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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • SEPTEMBER 22, 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE 9 'Of Mice and Menf finest show by TERRY NIENHUIS WGl) English Deptr In my opinion. STA's "Of Mice and Men" is the finest Student production seen in Cullowhee in live years. Too often college drama is marred by an unconvincing delivery of lines: by inadequate gesture and poor timing; garrett's greenhouse IN WAYNESVILLE ACROSS FROMDAYCO MONDAY-FRIDAY 7 AM—6PM ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER § "*c~' ^WrMA \ WACHOVIA INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 485 C EAST MAIN ST. [LOVESFIELD] Come out and let us serve your Insurance needs FIRE, AUTO , LIFE, & HEALTH AMPLE PARKING SPACE D. t«<. jcn Mrs- Bonnie Cope Ph. 586-4578 Agent-Manager lining after emotionalism; bv excessively fast or ■ civ wooden recitation, as if the player just wanted to get the lines behind him so he wouldn't goof; by inaccurate and even non-existent interpretive In this production directed by Donald Locl'flcr these problems are minimized to such an extent that even the playgoer spoiled by the quality of professional theater finds much to enjoy. This group of players is truly competent in their delivery and at times excellent. Senior Mike Genebach takes the very difficult part of George and plays it extremely well, with just the right touch of exasperation and compassion. Like every good actor he uses timing and gesture to complement a delivery that is expressive yet natural. Jeff Clark, a junior, also performs well in an even more difficult part as the mentally retarded l.ennie. It is easy to make people laugh at the imitation of the retarded but difficult to make them laugh with it or believe in its dignity. There are moments when Clark gets it all just right. Jerry Rogers, another junior, is perhaps the strongest actor in the play. He performs the easier but crucial part of Slim, the sensible farmhand who quietly runs the farm's operation with the strong but subdued masculinity that Steinbeck so much admired and built his play around. Slim is Steinbeck's Horatio, the man who is full of passion but "not passion's slave," the man we suppose will restore order after the curtain falls. the rest of the players perform admirably. In amateur productions it is difficult to assemble a uniformly competent cast; usually at least one player breaks the dramatic illusion for us and harms the dramatic effect: but one of the strengths of this production is that this seldom happens. Even the actors with the least important parts, like Ken Beck and Robert Brown, contribute significant!) to the play's atmosphere. As usual, the technical quality of this SI A production, the set, lighting, costuming, make up, blocking, etc., is high. Too often in the past we have had to locus on technical features to find a play's redeeming qualities, but here technical matters are in their proper place, as a complement to a good enactment of the dramatic action. The text of the play is quite sentimental, and this generally handicaps a productions^ potentiality. Much that is sentimental simply can't be performed without becoming bathetic, and the sentimental that can be performed requires significant skill to achieve the proper measure of control and dignity. But good players can take sentimental plays and succeed with them because they will underplay the emotionalism, and that is tin- case here. The ending of the play works because the cast is successful setting it up and because Genebach and Clark arc successful in delivering it. The show runs through Saturday. Tickets are 75c for students. Reservations arc available at the ticket booth In Stillwell or by calling 293-7491. Jerry Rogers and Mike Geneback strike a serious note in STA's current production "Of Mice and Men." Directed by Donald Loeffler, the play will run through Saturday night. [Photos by Hugh Grogan]. SYLVA. CHURCH OF CHRIST ANNOUNCES NEW SERVICES FOR WCU STUDENTS LYNN TUCKER IS AVAILABLE ON A FULL-TIME BASIS TO MINISTER TO THE SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF STUDENTS. HIS PHONE IS 586-6401. TRANSPORTATION WILL BE PROVIDED TO CHURCH SERVICES IN SYLVA. SERVICES ARE: BIBLE STUDY 10 A.M. SUNDAY; WORSHIP 11 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M. SUNDAY; BIBLE STUDY 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).