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Handbook/ 1933/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 30 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10041.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • MAY 6 and 7 MOUNT CHAPMAN To those who know the rugged and unmolested charm of the Greenbriar section, a jaunt into its wilderness needs no recommendation. To those who would seek new inspiration from an unfrequented mountain fastness, the hike to Mount Chapman offers a challenge. May, bringing its profusion of spring foliage and bloom and its refreshing vistas, is the month chosen for this trip. After driving to Greenbriar via Sevierville and Pittman Center, we shall leave our cars at the hotel and set out immediately. We shall follow the horse-trail to the junction of Ramsey and ] Buck Forks and then proceed toward the source of Buck Fork as far as possible before nightfall. An attempt will be made to reach "Camp Rock", approximately five nrles from Greenbriar, in the evening. Here a good camp site is available. It will seem advisable to cover as much ground as possible on Saturday since there remain several miles to be traversed during the next morning. At day break we shall leave our packs, with the exception of lunch and canteens, and press on to Mount Chapman. The trail will become increasingly difficult toward the state line. At our destination we shall be amply rewarded for our labours. Nowhere in the Smokies is a more sublime panorama to be viewed than that stretching away from this balsam-clad peak. After an early lunch we shall return down the same trail to Greenbriar. Leave Dixie System promptly at 12:30 V' m. Saturday. Take candle-lantern, tent (or poncho), blankets, canteen, and food for three meals. Round trip hiking distance, about 21 miles. Elevation, 6430 feet. Total driving distance about 125 miles Leaders: H. O. •WTLTES~CT-7327) J. R. BAIRD (3-9056) 30

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).