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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 1 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6526.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Columbus Office (Continued) Miss Jessie Lomax, stenographer in the Liverpool, England, office of The Ritter Lumber Company, Limited. but if they can produce many more of this variety, we should be very glad to receive them. (Red Jacket News) Happy New Year, Everybody! We sincerely hope that 1925 will bring to each and every reader of the "Bark" the greatest Happiness and Prosperity they have ever known. Our President, Mr. H. T. Wilson,^ spent the holidays with his family in Detroit, but we regret that their Christmas was somewhat less merry than we would have wished it due to the severe illness of his daughter's little son, Hugh Muellenhagen, who was taken with a bad case of the flu a few days before. However, we reioice with Mr. Wilson and his family that litt'e Hugh came through the crisis and was much improved by New Years. We sincerely hope he will be able to be about in his usual lively manner again soon. Mr. T. Fitzgerald spent the Holiday week with his mother in Richmond, Va. Of course the members of the Columbus office force have no idea where Mr. I. D. Cooke went for Christmas and New Years, so for their enlightenment, we would advise that Detroit still calls him. Miss Ingamells left Christmas Eve for Oneida, New York, for Christmas and the week-end with her mother and other relatives; and Fourteen spent New Years with her brother, Mr. A. B. Edson and his family in Detroit. Mr. R. D. Stockdale came in from the Indiana territory for the Holiday week to be with his family in Columbus. Our friend, Mr. I. A. Bender remained in Columbus over both Christmas and New Years! Mr. Thomas Evans, clerk in the Portsmouth Shipping Office, was a Christmas guest at the home of Mr. Thos. H. Wilson, our Sales Manager. Our southern representative, Mr. J. F. Poindexter, spent Saturday, January 3d, in the Columbus office preparatory to going back into his territory for the New Year. His Petition "Lord," prayed the old colored brother, "don't send more blessings than I can take care of, but when they git a good start, an' act like they want to keep comin', don't stop 'em!"—Atlanta Constitution Hazel Creek Among visitors in Proctor during the Christmas Holidays were, Messrs. J. W. Fisher, Vernon Rhea, L. C. Carroll and Mr. A. D. Crowder and family. The employees of the Hazel Creek operation were shocked to learn of the death of Mr. Alvin Ensley, a former employee of the Company, who was killed in the automobile wreck December 3rd, on the Waynesville Highway near Acton, North Carolina. Mr. Ensley had been in the service of The W. M. Ritter Lumber Company for several years as store clerk at Hazel Creek, and was well liked by all who knew him. Joe Rickman, Superintendent of Hazel Creek Sunday School; Wm. Gilland, Secretary and Treasurer. No. 1.—Baraca Class, Hazel Creek Sunday School. No. 2—Classes 1-2-3-4, Senior, Junior and Intermediate Grades. No. 3—Classes 5-6-7-8 Primary Grade. No. 4—Singing Class, Hazel Creek Sunday School. Mr. J. P. Danielson and son Evan, of Maben, West Virginia, spent the holidays with their family in Proctor. Messrs. E. B. McCollum, Ed. Matthews, Joe Richman and Albert Richman have returned to Proctor after a Christmas visit in Macon County, North Carolina. Mr. Sam Queen has accepted a position with the Kitchen Lumber Company at Kitchenville, North Carolina, as cross saw filer. His friends of Hazel Creek wish him success in his new work. Joe Swan and family have moved into the house vacated by Dr. Riter, who has moved to the Club House. Sunday, December 21st, Walter Wiggins and Miss Hettie Welch were united in marriage by Rev. A. T. Medford. Walter is tail-end- matcher man at Hazel Creek. Mrs.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).