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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 10 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6535.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Hazel Creek (Continued from page 13) ployee of Hazel Creek, but now at Kitchenville, was a Proctor visitor April 25th and 26th. Among the visitors at Proctor during the month of April, who are employed at other operations were Messrs. Clifton Fox, Gilson Griffith, Lewis Jones, J. E. Danielson, Allen Hall, Jerry Dills, and John Haydon. The following employes of Hazel Creek are the proud possessors of new cars, purchased during April: Pearlin Medlin and Carl Franklin, Fords; W. C. Bearden and William Cole, Chevrolets; John Stephenson, Overland; William Gilland, Star, and H. D. Franklin, Dodge. When Mr. H. D. Franklin arrived home for dinner on April 17th, he found a birthday party waiting for him, that being his thirtieth anniversary. A large cake with thirty candles was served in honor of the occasion, together with many other things appropriate for a birthday dinner. Beaver We are proud of our Sunday School, having an enrollment now of two hundred, twenty-two. Four new rooms have been added, and everyone seems to be taking more interest in both Sunday School and Church. On Easter the children enjoyed an egg hunt given by the teachers. A baseball team has been organized here, the grounds put into shape, and everyone has been taking in the games. We now have quite an extensive schedule arranged. The high school will give a minstrel on Monday, the fourth of May, and we feel sure it will prove a success. Charles Gortner of Fitzpatrick, recently spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bailey were called to Princeton on the 25th on account of the serious illness of Mr. Bailey's nephew. We hope to soon learn that he is on the road to recovery. Mrs. Silas Hoover has returned from Roanoke and Bluefield, where she has been visiting her daughters. Mrs. Lulu Roby returned to her home at Hurley, Virginia, this week. We were ali sorry to see her leave after such a nice visit. Our tennis courts are in fine shape, and we have quite a large crowd of players, which looks like we might develop some stars. Carl Ashcraft, our dry kiln man, has gone away for about three weeks, to take further instructions in his work. While Mr. Ashcraft is away his wife will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of Maben, West Virginia. Butler Stewart and "Fatty" Hughes had quite an accident Sunday, which happened between Beckley and Harper. On account of the smoothness of the road, the car was completely turned over, and as a ■ These two young fellows, Albert Williams and Cleve Matney, certainly chose a beautiful backgorund, when they posed for this picture in front of the falls, near Beaver. result Butler is nursing a badly cut hand. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Neal have left our community and taken up their residence in Beckley, West Virginia. Little Winnifred LeBleu had the misfortune to fall off her tricycle and strike her arm on a broken milk bottle, which severed an artery. Dr. Cunningham quickly responded to the call, and took several stitches in her arm. The little girl is getting along well. P:PP!= Hi ■ "lU'f«^^Ji ftftftft ft"fc 1. Log Pond, Beaver. 2. Part of Yard, Beaver. 3. Scene in Beaver, showing Superintendent's house, Club House, and Community Hall. 4. The Dry Kiln at Beaver Mill. Fourteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).