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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 12

items 18 of 32 items
  • hl_westerncarolinian_2005-03-15_vol69_no12_18.jpg

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  • newsmagazine CAMPUS VIEWS by Caitlyn Campbell * Wenewsmagazine Which environmental issue do you think is the biggest at WCU What solution(s) should do you suggest the University implement to fix the problem? 18 t thinie the blaaest There ts too much dirt on the voads wear 2 environmental (oO construction, When cars Arive through, campus Ls Soil evvosion. | thin it Ricks up airt and people walking we eed it oy planting more by get dirty and choke off of the dust. plants so the roots will help They need to clean the roads so people hola the so oth down. wow't wave to aet all chored up. Ashley Bullins Dante Hill Sophomore Junior Elementary Education Dance | vever woticed the condition of the Expansion... Admit fewer environment untll campus deckden studley ts. This would be Less the trees across from construction aud more room Belle. Why | se ALA that, | don't br our watural scenery. 4 rnow but rf miss the trees. Angela Wright Hunter Szoka Sophomore Sophomore English Education Entrepreneurship Clearing for the intramural we don't have a reeucling field by freshmen parking proaram and the avaount of Lot ts a problem, because trash that leave this school it uses up space for sports LS insane! ana Looe vad from te nighway. Jen Ferrara Sophomore Robert Warbicki Business Management Sophomore Art Wu's pollutton runs into the creeie and, They dow't tae into consideratton ve heard, has depleted the Life in it. It seems the flood Lands, for example the nignly unnecessary. The construction sites Village, and it ruins houses. It eeep getting flooded when it rains and that CAUSES More Construction and hurts what little non-numan Lite is Left and they need to taiee move time on it makes the cavmpus loor horrible; who wants thety projects to save extra wore. to see mud-holes tn prominent locations? Chris Blanken Renee Komodowkli Freshmen Senior Womens Studies Entrepreneurship /Theatre

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).