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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • APO !)()(. DAYS AGAIN.. Service fraternity needs some help Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity—a group that's dedicated to helping a lot of other people—is in need of some help itself. The organization, which several years ago was one of the campus' thriving service fraternities, is suddenly down to six members and President John Sofley, along with five fellow members is concerned. The organization—it now accepts both men and women—is holding a smoker at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the UC Grandroom for any student interested in helping APO with such projects as the Special Olympics, sponsorship of periodic visits to the campus of the Red Cross Bloodmobile, holding holiday parties for area needy children, assisting ii uting and other similar Western's Pi Delta Chapter of APO was chartered in 1%5. At that time, there were 55 charter members. The national organization was founded in 1925. Although this year's decine in membership is partly due to the graduation of former members, Sofley says he is hopeful that many students interested in service activities will come out for the get-together today. The affair and APO membership are open to freshmen as well as upper classmen. If you can't make it, but are interested, call Sofley at 291-9214 or 293-9373. or Bill Freeman at 657. SEPTEMBER 22. 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE 13 Prof publisher Mclntyre, associate professor in the department of elementary education at WCU, has published a new book. "Reading Strategies and Enrichment Activities for Grades lour rhrough Nine." lite paperback volume is a resource book of units, ideas, games, and strategies for motivating, leaching and reinforcing reading for students. Many educators feel the students' performance in grades 4-c> is crucial to their later decision to remain in or to leave school. Ms. Mclntyre received her bachelor of arts degree in elementary education from Berea College and her master o( arts degree in administration from WCU. She later was awarded a one-year fellowship lo study reading at Syracuse University. Before coming to WCU in 1971, Ms. Mclntyre taught in the Polk and Rutherford county school systems. In these schools, she taught self-contained grades Iwo through nine, and worked with the subject of reading al the high-school level. In addition, she worked as Head Start director and served as a general sup coordinating reading programs and creating summer remedial courses. Ms. Mclntyre has published articles in ".North Carolina Education." " I he Midwest Review." "The New Jersey IRA Council Journal," and "Journal of Reading." She has conducted workshops at local, state, and national conferences of the International Reading Association and other organizations, and is sought after as a teacher of in-service classes and workshops in N.C. Her annual summer reading conferences at WCU attract people from all over the Southeast. l'he book is published bv Charles E. Merrill of Columbus, Ohio. DISCOUMT PACKAGE STORE CAT'S FAVORITE SPOT NEW AGE NATURAL FOODS Mon. - Sat. \Pwy. 107 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.KuIlowhee FOR MORE INFORMATION NATL MEDICAL BDS. FLEX • ECFMG • DAT MCAT with confidence original study mate ■mail groups • tap* er & compact cour KftPUN EDUCATIONAL CENTER II CALL OR WRITE SUITE 120, CROST BLDG. 2634 CHAPEL HILL BLVD. DURHAM, NC [919]489-8720 PLAZA PACKAGE STORE DISCOUNT PRICES cold beer & wine CIGARETTES: REGULAR AND lOO's KINGS S3.35 snacks & mixers S 3.25 magazines 9 am- 10pm mon.- sat. In front of Ingles in the Waynesville Shopping Center

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).