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Nature Magazine: Carolina number

items 38 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10380.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 314 NATURE MAGAZINE FOR MAY 193 I THE AMPLE BEAKED FISHERMEN The eastern brown pelicans are familiar lights along Carolina shores as well as VfOM "I. ilu bifdl I: ! ii( .iily ill (.1 ■inin u.i, ,i, a nix,I from whit \t now South < trolina M I hen In who furnish* •! the .l.u.i 11"mi which I.Hiii.ii n% .1. k nl>. .1 ilu bii I li In. il .iii.l topngr.iplui al I ifO lini I I i.lmn miiI. ,| in hi in w.iiiis I i.mi flu- miiiii,I-.. I. mi. i i ,1 u ,„l iiiii.HI.hs ..I iIn through 'in cypreai iwarnpe, pintUndi tad Mad lull, ni id, interior, th< land toward to th< blah I Mnnli A ! -, lull, in rolim i ron tbi I b tropical jungles along tfa in id that of tha high mnunnin >, wnii ill mi r.iiinii. in.nis, birds o! bun .In.K ..I ibOUfld Ornithologists enjoy wiilnn these boundaries a ity of Ik I I lorn equalled anywhere. notes of that tireless traveller. Wil liam Bartram. who. in 1771. passed through Carolina, contain the next comments of importance in regard to bird life, but natural history in all of its phases interested him and he did not specialize in ornithology. The Father of American Ornithology, Alexander Wilson, did not study in the Carolinas to any extent but Mated on into Georgia, for, in his time, the latter was a separate unit. What noees he did make however, have been found to be singularly accurate. It remained for his more famous contemporary, John James Audk*- bon, to devote considerable time to favored section. The American Wcxxisma**, as he- was fond of being called, made *e\ trips to the vicinity of Charleston, wher combined forces with Ins admiring if. the Reverend John Bachman of that The field work .il l)r H.u luiun iuriitsbeii much lor Audllboo'l inoiiufii' Birds of America and the- zealous ch m.iii ornithologist himself discovered new birds about Ins own city II deacribed by Audubon and tWO of r were named, in honor ol theit dis Bachman's sparrow and hacluiun s war. wc- s<< ih.u i (iti/.n ..I < arolin i .i considerable pan in tin makinj of the most l.iin.iiis ..I bird Ixxiks Auil Innisrli discovered tin, vii unit ol ( li.nli ston thai were new to Modern ornithology in < .imlni.t, .in.I uul. out the South, owes .1 deep di In I siikIuii, Anlnii l Waym lliough hi did L. W. BftOVHELL SOUTHLAND SINGER ■ Everyone loves the bluebird, which raises its young in Carolina land THE WILD TURKEY IN HIS FORESTS No more majestic creature struts tnroegh *fcw woodlands than ttiis much psnaciM Irirrf

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).