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Correspondence regarding the election of officers

items 35 of 66 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12202.jpg

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  • John Gary Evans- S, q. Fjnlsy. OFFICES .gvra.ts & Fiixhr S^rtmthurn, g. (JJ. March 2nd,1901. Dr.O.?.Amblsr, ( Ashville, N. C. /) My dear Sirs- I am in receipt of your letter, notifying me that I had been uaanimov.cly elected as one of the Vice Presidents of the \ ° Association. Permit me to thak you and your Association for the honor conferred upon me and it affords me much pleasure to accept the same . I know of no enterprise in which I feel a deeper interest tha& that which your Association is promoting .The natural beauty of this section of our country is unparalleled on our continent and I am sure alltthat would be necessary to carr5r the scheme successfully through would be a visit from those in authority . The Mirondacks of Nev? York cannot compare with our mountains of North and South Carolina and I feel surs that by a cooperation of our people in this section , which can only be brought about by an Association such as yours, we could successfully accomplish your laudible enterprise. If there is anything that I can do,in any special line,please notify me and I sh^ll be glad to give the 3ame my best efforts. Thanking you again fcr the honor bestowed upon me, I have the honor to remain, Very truly yours, M.M. diet, by E.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).