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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 12 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6537.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Hazel Creek (Continued from page 12) Johnny and Earl Franklin are visiting their parents near Colletts- ville, North Carolina. They motored through in Earl's flivver. PPP^ Carl Edwards, nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Moore. Carl is a future "Bark" correspondent. "Mother," said the little boy, "these new trousers are too tight; they're tighter'n my own skin!" "Now, my boy, you know that isn't so." "It is, too. I can sit down in my skin, but I can't sit down in these pants!"—Spruce Splinters. He wondered what made the buzz- saw buzz. He doesn't know yet, but he knows that is duzz. Exchange. Colleton Dr. Gary Varn and wife of Walterboro visited Mr.-H. W. Varn and family recently. Mr. C. M. Tenneille and family motored to Midgeville, Georgia, for the week end. Their daughter Anza, who has been attending school there, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Haberson and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Smith of Charleston, spent the week end with Mr. H. O. Wynne and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Godwin of Augusta, Georgia, paid Colleton a flying visit recently. We are glad to report that those on our sick list are improving and are able to be out again, Messrs. H. W. Scott, W. V. Carlton, C. M. Brabham, Quillie Proveaux, and E. H. Troutman being among the convalescents. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Campbell of Smoaks were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. O'Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Godwin, and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rhoad, attended the Ascension Day Picnic at the Howell's Mill Dam. All report having a good time. A very successful term of eight months' school under the supervision of Mrs. Ruth Jones and Miss Alma Givens, was closed by an entertainment given by the children. Messrs. C. J. Brass, W. H. Scott, W. V. Carlton, and L. R. Davis drove to Ehrhardt on Sunday to at- t°nd a sne"ial service at the Baptist -'—-.h delivered by Rev. Smith for men. £ "Dot" and "Tooky", little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning. Mr. John Kizer of the Kizer Lumber Company, spent Saturday at our mill looking over our stocks as he is now building a mill to cut Cypress and other hardwoods and was obtaining information from us on how to manufacture and stack the different kinds of woods. We are pleased to know that Mr. Kizer has been a very successful saw mill man, and we are glad to assist him. The Colleton people enjoyed the Chautauqua at Walterboro, given by the Redpath Chautauqua Company. Mrs. J. F. Godwin and daughter, Kaffer, arg visiting the former's daughter Mrs. G. C. Pate of Walterboro. Rev. Mitchem filled his regular appointment Sunday evening and preached to a crowded house. We are glad to note that we are having better attendance at our church services and that our Sunday school is increasing. Dr. H. M. Carter made a professional trip to Charleston recently. Miss Mildred Scott, who has been ill. is improving under the treatment of Dr. Stokes, specialist. "Ma," said a youngster, "there's a man in the kitchen hugging and kissing the hired girl." When his mother started for the kitchen he shouted: "April fool!" It's only pa."—Spruce Splinters. ":..' ft'.■" ;.•-•'■•'=':I''"; ftft- - L:- . ftftI.'1---'. -v:'■' ■:: - ./ft" : -~:*;: ftftftftft' -S '."ft:ft-ft!ft: ft '-V Wife and children of Harlan Franklin. Mr. Franklin has just completed twenty years of service for our Company. The reason why most men do not accomplish more is because they do not attempt more. Thirteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).