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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 2 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6527.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Hazel Creek (Concluded) Wiggins has lived on Hazel Creek for a number of years. Their many friends wish them a long and happy voyage on the sea of matrimony. Billy, son of Mr. W. M. Bobinett, and his little sister, Stella John The Community Christmas Tree at the Proctor Church on the 24th was unusually good. A very interesting program was rendered by the "Sun Beams" while Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus made it interesting for the children. Proctor Graded School closed for the holidays Friday, December 19th, and in the evening presented a most delightful Christmas program at the Community Hall. School will begin again January 5th, 1925. Several of the young people of Hazel Creek who have been away at school are spending the holidays with home folks. The Lumber Yard is looking natural now, even if it is somewhat empty, for every day P. J. (Pete) Danielson may be seen walking up and down the docks. Mr. Danielson is spending the holidays with his family. If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.— Johnson. Reversed A hundred years ago today a wilderness was here; A man with powder in his gun went forth to hunt a deer, But now the times have changed somewhat—are on a different plan, A dear, with powder on her nose, goes forth to hunt a man. —North Carolina Boll-Weevil. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Woodard in the famous cabbage patch on Bone Valley Beaver Miss Vergie Bennett, who has been attending Business College in Staunton, Virginia, is spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr. Butler Stewart and Mr. "Tommy" Thompson left Wednesday to spend Christmas in Charleston. Mr. Mason Hoye says he earnestly believes in the sign "Beware the Dog." A reward of $50.00 is offered for information as to the best method to get into Fred Burgess's house when the door is locked. If you don't believe that an aeroplane ride at one o'clock Christmas morning is exhilarating, ask Tone. Mr. Cleve Matney has gone home for the holidays. Mr. H. O. Smith, our most able and respected machinist, age 54 years, has challenged anyone to turn more handsprings in three inches of snow than he did on December 25th. "Dad" Whitaker. our efficient saw filer, is spending Christmas with friends and relatives at his home in Pennsylvania. Mr. Christy Snead, one of our High School teachers, spent his holiday vacation with friends in Charleston, West Virginia. Mrs. Warren, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Mrs. Winfield, of Blue- field, were the holiday guests of their sister, Mrs. George Beathe and their mother, Mrs. Hoover. Mrs. R. A. Roby and son, of Hurley, Virginia, are the guests of Mrs. Walter Wright and Mrs. A. T. Crockett. Robert Dillon, Store Man at Beaver Camp Now that Christmas is over, things are again running on schedule. Everyone had a splendid holiday and the kiddies enjoyed a big treat given by The W. M. Ritter Lumber Company. The program given at the Community Building was thoroughly enjoyed and the children who were drilled by Mrs. Fred LeBleu, made a fine showing. The play presented was entitled, "Christmas Eve at Grandma's," and looked so real that we all wished we were "kids" again. The teachers of this place are spending their much-needed Christmas holidays at their respective homes. Much good work has been accomplished this semester and we are all proud of our High School. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Fred LeBleu, whose father died on the 18th of December. Mrs. LeBleu was unable to attend the Fifteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).