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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 20 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6545.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Mail Bag Gossip News and Personals from the Field should be sent in so as to be in the Editor's hands before the end of the month. Shortening of articles, due to space limitations, sometimes is necessary. Care will be taken to preserve the writer's meaning in all cases. Columbus Office ; Ritter News) They always remember. Just before noon on Saturday, November 7th, Mr. R. E. Pentleton was given a pleasant surprise by the presentation of a large basket of fruit and a handsome bouquet of „'„ mixed flowers from the Columbus office force, the following Sunday being his seventy-second birthday. The celebration of Mr. Pentleton's —— birthday has become an institution in our office, and to miss one year would be like missing one of the holidays. The top rung at last! After nine weeks of "crashing the maples" our bowling team is at last tied for first place in the league competition. The members of the team are showing very good form, each averaging safely above 150, with Wil- lard Smith's 178 season average as the high One. Jean Patricia Rochester, known in the The Ritter team and their fellow family as "Patti," little daughter of Mr. possessors of first place, the Wat- ™* B' R»ch<**« f'the Engineering De- f. t-,. T-, • j. ji n partment of the Columbus Office. This kms-Eierman Printers, are six full picture shows «Patti» in the uniform of the Kindergarten Band, to which she belonged when she was five years of age. This band proved very successful playing at high school and other entertainments. The little lady has three sisters, all of whom show decided artistic and musical talents games ahead of the third place team, so it looks like a "fight to the finish" between these two teams. (Red Jacket News) On October 26th, we are informed, a new coal salesman arrived at the home of our Southern Ohio representative, Mr. A. C. Cook. We extend greetings and our best wishes to Master Robert. Mr. W. N. Cummins, General Manager at Red Jacket, spent two or three days in Columbus the middle of October, together with Mrs. Cummins and their daughter, Rebecca. They were the guests of our President and Mrs. H. T. Wilson. Mr. F. B. McChesney also was a caller at the Columbus office recently for the purpose of going into the matter of costs. Hazel Creek With an enrollment of one hundred and forty-four for the first month of our school, we had forty- two on the Honor Roll. The total enrollment for the second month was one hundred and thirty-six with fifty-two on the Honor Roll. Regular attendance and good work are necessary to make passing grades and we feel sure the parents will work with us in attaining these two essentials. The patrons are cordially invited to visit the school at any time, and any suggestions that they may offer for the good of the school will be appreciated. The second month of our school was designated as "Health Month." We are glad to see some results of our efforts to train the pupils in cleanliness and health habits. On the night of Tuesday, October 6th, we had a box supper in the Community Hall. The purpose of the supper was to raise money for school athletics. A sum of forty-one dollars and thirty-eight cents was realized, a portion of which has been spent for athletic supplies. We feel that money used for athletics in school is well spent, because a child should be trained physically as well as mentally and spiritually in order to make a useful citizen. Fire and Accident Prevention Week was observed during the week of October 5th and 9th. The fire drill was practiced and several short talks on carefulness as a means of preventing accidents and fires were given to the pupils. On Faculty, Red Jacket Junior High School. Mr. J. R. Price, Principal, Miss Teresa White, Mrs. Janie Stahlman, Mrs. R. M. Horton, and Miss Helen Hammond. An efficient unit of Blue Ribbon grade, both in appearance and performance Rev. J. S. Stanberry, who is now serving his fourth year as pastor of Hazel Creek Baptist Church Fourte

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).