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The Log Vol. 3 No. 07

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  • wcu_canton-64.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A Letter From "Lew'' | --t.»e Gap. Va.. - ember 2, im»;. .Mr. A. D. Wood. Editor of the Log Canton. N. C. rery good •-•r the Log. If it is not this line. uton yards e.stee that par- Compare. There ne\ lear from There nev There nev yaurs. There's .ii .E\. think VICTORY VERSE The Danger of Steam speed; /ork and -H. K. it of Shape, m town with the "What did ye: Why. when Rolled home in I vVith crumpled n wedlock by . tight, aJk, you Walk! Record of Accidents CAUSING MORE THAN TWO DAYS ABSENCE FROM WORK BY DEPARTMENTS. FOR OCTOBER, 1916 1 14s I ELECTRICAL | SULPHITE STEAM : ItfACH ■MK ; SOOA — |- - in i 'Xn'" ' ■ 1 WOOD YARD j WOOD ROOM water hammer in 10 in. header, 5 furnace eellapeed 3 sudden injection of cold water; a total of 138 or 40 per cent, of the fail* ures, caused by thoughtlessness, or negligence on the part of the operator. There are known to have been 158 killed, and about 400 injured. Of these, 85 lives could have been saved, and 84 injuries averted by care and forethought. The monetary loss totaled approximately $500,000<- Remember that negligence or your part might cause a serious, accident. Be careful. The Champions Canton Ambulance Co. No. 1, now in camp "Somewhere on the Border" near EI Paso, Texas, has impressed the military authorities, who made a recent inspection, so favorably, that the Major was prompted to state to Dr. Reynolds, the Captain, that there was "'no finer body of men in the entire camp." This was modestly mentioned by the Doctor in a recent letter to Paymaster Wiid in which he stated I that the "boys" were in good health and expected to be called home some time early in December. We heartily agree with the Major in his verdict. This company left Canton with a Champion Captain, Champion OHicers, and the rank and file was made up very largely of Champion men. We hope to see them here before the Holidays when we promise them a Champion welcome. CHIPS AND SPLINTERS-•■ Continued I THE PAPER ON WHICH THIS 11 SUE i OM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).