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Nature Magazine: Carolina number

items 74 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10416.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • BIRDS AND ANIMALS Bird Homes of Distinction U.U Japanese Pagoda MartinTemple Copper roof Pr|ce *pr $30.00 Size 30K x 30i4 x 21 Catalogue on request LEWIS P. KELLY R.F.D. 4, Dept. N. Peoria, 111. Beautify Your Garden with GRANDPA BIRD HOUSES You men and hoys who like to tinker for pleasure or profit—get my big collection of plans and instructions for huilding Grandpa Bird Houses. Many new and beautiful designs that add to the charms of the home and garden. Any one can make them. Everything pictured and explained. Send $1 for lhi- prize collection of simple work-shop plans. Valuable information about song blrd3 and tips on making Mitt included Free. GEORGE J. BREIDERT 1051 N. Elmwood Ave., OAK PARK, ILL. 1 Cwi»r mm Houses tor $ Weight HI lbs. CRESCENT CO.. Toms River, N. J. A Post CliarKes LOVK BIRDS (Parrakeets) Make Delightful Pets Oreen Love Birds $5.00 pair Yellow Love Birds 8.25 pair Turquoise Blue Love Blrda 7.50 pair or all three pairs for $15.00 Strong, healthy, full plumaged birds. Safe arrival guaranteed when remittance accompanies order, IT it's a bird we have It. Birdland, North Hollywood. Calif. TheRobindale Set' *3.2* Postpaid LINCRAFT BIRD HOMES, BURLINGTON,N.J Catalogue on request HANGING WREN HOUSE m ■If^, Attractive-Praci ical-Weatherproof Ati F\ Body painted white. Hoofs M ". \ either red or green. Ask your j^^WWWW * > community store fnr these jr houses . If not in stock wo will send pnstpa ,1 in 0.8. for iattH !:w.**^'" ' $1.00. Six fi r $6.50. Kendal Rcay & Co. Wntcrford. Mich. THE DISCOVERY OF PLANTATION LAND (Conrinued from page 301) one with music in the breeze and in the heart. Paved roads now thrust into the remote depths of the mountains. Now one may explore the wilderness trails into the heart of the wild. The lure of the lonely gorge of the Nantahula, where flows the "Noonday River", of the hidden land of Cherokee tribes that still dwell beside the rushing Ocona-Lufty of their fathers, invites the modern covered wagon that glides on rubber- shod wheels to lands that lie back of beyond. Here one may pause at the side of paved roads yet be under the spell of the Great Silence that is intensified when evening comes by the whisper of far-off torrents. There one may make roadside camp in the heart of the unspoiled wilderness and sleep refreshed by the aroma of virgin balsam forests—lonely firs marooned from a forgotten age here on the lofty table-land of Dixie. Long ago the beauty and abundance of Nature in Carolina drew Andre Michaux, Joel Poinsett, Agassiz, Audubon, Clingman, Bartram—the fathers of American natural history. Today, the lure of glamorous shore and romantic tidal river in the Low Country renders Charleston a southern Provincetown, while purple heights and the flaming autumn glory draw poet and painter to the Valley of Lynn, where once the music of the tumbling Pacolet soothed the last hours of Sidney Lanier. IV To the increasing multitudes who pause in the Carolinas in the Great American Migration that moves between north and south with the seasons, wistful marshlands, sea-gazing barrier islands, fragrant pinelands, purple mountains represent the abiding soul of this land—these form memories that weave into their dream, inviting them to linger, beseeching them to return. As one's car crosses some long, low bridge that spans a river near the sea, the echo of the horn mingles with the deep bellow of antediluvian survivals, bull alligators in the depths of cypress swamps. <««'i Your Cocoons NOW Nothing '" "'*' tatert world in BMn bountiful tlum tlie ninnt motlm of ",„ 1nr«e oilk-npinnina xporiM. with tlu-ir hrilliniit MMOlinCI »f Um BTMtUa rods and mtcriuediiite shade*. It i* a twiiititul night to e»e them fmrrita front their Rilk ooeoon* in tho S[.nti*. with minute « mm, which in '20 minutes. i-xi>'ind to lull site. 3 to 0 inches. Hundreds Buying Now mu dnilv mmlylpc IndUMiuda. IiiIih. ivUi-nlionid institution*. ■.. with living dilk , , * >tll which mothi will tmrrtl* Sprint, DomprUm our Inrito Cv nth hi, um) Tronic! lien, nn-iirtcd t ii..- <• rrici-*: :> n»«i>rtpd roMPiM tor 11.00; lOfortlJft; lftfor«8.35; 2.1 (or $3.f)0; T.0 for $<1.00— Limn ninth cocooim. 70c ciicli—3 for $l.N.r>. Autoim'ri" I" encoona, 3.r>o r-idi. :\ (of.»l-00. In wnrtn roomi ■ "ii" i it" d' ram pic *lnfx of :* or these mot I... - of strfor photofmpbw nproduettoiu nittabto for framine. slmwitm lif< toriM of 6 of thi-«e rnoil^. EUrt troplnl tmlteniM 7Q« mpb, unmounted, n\x different kind1' 00c ench—mounted in gins* topped Hiker mount-. Mo ncr specimen nddit ionnl. Don't delay—order now. Itlral for nature ,.(.-. Iu claw, kindrronrtrn, boyt UM airln nature ncoul oroupt- •rhoat*, rof'tf* "'"' hi-.tutu-tovina in.Hri.hinli. Trannpvrtitiioii paid. Remit to C. WM. WURSTER, Suite IG08-J. 104 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. A SIMPLE Way/^ Bring ///. SongHirds STEER HORNS LONGEST STEER HORNS FOR SALE IN Texas, highly polished. Texas longhora rattle now extinct. Ran opportunity. Lee BertMlion, Mincola, Texas. CIO America's foremost bird authority for DO years, has written an interesting hook, beautifully illustrated with 55 actual photographs —"Your Itird Friends and How to Win Them." Tells you how to have birds on your premises the year round—explains styles of houses, baths, and shelters they prefer. SEND FOK THIS FREE UOOiv TO PAY. Birds are useful. They keep the garden free from cut worms, bugs, moths anil oilier destrue- pucker Home tive inserts. Martins feed from the air. One polony will destroy thousands of mosquitoes a day' Birds Bring Cheer A medley of bird w songs will add to the attractiveness of any home. Naturally birds go where they are most welcome— have good places to nest, plenty of fresh water and food in sheltered stations for use in tlme3 of stress. Write for free book JOSEPH H. D0DS0N, INC. 10 Harrison St. Kankakee, III ^P Dodaor, Bird Horn • priced from S& to S150 ^ttrac t J-Iundreds of L £Heerful Birds around your home—bluebirds, chickadees, robins and wrens.They actually understand your welcome sign. X. FRIENDLY % BIRD HOUSES re constructed of weather- roofed material representing natural bark—ready to set up. 3 BIRD HOUSES <(M Postpaid—or if you sent for '' wish, pay postman $1 plus postage. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. B. CowIesCo., 14 Commercial St., Rochester, N. Y. LOVE BIRDS<parakeets) Green Love Birds $1.00 pair Yellow Lore Birds 5.25 pair TurqUOlflO Ulue Love Birds fl.50pair All Three Pairs For $12.00 Live delivery guaranteed Strong, hnnltliv ttoafc tram Uio largest breeder* In America W. F. FLOWERS VAN NUYS, CALIF. BIRD-LORE MAGAZINE Tells all about Birds Edited by Frank M. Chap- ' man, curat-ir Dept .Ornithology, Am. Museum Nat. Hiitory. I low to study birds, build nesting boxes, feed-X&£ ' \V stands, baths. Color plate each issue. ^^i&jJaJ Sample copy, 10 cts. stamps. Circular free, Bird-Lore Magazine Box 678-3 Harrisburg, Pa. $1.60 ■ year (6 lasuas) /\ The Beauty-Garden Wren House Corrortly built of wood j/f Bamovable front 'for cleaning Ml^W Will last years Qreenrreostained Price T.ri cents each or 3 for 11.95 postpaid Nonr So (loop NONI So ClIRAP Send for literature and prices of our BULng elobc and sundial. THE BEAUTY-GARDEN PRODUCTS CO. 127 So. Main St. Monroe. New York 350 Mention Nature Magazine when answering advertisements

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).