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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 12

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  • Health & Weliness Stuffed Shells with Pork and Ricotta Blend by Ryan Fussell WCnewsmagazine The only difficulty to this one may be cooking Procedure: the shells thoroughly. This isnt easy to do in a dorm 1. Cook the shells al dente. This is Italian room, but here's a pair of suggestions: 1- if you for to the tooth which means that the have a coffee maker or can get a hold of one, clean noodle in use is fully cooked, but the it thoroughly, and pour plain water in the back and shoe ; stil ey i tum on the maker as if to make coffee, but instead aid haus 4 slight pikmore rasietant af you ll simply superheat the water. Place the shells center than edge. in the coffee pot below and allow the water coming 2. Break up the pork and add Savory through to cook them. As well, turning on the and diced onion. Mix with hands until burner will help heat and cook the shells. 2- Using fully folded together and the mixture is a ceramic bowl, cover shells in water and heat in interspersed well. microwave. This may take several cycles, and a 3. earcrianls sto erate, to be . i ; mixture from time to time, unt por a nasi Racca ig A, a eG a TNS is slightly undercooked from medium. aN . , The pork should have given up about . 4 half of its pink-brown color. . eke 4. Mix ricotta with shredded spinach in a . joobo ier she noodles ratio of two parts ricotta cheese to one 1 bundle spinach- shredded part serinch. % small sweet onion diced . Dried, ground herbs: Basil, Tarragon. Recommended as well: Savory * Canned marinara sauce, just to keep it simple. Shredded Parmesan to taste . ee ay by Ryan Carrels Sse Wo eae f OGA Yoga will increase your flexibility and give you many other benefits, but something that you may not expect is that it is great for sculpting your midline and strengthening your core. The core of your body is just below your navel and is the place where good, solid strength comes from. This article discusses a couple of exercises that will rapidly increase your core strength and give you the long, toned waist line that everyone wants. Remember that these things won't come easily and you may want to give up after you start to feel resistance. Be diligent and continue even though your body may be telling you to stop. At the same time use your common sense and do a little every day. Soon you will reach your goals. Leg Lifts: This is a classic exercise that is better than any abdominal machine on the market. Start by lying on your back and placing your palms face down under your hips in a comfortable position. Do single legs alternating between the right and left ro : am. j eG 3 G a 21 newsmagazine 5, Now, open the cooked shells and using a spoon, ada the pork mixture to bottom of shells and fill about halfway. 6. Dust top of pork with dried basil and tarragon. 7. Spoon remaining half of shell full with the ricotta and spinach mixture. 8. Add basi} and tarragon to taste to marinara sauce, and then heat sauce until tepid (luke-warm). 9. Remove from microwave and spoon two or three scoops onto each shell. 10. Microwave again until marinara sauce has become hot. At this same point, the ricotta will have melted, and the pork finished its cooking. 11. Remove from microwave and let stand until cool enough to eat. if you have trouble with the double leg lift. If you feel ready for the double leg begin by inhaling a you point your toes and lift your legs. On your next : exhale flex the toes back towards you and dro the legs in a controlled way an inch or so from th ground. Again inhale and point your toes and lift, - then exhale draw the toes back and slowly release the legs to the floor. Repeat in this manner for ten repetitions, moving slowly and gracefully. Yogi Sit-Up: Come down on your back and pull the right knee in with both hands and as you exhale lift your forehead to the knee. If you feel strong, have the opposite leg up off the ground a few inches. Now switch legs as you inhale. Then, as you exhale pull the left knee in as you reach your forehead to touch it. Squeeze your belly in tight as you are exhaling to get full benefits and strength in your belly. When you are done with both exercises, stretch your abdominals by taking your arms over your head and stretching through the length of your body.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).