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Nature Magazine: Carolina number

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  • • * ftI'll bite," said the poor fish And when he bit—he bolted 1 But no matter how much he whipped the water, he couldn't shake that hook. An Old Town keeps time with the fastest fish, until he's tuckered out. Old Towns are nimble canoes! They're second cousins to Indian birch-barks. Line for line, an Old Town Canoe duplicates those the Indians used. Quick, light, well-balanced; and strong as the well-known ox. Free catalog shows paddling, sailing, and square- stern canoes — rowboats; dinghies; outboard motor- boats, including big, fast, seaworthy, all-wood models for family use; and speedy step-planes. Write today. Old Town Canoe Co., 285 Main St., Old Town, Me. "Old Town Canoes" • • Get Your Right Sleep On a Soft Bed- Camp Longer with an Airubber'tlGt " SIX" camp mattress HOLDS Z5?b more air . . . permits softest inflation for real restful comfort. Every night a full night's sound sleep . . . every morning your full store of energy. No matter how you travel, or where. Made to stand the worst conditions. Strong, durable khaki jean, coated inside with vitalized rubber, all seams rubber reinforced. Pressure molded all in one piece—patented. Also, patented restricted air passages prevent "roll in*". The most convenient, lightest, best full-length air bed. Carried easily 2931 Cafa- as a t poncho. Needs no loose cover. Has combination valve for blowing or pumping. Jt No. 550 "Light Six". 23" x 75". 6\i lbs.. $15. No. 660 "Big Ten". 32" x 75", 8 lbs.. $17. No. 517 "Little Six", 26%" x 48". 4'/4 lbs. (now made like mattress above), $10. No. 381 Slecpesy Pillow. $2.50. No. 633 Sport Cushion. $2.50. Other Airubber camp equipment for all purposes-— cushions, boat pads, fishing boats. or write us. log Free. Write for Your copy TODAY t» \t*a%mm ^°'<' ^y *"" defers MMRTiSstrr New York Rubber Corp., Box 65, Beacon, N.Y. ti VOOPS ARCTIC PO>VN SLEEPING ftCBES Wild Nights Are Grand Nights to Sleep! "VTOIJ won't kick about the weather . . . ■*■ not the night-time weather ... if you're sleeping in a Woods Arctic Down Sleeping Kobe. Your wildest May night slips by too soon! You enjoy a grand night's sleep . . . can't help it. The World's Best Made Better Absolute comfort and protection, supreme satisfaction. Thanks to the remarkable insulation of your Woods Down Kobe—Woods Everlive down from Northern waterfowl. The warmest, lightest. roomiest, coziest robe in the world for spring, summer and fall. Now Improved si ill more by the new Harwood patent construction. World famous Woods Sleeping Robes. Interlined with down or wool batt. are $20 to $07.50, Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by leading dealers. If necessary, write us. Folders giving all details mailed FREE. WOODS MFG. CO., Ltd. 3112 1 ;iK. Street Ofzdeiiftburg, N. Y. lit Canada, Oitnwn. Out. FISHING WHAT TACKLE AND WHEN" Foremost writers on fishing have helped compile this book. Invaluable to beginners. Interesting to old timers. Thousands have improved their knowledge and methods of bait and fly-casting by studying it. 1931 edition contains new ideas, new pictures, new articlesonfishing. Shows variety South Rend tackle. Mailed with our compliments, free! SOUTH BEND BAIT CO. S2«High St., South Bend, Ind. SOUTISPEND 7tihing7adU:ofallkinib^^odsReekUnes-'Baifs The Famous Zagelmeyer AUTO CAMP TRAILER NOW ONLY Why put up with the hnrdchip nnd inconvenience of a tent when you can buy thin big comfortable Auto Camp Trailer nt nucli a low prioel Balloon tin-*. demountable riuoi. utdVWMj MUpllDC, weatherproof anil ui'j*(|iiiti> proof Luxurious spring berths for four. Adjuatablo bout saiMlc*. slightly niliJitiotiiil. The higgent value ever offered iu our 10 ran of experience in building ramping trailern find camping care, Satisfaction guarantee! or your money buck. Send for Circular ZAGELMEYER AUTO CAMP CO. 1509 S. Henry St. Bay City, Mich. FREE CATALOG Just off the Press Fully illustrated — showing footwear, clothing, and camping specialties, for fishermen and motor campers. L. L. BEAN 265 Main St. Freeport Maine CALIFORNIA FRESH DATES A royal treat! Luscious, soft dates 5 Ilu. $2..r.O. Assorted |\t/ pkg. J1.00. Delivery prepaid. IM// GARDEN OF THE SETTING SUN C^j; Dept. N Mecca, California CAROLINA FEATHERS (Continued from page 343) repertoire which, to the author's mind, is so infinitely appealing, so mysteriously ethereal in its quality as the silver tones of this mountain chorister. To sit upon an upthrusting pinnacle of rock in late afternoon, overlooking a tranquil valley, and hear this exquisite benediction to the day floating upward from the balsam slopes, is an experience which enthralls one utterly. It is as if some elfin minstrel far below is whistling a liquid poem through long convolutions of silver pipes; the effect being superbly delicate and thrillingly beautiful, the ultimate in Nature's music. On the higher peaks one comes into the realm of such altitude-loving birds as the red-breasted nuthatch, the golden-crowned kinglet and the winter wren. Amid the balsam forests, so thick at times that the sun rays never touch the ground, these tiny sprites sing their songs and build their homes. Only the soaring eagle and circling falcon above the crags go higher; to know these infinitesimal mountaineers one must go to the peaks of Mitchell, Grandfather and the Black Brothers. And so, from "ocean's wave-beat shore" to the time-scarred summits of the Blue Ridge, Carolina is rich in avian folk. Her present day attractions are no less interesting than her long and honored history in American ornithology, and to those who would explore her beauties and tread her sands and peaks in search of feathered friends, she has ever a ready welcome. HERITAGE OF TREES (Continued from page 327) to the State by the Federal government and is being used for experiments in tree planting and the control of drifting sand. State forest nurseries in both states are now distributing tree seedlings at cost to private landowners for reforestation purposes and are giving them away to schools and other organizations in broad plans of forest education. Yet no adequate plans have been adopted to put back to work the cut-over and devastated lands, of which there are said to be from five to seven million acres in the two Carolinas. South Carolina still has twenty billion board feet of standing timber. North Carolina probably has about the same. The lower parts of these two states form the central part of the North Carolina pine region which is obliged to place this second growth pine lumber in the eastern seaboard markets in close competition with the virgin timber of the Pacific coast. More than fifty per cent of all the lumber cut is second growth pine, chiefly loblolly in the Coastal plain and short-leaf and Virginia pine in the Piedmont. With fire prevention, reforestation and reasonable cutting methods, this region should be able largely to control the eastern markets after the accessible virgin timber of the West has been cut over and sold, and bring back to these beautiful Carolinas a semblance of the thick-growing forest cover of by-gone days. 344 Mention Nature Magazine when answering advertisements

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).