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Cataloochee tract 247 and 247a: Dave B. Nelson


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  • / '- Page ......... : ......... 2S5 ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of .................................................. . .., ................. D.a:v.e ... .B ...... lie~son .......................................................................................... . .............................................................................. .............. Township ............... .li!l3YLOOd.............................................. County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Trc.ot (24'1) JOfli: All. be&~tnss tn t bi $ de sort pt 1on . wel'e ta.mt4 from. tho tne rter141sn arA ell 4lstano•• an esp"a­ett4 !.n oh$1ns of 66 feet. Beg1ml1ng at Comer l , a 20" cbeetl'Ult . ll1tb corJWw mnrks ana witneaees •. on top o-f the :t14se • blaae& an4 eor1be4 J.A.o. Oor. a, a oorner of tbe J. A. Connt T:taot ( 24Sl} · s. 86-4'1 • A Potnt 1.28 A A Point Shut A e.,, 0 le61 4.06 ~ ... 4.2'1 4.'19 ....... , \ Oomer 2, a teO" epanisb oak On e. rid.p with o14 bla••• em four atlee, aorl beet n.N. oor. l, be1ns comer 80 of the Wh :ltme~·Pera>na PUlp & Lumber co. ~rnct (6k) 1 Thenoe * lee:v1ng the 1"14p wi tb th• Wb1tmer-:rc.reon• :rulp & Lud>er co. Traot ( oS..a) s. 1-11 w. Corner ! , a double ebeetnut, with oorner marka on a na,., blaaed fl1l4 &cu·1be4 J .c. ,-a Cor• Z • Oornef' I of tb• J • LC(tnn4 Tr&ot ( f!U-a) ant\ Ool'D.I!' 29 ef tbe Whi ~2'-P&rsona PUlp . tumbcu• Oo. Traot ( 68-a) • A 00" oheetnut, blluied on4 aer1be4 a.T • .r.c. T..! cor. 1, bean I . 28..00 lh eZO ohai.n 41 Bttmt, . 'i'bemce, leaving 'b• W hi tmer-MJ'­eona 'l?lllp 0. LumbeJI' co. x r~et. ( 68..&), wltb the J. u. c onn.4 l~raot ( 241-e) ·• dawn en4 W~it h tbe mtsn4ere of e. r14pt, J l'01Jlt s. 83~· M, A Point s. eY.oe E. A l?01nt s. 68·1' &. A Pol.nt ~ - 89-2'1 E. A Po tnt N. 68..00 E. A Point tl . 81-13? s •. A Point s. 82-!9 ». Oomer 4, a point on top of a r14p • ab01a1 ae oomer bJ' J. lll. Con%"64 • Oorn•:r 2 of the J. lt.. OQlll'a4 ~no' (241-a) ·att4 a CQrnor of the J. A. conral Traot (2.P), Set & 4" poet in a mounc\ of etonea. SOJ'1be4 J.C.T-2 Oor. 2 • 256 14.18 ,• L 'I An ~· ap&nlGh oek1 l)leaea rm4 so.r1be4 B.T.J.o. T-8 oo.-. ,~, bea~• s. tsl-00 w •• s;o obaln 4tnent; tbenoe, l•evtns tiHt J'l4ae aDl leartns tbe J. u. Conraa <rreot (2.,_.), wttb tbe J. A. Oont"a4 Tpot C I.S) • s. 4-48 I, ' ~J~be plea• of Bepnatng. oonttdnlng •'·'' aone. 257 DESCRtl?'r ION Of THE BOUlUlARl VI fBI llAU B. !lEU() lf ~RACT (24'/.a) Besil1Dina at oomea- l, a 16" h.mloo:t blau4 Nl4 aorlb.a J .o. f.S. Cor. 1, being corraeJ~ 1 bf th• J. a. Ootll'a4 ~f ft(" ( ~4rl-a) A 20" he1Dl.oo~1 blaae4 8114 eotihe4 B.f.J.c. 1'~ Col'• 1 b:e..-. s. 81-oo L .z4 obaia 41atant4 'ril$1l0$ S • 8'14& E. 258 OoJ-t•'f s, a 40° $potte4 o~k. 'blaaol arll aor1'bt4 l).N.COJI• 1, Tltenoe tr. 1...01 B. Com•r s, a point • tne rt.orth b& of Conra4 Breruab, 'be­el4e tne roa4, ·~ sa corner b;r J, A. C&n#84• a OO!"MJ' o.f the J. A. OonJ"a4 T.raot (2!48) • Set a 4" oboataut post, eorih:e4 D•l• Col" ... a; i'ttonoe up en4 -itb tb:e mnn4en l.U A Point s. 14-6'1 •• ·Comer 4 • a 4" o bt1tnt.1t poet ln a ·1ft0UD4 of at me• • bts14t tu roa4, Mr1be4 J • .:..o. 007• '• b•J.nt a p0111.• 1n line Qf tht· J. • . Oound Treot ( e•e-a) , aDa a oor1111r of J.A. OonJ'a4 tt"ot ( NS); Theno. leavirlg the 3. A. Conn4 Tl'aot ( 2.S) • wltla t- J. u. ConJI&4 !tft&O't ( IU..) s. 1-Q! •• e.ea Tbe plaoe of beg111nins, ea1ts1n1ng 14.86 acrea. 259 .ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACTS 247 1 247•a 260 lTac~s numbered 247 and 247•a are now owned by Dave B. Nelson and are totally embraoe4 by State Grant No, 252 issued by the state to John Gray Blount. As we have treated state Grant No. 252 by mesne conveyances trom the time said grant was issued, up throUgh and including the time said grant passed by the last will and testament of James R. Love to hi·s executors, the same will not be repeated in t his analysis, but may be seen by reference to the analysis of title of the Sidney Nelson tract, beginning with paragraph one of said analysis, and ending w1 th paragraph ten, page three of t his abstract. TRACT NO. 247 a.. 1. Tract No. 247 is composed of two-.--soparate :fifty: aol'e tract; conveyed to Dave B. Nelson by w. J. Hannah, trus­tee and administrator de bonis non. For the author! t.y empower1J8 w. ·J. Hannah to make titles to the Love Speculation Lands, see the analysis ot title ot the Sidney Nelson tract, page three of this abstract. A: On April 91 19121 w. :r. Hannah, trustee and adminis­trator de bonis non, conveyed to D. B. Nelson a tract of land containing fifty acres, which tract is a po~ ~Tract No. 247. In maklng this conveyance, t he trustee reserved one-half of the mineral interest with mining pri vileges. This ~is of record in Haywood County. 13" n 4 See page l·i~1 of t his abstract. ""1- 261 {Jt c!._oY7')fl!l<.lt<._e w;f~ (L~IIVe po;.,_{_ B: On Juuiry 3, 1913 1 w~ ;r .• Hannah, trustee and adminis­trator, conveyed to D. B., Nelson a tract of land con­taining fifty acres more or less, whioh tract is a--f&P" ~ Tract No, 247. In making this conveyance the trustee reserved one-hal.:f' ot the mineral interest. This deed is of record in Haywood County. See page i-(qS" of this abstract, TRACT NO. 247-a The first instrument we will consider affect• ing Tract ' No. 247--a 1s a deed from R. D. GiJ..mer, trustee and adm1nis• trator de bonis nob, to J, A. Coneu-d. This deed conveys a tract ot fifty actes more or less, which said. fifty acre tract embraces Tract No. 247-a. As to the authority empowering R. D. Gilmer to execute titles to the !..ove Speculation Lands has been fully treated in the analysis of title of the sidney Nelson tract, the same will not be repeated in this 4i:ztalysis, but may be seen by reference to the Sidney Nelson tract• page three of this abstract. In I!lllking this conveyance the said R, D. Gilmer reserved one-half of the mineral interest with mining privileges.. This conveyance fa of record in Haywood County, see page ~ Z t> ·of this a bstraot. On Ja.nuery 8 • lca':u, J. 1\, conrad. conveyed to N. v. Conrad and wife and to her heirs twenty acres of the land above menti'oned, which twenty acres embraces Tract No. 247. We 'are of the opinion that sinoe this conveyance was made t·o N. v. conrad and w1:te, that said conveyance would be an estate by the entirety, and that eaoh party would be seized ot th,e w,hole of said tre.ot and that the survivor. according to the rule. woul.d be seized of the whole traot upon the death of t he other. We notice that it does not appear in the preamble or the aoknowl.edgment whether or not J • A. Conrad was \ L married at the date of the execution of this deed, so we have obtained an affidavit to the ef'feot that J. A• Conrad was single 262 at the time the deed was execute-~• See atf'idav1t on page' 'L 71 ~ ot tllis abstract. The above conveyance is ot record in Haywood County. See page kl 0 ot this abstra.cti 3, Thereafter• about the -year 1921, N. v. con-rad died intestate, leaving surviving him his wife, Carrie Conrad,_ who is mentioned in the conveyance from J, A• Conrad to N, v. con­rad and wire, As to the fl$tlth of N. ·V• ·conrad see affidavit on page '4-? Z...ot t his abstract. Said affidavit also sets out the tact that Carrie Conrad the wife o:f' r.r. V. Conrad at his death, and that later she married J. o. Smith. On April 11, 192?, Carrie Conrad $nith and husband, J., o, Smith, conveyed to Dave B. Nels:on the twe~ty acre tract above mentioned. This deed cites that the land therein de­scribed is the sazne traot as deeded to N. v. Conrad and' wi:f'e Carrie Conrad by J", A. Conrad on January a., 1921, and t he deed alao recites that tf~ v. Conrad died intestate about the year 1921, and that at the death of the said ~h Vi Conrad, that the whole Of said estate to said lands vested in Carrie Conrad; that after the death of the sai d N~ v. c-onrad; Carrie Conrad married J . o .. Smith, .who joins in the ooh• veyance for the purpose of g1ving 'his consent, and t hat the said Carrie Conrad Smith named in said deed is the same person as t he carrie Con .. rad mentioned in the deed from J • .a. CoiU"ad to N • v. Conrad and ht' '4 wife, Carri~ Conrad, dated J"anuary .a, 1921, and recorded in Haywood Countyt book No. 5?, at pege no. 551, See page Z, 2.? of this abstre.ctli 263 5., we :f'1nd or reoo:rt a deed ot trust eiJlbreoing •raofls 247 ana 247•a wld.oh .has .been p:roperlt oanoeled ot reoo,.-a. see pa .. . 1r 7 s-ot thia abat:raot• 6. As .we are depending partially upon possession to-, tt.tle to tracts numbered 24'1 and 24,_a• we have obtained atf1 .. daTi ts of possession, Said art1dav1 ta maJ be aeen bf reterenoe to pages ~zt,. to c$51 ot t his abstrao·t. .'1. surveyor*s att1dav1t may be aeen by reference ' to page No. 285 of th1s ' abstraot. \ Page .. ......... .. ........ 2.6 .. 4 .... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ w. J. Ht~f.Alit ~W* w. J. IUJm.PJl,. ~tf}e w. J • lfAli!:IAH.Trute• = f! and Adm1ni s b'e.t 01' and .htlmi ni strato:r and .A cim~istr&tOr ~ r-------------------------4-------------------------~------~---------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... .... q>! 't·l$-··B&!'lfl·············· 3. Is it properly exccuted ........... ........ ¥;-&8························· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... "-"- c.nt ._ . .., ,. ... ~ . ._ .. . ... . . ""•"" •.. •"'. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ......... ......................... . 9. Date of acimowledgement ...... 4-9-l912··········--······ 11. Did officer _affix Seal... ... ;n:O······ ····························· ············ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .............. : ........................................................ . (b) power to convey ......... ............ : .... : ...... ....... : ...... : ........... . (c) against encumbrances · ............................... ................ . (d) against claims of all others .... .. ......... ....... ... .............. . . . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... •9• ·19'U ··············'··············· 4. Date of Entry and No ............................................... :: ....... . 6. Acknowledgements, regularyea·····················•···· ··········· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......•• ,.. ........................... . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken . .,.,.,. ,.._, .............. . 12. Was order of probate correct ...... 'fas···········~················ 14. Date of filing for record ..... 4-9""'lf-];.2·'··················· 15. Book ·················-&!>·················· · Page ... f!-7-f····: ............... . · f or ·········He.,WOG4···································County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions t···Qf···fllizteral···ittten-at·· ·· 2llil---:Bs-in1.l.l -;··;p-rtv-1-l er,e.,.···reses-Y-· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... .. ... ............. ........... ................ .......... .... f).(i . ., ................ ..... .............. ................................................. . ·· · ··· · · ···· ·· ··· ·- ··---------············ ·· ·-··· · ·· ·· ···- .. ---'· -·- · ····· ··· · ·· ··· ·-- ···· ··· · --·· ··· · ··· ···· ····· · ··· ········ ···· ·········' ··-··· ···· ····· ··· ····· ···· ··················· ···· ··········-- .. ··-·················--.. - .............., .............................. ................... .... ................. .. ............. .................................................. ................................ .... ............................................. . \....../ ·········· ······· ··························· ··········· ····· ······ ···················· ···························· ··· ···················· ············································ ······························-·····-·········· Exact Description of Property ltV~ ~i b0 on nm leti t\Mc\ vr~ of tiw water~ of 'Li t tle Oeta1ooooo0 Crecdt in Oe.tslth?eheo ~ Q?;Il$b1p ., 1WYV100d COW'lVI· &4-Jotn• ln& t hfr liUll1 a of J .A Jl OU't\d &Ii tl ottl.e:r»a b&Utg 0:&~ e_p t1e: :rro., 52 Sn a dtH.tii from Ft .,n .G 1l.J?i-e:r • IJ?.•uatee · t o t hEi lJOY~h oa:roli.M 1..anit a."'ltl t tun­oor comvenr. r et$f.ator e{1 1!'• BQok 10 on page a £-coo 1 to 4C ~'" tl1i c ex­< le..J)tion b eL~1 on p~ 21 in D:>iU ~C41 k t RooQl.•d of De~tl s of li3yWOOd Otnmt:. U:OO! MtlU'G at a coos·~ut, the .; o'tthwaet tHtrtlo:r trt Do-. 65 and rms west , ~ 1th the top o£ the SllOmte.ln UO pol ea to an oak& "tlllilnco south 70 west •. to ft f o:rlted oak on the top ot a riC!gG 1 thmoa. East ,. wi t 'h too tQJl of t~ e$ld ::t ilse. · wl~h i;lk'l line o:f .Mo._ 55 t-.nt\ t;1th its li1lti to tbe be5imtin6 oorn0l'~o eozrta1n1ng 50 tlct"es JDQ:re O'J' l ftli$.. .. . Shut 8 \ ~ _) L 26:1 Page ........ ----·--- · · ··- ·· · --· · -··-~'-·· ·· ·· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamb l e A s s·I gne d A:;; Acknowledged w. 1. HANNAH, Trustee w. J .. RAlli'NAH,, True tee W• .J .H.A.NNAH•Tl"ustee lllld Administrator ·and A<1rilinintrator and . Administrator D. :a. tr.r:I~~mr 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... ] .................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ... l-3-19·1.:5··-······························· 3. Is it properly executed ....... ...... YB.S .............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ' ............................................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... 0. .•. $.0 ..•......... 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·····-··Y·ef!···--·-····-················ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .... .-.. ----·---·-············· ····· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge _______ ...................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 5 ... l2;l ..... ls l~L ............... . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ........ --... ·····-·-···· 11. Did officer affix SeaL.. .. .... !lO--- -· ··-··-·····----·-----·-·····-·-···· ··· ·· 12. Was order of probate correct ...... Y-e-s···························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... i)-.-1.5-191~--- ·· ···· ········· (a) of seizin ............................................ ................... ........ . 15. Book ··········-Z·9'························ Page ... l.Q.:.? ..................... . (b) power to convey ......... Y.e.s. ........................................ . for .................. H!ly.\S.O.Oi1, ......................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions t---Jn:i.1ler3l----1ntGre-st············ and .. mi.nil'lg .... pr.-1-vi -l.Gg-e-s----l'e-se-r-v..-····· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)------··-··· ·-··-·-·-··-··-··· ·········· ···· .... ed.a ..... ····-······-·-···············-···-··-· --··--···--·-·-··-························ (c) against encumbrances ...... .. ----·····--·-···--···········-·········· (d) against claims of all others ....... ...... .......................... . ..... :TO ... !LA11"1:~ .--iUt'll ... !2.0 ... 1iOJ.J) ... the ... af. Q:r.e.s~"'.illl.-- -·"t'r&G-'t---Of----1Md··'f'J-ith····the'··-~i'!f·i·le-g;;-s-·· ··· - ----~n!t ... ....t .ho.ra:u.nto ....t .~J...o;,.;;:i-ng----un-tG----thf;----s-e1-d-···:J2-.::e·. .. XJe·lse.n. . ··ana· .. ······ ___ b.i~ ____ hnir..s ... anJ.1 ... .assig.n.n't' .... t .o. ... h.i.s .... ane ..... the-il~----on-ly'!id····b-ehw·f··-·f·onver·•··· Exact Description of Property T1l!B ntJ-:~D raade this the 5rd day of' Janu.ary, 191Z • by w. J. He.nnah,, T.rustoa • :f?or the heirs at law of J~.:mes H. Love.,. a.e ... oeasea e.nd other s Oi"inors of · the 1" nas !mown as the ..,~ove ~1~ ec1.tlation l~utds e . .nd au Ail.m:i...nist:r~lto:;.~ de boxds non . v;i th t he Wi ll anilexed of J runes n .. Love. dece-JaS(Hl ., ·to 1;. :s . !:ielson of the Cotu1t y of' Ra~roo a. t1nd. s t at..., of 1lcrth C a:rolina; Wi t-:nessatn., 'l'hat ~ r:m~n:As . J~mes R. Lova. (1eoe a.seo . •. tu'1dez· a. aeoree of t ba CO'tirt of Equit;r for .Buncombe Co1mty, North . made in t he year 1867. r-nc1 una~'r the :p:t' ovisions of 1!1 deed o:£ agreement enta:red in t o on the 1 C.t h day of Cc to he:r. , 1857. by Jarr..a a H.. Love , R .M . Hem-.·y • J8f!.i.e s L . Helll.. . Y, t;;illirun :xe :ton. io hn :e . LOV$ • Dill i a l'd t.ove e.nd. William H. !Cho:rnas iHHH:lllK~ Trt.wtee :for hi.~aeJJ' a.ttd t he lHiid :partias above named .of. the ;:m i. ;.l .Love & -i30<.tl s.tio.n , l yin::.?i in the \.! onnt­iAs of Yancey • 1-tindi s on .• Btt."lccunbe • :a:-. y\vood sn{1 Ja<l ks on, with power tc.· ~1ke sal"- s of the stt:rra lU1.c't exeeute t i t l s dfJEHls therelor: ~; , WBFJ:U-~As . the s~id Jamos H ~ J,ova difHl s;i)i~etl ·end poassss­od. ot t he said. :r.ove Speculat i on 1Elld3 ~s Tru.etee aa aforestd.d# tmd, m~Rm.AS. t he said Janes P. • r.ove made Md published a Last Will and ~e s·tament in writing ~md appoitlted William H.Thomas. I-to bert G. A. ""'ave • Will ism I..,· HillisrCl. ~~l! S~el 'L. I.ove • Exauut­ors who qus1ified t ook u,pon tr..emselves the e:reout ion tlwreo:f; end, ::mHH.EAS • the said J t!-me r..: :R . Love sold many tracts of said lands to different persons and authorized snd Ol!q)OWereit his said executors ·to continue the sale of said l.ande and make titles Shut B L -.. . . \ - 2 - therefor; &nd, WHl'~.EAS , upon the death of said William L. Hilliard, the sole aotiitg exeoutor . of the :3£<\,i d J~es It. Love. decseased, the superior Co"ll.Tt of Hay-tl &tH1 county, at Spring ~erm 18911 in the oaae ot w. :L. Henry a..1!ld W .L.Henry, Administr'l).tOl" of R .M.Henry 1 deoeased, against w.L .. ll1111arn., exeouto:r and others, appointed E .D.Gilmer, TTustee for the heirs at l aw of James l-\ , tovo, decE'asaa t:tn<1 others owne:r.s of said Love Speculation Jd>tl'l.ds , with povrer to rn~lte ~~ale s of said l and.s ~a exeeut~ titles therefor; and, ~EREAS , the se. it'i R • :0. C'r il:mc:r "Jt\ s BI)l)Oin ted Admin is tra­tor de bonia non ~ith the Will Qnnexea of James R. Love 1deoeasea, by the Sttporit;r c OU.l?t Qf Haywood c oll:fltt on t he 18th da,y o'f Sa}temb• er, 1891; ~nd 1 WHF.JUSAS • the said R. J'. Gilmer, Trustee . ~-s afo:resaid., at spririf; Term, 1911 o.f tho ~·n~pe rior Coi.trt .;)f H~y'\'i ood •Jou.'1ty1 to­wit on :b'Gbruary 16th, 1911, resigned his said ~~ns teoahip of the estate of Jwnea It. Love, c1EHle c-tsed nn,l s to t ha Juctgo of the SUl?erior Court holdin0 sait\ t orn , ~' Wfls ir..n~oa irrt; e J.:r cpted by sa1rl Judge ; l', ti.8:l\J{!;~AS 1 too said h . D. ca:t11er 1 i~ch.nin is trator de bonis non wi tb ·the Will& t-mnexed of J er:ea R. Lave 1 daoea.aea. resigned aa silCh Administrator in writing 1;o the Clark of the Superior Court of Haywoed County. on t he 16th day of J eh:r.uaxy • 19111 V1hose l'Oflignat-io. n i mrnedia.tely ac oept(:){~ by tho sai tl Clr.rJ~ o::':' tllG SllJ;IE! l"i or . COlll't; Md1 t'fF.}'JtlV .. S, t.:tll of the 1:Xecutors H:PlH)i n.t~d by the Will Testament of Ja.rnes R. Lo,rc. rleeeased,. e.t tha tirr.e of the said. resignation of s a itl R. D. Gihrer wer e deatH end .. r!RRtl!!'lJ.S, after the resignation of the s a i d E . D • Gilmer • '!'l'llsteo ~-s afo:resg:id, on the loth day o£ February, 1911,. at Sp:rins Term 1911 of ·the s uperior C otrr.t c:f .Rsywood. C ou.n ty ,. the J udge pre. siding ana. holding said term of Oo1ut n})].1oint~ d w.J ,.&..zmah. Trustee :for t~ he ira at law of James R. Lov e ~ deoeeseC!. unit othar·si owners of. S61d Love specu.lfl.tion ls.ndr: , ·gith i'i.tll power to make s a es of said. l ~..nda and execute title e therefor; eond f \i1IFJRJ:;As • the 'if! .J .ns.-nnah was &I•p ointea Admin'i.strator de bonia non with the Will .-Ulll.e:~ed o:f JW1!es R • . IJove, dH~easea. , by tho Superior Qoi:.t.rt of ltaywoou Co1mt2t on the 20th de~ of ·ebruEr-y, 19ll; end, /l!ER}'!liSt the said W. J • Het:mah. 1frustee e.nd Adminiatrat. afortBBid on April 9th,, 1912, executed a bon~. :for title to the ~a14 D.!. Nelnon, :fo:r the lan.!lS hareina:t'ter ocnveyed~ etc,. 266 - 3 ... A4~ointng the landa of JJ~ .~ onara and others m:t8. bound&! as :toll owe: . BeU, Exoeptlon no. 52 in a Deed :fl"¢m R.D.GillleJ', mr.ustee, to the north a arolina Lal:td and Ti!llb•r COmpa»J', r e~ i s ter ed :tn :Book Bo• 101 on I>agee i'J:"om 1 to 40• and this exoeptton being on page 21 of aaid :aook JbAliNlfiiG at a chestnut, the .nrorthw$et c o:tnfll' of ~~aept~on No. 66 snd runs wast. with the top ot the ·mountain - Forlt mountain • UO poles to aa oak; thenoe south 70 west to a f or ked oak on top of !11 Ti cle;e ; t hence :.F~t"t.St l?i th the t op o;f s s1Cl. ridge ana with l ine ot rro • . 66 and then wit~ another line of no. 55 to t he begi nning, oontnin• ina 50 ao1·e s more or l eas • . ~ ' 267 \ _/ L .r.r.. 0 = .".' t;.!) ~ou Page .......... ........ ... .................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged R • D ,.Ill W :R • Trustee li • , D. G I!dlfr-:R • True tee R .D .GllJ!llm ,r.rrustoe €Uld Adru1nistre:tor end Administx-ator ' I J. A. 0 01f.nAD - 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... ... ~.e.tL ............. ,...................... 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~""'..2.1""19.06. ........................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ~.(~ S-----'------·-- ·--······· ·-- ·· · · · --·· · 4. Date of Entry and No .................... ............ ........................ . 5. Before what Officer: acknowledged ..... Q .. ,., ... ~ ....... (}..... 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·¥·f>S·-'--·--·'··----------'----···----· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.:........ ......... ................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... ._@ol'.., ....................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 9-21•·190-6---···----·····--· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... -._. ............. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ............ }l o...................................... 12. Was order of probate correct.. .... ye·S--·--···--·--·--··----··---- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... 9•'2·l•1900----·------------· (a) of seizin ........ u.o ................. ,....................................... 15. Book ............. 24. ...................... Page .... l,1.7 .................. .. (b} ·power to, convey .. for ....................... R.nyu.o.o.d. .................... County. (c) against encumbrances ,!To. ..... : ................ ,.................. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all othertl.,~---f-81!---!t.S-------·--·· or restrictions tr···t!li1Jtl:t'·l?:l--··1ntore-s-t---w-1th author ized a o rr:r u.s'tee nnd no :t'u.r t he r ........... mi.rd.zt.g ... I)r:i,.v.ileg.p..s .. -r..-;.so.r-v'k\-- 17. Habendm11 clause (Quote .fully) ..... 'r.Q .. :B.AV-J...: .... J:.JJl!· .... ~(J .. J.i().IJ) .... t.hlii -- -af-Ul~ ~HJ.:;; -i& .. 3,;r-~O-i? --.O.f. -- --lan4-- ............ with .. tJlG. ...: p;r..i~1:Ll.egEHJ ...€ \n.(l ... s:E~)l.1l. ..t€>1-ong-ing- - ··f-~·---t;;f---·the ............ mf..Jieral- --i4t&res-t-- -a.n{l-·m:1;nin3···:··l~-t-v-tl~gea- -r-esei've-a·· ·ss- · ··af~asid}---ttn-to-­............. t.he. ... said .... J ...... t ...... c.Q.Zlrad ... sn(l- - -·h1 $-·· hG ir-sr ---a.nd---asa-igne-.-·· · ·t-e· · ·th-e-11'--·~ly·---------------- use ana. bohoof i'orevo-r, Exact Description of Property 1'HIS Jli;!f:D :mnda t hi s tho 21st da:r of September, 1906 • by R. n , G 1lr~r, 1L'r nst ee :for the he i rs at l aw o£ James R. LOve, tlecaasecl ~ZJ. (1 othe l.~s Qwne:t:s o:f' ·the l t:tn.ds. known ae the Love Specula­tion l nnde, and af) Mm1n1strator de bonia non -rtith the t:ill AnnGx• od o:f Ja:me s r . Love , a ect:HlSEJd , t u J. J;. , 0 onren of the o ounty of HBY\"100d aforesai d ; w1tnessa·th , :r.h:nt , TIHUtE..i!.S, Jsmso H. J~cve , dece ~s e d , under e. il.oerae crt the Court o£ F. qui ty for Bunc o!'llbe Ucnt.l'} ty , !'!ade 1n the yenr 1667 and ltndar the pr ovisions of n de etl of f!.g"J."eenent ent.e:ret:t into on the 16th da!r of oct ober.,. 1857, by Jr-rrtes R. Love . R.l1 . Her..ry , James L. :aen17 • Willimn WGlch , J ohn E., Love , ti ~lisrd .Love a..11d Willim:J H. Thomas,. booa1na trustee for hims elf M tl t he a i (l. pJ.rtias above named o£ the s ai d Love Specrtlation l Rnds l y i .ne in t he Co1lJlt1es of Ye...'leey, Mftdison. Buncombe • 1Iaywood JG-o1tson, wit h JlOt""ter t o make ss.lss of the ~d to executa 'Iii tles t llez•efor: and, v;m:PJSAS• the at-ti.d t.Tnmss lf. Love <lied se1.zed and poaa• eased of the said s;peculatio:r~ l ands aa 'TTnste('! as aforesn~.d, and ~n!EP.RAS • the sai d J~.rne e H. Love re~u1e ana published a Last Will and Testament in v~ i t ing and ~vpointe« William a. !homas, Robort G4 1~~ Love., William L. Hilliard and samuel I ... LoTe.­exeoutors, '1,'7hO qualified end took Ul)On themselves the exe-cution thereof; and. Shut B - 2 .. the exeoution:""thereof • and, WHEREAS, the said. Jnmea :R. toTe sold many trao~s of said land to different persons ~ld aut~ed . and empowered the said exeoutora to · contin,w the aales ••~~ l .anas end to malta titles, ana. 269 WHEREAS, upon the dea1ih of the said William L.Hill­ia: rd, the sole aottns e:xeoutor of the said James R. Lcrve, deoeaa­ ·edl the Superior Court of Haywood County, at Spring ~erm, 1891, in the case o:f VJ . L., Henry and w .L.Henry, Administrator or R .M. Ren:r:r, deoeased, vs. w • L. liilliara and others,· appoint~d the said R.D.Gilmer, ~ruatee. tor the beira at law of J~s R. Lave, de­ceased snd otbel·s, owners of the said Love Speoul.ation lends, with power to l1'18.kt1 sal e4 ot said lands and execute titles therefor, end, lVHERI~P.. S; the said R. D • Gil.mor was SPJlOinted .Admin­istrator de bonis non with the Will annexed of James R. LOT&, de­oeased, by the 3uporior Cou:rt of Ha.jrwood County on the -lath d~J1 ot September, 1891; and1 W1W'"'1REA.St w. L., Hilliard, executor of James R.Love, deceased, did, on l1.pril 9, 1984 · execute bond for title to the · said J. A. conrad,. conditioned to make a. deed to the lands herein described upon tlle payment of three notes for $Z7.50 eaob, and, WJIERF~s. tha sai tl notes beve been paid., to .. wit, $4th 77 to said H111if4"d on S ep temb~r . lOth., 1890 and the rsr1ainder • to-wit, t r.e aum of $10o.n; to R.D.G:i.J.mer, Trustee, this det; ! .he following tract o:f land, l~ing and being on t he wa:tars of Littla Oatalooehee BEGIIDTIJ'TG a~ a chestnut on ,Fork mount ain E~..nd runJ:l• south 125 poles to a large s~ovted o~~~ thanoe west 64 poleo to a spruoe pine f thenae North 122 poles to a chestnut on i'ork Mountain; thenoe East, with t he top of -the mountain, 64 poles to the beginning~ BeL"lg :Exception :rro. 55 to J. A. Conrad, in e. deed by R. D. Gilmer, Trltstea s.nd Adrnini strator, to the N .. c • Lerid end Lumber Oompsny • dated Me.roh 311 1890, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Has-wood Oountyt in Book NQ. 10 - page 1, end containing 60 sores more or less. ""'\, I ~ ~ =.".' ~ 270 Page ......................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~------------------------~---------------------------+-------------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... fl-iJ,n~tm-tJ-··D&-& G········ 2. Date of Conveyance ... l .S• l9-2l································· 3. Is .it prope-rly executed ........... .. :y t)-~---··························· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... J. .• l' ................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular J.~& -·····' ············· · ··············· 7. If inegular, copy in full on back. ........ .' .... ............. ........ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... ..,.~ ... --······················· 9. Date of acknowledgement .... l-8•1-921····················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... _ .,. ............. . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... ............................... ...................... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ....... l·e&··························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record.·-12-23•19·21················· (a) of seizin ......... Y.aS .................................................... . 15. Book ......... £).1........................... Page .... fi()-1.: ................. . (b) power to convey ....... y.e.s .... ~ ..................................... . for ......... ,ll!i.J:Vi-OOd .................................. County. (c) against encumbrances .... }'.es ................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ...... ); .~:il -······ ······· ·· ··· · ···· or restrictions .... !1-fl .......................... , ......................... , ..... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... ~Q. - 1i,n3l.K ···.z~'W-'····~1V · ·· ;i:Kl-LD····'t-OO··· tl.f·Ol:!e!:l&i·ijl;---t-r-aGt··· .Ol!'···················· .......... par.o.e l. ... of. ... lacii --- utl ~-- :Ul..-- pr..i.vil.e~-$ -.. g.ntl'--Gpp:u.l't$ntmet>-S ---t'Be~-&tc----'*le>.JlB-· .......... i ,ns •..... tc ... tbe .... EJ.a.ikl---U,. v. .• C.Qll.a:t-ll.---axtd---lli$.----heir.s..----to .... the-ir., .. o».ly. ... um~ - --antll- ···· ······ -· · ·- - · ---b~hoof ... :.f.or~v.o.r. ............... ·.. ...................................................................... ,. ......·. .: . .......................................................................... Exact Description of Property :rn c~talooehee ::..:ovm&hi :p t adjoining tho lantls of J .H.Uonar d and sucre at Lm!lbe r C Orr.q>8llJa BJilGUf.llDl'G on a spotts(l oak; thenoo \'ies";; 64 pol es to a spl·uoe pine; tl1an !/Iorth to t11e :road, 8 ~" lO pQl ea ; than dO!Nn the road , with its meanders , a rrortheast cottt•sa to s. stake in J . ; •• Oo:rut~d. ' a line at the lo11er banlt <»f eaid. :road; than ;south about &l pol e$ t o a spotted o~~ - t he beginning corner . c ontai.ning 20 sore a more o:r l ess . Slierl B STATE OF NORTU CAROLI:trA HltYVIOOD COUNTY cJ;;t;,t('s "'-· ~ec:;, being duly sworn, deposes and say$i That he ia-42yeus ot age, and has been a oit1- il) zen and resident ot Haywood county for.#ye~ars; that he was weU aoqua1nted w:lth N• v.._ Conrad; that the said rr. v,. conrac1 died sometime a'bout th~ year 1921, and lett S\U"'Viv- .. 1ng him hi'S widow1 Carrie v. conr&dJ that the said Carrie v • Conra4 sometime atte~ the year 1921, and prio~ to the year 1927 • married J'. o. sm1 th• sworn to and s~bsoribed before me this lJ/ day of Sept., 1929 272 ."3' ;... c Page ................. 2.73. .... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged CARRIE OOlt.ARD Sl\4Iflt CAf\RIJt~ CO.IARD SMITH CARRIE CONARD SMITH J• 0,. SMITH andhusmsnd J. o. SEt~ J. o. SMISB ~--------------------~-----------------------T---------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... w-er-r-anty---J)&e-d--········· 3. Is ·it properly executed ....... :'f-~S---·-··· · ·· ......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged. .. e.. ., s.,..O ..•........... 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........ ............ .............. . 9. Date of acknowledgement....4-l-l-l927 ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... IJQ ............................................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ... Y.e.S .......................................................... . (b) power to convey ... Yea ............................................. . . (c) against encumbrances -l'-8$ .................................... . (d) against claims of all others ... y.~S-·························· 2. Date of Conveyance ... -4-11•19-2'7······························ 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·····-¥e-&······························ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. :y.e-e-···················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... J-&8·············· 12. Was order of probate correcL .. 'f-&8···············-·············· 14. Date of filing for record.·-4•1.-4-192-V····················· 15. Book ...... ?!,;.............................. Page .... i)B$-----················ for ····················---.H&.1Vf-OOd---··················County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .................... ................................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ---TO- -&Vl: -AID~-- --T.O---F..G-LD----t-he --af-ores-aid ---tr-aet··-o-r···················· .......... paJ;"cel ... of .... ... $.,ud ... fiUl--pr1vi-lege-n--- an-d ···ap:yur-te-nanae-G·-·the-~u-t-o-···be-.-······· ........... longing .•..... to.---tbe---sa1d---lh----B--.----N ~>ls-on,.----h-1E;----he-1 :re-· - tlrttl· ··t\-BSi£.,1'11-s-,- ---·t·o-··-tbe-1r···· ...........o .nl7- .. us.e_.. and. ... be-boof .. f.orcve;-:,.. .................... -------·······-··-·-·············-··-····-····-----····· -···--······ ---- ----···--······················ Exact Description of Property Adjoining the lends of J. A. 0 ona:rd• J. M~ Cp.n.ara. Md. others. BEGimTING on a spotted oak Etnd rune west 54 poles to a spr'lWe pine 1 then North 8 o:r 10 poles to the road, and down the rooo, with its meandel"s, e. Northeast oo'Ul'se, to a stake in J • A • 0 ona:rd •s line, to the lower bank of seid road; then south 61 poles to a spotted oalt1 the beginning o orner: con tnining 20 aore s more or lee a. !Che above land is part of tho J., A. 0 on era. Home Tract, 1n Oatalooobee Township an<l on i;hs waters of l:ittla Oe.talooohee. !be herein described trrwt of lsnd which is intended to be o OJt.Teyed by this 4ee4 is full.J desoribed . in e. deed bear ins date Jan1182:J 8, 1921, trom J. A. Conard to N. V. Conard and his 111:te c errie oonnrd. The said N. v. conal"d died, intestate. in the yea:r 1921, etter the deed was made, executed and delivered. !rha_t upon the death.• of the said Jl'. V. Conard, the title to the whole of the said estate in said landS vested. 1n the 88.14 C~rie Conard. Shnl B - 2 .... !hat stnoe the cleath of the sata N. v. ooa.u-a. the aa14 o~:rie OO~llll'i1 bae inteJ'D18.1'rted with the sa1.d J • 0. saith, whO 3oiaa with haJ" in 'this 4ee4 fo:t the p11J'Po•• .of . siTUs hia oonaea' to the OCIIl'YeJ&DO& of the •14 land ana to Teat ,title in tie aaitl 1. D. l'felaon. · That· Oa:rrle Oo~d sa1th1 bel'$1A named, is the sane peraoa .. tbt said C&r'l'ie oona:rd mentioned 1n said teed ftom J • A. Colua4 to N. v. Oo~4 and wife Ct¢r1e Conara. dstel lanllaS"J 8th. • 1921 and wbtob waa ctu1.7' regiaterea oa Deoember IZS'4., 19!1 1J1 Record of De~ae No. 6V on page 561, Beoo:rd of neede ot Jtapood COUD'tJ't 1t. 0 • . 274 ) Page .. ...... , ___ 2_7 5 __ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of release or cancellation, and if by other than the original payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or release is made. D • B • ~UU.SON and vrii'e u.:tTRA m;.wolf to 1. Kind of instrument. . J)ee(i --all' ·Tt'ttst· . 2. Date of instrument __ . · 7•2{)-.-);<)28 __ 3. Consideration $-l)·000-.00- _ . ____ __ ---- ---- ---- -!. Maturity date 1•-l•·ltZ·O-- _____ _ 5. Is it properly executed 1----·--l'f]tt o. Date acknowledged -7•27•1-928 ...... __ . , i. Before what officer acknowledged .... - - -J.J:> o~ 8. Was privy examination of wife held? ----y-e-s . !J. Date of filing for record 8•~192$'- _ 10. Recorded in Book ___ ----26---- __ ... _ Page .. ---46---------- - -- . - ----- -·naywooa·------ - - - - County . . 1 L Does t hi~ instrument form a link in the cham of title? DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY First ~raot: Being all t hat certain trsot ot• paroel or fand. oonvf:yed by W • J • Hanna.h;Trustee and J;.dininistre.tor • to !>. 1h J'feleon, by d~e~ dated JM'Wll1' ~) rtl 1 191..'-' and rec o:rded in Book 39 ,p ~ge 1631 ReoordB of Haywood t) OlJ. '..l ty• to whioh 1·eGOl'd. rei"erenoo ie hereby nmde :for a complete desoript• ion of said land, .~eoond ~}ra.o. . t:• ;asing tlll or pare~l of land oonve7ed hy trarria Conard Smith <m{1 hu.s baA<'i•J•<JiOSmitb to DiB .. Belson. by deoii dated the llt}l d.~ of April1 192?'., v:htab deed is rtoorded in .Book '73, page 585,. reao-tda of Maywood Oounty, i'f .a., t o Ythicit aeoo:rd ref• eronca ia hereby made f'or a OOliipl ote deacripticm ot said tre.o t - of· land. THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOU.OWS: S!he originnl of this instrument, together vrith the nota a seoure4 the:raby• having this day been e:r,;hibitad to tha undarsigned1marke4 "JUU7 Raid ana satisfied" by the ~11or1igftgee. I . here'f!ith CaMel the s8J!Ie- of reaorrl• tu:ule:t' and by virtue o:t authority contained in l?ar• &graph 2, Seet'i<>n 2594 of th~ Consolidated Stetutes of llorth Caro-• lin a. w.i taeas TfC! hana this 2Zrd da.y of July f 1929 • W • R4 1!¥.\CR.AOKElf t Register of needa Haywood C oun'J. All cases and authorities relied UpOit to cure any detects in this instrun1ent or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made -therefrom. , Shut fi STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA liAYWOOD COUNTY _____D ~a~v~e~~B~·· ~~N~e~l~s~on=·-------; being duly sworn, deposes and says that he- is ~-}.; years of a ge 1 and has been a c1 tizen and :resident or Haywood County for E & years; t hat he. is well acquainted. with t he ownerdh1p and possession of a traot of. land purchased by him from w .• j• Hannah, trustee, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING . At Corner 11 a 2orr chestnut w1 th corner ma1:ks and witnesses .on top of the 'ridge, blazed and scribed J ,A. c , Corner 3, a corner of the j • A; Conrad Tract ( 248) ; . thence up the ridge with its meanOers, S• 84•34 w._ 1 .• 59 A Point; s . 85'""47 w. 3.83 A Point; 11! ._ 81-10 Wt lt41 A Point; N. 48•32 w. 3._46 A Point; · s, '17"*11 vr. 2.23 A Point;. Nt 89-53 w •. 8,54 A Point; N. 7~•56 w. 3.,26 -A Point; s. 86•50 W.- 1.25 A Point; · s, 63-24 w, ~hlO .A Point;- s .. 58•55 w. 2,40 Corner 2• 276 a 20" spanish .oak on a ·ridge with old blazed on four sides, scribed D. N• corner 1, being Corner 30 ,of the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber co. Traot (58-a); thence leaving the ridge with the \Vh1tm~r- Parsons Pulp & L~ ber Company- Tract .{68 ... a) s. 1•15 w, 17. 35 corner 3, a double c.hes,tnut with corner marks on a ridge blazed and sol'i bed J.,c., _T-2 Corner 3t Corner 3 of t_he J, l ... conrad Traot . (~5-a) and C<>rner 29 of the Whitmer Parsons Pulp &. Lumber co. Tract (68-a) 1 A 30" chestnut blazed and scribed B.T,J.c. T- 21 Corner 5, . bears u, 28•00 E, • 30 chain distant • thtnoe leaving the Whitme:r-Pal"sone Pulp &. Lumber Co, Treot (GS•a} with the j • M, conrad Tract ( 245•a) , down and w1 th the D8 an• ders of a ridge, N. 64•0'1 E. 5.'74 A Point• s, 83-'-28 E. 1.51 A Point; s . 87•08 E, 4,06 A Point; S. 68•i7 E• 2,42 A'PointJ s, 89•2'7 E. 4,27 A Point; N, 68•00 E.- 4•79 A Point; N• 81•5'7 E. 3.32 A Point; s. 82•39 E. 3,.45 Corner 41 a point on top of a ridge shown as corner by- J. M• Conrad, Corner 2 of the J. M. conrad Tract ( 245-a) and a corner of the 1•A.• Conrad Traot (248) 1 Set a 4" post in a mound of stonee1 scribed j •C•T••2 corner 21 An 8" spanish Qak1 blazed 814 scribed B,T.J.c. T-2 Corner 2 bears s , 85•00 w • .-20 chain distant; thence leaving the ridge, and leaving the J ,. M. Conrad Tract ) 245•$) with the :r • A. Conrad Tract ( 248) N. 4 .... 48 E. 14.58 The place of Beginning, oontaining -4'7 . 9'1 AOres. 277 · Attiant turthtl' statet~ thai! he and thoae undetr whom. he ole.~ • , to -m. t t· w. :r. Hannah• true tee • ·have b•en in the open,. oontlnuous, adverse ~nd notorious Jl08$ess1on or said land under kno~ ' ~d visible ~t~s an~ bo~de for a per~od . ot~rs; oUl.t1ve.ttng same,. taking timber end ttrewood· therQtrom pastur- ~ ~ . . . ihg ssme1 and making 81.\Ch O~h·r tUlO$ Of aid lands ae they are · eusoeptlble ot• atfia.nt tU1"thel" states that he has never heard . G~ Snf contr oversy ,as to the title 01" tO the pQssession Of' any por'U.oa ot the above described lands• ·, swo~ t .o and subscribed before me this~da'1 of :september.l929 My Commission Expires May '/1, 1931 . "--..../ \ S'l'.tl.TE OF liORTH CP..JWLINA IIAY'w'OOD COUNTY rA/ -' 1 V\k, . /3. 73 e an tiU , being duly sworn, 278 4eposes and says that he !s4Zyears or as~. and has been a citizen and rosident of ·Haywood Cot,mty for..:il;:Years; that he is well acquainted with the ownership a nd possession ot a cer­tain tract of land now O\med by Dave B.. l'lelson1 more pal"tiou­larly described as f ollows: BEGDUUNG At Corner 1,. a 20" chestnut with corner marKs and w1 tnesses, oil top o-r t he ridge , blazed and scribed . :r ~ A• c • Corner s, a corner o·f t he J".. i'u Conrad 'l'rac:..t { 2{-8); t hence up the ridge w1 th 1 ts meanders, s . 84•34 \h 1,59 A Point; s., 85•47 ~1 . 3 •83 A Point; N. 81-10 W, 1.41 A Point; N• 48•32 'W, 3.46 A Point; s . ??•11 ~ . 2,.23 A Point; N.. . eg....53 Vf.; 8.54 A Point; N• 76•56 w. 5.26 1.. :Point; s, 8 6•50 w. 1,25 A Point; s . 63-24 W• 3·,10 ..4 . Po1n tJ s -. 55. . 55 't'l't 2'.40 Corner 2, a 20 '• spanish oak on a ·ridge w1 th old blazes on four sides, soribEtd D,N. Corner 1; being Corner 30 Qf the \~'h:Ltme~Parsons Pulp & Lumber Company Tr.aot (68-a}; t hence leaving the ridge V"Jith the W1'1i tmar-Farsons Pulp & Lumber co. Traot (68•a) s, 1•15 w·. 17.35 Cot­ner 3 1 a double chestnut t with corner marks on a ~1dge, blazed and sari bed J,.a •. T-2 . Corner 3, corner 3 of the lft: .M:, C onr~d Traot (245-a} and Corner 29 ot the V!1d.·tmer0 parsons Fulp & Lumber co. Tract (58-a}, A 30" ohestnut, blazed and soribed B.T • .r.c. 'J."'o--2 corner 3• bears N.,. 28•00 E• ·.30 ehatn distant; ·thence leav-ing the Whi t mer-Parsons Pulp &. Lumber co. Tract { 68-a) with t he J if M, Conrad Tract ( 245-a) , down and with tm meanders of a ridge, l~~ 64•07 E, 5.74 A Point1 s. 83-28 E, l•5l A Point; s·, 8?•08 E· 4.06 .~~'\. Point; S't 68•17 Ee 2.42 A Point; s , 89•27 E• 4• 27 A Point; tr, as-oo E. 4. 79 A Point; Nt &1•57 E,3.32 A Po:\nt; s. 82•39 E. 3_.45 Cor­ner 4, a point on top of a ridge, snown as corner· by J. M·. Conrad, Corner 2 or 'the . J. M. Conrad '.I'X'aot (245•a) and corner or the J • A• Conrad 1'raot ( 248) ; Set a 4" post in e. IOOund ot stones, scribed J•c.T.•2 Cor. 2, -l· An 8" spanf.ah qakJ bliazet and 1oribed B~T•J•Ot T-8 c.. 9 l'tl$1' . a, . b.· ear~:~ s. 8&-0o w.,· ehal.a distant; t. henoe lea.· vs.n. s ~b·e. ridge.· and. leaving. the 1. • M.. Conrad T. raot ( 24&-alt w1 th the :r. A. Tract ( 248) 1 N. •·48 E• l4.oo Tbe place ot Beginning, containing 4'1.9'1 Acres.- · · · 279 under whom he ola,tms, to wit: w. J • :Hannah, trustee, have been in the ope~. continuous, adverse e.n.d notorious possessioh ot eaid land tor a period ot 3 o years f ou1 tiva tins same • taking timber and firewood therefrom• ~a~ttiring su.s, and maldng such other uses ot said land as .they are susceptible ot; affiant further states that he has never :heard any oontroveJ,-sy as to the title or to the por session o:t a*y porti&x:t o~ the above described lan<l• sworn to and subaoribed before me:- this-(,.;; day or september,l929 i ' J #~c-J~· · ' . NOTARY. i'mtfr My Commission .E xpires May 27 , 1931 ) . STATE OF NORTH C.t\ROLINA HAY'.VOOD COUNTY j:tt/. ,t/ZJ I I , being dul;r sworn, deposes and says, that he is;S;;j_ye~s of aae, and has been a o1 tizen and resident c>t Haywood County for#years; that he is well acquainted with the otmel'sbip and possession of a certain tract of land now owned by Dave B. Nelson, n~re particularly described as follows: BEGINNINGs At Corner l, a 20" chestnut with oor• ner toorks and witnesses on top of the ridge, blazed and scribed J-.A•O• Corner 3, a corner of thG :r. A. Conrad Traot (248); tllenoe up the ridge with its. meanders, s. 84-34 w. 1,.59 A Point; s. 85•47 w .• A l1o1nt; Nt 81•10 W, 1.41 A :Point; N• 4&t'32 VI, 3.,46 A !>oint; s. 7'1-ll w, 2.2s A Point; N'., 89•53 w. 8.54 li. Point; N• '16":"56 v;. Zt26 A Point; s . 86•50 if., 1125 A Point; s. 63•24 w. 3e10 A Point; s. 58•55 Vi , ~1.40 Corner 2 1 a 20" spanish oak on a ridge with o14 blazeS. on tour sides, . scribed D"tl'f• Corner lf being Corner 30 · of tlle Whi tme:r-P(lrsons l?ul:p & Lumber . co, Trao·t ( 68•a) ; thence leaving the ridge w1 tb the Wh1 tme:r-Pa:rsons 280 Pulp & Lumbe:r co• TJ;>aot (68•a) s. 3. ... 15 w. 1"1.55 Corner 3 ·. a dou'ble chestnut, v11 th eorn~:r tn~U"ks on a· ridge blazed and soribed J,C~ ~2 corner 3, corner 3 o:t the J • !'b conrad Traot ( 245~a) and corner 29 ot the Wh1 tmer .. Parsons Pulp & Lumber co •. Tract (68•a) 1 A 301.f chestnut blazed and sor1bed B.T • .r·,c, T-2 Corner 3., ~ears tr. as•oo lilt .• 30 chain distant: thenee leaving the Whitmer­Parsons :Pulp & Lumber co. Traot {68-e.}, with 'the J. !>.1, conrad Tract { 245-oa) down and with the meanders of a . ridge, rh 64"'"07 E, 5.74 A Paint; s. ea.28 E. 1.51 A Point; s, 8"1-00 l~.,. •:h06 A Point; s .• 68•l '1 E, 2,42 A Point; S. 89•27 E. 4.27 A Point; lh 68•00 E, 4t'79 A Point; :tf.: 81•57 lh 3 132 A Point; s . 82•39 E. 3t45 O()rner 4 1 a point on top of a ridge, shewn as corner by J . M+ conrad• 2 of the J • M. con:rad Tl.'aot ( 245•a} and a earner of the J • At conrad Traot ( 248) , set a 4 .. post in a mound ot stones, sor1bed J,c.'l',•2 Corner 2 1 an 8" spanish oak, blazed and ser1bed :B.T.J,c. T-2 Corner 21 bears s. 85•00 w •• 20 chain distant; '. thenoe leaving the l"idge and leaving the J, M, Conrad Trao. t. (245•a) ' . with the lt A~ .. Tract (248)! Nt 4""48 ]l~ 14 •. 158 'l'he plaoe ot Bes1rmihg, oonta1n ng 4'-,,1\'1 urea, . . . : .: ~--, '• 281 A1't1ant turthe1" states that Dave B1 Nelson and thoae uncter whom he claima, to wit: w., J~c Rann~, trustee, have been in the opetl:, oont1!i.uoua, ad~erse and notorious possession o:f said lan4 under la.lown e.nd visible m.etee and bvunclS, for a period ot ;;so nus; cultivating same, taking timber and firewood there· from• pastm·ing same, and making such other uses of said lands as they are susceptible or: aftiant further states that he has never heard ot any- oontt-overs7 as to the title or to ·the posQ~s~ s1on ot an:r portion ot . the e.bove descr:t bed lands., ~· .. : Sworn to and subsori ~.d before me this / ::3 day or sep·tember 11929 . ' : - ! . My Commission Expires May 27, 19~1 L STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY . . Dave B, Nelson. being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he isS.L years of age, and has been a ei tizen and resident of Hayw~County ror~yearsr that he .is well acquainted with the ownership and possession of a tract of · land put'onaeed by hill1 from Carrie Conrad Sm1 th, more par-ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING At Corner 1, a 36" hemlock blazed .and soribeCI J,c. T•2 Corner 1 be1na corner l of the J' • M• Conrad Tract ( 245•aJ 1 A 20" hemlock, blazea and soribed B.T~J .c~ T-2 corner 1 benrs s. :n-oo E11 . •. 24 chain distant; thence s. 87 .. 38 E. 14 •. 73 Corner 2,. a 40 11 spotted oak•' blazed and scribed Dti:f~,. Corner l; thence R• 3-0l E. '15,52 Corner 3, a point on the North bank Of Conrad branch, beside the road.,· shown as corner by J. .. A-. Coiu-ad• a oorner ·of the J-. A., Conrad Tract (248) Set a 4"' chestnut post so;-ibed D.N. Corner 2; thence up and w1 th the meandE!Jrs or the road, s. 49•55 w, ~.37. A Point!• s. 63 ... 34 w. ~·~~o~ A Point; S. 47•02 !'~ • 1.46 _A Po nt; s. 65•39 Wt~_ 4•05 A Point; P• 83•12 Y'• 1•29 A Point; s. 42•42 ~T -. 3,92 A Point; s. 22•04 w. l.,7e A Point; s. 14•57 W• l,rl8 Go:rner 4, a 4" chestnut -post in a mound or stones, bes~de the road, scribed J. A. c. Corner 4r bei~ a. 282 point in the line of the J • .M. Conrad Trac't ( 245•a} ; and a corner of the J. A, Conrad Tract (248}; thenoe ;tea;vin$ the ;r. A. Conrad· Tract ( 248); with th.e Jl Me Conrad Tract {245•a), s. 1•02 w. 2,53 The place of 'beg1nnirg '1 Containing 14.86 Acres. · Aff'iant further stat~s >that he and thost) under whom he claims, to wit, Carrie Conrad,smith, J~ ;l ., Conrad and and R. D. Gilmer, have been in the open, continuous, adverse and )lOtorious possession of sa.1d land under known and visible. metes and bounds for a period of~years; cultivating same, taking timber and firewood therefrom, pasturing same, and making suoh othe uses of said lands as they are susceptible Of'J aft"iant further states that he has never heard of any oontrov.ersy as to the title, or to the possession of any portion of the above desori bed lands. s ·.rorn to and subscribed before me this_.L_;3_day of Sept,; 1929 . . ;u e ul'e-4-w<>~ • ' ' NOTAHY PUBLIC' My Lorn mission Expires May 27, 1931 S1'ATE CD' NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY 283 1/\/. B. !3e/?n 'PfZ - , being duly sworn, deposes and says tha~ he la--4-.7.YfJars o age, and has been a citizen and resident ot Haywood County; that he is well acquainted with the ownership and possessiOilof a certain tract ot land now owned by Dave B. Nelson. more particularly described as followsr , I BEGINNING At Corner 1, a 36" hemlock blazed and scribed i.e. T-2 Corner 11 being Corner 1 of the J.M, Conrad Tract (245·a. )i· A 20'' hemlock• blazed and scribed B.T.J .c •. T-*2 Corner bears s. 21'•00 E., .24 chain dis­tant& thence s. 87•38 Ili• 14 .. 73 Corner 2 a 40" spotted oak, blazed and scribed n.,N. Corner 1; !hence u •. 3-01 E. 15.62 Corner 3, a point on the North bank of Conrad branch, a corner of the J,. A• Conrad Tract (248), set a 4" chestnut post, scribed D, Nt. corner 2; thence up and with the meanders of the .road; s. 49•55 w. 5.37 A Point; s. 63 .. 34 w. 2.09 A Point; s. 47•02 w. 1.46 A Point; s. 66•39 w. 4,05 A Point;. Nt 83•12 w. 1.20 A Point; S. 42•42 w. 3•92 A Point; s. 22•04 w. 1.75 A Point; s. 14•57 w. 1.18 Corner 4, a 4" chestnut post in a mound o:f' stones, beside the road, scribed J•A•C• Corner 4, being a point in the line o:f' the J. M., Conrad Tract (245•&) 1 and a cor­ner of the J. A, Conrad Tract (248); thence leaving the J, A. Conrad Tract (248) 1 with the J. M. Conrad .Tract (245-a), s. l .. oa w. 2e53 The place of beginning, oon~ain• 1ng 14.86 Acres. A1'tiant 'turther states that Dave B. Nelson and tho$e under whom he claims,. to wit, Carrie Conrad Smith, J, A. conrad and R. D. Gilmer,. trustee, have been in the open, . continuous, adverse and notorious pos•ession of said land, under known and visible metes and bounds, for a period ot ~o years; cultivating same, taking timber and fil',wood therefrom, PllSturing same, and making such other uses ot said land as they are susceptible of; affiant further f'Jtates that be has never heard of e.ny controversy as to the possession or to t:t,a t1 tle ot any portion of the above described lands, · sworn to and subscribed before me this / .~ . day Of September 11929 My Commission Expires May 2J, 1931 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY , , being duly sworn, deposes and says t a e is years of age, and has been a oi tizen and resident of Haywo County ror±i_years; that he is well acquainted with a certain tract of---raE'd owned and possessed by Dave B, Nelson, more particularly described as follows: BEGOOUNG At Corner 1, a 36" hemlock blazed and scribed J .. c .. T---2 Corner 1 or the J. M. conrad Tract (245•t;t.), A 20" hemlock blazed and scribed B.T.J,C• T-2 Corner 1 bears s, 21-00 E. ,,24 ohain distant; thence s. 87•38 E. 14. 73 Corner 2, a 40" spotted oak blazed and soribed D .N ~. Corner l; thence N .. 3-01 E. 15.6'2 Corner 5, a point on the North bank of c·onrad branch beside the road shown as corner by J • li ,. Con­rad a Corner of the ;r .: A. conrad Tract ( 248) , set a 4~ chestnut post scribed D-. N._ Cf!::t>ner 2; thence up and VIi th the meanders or the road, s. 49-55 w.. 5-.37 A Po1n'f!;- s ,. 63•34 w. 2,09 A Point; s. 47•02 w. 1.46 A Po1rtt; s . 66•39 W• 4.05 A Point; .Nif 83•12 W, 1.20 A Point; s, 42-42 w. 3. 92 A Point; s. 22•04 w. 1.,'15 1\. Point; s. 14•5'1 w. 1.18 Corner 4, a 4" chestnut post in a mound of, beside the :raa d1 scribed J.A.C. Cor,ner 4; being a :point in the line ot the J. M. Conrad Tract ( 245•a) , and a corner of the J. A. Conrad Traot ( 248) 1 thence leaving the J. A. conrad Tract (248) with the J. M. Conrad Tract (245-a) s, 1•02 w. 2.53 The place ot beginning, containing 14.86 Acres. Affiant t'tlrther states that Dave B. Melson and those under whom he .claims, to wit, Carrie Conrad smi._h, J. A·• Conrad and R. D. Gilmer trustee, have been in the open, continuous, adverso and notoxolous possession ot said land, under known and visible metes and bounds, for a period of ~e y-e:ara; cultivating same, taking timber and firewood there• · rrom, pasturing same, and making such other uses or said land as they are susceptible or; affiant further states that he has never heard of any controver·sy as to the posse sst on ar to the title of any portion or the above described lands. sworn to and subscribed before me th1s~da y c£ September.l929 284 ______ ?Vt!ttL/~ _.._,~~,~ r::y Commission Expires Miy 27, 1,931 285 Page ........... ....... ................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, .. ~lw:Q.Q~ ............... COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ...P .An! ... ~:• ... ~lBOli. .. ~d ... Wl.f§. __ L'OftA ............... . -~OR .•... :QJ~~t~~---1~--~~-~---~~--------- AFFIDAVIT. Traote NUtnbe:r 247 and 24'1•.lt ---------------~-! __ __ Q_L~~~------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ..... ti~l~~-4 ................. County, in Book ........ el. ............. , Page ........ 55 ............. . That he knows the lines and boundaries sef forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controver-sy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. ____________;V _ ___ c _ _________________ _ ' ' ·sworn to and subscribed before me, this 30 s . t ,.._ ............ day oL. .. ~.:J'iiJJlw.r. ..... , 19_,f_]).,f_t_ , Notary Public. My commission expires.~-:~~;J: .. J~9..t.~_?.30 Page .............. .. .. 2 .. 8.6 .. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ........... ............................ ............................. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19.Jt·· ··················No .. ···ld-4············································ 19·f3&·- ··················Pfl'14························································· 19St··· ··························h14·································· ············· ·· 19···21· ··························Pe.-14················································· 19·1-f·· ··················Pttl4······································· ················· . 19 ... g . --······-············-····Pa-11·····-·.-···········---·····-················ .... . 19.Jf·· ··················Jd-4··············:··················--: .................... . 19 ... 81- ··-·····················Pal-4···---·---: .................................. . 19.2&-- .............. :·--Pat.-1------------------....................................... 19 .. :ag. . ......................... pas-t ................................................ . ASSESSMENTS NON! LES PENDENS NONE MECHANICS LIENS NONE JUDGMENTS N 0 N I Shut G -..... ·: . . 287 Page .................. .................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : })ave a., !-lel.aotl 1Tuta &.\V., Ml-'1-a. -··--· ··--··--··seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES a. ~halt' o:t the tnine-l'al_ tnt•reat . outatan4lBs. nt:Jw Qlm&4 by S1rlagtloU an4 oth•r• -• · This .... ~~----·--------day of -----------~P."J:~,~~~~~-------·---·-··--·-·-• 19 .. ~. Attorney. Address .. ---- -----·-·-······-·-----·-·-··--·--·--·---··--·-·····:-···-···--·---·-·····-···-··-· SMOK Ylv1TN.PARK OAV£ B. NELSON TRACT 8=47..97Ac. @~/4.86Ac.-rorAL=62.8.JAc. SCAL.£ /···20CHA/HS e·® St/RYEY DF/.,28 I!JY W. N. .SLOAN

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).