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The Log Vol. 19 No. 03

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • ' • • ' • • .• C-HAMPION· CORDWAtN ¢0V&R EMBOSS_, ' FATHRR F1HI8H 20X28 80 ~WHilE • • • • • • • APRil:. 1937 • • • • < • • • • • ' • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . - • • • • • I • • ' < • • • • • • • .. • APRIL, 1937· VOLUME XIX NUMBER 3 Published by ''The Champion Fa:mily" The paper for this magazine is made in our plant out of wood from the forests af North Caro­lina. We manufacture many grades of bleached Sulphite papers, Machine Finished and Super Calendered. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? lf/ho shall dwell in thy lloly hiLl? lie that wal keth uprightly, and work­eth rip;hteous·ness and speaketh the truth in Ais heart. He that backbiteth not rzoith his tonl{ue, nor doeth evil to his neil!,hbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neir.h.bors. • • 1 11e Ull re go E \ ER 1 PER .. :'Oi\ 'YHO READS dtis colllmn is nH~r<.: . •t t~~s r~n,ilinr with .. urgery. ~:ith cr them selve~. a mem­ber cd th~ir flmth · ,.)r sotne~n~ in w·horn tht~v ace jrucre,:ted. beaL· rhc nrad ~ t.'i the su rgeon: kn ife. Yet, h( ~1.1 manv of ~ts : p.n= 'J't ~ \'r friends. know .who in ve-nt<" .. J--<Ji .. c-nv~.. ntd ctl\e·r a ."' an an~rhesia? One hi.llhired ~ears ago, t.he re wen' gond reasons wl\- a pc;..:-~lf! ·wh 'ne-~deJ aJ1 oper.a tion he~ita leJ , and oftel1 rrefer~ed dl.'3~t rath<. ..... than ''g6 undl:'r the surgeon's knife.: · -/\.J\Cstb etic9 ,_.t're the~"! . unknown. and operations were pe.rformed upon people whd~ they '"'ere perfectly consci.olJS of paiA as the "'ur~eon·:, knife. ~a \Y or rutur~ cLlt through flcsb and bo11e. :r· . l • ...4. .. e p iO lUlt:;t la\·e beetl in tense, s-uch as only stoics could endtt:·e . . l ~ ~ 0 11 haJ liv-e-d sererny-11 n:~ yea r.s ago. yol:l "\lv.ould prob­~ b~y .n~\-e ·_,ad an eth~" r or a n~tro u s o~ ide gas anesthetic. 1~ or ~n J~+- . nmcty-~\~e }~ears ago} Dr. Crav.•ford \iV. Long of J eflcrson. C';eorg1a, dJ ~ro,·e re.d, or inv·entec.l ether as an ar::t:th~tic . t)1u~. robbing tbe s u-rgeon's knife of iLS· pain the 1--e/!Jillm.g ()[ raJnles·s ~ urge rq.t. Dr. ~ong ''"as only twenty-seven years of age when he m:id.e d .~ marYe·l0us d iscoverv. His discovenr was the resu lt of .. ether frolics,. in which h.e and his friends of (;er •rf-'!D. nf ren ind uJged. - ' l,t ~"- s-aid . in th~e days, in ~nd around J; ·fferson, Geotgia) suJ pnu nc eth_er r.a rues were q ulle popnla r. f he yotJng pe:epl.e "nt.:ld rH:ei m ttH:: home of a friend for rh.e fun of an. edier f .. {,lic. l'ner inluil led che Hlal.tghimg g~s/; as it was sometir1Jles c-aH~j. f1;r ;t~ e::xhi larating e ffect. It v..~as great: fun t;O watch d :c ~tnt.ic, '~~ thc~.,e under its influence. Ho;ever. aU memb(i}rs Of 111e rany Wt:!fc:! not a·fTected a like; SOme l~wgbed . some. dan< svme ~an g. some wept, ,\·hi le oth ers becarne ~ou gh aJ d br;! ,i Cf"Ol iS. 1.21 • DR. CRAWFORD LONG (reP.r"oduced from em old pnnl) At. these parcies Dr. Long ~>bse rved r.bat quite often mem­bers of rhe pa.rt~· were inj\trcd. yet seemingly wirh~tlH pain. In a book wriLen by the late i\•Irs. F rances Long T a.ylo•·. daughter Gf Dr. Cnnv-ford Long she quot€S Dr. Lon~ as fol._ 1o·ws: (C0J1 n un'lerEn.Js occasion& 1 have i11haled echer fo-r i(S ~xbila r::~ ting_ p rov~rties and would frequently. ~H time. sub~ sequ~n't its inh4Jation. dis,tov¢r prui. es or pai nful soots on my person: which J had re(e,ivcd while under the infhtt;nce of ·ether. I noticed my frie oth; while etherized recei\1-eJ bang~ .a.nd falls '""h itb~ 1 beli.eve, were suffidt:nc to produce pain on a person_ ~Gt in a state 0f anesrhesia. and on q ttt'sti<min_~ them ·they un.rLor r1' !y assured me t h~t tl\ey did not fe,d i:he leasl pain from these actidcn ts. 'These fact. a re nn':nti<\fH;d that tbe rea$ons mar be apparent wh~· I \Yas jnJuc~d t0 m.akc an exJ.Oeriment in eth erizatt<>n . ~ l n a paper n!ad before ·che Geurgin 1\iedical .an'-l u rg \czd Associ a don in 1 c 52., Dr. Lon~ ~tt id. (·6vserving- dh.'S~ fa(' t:~ 1 ' ~ WaS led to beli('~·c tflttl a ttestht .. sia W~h f!rodu~tt-J h~ tlw in ha h-t. ion o~ c th ~r and that ics tls.e would ht.~ appliv ~lbk i'1 ~tantiraf opera nons. "The lh·st pl'rswl t whom l ~td s te r<:'d t"thc-1 in a ur~i­cal op<:·rati on w4. ~~l r. J ~Hni.."S 1\t Vc n~r(t hl c, ' ' l"' th<: ll re~i\1 ·d within t'' 'H ;) mile~ <''J.f _h· [er~<..tll «nd ~lt th t ... ptt>$'Ol rim e.~ ~ J $.5'?). in Cohh c ")UJJ~)f;, c~·utgi.~. ~ fr. \• ut.'-l~n hh.· l..Orl .~H ltt.""d 010 ·' l1 seve' ral c:wc~t si •ll ' ~' l\l the pl*t•pti(·ty ,.f rcrnovin~ two !:tot1.1l t un•ors (:'ln th ~..~ bc~< l p.-lnol h i~, htll"'r-ttl ~t tH.'~tpo.nt· Lt\)n t Li.rtlc to h :n·it1 ~ 1Javing lht· c.·~pt" tll ti<' •n p~ r fL,rm cJ ft·nrn drt.."ih..t of paii\ . At hH\f,th [ m~ntlntwd ((l himllll? r~h. ·. t ( f my fll'•t\'• lur• hruisl' · "hilt; r111d t 1 dw ttd~n.-Ll~t: tA tlw c tf>•.lr nt t-thet. wi1 hoOT ~t qlfc nu ~~ <~ PU. t.l :. l kunv him tc .. he fo1ld nf atHJ ~"'\. \J:>­t rJ'IIl-'d tn inlt.i l ~:~ c.• th~t', l .:~ ttgg_L:I\t · I l\) h i~ n lh l' p1~thn l i·liq-· dt:tl tlre r •pt• t'~ tiltll nli ~' ~ll b ... · {'t·rl tafh t ~d :t"\i lhnt ~l. ~- ~in. llH{ l 'lllJ~ .. t ~ t t·d fo J.un r,p<.·tumg whtl." h · w .1-; und(• t n ~ ,nlhH:nr": J[""'· ,.,,f, ,·ntc•d L1 hHu" liiH' tnnu,'ll r.,lHQ\'~o•d ~nd dw l)p"·nu in .. n W4.h plfriP Hi c:,f \~U..: '>h llH' c...'Yl' ll lfl g . ~~ f tlrL" IJ . l ~·~.2) . .,. l~hu • "~ tht l " ;t~ .. ,j\ ~ n \O h. \ " ' fh.-r . :thlc.:· 111 <\ t< \ ·I ::.nd ''d wn f\,a lh-l, n. ~ • il • u.Iht c nct~. I ~... -.t!q fH • ~ tl · tn:nm. 1i \:\ ., ... ~ q , ·\ ttt t d an,~ ~b~•llt Oll~-htlh ..~ )' uwl1 in diam<\t'r. ' l'h-- \ .H I ,~n t \~( n­! inncJ u · ml .11 .... c·dH~r <.!t rinp. dH" ti1nl· nl t+w nf e r ~t t\un . a a1d s ·c nl! .. ~ 1n,·rcduk·us l •n 1i tl t• tUtllf't' '"' .1 · ·hown 1 ) him. I1c ~:'nt 0 \.\ t.'\ 1\k lh ~ ,,( f\nin dHiinr tht' l ~f'C l U l lnl\. and ~l:o;Sllt'Cd IH~ .dH't !t · u\'l?r lhat hf d·d th)t f')..}'t 't tC'11Ct' the k~·-t de- • • ~roe·.._ t l'ntn 11, rn ns pt.rtnr~r~ .. mc<'. "Tht'., \,, ~nd .._I era tilt~ I f'erlo' m ·~.1 0n a p:ni-t."tH tlh~ri~·ud \ 1· , nt~,. O\hoi ~h~lh:.l~42. !\Jht v·as t'fl tiH· t-."'me 1'<' 1 ~<.\n. l'•""'' the- rem, ' l 0f 1..: , 'tbe1 "' n'(,\ U l u m .('t. ~ 1"htts 11i.:o, \ 1~ H,.. , .... 'l..b thar the t'tr:-t p.iinl<.':- · (\pcrilti(•n wa~ r l rl\)rm \.~ i:. Je JC~1 .Ot • \ ~~ ·n~i.l. b~ Dr. "'r:ndl)rd \ illiarn­~ l)J, l .~...)r'._, \ln1 h '· 1~4:2. ttint·t\-il\'~ "c..·.;u·g Jgt--.. and a~ a iCSnJ· l;·• ;S 11 ·bj Tb.'U \.ID' 0l the;~ \.~'('dJ'$- rreat e,'t b\:nefactor~. 1'odc...\· , ~1"·~1 ·, ...1 ne lrnndred '. ·ars a 'tt~r ih d i:sC'\:)\ ..~ r.v ,. ether for ge;lctat ._.n" .. he~i .. ;,: per:~arl\ l'1e mo;t pt.' pt.l;lr and rnost .... enei ally l.i~f·J. t'y :surf._u.)n . c:pe~ i ~Jl} in major nperat inns. rhu-=, D r "'-;~foci \Y L('l;,g tht,)t-l~h hi ~ d:i~C('VCTV of • -._ I <H1~$tlh'S'..t h ~ ~"-1:"~ 1 ;l £''('~it h\~~:1n· h .) "lltTering h1unan ity. D1·. L" 1 ~ 'n1s born in J)~n,ie~S\ tlh:. -;~orgia .. \:()\embe-r 1, 1815. ·· ~\~te:· fin·~~nn a l the ;,,~·~1 ~~adernv in Jefferson. he < nter d FTan kl!n CoHege, noM th~ t ni\·ei·sit~ ·of Georgi a. L\itcr }e ~ \-1f1g' the l. ·niver iryr, V\~hich he gr adua t(~J with h<:'nnr~ t"i l~~\. L\ 1~ t>-JHercd 1he \ ledical College of the { 'n; , . ._ ~~1u.· or' P nn~\." h ~Lia. r.-1 fr001 this in. .. ti tut\on was ~-a ... iu~tt"'ci a~ ~ll.c .!\1. D. in 1 3 1:· After grJJua t1on he came ~a~k home and !).C~P.n J'rartil'in!! as a ~' l ain country doctor in th-.; i:nle tow·n o: Je« ., s n. ln Jefferson. the first operation "';th ~Ll.e: ss aa an{..:-:-~ t t ti..: 1 ·as ocrforn1ed. The citiz.ens of ~ J effe.rso.n :i~in1 th~t t ~H~ C?entiou was performed under a nLJber:rY- tt~"' in the ., ·ard i11 :fron vf l)r. Cra'\-iord 's office. It i ah · s~id thn1 a rn:n"'he~ cf people witnessed the 11 rst operation. an!<:<nf' t1l ·m was a J oJg~ \·ho ,,.·arned Dr. Craw­fo!' d . "ii fl.e pa: ien r tfieJ . he 1NOUJd be proseCUted for 01Ul~­d~ r:· Ho H~\ -~r. vi ~ faith in hi~ anest!H.~sia and his surg1cal :k!H and tru~t ~n G :Jtl. Lc. erformed the fir$t painl e~~ opera­ticJn ~hat b-,Jt.zht h~1n ,-esd£1-,,~ide fau1c. IT" ;, ~Q.:d that v.-bc:. King EJ\Yard Yll, of Eng-lan.c.L aw·ak­CHed ·ro. ri .. : efect,' of el her. followiug an operation ~ be ~~ked d:t: . .,,·._eun "'\ l10 in,·cnteJ aoeSLhesia ~, rf he attend­~ n!!" 1 :.~~ic!an saioL ··nr. Crawfo1J \Y. Long. You r \ 1Tajesty.,' The K:n~ . 1~n dou ~IL fdt .t...r. ratefui [0 rhe tnan who had cont · butcd s.c\ gr >at a bie":>in{!' t.o suffering humanity. ~\ P an: :ntonne.d tlw phot.ozcaphcJ copies of Dr. Long's .r; roo ~ f i i d::-cO\ eJ .\ of &'U r.~...i (a l ane~tlv.!sia are on e.~hibit ion RoPm occ-upied by Dr-. C1awtord ~nq whn he J)etfonaed bla fu t Statue er.eeted to the memory of Dr. Crawford W. Lon g. DanielSville. Georqia.. a t the ~iedical !vfuseum> London. Eth er as an anes thesia by Dr . C nn\' i0rd Lon f..'". a ncl the.: introJ uction of the antiseptic system by Lnrd J use r" h Lister, an Engl1sh urgeon, has revolution ized mc· Jem ~urgc r y. and today a rna jor ope:: ra tion is performed n oL only " ·ithout ·pa in, but q uite safely, so far as infection:; a re concerned. F or, all reru table surgeons a re following the prese nt-d ay accep teJ _tcrilizcd technique, v.rhich includes pro1 cr prepa ra t io rL of the patient) st er ilized inst ruments, clothi11g. ~ p on gcs. anti sep- • ucs, tttc. Pe rl~ aps. nfty yc.ar3 ago one \'Oi t lJ han:' stood an e.'\ce llent chan-ce o1 tly jng from infection . 1nst rumentR a nti sponges ~sere u ·ctl \"i·ithonL being boiled or othe rwise ste ri l i~ed ; flies Wtt ~ rle ntifuL and qtJi lc o ften~ 'Ne arc told, mag~'0 l 3 de\ ,_lop­ed in the \H.Ju nd, CH tl sing prolonged ~ u lfc..:r ing or dt:n th . But. tha n k~ 10 Drs·. CrawforJ , Lis ter ~nd other.:. the i ll ~ t)( suffer­in~ hu1rH1nity wllich hau to he e n d ur~cl on ~ hundred yca l's (tgc>, are heing cnrrctted :,afely and withnu t J ain today . (31 Dr. Cr(J \1\ f,,rJ 'v\'. Long Ji ed in I b7B at l he a!!c uf 63. 11~ lived c.~nJ died ncar tl1c plac\; ,Jf" his b i n l 1~a plai11 ~o un c rr <.kn· 1ur and su r~eon . Bur. LuJ ay, he j:-, reti)\J\nil%t:d a~ t )ll t' of d1~ \.(Jfl\fs vrcettc~l men. His cunt.rihu t. ion tn suiTet int? ' l,umao1ty i t;ll rf·O::tssud by uone r)ther <A Iii. profe:.. . ~ 'iou. \ t nrc jndelJt:ed to \ h . \V. H. S n ~i1 h. rm (' nt h-. Hcr~n n ': j,_;ading Citize n ~. {(Jr ~n rn<.• nf Lhe inf<Jflll.ali tll) in thi~ ~ I O i f. \ Lo, tn \irs. J ohn C. 'f u,.nct. .\1r. ·runwr, P resid<"nt of the f' ir~t f'..a tional Be:t nk, J eHt'.f-s( JU , ( J etJ L ~ia, (1wns :t nd PCCllf'ies the house rn , .. :t-hirh Dr. r ,1)11~ llv\::d when rw d ist-OvL·red L'ther a~ an an~et h&.:~ia. ·r he n)olll Ol.l.' llpiccf by Dr. Long is shown em 1 ht: lt;ft. D. Tan Wagner Snit'-' J1 [ antlgo·, /1o(l rrl l)t' ptir!Jln:nt rrhc 'hampjon Paper & · ihrc T HE .\JJ\'\Y f'RlE P\ D ~ and a .;~ociat , o l (. IJ. \ '-.•n­\ \ '<lgnc r. ~hnager of paper br>ard sales.\ ere shocked n lcaro of hi, deadl. which occurn;d January 3{). nn h<: ~'if course at the C0untry ( lub. :\lr. Van\"agner \Ya · playint.r \·:iLh srJm · fri end.: . s~cmia~?­lv in gooJ health, and without a murmur he "ank tv ~he grou nd and died within a few moment!\, frrJrn l.c:an rail1re. :'\o member of ou r organization wa~ better liked · ha il !H:. o fri endl y, and pleasant, anJ a hard worker. I ft.: is !!reatlr misseJ br his friends and associate~. and c 1 cciall} in ·he Board Sales Department. He is sun•ived bv. hi s wife and one chilo . l\1 r. Van\Vagoer was con nected \vith The Champi..:n Or­ganization for nine ) ea rs. I-Ic entered the <:mplt y t f the company J ;tnuat-y 19. 192. The Responsibility or Sa ety- The Superintendent W f \ \ -c J ~ UI· R J 10\' mauy supcrintendenrs in the plant take iir "· n in p rc~s upon each foreman at lcac:.t once c d k~ ) · i e i m i () n ~-w c e of a f •" l y : \rc 1w• e L ·t·tt Joi n ~ a J:rdc "'.; noopi ng.', if you wi~h to call it uc:. a lc.l fl r,cl d t. t l srm1r ( J[ (JUr fOletncn feel £hat safetv " 4 ad I f 'i uctic,.~n a :e U1•t on an \!C)Ual basi . l n otiH;r Wr.Jrds, t he:· CiJ • con'. iurcd that p1oductiun cc,tnc;) 1n:st and safety "'CO! . J. v~ it): I~ au i ' ~r,tuc s ur •(' J';lJlt nclents s hu\ a 111Cat­er int rc t in 1 sr.idu· ti ,, th an they d, in d1c L On~ervation of J tHrl~rJ Iii e~nd Ji n l . '"1 1 p rt· cu- (.1 ·c id· s t -to d .,_, ''''JJ' an Hhiding int~.·n· t in . · f t; at d t ~s 1 n rtf,. 1 •fc.H 1 i •· . \•hit h ~( un,·r or 1<~1 t•t le::~d tc. ''J ·,J 1 injur, ~ . 1 It • iH Lcud• 111 tn\Jtil cnn w ~..:c · l11s till''' d 1l ~afet; ud J'uK.Iuni n flll l t l riJ haud in lwnll. In 111her \rHd Jt lltll b ufr f ff J ftt:UOII u : 1 ~.: 1 nil n. eo 1 • I n , u ::1 1 11 ' ,. 1 " , r h. j "b i '' 11 ,,~ w ., n i" Hl d y ( 1 1 i 11 ~ u i ,,. ' , ( t 1, I• JJ • , J w n, l l \} \ i '" t: J } tit i 11 g, ]t JW .jjd d t ill~ :J! 1 J.M l I I , j f, (. ~ Yl}l l .d I ,J J. t did •() IJ IJn\<' c:•n)' inj,J , ic , 11. I t •• , ., idt tJI , 1 n l lll af p t ,~., 1 j, • a ru.l a1 li ··r,·:tf} tn tr"Jnlll.,.,J,I 111 u u r d l ll llr lt"•,llthat h1 1uJc! i 1 r 1 1 If Lhe writer has been correctly informed. '- t: t' Sl i ns a re asked and ins tructLons gi\·en in rcganl to pro"lunion. but seldom in regard to safeLy, unlcs~ an injuty t'i in1pt na n ·~..· h 13 occurred. .0row, we arc not cri ticizing or cen~ urin ~ a n ~· Slll '­eri ntendcnt. becau ~e we kn\J\•t they arc rcsp(\th ,b!c h ' the J\'fanaCrement for producti on; rOIISt:qucntly. th<.· ~ ,ltl' "lri, ' ll~ all the time to keep prodlJction up (0 :' :s. - nJ ... Jfl' " is likdy to take second place in their thin kine \ -. r ·~u h the foreman a.;sumes the ~ .uHc anituJe. tnd 1 ·uht•t d lt' \ranao-,·ment, }'Otl or the writt·r can bbuu" hin'. ·rh · 'UI '(.' t ­i. r.tcndent doL'~n' l han! to s;n tn Lhe forcm,w tll•t the f. qcman lu his mc:n ·< rl) hell with sa fe ty:' c:tch knt;)\" tfw :lll itud(· l l tho:-w hig iH.:r up a ttd qui~ kly .ls~·un'e~ dh· .ll li iu ... k- ._,j lhei r • ~UJlC I W I s. \ ._. knnw tl1 .\l t ht: \l.tii.HTl'IIH' Ill i 100 p~...·r ~.o'(.' tll l\~ hin I th(· s ail·l\ nl•tV \Jl)c·n t , cHl\1 " l' l. lll ll).tkc it JOtl JW t' LCil\ tht\llh!h- 11\11 tb e , n t i 1~.: 1 Ian t it \ l' \'\' .1 tll 10. )\II illdi lltll' lll lttillllk Ill\' \1' I .,.lll·ty ~ llllttl 11 lll \.i\.1.' 1\ tu· tl t :J, \ til Jlol ·· • ut (.,'t \, lif(· ,ul\1 h rllh. ··}·Il l n I 'i · d.IIH ._. j, rh(· 1 ri, t• nf .ll(' l )·' ," l )ll l '''lt\c'rllh ' 1 , ~h l PIIg' t ", IPh.' • lilt ' tic Jl' 1 ti··· 111 j,l, nt ~ wi ll •ll dtr. l. ~ t :.. gu bl hirhl til t • • dt' l ) llltl l lr HII I ( ()() tl'' l ' IH rlld lll ·i.J,·ttt:- \;llll 1 1 l~l lll' i ll ( lfl pi till . • • • l1e Fortil~lti<)ll _ tn. H u n<ii1· (l DeriYatio.n of · the . . . • ..._ __ otltl ttes of North· Car(~Iitla . . . (PART 1 'A0) On til~ l ~nnar\· issu~ ~~f 'fHl:: L(X': we J.cs rib~~ ~ the ~ . ~orrnati,)ll ~Ul i JcTi\·a:J.i• :m C:\f P"er\:: Hi n~at1s nncl ~~'w l~an ~ • ~ '''<-''f ( ~nl 1e$ : the first s~tth.:.r,ncu,ts in ~-or h Car.ohnn. l t is <•u r rurro.-\' t-o \:0 <"l' in a sim it~H 1-l'VHl fi~ r, in fu tUre v n i ·1(.~~ - ea ---h t.)r 1 ht; h ) cotl l'\t 1 ~'" in t'l1.l' 01 t J cot· t.h " \ -. t:l.te. CT~O\VA . ·• .- B-c~ri€ , Pa'$qut"1-t~~k. Tyrdt_. ar-ter-er and Cut:­nnh.' k Coonut s :w(!r~ ot :...gnul p·rocul<:ts o.f the Lord.s- 1 ropricrors. u ~der chj-rt~r of" Charles I f. These c~_ul\­Lil.' s wer~ fc,rmed it\ ' t 729·. Chowan Conn .. ~. named aft~r the trib~ o{ India ns wll:t1:> . 0111..'c owned atld inhab~ted this te-l"ritorv·. is situa te\.l i:n th northca$-tern. pan of the state-. on the ¢:tst rby P¢r­quim3ns, aud on the north by C''13te.s County, on. Lhc w.est b-\ Ch{ w-=tn River and o:n the so-uth b.v.. _z\tbetnad e So~llld,. T!1e ~ou nt,y seat is Edenton, named in comp!trnent after Charles Ed~1t., ~ppo1oted Go,·ernor of N·o1lh _b)­the Lord"' P1 op.ri-eto,rs. Go,re:tnor Eden arrived in the eolo.ny anJ lil\Jk. the oath of office in ~fay, 1714. ··from l63rJ to J~. n ua1:· . l - 1.:~~ the u-ortl'lern pan €J'f the p ro' we~ ( :\1b~Ttark) \v-a." n ;le-d either by clrepnt~ g.overnors afl"(.'iEteJ b; the G o,-\.~n.,()r of Carol1na ax Cl1artes"ton1 or by the P~·csident of the 'C(.wnct1 ~lected by he depU.ti-es of t:h.e Lords P:-orrietor~. 1 n Ztll other respect:s the t'wo gove·m­m<:: nts.. ~ ort~ and So-uth Carolina, were indepe-ncleni.' The earl ..: " history of Cho,,·an County i~ full ·af interest­ing · nciderrts. Johp H. \ "tee1er in.for1us us that, •the lJ.ea.u­~ i~ul sheet of water :n front of Edenton oreser-v:es the marne of General George ~1.onk_ l)ttke @i Albe:oi..arle; '\oflhos·e eff-€>rts re-"tored Charle-s the SL ~nd to his crown and kiEgdoro and who was one of t:he Lords P:raprietors o{ ,Carolina. He was -originally a s6ldicr of iortune in the royal army of Charles t~1.c First.~· It is ~ ~:d that the deYocion of dl~ early settlers .of • a:n Cc:iunr:.\ . to t.l1e of l iben .v is \ronhY" of ou r;.1on and regard. l 7ntil J uly J6&0, " re are tGld, all ac• .: cn.a:ns in the C.Jlony were kep't in twba-ct:o! Lhe Lhi:ef tne­J! urn vf exchange. Bertie C-ount)' deriYe'S. i-~ s n.arne from J anYes and John B~:-tie, 1n \::hvm the p rvprjeta ry rj8hts of ti'te Earl of Clar­endon w-ere 'i~;}.t~cl. Their names appear ia the deed of s1.1 r 4 en<ier in 1729 of their rights to the crowni. lt was fonneJ fron1 Albemarle · Coun ~y (nbw abohshecl ) . El:r-tie c r;unty is si-t ua-ted in tlie eastern part of the State, anJ bOll nd.ed on t\u~ J)l)rth by the County of rJ ert [.o~d ; \Vest by Non bampr.un Co .. Htt;J' &nd the RoaRok.~ River; on the ~ou:h b.v the Rf'>at:JtJke River.. and on the b>v- 1l1<; Cno\va n T _l r J:\.lVer \'i.udsor ~ s!L'tuned 'Jn the Cashie R1ve-r which i~ .navi­£ atle kw ': e!-os.~.::h . .is the capital l:Jf Bertie Cou n~y . · lJe~gate,:, f ru-m Bertie 'to the 5tate Congl'fcss that as ... sembl..J .:H. H4.lif&J.:~ ~ov<:mber JZ, 1776,. wl1ieh fc~r.m ed o lr Co :t~t'i · t-.n ~on . were Th(.iffias Pugh, Jo-hn J obnst<:~IL, \Vj Hi.a rn Gray. _ -:-oah Flint.on and Zede.kiah Stone. O("Jm c: of the m¢n m .r.3.1 de,~otecl ~son~ of Liberty' were natives 0 f this count y." . . H v~·n ty wiles nor:rl cf!.st o f Ra leigh. ·r) 1~ -.JT IJU 1-tt y- dCt j . t:!S ~ 1 ~ Ilafl:l t.: f t urn ~1-~ J o.h 0 'f'yre)l. whu O\nH~d a la r~c t)ercent of r,hc I an~ of w ht~ h t he conn ty . \~~s f Jfl11-eJ . H'lr was I a·n of tb '> (H l\finc::c 0 '1 rginally gra tttcd t • Lnrd. As ~1Jcnr.'~ • h~ ·a r' it;}!l rJWJ i$ "'olnmbia. It is bn,unded on l.ftc n0r h by the lbem:l rle SotH1d: 0 11 the wc:s t hr \Va ~ l1 i u~non Co-unt. ~ olil tbc. .sol;ltO b)~ liycle County, itJ1cl (Jn the east br Alligat0r ltiv~r . Coion el Bu.ncvntbe a nativ:e of the '<\fest Indies, and a vet~? wealthy maH, mo· ed to this country a bout 1 o/75 or 76. It is said th-a~ Colonel BU1lcon1bc, the? rn ;.tn whom the Coutl·hy of .B,uncombe w1:1 · t~ am ed a'ftet, "was edHLat ed in Ji:n.glat1(;l a'fl.d a ma-n <:>f sl.;Jptnior nativoe jn tellect. Being a man of fe>t tune, l te brought to 0lnrth C;n:o1ina much wea:Ith ·'"•hich., in the s-truggle of hi'S adopte-d COlJntry for .hu icpeo­dence.; he fearlessly placed"' 0n the side o1 li})er ty . " 1~ April, 1776, he was f.l,ppoi.I.ned to cotnJr.tand the fifth regi·onent JDf t lte North Caro1·itra line in the Covtinental Anny. Re raised u1· on his own resoo.rces a regiment and kept them for more than lwelve monhhs on hi$ individuaJ charge. "In tb:.e battle of Germant.0wn )n 1.777, Colonel Buncombe '\V'acS se-v~erdy wounded and taken pr-tson er. He <:~ ted sool!l· after at Philad elpbi.a." · ~~rh eel e r s 'Ffj s.rort say's : "'Cokn'lel Buncombe was dis­tirlg~+ il.-s lled for m~;-tial app-~a,r.anc e ~ his chivalric da r:ing a nd unbounded hco$pitaJicy-.~ · .. Ca-rte &-et Countt w~~ also (}I',Vt of ~h_e ~wrginal preciocts of tb'e Lo·i:cls Pfop ri·etor~ ~O.d was c.:aJJe.d i-n honor of one of thel}ll) lv-ho, John H. Wh@.~le>r· ~tat~-~> 1s sry'led in tlu~ G'ha rter of Cn~des rl a&· "0\11~ ~JTig}~t Rfl'.m d·uly a-rid well heJove<J ~OllR­cell0r>. Sir George C~rteret, Knighl and Bar'onet, \!.ice-Chan-cellor <1>.f 0~1r Househ0ld.n · It :is in the e!!t.rctJ;ne ea$\t.e-r.n p-prtion of the State and bound'ed on the sooth 'and east by the Atlantic :Ocean, north by Pamlieo Sol;l-nd ao.d an -the w·est by the C~un ties of Jenes and Ons low. Beaufort \:J1e Caphal.} possesses a very good h-arbor. 'TJlis ;rounty, no doubt, was seen by the fi rst E ng lish ex­pedition t hat t0 t his country. The tw.o sl1ips, caUec;l T yger and Admiral - commanded by Philip A midas and ArthtJr Ba:ricnv, says Amjdas i·n hi .. reporr to Sir Waher Ralejgh "sa·iled a.long the coast one hundred and twenty Eng­li: sh· miles beCore ,;ve could fl.nd any entranee or ri v:er iss tring iaJtO· the sea.,, Cl:l;r'[:e:tt:lck County is in the extreme northeastern portion ef N<D:rili C~r.olina . It is bot1nded on th.e north by the Virgin ia Line; east hy the Atlantic O.cean; south by AI bema rle Sound, and west by Can1de·n Conn·ty· lt was one .of t he early p retincls of t.he sta:te in 172 9~ when the Lords Prcopde~o'ts s u rreru~lered the1r ri gl1ts to the Ef\gli sh ~r-own . CuG.retuck County derives irs nan1e from a t of hu:Iians w·ho on~e inhabited the cg:untry. Ori:ginaUy, R oaaoke J sland. whe re t he fit'Sr E n~ li s h peo­ple landed on .American soi l, .wa~ a pan of Curr tuG; It Counry. On the 27th day of April, 15·84, two lt~ish s hip~ sent • • • Pa;-,quoi ank County is situated in t he noJthe.astern part r:>i the ~~taf e. and boun<Jed (Jn u"'e east by Ca-mden (;o\.l'hty ·i 'he oorrh by the Viqrinia tine; south b-y the Albemarle uQu-nd, and \'es( by Per:quimans and Gat-es C-nu n r,ies. h -derive's it.~ name from the tribe of J ndians Chat one~ inJ1abited that seroon. Elizabeth Gity is the C 0ufl't y Tow5a.. I l is o:n the P-a~quotank. n.iv·er, a~)O.U1 O(L~ hundred ~nd · ouL froH1 Jt:r~glaud c th ~ aus-pices of S·ir \V~ lte r l~a le igb lc.ttlded at l~ oa nol< e fsland , J u-ly 4. rrhe Co~on y 0~ Virginia ( j arl1\:6[UW.D) clatlll li the . ~arli. •ot ... 8¢.t.tle nl'cnt ro. t '(}S. Mass-ac.busetts ch1 1JU, t he ·tleKt , 111 1620, hu-t: the 'Old Nor-rJ1 SLate "~a s tile ht-t-.t llJ''On which d'l(' English Ia Ft.ded in d1e , • ew \" QrkL . - ( 1' .., IJ t' C '"i;Jlf hf/11-l:t' ei) • (tS] • . . . • ( ·. l ,, • .• Cl :\l.1t1li11 Effici .ncv ' T HE n )~~OF _\~OFFI CE r:~mc t 'I W(tJ'k ( )l}C })IUl'O;ng a litd~ N&rli~ r than tHlt.lL Ttw (t...•lore~.l ja nitor "'r"~: vccp­ine. S3~s d c be ::.. ''\Ydl. G-C\.tge. ~u~c.- ~ou . ,.,-~cpi u g the offitc ._ ... ut~~- "<-'(H~e :a;~)·;"" suh·, lm·s, l'sc goin ' t o leave de pffice "h .. r i j,, JC:l s''-e~ri n · d~ dj 1 t < tn." G r ...!c·s twdcrslol'\ding of his bo..;:-' qu('-.1u>n was corr<:ct, the bo.::- dicln 't rhra ' (' this question r roperl). One wnnd~··~ . ":""letiule when a pe r~t)!\ doe.: an unsafe thiP .... ''hi~h ht> "a. rold nottl) do, if we ar d early to the other p~r~on r-x1dry '\Yhat "-:-c meao to conYcy to then1. I can ... ee \'\ h~ rc rh:- otl'cr fdloY\ can get a meaning that was not intenJ~. . d. if'' car no( :pe<:ific. Anrho,v, hun1an natut•e being what it i~ ma ·e$ all of U" more or less imitators, n1eaning we af,l." ap.t v' ioll ~w the tcndenc;.· of t hose in a uthority over us. . .....cbo J children pattern after the teacher. likewise work­men pattern after their foreman} t he 'foreu1_an after the S·Uper­intendent and so forth . l f the o "fice of a "Upt>rintendent js usua lly all messed u p~ ·"ar~r and book, all in disorderlr array. junk standing or Ln·in1? around. this same att itm:le lO'-'Ya rd dea nl iness wi ll be .. eil~reJ throughout his entire department. He is also in a bad ro·irion to Jemand good housekee))ing in his deparr­menl becau .. e the foremen and men see those things at the fountain hcaJ. H is clepa rtnlent; therefore, will be just a bout as orderlv as his office. On Lhe other hand, lake an o ffice which is orderly, and the foreme~~ and men will be i1npressed and they will try to outdo ettch other in making t he department a clean one. Safer. v records show the least accidents \.Vhere tbe places of work iu·c J:ept dca n and Cr;de rl)' , t b is ties sa fety with clean­liness, or. a:; i ~ commonly called. good housekeeping. . row, - incc we have Lied safety with good housekeeping, it js ob·:inu ... lhat: a product of a superior q uality can be pro­iluced more efii~ieody> because the workmen wi ll b~ able to de\~.ttC hi~ entire C:tllr.!lltion tO ris job: instead of leavtng a Jot ! BE L?O ~ IN AT 11-fA T (" H4 ItT' S l-to.w ..S THAT TH.£ ( er,.,·~IWYI 15 lOO& o~ A 5-I TE IJF $ Tpc l't !T.. _-...·~_,..., rrs GerN 1 n1 Tt-fa S£'w£R AN OVT 1111 TH£ f?l i1 e ~-- - CoMe Hf1RE {1/I'IT M-\D AI I? YE ..__..,.,...,i ""' U/1 R E y £ Go,,.. r; .... ., = . 1 ~1 of disrr tions, ~; tJdi a, fern em 1 nn~ th · f orne 0bstructlo w~:· k·!t on the n'•"r at ;.c cert iu t·l3cc. which f • 1 ii.J ' w tell U f , or fl k)r,,,e pjcCt.' c-.f ~ivn r inf; \ nit.:h tuight rr ij.) him, or a I'.>OSc.: valve \ he I tIt r Jw nw l k:..·er' i' tsl. j·n~ bael- on aJl the tim~: . :v it wi ll he t b,., ,. whc:n he warlls to use h~ t•~{ ·c. Little {h.irl~'{, }fl!t, but the da •n )nflf' thing.s arc wlrat c- s act.i dent . J•lcro is where thl rr~f'Ct1l41l (.()HieS in. If th£ mtn arc 1·roperly t t a.iJH'd I h t·)~ will rt· ~ ~ir 1 th~t~ li de. opr.;rating d i.f:fi­culti ~s to hjl'n. If" :>ho11ld J1a,-~ a yntpath~uc und~r· t:and1ng of these li tl<: irl{sf.•ntc: lllillltr~. auJ ci her fir or have the·n fi-xed,. or if some ob· tr u~t i r n ha been )r·fr. to have it removed. I f the fo rcm a o a tH! ntl to thin!!., promptly rhe m-en under him will do li kewi~< · . 1 [ h~ rrac: ice:) :,afcty1 he is in i. good position to clcnla ncl ~a r~· t ~ from those under J. im~ 'T'he foreman is rig hdr responsible to the superintenden a nd iVlanagement for accidents \ hich occ1sr on his ere •·, be­cause the foreman should know all the details of th job h~> heads up. 1-Ic is, the re fo re. in rhe best position to inst ntct new and old men pro1 cr and safe n1eth•J.d" of doin their '<-vork. ~'fent i.on w ~h' made of old me.r:L mean;Of! mt!n wb<, have been on a job for many yea,rs. 50mctimes these fellow· get some funmy ideas of cutting cotner i!l deif?g ~he i r :·lode and a foreman should spot thern., espec1a llr tf cncre 1- ao element of dang-er connected thetewrr..h. '· E -C ha.rlie· R vder. ~ Prayer If radio·s ..lim fingers Can pluck a melody From night and toss it Over a continent or sea; lf the peta1eJ white notes Of a violin . Are blown across a r:nounta1n Or a cjty's din; I f songs like crimson roses Are culled [rom thin blue air, \Vhy should mortals wonde r If GoJ hears p rayer? -Edith R omiTig Fuller. ;r 8£EN TJowtV A1R 01'1 TH£ R f V E R "llDuNJDI vPSOMe VF eM ST'bCt( ThAT WE BE£/V '"IV·---- PJ.£Nry N\ORE .Vowl'f· 4,~ Tho - ~"' 4 0 •r ;; t 5L I • • • • Guess '\Vho ? I -...: THf: AUGl-... T. 19~.). ~~sue .)[The Log, ";t· R . Crute, P1zull l\1anage v: dF· Hou::.toJli Di\·isjofl of 'The Champ-ion Pa~c.r s.m:! fibn: C~tnpany. \, aet .ponra·~~ed as a ~'Texas Ran~rf!r.~· c!.:-c&(:ed in ll~; ··Len-galton hat·· and badge of office. In t:Le Jan .la':. 1CJ3';" ~ i;'!sue he w~et.s ~hL"""vn. with hjs shirt off, ~---r~ · i:nz v-;, ~ ti;me .. ,f th~ difficutr _problems which he had lQ J)h·,. H1 the con.3trucuon of t~e Houston .Plant. Tbe ?\ lan:L ~--su~ carried ~ picture cf him wft:h one of his pl-easing ~'J !ics. "'Ie a bovc likeness of him is h·~~· he looks dressed in t ~s derica' robe. Strang~ as iL may ::;eem: l\1!r. Crute did not give us any one c.f t~.e~ p~cr.rre~. '\Ve wrote LO him several timf::s, requestin~ a photograpl. b H he refn~~cl to accor.nmodate us; however> his f r;t"D'.l ~l·n"?.·ed a =- \·eeter ~pirir. ~~c have heard of dual personaline .. ; d1af. is. a p~rson ""'on~~,,.ir/' of tt o p.arr:;_ or traits"' or ~een in nvo aspt::ct5 two­fotd-<.! ouble. Such as ;" pori rayed by Robert Louis Steven­.... on. t}e Eng!iah nuve!~st, in Dr. Jekyll and ~Ir. H yde, but we ne:\;er f.eatd oi a rnultiple persvnalit:y be(ore exl1 ibitin.g three or four distinc1 l~rS•J'"'ali~ie.s o.r. type~ of individual charac:ters. In th,is, the. 1a t" };k.en<:s& of . ir~ Crute ~ we are forced to coHfe~s that he lcolb., f!c.JCJd---n.v one C0\.lid mak~ a hel: cr ap­..... ca~anr.:e ;,. the role of & dergy-tnan. \~-e kn'}W CroL- ";n ne·~~cr forgive u" for publishing t.h~se pictur{;;S, !1uWC\'er, we .are dQinr so it h the t~pc t hat \He may recei;."e Irs. Cnsre:S>.re.ce.,s for expositlg him with his shirt o..fJ on a .i nt d;q. wl11fe- :o~kin g &1-t a hard task. In ~o.odu~ion J;Ua\.\ len~ sav' . th:rt.: ~1r. Crute h~ a<, J)i~~ttl a .difficul. ask jn recor:d time in rhe crc~tion and f.tuttmg ;nto opera•~on the lir'TUSIJJH plant. \Ve will wag(fr tbat no Ol.i!! ba ... w~..,rk~Jl hariler~ i)f ~weated n1ore tlJan he du.r­~ u,g the pe;t:Jt t\Ydve fllCJfldt * h~r\: f()f.e, bt: dei:e~t. the ct"Jm ­mehdatioTJ which ' ;: ~ l10\Af l-,~ h.a~ rtc .iv~d frmn }; is SlJpcr ior~. . 11 D t l RJ N \~ 1\ lil;t"h we had _t~ n ~uc-idc tt t s . r~lus inR c• few drt \' '; <hSfJbdat \". l vth n{ t h~ rn C•)UJd have hcr'p 1 re­\' t:\H•.!d ·h y '\ ·:-~1c.;r 'c:n·c on the pa t( r~f th· inj ru cd. )sll: .,t~-:1.7 1'\1<: .r •t; tdt~J in th ree men be ing laid ~.u tL rfhc I s npt~hnt. .. lhJ ent rul<."d that , tl\c t'f!W leade r. rh<" t.ra ne opr···~ atol ;l.thJ the pt.:r~ot't injurecl \¥{!1" • all ln()t'e - or- I(~Gs n1spon-gj... 1 b)c i"or the a ... cidcnt, :\nd \ ere laitt OU f wo cl n y~ M1 a f'C-llllll~ ol " t~ UJ thcnl a nJ to o~h~t~ t ha t cn r elcS!i l)<''ss wi1J fHJ t he t o-l era rrd. ;vi n Jn not want to get h·un do they tuca ll to be careless, bnl tbcy do n )1 ·1hink- ·iJt Jea~ t un til a feet th ~ arridt·nt occurs. R~ Jue tnber t accid~n t.s do noL haJ,'pcn; they .'l.r<.! c :.ut s~.~ J by ca rd ·~s or t hnnghtl(t.SS ac.t:l. _, ___ ...__ ___ ..--------,._ __ ''Billie'' Battison \ c n1jss ··Brll ie)! ll an.i~OJl~ w1th his pleasant s-roi lc and gen I a1 d i posJ Limn a round the plant:. 1-Ie h a~ been j n Hous­ton. 'f'exas 'for se,·era.l n1onrhs, assis Ling \'. R. Crute in t hi: er~ction of the 1-:Iouston l1ivision or 'J~he Cha~l pion Paper and Fibre Coi7nJDany . • '\Te know that he ha-s bee 11 (t\ljtc. a help, for ~<B il1 ie'> is r eally a ; ;\tfaster 1\lccha nic" as well as a paper maker. I-Ie bas bad a wide experien€le wjdt paper ~nac hine ry-b oth in bu£ld1ng and operaLin:g. Nfrs. Battison le(t f0r Texa~ several weeks ago to spend some tin1e \' id:t h im. We dart t know v~· hethe' he is to be conFLec.:ted ·with the I--hvust0n. plant permanently· or nc>t. Worry, the Thief of Time? H ENRY WARD BEEGflER, a great American preach er and writer sajd, ((It ·]s not w.ork that kills; h is worry. \Vork is healthy; you could hardly put more upon a man tban he can bear. Worry is ru st upon the blade. It-is not the rev<)l ut1on th at destroys Lhc n1achinery, but t l1e friction.'' Tbe t bo:ve statement 1n ay be correct, but confusing-mi.s­leading. Quite oft en worry~ like high blood press ure, is an ind.icaLion that something is. out of ord er- the organs of the bedy a re aot fu properly. \ ¥orry, is usnally the resu lt of a nerv0us system caused by mental or phy .:ical S[ra in. T0o dose attent ion to duty, wi thoHt sufficient rela ation) wilJ dev-elop a ner'V>ous cand ittion that tends to cause worry. The best antidot:e for such a co:ndi [ion is a change-get a\vav from present surroundings, r el·ax and forget your t roubles . I t is11 '"t the wod<, ~<b ut lhe fr ict ion-rust upon the b lade/' that dest roys e11e1·gy, reLards progress and cl e fea\s onr plan s. \¥orry} causes \~Va s le or power~ rnenLaJ and p hy sicaL \ Vot·ry de-stroys heah.h, e~ haus-ts its victi rn ~ a ncl a ccoffit~) l is-hes uorh­ing. Yet. '\-hen 'A.'e tax ou·r streng1 h, and suai n our nc r:v es~ :,ooner or la ter we become victjn1& of \vorry. Good work and ~-orry do not go tOgl'ther. W !Jfk alo,ne1 physjcal Of r-nental~ sowes problerns and achieves resu lt$. vVcJrry destroys th<; he&t lhat is jn us-stea ls ft-om the p n.>~ ent and :th~ fnture. Recreation or relnxadot) are- as nt>• ~~sr, ry to health, happi­ne& s a-~.1-d ·prospef'i ty, a ~ hard WcJl k. 1[cn who accompl i~h thing3, hOt only wvrk hard btu find tin1c to play-forget the; tJtings that worry. con,plc: t<' l} rd;1x lh~;: 1\Cl vo-u$ syst~ m and n·tQtFJ· to \! ork wjrh ~ r<:&tte r ca1 rw tnt"'S al'h.l ~c$ t . [7) I • I l • • Pt+lished b~ "The Champion Family" as a ymbol of the Ct ore-ration and Ganci F ellO\YShip Exisu na at the Plant nf T ~e Champton Pap~~ r and Fibre Company. Caoto·l DiYi ion. Can[OO. J. ionh Carolina G. W. P'9liJ rPS ...... ~ ··-··-- · ·- --······-······ ·· ······---Edltor R£tlBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR. "'._ ..... _ .... _ .. • ... __ .. Associate Editor REPORT£RS DAISY BURNETTE ....... . .. __ ..• __ .•. _. __ .• ___ . •• •• _. __ . Main OUice J. M.. DEATON .•. _ • _ .•.....• _ .. _ .. __ . _ . _ ...•••... •• ___ • _ .• Book Mill M. V. BRAML.E'I'T ...... • _ . •.. .. _ ... _. _ •..•.•• _ •.. _ .. . . _ •... _ . R. & A. P AOI. HYATT __ . _ ......... _ • _ •.. __ .. _ •. . ..• . __ ... __ .. .•...... Power 0. f . GILLIS ....... --- --- --- - ------- ---- - --- · -· -··-- --- - -E· B. Dept. ''D1GES1 ER" _ ................ _. _ .. _ ...••..••• ~ • • _ •. •• ___ . ••• • SUlphite RABBY ROTHA. JB ....••.....• ... _ .•• • • . • .• ••• .• • •• _._ .• Pulp Dryinq LENORA HUGHES . ... . •. .. .• .•.. .•• • __ •••. .• . _ • _ •. • • Finishinq Boom THE COLONn _ ... _ ... _ .. __ . __ . __ ... __ __ ... .... _ .... . . _____ ___ _____ .. ___ _ Ext:J-act . P. G. lctNBEN •• •. .•...•. ~---- · ------ - - - ---- - ------------- - Soda l'¥nll NELL BBJGHT .• __ .. ..... _. _. __ ...• _ . •• _ ••.• _ •.•• _ •. _ .• _ ••••••• Cone lEAN McGRAW .......• ... _ ... __ ... __ ..•.. _. ___ ... . _ ..... Cartoonist Soil-L ess Farming TA~K F.\R~ll~G :\f.\ Y soo1e day take the place o'f the 0lci method of plowing and hoei ng. In a tank three c1r four feer square and about six inches deer'. ~}tied with chcn1i<:ally-rreated water, you may rai se a ll th<. ··tgttables yrju need, accordi ng to Dr. Arthur C. Pills­berry. _ :a.tural i~ l, Sc icrlli ~ t and expounder of soil- less agri-ca.; ·1tUI'·. • lJr. P ill beJ ry dairn~. that he ha~> rai sed in a space half ·bt t7.t. (/ 3H c;rdiHary rrJOm. a ton of tomatoes and enough I,r.,tatOI.! r"> last a smaJ) fap,ily fr,r a year. 'ffJ · t.i1nk is t<.J •·red Vlith u :ecn wire nver which excelsior r;r, tra.w;, b<....:itt<:r .. \1. "fh<: root" cA the pli1nts go dow.u into th~· d! wU:aHy- Lrear ·d water and du;v.- ''f' du:i1 fot.lll. h i Jait•wd drat the yield i. rcn tinw;. th:- l of rich sc.JiL IJr. P} tff,h~JJ}' talc d .. l ilct!fe .t "'' cltrf~>rc rJ c.:c~ in th · H.·t'\.•fit. c.J1 t.JJ~ ~·· ntr.oy ·•f!._I(CI old LcHIILlll~- fr\.alt·d tt_,ttw­loes ,,,r fi,;r;., ·etrl;, JIIC>J(A Jcr jJl'''!HJ rlrau th '>t.din~ny ''tt l'->. \VJ1cJJ (U k f1l .uiJ ·If•;:, hrlflilr~ bu tJluf·'i f' •pular , ·r•n• \ on· dr•s v.d1at qtJ,,.: c~f t ltr· ~'l.tdl•1 gral,b··r.l'' wiJI dn \: lti: 1lH ir rtl ' ~!~? J> c I I I ; ' ! ' I d I • , ,, j .- (J f l; I n d v.- j " b , 1 • t h I I d l j ~ b i I I tl, f . t c!W.: h ' ) r tltt· ,,r;•·t '•! Y.• JJ~· ·n·ut. Becomes Unbalctnced High A !titude · • trA A YIATORS J-J;\ VE DRI•.At\ Jl4.D of Ayiul' in the l.::>f~~: sub-stratosphere, where it is claimed that low resistance pres, \t rcs wi ll almost dnuble the speed of planes. H nwever. those who seem to know cla im that '"in high attit11des -h.e brain will bct.:ome unbalanced. vision will fade and the human bod)' will become paralizcd.'' I t seems that God, the creator of all things: has decreed that man must stay '\.v-i thin certain bounds. If "· c ,-eoture too far we may have to pay fgr our folly. Pa instaking research 0f rbe medical professiou. which has stud ied the effect of fl ight t1pon the hun1an bcxiy. claim that, ''man sticks his head into a veritable death-trap. when he ventures beyond the outer lim its of the li\:c-giving blanket of ai r that fo rms the innermost layer of the earth's atmos­phere~ ' \Ve are told cha t while man's spirit is eager to soar hi$'h above the clouds, his flesh i ~ weak, and not until the s~iennst is able to provide rrotection for the;; h\.unan body' high-flying crafts wiJI have Litde p ractical value. It see1ns it i not merely that the air in the sub-strato~­phere d0es not contain enough oxygen to sustain li fe . but th~ hu rnan system is absolutely dcrenJcnt upon the blanket of atr:n.ospheric prc ~ s ure. I f that p res ~ure i, remov d the mec ha nism of the numan body will fly tO pi~ce~-"tht. }'rain becomes unba la nced, vi ion fad e", strange mania · appear ~nd pa ra ly-sis c reep · over the body.'' 1 t i.: said that t' rh~ dimmi ng t ) f rh~ ~cnSt'$ :ttnl the.' lt,wing down of physical ue11gth ~lfe so ins idious!_· g radual th~~ arc nnt nrniccd . .As a matter oi fact. in:)t~ao of n.·nli7in~ th~ir pfedicament. ~.-ictitO.s of oxr~e n -w:uu f~c\ t\n and :Ht' ~b~._,_ Jutelr sure tha t they arc doin~ the p•opt:·r thinv, n,) mrntl'r how ius"ncJv \ 1'0111.~ their' ~.~ t io n ' may b\:!.'' • • To fl v ll1c vpper ai rlin{'· in . <lkt y , p lanes must be "a ir­fH•) cJf, ht•tl-pH>t.>f :tnd }11''.,•\.lll"•)lllllJf, cltlll tll':!iHt .lill ~~l-lc:\!d \J tJllCJ5p ht I ~~ f )lHlltilltl 'nthitt d l ·11 c .!btlh :ll lJ {llllt.'~: 'l h.1 (''If 1 f tlu-' hiiUl fl t\ b· llh- llH I..-, l hrn t..• eJH'IO ·'tI t'\.\ ~l'll t1f lh :y lo.c· th ir :Jbi iH } ld lututi •• n. (. F ,pu;llllllt·," \'\l' ~l't· t· •ld, ~~ h a\. 1. ,! IM• r \ \'•'l l1•d ti t t th( tn ~t suh.lp rirhipl lt•llt•rt j._. t! fl ltll d c."· in,... II t e 1 fL ' l ion itt '' lu,· h 1 h~. .. •J l ~{·~ H\· 'lull eJ." l' ht•l ~lrth', i1 s Ill.'. 'I ~· I 'H t;. Jlj .lll Ill tc ·~H h hi~~h duttH.k :--. ' , t • • 1V l &.It- d ( a ,. !> • , '"'-.'I 11 u l 1 c 1 11 ~ 1 i P 11 t) I ' qui 1 'm t n i • R Not 'Tht!' h. i. rnonl:h ha., b<.:cn 0nc tn '\ h•ch. thcr~ h~ \.l., been tnot -ca:c~ <•f ~;(:kn~s an l time- lo~ t ~ccau .. e r , uch, ihan an\· her"lofC'rc. C~d.s :-\nJ flu havt .:at:$eJ ~he gn"atcr }·'Ortion 0f the ~:'knE>$~ and loH timr, hut ''ith the ccnning ot th~ rretry \'('ather \'. c 11\. \'~' i a\ c. tbeu~ wilt be 1. gt< ·aL decrease in the nlanlber of illn~s- c~. any'' ay we hore- ., . , Our deranment wcnc over the top wnh fh in!: c '")lor~ in the driv·e for flood rel.• •i ~( und ... s, ra;•s .m g tnm·e .LI.U, an ., ~j ?_ -_ . QO , ·~n raging mot c l han $1.00 each for f'Yt;f\ Il"Ctnber nf our d cpa ,·Lnl.ent. The c:ririt "ho,\·n b) the.:e men in the1r zeal aud cag{·rnes. tn help those in uch T' \.. d is conlnH"ndable 3nd ''T s h c~uld h.· .r. roud oi !t. S1-'rin~ 1s practically here and with its coming one·s mind naturally nuns t< .. r!a.nt1og. etc. £,perybody "·ill soon he runnino- over one another with tales of O\ erproduction and various will be ~he tale.: anJ ,·arns all of which we hore "·ill be t~ue . \Ve had some un­u~ t·ally successful farming carried on in our department last year and I hope f(J; the sake o{ news '\·e w·iH repeat our­:) d.Y~s tl:is once. Paul Robinson has pu ·chased a gray m ulc to add to t he <'Jfl •.: he a lready- has '' ith which he plans on doing the plowing for everybody. From reports concerning its age it is the oam<.' rnde that Smoky Stanford o' .-ned se\~~ ral years ago and in its '.Vand .. rin~ thn.,ughoUt the la ... t years it l.a.s at la tidcd ,,·ith Paul as its (Jwn-.:r. Paut i~ ~urc LO ~et loa of r,Jr,wing t J Jt.; anJ co:nsid~ring t he ma­L t rt ave o{ ]!iS m u!e he -;hou ld be able Jt) du 101 s: J. IJt:wey J wnic.e dedan:~ ht; is 1:11} .... ,Jd ir has •utntd pray, an<i t; /(;ryonc! 11• h<""J wi- he') p lowing done 1A~a "t! ... urn t h(" gra~t- off fir:,t: in ord~1 thtlt Pa at's rnult· w·rm 1 hurts ir~ gun1s • • "i"'f · fl~ f ) (,'~t lf. J~()rn ro .d r. an.d 1r•. lam" .J ~- l·aft· rf) \ foJtday, J au,;<.uy~HS. n l aby · O'l. f<r,~bl ll ( ~Jt•(•JJkt'!. jiHJ ~"Uilll! in 11'ilit ~ i ;,e; HtXt da)'' .nth t;hr· < u om ... :ary b1, t.A ·-iw rs, 3.nd ~· v..z u~ :.~II rmP ' l""h l' (·ipar~ w ·re fi ur· ... o -:r •i·J, d1c Lt,J a dfJIJble }J Jpinu elf ;JIJ dw ;-.tQ()d IJ,j ' H~S JfJ Jdc·, •"Yf n l.f J IJ,~in~J & ¥.(1<Jd ~ k "'·t «: o r r wJ e r .:to I, i f :u her. J A lt very !.·l ~td tc, rr·pt.Jll J. l~ '· i fJw, fH» h"'s L. ,., ill dH.- h{,··r it d 1n Asl..-... \·ill< fot ~Ptn • t i nH~ . i no lCCOVCl' ing rari<.U~·. \.-" all hop" a speedy PX~OV­e n.· and Uu\1 h c w i il :- noH be b ~H." k with \1$ un th ~ job. ~~I r . . A. J. ~ lcA.ninch has retu rned hN'llc a f Let n:covct ing f ron1 a min or op<>ratinn in tbc \T<\yncsviJJc HospitaL .. h~ can'<~ h me. Fc.:bt~uary 2. and . J. hn t e. um~d his u .. ual everyday ~mile . Quit ~ a larg-e rcprescuta rjon from O\lr dtjpa rtmcnt at.'rended the safety n1 eetin·g-- at B~l fou ,. last week. \V. \V. \~. ell · maJ~ it or this time and didn't get lo~ L as he usually does when he at­tend ~· a meeting. Some one sa id that our promising aspirant (or Police J ndge got out there at the n'leet1ng and the last they saw of hjm he was on a soap box ad n1onishing his hearers to stand by ei:rn i 0 Lhc comrng election. R. E. Davis got quite a large amount of ap­plause \Yh en he Ql(ed the speaker's s tatement that a n1an was ' aft.:r at his work than he was at home. Very so rry to report the death of Si las Green, who was accidentally kill­ed by a car qn No. 1 G highw-ay so1ne days ago. H e was ~ brother r:o \Villard Green, who is an oiJer employed in our department. The family extend" their thanks for the beautifuL flowers which was sent fron'! the Oiling Department. It has been rumored {rom good authority that G. L. Cagle is planning on having hi.s phope~ 1·emoved as it has not so far proven to be self-sl.IPJ ort- • tng. L. H. Harg rove and L. V\l hite n1atlc their monthly payme~t on notes. which they had secured, la$t payday. All this was done of cO"urse, freely and with the best of wishes to .their co-s igner on said note. T heir best wishes go out to him .and they hope tbat. in the here­a fter he Joe n't Sl.Jffer from cold . They tv·ish to infonn evcrvonc who is look­iug for "ecuritr on notes to see them, as their g reatc · t service is to help thci.r feJlf.J'r man. -------- · EJectrician (to h.("'lp,~ r) : " Hey, Bi ll, ca tch hold <,f lho~e t \.1;'() \ ire·~.'· ]1j iJ : ''0 . l\ ." {,,' f•N J ,~,o y~;.hi n.g?'' ;tw. " \Vc..·U, j, 11111 ~ 1 b(" dH' orhtr cwu. f >c,n t t rH,, 1. f h-·m - d lL rc ·h t WP tht1w . :-n1tJ • ',(t c. ru the-m !'' - U c1l Ill}'; I h vr~ \ ut-1 \ ·~ r had {tll \ :,~.;:- • • flt •ll' di t J ..,c ih till· l.tlrn l \-": '' r II ·~ J. rt ll.fl ' ( l ilea l !-'1 b ol 11 l c•f >'' · Llf ,}'. (() t ' I ·h J tJ1 C ll f I \Jt I II j f L10J •• S'I .ERLI J.;t; lJOUTT S t etl i n ~. the liu!c nin~· year old ~on of \1 r. and :\1rs. F. V. Douu. died at an :\s h ~villc hos.}'l ta1 Vlouday mDming, l\1a rch I. fnilowing a c;hon iHness. 'f nterrnent was made ~n the Bv.1 ... A­Ven ture Cemetery, ~ifarch 2. 1 he Log expresses deepest sympa­thy to i\l r. a nd .\'Irs. Drmtt in 1.nts hour of great s(_)rrow. .\lay God be with them to comfort and SJ rengdicn. 111 RS. 1~EIOJ1 PSON Th ~ mother of ~ r r:. E. :..I. Ceier, .i 1r .... ·arah Efizabeth T hrJt:lp on. died at the home o f E. :'d. (seicr on H ar.1p­ton tieight Street~ \'eJnesJay morn­ing, February 24. ~ I rs. T h.:>mp .. on, ~4 years of age, was stricken 'vith paraly­s is about ten days p revtous to her death . She is survived by th rcc sons and t-wo daughters. ~\JR ... . ~r!LD ~1 r .. . Charles R. ~: iLJ . 89 vears of • • age, died in an ~ hevillc ho .. pital .... at-urday evening. ~farch 13 . l\1(r .. . \Vilu \"as the \ idow of the late Cha rlcs R. \Y ild of Cincinna.ti, Ohio} a nd the mother of :\. R . \rild. Pav- " . rna ~ ter for 'The Champion Paper an~l Fibre Company. at Canton, , 7. C. :She hacl bt.:en in ill hcahh for S<.: ·­era I month ·. -~Ir · . \"itcl i~ S.\.liTi\(:t.l h} t\t> sons ant one Jaughter. The b dy w~ · tah. ·n h ~ lll~in-na·i1 Ohio, for hurinl. :llfR."'. ~·. tf ,ff T t\ [ t'S. I t: fS\: \"aughn PJ~$t;J ~\'\- :l}' ;u lwr hotttc in "\ bhl'\ illc. ~~ •nh C'nlL>­Jin, L, Fr·id:n ni~lH, .\1 · a\·h 3. \ lr hu n~ h &ht: lwd n.,, ll(.'' n \.1 ~· .t1011.~ ph: siu\ 11 • for ('\ ,. 1: d \'l'a T:: ,, ht• d iuJ ft on1 ~1 .stt vk.t• , f pat :d ·i' \ hi<•l, . tl ·H 1-.ccl twr ~.: nly :r In ln ~ s t.d'"'H. ~ h f t ib;...hl .\\oa ·. ~ht· i -..un i\ · f h\' l \1\ \J d~lll !.dHt'rs, \li·. ~~h ill' \ ~11~ l m .111d \fa -. .. Y". P. \ ih] • ~B .. l .. J l (' ,, ~7i 1 I ,._, ) \)llt P"!.;tH \1,. inter 1 ... d ling (\nd \it h l,, f' ~r Jt''- '" '~ ,'\f 'h\.· bi..:~ '-?l \ e l rs . ~· . l b: l "': . n··1 ;on Y. \l C .. \ . ha:- ~ rer "~ i'n.{>sP,, in .:.n.nie i -~- R:J · keth~H . as u. , : L l : s h:•c;,;n d.l' ktid :ng Sl'Ort. with n\.U'\ tl ' t,~,. must ''Ut~~andin~ ganws ~f \'c i ~ t n N Jtth {.""st,,.Jltna that wt~rc pL,,-t."'."l L .' , \CS L' b··ing m onr c urt. \ \ · h~hl d yery fin" plant league up :m · ~l t wt nam~tH l;tr • :1oJ then ·very­one Wc'nt '~ ;}J ~' cr 1 ournamcnt, ~· nd b.a -. kr• t~.11l w:3~ r' la)~ed naght and day fur ahfntt 'hn.·c week~. \Ye had tw·o high ~-h,\Ol to·urnam~nt .. an-.\ one aU sut ti)urnametn~ there bt< t g fifty te~ n~ fr dl si:-: cvunL1 f'~ JHHttcipat irtg. A i. ~he do~e o-f vu r sea~ 1l \ e '~e re- ~ry fotttsllJle !n b~in~ · blc to play the C"tam~i.·,n bl-.,·~ tron1 d.<. Haratlton rlant ~.;. n i\Iar'h 4. The Ii.~r.1~hou boy. . defeatc d O'... r te~: m \ ~t..n the~ came hen:~. but we ~-r{· exp 'Cte-.J to c-hange the r:dc wh~n we pJ a~ Lher<t '' <..~ ·-rH·t the HamiltOn tean1 in Ashe­Yil~ c:- J.i 1(1:4-: Thur$day. ~ arch 4. 'Vc na~..!e a fa'>t ~.,.i p into the Sn1ok.y ).loun­, aiJ.l P~: k and had ~unch aL C!ingman Dom'.:~ a; G ;pent tlr day s:~hr-ee1ng. \'e a:-ri,·cd back in Canron ju .. t in l:irr~ for the garne fttt.Jrsday night. h.e· the 0 Cit'n.e V.:.: fHet in the club room and had d1nne:-. rJ~·ten \.\'C went to - e c;"' ~ (or lh~ Thursday n-g i. Squan .. Da:;c~. The Ohio boys g·, a zrca;. ki--k ~·ur of r hr· St..,"lJare d.anc­~ i··.!. • C"·:~ra.l of ~hem tried it bu.t found i· ' e ry h:ird to ke·.,.p tb!: pa·~e- -,et bS" our local da! ,('eJ ·. p nd:n. frt(lrn in!,? ... we lOOk t lle t•:am through the r lanL Friday afh·rnoon "H.: jo •JnH.: ~. ,_ l u\ er to _4\she­viUe and had h!nch at ,b,:: '" & "\!,~ . where the b .y ~: were ernertaintd ,~er y rughly. On1 boy'>· and .;r}r}.: team- ar.e play­in_ •ht• Ha1ni!tun br .y~ and girl at f::T am a L•n oa date (;! - fa rch 20. \'\T e . rall have lhe resuh-. r.>-f the ~arne"!, :~ict ~r·: cl bo• h 1eams a1Jd a story o1 tr.cir tril) iu th .. J.. r~~; i~stk of 'f he Lor. UO\YLI' ·c 1 c. · t .v, cax \. ~ rna te a rcc0rd ~n bowl-ing. &l!d ti,}:) .:.t<t$( n ')~e broke th~t r-ecrJrd. 'It's the ·l:um c~f the baH ·and :he cr~tck 1 .f 1,<: f..tin f n;m rnorning until l:ue t:t t n ~ght; . it..h H k' ncl· of r~~nrda, hirth aud low. bei n~ brnken. I1 . .: big -:s·x 1n our Lha:llpion league W~.:t. • t ( ha 1: &1"-f.JOga. f r}r the t f. !.Una- • • • BUDDIE. ao11 of Vloeent Glance, of the B.. & A. Deparblleat tnf'nt. ~1efl n1aki 1'tg tb.~ trip \'e re : E. S uul es, \ ·. Donaldson, a n1 V .1 nee, \'. ~h1rr. ,Y, Rhyn1er and Guy Rob­en~. l:L\ SEBALL A:'\0 SOF'rBALL ~o\,- . V\~hich wjll you have it sen ·e.d­hard or soft? \1 e are at a s taods"ti ll as to know· what .v ou want in baseball a~d softl.>a ll. L isten! On A_pril l (no footing) aL the '·Y ;~ a joint tneeting n.- alJ the .people ·who are interested in baseball or softball " rill btt held and ail inre1:ested are het·eby invited to at­tencl and e-xp res,s your wishes. Now don't le r r~ar date get by 'and say you fore!'f0l it. because we don:t know what • 1. 0\l want dnles'i v. ou tell us. Couldn't Scarr Hin:t! A sman boy rood in the entrance tlJ a cobbl-er's ~h op wa tcbitJ,g the man at work. " ' \ ,.hat tio you repair boots with~ mi~t~r :'; he suddenlr asked. '·Hide.'~ replied rhe cobbler. .. E-r-r-eh :~: sta mr~tcred the boy. .. 1 said hide·· rep lied the cobbler, i 111 patient):~. H\, ~La L '"()r?)' the bfiY in"s.i-sted, ,o me­wh~ t surprised. ··hfide 1 T he cow\ 0\Hsid--f./" ~ig h ed 1 he mao.. ··Jxm't are if h~ i ~ . \Vho'se afraid t~I a cuw, any'\·a) ?" said Lire youngs ter d~fiat)dv.. ~.-Boslon Glubt'. H ~ h~d j-u~t toh:n a hurried ki ·1L ·'lJon · l y rJ '.t kn"~v.- 4ilny better n • hat?" . llr: d ·rn'ttiiJcd indig nantly. •. ,.. !.Ir.e ~·; .. hr-- n~ pti<:d: "but th~v take . . ftJ f.)t{' llllll'. [liJ • Cone News ( /Jy Nell B ri.f!;ht) ~:tfic P.11kcr bas relurnl'd lO work after n<·arl-v :{ ..V l'J r's a bsenc"·· R., bert S'A·a nger Is t hC' pr()IIU f ai her of a big baby boy, \Vi II i;t m ' hc: rriJI ~Wange r. Bor~ mot he r and ba~y a re gening ;d ong nJcely. ~Vc sure cl1d en­joy the c~1nd y Bob. \~/e wt:rc very sorry lo lea rn ()( the death of Vivian Sumrney's grandrnoth­er, Mrs. Millender. She passed away on F ridav, ~larch J 2_. at t11e ho1ne of " ... ~1r. and Nlrs. Ed. SuJn rn cy. \~7 e regret that we were not notified in tiH~e to send flowers or a ttend the f nne raJ . Queena Dollard has been on the sick list for a few days, but she is back at work now feeling n1uch better. Quay Srnathers said he got so hungry t70in,g home the other day that when h<} parss~d. a big roo.ster jn the road his {a ts.e teeth jutnped out ~nd started sn;1pplng at it. . · Thanks, ~/lr. Phillips, for the candy and the fun it brought us. ~fr. \Vhi t­ing .asked Jitnm-ie to pass it .around and Jimmie thanked hin1 and sa td he would r·a·thet' Mr. Whiting had the pleasure. '¥el'l, as you probably know, the mcp in our department pass out candy to announce new arrivals at their homes. lvlr. \Vhiting sure did look funny when he began passing out the candy and trying to explain by whom and fo r -what the candy bad been given to us. N0TlCE!! 'f'o wbon1 il 1nay con­cern: Dorothy Bently has n1oved her mail box from the Cone rack in the rear of the building. Some young swain seen1s to be infatuated with Dot but 'von't tell her his name . It seems that a yourtg man of {h ~.! Cone Dcpa rtn1ent got i~n such a ru sh t e> get to the mill tha t he rried to take a short cut through the west Wootl Yard in a V -8, but found a locon1oti \'(; much larger than the auto he was doJg~ in!!, so back in the road he ' ' 'cnt. ' ·Ro\~ 'bout it, J a . ?'' \'Veil , 1t seems rhal in the pringtt·tue · young lad ics' fa ncics tu 1·n ro love al$o. Only last ,.._:<wk tin "e girls f rotu down here went to sec the ft.}rtunc \ l" ll ~r thHvn • nn the As h<:villc hi ~hway. \~ e ll , girls. it's n1r-e 1n IH! c.\1 anyway. hut l wouldn\ be-lle, l' too rnu<.:h of it. I • • 'Rail plittt ·r r \" c_ c. ut.le'.f ()n Ttlc:-d.t\', Ft~b . ... 3. the l oarJ of • D~rc '(Jl\ \f the · ~~C._. . and J l ~tr~e n·;~ her r•L .. ) -·· Ynlunteer~ tn t tn­.~ ... d:l'~· <H ~,1rr~r .. and at th1s m"~'li P-{.; tht' ··y·· .. .'~c re\arr fH"rost'd th:n t his ~r~ Uj' c•1 <?ani.::<:: th~; ··nsdvt! ~~ cluh ((H , .'-...,ILJrt.t"('f "cn·i'" ~ tu tl C h) - ' 0"\('tnbC I ­. hip. \'lth much "llthusiasm. the gn..ur ad,_•pte i i hi~ iJ~a. ·rhc duh wa~ r.. . n n­cd and called lhe ~t y·~ Rai l~plitte rs . t . ).l. Fairb~ )1hcr and T. L . .l:tmi .. on "·er~ dt-ctcJ as c0-chaittn •n a nJ I . 11. H an·i, W3:> el'ect-ed seer )tart-trca ·u rcc ~1c.mber$ of this organizat~oH are: R. B. Robert~on, Jr.. L. . . Coman, F . !\t B\ c rs. D. H. H arris, . ~ 1. F ai.rbroth­er ·. C. :\. liildebranJ. Gladson Hane . • T. L. Jarni~on. A. C. Garden. Earl Price. \'. \ ". Harnes J. l3oyd Smath­ers. l)r. \'. H. Duckett, \V. L. Suttles Gu lzer Bryson . \V. 1-1. llen, R. ]. "rrang. J. R ~ Secrest. Geo. _1[_ Trostel; j. ~TeJ. v.-rUiams, \Vm. Robert on; \Y~xhow \Yifiiams. \V. \·. ~1irchell H. Hansen. \T. Lee ~1 r El.rath, \-. B. \Yiliianron., Jr., J. L . \-orley, Fred Doutt. \ -e<n·er Sorrells. P. L. Cogburn. Fred D a\t.On, Fred J l.itchell, Larry Hanshorn: James Chapma n, C. B. \ .-itt. Harr~' Plott, RaJph Goforth Bn:ant Holtzcla·w. \ \-ade C. Hill, Hoyt Ba-r"on. Albert Burnett, C. C. P oin­dexter, \Yayne B a ll. C. Guy Hipps~ and f. C. prjnkle. Othe rs ~·ill be added a~ lhey volunteer for service. Dave }larrjs is busil y engaged in setr ing up files for keepiug records oi "en ice rendered the ·y _ ~f. C. A. by each member of t his club. E very mem­ber rA t,he dub pays rhe )'.~1.C.J\. fnt"n10ership ref: and cv·eral C0fHribute . _,_) 1 he Ka• ion at and Inte r-sta te Y. :rvr. c. I . work. \Yith \he ajd or thjs dub Many nev.' hobbr g roups will be forn.<;d. ~erne Members are nc1w at "~t-·ork- 011 l1ik;n~. nat·Jre study, phr>tog­rapf; y, bi)QilllJl , CIC '-;f,m • of th~ :ry>· R ai ls t~litLt:r~ aH· zn t2Ch cl<·pa r· THCJ I of It e plant. They \~ljl be- ~}ad tO h1•lp )''JU Ol,t!U11)%l' ) <JUf gruur . r o.ll (Jfi ' ht:"' a•nd }f . 's 1~ lk • •t o ~r. J~tc: n arc• I•') 4/ ur~.dcr -w~ • lor .; i•u­Ju: in·r pt rwrarr; fr I 1 he ( JJi!U reu d ~trin I the .,JJlnrth.r :Jj t,n lhR, 1lw ''\., J, (!d­, .. ~ \,jll r•·• ~iv~~ in tnt' t.nn trr1ul­L r~. V\ heelr ,. and } lcC:rad;,;·n , {l ll 1 ~\11 ll · Lc. .t·. (h fiJ ,.:tv•· in 1 • u ... lt 11 iJJ . . J ~ . . J l J. ( S W~:nJnt Hg, l IVJHli , 1f I ~II dU' Ill." sa iug. Tit~ '{ \ 1. "' . .\. ~() Jc, 1\ f)Wlw t11rtt v.. ilt I L • it~t·n all bq.dnn'~'·. Chc!d II!J HC)W and B•·c j{ yoor r~(J~ at ,, Y' ' 3 nd ~irl~ h .. { \ ' l' a "Y v fl'leJnhen;hip. C:tunp IJ otu· T h., Y'· ~ { c·n· - Clul. unJt·r the Jt;•a I 'r~hip of 1\ . ~r. Fairbtr>ther. tS , in:! $lC~HJ ih. ft,r~A ard wi1h p]ftns for th"~ ck\ l of~t n c.~nt ( { Cn mp Hop •. The n rdllt~.:~c t has b(.1en thPrc and a land­: C\.lpc Jra\ing 0f the n.x:k d11bhoH~C is nn\ in thr ofl1cc of the General ··eer<.'­t~ I' V o f tlte Y - ~~l. C . . The urvoyor has :nHttked the spot for the large swim ming P'JOL Th ~re i~ rnuch enthusiasm among dt<' young p<'oplc in and a rounJ the ·· Y .. for rh is project. "fhey have been looking fo r·ward to this for yeaC$ and it now eems as if this would go throt1gh and they a rc very happy a bout it. Stop with the "Y'' secretary and take a look at the plans. \'re ·th ink that yotl \viii li.k e t hem. Larry Hartshorn is steadily rolling ·keeL Plembc rsh ips in and the boys a rc busr oiling guns and cleaning equ ip­ment for a g reat season o f shooting. rf he club gets together every Vled­nesday for a big shoot. .There a rc scYc ra l men that are stcad1ly becom­ing better shots, and we th_ink that t.hey "\rill be able t0 gi¥e a ny team some stiff c0mpetition this sea·son. I'he YJvLC.A. Square Danc-e Club is enjoying a g reat ~eason . ~1any new faces a~e seen at the dances each Tkursday evening. This d ub con­t inues tro g row and now· b0asts of a membershi-p of 250. Two gangsters were escorting a rival gangster ac ross a lon-ely fie ld on a dark and ra,i rty n igbt. ·' \Yhat ra rs ,~ou a re,,. grumblt:d the Joomed one, (making me walk t hrough a ra in like t his.'' 'i\ w: pi pc dow·n , growled one of d 1(· <·xecntioncrs. ''I-fow a bOl,l t us?­'' ·e\ :c gol to waJ k bat k !'~ ' l'he l rishman was r~lating his ad­' tntur~s in the jungle. '·AmHumition, food and wh i ~ kt!y had TtlJl n u'\.;' he said , ~ta nd we \1\'(' t c parc h­d "'irh thirst.>' ' Hut :a~m·t tlt ut~ auy \ll:tte r ~7 • ' 'tH '. h ttt j1 W,\~-, Ou t IIUt' t11 i t! thiuk ­jn' (,j c·l '""anlin·.., !:' - ~h.·: rr.•n,·y, "• r . \l.. \l· bel' l) IIJ. td,~,.r J'tow lo1 ttlc,tc .. thtn ten t.' .ti ~L J ) tJO t - t1ll thiJIJ \l" 11U .- ill In (: t TJ tlt'- I J~ J ? J I ( . ) ' I ,.'l w ) ) 01 J It I i ~· t. ( .,.l u I ~vJ v, fl h :l\ ,.c· u? I t 21 Our Sick List ~ l i M~ Jo Ann \ \'' u. dau_g1 er t.f f r . af')d ~1r!o> . GlauL.le \' .. tt. na ret:tl l7.nCd frOJn lhc hospit~l lr:;llo .. ,in~ ~n oper­ati- CJJ1 f <)r a ppc-n d ici ti . Charlie Smith ha~ rerovc" d from a,n operation · hi ·h he undcrwem re­centl. y . ' Vc a-re glad tc sec him on he job again. • F. A. Smith .. reot ~r>mr.: time r<.:­cently in the Chat lott~ SanaJorium for treaunent. N1rs. Johnwn and ~ l iss Ora, w~fe and daughter of Dr. \.i tey John no~ have returned from the hospital feel­ing fine. 11rs. T . R. Barne~ in is a Bal:.!mo:e> ?\1d., hospital for t reatment. Mrs. L. E. Goolsby is imp roving following an operation whi:cb she u.n­dern1ent soote week.:; ago. l\1Irs. H. 1 -. h1orer is in the !\orburn H a sp ital for t reatmeru . \Ve- hope she wiU soon be well ag..- ain. ~1iss P auline Slaughter .. who spent some time in an Ashev,llc sanatorium recently. bas returfted ro work feeling • fi ne. ~.-lrs . C. L . \.T'estmoreland spe nt a few days in the ~ I iss ion H ospital for t rca tmen t rc:ce-11 dy . John ~1 i l ne 1s r d) ~ ring from ~ bronchial rr( uble, of which he has been suffC'rlng f~,r ;-Ott1e time. .Ji.mmi~ K irkpatrick, st n of J\tr. anl ~I rs . \ llli · KirkpJ.u·ick. will . Wt"' h•"P'\ ~Ot;> n be ~•J lc.: t bt> .-~u r :l a in. A. J .• B r:utsvn . ,,~ lh1 ha · be\• n nn the • l i~f fur "-Onh · rinw,. is Hl"l•l r,) '- • mg~ ------=--------;. :.And uptm whu1 t il\ t'llh:· tL,, Y'-'\1 f'1'0- J'O\')l" tf• •·H i ' I' .~.n m ~ d.w lohtt·r :'" " f•t\'t' th<>\ I .J!t f ~t \ ,\1·." " t)h, ) ~t-L ' 1'1-WII \ ith h I' f't i, '1\ ~ i tl.c< ,lHC of ti\'(' rl1 ou~a ud .1· " .. l' , t•o ullt l.·d d uJt 1n .'' • • • ''"S I u'n· ~canHln t- s l'e~n ht•rl0\ t1H~ It• H~<.: ~~ic.l:t" !~·•'! ~1.,~ j.'\H tvd:-• ,)r tlur.:f' !~11tnth~ . ~ 'l i ~l~td :u~ pLn~ 1U ftn~'l,,·d <.HH1 nadY t (' l't\tld \ l)f•n alon- <;(.H\.h~ ~ i a. •• ·t :k ~~hJ l~t 1 1hc ~can\aPs a fint h .. b . ~ ~i' d. :\ ii::. ~ Cla;r~ Elis~. and nvw :---... nnan \ill ha\"e {( t a~d ;u~other r - ·m t, 1 hi,: l ou-:-e. o.r t.lHl.' i"t>. t'vo! ...,.-.x....,- J. s~di) _lacl-- ~n al:s0 ~urr6~ea hi~ fri'-"r:d 'v ~ 'l:s!r ~ t~ cigars. The ~·ot:nl .._ '~h:y·~ ntlm~. l~ 1)cr.m:h) ~L.ty. ... ,.. ' \ '· ·X~ki thi! k ·1 ~ t1exl t n~' would ~' • c-• b(. ' . b · t. tt('\ her " <"'l nc~ J:lt~b ":>r·':-k\ a•1d. r·s hoi..r -~ lHl'llC is h.:Jith ~ . .\aP. ~ 1·w, \L. Phillip:;. rn. "' t ·'"\.f' Gvne to r 1' l:hi.!' 1n ~he Boy L'·•h mn. 11 erh~p=- ) ou 011\t:.~ ~uggesi •• ..~,""' Ll' · ~ ~ ~ 'f.! • '-•.,.1 ..__ .. . ~ . x-ur 1 ·id fr"end. Ze-b 1Frult who has lo-. ~e<:era! month.: d\le C• • ~Hness. is hack l t.h<- ·iob. ih1d \Ye cena~nlv ~ . ~iaJ lC· ~ec" ~ l\ 1 L }1". Lt:f• lJ4vi:;: }:, a ne~~ man in t! e Pr\" t-1 · He '"·otks \"itt . fr. Jit.~ BaH and Chas. Sn1ith ~ . "h"" i~ · tn1ment shc1p: and from the.· w~y he take~ l '1~d ; ~ ~:.f'l()W he is- going t rna k.e a <.'H ":()f,_; r-: an. Our b!c bo ~- l r .. ~1: 1 cheU. setms t.o L~. \ e ci4::~~.;raed u~. li... i.s help~ng iron o:ut ... h ~ k~nk~ at ,J.L new· plan• in f-J.-, uut ~:e h.a,;e a \'"c-rv able a:;- • s! --tau\ ~- no i, < ar.rv~n r: on ve P" effici- • • • e!!d . ·. \ r· h~d Loped t'; have a picture of .. ·h .. "'1st.~.:hdi a 'Te!xa::. poni. bu ·r, f~ r he ha n~t :-.en.t it. The lat..­ · :-;~ f-c).-(•n.. w:a ... that Le .. 1 1;r. \[itc:hdJ: ~Ir. \.B. Ka1·~ and ~.1r. P. B. "Yr..1rk \:ere t< ,6~:"tL{: ·· i~ 1\ and pajnt­i . ....! l:i1c tr~vfl tt::d, 5~~,. ~r . .Readar J yoJ1 ijtat :.! ow l' e e ti.ree gentlemen, may ;-~ .v ycu:- .own ffi'!'1 .. a t i 1c'_,.re rJf thesr; r;,-n' be·~:-- • ,J·}~ J -.. ., ' • ·=r ri~ y cl .~n 't you figr 1. ag4ins,r /otlf lo-:~·.6.-'-f for drink : \-\ 'hert vo'J a-r.e t~mrt~<>J. t'1ink (,f your ~iie at !~or.rlL'-'1 ·· .\ladarn~- wi o~ r th.: th1i r !it up.(,u i,..., f am ab.,o utdv ·1e ... r ;·~ of f!::a.r :~, CARROL STEPHENSON. six yeat6 old • E B I tems Si nee ~Jr. York has been in 'f exas) 'full Jamison has been acting as Gen­erali~ s inlo. ~ow that is a real good ·wdrc.L Brnce _:\lanne.y gave it to me. Bruce saY$ lhat that w·ot"d is Jike a mili­UHY. funeraL, ir is so old that it is new. Generalissimo kindhr reminds us of " ' ~1ussolrni, but Tull looks a lot like him an}\'>"3 . . I f his teelh were a littJe larg­er a od be had a trench cap he would p.as5 auy·~\i·'-le re for ~ 1 ussol1ni. Siuce T'uU has been attending the nooiHJay conf~rences he has acquired ~orne of the biggest w·ords tbat:. have been sprLtng i.n this depArtment for a ] on~ tim-e. He has come j n l\'ith a few t;.hat even Bruce could not understand, ar'lJ he has been to J{arvard Yale and t~:e .\ sheYille Farm SchooL Bn1ce has a vocabulary equal to ·r~vn1as \rl)H and ).largaret 1 fjtcbell combined, but o{ 'Tull's words are l O'J new for hitn. \' c hc<t \'C: been as k.ed l()r a comment on Lhc Suf'1 rt."-11;lc Court, btn \V'C fear that n.i;.rl't hav.e a ca e tCJ go before t hem ~ornL li Jne and we do i\Ol wis-h (O get th~TH mad jn advanc~ . \ A/c have bc:en ' an.\ir,us I CJ r,ad r..h\: ~ .. ·ine Old ~ fen'' but so f:n we ha, e nnr b~..:en able Lc., b(Jr­J ow ir. PcrY><'IuaHr I think that the St'f r· nv· C(JIJrt should <:-on ist of fi fte12n n1en1h~r~. ~fh~ fn'iil lline ;l!~~hl tr:1 b~ dct:nc~ratA, (lJ1d lisen it tihJJtttJ be J}ack­cJ w;t:lt ~ !)': rr tJfi' :J""tnf;i:t a b. , --0. F. (; illis. [11) ulphitc News (By '''The JJ ir,f'-r 1 cr") On Fehr ur.u y 14, Nfiss 1-Jozcl R(Tgcrs, )f H e lhiC'll Covu ~ nion, l.H~ uun~ the briJ or J . P. (~h or t }) llrJ\.va(~,- t. rt'he 'vedc.l ing took pl~~ c jn ·;lcl:nvilk~ S.C. \Vc wish thrm tn 11ch h app in c~~ d J"<l SlK'res~. .... ... .~"'""'i \ ade Scroggs tl y und e rwl~nt an op€nttion for ~q')pe nd ictl is at 1 'he } fayvvood County f1:o tJ ita l. l-Ie is get­ting a, long fi oc. V-/ l' hope to sec h irn back. a t wc.>rk soon. . ~v~• x ·..a ~ . • D111ing the past month we have.: had rnore t han our share of sicknt:ss, but at the present we see most of t he feJ­Jo ·ws back at work. G lad to see you fellows back on the job. .. · . . ,.., X..--. 'I'he Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., i~ deing- some nice work on e1·ecting our ne:w AccumttlatQr k)r our hot acid sys­ten). 'I'hey wiLL be read )1 for a test of the c~globe' ) right away. ~\Ve hope to t u rll ~Jut a bet~er pulp \tVhen t liis unit 1s fjn:is hed and p1.1 t iu operation. !teller Everhart is sporting a new ' ) Ford\ -8. ---x .... . The safety meeting at Balfour "vas vety interest ing. Glad to see a. good attendance fron1 'Champion, there. \Ve hated ve ~;-y much to see the trophy for F ebruary go to someone else. J ust be more ca reful fellows and we '"'-ill have it back sdon. ...-.x__. ]. K. Gaddy bas been ou~ for some time on the sick li st. l-le i$ reported much 0ette r. Hope to see him back soon. . -·x- Jt js getting along ab<Jut <:tacer plan tin' time.'' 1..-h is give llS an id.ea ,,vhat to do \'\'itb tbe picture some of the fellows have received ~-ece ntly. They were taken last fa ll for the Social Security record s. 'rhese will be f1 ne to ke~p the chk kens ou t of the ga rden ' h is s tll n mer. Cu~">tf.1111t.!r: Giv(' JhL' S()fllt" of that }"'I cpar\.:d vrthOat. d f)' .;'a 1 icy 1 ic ~cid. J>ntggi l : Dt, )·~ '" me au rtl>l •ir;i n ~· (.'u ~t qlllC:r: \·~..~ld f JH"\'C:f ran thiuk rA that nau11~ .. I I • • •· Main Office Note-s \ 8): l)ai1Y B untrtlt' ) Ca pricivn" . r1-a 0nce t!g-ait)! And hoV\ la~ ~~ ar~ to ··ee h r. Th~&'e s~em$ to t"e a certai-n so-tn thing in th .:n:- Th~:.~ o?o1· nf fresh taint ruing--led \~t t h ~hat ot sm-oke fron'l bllnl'i~ n.tb­btsb _m l"oack y~r Is. f'rinJt tiowe~ n"t ~Jnu~ drab '"Inter dav·s. And thi, is ~he sea~on wh 'U little hoys are torn ben\~~en two tilesin;-F. The:,~ would like ~Q much to 6~- th-eiT kite, high: high llP tn the sky, a;nd yet there i~ the rna rble ''tocld fulL of ne,,· agate to be cap­n. lred. ..-x.- :\·fa.ry .\dam .. \-a:rd bas decided that the distance be;tw.een Canton and New l'~ork is cot so g reat after all. ~he has pl31.Un~d ~o give the big city a break. \-dt uo.n l forget us ... la_ry Adarns. \Ve are ruil1ng fcir \'OU. • -x..-. Double on•ow came to Alice Jami­son of the P\1rchasing De.parUn.ent w·hen death took bot h grandmothers \Vtthin one ,,;eek. · '.)(..-. Thea J entz and her fa ther have Jn0v­ed to ::\orth ).1ain s treet. \Ve wi l.l wageT that Thea bad the tirne of her I i fe _getting s~tt led. She should h ~:ve had Duncan ~1a~~iahon ·along to belp. r1o\(' that man does enjoy moving! Lois _H o·weU is planning to op¢n a c ~uTs€ w gencatogy ~rtb B(Strr Buell as her star pupil. l: ou see I'le.rschel ).. : L<Jis} bro he r-in-Jaw· and he i-s Doris' bf'~Jther a·od hi ~ wife is Alice's ,sjster­il ~ -iaw and Alice i:i Lois sist er-in-Ja:\'v and Lo1s: s1ster r~ D(~ris· si.ster-i11-la w and Alke and l)CJris ;tnd LoiR are not related~ a.ud, Oh. n C"lL B t:1l)' and I b(Jth w!H ha\ e t r· teO tt:a t.he foot of the line if :t)l is keeps up. \V,z he ·~CC()IliAtiH~ Vef'~rtrn(pnt rt;".c.a H ~ fh (t <1ldr. rJld $l1Jgan thar r;fltC l.yJl~ r n l)••r 0fflct: r:~~Ju:~rnir1J! ccr ( >-f>t ra-. • ;t;J1 and ~~~d fc4Jl~·. ·hm, '1 J l ;l{ .r,og:)n '•'-'~" P,.JttiHg it m1JiH: . 'J la" fevca-niJt ' .<~:rt pr r~~ ;.J p rA" ~"el.l tL;. 1 Ch ~ H'l f'Lf)Jl en~pl<.~y·-~·· dtJ U JffJ<· thrf ~ tt •" h i11 a qi ~ i .•. Fr. rvive us tf )' f\o:~>l a )t1dt· J•J't,ud (,f (1~ !! (fi>1' il di:[ •3f fnf•Jlt ~ IJnt ~j}j a roll}~ l., ll''l rr;:rdw{•d to u l t J\· j,-. .. ~ ml ·~1u1 y l•f'lOk SJ. \ ~ h:d tba \ \c ' ~fL ju,.. t1fti·d ~!'1• r \.V:t·d,iu f if!l:~s , i.r h.!d J''j tt!c·k lq •rk 1Htdt!r ~ Lc•r rHK. ffi('Jrt a l ~tr:. . io n•, · wa.s l~ th~ <lt)Jy o.w . ~hik t ur;t l-wr J }rnfnie Kirkpa.trfck, s n~1 JJ on .. f .. 1-nth<'fi!l<! and '\"1Ui5 Kl rbpat rickt wai!"-ed a hard b:..nle llt. the t.losr~itnl. \ (' ~t(K(:l ely hOp€' h: j::; em h.t~ 'Nay t ~' hca l~h a1:a in, • --v .­" •us • \ c ht..·. t · th.~t Nt·" B e r1Z"in.~ has chailg('d J is JUiP'\C fot a numbe;. He S<Wm' 1\P f1k rr l'"hot'-te'lt. H · h a~ bro.n t'ran.sf€rted ftc 1\1 Honug tu b x-tra\:t if th ~t: m e~Hl s ~n~r th·in~ to you. x·.__ l do appr;eci!l~ ~~ ·(e~ble atten1pts f. l~1C ha-ck c I ftcc to kt)t;:p me from n~t.ssu~g Ce0rge. 13ut th€'ir threats to ~J ack roy eyes and kick· nly shjns don:t nng C\'\le. ..-x.-- lt "vas gret1t ro ~ce Cbatlie Smirtb in ~1 i .. offi~e aga1n w·ith his go0cl old ch~er­t- ul g;nn. R e has been a , .. ery sick rt1an but yd\1 wo1Ltk l never stbpeet it. .-.x .-...- - 'Vhy, €H:1 ! why lllll.JSt I be d0'wn- at the entraflce ye.Jliog at the t:op of m·y Jungs to s0mc one upstairs just at the ~x.act momen·t disting uished vjs.i-ters are rnaking an entrance. · . X ,..., . -... ... Auo D-a:mto£t v isi.ted with us one ~auJTd~y morn ing not long ago. $be tS ~weet. Sl!e an ~ Jane Peck got a bit beiogged cbscus-s:mg brothers. Jane referred ~o " Son·uy." meaning her .o~n b.rotb~t. Ann te£en·e:d to. '"S0nny'' meanmg 11er bl-otl1er. Then the.v b0tb men tioned \¥a1t~l', : each mea;uing her. own ~re'0:e r . . ':fey,tng to get the · c&lil ­v er-s.atlp['1 u:. the <U~f.I F they 'sti rre~ @v€ r to the $U.bject of ta.thers, to d is­cbver t.hat their respe<rtive f~thers had the .&anile n ~me, \¥e ne at'ly fiad t~ send for Lo is· that time~ · ...-·).(· .. It ~i ll b'e a long tiq-~e bef0re th.e ~d ain Office will gel over the loss of CJat1de Vao 'Vag.n¢:r.. S® far I have not been able t0 fi\od ~.vo rd to e:i!press my own per ona·l grief at bis gwing. And I am QUite s.~tre rnany othe-rs fed t h 1.! ;'-a 1ne. , . .."?<_.. 'tb ~ s t~ry o f Thtll) Pied Pi peF (:!}{ Ti:un.!J.o 1. o'wtl was kind in comparison t.o t;hft a wfvl tragedy of 'e1v J .(mdon • I" I l- r·Ka '· ~ e ·X ·~ Did f) tu· ha ... ket. haH ~ ~~att,)S l'nj~~~ J 1amiltnn! 'I he g lr<%ll ;=trns 1 he) tt'll . ( (Jnd Jrtrtr velous. \ ~u\ kO : \Vls. r If) , de y ,u b(!!~ll llf' t tin ( ·d i-W,t!fl f · (,1J t teL .~ \. tlttl J-HY .g i1 ~ wisr "' it \t\';ndell' V\· !,.u ·'i 1H' d ~. ••h.' n . v ~ Co-rn~ in: ~r(J l c do }(•:.t( !lfJ r l..t l .dt·tl ­d t tf. H..•] it ~· t ill)· lOtH. Mts. E. Ill. Prit·e Entr rtai-ned le-.dam:cs n L. Cogburn._ .J'~ad :J_ ver, $. 0. \'ilde and Howat d. • etbrs wcr~ host~ ~!)~S F rrday eveniA ~~}F•fJ ~he y enter.aincd t tht! Y. t.C.t-\ . Clr;rb Room honti-riAit thcrir tnot~tcr. :\'l n. E.~ rl Price,. r,~n her bin hd'ay,. The r00m. wa~ ve:ry attractive with cut ~owers .~uii plants: tarr-yjn oul th-e St. Patr:ttk cdior sch~rae. 1~he table. covered w·itth a lovely lac~ d .Jt . \~S Ce'E'lc.!reO ~lth a la green a&d whitt~ ~a k-e, bear-isg 54 c:aT>J.dle&.,_ funhcu carry­u); g Qlit the co!or mouf in •the (abie • a ppou~tmcnts_. ?\4" rs. ~- 0 . \~ride led io a number of ~a!lles and contests, after which de- ~ ltcJous ref r:cshments~ cona~ ~ ;ng of h<'Jt choeoJate) ~a lad, cake and minr~ were served. Out f)f town guests for the otcaslon were! iv1r. and ~1rs. Flo-}Td \Vo:xlv 1\t~r. and 'Irs. V<:)Iins Brown r aznd S. t/ '"rjJde., of As h:eviJle. Other were: J\4esaames Love Coman, S. B. B:uuus, C. Cole, M;i11s I-fjcks. C. \V. Cathe-v Z~pnje Kelly, P'. V. ·Hamrick, C. B~ Wrt~ Ja.r:nes Hargi;n, Enuna. ellars. Walt~r Prlc~, George Hive!'}') Louis~ ShernH, J. A. Evans; Ella Faiilsler, mother of :NJ:rs. Price and Annie ~1arr. Messrs. P. L. Cogburn: George Hive­ly a.nd H0ward Sellars . T here w€re als€> fom; grandchildren present: Earl R_dwar~ and ,Pa~~r Ruth Cogburn, Sun NVJld~) J r ~ and Alice Ann \Vilde nia~mg ·fop r generati11ms p resent. wlisses Blaod1e Evel·vn an_d :\far­jouie Burrus, l\1adonna.J and ~fozdle Hively Vi rgh) ia:, Bobbie and Georg:e W. l?J-ice ccnne in for f(•fre ~hments. The ll0no1·ee Peceiv-€.d many t~\·tdy and nsefu I .g.. -i·fts. ·'} \ .. ~nt a b<r~x \ f 6g~ r,. please.') ·Ye 'r n ~'lJam. a HfOI\g rigar?'' ·~oh, yes, hy husbaud bite, them · ~,; b1 .v. ~ ,. ~Bot h b ttu tifn( an t d n·mb \:t[u ·t my trn¢ Jon} h-<:. H0~ ttriful~ S( f ·u lou: n··r,. t\1}d d'umh.: ~'--he'll kn: m(;"'. ------ ---- - A '\'Vt •n) ,\t:-1 hnd ,!>. o 11 • tO Sn,ti~Hid fc.)t I he Ju ~f· rime i t1 It t 11 f~. n h<:'r r~~ t u f:" n H') l j ·~'t1 ,;,I... WI ;:; hf!' (-' I \- f '(' SS\.·d 11~:'-n,.~ r f a~ .llp ri~ ~tt q_'·ri-~<· .. 1.. ,H th\i L'0111pa t1iYe Ct\ d II J,flHl') nt t hr S fll . '~)llr ,!'.. Ll!{li ~h ." lL.'H-~Il\l S at'~ ~pt oading. r ptd ly, ~ h · :-. th l. ·~ r\ en m the llltlc• I U \ I I Llf '-'t. A uti r~w·"\ tht." \' h:n t~ ~ ujcc h'Plf \·r~~l nH• ! '' ' Book 1\tiill B \' !. J.' 'f . t\ a_. o 1) • • \·;\:h the dJ.h ~nt C'\f b:1ln1v ''~..:ather • 1n ihi$ te11it )n.· .. th(> tnin.d$ o1 the Book-mill ·n a~'~tn(' be~ s a' e gradua ll~ turn- In.~ l J ~ ·dthatl durin-~ the seasl.)l1 0f l'··t',)7 'Yhat a-~ the prc,~pects~ \"111 ·r. ·cd' Gr 'g:l.P~ '·D" mj;chlne 1.~nde.r, ::ga · l stet"r \he m1rh ine a~g regaLi('n t hrvng~ antJtb~o.·.,- .:uc-'-e ·C\h1l ~ea oll.., OT , 1 ;11 the ~.~ud1t fall ir:tu le~,.. c.apable 'idnJs: Tnes'"· are only a few of the rr,at , . tl t'e::-t :~)n$ ~~:'in~ ad"<·ancej re­c~ nri~ rn hchaH .,_')( ll"e afpt'1."\ !-(·;~ ba l ~i!a"1'1H. Our ca;., a!'k n. nl\.hK' ;._,p m~~a.g...e r, H. E. \ .. 3-lt:er, re.c c !~h.- ieda re~ this de- .1 ·zutn~ ent nf 'The 1 O'.:! '"-,'s m. din:" need of ~n J..( '.P at (· n-c biulXltra"'\~fusv"n. a~ i1 wa' .~. r•1.~·in~ \e-a'Re. \i h eactt m(n:b's appea :ath.e. Tl.t• ~· re.t'gth oi this run1blc C\.•1 Un"'~ cie-:"e~cJc !ar.~ eh., on the abd;t;\' or ~he com rose{ and lTl Q !i1eager \l~~ITc ()n the ~hou.der" \'lf the co-work­er-.. .. ' ppose we tna~c ever-y efl\.1rt to s:ir·1::iate t'his dep~rtment witb a t1ew anci '"·iJe 'ar!et} c: tvpics iu the future. Det{'r.znin~J not r.o ne r•tndor~e bv his ··huJc: .=· Fonzo . faun . :n t!te house­tn~ ik~tng ({aU\('. \ "inceJn: ';rorit:r, ;D}' macJ-.ine "endcr. ha~ ·:.ra~ic:d the con­~ truct \on of a ne,~· home 1n tbe I-!ob (;oo~sh\ se'.: !on oi th i:; indu trial cen- • 'f:''". Y:nccnt· b'me is '•oint. to be a .. d d" 1 ' c~n ~y, acCl'r 1ng tC• wno~ h a\re Yiev ~d tne b~, .c t" r in!-= on the ··m(Kiern h•)Di·, rnJj~et. Yinct!nr ~a!d recentlr he c r ec !'. LO 1·ent d·e h· me which he • DO\'i' flCC'lp;c~ CIPC OCCUJ>Y th.e new sr rue ~ .. e ~r,.· her- crrrrll •leted. • La~~~- B ~n-.rshcrn has just abvut .:-rlHtpk ted -the ~nnual ~prio.," rrJu pd.-up r.i ~,{{,em: member;,hi! ~ and rerc.rt£ un­• l ~tal &u Te~;:; \'. lth ~ et.·t:ral dub ~nern­bc: r ~ :-.oo] Pral in~ tfP'<)lHthr. U\ the o-en-l ~ _. ._ ~ '·'··a. m:ll. ;)~1ur.a~ shoots have been l !d rc."Ct.lltlV anc! Carl Ois~on. <::rm r1i • • a pro,c.:!nenL \Ye~· Vi:-g-:nia p<tper t"'!'nker. ~a- ..-~~ade e~\.·cllery! scr,rc.~. Cad w :~s d:c l.~tcs•. "'!~eel \t c&,..·l;H. a m'tdd 2 t \ inch~6ter, a LO can handfe 1 he fire­arnl with nnu::.· al abilit\. Carl has }lis JH.\~ ... uo ;n tb: repair ·} t:Jp ~t p;:cserrt hc::t \·ill CGffit; forth ~J) the near fnt ure v::u· a ref on lfied we;l Pt,n v;hich sheulJ s~ wucr dt( ~auc! r - · w·ith efficienc::v. C;,d C:Ul n.·aH~- b·~ t- )en·. w·hen he 1 rie"s. Sc\·cnd rH.·.v bee. h;o;c :)hown uo f~(; ~J rJ 1y io dK tnachitH: area tf..i assi~( td:Jc hi1 £lin~.~ .ar:olHh.i ·'EV' :rmchjr1e iJJ lOUIN STEP-HENSON, two years old tl,ll'ning <1t:t n1anu1loth prodliction re­C() l\lf-. 'ft ~ bo) s rtrc ~ruly \'\'c.•komeu in th is department ,,·hen the HBIG' machine i~ rolling smGothly ·w·ith reel after reel of high class paper cornin~ off with a ln10Si: rhet1omenaJ rapidi\.~. L. C. 1\JcDo\veiL \'eterar1 fox-t.:haser of 1h~ Carotina mo untains , jun1 ped a fo~ recently, \Jac say" it i; 1:ery sel ... dam he in \rades the rugged rnountains "ri.tbnut jumping one of rhe tireless ru nners. while .\Hvert Burnett. ·D•' .machine Yvinder rna n, another a r:dent c. h.1se r. declares his d o~s nevt:r fail t o '-' . JUilip one but th a l theY seldom, 1f ev~ r. overtake rhe ~nima l. · l\r[ac is a f'aper in ·reetor and a lover of J og~. \;< Several of the hoys, i1Jclud ing ~ bbie Robinson, '~B .. n1acl~i ne bctcktender. . are desirous of lean)ing \'\·hy f~ d P a} ne, ··C'' machine backtendcr. i$ taking s0 mnch recent in~ere tin the prvccecl1Qgs cS the Cant0n pc)lice cout'L. Ed is a regular .atre.ndant at eoun each arur­Jay m·ornjng, th«'~ boys Jeclan.·. and think possibly he has c:uddenly turned profes1:)ional bonJ5trlaJ1 or something (A the sort. Ed cc,uJd not be reached for a ~taren'\CJlt as thi col umn was be­in:: t prc:rarc-cL but he'll likely c<.Hne fonb \ itb ~orne so.n of d€'{enr-.e next month. El wocd . hook , expert f1sherma n and mDf'Jr bvar enthu ia~l. \ ho liJl\l!~r~ • around •'B" machi ne as b~G:krertJt-r. ""~11 sr,~~n bt- on pieru res9_ue La k ~ Loga.n "~nth h1s spt: r~d l'olt. hlwood !lHys ht ~ mr,.t or ~hould bt OJH.' t.atin$( nictlv 1hi s ~ , pnng ar1cl su r~ mer. 1· h\ot)(Jd sr)end ~ hi.: i4'l,... hc"1.1r oc~asicma 1Jv c;O L.a kL J ames with h}~ ,., t'('d bnaL· and Cgtn he t1andl{ d c job. (.h:itc ircqu ul'ly f:J ..... WJ)(JJ dash<::-. hi., h<>at <JfiL•, the ·wau .. rs <A 1 a ke J" n;.L lu ~ kji \ h' 1 r• m an v lr0 n , ~ of h(;, are t'll i•JVcJ l>v h·' .. and his party. B.ny :·. if ~ (.J.Il w.a.nt a t h ri H r1f • Cards of 'l~hanks \ \' c wish tc:} tha nl - f>ur 1T1a ov f r'ic.nds and ncigh.bors for thvi r k ind~f~S~ and ~ympal hy in the s-ickn es~ u.nd deatl1 0f ntt J~ar V\ ife and moth e r, espcdally for the beautiful fl owe rs j:)C11 l out by the St o<"b. rt nd B rnkcr Depa rtmeo-t, FiJ,ish- 1ng- R oorn. \ Vood Yard a nd the Soda­~ u-lph.<~ t e Ocr<• rtmeot. ~ l r. l . l.. Rhiu ehCird and fan1ily. \ t ~;.v i.s h to. exprc.)s our Lhanks to our nHli'l} friends and nejghbors for their d~ep sympathy and kind cxpres­. io n$ s hcmlil us durin~ the ill ness and leath ot our deGtr n1;) ther. vVe wish cspeci"a1ly to l hank the Rewi nd ing Roon1 for the beautihtl Oo ral off.ering. i\ lr. and ~ I rs . L. C. Smith and fanlilv. ~ \'e wi h to express our appreciation to our frie-nds and the Champion fami­ly forth~ m ~HlY kindnc~$eS sh1~rwn ; also. .the he a utif ul fl nral otre r ing~ in the death of our husqand, father and loved one, RichatLl E. Parker, February 10. 1-1rs . Parker a nd D aughter. 'f he Tay. lor Famih.~ . \-:e v\-~i s}r to t~h ank ou r manv friends ~ a nd ne!gh fo r th~ir kindne'$$ and sympathy in the il.lness and death of o:u r hu -- band .and father especially fqr the bea.l>ltiful Oo-vvers. .l< rfr~ . \· . C. Scroggs and family ,. Jac-k Scragg , ~~[ rs. C. Rh y-nc. the all -o\tt-door~, coot racl '\.Vi th E lwood for his next nsb in g-mo lo rboa t () ll tin g .! Hot coffee during lonesome antl sleepy graveyard hc:mrs is a grantl .stjm ula n t bur he re s \~eave r orrcll's \Na rn ing: c. Don L agree to let Carl 0 \,·en furni sh the cofree antl a hvays limit hi!' contri butions to either xni lk or SlH.tor." '-' Con ~ ult ' Veave r:- who is nigrht tower b0ss, f 0 r further expla nat if;'m. 'fhi. ~o l um 11 has pledg"d ko never again mewlio11 dte na1ne of 'Red'' ;\ k ­C racken, ··CH machine l<"JH.Ic:r, in an~· [(1!'111 ot f~t ;-hi on , but the hoys of rhe 1nac~ hir~e are~l ju ~ l J1a<i ln learn oi rhe &ur:t'es" of Red's <'Sp11ing Ckarnn "e Sa k ~" P ric.cs ran 'e -ed in nJd [nz. u t·e' llu·uu~hn.ut rht snit: f)l) pranicaLlv e\- t' tT an ic le. btt L P .. cd \'OU ld t1 n · ev~..· n hi;H hi'S g ros~ ~·tl ~ li~ ur~s. s~ni ~~~ thai ~':en lnwt·r prrt:e-s t\uuld pre\ ai l l.htri ng the next $alt.:s t·vent . • • Pulp Drying e'v t R" 11 ~if ') R mltd. fr ) A "'r1t 1st •.. J.nJ rerhnp~ Y'- u th ~ nk ·1 :H t:h;~ c lumn \Y~ll han_· an -\rrifs F l"l} juke . . . but a t0(' .1nd a las. (his rolurrn i~ \<..m sc1 i" ns a thin.b for fool­t~ hn~ "'S. • . • m.~ !ndc\!d~ we are lhc r..1oH ~fri\. lL-- C\,"llum.n thi· Lo~ ha:\ ever t rinteJ. . . l f "c- were no( ~er\ous 're \h'UlO P I iiH th~ $ l1.1{ , - (.lf Cus. ie Dt.~YJin :ir.J ·his re~ lica o( ·'The Bare­,- l~<J Bo,~ ·· . . . Y0U k110w . . . .:Ba re­f! X't bo~· with d{eeks Q{ tan. ~tt- ·· . . . \Ydl. Gu~ .. it~ didn't hdv·c cheek.., of tao . . . ( r\ wa~ a l itcl~ e-a rly in tbc season) ... but he wa~ down ~uotrnd cl1e city oJ L·uther a~ barefooted as the boy in the poem . . . a ut to top it off. wh<i!n a 1nernber c[ the clergy came LO call be [ound G·u ... $ie catching frog$ and sit-lnn •n~ thcjn . . .. 'Yhen aske-d w-hat J.. e was Jo1ag. Gu-sie ~a id~ a f \·e a hvays t-'eard L:r>Ua~ bill - called '~toad skins/' -so l'n1 making me a fe\v extra dollars wbile 1 m off.r: . . . eems like Gussie ha~ taken up the ha bits o( Dick Plem­mons on the money making . . . you remen1ber about the hens. . . . ' Vell, Dick is now- in another ·field of endeavor . . . the m0vies. . . . Gussie tells us that D ick is having his p remier of the ~'Lovers Lament'' tonight (!Vlarc-h 1 8~ .. . \Ye are sorry that we cannot at­tend and see the g cea1 lover in~ actien. . . . \~e understand ( by the previews} that D ick is a ve-ry gallant lover and Lhar the leadj ng lady is crazy a bout r-big R~cha rcl" . . . and they a re teliinR" that the reason J)ick was out fl on1 ~ \-'-:-nrk in the early p~ t"t of ~4 arch was th~H he was having trouble chang­ing th ~ <"'11or on thooe Ea~ter egg laying hc~s .. .. Dick said th.a~ it is much harde .. to change tlv~ c-olor uo a hen ili~n tt, r.hange~ •r)l0r on !'1). I n1 a­Ghin~ 0r o;J 1'\o. 2 machine ... But, .neriou Jr. J)ick had a bad ca})c of «"flu" . • . .ctnd ?a'e (i ··c glad th:n he is back on t~ e job. . . . f \ -Vha t WcJ'Ul .. J this col·­iiHHJ }}.c wirht;lll Dick c..tllcl r.ur.sie) aHyway?)· At lafl\ w<:. !,a --c 8 repv11. on \NaHace aod an y \'\ hjtr.~l! li-1 t":- \l~ twy- JJr eL-ing ar rl tJ; t~ 14bt, t ltn-c \4'~ «.:;:J.~V l1<Jr 1.-- ••. a~ ~c~n ly ~ lin!~? '~P~et''(in~:). ... \.(•ll. L··c wdl iJ <: th. t "'1J11) ~ \ ... ,H~n! tell 11 I ft:H sJu: C2! 11 '1 n· Jl( JW.~ . . . he ltA hvc~ ~ nrd ifl li-t;J v<x..J fl .,. h, y . ~ . !\1 a rr.cL D;.Hi.J, ,~h id4 i~ , byt • •. t.~lld tlw w~·H J<u,Jw'• J ci~~ht:t q, pfirt. • WCLtiAM CALVIN CJUSP. son of Mt. and Mrs. Mal~obn Cr-isp Jepat"tn'\eJU d uc~·i n g lVJ an.: h. \, e arc ti~tiJJl"t it all toJleLhe r and are happy t0 L'eport that aJ m.os.t a:ll of the pa t ie.n ts ei Lhe r well or are OQ. the road to r~cove r v. E .. ~- J)evlin and his whole farn.ily ~·vere stck wi~J1 <><flu. The~· a rc all ''"ell aud "Eb · is back on the j·ob. ::vJr . P arlev.. 1\tf edford 's children had n1easel.s .. and a soo Was operated on for appcildicitis. T he other children are over the measels and the son is recov­ering front the op~ r a[io:n in fine shape. ~ fr. B. D . .,. m~thers was out fo·r: a week with •< fiiu. ~' He wa·s Fepald for his lost· :w~ek by bcin.g a-ssigned the best look­ing shift of the f€>\il·r in ouv department, (not bragging, bu1 it s ·our shift). Jesse Grogan also had. the ·fcllu.' ' He got over it aod has been @aek to "v-ork foE some time. There has · l:>een more sickness but we weFe l:l'rta:ble to list.jt a'U. G·osh, we n ea:rly "forgot~ W. D .. Rhineh:art was kiczkecl by a mule, fell over a bridge, his ·wife~ b-i.t him" or some.thi~g. Anyvv:ay:, he repe::>xted for wq.rk wJth thre-e broken ribs. We are sG>rry to uepe_;rt the passing a:way of the niother of W. R. O'Kelly on tbe ni,ght of ?\.1arch 17, ~937. Our deepest s y11) pathy ~ Nfr. 0 1Kelly. Gla ncing up from. our work the other day (we do ''.rorkL ' Ve s-aw what we though L 1vas a t0lnist t<rurlng the pl~nt. _jn a n e~ fang led gaFb, but on close to­specuon found it t0 be ou r Safety Wu­gincer: .{\;f r. PbiHips) incased in hi§, lat­est 't~ af~ty pants.:~1 But on closer ob­~ c rva.iion., saw that it was a garh for men wht) \ v t'k a rottnd ruovJO.g' uta­chin<: r y ·( n:1'a~ h'i ni iiot s,_ GiJers.. ~!tc.}. I! v;us a regu lar p-£~if c~v~~a ll~ w·rth o zi-pper ·which wht.'n d(Js-eJ~ mad t~e hor (JUtS vf du.' irg'i tA rlH.: q\.craUs hr arol.ttd 1l 1..: h·~-> siJnilar tori l itt~ pant't{. 'J his! i{ <lduJ:"rk<-·d. (\•ill S<lV(: 'Itl:U\f f. Us ' iH1 cd hy l w(H~ f ~Hll l{'W ~.·n Lc hi1t ~ c:n1 f'J JTtllditliJ t1hj . 'l) ur iu rth)-Viu-~ n~.l­c ·l.l ;h• l -'lf. I • d tt' (tJ J I l'f1Jf'tl k< l tl..,i .rHH~ <"'lPC!', »O rtddlll<U\ ~ lc.J ftt-ll-'1 itj ~ ll'tOnt h \~~ HtU ·1 l'ql-1 •1'\ L 11 Jt.ll ·n '\J.'"tt t r 1 •. ~ {101 Finishing Rooa1 News (B~ Lc ttO·ra llnghi!s) . v\'c in the 5-ampie Offire c~rtainJy reg retteJ ~ecing \Va y ne B~ H lea e U->:"'. T-1c [ll:)W ha~ bee-n r~oJnoted LO the Maiu Office where \VC hope Jl.e \~.-ill get a.Jong very ntCdf and nor forgt!t an}' cA us. _ 'o dotlbt our new rrimrner ptoves a g reat advantage in many wars. ~ 'o·w, th ere isn' t that mad ru$li nn rLe kJ~· ·er trimmer whun there is a crowd oi im­patient tiers :waiLing heir (Urn 10 havt ~he ir wrapl' cuL (By the wa~ . _,f_r . P.hi'JJ~ps: Wfl¥ ha su·t thi., fil:'VI.. uimmer had its f>ict urC' taken ). Ait~r the iflsraBmcnt tA tni.s trimmer we a-Jl thiak the next best thing in line wi ll .be tables built for the girls to eat their lunch 0n. _ "'ot onlv is it n ot sanitary, b\ll eaeb girL who sit_s around th:e roHs outside of the ~oorn '~hill; lunching, is in danger of rolls fal ling [rom the passing over­hea; d crane. \Ve h0pc this will be taken coosider .. ar.ion= es~.,eciaUy be[~,)re the ~oming SllaJ. J,ller months. be€I) added to our gang. l t so happen·· that ·we ar.e very fond ~f d.o_gs and eats . Cl<:>e makes the third dag we',;e bad. \Ve have a white P e rs1an cat and a regular cat. 1 t s hard ~o tell which ~Ye are the fondest of~ the Persian~ the regular cat, Ol' the setter pupr ie. Guess \.·e lo~e them aU. "fb.~t reminds us of a h.J11nv s ton~ about our P~r~ ian cat and th-~ las t · doe-r we ·had. Gretch.e.n (ou r \a ..~ , dog) wa· fos t~· and B~a~ l c hotltild-(lnd v-err mu~h honnd lookiu g~ One n10rn ing on L h.e bu ~ tt (eUo:w sn\r Tomrny ~rucker (the I ~r­s ian) o.n tor o f Oll t car ~uuJ Gre1chen lo o'l'"'i ng up at him. '1'h f 'llu·w s~ i~.l. "l .II he dali l'l --d, look, t k1-t dt)g ha~ ~ whitl~ fox trc d 0 11 top of that ~a r,' · l;tt\'a$ \ c hnv-e idl\.!d ab ut !lll th~-­: lo fHtl.'l' fr. Pl,\ lilp:) wil1 .. dk" u.: rh~-s t in·u• ( m:n ~,.. mliH.!). An}'' ct') . rcnl '"rn­~ (.' I HI rht' ~ (>\ t: tt... t tw t. h.lm 1m in lht' :. prlJ1;~. t.l',;t , l~t,'' .;uut .. tb<:Ull ·~H roun~ tH a t-t':-i Lt~K\ turniu~ t} 1\>V<•.') .UJ1~ ~dt th(l '-' rhn ~ . l nrt d<t-l ~l lt.!l fvr~<·t thnt hv plat \ tl'l¥ !->J F.e \- c:lll l i \ ~ to sec-~ thvM• ·• \ • ,u n.g f l'"~\ 1.!1 ~ .. ~ 1 ipt u: i·nt1c, •·l )\d L'-W <":-.·~ \· i t..l\ I \'"~ '-c ml .. · 1'1: uri 1 "- • 1 art ' ~f OH r ., • 1 dJ.\' li\ ~· . St"•· yuu I h '\t mnuth. •