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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 05

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  • SEPTEMBER 22, 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLS UCB has wide array of events The University Center Board (UCB) has designed a wide array of programs, events, and activities for fall semester. These events are planned with the students of Western in mind, to fill those leisure hours with quality presentations. Events are planned under the following priorities: films, lectures, recreation, fine arts, concerts and dances, and special events. Below are the UCB events for :r by priority. FILMS All of the Friday Night Flicks are shown in Hoey at 8 and 10 p.m. September 23—THE LORDS OF FLATBUSH. Sylester "Italian Stallion" Stallone and Heny "The Fonz" Winkler. Two 1957 black leather teenagers steal cars, disrupt clasrooms and struggle with sex. This affectionate version of life is a playful romp into nostalgia. Admission is 75 cents. October 7—THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE WITH THE SEA. Sara Miles and Kris Kristofferson. A fascinating blend of an erotic love story and a chilling tale of the macabre. Admission is $1. October 14—JANIS: THE WAY SHE WAS. Probably one of the greatest blues singers of all time, Janis Joplin was explosive and dynamic. JANIS sets the record straight on her life, attitudes and philosophy. Hear the hits "Me," "Maybe," "Kozmic Blues," and others. Admission is 75 November 4—TOMMY. Ann-Margaret, Roger Daltry, Oliver Reed. The greatest rock-visual extravaganza ever recorded on film. The most popular rock-opera ever written is given bold, gothic treatment. "The Wizard looks like a character from the other side of an electronic looking glass." Admission is $1. November 11— JEREMIAH JOHNSON. Robert Redford. Will Geer. Forsaking civilization for personal freedom and uncertain destiny, Robert Redford protrays savage Jeremiah Johnson—a man fighting for survival in the bitter, isolated mountains. Admission is 50 cents. November 18—NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA. Micheal Jayson, Janet Suzman. Magnificent film story of romance and intrigue in Tsarist Russia that focuses on two of the century's better known losers, the last Russian Tsar and his wife. Admission is 50 cents. MENT. Whether you have the skill and mastery of these games, or merely the enjoyment of competition, these tournaments are tops. The foosball tourney will be played in round-robin format and the dart tourney will be double-elimination. Tournaments will be played in the Gameroom of the UC. Registration is at the UC information desk through October 3 at 5 p.m. The 1st place team in foosball will compete in the ACU-I Regional tournaments at VPI in February. October 25 and 26—CHESS TOURNAMENT. For the strategy buffs at WCU, the campus chess tourney is number one. Play will assume a round-robin format. The top two players will compete in the ACU-I Regional tournaments. Registration is held at the UC information desk through October 21 at 5 p.m. November 15 and 16—POCKET BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT. The annual pocket billiards tournament will be played early this year. This tournament requires skill, talent, knowledge of the game, and concentration. Preliminary rounds will be held in the Gameroom of the UC. Final rounds will be played in the Cherokee Room on November 17. Women and men will compete in separah LetAnnyROTC andtheIN.C. National Guard help yoti with the cost of Obtain your a lege degree and let Army ROTCand the North Carolina National Guard provide the educational benefits. You could draw from $9700 up to $24,900 for 4 years of col- Whether you're a high school graduate, a North college. Carolina college student, or a veteran, if you're a qualified college student, you could be eligible for tuition assistance. You'll not only earn a college degree but the gold barsof an Army officer serving in the North Carolina National Guard. For details, contact: Dept. of Military Science Stillwell Building 293-7438 divisions. The winners will compete in the ACU-I Regional tournaments. Registration will be at the Vi' information desk through November 11. SPECIAL EVENTS October 22—LAS VEGAS CASINO NIGHT. Casino Night is designed to appease the gambling instincts of WCU. Professionally run games like blackjack, poker, roulette, craps and others provide an air of chance and intrigue. Night-club floorshows will be presented for entertainment. Drinks, cocktail waitresses. lounges and attendants add to the aura of fast-living. Proper dress is preferred and special money can be bought. An auction at the end will have prizes and favoi nbid. October 30 and 31—CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. Here is a chance for students to buy inexpensive, yet quality gifts ifor the holiday season. Non-profit organizations from WCU and Jackson County establish booths and exhibits. This event is a major service production for the university community- Find time to visit the Bazaar in the Grandroom. LECTURES October 28—"IN SEARCH OF DRACULA". Professor Raymond T. McNally. Dr. McNally, professor of history and director of the Slavic and East European Center at Boston, traveled to Romania to pursue the shadowy, bloodthirsty subject of his book, "In Search of Dracula." This research of the historical details of the real-life Dracula unveiled the truth about the historical develop ment of Dracula, the man and myth, as well as beliefs in Dracula. Dr. McNally shows a 50-minute film featuring Dracula movie scenes, views of Transylvania, the real Draculcan castle and much more. This intriguing lecture and presentation will be held in Hoey and admission will be charged. November 17—BILLIARDS EXHIBITIONIST* Steve Myserak. Myserak has won the American Open Billiards Tournament five times in a row, and is acccpcd as one of the world's greatest players. An astounding trick-shot artist, he has amazed and fascinated audiences the world over. Myserak will perform his show at the time of the finals in the WCU Pocket Billiards Tournament. This presentation will be held in the UC Cherokee Room. October 26 and 27—tentative—newspaper columnist Mr. Sydney Harris. As an investigative reporter and syndicated columnist. Mr. Harris gained renown in the journalistic world. Mr. Harris will hold seminars with students, answer questions and present a lecture in the evening. Tentative location is Hoey. FINE ARTS All the events under the fine arts priority arc tentative and have no definite dates: however, publicity and notice will be given will in advance of the activities. CLAUDE KIPNIS MIME THEATER. A master of mime. Claude Kipnis has performed the world over. STUDENT ART COMPETITION AND TOUR. Exhibits of student talents and artistry. BALLET COMPANY. The classic dance is a must for DINNER THEATER. One act plays after a delicious dinner constitute a wonderful evening of entertainment. CONCERTS AND DANCES September 23—CROOKED PINE STRING BANK. Interested in reviving the Scotch'Irish tradition of Appalachian music, the Crooked Pine String Band presents an evening of festivencss and good humor. A wide range of native instruments are played bv this talented group. Ren Bannerman, of the premier Bannerman Family Cloggers. will join in and call square dances and teach clogging. Come and enjoy the "old times music and such" in the Grandroom at 8 p.m. Admission is free. September 25—NINA KAHLE. One woman, one voice, a piano and a dulcimer—yet so many things does she express. Nina performs everything from beautiful ballads to gutsy gin-soaked blues. Enjoy the solid sounds of one of the most talented upcoming stars of the blues. Nina Kahlc-exprcssing her emotions in song in the UC Grandroom. 8 p.m. Admission is free. October 9—DISCO. Hustle and bump to your heart's content. Hear the latest "rage" songs, all-time favorites, and special requests. Sponsored by Three Way Sound. Inc.. this will surely be a rock and roll night. Admission will be charged. October 16, November 20—CONCERT DANCES. These dates are definite: however, the actual bands to perforin cannot be released al this date. Keep posted en these upcoming nights of tOp-40, disco, oldie-goldics. and popular favorites. I his list of activities and productions is by no means complete. The UCB is constantly planning future and revising pasi events. The Center Board works closely with other organizations and departments at Western, in order to present a more comprehensive and higher- quality set of productions. If anyone has questions about upcoming events or ideas for activities, contact Gary Vogler at 479. Remember: the students fund the UCB: therefore, the students deserve to get what they want.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).