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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 12

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  • E newsmagazine Dont walk ... RUN to your nearest International Student Office by Rachel Patton * WCU Alumni If you have an opportunity while you are a student to study abroad, take advantage of it! There will not be another chance to travel in this capacity in your lifetime, as post-graduation careers and families will limit the time and funds you have available. Plus, with the financial aid packages that WCU offers, you are at an advantage from the get-go. The federal government also offers packages for students, such as the Gilman Scholarship for studying abroad, that make it easily attainable to study overseas. Whichever country you decide to visit, do not make the mistake of grounding yourself in that one location. Get on the road and see everything you possibly can! | chose to study in the Netherlands for my senior year. | traveled in 12 other countries during my year abroad. Culture shock prevailed for the first month or so. | realized after being in the Netherlands about a week that we, as Americans, are spoiled rotten! We, as students, drive cars in the torrential rain instead of riding our bikes. We go to Walmart when we need paper clips or socks, and | bet if you think about it, you would not know another place to get either of these items. It became the standard for me to visit 8-10 shops to find anything that | needed. Language was a barrier. Do not misunderstand me. The Dutch speak perfect English; however, it is almost as if you are walking in silence when you traverse the streets because you cannot understand the words. Although classes were taught in English, Americans were the minority, and finding students to initiate English conversations was not the easiest task. After a while, you begin to realize that you must be the one to introduce yourself and strike up a conversation. Travel within Europe is relatively inexpensive. You can often get from one country to anotherwhether it by plane, train or busfor less than one hundred dollars. This $100 may also include your accommodations for 2 nights! Western has programs in numerous countries that will intensely expand your mind and cause you to reevaluate your lifestyle and way of thinking. This newfound knowledge will help you in the future to be more understanding and accepting of other cultures. | urge you to take advantage of any of these opportunities that present themselves and experience all there is to experience before you join the rat race of American culture. Live life to the fullest; its the only way to go! Critique Hunter Library and be eligible for prizes! Hunter Library invites all WCU students to participate in LibQual, Library Quality Survey, a survey used by more than 500 libraries nationwide, to gauge patrons perceptions about a variety of services. LibQual will specifically: Foster a culture of excellence in providing library service Help libraries better understand user perceptions of library service quality Collect and interpret library user feedback over time Provide libraries with comparable assessment information from peer institutions Identify best practices in library service Enhance library staff members analytical skills for interpreting and acting on data The LibQual survey will be conducted February 14 through March 18. Survey participants are eligible for an Ipod Grand Prize; other prizes will include flash drives and Java City coupons. For additional information, consult the LibQual website (http:/ If you need the URL, email Eloise Hitchcock, Assistant Director of Hunter Library, at hithcock@wcu. edu. We appreciate your support and hope you will help us improve our facility and services! Look for the email soon! For Sale: Hand-made Tote bags & Pocketbooks Greek Letters, Cartoon Characters | and Patterns of all variety available! : You tell us what you want & we'll give you your bag in one week !! Ask for Jen 293-0645 | First Choice Real Estate Apartment Rentals 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath $800.00 2 Bedroom, | Bath $425.00 Just Minutes to WCU Call and ask for Sue 828-586-0067

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).