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Correspondence regarding the election of officers

items 58 of 66 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12225.jpg

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  • GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Bangor, Maine. March, 11, 1901. PRINCIPAL OFFICE SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Dr. C. P. Ambler, <5^~r Appalachian Nat'l. Far'i Assn., ,, Wss^iiamaa&mtsm^^sMMti^aS&SK. Ashevilie H. C. Bear Slr:- Yours of the 4th was received while I was at "head-quarters" In the office of the General Electric Company in Boston, last week. I have waited a few days before answering, that I might give the matter some thought* I am exceedingly obliged to your society for considering me qualified to be a member of its Committee of "ways and means", and I beg of you to conver to your society my thanks for such consideration. I have some doubts whether I should accept the place suggested. FIRST, I am exceedingly anxious for the success of the enterprise being promoted by the society of which you are Secretary} 4 SECOND* That the enterprise may succeed,.! feel that all the officers should be both willing and able to give to the work much effective effort *r*r-$ THIRD; I presume that the Committee of the A. N. P. Association has possibly more than the usual share of work of such committee. Whether I can give the needed time, I am not sure until I have had a conference direct or indirect with you and learn just what results are expected of the committee of Ways and means. I shall be glad to accept the duties suggested provided Scan be of service. I am led to write as above on this subject from hearty desire to have everything possible done that success may be secured. I will write Mr. Plummer of the Ashville Elec. Company of Ashville as per enclosed copy. He will call on you and 4 write me the result of his interview. Yours truly,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).