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Widow's claim for pension, January 27, 1866, page 1

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  • Printed and sold by Wm. II Moore, 484 Eleventh street, Washington, D. C. WIDOW'S CLAIM FOR PENSION. State of Tennessee ] ] SS. County of Monroe ] On this 27th day of January, 1866, personally appeared before me, a County Court Clerk of a Court of Record in and for the County and State aforesaid, Martha J. Misemer a resident of 7th district in the County of Monroe and State of Tennessee aged 30 years, who, being duly sworn, makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the Pension provided by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862: That she is the widow of Henry M. Misemer who was a Corporal in Company F commanded by Capt Jacob P. Brient in the third Regiment of Tennessee vol. Cavalry in the War of 1861; that her maiden name was Martha J. Bogart and that she was married to said Henry M. Misemer on or about the 9th day of February, 1859, at near Madisonville in the County of Monroe and State of Tennessee by Thomas R. Bradshaw. and that she knows of no record evidence of said marriage except the County Courts Clerk's certificate which is here unto emended She further declares that said Henry M. Misemer her husband, died in the service of the United States as aforesaid at or near Memphis in the State of Tennessee on or about the 27th day of April 1865. by Reason of the explosion of the Steamer Sultana. She also declares that she has remained a widow ever since the death of said Henry M. Misemer and that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided and abetted, the rebellion in the United States; and she hereby appoints A. M. Hughes of Washington, D. C. the Tennessee State Agent as her lawful attorney, and authorizes him to present and prosecute this claim, and to receive and receipt for any orders or certificates that may be issued in satisfaction thereof. That the Post Office address of applicant is Athens, McMinn County, Tennessee (Signature of Claimant:) Martha J. Misemer ALSO PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, James Hamilton and Jacob P. Brient residents of McMinn County, and State of Tennessee, to me well known as credible persons, who being duly sworn, declare, that they were present and saw said Martha J. Misemer sign her name to the foregoing declaration, and that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said applicant, and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be, and know that said deceased recognized said applicant as his lawful wife, and that she was so recognized by the community in which they resided; and that they have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James Hamilton Witness. Jacob P. Br-ient Witness. n

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).