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Nature Magazine: Carolina number

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  • For decades he studied the reptiles of Carolina and in 1812 he published his famous herpetological books, which, illustrated by the Italian, Sera, undoubtedly form one of the most valuable contributions to natural science ever written. It is interesting to note that it was in Carolina that he found not only many of the reptiles he so adequately describes, but also the inspiration to give every moment of his leisure from his practice of medicine to the study of the most misunderstood of God's creatures. DENIZENS OF COAST AND STREAM (Continued from page 350) been caught by channel bass fishermen, but more have been taken in pound nets. The large-mouthed black bass is usually called a "trout", but it does not need this name to make it the gamiest of the freshwater fishes of the Carolina region. Individuals in certain waters of the coastal plain of both states grow very large. Throughout most of the territory occupied by the large-mouth black bass, the chain pickerel, beloved of country boys, locally called "jack", is perhaps the second- best game fish. Some anglers profess to belittle the fighting qualities of this species, but it is a scrapper of merit, though the abundance of fine bones in the flesh prevents it from being a great favorite on the table. In still fishing with light tackle, the blue bream, Lepomis incisor; the leathered- eared perch, Lepomis auritus; the calico bass, or crappie, Pomoxis sparoides; and the yellow perch, Perca flaveseens, usually called raccoon perch, also have their points which anglers will wildly defend. Towards the mountain region, the small- mouth black bass, sometimes called the "black perch", to a great extent replaces its more southerly relative, and this species is found in many of the mountain streams at quite high elevations. The Ohio muskallunge is found in some of the mountain streams of North Carolina that belong to the Mississippi drainage system. Like the chain pickerel it is locally known as "jack" and is much sought after by discriminating anglers. Fish up to seventeen or eighteen pounds are taken, but this seems about the maximum size of the present-day muskies of these regions, though legend says that the good old days produced specimens reaching thirty-five pounds. But few people east of the mountains have any knowledge of the muskallunge as a North Carolina species and the fishing for this—the largest freshwater game fish of the two states—is mainly confined to the native anglers of the hills. GENUINE BLUE TEN Sparkling Colo- ^ W% P% I I ^ ■" rxlo Blue Spruce Trees Vfc I* S# I I ( •• s^'SSffiLJJT*. «r *■«"«•"• «•«« to 12 iiiches hitrh — ifnuhlo transplanted. The lllu-' Sprue© is a marvelous investment. The bluest varieties are like a silvery cloud on the lawn. He- cause of their scarcity and tho former hitfh <■•■■. of production, we have never before been able to make Buch •n offer on HI tie Spruce. MAY AND JUNE SHIPMENTS. These tr«es are North- rrn Mnirie Stork. SliiiniMe ttiree or four »et>kn Inter thiiti or- dinnrv trees. Thr-v will rntne to yon Bli»teniriK. frenli. vigor* M, Simple to (trow — in»trurtiotin for (limiting sent with shipment—only a few square feet of ground needed. Only GUARANTEED -< $mf% f\ tT Any trrcH reported not flourtnhincr ■K-T** J within one year, will be promptly re- ^^w ^ placed without coat to you. If you can use more than ten, wo fnr tMn will aend you :';. for $9.60 or 100 for ■ ui msm 935. Thia price includes delivery. THE LIVING TREE GUILD, Dept. 65 National Headquarter* fat Guaranteed Living Treea 468 Fourth Ave. New York THE BEAUTY OF HARDY FERNS Cannot be described by any words at my command. You know how it is sometimes impossible to say what you feel. But these Ferns,—we have an immense supply of them, great big, waving Osmundas and Ostriches of the rich meadows and woodlands, the Crested Fern and Sensitive Fern of the swamps, graceful Maidenhair and Bladderfern, Evergreen Wood and Christmas Ferns and tiny Splecnworts and Woodsias that seem about to fall off the rocks, until you discover what a toehold they have. We want you to have some of these beautiful Native Ferns and make you the following offer, good until May 15th, 1931. 12 Cinnamon Fern 12 Maidenhair Fern 12 Hay scented Fern 12 Christmas Fern 12 Berry Bladderfern 12 Evergreen Woodfern 2 Climbing Fern, the very rare Lygodium palma- tum. All the above 74 Hardy Ferns for $10.00 or one half the collection for $5.50, you to pay express charges. If you have not received our 1931 catalog of Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Fruits and Perennials, we will gladly send you a copy. GEORGE D. AIKEN, Box Z, Putney, Vermont "Grown In Vermont, It's Hardy" -rt^^^r- A May'Time Suggestion ReB.U.S.Pat.Off. Ordinarily you are right. It would now be too late to plant most hardy plants. But not Wayside Gardens. Not, because of their being field grown and not greenhouse coddled. That means strong tops and plenty of vigorous roots. These things combined with their being painstakingly packed in moist moss and carefully wrapped for shipment. We guarantee every Wayside Quality plant to reach you in perfect planting condition. If not, we cheerfully make good. So although it's late, there's still time to plant your hardy garden with Wayside Quality stock. But it means prompt ordering. Wa\|*icle Gjajxlerw MENTOR. OHIO i lirisi hi-is Hoses The Legendary Flower $1.25 each, 5 for #6.00 6 Hybrid Delphiniums $3.00 Cataloo (if "{llarioiiH Prnnirit" and ' Ltmlll Ijilii*" on rntliint I. 3. HENDR1CKS0N Box N Jamesport, L.I., N.Y. FREE BOOK WATER GARDENS GOLD FISH Beldts Aquarium WATER LILIES All colors; hardy, day and nn-ln bloomers; aquarium plants; complete water Jtuniens. Tropical CI Gold Fish I'm n speeies; colleetions at reasonable priees. See tbein in thn Catalog In Colors <l<-seribinK aquariums and supplies for fish fanciers and water gardens BELDT'S AQUARIUM aJSS. a.. St. Louis, Mo. Mention Nature Magazine when answering advertisements 339

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).