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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • AKPsi SEPTEMBER 22, 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE 11 WCU chapter number 1 in nation The Western Carolina chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi has been named the number one chapter in the United States. They were awarded a plaque this summer in Atlanta at the national convention. This award is given each year on the basis of scores from an efficiency rating which is compiled in the spring. The rating consists of five major catagories. These categories are: finances, scholarships, professional activities, general administration, and membership. There is a possible perfect score of twenty thousand per category, for a possible score, over-all, of one hundred thousand. This past year the chapter scored a perfect score, winning the honors over one hundred and thirty-nine other chapters across the nation. Competition for this exclusive award is very stiff. Western has always done will over the last few years, scoring in the eighty-five to ninety thousand range. ' The AK Psi chapter at Western, Ijowever, is relatively young and beat a lot of schools with a great deal of tradition in their favor. Western's chapter was founded in 1969. This year Western won over Virginia Tech, founded in 1939, who had held the number one position for the last several years. AK Psi has many activities for its members each year, and they usually go to Atlanta at least once during the year. They have toured many places in Atlanta such as General Motors, the Federal Reserve, I.B.M., and the Atlanta Constitution. From these tours the members of the fraternity are able to gain first hand knowledge about how such businesses are run, as well as certain aspects about that line of work. The fraternity also holds seminars, with guest speakers, to educate its members in the best way to get the right Start in business. The fraternity also involves itself in many public services every year. Last year they held a career exploration day in cooperation with Mr. Bixby at the placement office. Approximate sixty representatives from regional companies were present at this "job fair" in the UC. Students were able to stop bv when they had the time and talk to these representatives about their professions. This was very successful last year and AK Psi is planning to hold another such day again this year sometime after Christmas. Another project AK Psi involved itself in last year was the American Cancer Society Bike-a-lhon. President I.any Ray was unsure about such a project again this year baeause of the lack of interest ami support it generated last year. Last year the fraternity played a minor role in the "Special Olympics" for exceptional children and they plan to have a bigger part in it this year. The main goal of Alpha Kappa Psi is to promote business education as well as public education. I he fraternity stresses a high standard of ethics in both private and professional life. Membership is open to all business majors. Membership is also open to females, and although they still call them "brothers," Ray urges females to join. Presently there are two female members, and two graduated last year. Alter big projects, says President Ray. there is always a real sense of accomplishment, and we usually have our best parties after a big project. .Although parties arc an important part of the fraternity life. Ray doesn't see them as most important. Rather, he savs. service projects are because of the sense of brotherhood they help to create. Ray sees the life in a fraternity as an experience that teaches its members things that they could never learn in a classroom. JESSE WINCHESTER >thin' but a Breeze JESSE WINCHESTER Nothing But a Breeze Myboogwra umgrau) Ml in Bearsville Records & Tapes SPECIAL:'TILSEPT. 31 $3.00 OFF LIST PRICE ON ALL JESSE WINCHESTER LPS. REGULAR WEEKLY PLUS OUR SPECIALS WE'RE THE BRIDGE SOUND CO. THE BRIDGE SOUND CO. CULLOWHEESTORE Asheville Store #1 Rt. 107 Cullowhee. N. C. 342 Merrlmon Ave. Phone 704/293-9767 Phone 704/255-0214 ASHEVILLE STORE 3 Swan St., Biltmore Village Phone 704/274-0074 THE FINEST IN RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL HlfiH Fir.FI ITY FOUIPMFNT

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).