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The Log Vol. 1 No. 5

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  • A RECORD OF DAILY PROGRESS THE LOG Published Monthly by Th* Champion Fibre Company, Edited by k» Employee: CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER. 191- NUMBER I L PRIZE WINNERS Five Hundred Dollars Given in Prizes SUGGESTION PRIZE WINNERS I Fifty Dollar Prize Won by LEW FOWLER-Pulp Inspector. Design for No. 2 Container Board trademark "Pisgah." Twenty-five Dollar Prize* Wen by R. H. MORROW-lron Worker. For group of suggestions covering: Design for doors for rear end of Heine Boilers. Design for improvement is ash conveyor. Design for improvement, on rotary screen. HENRY C. BREESE -Machinist. Suggestion for use of special coupling car in wood yard. Ten Dollar Prizes Won by H, H. BURRESS—Laborer. Design for improved tool for cleaning pump house racks. JOHN H. SMITH-Car Repairer. Suggestion for use of U iron to prolong life of timbers of yard cars. R. D. COLEMAN-Pulp Inspector. Improved track layout for ase in pulp storage room. T. P. OWENS — Sulphite Digester Helper. Uae of Laundry soap to simplify cleaning of sulphite digester covers. ANDY McCLURE- Boiler Repair Man. Design for improved damper. Five Dollar Prizes Won by A. V. HALYBURTON-Belt Repairer. Signal for use between oilfr and engineer Machine Room. M. A. CHAPM AN-Puip Handler. Prop to prevent falling of rolls in ;vv>- em I>. F. MITCHELL-Wood Room. Connection between new conveyor to tumbler and No. 19. S. PLOTT-Miilwright. Improved guard rail on No. 13 Con veyor. R. L. SMITH-Eleetrician. Suggestions for improving safety of I caustic liquor and bleach rooms. C. WESTMORELAND—Iron Workei Design for Lime Conveyor. ELIJAH CHILDERS—Laborer. Suggestion for improved method of handling of freight. O. E. FERGUSON - Fireman Main Boiler House. Suggestion for better location of ladders. W. C. EMBLER-Oiler. Suggestion for better method of starting beater engine. J. L. STEPP—Barkerman. Suggestion for protection of barker operators from injury. ACCIDENT RECORD In this contest a number of teams showed a record of 1,000, that is had no accidents in the three months covered by the contest, which caused a disability of two days or more. In deciding the tie, freedom from small accidents of less than two days' disability, as well as the nature of the work, was taken into consideration. Seventy-five Dollar Prize Won by Team Number Sixteen, Wood Room slasher operators and Ramp unloaders, to be divided according to weeks worked as follows: Weeks. W. J. Mason 13 $3.50 J. W. Haas 13 3.50 A. R. Long 13 3.50 J, W. Swanger 13 3.50 T. L. Swanger 13 3.50 Claud Worlev 13 3.50 B. M. Clark* 11 2.97 G. W. Green b 1.62 H. R. Ogle 13 3.50 D. P. Berry 13 3.50 J. Young 13 3.50 C. H. Burnett 13 3.50 J. W. Warren 13 3.50 R. G. Cook 13 3.50 Early Clark 13 3.50 A. L. Schultz 13 3.50 G. W. Tavlor 13 3.50 C. C. Robinson 13 3.50 13 3.50 Vernon Taylor 7 1.88 J. W. Teague 4 1.18 T. C. Queen 4 1.18 M. R. Freeman 4 1.18 P. P. Long 2 .54 D. C. Wood 1 m V. D. McFalls 4 1.18 C. F. Ayers 13 3.50 277 $75.00 Twenty-five Dollar Prize Won by Team Number Thirty- six, Extract Boiler House Crew, to be divided according to weeks worked as follows: Weeks. T. G. Smith Jos. Milne N. R. Fowler G. R. Davis J. B. Black G. T. Tomberlen G. A. Robinson W. W. Roberts G. D. Pressley i C. J. Wrenn ; Alex Jackson I D. C. Wise ! H R- Truelove Cub Hickman | W. M. Reeves | John Carter : L. J. Trantham ; G. H Jones i E. F. Sampson ' "' " Hayne< Twenty-five Dollar Prize Won by Team Number Sulphite Digester men and makers, divided accordin; weeks worked as follows: Weeks. J. R. Hyatt 1 Mills Hicks I M. W. Crow 1 S. R. Williams II W. C. Flynn tl T. L. Hart W. T. Turner 1 G. C. Moore tl M. C. Miller 1: Pink Welch II D. B. Franklin 1 D. H. Harkins 1 Ten. acid $2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 .69 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 147 $25.00 Twenty-five Dollar Prize Won by Team Number Three, soda wash pit and screen operators and bleachers, divided according to weeks worked as follows: Weeks. D. F. Spitzer 13 $1.79 Fred Ball 13 1.79 W. F. Cole 13 1.79 W. P. Swafford 13 1.79 C. V. Johnson 13 1.79 A. C. Baldwin 13 1.79 Mike Ribah 13 1.78 J. T. Bugg 13 1.78 W. V. Thompson 13 1.78 H. L. Thompson 13 1.78 J. E. Swafford 13 1.78 L. G. Reynolds 3 .42 J. S. Sharp 13 1.78 W. B. Fergu^n 13 1.78 E. E. Garrison 10 1.38 182 $25.00 CLEANLINESS AND ORDER THE PRIZE LOSERS The judges in this contest were Herman Wilson, J. E. Slaughter, Clyde Hildebrand, Harry Secrest, L. N. Fowler and M. R. Wild, the final awards being made by R. B. Robertson, after receiving their report. We are advised by Mr. Robertson that there were some close decisions. Some of our fellows, like the good loyal-hearted boys in the Sulphite Digester room, the Pulp Storage room and the Filter room, were off at the word "Go" • and seemingly did their best. {•** To such as these we would say, [•}* i "the world admires a winner, L14 j hut it simply loves a good loser." 1.14 Do not weaken in your efforts, J-t4 even though you are not in the ,■]* j big money this time, but. like a \. 13 ! good loser, put on a winning 1.13 j smile and congratulate the win- 1.13 1 ner with a hearty hand shake, j-|i] j telling him you are glad he won. Lis j If y°u do this, especially if you have never done such a thing be- IBM» | fore, you will have won that whjch will be of more lasting benefit to vou than the grand total of the cash prizes could possibly be, had von won th«ffl all. You will have demonstrated to yourself that you are a real man or the makings of one. You will have in your heart feh< sciousness of a power that yon never before felt and a respect for yourself that will lift you above the traps that were once a snare to your feet, and this cannot fail to raise you in the estimation of those with whom you come in contact. So. MR. WINNING GOOD LOSER, while we toss our hats in the air to cheer the winner, we gladly and with equal sincerity, take off our hats to you. THE PRIZE WINNERS First Prize-Fifty Dollars Won by crew of Number One Machine, to be divided according to time worked as follows Weeks. Sam McGowan 13 $9.85 Roy Trammell 13 9.85 W. J Davis 13 9.85 J. W. Smith 13 9.85 Z. V. Turpin 13 9.85 W. H. Smith I ,75 66 $50.00 Two Prizet-$25.00 Each (a) Won by crew of Sulphite Drier (No. 2 Machine) to be di vided as follows: Weeks. J. T. Welch 13 $3.13 W. S. Calvin 13 3.13 J. L. Hipps 13 3.13 Furman Cole 13 ^ 3.13 R. J. Owen 13 3.12 S. Biumgarner 13 3.12 W. C. Bugg 13 3.12 W. S. Robinson 13 3.12 104 $25.00 (b) Generator Room Engi- neers and Oilers: Weeks. C. A Smith 13 $6.25 W. W. Mitchell 13 6.25 H. W. Embler 13 6.25 C. M. Blythe 13 Individual Prizes- $5.00 Each II Davidson Store Room Asst. w. Poj \i. Gosseit.. Iwapowter Operator Robinson .Evaporator Operator ■tsi Grunerl .Traffic Dept. FIBERVILLE PRIZES First Prize $15 00 Won by Sam McGowan. w. Toi Five Dollar Prize* A. Dudley ..$5.00 -n Furness 5-*>

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).