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Western Carolinian Volume 06 Number 04

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN NOVEMBER 6, 1937. Columbian and Erosophian - News and Notes TWO SOCIETIES ARE VISITORS r* AT MARS HILL Dr. Hunter Accompanies Delegates On Friday Evening I-'riday evening, October 29, delegates from the two recently organized Literary Soiceties, ae companied by Dr. Hunter, visited the two young men's Societies of Mars Hill College. The purpose of this visit am to observe the procedure and a typical society program. The dale- gates divided into two groups, visiting both the Philemathian and Ku- thaliun Societies. They received a wonderful inspiration fi ihe future of the Son-' benefited greately by the experience. The Mars Hill Societies will soon be celebrating their anniversaries, clawing years of asefj] young people m public speaking and quick thinking. It la the de Ire oi I ho - going ■ ■■ er there and th.- on,-:, remain!: g h ire to make our gTOUpi | lay lich a part ill the lives of the st udrllts hole ill our institution. Those making tna trip were: .lime Burleson, Pearl Pittman, Doroth] Walker. Dr. Hurler, Mar shall beast or, and Brantley Chamb- Miss Lillian Wyatt visited her home in Hazelwood the weekend of October 30-31. Mrs. M. G. Stamey and Mrs. D. M. Beatty, sisters of Miss Anne Albright, entertained with a bridge party at the Gordon Hotel in Waynesville last week. Miss Albright was a tea guest- The spirit of that SOCietj founded by ('. A. Wallace fortj thr» jreari ago In homo of Columbus is lot dead. The tweet eadenee of the word "Columbian" is wafted on the breeze that floats from the Bring summit oi I In- Wl St to be echoed 1 ack by tie a ighty breakers against ii the east. To have at- tendod this institution and been a Columbian is an honor that could Columbian spirit i : not dead I i annei of the rose and bit I; y the pi Ide of this campui and it will not die. It must be carried on ind on by the generations yet to May we ro, ognize you, old Colli i biansl Pe low Columbians 1 Hy the rose and blue ribbons you wear here on Homecoming Day! Luther Ferguson, President. •:•<••:••:••>•>•:••;••:••>•:••:••:••:•<••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••;■ •}♦ HOOPERS DRUG STORE "Only The Best" Phone 6 x •{• Main St. Sylva, N- C. •(. .>:~:~x-:~:~:~:-:-»x~:-»x-:~:-:~:~:- •x~xk«m~x~X"X-*-x~x~x~x~>- 1 Lyric Theatre | Sylva, N. C. ;|; | Moat. * Tues. Nov. 8 and 9 | X Bing Crosby & Martha Raye £ y In— y X Double or Nothing' £ Wednesday, Nov. 10 y "Life Begins With :| Love" i With Jean Parker BANK NITE Thursday, Not. 11 "The Hit Parade" ! With Frances Langford. Phi) ', Friday, Nov. 12 I Between 2 Women • With Franchot Tone, Mau- ■n O'Sullivan, Virginia X Saturday, Nov. y DICK FORAN, In— "BLAZING SIXES" Saturday Nite Owl Show "LANCER SPY" With Dolores Del Rio, Geor- *t* ge Sanders, Peter Lorre. EROSOPHIANS ORGANIZED ON LAST TUESDAY Richard Queen is Chosen President; Other Officers Named The "Lovers of Learning" assembled in the training school auditorium on Tuesday of last weak for the purpose of electing officers. The following were chosen to fill the places: President, Richard Queen; vice-president, Lewis En loe; Secretary-treasurer, Sara Welch; reporter, Brantley Chamb- lee; critic, Lillian Wyatt. The Erosophian Society was formed about forty-three years ago under the leadership of Professor B. B. Brown, of Buncombe County. Many of the student leaders are counted among the hundred or more students who have iined up with the Erosophians, and the attendance is expected to increase. Honorary members have also pledg ed their support to the societ./, a- mong these being Mr. Dodson, Dr. Killian, Miss Beam, Mr. Tracy, and Mr. Madison. Professor Brown is one of the charter members- According to plans that are row being laid, the society will be the center of much interest and activity during the remainder of the year. A tentative program as outlined by the society suggests lively debates, musicals, hiking trips, and motor trips. Much enthusiasm indorsed the proposed program, and it is expected that the society will soon again take its normal nlace in ! the campus activities of Western Carolina Teachers College. THE HALL CAUSES MEMORIES TO LIVE Although the hall is now being but has awakened and is spurred i off and continue to hold it high used for another purpose, yet some- on by the next college generation \ M a never-failing light to those where around here in some of the who have been so inspired by the down in the future who will follow attics or closets there is also a -, of the societies in what seems j our footstps as "lovers of learn- skeleton of what once was called to us the long ago. j ing." the Erosophian Literary Society. The Erosophians will take up the No, it is not a skeleton any longer torch where our predecessors left | Richard Queen, President. SATISFACTION SANITARY BEAUTY SHOPPE Mrs. Gewli. McClar* I PHONE 34 SYLVA. N. C. CAMPFIRE SERVICE ENJOYED HERE BY STUDENT GROUP On Tuesday night, November 2, Mr. Bitzer's P. E. 300b class again entertained the student body with a beautiful campfire service down by Tuckaseigee River. The program last night carried out the Halloween idea, with an appropriate program consisting of a prayer to ■ higher witch by Gertha LeeFar- lowe, who represented a witch; a talk by Mr. Elliott; a talk by Mrs. Hunter, and a poem by Mr. Bitzer- As a special feature of the program, some of the students impersonated members of the faculty, carrying them off in delightful fashion. Morshmallows were served as refreshments. This is the second tiling oi this nature whkh . Bitzer's classes have sponsored I there will be several more during I year, and it is probable that i the year. MOORE CLEANERS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Delivery Days—Tuesdays and Thursdays Campus Representatives Al White. Robers Louise Bell, Moore 235 ^x-<~x~x~x«x~x»x-x~x-x~x--x~x~x~x~x~: -x~x~x~x-<~x~X"> When You Hear a Loud Look for the Sign THE RADIO SHOP See us for your Radio And Electrical Appliances Phone 80 Sylva, N. C. *M«eMntO«t»vv»vv^v»<VTVv»vv»«0»vv»v»»v^v»«<>*

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).