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Nature Magazine: Carolina number


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A new and entirely different BIRD GUIDE for beginners. New throughout. 74 Pages in Color Bird lovers everywhere will enjoy this pocket size book. Author—Wm. H. Carr. Artist—Merle V. Keith. Bound in cloth, gold stamping, 160 pages. Price $1.65 delivered. This book and our Mature Scrap Boo\s are fully described in new 1931 illustrated catalogue—sent free on request. Saml Gabriel Sons &. Company Dept. 15 74 Fifth Ave. New York, N. Y. Naturalists' Supplies A complete equlp- !l S'i /'\\ *:~M motit fur the col- VL ^' >-. Mf lector uf butter- ^Hy "S3»* Hies, moths, beet- ^^^ ^^ les and other ln- f ^k sects. Some Necessary Equipment Insert Net with Bamboo Handle $1.00 Insect Spreading Board Adjustable 00 Cyanide .lar. 16 oz 75 ltlker Mounts according to size 15 to 1.00 Small Tocket Folding Magnifier 60 Please write for our Complete Catalog KNY-SCHEERER CORPORATION Dept. of Scientific Equipment 580 Fifth Avenue New York City A Master's Work! The skill tbsl cmiiNiands respect from famous museums ran preserve your natural hlitory specimens with all the life like naturalness that hus won world-wide fame for Jonas' Mountings. Send fur Art Taxidermy Catalog. Mums famous heads, groups, rugs, etc. It's free. Master Taxidermists 1023 Broadway Denver Colorado Wild Flower Study Helps Outline drawings to color 1c each, 75c per 100, sets of 6 for classes of 25 or more with button & circulars 10c per child; State flowers 50c. 64 colored pictures of flowers or 48 trees 55c. 50 colored lantern slides with lecture rented $5. Mo* tion picture film rented 51 to $5. Sample literature and price list free. Wild Flower Preservation Society. 3740 Oliver Street, Washington. D. C. CAROLINA (Continued from page 293) be read today upon the face of the land, for the whole Low Country abounds with landmarks of that vanished epoch. Rice-planting in lower South Carolina survived the war between the States but languished and finally died as a result of the competition of the Southwest. Many of the great plantations, some of them comprising thousands of acres, are now held as game preserves, so that there are vast areas in the Low Country which abound in game, while the innumerable rivers, creeks, swamps, marshes and lagoons, many of them back-waters or "reserves" of the old rice-planting days, render the region peculiarly adapted to the requirements of an abundant and exceptionally interesting bird-life. Most of the Carolinian mountain country lies in North Carolina; South Carolina has only a small part of it, in the extreme northwestern corner of the state. It is, in sober truth, a magnificent country, inexpressibly beautiful at all seasons, and in places apparently almost as wild as when Daniel Boone roamed and hunted about the headwaters of the Yadkin and the Watauga. Appearances, however, are often deceptive. Over most of the mountain region the larger forms of wild life have been destroyed, and in most of the mountain rivers and streams, once teeming with trout, the fish have been killed out or sadly depleted. A good beginning has been made in the work of bringing back the game. In and near certain protected areas deer and black bear are again abundant, the wild turkey and ruffed grouse are steadily regaining their lost ground. Buffalo and elk, formerly common in the mountains, have been brought in from the West and are being given an opportunity to increase. The establishment of the Great Smoky National Park, partly in North Carolina and partly in Tennessee, will not only work wonders for the conservation of wild life in the Carolina mountains but will also preserve unspoiled for future generations the grandest mountain scenery and the largest stands of virgin timber anywhere in the East. The building of good roads throughout most of the mountain region—and in this respect North Carolina has accomplished miracles—has made her beautiful "Land of the Sky", with its superb views and its invigorating climate, a summer playground for thousands of visitors from all over the Southeast. If she will now carry on vigorously the work of restoring to this delightful region as a whole the wild life that once existed there in almost incredible abundance, she will have in time to come the finest game country east of the Rocky Mountains and will add to it the one thing that it needs to make it irresistibly alluring to the lover of wild Nature. Carolina is as beautiful as her beautiful name. From the lonely beaches of her sea- islands to the misty peaks of her blue mountains she has innumerable charms with which to fascinate the seeker after beauty. In her lowland forests the yellow jessamine and the great-flowered magnolia bloom. Her upland meadows are starred with millions of daisies. Her mountainsides in spring are ablaze with the wild azalea. On her lagoons graceful egrets and fantastic water turkeys ENJOY THE SECRETS OP NATURES Nature lovers everywhere are greeting these collecting sets with a cry of gratitude. Here in one kit, are all the materials to delight a nature lover's heart. Collecting net, mounting board, preserving solutions, collecting bag. combination lens and compass, and many other Moastttea for the collector, together with the Bio-Kit Bio-K{t No. £ handbook, a ready reference explaining how to collect and preserve specimens. BIO-KIT No. 1, Plant Collecting Set, Complete, $8.50 BIO-KIT No. 2, Insect & Animal Set, Complete, $8.50 Fully guaranteed and money refunded if aot entirely satia factory. New York Biological Supply Co. Dept.15 The source for school and college Biological aupplien 34 Union Square New York, N. Y. COERZ BINOCULARS Or NATURALISTS.. Now that the sentient things of fieldV^ and moor pop out from their hibernat- <A ing quarters, use a Goerz Prism Bin- "* ocular to study their intimate habits. These binoculars are sturdy in construction, accurate in their optical properties and are backed by the unequivocal Goerz Guarantee. Send for booklet N5. C. P. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. 317 East 34th Sirctt New York City 25 POWER $1 GERMAN POCKET MICROSCOPE A marvelous German 25 power microscope, sise of pencil. Enlarges diameter 25 times, area 625 times. Fine lemies give extra large field and great light. Only 4 3-8 inches x 3-8 inch weighs but 4 ounce. Used in schools and colleges thruout the country. Fine for biology, geology, botany, nature study, examining •tamps, finger prints, insects, cloth, metals, photographs and thousands of other things. Equipt with handy fountain pen clip. J $1 prepaid. Money back guarantee. Discount for 6 or more BINOCULARS fltJSSJftm* © >culars, field glasses, telescopes nnd optical needs at the LOWEST PRICE. Try America's Leading Binocular House First DuMaurier Co., Dept. 85, Elmira, N. Y. TALKING DICTIONARY pitLasttSomethingNeu)! 1/ J& Culturefl Speech and Correct Pronunci- at ion are necessary (or social and business advancement. Nowyoucanbecomeafluent talker and Increase your vocabulary thru a new, easy way. Not by dry books or lessons but by phonograph records—the "talking dictionary*' method. Endorsed by noted educators. FREE TRIAL. Write Jor full details and lree Sell Test. No obligation. i The Pronunciphon© Instituta ' 3G01 Michigan Ave., Dopt. 1605 Chicago Illinois WEATHERVANES of Unique Design Cast Aluminum 15" long, on brass bearings suitable for home, garage nnd garden. Price, Either Design #5.50 Postpaid Complete with shaft and mounting bracket! F. F. MAHER 256 Illinois St. Elmhurst. III. OTT17T T C Sc"d one dollar for box IjJtl HJL/ljkJ of Florida sea shells or send two dollars for a stuffed or live alligator. GIFT 8C PHOTO SHOP P. O. Box 1958 Fort Myers, Florida Correspondence from Collectors Solicited 340 Mention Nature Magazine when answering advertisements

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).