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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • PAGE 10/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/SEPTEMBER 22. 1977 Swim9 run to stay fit by JOHN BURSON Sports Editor This year at WCU you've heard about fraternities, sororities, special interest organizations, etc. But there is one group, consisting of 118 people, that hasn't had too much acclaim. This group of students and faculty have one goal: to Stay fit. Two programs have been established here at WCU to promote physical fitness: "Swim to stay fit" and "Run to stay fit." The swim to stay lit program is sponsored by the American National Red Cross. After participants swim ten miles, they will receive a Red Cross card which certifies the distance. After completing 75 miles, participants are awarded "Run to stay fit" tee shirts. Reporting miles is strictly on the honor system. You can sign up for this program in the intramural office in Reid gym. The run to stay fit program is also using the honor system and the miles you run do not have to be on WCU's track. Each participant receives a certificate at every completed 100 miles. After participants have completed 300 miles, they will receive a "Run for fun" tec shirt. Two participants. Ben Hardie and Jim Clark, have already completed 100 miles. In addition to the run to stay fit program, there is a special run to stay fit program called the "Prime Rib Run to stay fit." All miles in this program have to be run on the WCU track and participants have to report the mileage every 50 miles. Although the requirements arc tougher, the stakes are much higher. Fifty dollars and a trophy will be awarded to the male and female who have run the most miles at the end of this year. The money for the prime rib contest was provided by Edgar C. Barreto and family. You may also sign up for this program in the intramural office. Before participants can sign for the prime rib contest, they must have a medical release. Tri-County Electronic Music Center Well, you're almost all grown up now, what with being away from home, going to college and everything. Doubtless you have learned that your budget can sometimes be a hassle to manage. Most likely your have also learned that sometimes you can save a lot of money by simply shopping around, and comparing prices. Go ahead and compare everyone else's prices with ours; you'll find that you can buy our stuff lots cheaper than theirs. We'll give you most of our merchandise for factory cost plus 20 per cent. (Everyone else will usually get at least 50 per cent). We sel lots of different things, but musical instruments, stereo equipment and electronic equipment are our specialties. Martin Ludwig Gibson Pearl Finder Tama Yamaha Slingerland Alvarez Fibes Aria Zickos Guild Premier LoPrinzi Rogers Vega Zildjian Sigma Rcmo Conn Grand Gretsch Courier Ibancz Kincaid Tri-Countv Electronic and Music Center 2 Brcndle Street Svlva, North Carolina 28779 [704| 586-8239 There are seven very good reasons why you should shop with us: 1. If we don't have a steady volume of Western students in our store daily, we are going to destroy the totally exposed and defenseless Alaskan pipeline. 2. We're going to make up a black list of all you turkeys who don't buy your stuff here. We're going to send this list to the North Pole, and chances are very good that ol' Santa won't be bringing you even a peppermint stick for Christmas this year. 3. We'll give you a free "thank you" with every order. 4. WCU is the most prestigious university within 1 mile of the Tuck. River. 5. If Pete had one apple and one orange, and he then gave the apple to Susan who already had one grapefruit, then Susan would have a total of one apple, one grapefruit; and you know what that means. 6. None of us voted for Nixon in either election. 7. If you would like to get stoned out of your mind, then you can come to our store late on any Tuesday night; we will take you behind our building, and throw rocks at you until you get a rush. Steinway Baldwin Rodgers Arp Moog Tapco Shurc A.K.G. Maestro Electro-Harmonix Craig Pioneer Akaii B.S.R. Bose Sanyo Sony Panasonic Advent Bon Sonic Casio Sonic Ultra-Linear Garrard Fuzz-Buster Atari Roberts Robert Thomas Owner Wayne Gillespie Manager

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).