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Correspondence regarding the election of officers

items 19 of 66 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12187.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • February fifteenth. 1901, Hon. Rutherford B, Hayes, Ashevilie, If, (5, My dear Sir;- At the annual meeting of th-? Appalachian National Par% association held in Ashevilie on February 5thf your nuioe was presented in nomination as one Of th" ': ice-presidentS of our Assooiafci©n« Accra-ding to the By-laws provision is »a&e Cor twenty vice-presidents. You were unanimously elected to that position and as Secretary, 1 ma w it ing to ask if you will accept the position, I a.upleased to report that our bill now pending before Congress was favorably reported on by the Coi^aittee to the Senate last week, Very truly yours, Copy sent to, Hon. %i. R, Day, Dr. Henry 0. Marcey, M. H. Cone,K A. P. Andrews, S. Vittkowsky, Hon. Benton McMillan ,K. Hon. T. Hoge Tyler, Albion A. Perry, Col. J. S. Carr Govencr McSweeney of-S. C. GrGov/' Candler,'. Georgia.>; S. P. Everett, Hendersonville, D. A. Tn omp son, Charlo 11 e, A. C, Parties, V, Ashevilie Hon. Gary Fvans, Spartanburg Hon. C. B. Ayecocke, Gen. John B. Wilder, Knoxville Hon. John Allen, Tupelo, Miss. Mr. Clarke Howell M. Atlanta Constitution. Victor F. Lawson, fU* Chicago Record, Dr. K, w. Grove, St. Louis, Mo. ■ -.i'.:.c- irsasi , A. h. P. Association, Joseph P. Bryan, Richmond, Va Miss K, 0. Abbott, Philadelphia, Col, ffd.vard Hrerett Hale, Boston, Col, Alexander P. McClure, Phila,, aa.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).