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Handbook/ 1933/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 57 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10068.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • This hike is scheduled for the very prettiest part of the whole year. The trees throughout the mountains will offer a mixture of orange, red, gold and green that makes a gorgeous setting for any trip. The weather should be ideal. October is our driest month, so the chances are that we will have clear weather. Sunsets are beauties at this time of the year. A full moon will be hovering over us at night. Then too, by the middle of October there is a fall tinge to the air that makes hiking a real pleasure. Particulars for this trip cannot be announced until the time of the annual Banquet at Montvale Springs on September 30th. The hike will be selected from written suggestions handed in oy friend's and members of the club not later than September 4th. The hike will then be scouted and details worked out by the leaders. It may be either a one day or a day and a half trip. The written suggestions should state: (1) description of the place, (2) values of the place that would interest the club, (3) directions for getting there, (4) time schedule, (5) driving mileage, (C) hiking distance, (7) cost involved, (8) equipment and food needed. This is the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club's first mystery hike. You've asked for something new and here it is. Now let's make a go of it. First search for a place to go, then write it up, then be a booster, and last but not least be on hand at the start. "Wa-hoo!" Leaders: HUGH WEBB (3-7839) HARRIETT FOWLKES (3-5076) In some sections of the country there is a custom that should become a habit with us:— before throwing away an extinguished match, break the stick. 57

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).