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The Log Vol. 2 No. 6

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  • wcu_canton-221.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • CANTON, WOE T H C A R 0 I, I N A , ILL MAKE ME A LADDER.SAID JOHN TWOBVTWICE.,, FORGETTING ALL SAFETY C ZS2(g)E JOHNS THROUGH WITH THE LADDER AND BIG EOURBYSD CARRIES IT WITH HIM A RAINSPOUT TO FIX. The Lesson of the Picture In looking over the Safety Rules, issued by the Safety Committee, several months ago, we find that Rule No. 1 reads as follows: ''Whenever a dangerous condition is observed CORRECT IT AT ONCE IF YOU CAN. If you can not, report it to Superintendent, or Chairman of Safety Committee." Rule No. 6, reads: "SEE THAT THE LADDERS USED ARE KEPT IN REPAIR AND EQUIPPED WITH SAFETY DEVICES." In the first plae should always be co property, but if yc find one of the type i in the first four picti should ustrated the d once" should iND SO FOUR BY SIX WITH THIS ACCIDENT MET - IE FELL IM THE TRAP THAT TMC QTHERMttN SET, The Mill Lights THE SAFEIY-MANS-LADDER WITH SPIKES IN ITS SHOES. AND RUNGS THAT WILL HOLD YOU THE LADDER TO USE various circuits has been left to the discretion of the Chief Electrician and his assistants and they are deserving-of much praise as their work gives evidence of having been carefully planned and followed up and improved. To'go a little further into detail and explain" the reason why we have continuous and uniter- rapted lights in the mill, we might point out that a few years ago the Company, realizing that lights are such an important factor in (Safety First work, decided (regardless of expense) to safeguard the men in the mill so far as it was humanly possible so to do, by providing several lighting circuits, so that if trouble occurred on one line, other lines in the same room, would be in service, and so that power line troubles would not. affect the lightingsys- tern. The operator in the generator room, through the use of an independent set of lighting either the water the st< id th power for entire power ed without any ? than one cir- ry room in the

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).