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Nature Magazine: Carolina number

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10417.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • BIRDS AND ANIMALS *2650 and this yard is yours . . . HfiWi^, U. S. Pat Nob. 1,749.000- 1,749.001 Canadian Pat. No. 5 15 minutes' time and it is up . . . all ready for use "■Buffalo" rortable Fencing is Just the thing for dogs and puppies—in fact, you can use it for any kind of small animals, chicken, or fowl. ... It is strong and durable, and very attractive. To erect it. you merely push the section legs into the ground and wire (or clip) the adjoining ends together. And with this handy fencing when you need more space, you just add a few more sections to your present assortment, at small additional cost. Assortment No. 1-A, costing only J2G.50 F.O.B. Buffalo. N. T. makes a yard 7 ft. x 14 ft. x 5 ft. higli—gate included. (Add $1.00 more if you want "Buffalo"* Patented Fence Clips instead of wire to fasten the sections together.) This convenient assortment will be shipped to you promptly upon receipt of check, money order or N. Y. draft. . . . Send for Booklet 83-N. Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc.. 593 Terrace. Buffalo, N. Y. "Buffalo" Portable Fencing Packard Bird Houses Best by Test! Ask the Bird thai Owns One 6 for$5.-Special Spring Bargain WHY PAY MORE? ORDER NOW! EVERYTHING for Wild Birds. Calnlofiie Free W1NTBR0P PACKARD 1433 Washington Street, Canton, Mass. BEAUTIFUL BIRDS 5 Pairs Assorted (or $16.50 1 it. < Irri'n l'nrakeets 35.110 1 pr. Yellow f.n.kests 6.00 1 pr. Zebra Finches 3.60 t pr. Cnlifurt.ill Linnets 3.50 1 pr. Jnvu Kice Birds 6.00 ACTUAL VALUE $22.00 SPECIAL PRICE 316.50 for nil 5 pairs shipped safely to you bv express. BEAUTIFUL CANAB.Y SINGERS. Send P. O. Money Order with your order. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG N. HAVEN RESEDA. Calif. New Fascinating Nature Study A ii is as Pets!! Watch ants make rooms and tunnels, feed larvae, and take young nuts from cocoons, In new type patented ant house. Vertical k1;iks both sides. Kcnilt amount with order. Postpaid $1.50. The Austin Workshops, Hanover, N. H. See Our Western Wondorlmuls Differently with The Vagabonds of the Trail See page 282 Then the highway on arrowy causeway bisects broad, shallow lagoons, once emerald rice-fields, pride of the Old South, and as far as the eye can reach the surface of the water is dotted with wild fowl—green-head mallard, canvas-back, widgeon, teals, ibises and zigzag, jerky fleets of coots, all venturing within a stone's throw as though aware that it is unlawful to harm them from a public highway. Again in passing through deep forest, one may see antlered buck with swift timid doe dash across the paved way. Beside the new highways gnarled and bearded live-oaks evoke memories of Spaniard, Frenchman, Englishman—Vasquez de Ayllon, Jean Ribault, Sir Walter Raleigh, a long company of gallant gentlemen. These old, old trees stand unchanged through changing centuries, shading the paths for new pilgrims and, it may be, remembering others who once loved this land. Under cloudy skies, when white mists march up from the sea in pale battalions, gray pennons stream from their ponderous arches in recollection; under clear blue skies when the southern sun lights all the forest ways their glossy leaves sparkle and rejoice, when evening comes and the sun dips to the far, faint tree line beyond the level marsh, its last rays kindle pink and coral mysteries amid their tangled webs and skeins of Spanish moss and then romance, old loves and high adventure wrought here in Carolina's yesterdays return to the quiet scene. Night comes, the full moon casts deep shadow under the low-spread trees, lighting threads of silver through the world of marsh beyond— "The tide's at full; the marsh with flooded streams Glimmers, a limpid labyrinth of dreams." Nature Guide School "Cap'n Bill" Vinal, director of the Nature Guide School of Western Reserve University, announces that the school will open June 20 and run for six weeks until July 31 this summer. So successful has been this school in the training of teachers, scout and camp-fire naturalists, museum educational workers, and other leaders in the field of Nature, that its enrollment is usually well filled with both men and women, and the Junior Nature Guide School, limited to 32 girls, is unable to care for all applicants. A full program of Nature courses is planned, both for the senior and junior guides, and Nature Guide certificates are granted those completing the requirements. The School uses the plant of Western Reserve Academy at Hudson, Ohio, which is ideally adapted for the purposes of Nature training. Application cards and literature are available at the School of Education, 2060 Stearns Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Attention, Entomologists Alan Ectman, of 58 Fourth Street, Chelsea, Mass., is interested in becoming acquainted with other amateur entomologists, to exchange information with them. How \o Feed Your If your dog receives a balanced meal regularly, you are giving him the best possible care. He requires a fresh meat ration properly balanced with other food elements. Feed him Ken-L-Ration. Ken-L-Ration is the original and genuine balanced food for dogs. Each of the ingredients in Ken-L-Ration does it's important work in keeping your dog in superb condition. There is fresh meat, nutritious cereals, pure cod liver oil, charcoal and other vital elements in just the right proportion in every can. Cooked, ready to feed.. .no muss, no bother. Beware of imitations. Ken-L-Ration is sold everywhere. CHAPPEL BROS. INC. 117 Peoples Ave., Rockford, 111. KenLRation THE DOC FOOD SUPREME BOOK ON CARE OF YOUR DOG 'A valuable, illustrated treatise—based upon over 50 years experience in the treatment and feeding of dogs. There is a special Glover Medicine for most conditions. Sold by dealers everywhere. Should they not have the particular Medicine you need -—obtain it at once by writing direct to us. For Free book write GLOVERS Imperial DOG MEDICINES 119 Fifth Avfenue. New York, N. Yf White Collie pups, the most beautiful specimens the dog world can offer, useful and intelligent. Send for Catalogue. - Comrade Farm Kennels, Gallon, Ohio Mention Nature Magazine when answering advertisements 351

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).