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Correspondence regarding the election of officers

items 57 of 66 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12224.jpg

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  • Folio PUBLIC WORKS COMPANY. fy <t , ,, , March, 11, 1301. Mr. H. W* Plummer, O Ashville, IT. C. Dearer, Plunmerj- X am receipt of a letter from Dr. Ambler, notifying me that I am appointed as a member*fwVm •fays and Means Committee* of the Appalachian National:Parle Association* 4s you are aware,. I do. not Xlkf to take any. place where I cannot do ray share of the work hoping for■ success. I writ© Dr. Ambler as- per enclosed copyf and desire that you call on htm immediately to find out Just what results are expected of the Ways ana Means tJoei2nitteal/of ■ the above Association. It is my purpos* to spend some .time in the South, Cpossibly sot as much as 1 have the last year J, tho balance of ay'time will be spent in the Horthf and if work is required in the latter.section of on? country of'that committee possibly I can attend to some of it. After a conference between 23r« Ambler m $ urself please wr.1':, i •> fully on the subject,. Mien I will quickly determine the matter in regard to myself. I am exceedingly anxious for %%» success of this enterprise,-and am willing to give it all effort I possibly can.* : Since arriving in the Worth, my health is m«ch improved,- so that I am inclined to take on a little acre work than t have done the last fmir* X write you thus frankly that you aay understand the situation. Abort all else success for the enterprise is «&s§. I. am anxious for. r*' v> Yours truly,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).