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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 6 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6531.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • keeper, Mr. Wagner, gave the girls in his father's Davis brougham. We extend our thanks both to Mr. Wagner and his father. Ill I|p§l nPVlKt, / j : - ■: ■ -ft,"ip'ft yP'T IMr^^Vn Sfii. ^tl|;P-P::':: Bra*--* IPS* ■ " PPpS| 'ft Douglas Cameron Harder, son of our Canadian Salesman, Mr. R. S. Harder. The snap-shot shown herein is of Master Douglas Cameron Harder, seven-year-old son of our Canadian salesman, Mr. R. S. Harder. We had to beg, try to borrow and almost steal it for the "Bark." It was sent to his uncle, Mr. I. D. Cooke, and we do not blame him for not wishing to part with such a splendid picture, but we have promised to return it soon in good order. Master Cameron appears to have been enjoying to the fullest the good old sport of tobogganing, judging from his snow-covered coat and leggings. Hazel Creek Mr. E. E. Ritter was a Proctor business visitor on February 15th. Mr. 0. B. Guffy of Helen, Ga., has accepted a position in the Planing Mill as Strip Flooring Machinist and Filer to succeed Mr. Chas. Neal, who resigned. Mr. Guffey was one of our former employees and we are glad to welcome him back to Hazel Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Stanley of Fremont, Virginia, are spending several weeks at the home of Mrs. Stanleys parents. The Planing Mill was shut down two days during February on account of the installation of the blower fan parts. Since the new management of the Community Club has done so much to improve conditions, we are having large crowds at Hazel Creek on Saturday nights to attend the motion pictures. Miss May Williams, one of our school teachers, recently spent the week-end with her father at Bryson City, North Carolina. Our pastor, Rev. Stansbury, of Bushnell, North Carolina, preached two excellent sermons here on February 24th and 25th. Employees who have moved here during the past month are Rev. W. P. Elliott, Mr. Ray Swan, and Mr. Pat Cabe. On February 20th the boys at Hazel Creek Mill won the cigars on manufacturing 18,532 feet of strip flooring, 18,500 feet being the set amount to reach. Although the machinist had to joint up seven times and change side heads once, as the old saying is, they won by the skin of their teeth. Left to right: Nellie Wiggens, Edith Swan, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rickman. It is plain to be seen by the pose of Mrs. Rickman's hand, who is the "boss" in that family, but we would say from the look on Mr. Rickman's face that the girl who can "boss'' him would have to be some manager. Colleton Miss Addie Linder of Walterboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scott have been visiting Mr. Jones and family at Thayer's Mill. Mrs. E. J. Hall, who has been seriously ill, is slowly improving and we hope to see her out soon. Mrs. C. M. Brabham and children spent the week end in Lodge with relatives. Misses Tiny Davis and Kaffer Godwin spent the week end in Lodge as the guests of Miss Rachel Bennett. Mr. Charlie Neal of Hazel Creek, was here a few days last week to help us overcome some planing mill trouble. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tenneille and family visited in Georgia recently. Mrs. J. 0. Weeks, who has had an attack of "flu,," is able to be out again. We are also glad to report that Mrs. Dewey Carter is- much improved after being ill for several days. Misses Harriett and Mildred Scott, spent the week-end with friends at Thayers. Dr. Carter reports several cases of mumps and "flu" at the camps. A loafer must feel funny when a holiday comes along.—Exchange, Beaver Mr. R. C. Merrill has returned after spending a month at his home in Canada. Jack Smith, lumber student from Philadelphia, is an authority on Snipe Hunting. "Bob" Smith has purchased a new Ford coupe and he and John Strickland have been trying out its paces. They say they can develop it into a real racer if they can keep it warm. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swan, newly-weds of Proctor. Evidently since the ringing of the wedding bells, they are now considering the serious side of life, as all newly-weds should. We wish them happiness and prosperity. Twelve

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).