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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • PAGE 16/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 Friends of Animals offer scholarship Friends of Animals, Inc., a New York-based national humane conservation organization, has announced a scholarship program for university students. The program is aimed at focusing interest on the relationship of humans to other life forms as well as inducing student concern for the work of Congress. Annual scholarship awards in the aggregate amount of $8,000 will be given those students who submit the finest essays in support of a federal legislative campaign to end human exploitation of animals. The 1977-78 essay contest will center on the Williams-Long bill in the Congress which would ban the interstate shipment of furs from any state or nation which has not banned the leg-hold trap, the device used to catch and hold fur-bearers such as raccoon, bobcat, coyote and other animals wanted by the fur industry. The scholarship program was made possible by a grant from Regina Bauer Frankenberg, a director of FoA and president of its Washington lobby, the Committee for Humane Legislation, Inc. Miss Frankenberg's motivation for the grant, she said, was to "engender concern for the environment and non-humans in young people." She noted that "new technology provides alternatives to the exploitation of animals for food, material, sport and scientific research." "And," Miss Frankenberg continued, "we want to encourage the young people who will be in charge of a new world which includes the earth and animals in its ethical scheme to expedite the transition through rational and philosophical influence on the people and the Congress." The scholarship awards will be made to students, undergraduate or graduate, majoring in the fields of philosophy, journalism, law, economics, theology, and or political science. Official entry blanks arc available by writing: The Regina Bauer Frankenberg Scholarship Committee. Friends of Animals, Inc.. II West With Street. New York, NY 10023. Stephens named marketing head . Dr. Keith T. Stephens, formerly associate professor of marketing at Seton Hall University, has been named professor and head of the WCU Department of management and marketing. Dr. Stephens is a graduate of Brigham Young University and holds the master of science degree from New York University, the master of business administration degree from the University of Michigan, and the Ph.D. from New York University. He has taught at Fairleigh Dickenson University, New York University and the University of Michigan, and has served as a consultant to the Wyandotte Corp., Engelhard Industries, ABC Consultants Inc., and others. Dr. Stephens is the author of three books—"The Residential Single Dwelling Security Alarm and Fire Protection and Prevention Market," "Reeducation and Business Training Market," and "Commercial and Industrial Electronic Burglary Protection Marketing." He also had published numerous scholarly articles on marketing and planning in "Industrial Marketing," "Journal of Business," "Product Management," and "Air Transport News." Dr. Stephens is a member of the American Marketing Association, the National Planning Association, the American Economic Association, and the Product Management Association. He also belongs to the Bank Marketing and P/R Association and the N. J. Marketing Professors Association. Miss Lillian lights up! The Revolutionary Cannabis Party (RCP) sent President Carter's mother a letter urging decriminalization of marijuana along with two marijuana cigarettes last August. Earlier, Miss Lillian told People magazine that she has never smoked dope, but if her son's proposal to lift federal criminal penalties for possession of up to one ounce becomes law, she hopes to see some. Along with instructions on smoking the joints, the RCP warned Miss Lillian that there are some disadvantages to smoking pot. "One of which is the dreaded munchies...Another disadvantage is that marijuana is still illegal...However, we doubt if you really have to be concerned with being arrested. So enjoy yourself". The letter was signed "Fidel Castor-oil." So far, no word on Miss Lillian. Rogers Magee of Aiken, S.C, conducted a dulcimer-building workshop for about 30 interested persons last weekend at WCU. The new dulcimer players, along with other old-timers on the instrument, will gather at WCU this Saturdav Save money oil your brand name hard and soft lens supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. CONTACT LENS SUPPLY CENTER 341 E. Camelback Phoenix, Arizona 85012 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. for a dulcimer-playing session on the lawn outside Belk Building, at the Mountain Heritage Day celebration. Here Magee explains some of the fine points of construction to Ron Kiviniemi of Brevard. [WCU photo bv John Slater]. VALLEY PHOTO SHOP COLOR PRINT PROCESSING 12exp. 2.99 20exp. 4.19 36exp. 6.59 reprints [from negative] 19c 293-5373...CULLOWHEE Spare time on your hands? Put it tc use! MAKE IrJUHItf FAST NO CASH NEEDED SELL HI Fl EQUIPMENT Be our exclusive rep on your campus- ALL BRANDS WRITE AUDIO OUTLET 325 Pascack Avonue Washington Township. Nm» Jtruy 07675 Attention Artona Muzyka (201| 666-8868

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).