m. EVANGEL W.DAVES. i n Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 14. JANE PERNETTA* OWEN (JESSEROLAND3, JOHN*. JOHN') was born Mar 3. 1848 in Jackson Ca, N.C, and died May 29, 1935 in Jackson Co., N.C. She married CLIFFORD GALLOWAY Jun 26, 1864 in Transylvania Co., N.C, son of August Galloway and Elizabeth Owen. ^J Children of Jane Owen and Clifford Galloway are: 40. i. WARTSEL MCDONALD* GALLOWAY, b. May 4, 1886, Jackson Co., N.C.; d. Jan 30, 1957, Jackson Co., N.C. II. MiLFORDGALLOWAY, b. Jan 13,1866, Transylvania Co., N.C. iii. RUFUS M. GALLOWAY, b. Apr 8, 1867, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Oct 14, 1940, Transylvania Ca, N.C (Source: headstone, buried Lake Toxaway Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C); m. SUSAN C iv. MARY JANE GALLOWAY, b. Mar 11, 1869, Transylvania Ca, N.C. v. EDWARD PHILYAR GALLOWAY, b. Jun 16. 1871, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Apr 27, 1917, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Macedonia Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. MARYLOUVENA MCCALL. vi. WILLIAM LUTHER GALLOWAY, b. Jul 5, 1673, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. Feb 5, 1933, Transylvania Co., N.C; m. LYLAYMEASE-vii. SAMANTHAGALLOWAY, b. Jan 5, 1875, Transylvania Co., N.C.; d. Nov 18, 1913, Transylvania Ca, N.C; m. CAPPSMITH-viii. SENA GALLOWAY, b. May 8, 1876, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. Dec 11, 1960; m. MiLFORD MOORE. ix. PARALEE GALLOWAY, b. Mar 3, 1878, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Dec 4, 1927, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, burled Macedonia Church Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C); m. CHARLIE F. OWEN. x. JUDY A. GALLOWAY, b. May 8,1678. xi. CULWELL GALLOWAY, b. Mar 14, 1880, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Aug 25, 1946. Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Mt Morlah Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. ELLA MARIE GALLOWAY, xii. ESSAROXIAGALLOWAY, b. Apr 7, 1882, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. Feb 20,1965; m. MANNING MOORE- Ky 41. xlli. SAMUEL ROSCOE GALLOWAY, b. Feb 13, 1884, Transylvania Co., N.C; d. Dec 5, 1964. xiv. WEDIAG. GALLOWAY, b. Jul 14, 1888, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Nov 7, 1966, Transylvania Co., N.C (Source: headstone, buried Mt Morlah Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. MARY HARRIS. 15. ELIJAH DILLARD* OWEN (JESSE ROLAND*, JOHN*, JOHN') was born Apr 16, 1858 In Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Mar 11, 1931 In Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried E.D. Owen Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). He married SYMANTHAMOORE Mar 4, 1880 in Transylvania Ca, N.C, daughter of George Moore and Mariah McCrary. Children of Elijah Owen and Symantha Moore are: I. LOUIS J.* OWEN, b. May5, 1881, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jan 28, 1889, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried E.D. Owen Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). ii. J. MARIA OWEN, b. Oct 13, 1882, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jan 28, 1889, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried E.D. Owen Cemetery, Transylvania Co:, N.C). iii. ELBERT H. OWEN, b. Nov 23,1883, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jul 19, 1885, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried E.D. Owen Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). 42. iv. PENIRAOwEN, b. Apr 24, 1885, Transylvania Ca, N.C; d Jan 22, 1971, Transylvania Ca, N.C. 112 c K^ Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 16. WILLIAM JASPER* OWEN (JESSEROLAND*, JOHN*, JOHW) was born Nov 8,1867 in Jackson c a , N.C (Source: headstone, Moutain View Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C), and died Aug 30, 1928 In Jackson .Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone). He married NOVELLA JANE SHULER. daughter of John Shuler and Ruth Norman. Children of William Owen and Novella Shuler are: 43. i. ELLA MAE* OWEN, b. May 4, 1889, Transylvania Co., N.C. H. SHERON OWEN, b. 1894. iii. BASCOM OWEN, b. 1897. iv. HORACE OWEN, b. 1900. v. HAYDEN OWEN, b. 1902, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. 1917, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Macedonia Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). Vl. ROYAL OWEN, b. 1905. vii. RUTH OWEN, b. 1908. 17. MARY MALINDA* OWEN (JESSEROLAND*, JOHN*,'JOHN*) wasjiorn Mar 1, I860 in Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Oct 19, 1930 in Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Whitewater Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Ca, N.C). She married AARON PINKNEYCASH Feb 25, 1887. Children of Mary Owen and Aaron Cash are: I. W. R.*CA8H, b. Jun 12,1884, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Mar 8,1903, Transylvania Ca, N.C (Source: headstone, buried Whitewater Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). II.' S.G.CASH, b. Mar 7, 1878, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Oct 9, 1882, Transylvania Co., N.C (Source: headstone, buried Whitewater Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). 18. ALFRED HENRY* OWEN (JOHNB.*, JOHN*, JOHN1) was born Dec 28, 1846 in Glouchester Twsp, N.C. (Source: Headstone, John B. Owen Cemetery, N.C), and died.Dec 26, 1926 in Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: same). He married (1) SARAH ELIZABETH BANT HER, daughter of George Banther and Mary Nanney. He married (2) ELIZABETH CAROLINE WOOD Dec 18, 1866, daughter of Andrew Wood and Jane Henderson. Children of Alfred Owen and Elizabeth Wood are: I. PULASKA BUD* OWEN. ii. CARR WILBURN OWEN, b. Aug 29, 1879, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Aug 6, 1966, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Gillespie Evergreen Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. ELLAPAXTON. JAMES D.OWEN, b. N.C.; d. 1929, Seattle, Wa.; m. BELLE SANQERS-MARGARET OWEN, b. 1868; m. DAVEY HAMILTON. ANDREW LUTHER OWEN, b. May3, 1869, Jackson Ca, N.C: d. Dec 1952, Jackson Ca, N.C.. TILLMAN HOUSTON OWEN, D. 1872, Wolf Mtn., N.C.; CL 1928, Oregon. 19. TILLMAN*OWEN (JOHNB.*, JOHN*, JOHN1) was born Dec 17, 1851 in Glouchester Twsp., N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Jun 17, 1892 In Jackson Ca, N.C (Source: headstone, burled Mack McCall Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). Me married SALLYL. PARKER. 44. 45. 111. iv. v. vl. Child of Tillman Owen and Sally Parker Is: 46. I. LOONIE*OWEN. K^ 113 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 20. BAXTER G * OWEN (JOHNB.*, JOHN*, JOHN') was born Apr 17, 1854 In Glouchester Twsp., N.C. (Source: headstone), and died Nov 12, 1903 In Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Oak Grove Baptist Church, Transylvania Co., N.C). He married CLEARINDABREEDLOVE daughter of v_y Benjamin Breedlove and Cynthia Fisher. Children of Baxter Owen and Clearinda Breedlove are: I. SALLIE* OWEN. II. COLEMAN OWEN, b. May 20, 1887, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, Jackson Owen Cemetery, Jackson Co., N.C); d. Mar 14, 1971, Jackson Co., N.C. (Source: headstone). III. RuFUS A. OWEN, b. Aug 1, 1881, Transylvania Co., N.C (Source: headstone); d. Nov 21, 1958, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Oak Grove Baptist Church, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. EMILY R.. iv. CYNTHIA OWEN, v. ALFRED OWEN. vi. BEN H. OWEN, b. Apr 16, 1889, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Dec 22, 1962, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, buried Oak Grove Baptist Church, Transylvania Ca. N.C). vii. RHODAOWEN. viii. JULIUS OWEN. ix. POSEY B. OWEN, b. Sep 18, 1892, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jun 27, 1966, Transylvania Ca, N.C. (Source: headstone, burled Oak Grove Baptist Church, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. ELIZABETH J.. Sep 24, 1911 (Source: headstone, Oak Grove Cemetery. Transylvania Co., N.C). 21. NANCY ELVIRA*OWEN (JOHNB.*, JOHN*, JOHN1) was born Jut 22, 1856 in Glouchester Twsp. N.C. (Source: headstone), and died May 23, 1936 in N.C. (Source: headstone, burled Lake Toxaway Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C). She married JULIAN NICHOLAS BREEDLOVE son of Benjamin Breedlove and Cynthia Fisher. —, Children of Nancy Owen and Julian Breedlove are: Vs—•* i. JOHN* BREEDLOVE. ii. RUFUS BREEDLOVE ill. LESA BREEDLOVE iv. DELLA BREEDLOVE v. M. WALKER BREEDLOVE b. Feb 18,1888, Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone); d. Jul 9, 1968. Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: headstone, burled Lake Toxaway Baptist Church Cemetery, Transylvania Co., N.C); m. IDAC HALL vi. IDA BREEDLOVE. vii. DORA BREEDLOVE viii. BUNYAN BREEDLOVE 22. PETE*OWEN (JOHNB.*, JOHN*, JOHN1) was born 1860 in N.C. (Source: Headstone, Davidson River Cemetery, N.C), and died Jun 28, 1922 In Transylvania Co., N.C. (Source: same). He married MADORA KEMP Jan 6, 1887 in Transylvania Co., N.C. Notes From "The Heritage of Transylvania County, N.C." - John Owen found a small black boy who was almost dead along side of the road. He carried him home and nursed him back to health. All he could tell them was that his name was Pete and he became known as Pete Owen. He lived with the family until adulthood. He was especially close to Jesse Coleman Owen, who believed he was his real brother until his mother told him differently when he was about 10. Jess kept in touch with Pete's son, Vess Owen, after Pete's death. A room was always kept in the Owen family for Pete and his family, who visited frequently. Child of Pete Owen and Madora Kemp Is: -- I. VESS" OWEN. 114 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 L / O Jackson County Delayed Birth Certificates of Persons Born Before 1900, Vol. 4 [Key to reading the following:: Name, date of birth, place of birth, father's name, father's year of birth, father's place of birth, mother's name, mother's year of birth, mother's place of birth, Vol. 4 page no. Abstracted June 1997 by Larry Crawford.] Ashe, Thomas Baxter, 18 May 1881, Greens Creek, Daniel Ashe, 1847, Jackson Co., Martha Elmore, 1847, Macon Co., page 1 (Bridges) Hoxit, Riley P., 2 May 1896, Cashiers, George Hoxit, 1869, Jackson Co., Cannie Pearson, 1874, Jackson Co., page 2 Jacobs, Charles Griffin, 6 Mar 1896, Jackson Co., Porter Sephus Jacobs, 1869, Jefferson Co. TN, F;orence Melinda Tritt, 1875, Jackson Co., page 7 Corbin, Thomas Grimshaw, 10 Sep 1879, Norton, Thomas I. Corbin, 1847, Macon Co., America Pierson, 1856, Jackson Co., page 9 Corbin, William Lee, 11 Feb 1882, Norton, Thomas I. Corbin, 1847, Macon Co., America Pierson, 1856, Jackson Co., page 10 Hooper, Charlie W., 19 Jul 1887, Tuckasegee, W.M. Hooper, 1839, Jackson Co., Mary T. Zachary, 1855, Jackson Co., page 15 Hooper, Sallie E., 2 Nov 1890, Tuckasegee, W.M. Hooper, 1839, Jackson Co., Mary T. Zachary, 1855, Jackson Co., page 16 Hooper, Anne W., 30 Apr 1893, Tuckasegee, W.M. Hooper, 1839, Jackson Co., Mary T. Zachary, 1855, Jackson Co., page 17 Davis, Walter Clyde, 22 Dec 1898, Whittier, Robert C. Davis, not given, NC, Sallie Wood, not given, NC, page 21 Stiles, William Avery, 16 Aug 1885, Gay, William Thomas Stiles, 1844, Jackson Co., Delaila Barron, 1853, McDowell Co., page 25 , Lewis, Harry Banner, 5 Jul 1897, Whittier, W. Turner Lewis, 1866, Yancey Co., Louisa Kirkland, 1861, y ^ Swain Co., page 34 Johnson, Henry Clingman, 29 Aug 1888, Sylva, Andrew Jackson Johnson, 1857, Jackson Co., Callie Miller, 1861, Jackson Co., page 37 Leopard, Wilson E., 1 Jan 1889, Cullowhee, Jimmie Leopard, not given, Jackson Co., Lucindia Leopard, 1845, Anderson Co.SC,, page 41 Bishop, Elsie Cathryn, 24 May 1897, Cullowhee, Daniel F. Bishop, 1862, Greenville Co.SC, Sarah Elizabeth Phillips, 1864, Jackson Co., page 43 Bishop, Grover S., 10 May 1888, Cullowhee, Daniel F. Bishop, 1862, Greenville Co.SC, Sarah Elizabeth Phillips, 1864, Jackson Co., page 44 Fisher, Henry Arthur, 4 Sep 1887, Sylva, William Allen Fisher, 1863, Jackson Co., Sarah J. Snyder, 1863, Jackson Co., page 48 Woodfin, Marie Estella, 16 Apr 1889, Sylva, Benjamin Harm Woodfin, 1856, Jackson Co., Sarah Ada Younge, 1864, Columbia SC, page 49 Woodring, Charles Columbus. 16 May 1884, Sylva, Joe Abb Woodring, 1844, Jackson Co., Sarah A. Slatten, 1842, Jackson Co., page 55 Parker, Minervia, 26 Nov 1877, Cowarts, Thomas H. Parker, 1840, Jackson Co., Emoline Parker, 1843, Jackson Co., page 66 Rogers, George Tallie, 2 Sep 1879, Webster, Baxter Rogers, 1845, Haywood Co., Roxie Stillwell, 1859, Jackson Co., page 79 Russell, Mary Etta, 9 Jun 1892, Sylva, James Russell, 1854, TN, Roxie Hall, 1855, Swain Co., page 81 Queen, Irone, 1 Jun 1889, Wolf Mountain, A.C. Queen, 1860, Jackson Co., Ingabo Wood, 1858, Jackson Co., page 84 Painter, Mayme Bell, 14 Jun 1899, Sylva, Roland A. Painter, 1838, Jackson Co., Sallie Watson, 1874, Jackson Co., page 85 115 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Delayed Btrth Certificates, continued Cowan, Isaac Coleman, 5 Mar 1887, Greens Creek, R.D. Cowan, 1857, Jackson Co., Amanda Jane j Bradley, 1857, Jackson Co., page 87 Cowan, James Jasper, 29 Jun 1879, Greens Creek, R.D. Cowan, 1857, Jackson Co., Amanda Jane Bradley, 1857, Jackson Co., page 88 Howell, Lottie, 16 Apr 1895, Whittier, K. Howell, 1865, Jackson Co., Tennessee Turpin, 1866, Jackson Co., page 89 Franklin, Ira Evander, 10 Nov 1882, Sylva, Riley Franklin, 1846, Jackson Co., Dorcus Dillard, 1848, Jackson Co., page 93 McDowell, Jess Allen, 23 Dec 1899, Webster, Sevier McDowell, 1877, Jackson Co., Maggie Hooper, 1879, Jackson Co., page 94 Howell, Harvey, 28 Sep 1899, Webster, Lee Howell, 1877, Macon Co., Laura Dorsey, 1875, Jackson Co., page 96 Deitz, Sylvester M., 4 Mar 1884, Greens Creek, not given, not given, not given, Janey Deitz, 1866, Jackson Co., page 121 Martin, Henry Grady, 9 Nov 1898, Whittier, W.C. Martin, 1849, TN, Eliza Gibbs, 1856, Swain Co., page 122 Zachary, Lawton, 23 Mar 1878, Norton, Alexander Washington Zachary, 1824, Jackson Co., Elizabeth Bryson, 1829, Macon Co., page 124 Zachary, Margaret Bird, 2 Jan 1886, Cashiers, Thomas Roger Zachary, 1850, Jackson Co., JuUa Linwood Beazley, 1850, Fredricksburg, VA, page 131 Ashe, Bessie Alma, 11 Apr 1893, Wilmot, Hampton Price Ashe, 1861, Jackson Co., Margaret Tilley, 1862, Jackson Co., page 134 Parker, John Wesley, 24 feb 1880, Wilmot, Malichia Parker, 1845, Jackson Co., Matilda Thomas, 1840, Jackson Co., page 141 ~ Norton, Rufus Edward, 22 May 1882, Fairfield, Taylor Norton, 1847, Jackson Co., Mattie Paxton, 1852, ^y Transylvania Co., page 143 Wilde, Charlie William, 2 Oct 1881, Franklin, Lee F. Wilde, 1860, Macon Co., Fannie Jacobs, 1859, Macon Co., page 146 King, Robert Floyd, 14 Jun 1897, not given, Harley Bascom King, 1856, Buncombe Co., Martha Malinda Redmond, 1852, Buncombe Co., page 147 Crawford, Frank Elsie, 20 Oct 1897, Cullowhee, John Crawford, 1868, Jackson Co., Rebecca Phillips, 1871, Jackson Co., page 152 Sutton, Freeman, 16 Sep 1899, Greens Creek, John F. Sutton, 1874, Jackson Co., Leah Bryson, 1876, Jackson Co., page 154 Hooper, Flodia, 1 Dec 1897, Tuckasegee, John W. Hooper, 1865, Jackson Co., Mary Jane Queen, 1880, Jackson Co., page 158 Ensley, Marl Burl, 28 Feb 1892, Sylva, James Elbert Ensley, 1866, Jackson Co., Eva Snyder, 1865, Jackson Co., page 159 Fisher, Blanche, 24 Aug 1896, Sylva, Thomas Jasper Fisher, 1851, NC, Alice Jane Ray, 1854, NC, page 162 Barnes, James Lee, 23 Jul 1892, Sylva, Thomas Barnes, 1846, SC, Georgia Ann Harper, 1846, GA, page 168 Potts, Anna, 12 Feb 1896, Norton, Jerry Potts, 1861, NC, Jane Evitt, 1876, NC, page 176 Hedden, George Caler, 10 Jun 1897, Glenville, Elisha Caylor Hedden, 1866, Rabun Co GA, Sarah Catherine Parker, 1866, Jackson Co., page 182 Hall, Hannah Cordelia, 23 Feb 1898, Greens Creek, David Coleman Hall, 1875, Jackson Co., Mary Cordelia Buchanan, 1877, Jackson Co., page 189 Gibson, Cole Alexander, 18 Oct 1887, Whittier, John A, Gibson, 1852, Jackson Co., Elmina Messer, 1850, Jackson Co., page 195 ^y 116 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 C Delayed birth certificates, continued Zachary, William M., 27 Feb 1885, Whittier, William K. Zachary, not given, Jackson Co., Martha Monteith, not given, Jackson Co., page 197 Stephens, Fidill Huff, 27 Oct 1897, Cowarts, Adolphus Mont Stephens, 1872, Jackson Co., Addie Parker, 1875, Jackson Co., page 221 Dills, Ralph Arkelus, 4 May 1890, Sylva, John Albert Dills, 1865, Jackson Co., Laura L. Wilson, 1868, Jackson Co., page 228 Buchanan, Hattie Stella, 9 Dec 1899, Gay, Delonis W. Buchanan, 1852, Jackson Co., Louella Adney Blaine, 1857, Macon Co., page 229 Hooper, Ora, 10 Aug 1896, Cowarts, Jefferson Hooper, 1856, Jackson Co., Sabra Stephens, 1860, Jackson Co., page 234 Pressley, Martha M., 9 Jun 1899, Cullowhee, William Pressley, 1867, Jackson Co., Dovie Shelton, 1869, Jackson Co., page 240 Knight, James Madison Stewart, 28 Sep 1886, Cashiers, Levi Ervin Knight, 1836, Jackson Co., Nancy Adeline Kelly, 1838, Oconee Co., SC, page 242 Bradley, Carey Lee, 15 Apr 1898, Whittier, Jim Bradley, 1869, Whittier, Mary Dollie Raby, 1875, Jackson Co., page 247 Bradley Joseph Fred, 10 Dec 1899, Whittier, Jim Bradley, 1869, Jackson Co., Mary Dollie Raby, 1875, Jackson Co., page 248 Jones, Leonard, 7 Apr 1896, Barker's Creek, W.G. Jones, 1868, Jackson Co., Lavada Green, 1866, Jackson Co., page 250 Tranham, Minnie, 8 Jun 1894, Gay, Bert Tranham, 1857, Jackson Co., Marlin Bradley, 1872, Jackson Co., page 251 Fisher, Affie, 24 May 1894, Sylva, Howard Fisher, 1874, Jackson Co., Maggie Fisher, 1875, Jackson Co., ( . page 252 ^ • ^ Dills, Roy Rabon, 10 May 1892, Sylva, John Albert Dills, 1865, Jackson Co., Laura L. Wilson, 1868, Jackson Co., page 253 Bradley, Bedford, 25 Oct 1895, Wilmot, run Bradley, 1869, Jackson Co., Mary Dollie Raby, 1873, Jackson Co., page 259 Monteith, John B., 14 Jan 1886, Sylva, Thomas Monteith, 1848, Jackson Co., Pallie Queen, 1856, Jackson Co., page 260 Wilson, Dewey Ottis, 23 Jul 1899, Speedwell, James Frances Wilson, 1859, Jackson Co., Mary Alice Fisher, 1863 Haywood Co., page 265 Hooper, John Hamilton, 31 Dec 1899, East LaPorte, Ephriam Hooper, 1864, Jackson Co., Belle Woodring, 1865, Jackson Co., page 266 Parker, Luther Madison, 16 Aug 1899, Cowarts, Columbus Parker, 1880, Jackson Co., Lora Shuler, 1880, Jackson Co., page 269 Hyatt, Pearly Asbury, 12 May 1897, Gay, William Love Hyatt, 1860, Jackson Co., Ferbie C. Hurst, 1862, Macon Co., page 272 Buchanan, William Tyler, 26 Sep 1897, Webster, Larence Loranza Buchanan, 1876, Jackson Co., Florence Bell Frizzell, 1878, Jackson Co., page 273 Ashe, Alec Elijah, 2 Sep 1898, Webster, John V. Ashe, 1869, Jackson Co., Ellen Bumgarner, 1873, Jackson Co., page 277 Nations, Dollie Carrie Ann, 12 May 1895, Wilmot, Zeb Vance Nations, 1860, Jackson Co., Emma Franklin, 1860, Jackson Co., page 282 Nations, Robert Marion, 30 Jun 1897, Wilmot, Zeb Vance Nations, 1860, Jackson Co., Emma Franklin, 1860, Jackson Co., page 284 Henderson, John Lawton, 12 Jul 1885, Glenville, John C. Henderson, 1859, Jackson Co., Arka Delphia L y Wilson, 1857, Jackson Co., page 286 117 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Delayed birth certificates, continued Parker, J. Milas, 28 Sep 1887, Cowarts, Robert Parker, 1856, Jackson Co., Rebecca Brown, 1857, Jackson Co., page 287 "wJ Bryson, Ronald Augustus, 24 Dec 1891, Cashiers, Newton Bryson, 1869, Jackson Co., Annie Rochester, 1873, Jackson Co., page 289 Wilson, Weaver Tom, 10 Jul 1887, Glenville, Columbus G. Wilson, 1858, Jackson Co., Sallie R. Wilson, 1864, Jackson Co., page 297 Wilson, Eula Jemima, 27 Aug 1893, Glenville, Columbus G. Wilson, 1858, Jackson Co., Sallie R. Wilson, 1864, Jackson Co., page 298 Ashe, Lucy Gayzelle, 28 Oct 1899, Greens Creek, Felix Ashe, 1874, Jackson Co., Mary Morrison, 1875, Macon Co., page 304 Stephens, Miles Laughton, 17 Nov 1899, Cowarts, Adolphus M. Stephens, 1872, Addie Parker, 1874, Jackson Co., page 306 Knight, Joseph Franklin, 18 Sep 1879, Cashiers, Levi Ervin Knight, 1836, Jackson Co., Adeline Kelly, 1838, Oconee Co.SC, page 313 Williams, Frank Boyd, 29 Jul 1892, Webster, James Ellis Williams, 1866, Carroll Co VA, Roberta Dorthula McClain, 1868, NC, page 318 Hooper, Susie Jane, 18 Mar 1894, Glenville, E.M. Hooper, 1867, Jackson Co., Latha E. Bryson, 1876, Jackson Co., page 319 Ashe, Zelma Hix, 31 Oct 1889, Cullowhee, Clingman R. Ashe, 1867, Jackson Co., Ida A. Stewart, 1869, Jackson Co., page 320 Robinson, William Dolphus, 15 Nov 1881, Sylva, Isreal Henry Robinson, 1856, Haywood Co., Lucinda Parris, 1866, Jackson Co., page 326 Lemings, Robert Lee, 15 Aug 1888, Whittier, William T. Lemings, 1862, Haywood Co., Jane Grant, 1863, Swain Co., page 330 Henson, Elsie Edith, 17 Sep 1898, Glenville, Wesley A. Henson, 1866, Jackson Co., Hattie A. Collins, 1870, SC, page 332 -^J Rogers, Martha, 18 Apr 1896, Cullowhee, Lewis Rogers, 1854, NC, Catherine Gibbs, 1870, NC, page 337 Moore, Jess Fitch, 22 Apr 1899, Glenville, Earl E. Moore, 1849, Transylvania Co., Annie Ervin, 1865, Transylvania Co., page 345 Hooper, John E., 30 Jan 1891, Cowarts, N. Jefferson Hooper, 1856, Jackson Co., Sahra Stephens, 1860, Jackson Co., page 346 Monteith families, continued from p. 106 Samuel Roscoe S1 Fullbright 1879 - 1 9 4 3 Son of Jane Angaline M Monteith and Daniel Monroe Fullbright Samuel Roscoe 2I Fullbright, Jane ** Thomasl 9 , Samuel - \ Henry 17, John16, James " , James14, James " , James ,2, William " , Alexander, 0 , James 9, William 8, WiUiam ' , William 6, WiUiam 5, William \ John3, Walter 2, John *. Samuel Roscoe Fullbright b. 15 Jun 1879 in Jackson Co.; d. 1 Dec 1943 in Cullowhee, Jackson Co. Samuel married Bertha Magdalene Painter 25 Dec 1904 in Cullowhee, daughter of Elbert M. Painter and Mary Ann Bryson Painter. Bertha d. 5 Feb 1955. They are buried at Cullowhee. Twin Sons a Fullbright and Daughter ** Fullbright Died as infants. Geneva Louise22Fullbright b. 11 Sep 1906; d. 1963. Married William R. Stiles. Buried Pisgah Gardens, Brevard. Edith Irene n Fullbright b. 19 Apr 1908; d. 1989. Married Paul Thomas Hamilton 25 Sep 1929. Mary Kathleen a Fullbright b. 15 Nov 1913. Married Francis Floyd Jones 23 Dec 1940. Source: 1910 Jackson Co. census, Cullowhee, p. 182: Samuel R. Fullbright 30, Bertha M. 28, Geneva L. 3, Edith 13/12 ^J 118 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Donations to the JCGS Library [Ed. In the following table, one may see the original donations to the new JCGS library. Besides the books listed here, members have also contributed information for family files and various issues of periodicals. Each JCGS member is encouraged to support the library by contributing in any way one chooses.] Call No. 016 H 260 F 929.1 S 929.2B 929.2 D 929.3 B -929.3 B 929.3 C 929.3 F 929.3 J 929.3 M 973.7 S 973.73B 975.6 J 975.6 L 975.7 S 976.4 L 976.7 E 979.8 F 016 H 016 H 287 B 373 B 378.4 B 378.6 W 808.81 J 929.2 C 929.2 C 929.2 H 929.3 C 929.3 E 929.3 M 929.2 A 929.3 929.3 W 973.2 973.741 T 975.6 M Author Hofiunan,M Frizzell, G. Schweitzer, G. Blalock, J. Dill,H. Biddix, C. Blankenship, B. Cook, Alice R. Frizzell, R. JCGS MedfonLR CO Barrett, J. JCGS Lovin,C. Schweitzer, G. Ladd,K. Easley.B. Ferrell, E. Hehir.D. Hehir.D. Bailey, L. Bryson, V. Bird,W£. Jackson County Arts Council Cawyer, S. Cowan, L. Hauk,C. Everton,C. McRae, B. Allen, W. Woolley, J. Cobb, S. Turk,D. Meyer, D. Title Genealogical and Local History Books in Print Little Savannah Baptist Church: A Brief History North Carolina Genealogical Research The Dred Blalock Families of Haywood County, NC Some Descendants and Kinsmen of William Dill, Sr., a Delaware Colonist Western North Carolina Bible Records, collected by Lawrence Wood Cherokee Roots Haywood County, North Carolina Families Docket Book: Jackson County Superior Court 1866 -1896 Cemeteries of Jackson County, North Carolina The Families of Haywood and Jackson Counties, North Carolina (1850 Census) CMl War Almanac North Carolina As A CMl War Battleground Jackson County Heritage, North Carolina Vol. 1 Our Mountain Heritage South Carolina Genealogical Research Gone to Texas: Genealogical Abstracts from the Telegraph and Texas Register Obituaries of Benton County Arkansas, Vol. 5,9 Biographies of Alaska - Yukon Pioneers 1850 -1950 Carolina Families: A Bibliography of Books about North and South Carolina Families Missouri Family Histories and Genealogies A History of the Methodist Church in the Toe River Valley The History of Glenville School The History of Western Carolina College Western Carolina University Alumni Directory Jackson County Poetry The Genealogical Study of James Brittain East Fork of Savannah, Jackson County NC 1882 -1982 Descendants of John Woodson ofVA Clay County, NC Vital Records Cemeteries ofTyrell Co. Macon County, NC in the 1850 Census The Dockerys of Dixie NC 1870 Census Index:County of Macon Marriage Bonds of Haywood and Jackson Counties, NC The Story of the Palatines The Union Hole: Unionist Activity and Local Conflict in Western VA The Highland Scots of North Carolina 1732-1776 Donor Dorris Beck Dorris Beck Ruth Shuler Dorris Beck Dorris Beck Ruth Shuler Ruth Shuler JCGS JCGS JCGS Dorris Beck Dorris Beck JCGS Ruth Shuler Ruth Shuler Ruth Shuler Ruth Shuler Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Lois Heun Anon Sharon Carnes Sharon Carnes Sharon Carnes Larry Crawford Anon Larry Crawford Mary Nichols (Publisher) Ruth Shuler Larry Crawford Henry Buchanan Henry Buchanan Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Sharon Carnes Ace. 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 6/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 119 Journeys Through Jackson July - August 1998 Library Acquisitions continued 975.6 O 975.6 T 975.7 H 976.9 E 978.8 C 364.6 E 929.2 J 929.3 A 929.3 K 929.3 S 974.8 S 973.2 D 974.8 B 975.6 G 975.6 M 975.8 D Oliver, D. Trout, E Holcomb, B. Ely, W. Colo. Council Ekirch,A.B. Jennings, W. Aldridge, B. Kirkpatrick, E. Stewart, W. Scott, K. Dickson, R. Byers, T. Gray,M. Mabry.M. (Ed.) Dumont, W. Hazel Creek From Then 'til Now A Piece of the Smokies: A Pictorial History of Life in the Smoky Mountains Early Records of Fishing Creek Presbytrerian Church Chester County, SC The Big Sandy Valley Colorado Resource Handbook Bound for America: the transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies 1718-1755 The Jennings Family McDowell County, NC Cemeteries, Vol. 1 Spring Creek Cemetery Survey, 1992 1800 Census of Pendleton District, SC Genealogical data from The Pennsylvania Chronicle 1767- 1774 Ulster Emigration to Colonial America 1718-1775 Some Possible Pennsylvania Beginnings of Old Buncombe County, NC A History of Dillsboro, North Carolina Union County, South Carolina Heritage Colonial Georgia Genealogical Data 1748-1783 Dorris Beck Dorris Beck Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Jean G. Brown Sharon Carnes Ruth Shuler Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Larry Crawford Sharon Carnes Larry Crawford Anon. Larry Crawford Larry Crawford 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 Ky K J OLD BUNCOMBE COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY WORKSHOP Saturday, September 19, 1998 Promptly at 10 a.m. lasting until 3 p.m. Reynolds Fire Department, Charlotte Highway, Asheville, NC Registration from 9:00 a.m. Come early, eat and socialize! Coffee and Donuts will be served. featuring the informative, entertaining and inspirational HENRY Z . " H A N K " JONES JR. who published the results of his research on the Irish-Germans in 1965 in The Palatine Families of Ireland and has won the prestigious Donald Jacobus Award. His 1993 Psychic Roots: Serendipity & Intuition in Genealogy had a segment featured on Unsolved Mysteries. Lunch will be available at reasonable cost on site. Restaurants are also close by. OBCGS 85 Tunnel Road Asheville. NC 28802; 828-253-1894 for more information. Pre-Registration $35 - at the door $40 (Members); Pre-Registration $55 - at the door $60 (Two family members) Pre-Registration $40 - at the door $45 (Non-members); Pre-Registration $60 - at the door $65 (Two family Non-members) Registration deadline: September 11th, 1998. Registration forms for members will be mailed soon. 120