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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • SEPTEMBER 22, 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE3 Senators elected renovated sanctuary and the new organ. Following the worship hour, new members and Student! will be guests ot the church at a luncheon. Hie Fall Festival is sponsored jointly by the Baptist Student Union and the Cullow hee Baptist Church. All are invited to share iii this renewal of faith in God's presence Hie Student Senate elections last Tuesday night filled IK senatorial positions, and decided two constitutional questions. the first of the two ammendments on the ballot concerned replacing the lost Judicial power of the election commission which was ruled unconstitutional last spring. This ammendment, like the second, passed with ease in the election. lhc second ammendment, sponsored by Senators Al I.agano. Joe Plan/, and Rob Wood, passed also which restricts the power of the SGA president and v ice-presi- Ihe senator at-large post went to Bruce Gibbs who won over Frank Kelly. John Harbison, and Brent Hyatt. Other winners in the election were: •Hie four seats in Scott: Thomas I.afferty. Sen. Nancy Ruffner, Linda Street, and Debra Brogden. •Two Harrill seats: Phil Gates and Matt Hill. •Two Leatherwood seats: Al Thomas anil Mark Asa. •One Benton seat: Richard Sullins. •One Reynolds seat: Joe Kerley. •One Albright seat: Richard Freeman. •Two Helder seats: Sen. Cindy Morton and Janet Jones. •One Buchanan seat: Sen. Joyce Allen. •Two Walker seats: Mary Beth Dolan and Brenda Harmon. •There was also one write-in vote winner at Madison Hall: Thomas McGuire. SGA Vice-President Gary Brown was pleased with the smoothness of the election. He said, "Everything went real well: it was a lot better than last year's. It was just a perfect election." He also praised the people who worked in the election. "I thought they (Sen. I.agano. Debbie Wike, Vickie I oopcr. and I eigh Saw veil did a great job for us." Faith goes festive The fourth annual Festival of Faith at Cullowhee Baptist Church will feature Dr. Edward Prudcn. Pastor Emeritus of the First Baptist Church of Washington, D.C. and Chaplain of the North Carolina Senate. Pastor in residence at Meredith College in Raleigh, Dr. Prudcn served 32 years as Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Washington, D.C, where he was pastor to the late Harry S. Truman. Dr. Pruden also served as President of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention and the American Baptist Convention, serving on boards and committees of both the American Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. Educated at the University of Richmond. Southern Baptist Seminary, Yale Divinity School, and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Dr. Pruden brings a wealth of rich and varied experiences to the 1977 Festival. Services will begin with the Thursday Pause at the Baptist Student Union. Dr. Pruden will speak on "Truman As 1 Knew Him" Friday at the Mitchell Room of Brown Cafeteria. Reservations may be made by calling the church office at 293-9024. Friday and Saturday evening services will be followed by dialogue sessions in the lower auditorium. Creative desserts by both the men and women of Cullowhee Baptist Church will be featured at these sessions. On Sunday morning, September 25, Dr. Pruden will conclude the services with the dedication of the newly among His people. no visitation Monday - I hursda.) •Buchanan: noon - It) p.m. Monday Thursday; noon - 2 a.m. Friday Saturday •Helder: votes will be in by the end of the - Club hikes Sat. The Sierra Club will sponsor a hike to Standing Indian - approximately ti miles moderate climb meet at My Grandma's Pancake House - 8:15 a.m.. Saturday. September 24. 1 lie Sierra Club will meet on Thursday, Septemer 22. at 8 p.m. in the Cherokee Room. Mr. Mike I'owe will speak on Hawk Mountain. Everyone is inv ited to attend. UC answers questions For those of you interested in wilderness outdoor sports, but don't quite have the nerve to take the first step and sign up. this could be the answer to your problem. I lie Univerisitv Center is offering a question and answer session on information concerning outdoor sports, this question and answer session will be held September 28th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on the second floor of the U.C. For the interested and curious you may find out information on kayaking, rock climbing, canoeing, rafting, skiing and trips in any of these sports planned for the future. Drop by and let us answer your No good stuff around? By the looks of this healthy plant, growing outside the Jackson County Jail, the county sheriff may have the best in town. The plant was confiscated this summer from a county patch, and is on display to teach citizens what pot looks like, according to Sheriff Fred Holcombe. But we know better. |Drew Clark Photo |. Hours chosen Residence students this past week were given an opportunity to vote on visitation limits for residence halls. Students can set o thicr own visitation hours, according to the Student >>' . Tdbook. The maximum visitation hours for any residence hall arc from noon until 2 i>.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon until midnight Sunday through Thursday. Any violation of hall visitation hours can lead to a eonfrontaion with Chat Sue, Director of Housing, who has the authority to remove a student from resident life. This week's voting shows a trend of liberalization by the women's redisence halls. Residents of Scott voted to follow the maximum guidelines, for visitation. Scott tends to be the most liberal of the womens' residence halls. All the mens halls unanimously voted for maximum hours except Madison. Students there will not vote until after football season. Hours for the other women's halls are as follows: •Walker: 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. on Friday: noon - 2 a.m.. Saturday; noon - midnight. Sunday; Coop Ed. here WASHINGTON, D.C—A $36,000 grant for a Cooperative Education program has been approved for WCU, according to Congressman Lamar Gudgcr. The grant is through the Department of Education of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The purpose of the project is to provide Federal support for cooperative education programs including the planning, establishment, expansion, or carrying out of such programs in institutions of higher education. Cooperative Education programs are those which alternate periods of full-time academic study with periods of full-time public or private employment. Title of the WCU project is "Cooperative Education in the Southern Appalachian Region. Lawrence H. Bixbv will serve as project director. UC climbs rocks The U.C. will sponsor a beginning rock climbing clinic Sunday. September 23, beginning at 9 a.m., and ending at 7 p.m. Paritcipants will meet at Wilderness Outfitter in Cullowhee. and from there will travel to Rock Mountain in Cashiers. This class will start with basic instruction for climbing: cost is $7 - sign up at the U.C. Also, on October 2 there will be an all-day beginning rafting clinic. This all day rafting trip will take place on the beautiful and exciting Ocoee River in Tennessee. No experience is necessary as all rafts will be guided by experienced river runners. Cost: $12. Board locked meeting door and Dietz "came in the back door." The two also testified that although they didn't see Wike lock the door, he let them in and out. Ms. Nicholas and Ms. Oliver testified they attended a June 6 commission meeting from 10 a.m. until shortly after noon, when they testified they were told the meeting was recessed until 10 a.m. on June 8. Dr. James Wilson testified he attended a joint meeting of the commission and county school board at approximately 1:30 p.m. on June 6 with "invited community leaders." He testified that the meeting was formally brought to order, that the two boards reached a figure of $3.9 million for the current school bond issue, and that a date was set for a referendum. Sossomon. in his cross examination, implied that the meeting was not "secret" or "closed" because invited members of the public were there. Other testimony had it that Wike has been regularly asking people to leave meetings by saying "we're setting to go into executive session" since February 1976. without ever voting on the matter. Ms. Nicholas said Sossomon told her after one such executive session that the board had discussed Wike's motorboat. Ms. Nicholas testified that she and other people are unable to get commission meeting minutes until they are approved by the commission one month after a meeting. She said she once saw unpublished or "working" minutes reading that the board had gone into executive session after adjourning (which is what happened according to Ms. Nicholas) while the published minutes simply said the meeting adjourned. Ms. Nicholas testified she has been denied access to complete expenditure reports (including maintenance and repair of damaged private property) for the Jackson County Airport by Dietz. She testified she never received the report after repeated requests, and a June visit to the Jackson County Courthouse during regular business hours. An assistant of Deitz. apparently responsible for the report, was no'iit his desk, according to Ms. Nicholas. Ms. Nicholas also said she was denied access to the fiscal 1975-76 Jackson Countv Audit Report from April 4 until June 29. 1977 by Dietz. There was no public notice on the public bulletin board in the courthouse at 4 p.m. June 20 for a special 10 a.m. June 22 meeting, according to Ms. Nicholas. Judge Harry Martin. Buncombe Countv Resident Superior Court Judge, is serving in absence of Jackson County Superior Court Judge Lacy Thornburg. who granted the hearing last August 31. The defense was scheduled to bring its case at 9:30 a.m. this morning. Four witnesses and the defendants will be called by Sossomon. Look for a Western Carolinian Special Edition next Tuesday with the full story on the hearing.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).